June 2, 2024

"You now have a Republican leading candidate who’s a felon, who’s going to be debriefed on national security issues knowing how loose-lipped he is."

"You do not allow somebody like Donald Trump to be declassified, especially now as a felon. So, my concern is, in a prison situation, he is willing to give away these secrets, as I always say, for a bag of tuna or a book of stamps. He will do it because [he] does not care."

Said Michael Cohen, on MSNBC, quoted in "Michael Cohen Worries Trump Will Spill Secrets in Prison 'for a Bag of Tuna'" (Daily Beast).


Enigma said...

In the meantime, 100,000 D.C. lizards and snakes who previously lied and flouted the law slither around as fugitives from justice.

Liars are gonna lie. It's what they do.

Christopher B said...

Convicted perjurer sez what?

Kevin said...

Cohen lies again.

Trump can fund his own commissary.

Kevin said...

Trump’s not going to jail.

His prison rallies would be Must See TV.

Big Mike said...

Go ahead, Dumbocrats, put Trump in jail. By all means, if you cannot think of any other way to drag that demented husk of a man back into the White House.

rhhardin said...

You can use a can of tuna to tame a seagull, I know that. Then there's seal prison.

R C Belaire said...

So, Michael Cohen has now become the go-to guy for anti-Trump wisdom? Who could have guessed that?

mezzrow said...

Is Cohen the fulcrum for their victory plan? So it might appear to some.

After this fails, what next? Stay tuned.

It didn't have to be this way, but it IS this way. This reader thinks that the polls will guide their next move, but I'm not sure what those polls are going to say, or whether they have any real information we can trust.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Projection. Its purely Cohen's take, what he would do.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Yeah, just like the last time he was president.
Some con is gonna go down in history as being the guy who shivved Cohen.
A folk hero.

Gusty Winds said...

Michael Cohen is now a wiseman to the people who celebrate Pride Month.

Trump is going to get some sort of prison time.

Leland said...

MSNBC is paying Cohen for interviews after he testified against Trump? Who would have thought.

EdwdLny said...

Cohen sold his soul to save his ass. Nothing he has to say is believable or relevant any longer. It's only a matter of time until he is found tits up in the gutter in a dark, dank alley somewhere. Good for him.

Aught Severn said...

Spreading FUD. I have no idea what he means by "You do not allow somebody like Donald Trump to be declassified". I assume he is talking about being 'read out' or 'debriefed', which Trump already would have been, assuming the Biden admin did not intend to keep him read in to programs as a potential advisor (which I understand is normally the case) as Trump would no longer have had a need to know. But, regardless, even when debriefed, you still sign, for the second time, paperwork acknowledging that you can never divulge information, to do so is a federal felony punishable by up to ten years in prison, etc...etc...

Not sure how convincing Cohen sounds to those who aren't involved in such matters, but to me he sounds like a complete moron. Which, as we would say on the boat: checks with chart.

Aught Severn said...

If my use of the word moron makes any of you feel uncomfortable, feel free to replace it with something more fun like ignoramus.

Iman said...

They got their new and improved Michael Avenatti. We’ll see how that works out for them.

henge2243 said...

I'd rather not think about what Michael did for a can of tuna but here we are.

Iman said...

Dese, Dem and Dose…

donald said...

Lying scumbag piece of shit felon works even better.

rhhardin said...

Scott Adams comic, NPC (non-player-character) being updated to say "No one is above the law."

Rocco said...

Aught Severn said...
“Spreading FUD. I have no idea what he means by ‘You do not allow somebody like Donald Trump to be declassified’.”

If a Clinton was officially in charge, the term would be Arkancide. If Obama was officially in charge, it would fall under the umbrella term “Chicago Way”.

guitar joe said...

Interesting that guys like Cohen and Giuliani did things for Trump that led to indictments and even jail time and that Trump shows no loyalty and, in fact, scorns them and offers no assistance, but he remains a heroic figure to so many here. Mafia dons look principled by comparison.

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

When I want to hear from perjurer Michael Cohen, I'll send him a little love note telling him how much I admire him and want his opinion. NOT.

Iman said...

Kangaroo says what?

rhhardin said...

Trump will be briefed by his actual enemy, in all probability. Say the CIA has always been behind it.

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

The Democrat/Barbarians are going to replace Biden with Michael Cohen as their standard bearer. Running a convicted felon for president makes more sense than a senile, old doddering panderer racist.

mindnumbrobot said...

Oh brother. Every time I think we've hit peak stupid, some legacy media outlet comes along as says, "hold my beer."

Gunner said...

Is MSNBC calling this perjurer a courageous Republican?

Danno said...

What mindnumbrobot said.

Old and slow said...

Is there anyone on either side who takes this man seriously?

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

"Former FEC Commissioner Blasts Trump Conviction"

Kakistocracy said...

This is good news, finally. Trump’s signature approach was acquired from Roy Cohn, the political adviser to Senator Joe McCarthy. It’s simple: win the 6 o’clock news. Number one on the news cycle becomes number one in the country., i.e. President.

Cohn’s insight was that it didn’t matter if one won the top of the news by stripping naked in Church; what ultimately mattered was that you were always mentioned at the top of the news.

Cohn created his system is 1953, leveraging it to surprising effectiveness on behalf of McCarthy’s (backdoor) run for Presidency, beginning in 1953. And then later using it to similar effectiveness on behalf of various mobsters and developers in New York, including Trump. Where he adapted it to the New York Court system. His approach: delay, deny, attack the Judge and jurors. And do so always on the six o’clock news.

Americans believe McCarthy/Cohn were soundly defeated in 1954,. That the American system of governance and justice system triumphed at that time. Showing its inherent strength. The opposite, in fact, is true. McCarthy/Cohn succeeded too easily. Getting much farther than they should have. McCarthy ultimately actually defeated himself—he was an out-of-control alcoholic. (Trump is a teetotaler.)

Essentially, the virus remained. And since 2016 has returned in full virulence. Worse than in 1954. Because, today, what matters is still winning the top of the six o’clock news, but also TikTok. Democrats shouldn’t pretend that Trump will not do whatever is required to win the top of the news cycle. And TikTok. That must be simply accepted. Romney is wrong about “oxygen”.

However, what has now happened is that, in the independent forum of a county courtroom, Cohn’s system finally hit a brick wall, the truth. Cohn’s system worked—until it didn’t. Arguably, akin to the McCarthy Army trials. But more significant, historically. Trump will now lose. Which hopefully means that none of his wannabes—like Senator Hawley—will follow suit.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Guitar Joe shows he’s unaware of what Cohen went to jail for. Bidirectional loyalty seems to be no problem between Trump and Flynn, Navarro, Stone etc. Giuliani has not been convicted of anything. Amazing what false factoids you guys glean from the DNC Media and it’s a good reminder to the rest of us that were Trump as crooked as the people framing him they wouldn’t need to fabricate these stories and “novel prosecutions” that are weak on the law but strong with buzzwords that make Leftist hearts flutter.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Iman thank you for voicing my immediate thoughts at 6:45 so I could get right to batting away the disinformation dispensed.

Maynard said...

Are Michael Cohen and Chuck the same person?

gilbar said...

i'm pretty sure Cohen had a typo.. The correct spelling is BIDEN

narciso said...

Yes cohen hid 4 million dollars in taxss and he got a parking ticket fine for it

He defrauded the company he worked for and wsnt charged try again schlemiel

Temujin said...

Michael Cohen, telling America what to think. On MSNBC.

In what universe should I take this seriously?

And what of the people who do? What do we do with that lot? I mean, besides calling them Democrats?

Mr. Majestyk said...

"as I always say, a bag of tuna"

Huh? Who the hell ever says "a bag of tuna"? Much less always?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Lockstep Media loop:

Trump is a felon.
He is a Felon.
Trump is a felon.
He is a Felon.
Trump is a felon.
He is a Felon.
Trump is a felon.
He is a Felon.
Trump is a felon.
He is a Felon.
Trump is a felon.
He is a Felon.
Trump is a felon.
He is a Felon.
Trump is a felon.
He is a Felon.
Trump is a felon.
He is a Felon.

vermonter said...

Any chance we could ignore this twerp?

JRoj said...

Rocco, you’re a smart person, Obama is President and will be until the Chicago Way fully becomes the Beijing Way.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

MSNBC is MicroSoft NBC...

We all know The MicroSoft kingpin is a Covid Jab Hitler.
MSNBC should be shunned and laughed at. Mocked mercilessly non-stop.
People who watch it are not serious people. These are people who would support Hitler.

Bob Boyd said...

Michael Cohen Worries....

Postcards from the dog walking area.

chuck said...

Geez, Michael Cohen on MSNBC. I blame Trump for bringing this monster to life.

John henry said...

I'm with the outlaw.

John Henry

John henry said...

Nelson Mandela was a convicted felon. As was ghandi.

And our Lord Jesus Christ

John Henry

narciso said...

Well mandela was an actual terrorist

narciso said...

The details in wilbur smiths rage

traditionalguy said...

The lies never stop. Stone him, stone him.

John henry said...

Remember when the deep thinkers of cnn, msnbc etc seriously promoted Michael Avenetti for president?

Is this more of the same?

John Henry

narciso said...

About what mandela did

Aggie said...

Maybe Cohen and Avenetti should open a practice, if they can agree on whose name comes first.

Mary Beth said...

Cohen is unserious and/or insane.

I would be more worried about Biden and his cohorts selling national secrets to foreign powers for a lot more than a bag of tuna. Or, in Biden's case, 10% of a bag of tuna.

Ambrose said...

Who has Michael Cohen getting his own MSNBC show on their 2024 bingo cards?

narciso said...

Are there any secrets he hasnt sold off yet

DINKY DAU 45 said...
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Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Michael Cohen is now a journalism source. Nice.

stlcdr said...

Several comments come rushing into the old cortex:

So? Whatcha gonna do? Send him to more-jail?

Isn't this admitting that prisons are a dead end - anyone going to prison is declared irredeemable and a criminal in actuality for life?

It never ends - Trump Derangement Syndrome doesn't stop.

Paul said...

Biden has crates of secrets in his garage (or did) and yet 'honest' Cohen worries about Trump.

Narayanan said...

Q: should Trump and his lawyers make a federal case out of ths? or stay state level so as to MNYGA

cassandra lite said...

Michael Cohen’s worry about Trump’s spilling the beans in prison is rich enough to clog arteries.

phantommut said...

Summary execution is the obvious solution.

Milo Minderbinder said...

Says a convicted felon who's running for office this Fall....

Joe Smith said...

OMG. I thought Jews were smart?

Trump doesn't need to trade information for tuna as he has a billion or more dollars and, if in prison, will have whatever he wants.

What a dumb fucker.

PS...last time I checked, senile Joe was blabbing secrets to his ghost writer...

Readering said...

One should respect the insight of one who spent 13 and a half months in the joint.

guitar joe said...

"Guitar Joe shows he’s unaware of what Cohen went to jail for." I know why he went to jail, and that he was convicted of stuff he did while working for Trump. Did he do it at Trump's request? Well, I guess the argument here is that he didn't but how many people are going to take the fall for this guy, and be savaged by him when they do it, before you at least think there's something odd about it?

narciso said...

No he dodged taxes to the tune of 7 million dollars try again

tim maguire said...

The American people's opinion is more important than Michael Cohen's. That Michael Cohen doesn't see it that way speaks volumes about him.

Michael K said...

MSNBC and Cohen deserve each other. Maybe they could give him a prime time show.

mikee said...

I, for one, hope that the judge is smart enough to impose a minimal sentence - $100 court costs, say - and let the "ignominy" of this supposed felony conviction be sold to the public by the Dems (until overturned on appeal, as it will be) rather than further tarnish the judiciary of NY State. But I doubt he will take that saving path out of his previous error-filled performance at the bench. Trump will be sentenced to jail, if only so this judge can enter the history books for doing it, again until overturned on appeal.

john mosby said...

Genius Lawyer Cohen just made the exact opposite of he argument he thought he was making.

By his logic, we should never prosecute any ex-president because he would become a mortal enemy of the country, able to sell out our secrets, and incentivized to do so, whether for incrementally better prison conditions, mere revenge, or physical survival.

That was probably part of Trump’s logic in not prosecuting Hillary. (Yes, not a president, but pretty close)

And Ford’s in pardoning Nixon.

Genius Lawyer Cohen.


Mike of Snoqualmie said...

Now, prosecute Bragg, Merchan and Biden for conspiracy to corrupt the 2024 presidential election.

Bruce Hayden said...

“I have no idea what he means by "You do not allow somebody like Donald Trump to be declassified". I assume he is talking about being 'read out' or 'debriefed', which Trump already would have been, assuming the Biden admin did not intend to keep him read in to programs as a potential advisor (which I understand is normally the case) as Trump would no longer have had a need to know. “

I think that what this may be about is that Presidential candidates, after their formal nominations, are routinely given highly classified national security briefings. CIA sources have already leaked that they expected that he wouldn’t be briefed on much was happening in that area because they didn’t trust him. My thoughts were that it was the kettle calling the well scrubbed pot “black”. Whom do more Americans distrust? Trump? Or the CIA?

Iman said...

Keep fighting the good fight, Mike (MJB Wolf)!

walter said...

Meanwhile a demented, traiterous Pedo (Pete) is at the helm.

Jim at said...

Said Michael Cohen, on MSNBC

Stopped reading right there.

Barry Dauphin said...

What is the over/under for the number of times the term “convicted felon“ appears in the media over the next five months?

Mason G said...

"What is the over/under for the number of times the term “convicted felon“ appears in the media over the next five months?"

People pay any attention to "the media"? Low information voters, no doubt.

narciso said...

Double hearsay on the rocks

Achilles said...

It is almost as if they didn't learn their lesson from the Avennetti fiasco.

Achilles said...

Readering said...

One should respect the insight of one who spent 13 and a half months in the joint.

This is the type of stupidity I would expert from Beria's intern.

Jamie said...

People pay any attention to "the media"? Low information voters, no doubt.

Trouble is, there are a lot of those.

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