২৭ জুন, ২০২৪

Sunrise — 5:23.


Talk about whatever you like in the comments EXCEPT the big debate. I'll put up a separate post for that.

You know, yesterday's sunrise was so beautiful that I didn't even use this one, which, right now, looks to me like one of the best I've seen:


১২টি মন্তব্য:

traditionalguy বলেছেন...

The rising sun sign. Does it portend a new Emperor from Queens, NY?. Smell the air for the scent of Chrysanthemums.

Saint Croix বলেছেন...

Apparently T-Mobile has been recycling cell phone numbers. I say this because when I got my cell phone, I would sometimes get texts for people that are not me.

I've had my phone for over a decade now, so the friends and family of the previous cell phone owners have figured out that this is a wrong number.

Anyway, every election I get text messages from Democratic operatives trying to get me to vote. Sometimes if I'm in a mood I will text them back pro-life soundbites just to fuck with their minds.

I don't know why, but this particular election, they are pretending like they are Barack Obama, and they're kind of in a panic.

Barack Obama: "It's time get up RIGHT NOW!" Please rush $15 to HUMILIATE Trump and have it 400% MATCHED before midnight!

Personally, I never saw Obama as an all-caps kind of guy, but that's what the damn text said. That was on Monday. Today I got another one.

Barack Obama: "Tuning out is NOT AN OPTION!" Please rush $15 to HUMILIATE Trump and have it 400% MATCHED before midnight!

Also, and I don't think I can blame my previous cell phone number owners for this one, I am now getting texts from the Trump campaign, too.

From Trump: Will Biden be HIGH as a KITE for this debate? I think so! ASKING YOU: What should I say to him on stage?

Saint Croix বলেছেন...

I texted back, "Let's go, Brandon!" That's a great insult from yesteryear. I don't know why I'm helping to sling mud. We should all be on the high road!

Here are some cool insults from American history...

Bastard Brat of a Scotch Pedler (Hamilton)

Pimp of the White House (Pierce)

General Jackson's Mother Was a Common Prostitute (Jackson)

A Hideous Hermaphroditical Character (Adams)

A Cross Between a Nutmeg Dealer, the Horse-Swapper, and the Nightman (Lincoln)

No More Backbone Than a Chocolate Eclair (McKinley)

The Lily-Livered Skunk (Wilson)

A Gibbering Idiot (FDR)

A Young Whippersnapper (JFK)

Michael Fitzgerald বলেছেন...

"You know, yesterday's sunrise was so beautiful that I didn't even use this one, which, right now, looks to me like one of the best I've seen:"

Sky-Fungus of the day.

Sheridan বলেছেন...

Picture reminds me of summer sunsets across Flathead Lake.

Jessica বলেছেন...

The heavens declare the glory of God, the sky proclaims his handiwork! —Ps 19:1

Mark বলেছেন...

Oklahoma forcing the Bible into public schools is one hell of a gift to give the Democrats. Christian Nationalism is cheered by adherence, but is going to freak out the nonreligious 20 somethings who are the ones thinking about kids and their eventual schools.

So many current parents like their kids teacher, this is a Boomer issue that is an electoral anchor for the GOP.

Mark বলেছেন...

Damn autocorrect. Adherents not adherence.

Humperdink বলেছেন...

@Mark. Reading from the Bible is a history lesson. BTW, it is the most published book in history. What are you afraid of?

BUMBLE BEE বলেছেন...

You're right, Ann.

Leland বলেছেন...

This is a deviation from the other topics but looking at the world situation right now... if China doesn't take Taiwan before November, they don't want it. The West has not been so vulnerable in the last 80 years as it is now.

J L Oliver বলেছেন...

Haiku Sunset #2

Where there’s wafting smoke
Fire of the sun comes in view
On wine colored lake.