i was talking with someone tonight wo said she interviewed a college graduate with a BA in one liberal art of another. Answered all the interview questions appropriately, background check OK. But then, she pulled out a tape measure and asked him the measure something with it. He couldn't do it.
Basic skills were lacking in most applicants she said. The jobs she had all required measuring things from time to time. Some who could tell her the board was 17-5/8 inches wide were then unable to mark the middle of the board... Fractions were involved.
Makes one wonder just exactly what schools are teaching.
You can do that and so can I. But I'm 76. Another way is to hook the zero on one edge of the board and stretch the tape across the board on a diagonal to an even number, let's say 20. The middle is at 10.
I was reminded yesterday while watching a trailer for a sci-fi story set in the future how, every time there is a oppressive power and an rebel remnant, the oppressive power always disarms their people, controls the information, and tries people on trumped up charges in front of a partisan jury.
I have noticed that virtually every (I say virtually because I may have missed an honest one) left leaning contributor to this blog has failed to speak out against the very things their government is doing that leads inexorably to dictatorship and oppression. We are witnesses to how this actually happens. Not in a story, not in a history book, right here right now. The government draws to itself the power it needs to gain the power it wants, inch by inch, lie by lie, institution by institution, and it does it with the blessing of the people who hate their fellow countrymen believing that once they have given the government enough power to quell dissent that it will stop there and they will then live free. But there will be no freedom, because the liberties they had to protect them they voted to destroy in order to subjugate their opponents. They will be without the protection they need when the powerful decide they want more.
We have been warned and warned and we think it can never happen here because we have laws. But those laws don't work if you encourage their subversion to stop that which you do not like for the good of all.
The right of the people does not exist if the right of ALL people do not exist.
I will say this again as I have before. If the Democrats are willing to interfere in elections out in the open, you know that they are willing to do it in the dark. We know for certain that they have specifically broken laws to generate unwarranted advantages, and used lawfare to eliminate candidates. They have used absentee ballots to elect governors and senators, they have convicted senators and congressmen only to have them overturned after the fact. They have hounded a governor out through nuisance law suits. They illegally changed laws during a presidential election for their advantage, and probably did much more that we were not allowed to investigate.
I say again, you are naive if you think that if they did such things in full view that they did not do more in hidden ways. Like cockroaches in the kitchen.
Peaceful transition of power is fine and all, but if you do not govern with the consent of the governed it will not remain peaceful. 20 million magic votes might be peaceful, but it will not legitimize the declared winner.
There is only one way to solve the voting problem and that is random audits in all parts of the country and especially in contested areas. Beware of those wishing to rush the results. This year we will have even more questions about the voting results, and we will have no cooperation from the democrats on auditing said results.
So, do you want true results or do you just want your side to win?
Did you know that Martha Stewart had no prior record and was found guilty on four felony counts but was incarcerated for five months at FPC Alderson? She then spent five months under house arrest at her home in Bedford, NY.
“It was horrifying and no one, no one, should have to go through that kind of indignity really except for murderers, and there are a few other categories, but no one should have to go through that,” she said about prison. “It’s a very, very awful thing.”
So 34 counts should work out to be a two-year minimum for you-know-who, except that Michael Cohen went to jail for three years after carrying out Trump's orders.
At the end of March Madness I put on an Iowa game to see what the Caitlin Clark hype was all about. To my surprise, my daughter loved the basketball. We now watch WNBA games every night we can. It's become a fun obsession and a great shared enthusiasm.
"O’Keefe Media Group released a new video on Wednesday, exposing the mainstream media with Nick Cirone, a producer and booker from ABC News’ Good Morning America, who gives a tell-all on how they purposefully give Biden and the Democrats good press but smear and slant their coverage of Trump and “right-wing crazies” negatively."
James O'Keefe @JamesOKeefeIII BREAKING: @GMA Producer Nick Cirone: "Sometimes the truth has a very clear slant in one direction."
Cirone admits the show selects stories and uses contributors to align with their bias. He adds needing to "watch out for" James O'Keefe taking footage "out of context," unaware he's speaking to O'Keefe's undercover journalist. https://x.com/i/status/1798457607830577536
Citizen Free Press @CitizenFreePres Andrew McCabe claims certain FBI agents are worried about Trump throwing them in jail, and many are thinking of fleeing the country. https://x.com/i/status/1798594572786020673
All I can say to that is GOOD. The rats are abandoning the ship!! These bastards better run, because we are on to them, and Karma is a BITCH!!!
This is the funniest thing I have ever seen. There are none so blind, as Progressives who are blind to the truth right in front of them....that it was THEY who did this to Trump, and Karma is a bitch that they are about to see hit them long and hard. This is getting good. But I am so sick of Popcorn.
‘Trump will weaponize Intel agencies against his enemies.’
The 2024 election is partly a referendum on overall lack of success of public policies since the 1990s. Programs haven't hit targets by delivering "better" to the middle and lower half of the "many."
One gets the impression that inflation is seen as something delivered from bad policymaking in Washington while success is much more local and the result of individual effort. It also appears that inflation has a longer lasting negative effect on lower income groups who are traditional clients of the Democratic party.
Race still seems to be a condition keeping large cohorts away from more productive work in new sectors of the economy probably due to disadvantaged social circumstances and educational structures that don't deliver. This has been a long-term problem for Democrats -- public education that doesn't educate very well.
A 100%t tariff is a big sign saying "we can't compete." The US has simply not come up with a policy matrix to address a large competitor that has more scale in industrial production than the US. The US had more scale than everyone else for about a century-and-a-half, but the era is over.
The upper half of the US income distribution profits greatly from the US being a leading member of the advanced economy democracies and therefore engaged US internationalism is foundational to prosperity. Nato not only defends US middle and upper middle income prosperity, it is a foundation of this prosperity. Much less so for lower income cohorts.
American foreign policy in the Greater Middle East has been failing for decades; a new failure is coming into view and it seems to have once again lots of Washington Establishment fingerprints on it. That generates lots of off track sentiments.
“You can do that and so can I. But I'm 76. Another way is to hook the zero on one edge of the board and stretch the tape across the board on a diagonal to an even number, let's say 20. The middle is at 10.”
Yes, but that would require being able to divide 20 by 2.
My family owned a small chain of hair salons until we sold them a few years ago pre-Covid. (Talk about great timing!). Exactly none of our stylist could do simple math problems that I learned to do by 3rd grade. But the thing that surprised me was that they were PROUD about it. They thought it was the funniest thing ever.
Rich at 5:57 - that was a great comment. Seriously. It seems like you land midway between MAGA and the uniparty. and you dispassionately lay out the reasoning of policies you disagree with.
Wish we had more discourse like this, instead of everyone accusing everyone else of being paid trolls or NPC bots.
You’ve got to read this piece at USA TODAY on Fauci’s testimony before Congress.
He admits under questioning that there were no controlled studies justifying the 6 foot social distance rule or masks in controlling the spread of the disease. (He then goes into the “I don’t recall, it wasn’t my area, maybe I heard something about that” routine, scumbag that he is.)
Remember: the closing of schools, churches and businesses was a direct consequence of those two simple rules. As was the trillions of dollars in Covid aid funded by borrowed money.
No studies.
I don’t know about you, but I don’t recall that scumbag saying anything like that back then, when the harm was being done. Where was the man who claimed to be Science when what we needed was the simple truth.
I used to think that Randi Weingarten was the most evil person currently walking this Earth. It’s clear now that person is Fauci.
Wow, Rich just laid out the case for Trump. Key point: The lower income demographic sends the sons to die so that the affluent can prosper more.
I am not gonna lie, I have been doing quite well financially under Biden, and cheap labor for landscaping and housework and construction is sweet too, but I was born into the class that suffers from these policies, and I never bothered to get rid of my old friends, maybe because most, not all, but most of the very affluent people that I meet, and I meet many due to my lifestyle, are not friend material. It kind of amazes me how much Republicans tend to defend these twits.
One of the Martha Stewart prosecutors was picked up as a corporate lawyer by the defense company I worked for at the time. In his first discussion with employees, he bragged about the case breaking for them because they found an email that Stewart didn’t delete that they used to incriminate her. He then ordered that all employees delete emails older than 90 days. He didn’t last long.
This needs to be put on every billboard in the US. A flyer in every mailbox. Every TV station. Unfortunately, it would be declared “disinformation’” and declared that’s what Trump is planning. Business as usual, sadly.
For a general’s-eye view of the battle, see CBS Reports (1964): D-Day Plus 20 Years - Eisenhower returns to Normandy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vNaxTXfjfXk
A good movie about the planning events is Ike: Countdown to D-Day: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0401504/
Rich said... "A 100%t tariff is a big sign saying 'we can't compete'."
And opportunity for graft as well.
I think Trump's proposed "reciprocal tariffs" are the best way to respond to this. If you tariff our goods at (say) 5%, we tariff your goods at 5%; if you are at 0%, we are at 0%.
It is telling that no one seemed interested in the proposal.
Comey was the great martha slayer hr tgrn ended up at main justice threatening to mutiny to cancel the trailblazer surveillance on the eve of the madrid train bombing
I enjoyed the video. Would that all our reporters were more mushy middle. I don't have to agree with her politics, but I can appreciate her honesty about how things should be covered. I'd invite Nellie and Bari over for dinner any time.
That kind of honesty is what makes Althouse my first stop every morning.
Rich said... The 2024 election is partly a referendum on overall lack of success of public policies since the 1990s.
Rich's comment at 5:27 is reasonable and has some good insights but still fundamentally illustrates the problem with the globalist position.
Those of us who have had the good fortune to live our adult lives in the WEIRD nations between roughly 1990 and 2010 have lived through one of the most anomalous periods of peace and prosperity the world has ever known. I'm guessing only the Roman Empire at its height, or possibly the period of Mongol control of Eurasia come close, again in specific core areas. The foundation on which this prosperity was built was the preceding decades of the Cold War, which created the US-lead international system as an alliance against the USSR. The collapse of the USSR lead to the simultaneous release of that empire's store of raw materials and the enfolding of the huge Chinese labor pool into the world economy. The good times rolled for certain people as Rich's comment notes.
However, History didn't end at the close of the Twentieth Century as the globalists expected. Once the conditions that lead to the creation of the international order evaporated US interest in paying to maintain that system evaporated along with it. The globalists keep pushing on that string in a vain attempt to bring it back, not recognizing that the order is collapsing because it no longer benefits the majority of the population of the WEIRD countries, as well as ignoring the other vast demographic changes that are knocking the props out of the system at the same time.
This needs to be put on every billboard in the US. A flyer in every mailbox. Every TV station. Unfortunately, it would be declared “disinformation’” and declared that’s what Trump is planning. Business as usual, sadly.
6/6/24, 7:45 AM
Too late. It is what Hussein O'Biden has already done.
Baudrillard pegged it back in the '90s--the collapse of the Soviet Union (long may it rot) was only the first step towards the collapse of the entire Western or Modern Project, and the unraveling of a temporary order that many people came to see as a birthright and the natural condition.
"For china economics is warfare information is warfare so is epidemiology see the chi haotian spoech"
Not just China. A great movie is Three Days of the Condor, and at the end, the CIA guy makes a speech to the bleeding heart Redford, that the CIA has to do the nefarious stuff it does that the American people will never understand, because if they don't, in twenty years the people will end up poor, and there will be hell to pay at the polls, and the people will be mad the CIA *didn't* do it.
War has always been business. The siege of Troy wasn't about Helen and Hector, it was about the loot. If you don't think that our 20 year plan to overthrow Putin isn't about the estimated $72 trillion in resources that go along with a country that covers 1/6th of the land surface of the globe, and that Putin has successfully protected from the economic depredations of the West since he took office, after our boy Yeltsin sold out a lot of them, you don't understand Putin's real "crime." This is why Putin is at 67% percent approval even according to Western polling firms who poll Russia, which, BTW, aligns pretty closely with the most recent vote.
Yelstin appointed goody-two-shoes Putin to the job, because he came to realize how he had been played, and the damage that he had done to "Mother Russia" He knew every other candidate was just more of the same that he himself represented, people looking to get fabulously rich selling out Russia to cronies of the political leadership of the West. You can imagine how frustrating this was to the American regime for that to happen. They have been steaming mad ever since.
One of the big tragedies of world history was that a man as corrupt as Bill Clinton was president when the Soviet Union was ready to accept our help, and to listen to our advice.
The bottom wage earners have had the best real wage increase over the last four years in many decades, and the lower deciles all had greater real growth than the upper deciles, and much better than when Trump was president. And unemployment remains as low as it gets.
After a steady increase in real wages during the Trump administration, the pandemic hit and there was a spurt in real wage growth, (hourly) then it went flat again.
The majority of the job growth is in part time jobs, in fact, if I am not mistaken, all of it, oh, and foreign born workers, so I am not sure that this wage growth is being fairly distributed. So your full time job with benefits is gone, but McDonalds is hiring at $20/ hr!
The bottom wage earners have had the best real wage increase over the last four years in many decades, and the lower deciles all had greater real growth than the upper deciles, and much better than when Trump was president. And unemployment remains as low as it gets.
Funny. Your report covers 2019-2023. 2 of those years were Trump years. The greatest jump in wages for the lower docile over those 4 years occurred from 2019-2020; during Trump's term. It went flat for some inexplicable reason in 2020. Not sure what would have driven that. 21 was also flat. Of the gains you cite, over 2/3rds of it occurred during Trump's presidency.
The abrupt flattening in the growth of real wages, after the spurt from pandemic recovery, is when Biden's inflationary policies really began to bite. But these are the kinds of arguments that seem to pass muster on whatever left-wing blog Rich gets them from.
All Progressives lie. Too bad we didn't have a real media to call these liars out. And why do they keep adding stupid idiot ideas into their bills?? Just so they can say REPUBLICANS are blocking contraception when they are blocking mutilation. She knows that, but she has to lie to make them look as evil as she really is.
Senator Patty Murray @PattyMurray
BREAKING: Senate Republicans just went on the record saying they do NOT support access to contraception.
Yes, you read that right.
Republicans will not protect the right to birth control, IUDs, Plan B, and more. 4:42 PM · Jun 5, 2024
LifeNews.com @LifeNewsHQ
Replying to @PattyMurray FALSE.
Republicans Block “Right to Contraception” Bill That Promotes Abortion, Trans Surgeries on Kids
Esoteric Darkdonnie @Darkdonnie · Follow Replying to @PattyMurray Who the heII doesn’t have access to birth control?………… 6:39 PM · Jun 5, 2024
@ imtay: Nominal bottom decile wage growth from 2019-2023 was 34%. That's like going from $13 to a little over $17 and is the largest increase in wages for the bottom decile in a four-year period in many decades. The increase in real wage growth adjusted for inflation — is also the highest in decades.
Rich, you are including Trump years there, and the past couple years of real wage growth has been flat, as inflation begins to really bite, which is what people are noticing right now. Why don't you just include the years where Biden's policies have had time to take effect? Trump was doing great with working class wages.
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५६ टिप्पण्या:
YouTube: Ex-NYT Reporter: The world went crazy!
A look at what "disinformation" meant at the paper.
Refresh my memory...what was Michael Cohen's 2018 conviction all about and what charges were and were not legit?
i was talking with someone tonight wo said she interviewed a college graduate with a BA in one liberal art of another. Answered all the interview questions appropriately, background check OK. But then, she pulled out a tape measure and asked him the measure something with it. He couldn't do it.
Basic skills were lacking in most applicants she said. The jobs she had all required measuring things from time to time. Some who could tell her the board was 17-5/8 inches wide were then unable to mark the middle of the board... Fractions were involved.
Makes one wonder just exactly what schools are teaching.
Donald Trump is Hilarious - YouTube short
You can do that and so can I. But I'm 76. Another way is to hook the zero on one edge of the board and stretch the tape across the board on a diagonal to an even number, let's say 20. The middle is at 10.
I was reminded yesterday while watching a trailer for a sci-fi story set in the future how, every time there is a oppressive power and an rebel remnant, the oppressive power always disarms their people, controls the information, and tries people on trumped up charges in front of a partisan jury.
I have noticed that virtually every (I say virtually because I may have missed an honest one) left leaning contributor to this blog has failed to speak out against the very things their government is doing that leads inexorably to dictatorship and oppression. We are witnesses to how this actually happens. Not in a story, not in a history book, right here right now. The government draws to itself the power it needs to gain the power it wants, inch by inch, lie by lie, institution by institution, and it does it with the blessing of the people who hate their fellow countrymen believing that once they have given the government enough power to quell dissent that it will stop there and they will then live free. But there will be no freedom, because the liberties they had to protect them they voted to destroy in order to subjugate their opponents. They will be without the protection they need when the powerful decide they want more.
We have been warned and warned and we think it can never happen here because we have laws. But those laws don't work if you encourage their subversion to stop that which you do not like for the good of all.
The right of the people does not exist if the right of ALL people do not exist.
I will say this again as I have before. If the Democrats are willing to interfere in elections out in the open, you know that they are willing to do it in the dark. We know for certain that they have specifically broken laws to generate unwarranted advantages, and used lawfare to eliminate candidates. They have used absentee ballots to elect governors and senators, they have convicted senators and congressmen only to have them overturned after the fact. They have hounded a governor out through nuisance law suits. They illegally changed laws during a presidential election for their advantage, and probably did much more that we were not allowed to investigate.
I say again, you are naive if you think that if they did such things in full view that they did not do more in hidden ways. Like cockroaches in the kitchen.
Peaceful transition of power is fine and all, but if you do not govern with the consent of the governed it will not remain peaceful. 20 million magic votes might be peaceful, but it will not legitimize the declared winner.
There is only one way to solve the voting problem and that is random audits in all parts of the country and especially in contested areas. Beware of those wishing to rush the results. This year we will have even more questions about the voting results, and we will have no cooperation from the democrats on auditing said results.
So, do you want true results or do you just want your side to win?
New York Post
Invasive Joro spiders that can float in the air expected to land in NYC this summer https://trib.al/UtbRYi8
Replying to @nypost
The term invasive is offensive.
We need to put these spiders up in hotels and give them free cell phones.
2:18 PM · Jun 4, 2024
Did you know that Martha Stewart had no prior record and was found guilty on four felony counts but was incarcerated for five months at FPC Alderson? She then spent five months under house arrest at her home in Bedford, NY.
“It was horrifying and no one, no one, should have to go through that kind of indignity really except for murderers, and there are a few other categories, but no one should have to go through that,” she said about prison. “It’s a very, very awful thing.”
So 34 counts should work out to be a two-year minimum for you-know-who, except that Michael Cohen went to jail for three years after carrying out Trump's orders.
At the end of March Madness I put on an Iowa game to see what the Caitlin Clark hype was all about. To my surprise, my daughter loved the basketball. We now watch WNBA games every night we can. It's become a fun obsession and a great shared enthusiasm.
"O’Keefe Media Group released a new video on Wednesday, exposing the mainstream media with Nick Cirone, a producer and booker from ABC News’ Good Morning America, who gives a tell-all on how they purposefully give Biden and the Democrats good press but smear and slant their coverage of Trump and “right-wing crazies” negatively."
James O'Keefe
Producer Nick Cirone: "Sometimes the truth has a very clear slant in one direction."
Cirone admits the show selects stories and uses contributors to align with their bias. He adds needing to "watch out for" James O'Keefe taking footage "out of context," unaware he's speaking to O'Keefe's undercover journalist. https://x.com/i/status/1798457607830577536
Citizen Free Press
Andrew McCabe claims certain FBI agents are worried about Trump throwing them in jail, and many are thinking of fleeing the country. https://x.com/i/status/1798594572786020673
All I can say to that is GOOD. The rats are abandoning the ship!! These bastards better run, because we are on to them, and Karma is a BITCH!!!
This is the funniest thing I have ever seen. There are none so blind, as Progressives who are blind to the truth right in front of them....that it was THEY who did this to Trump, and Karma is a bitch that they are about to see hit them long and hard. This is getting good. But I am so sick of Popcorn.
‘Trump will weaponize Intel agencies against his enemies.’
8 13/16
Assuming the board is symetrical measure corner to corner across all four corners half the result will be the center.
Gadfly. If this is what you think about all day, you're a horrible person.
How did Joe get to 81 million? - a smattering.
The 2024 election is partly a referendum on overall lack of success of public policies since the 1990s. Programs haven't hit targets by delivering "better" to the middle and lower half of the "many."
One gets the impression that inflation is seen as something delivered from bad policymaking in Washington while success is much more local and the result of individual effort. It also appears that inflation has a longer lasting negative effect on lower income groups who are traditional clients of the Democratic party.
Race still seems to be a condition keeping large cohorts away from more productive work in new sectors of the economy probably due to disadvantaged social circumstances and educational structures that don't deliver. This has been a long-term problem for Democrats -- public education that doesn't educate very well.
A 100%t tariff is a big sign saying "we can't compete." The US has simply not come up with a policy matrix to address a large competitor that has more scale in industrial production than the US. The US had more scale than everyone else for about a century-and-a-half, but the era is over.
The upper half of the US income distribution profits greatly from the US being a leading member of the advanced economy democracies and therefore engaged US internationalism is foundational to prosperity. Nato not only defends US middle and upper middle income prosperity, it is a foundation of this prosperity. Much less so for lower income cohorts.
American foreign policy in the Greater Middle East has been failing for decades; a new failure is coming into view and it seems to have once again lots of Washington Establishment fingerprints on it. That generates lots of off track sentiments.
Martha Stewart perjured herself like Clinton. Notice who went to prison and who didn't?
Does anyone think Rich is actually able to comprehend the stuff he cuts and pastes for our benefit?
“You can do that and so can I. But I'm 76. Another way is to hook the zero on one edge of the board and stretch the tape across the board on a diagonal to an even number, let's say 20. The middle is at 10.”
Yes, but that would require being able to divide 20 by 2.
My family owned a small chain of hair salons until we sold them a few years ago pre-Covid. (Talk about great timing!). Exactly none of our stylist could do simple math problems that I learned to do by 3rd grade. But the thing that surprised me was that they were PROUD about it. They thought it was the funniest thing ever.
I like the last picture.
Rich at 5:57 - that was a great comment. Seriously. It seems like you land midway between MAGA and the uniparty. and you dispassionately lay out the reasoning of policies you disagree with.
Wish we had more discourse like this, instead of everyone accusing everyone else of being paid trolls or NPC bots.
You’ve got to read this piece at USA TODAY on Fauci’s testimony before Congress.
He admits under questioning that there were no controlled studies justifying the 6 foot social distance rule or masks in controlling the spread of the disease. (He then goes into the “I don’t recall, it wasn’t my area, maybe I heard something about that” routine, scumbag that he is.)
Remember: the closing of schools, churches and businesses was a direct consequence of those two simple rules. As was the trillions of dollars in Covid aid funded by borrowed money.
No studies.
I don’t know about you, but I don’t recall that scumbag saying anything like that back then, when the harm was being done. Where was the man who claimed to be Science when what we needed was the simple truth.
I used to think that Randi Weingarten was the most evil person currently walking this Earth. It’s clear now that person is Fauci.
Peaceful dawn. Now Normandy, 80 years ago...
Wow, Rich just laid out the case for Trump. Key point: The lower income demographic sends the sons to die so that the affluent can prosper more.
I am not gonna lie, I have been doing quite well financially under Biden, and cheap labor for landscaping and housework and construction is sweet too, but I was born into the class that suffers from these policies, and I never bothered to get rid of my old friends, maybe because most, not all, but most of the very affluent people that I meet, and I meet many due to my lifestyle, are not friend material. It kind of amazes me how much Republicans tend to defend these twits.
One of the Martha Stewart prosecutors was picked up as a corporate lawyer by the defense company I worked for at the time. In his first discussion with employees, he bragged about the case breaking for them because they found an email that Stewart didn’t delete that they used to incriminate her. He then ordered that all employees delete emails older than 90 days. He didn’t last long.
Wa St Blogger @11:39 pm…
This needs to be put on every billboard in the US. A flyer in every mailbox. Every TV station.
Unfortunately, it would be declared “disinformation’” and declared that’s what Trump is planning. Business as usual, sadly.
For a general’s-eye view of the battle, see CBS Reports (1964): D-Day Plus 20 Years - Eisenhower returns to Normandy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vNaxTXfjfXk
A good movie about the planning events is Ike: Countdown to D-Day: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0401504/
For china economics is warfare information is warfare so is epidemiology see the chi haotian spoech
Cohen went to prison for defrauding the stse of new york to the tune of 7 million dollars in tax
Rich said...
"A 100%t tariff is a big sign saying 'we can't compete'."
And opportunity for graft as well.
I think Trump's proposed "reciprocal tariffs" are the best way to respond to this. If you tariff our goods at (say) 5%, we tariff your goods at 5%; if you are at 0%, we are at 0%.
It is telling that no one seemed interested in the proposal.
Where's our hostess this morning?
john mosby: "Rich at 5:57 - that was a great comment. Seriously. It seems like you land midway between MAGA and the uniparty."
Why didnt you just add "Not only are you a powerful man, but a handsome man as well" for LLR-democratical hack Rich?
Nice try "john".
Comey was the great martha slayer hr tgrn ended up at main justice threatening to mutiny to cancel the trailblazer surveillance on the eve of the madrid train bombing
I enjoyed the video. Would that all our reporters were more mushy middle. I don't have to agree with her politics, but I can appreciate her honesty about how things should be covered. I'd invite Nellie and Bari over for dinner any time.
That kind of honesty is what makes Althouse my first stop every morning.
Rich said...
The 2024 election is partly a referendum on overall lack of success of public policies since the 1990s.
Rich's comment at 5:27 is reasonable and has some good insights but still fundamentally illustrates the problem with the globalist position.
Those of us who have had the good fortune to live our adult lives in the WEIRD nations between roughly 1990 and 2010 have lived through one of the most anomalous periods of peace and prosperity the world has ever known. I'm guessing only the Roman Empire at its height, or possibly the period of Mongol control of Eurasia come close, again in specific core areas. The foundation on which this prosperity was built was the preceding decades of the Cold War, which created the US-lead international system as an alliance against the USSR. The collapse of the USSR lead to the simultaneous release of that empire's store of raw materials and the enfolding of the huge Chinese labor pool into the world economy. The good times rolled for certain people as Rich's comment notes.
However, History didn't end at the close of the Twentieth Century as the globalists expected. Once the conditions that lead to the creation of the international order evaporated US interest in paying to maintain that system evaporated along with it. The globalists keep pushing on that string in a vain attempt to bring it back, not recognizing that the order is collapsing because it no longer benefits the majority of the population of the WEIRD countries, as well as ignoring the other vast demographic changes that are knocking the props out of the system at the same time.
BG said...
Wa St Blogger @11:39 pm…
This needs to be put on every billboard in the US. A flyer in every mailbox. Every TV station.
Unfortunately, it would be declared “disinformation’” and declared that’s what Trump is planning. Business as usual, sadly.
6/6/24, 7:45 AM
Too late. It is what Hussein O'Biden has already done.
Opppsss... sorry BG. Reread your comment, and you were making that same point!
Interesting report from the Fauci hearings.
Apparently everyone in the hearing was angry with Fauci.
Baudrillard pegged it back in the '90s--the collapse of the Soviet Union (long may it rot) was only the first step towards the collapse of the entire Western or Modern Project, and the unraveling of a temporary order that many people came to see as a birthright and the natural condition.
"For china economics is warfare information is warfare so is epidemiology see the chi haotian spoech"
Not just China. A great movie is Three Days of the Condor, and at the end, the CIA guy makes a speech to the bleeding heart Redford, that the CIA has to do the nefarious stuff it does that the American people will never understand, because if they don't, in twenty years the people will end up poor, and there will be hell to pay at the polls, and the people will be mad the CIA *didn't* do it.
War has always been business. The siege of Troy wasn't about Helen and Hector, it was about the loot. If you don't think that our 20 year plan to overthrow Putin isn't about the estimated $72 trillion in resources that go along with a country that covers 1/6th of the land surface of the globe, and that Putin has successfully protected from the economic depredations of the West since he took office, after our boy Yeltsin sold out a lot of them, you don't understand Putin's real "crime." This is why Putin is at 67% percent approval even according to Western polling firms who poll Russia, which, BTW, aligns pretty closely with the most recent vote.
Yelstin appointed goody-two-shoes Putin to the job, because he came to realize how he had been played, and the damage that he had done to "Mother Russia" He knew every other candidate was just more of the same that he himself represented, people looking to get fabulously rich selling out Russia to cronies of the political leadership of the West. You can imagine how frustrating this was to the American regime for that to happen. They have been steaming mad ever since.
One of the big tragedies of world history was that a man as corrupt as Bill Clinton was president when the Soviet Union was ready to accept our help, and to listen to our advice.
Real wage growth (adjusted for inflation) in the US by wage decile from 2019-2023:
Bottom decile: +12.1%
Low middle deciles: +5.0%
Middle deciles: +3.0%
Upper middle deciles: =2.0%
Top decile: +0.9%
The bottom wage earners have had the best real wage increase over the last four years in many decades, and the lower deciles all had greater real growth than the upper deciles, and much better than when Trump was president. And unemployment remains as low as it gets.
After a steady increase in real wages during the Trump administration, the pandemic hit and there was a spurt in real wage growth, (hourly) then it went flat again.
The majority of the job growth is in part time jobs, in fact, if I am not mistaken, all of it, oh, and foreign born workers, so I am not sure that this wage growth is being fairly distributed. So your full time job with benefits is gone, but McDonalds is hiring at $20/ hr!
Picking the right endpoints for averages is one of the time-tested ways of lying with statistics.
BTW, including the last year of strong pre-pandemic real-wage growth under Trump, and implying that Joe Biden can take credit is pretty funny too.
The bottom wage earners have had the best real wage increase over the last four years in many decades, and the lower deciles all had greater real growth than the upper deciles, and much better than when Trump was president. And unemployment remains as low as it gets.
Funny. Your report covers 2019-2023. 2 of those years were Trump years. The greatest jump in wages for the lower docile over those 4 years occurred from 2019-2020; during Trump's term. It went flat for some inexplicable reason in 2020. Not sure what would have driven that. 21 was also flat. Of the gains you cite, over 2/3rds of it occurred during Trump's presidency.
The abrupt flattening in the growth of real wages, after the spurt from pandemic recovery, is when Biden's inflationary policies really began to bite. But these are the kinds of arguments that seem to pass muster on whatever left-wing blog Rich gets them from.
Either attribute your cut-n-paste sources (I see buzzingfly doing this regularly too) or make up your mind.
All Progressives lie. Too bad we didn't have a real media to call these liars out. And why do they keep adding stupid idiot ideas into their bills?? Just so they can say REPUBLICANS are blocking contraception when they are blocking mutilation. She knows that, but she has to lie to make them look as evil as she really is.
Senator Patty Murray
BREAKING: Senate Republicans just went on the record saying they do NOT support access to contraception.
Yes, you read that right.
Republicans will not protect the right to birth control, IUDs, Plan B, and more.
4:42 PM · Jun 5, 2024
Replying to @PattyMurray
Republicans Block “Right to Contraception” Bill That Promotes Abortion, Trans Surgeries on Kids
Esoteric Darkdonnie
Replying to @PattyMurray
Who the heII doesn’t have access to birth control?…………
6:39 PM · Jun 5, 2024
@ imtay: Nominal bottom decile wage growth from 2019-2023 was 34%. That's like going from $13 to a little over $17 and is the largest increase in wages for the bottom decile in a four-year period in many decades. The increase in real wage growth adjusted for inflation — is also the highest in decades.
@ Christopher B — please refer to my 9:56 ….
Rich, you are including Trump years there, and the past couple years of real wage growth has been flat, as inflation begins to really bite, which is what people are noticing right now. Why don't you just include the years where Biden's policies have had time to take effect? Trump was doing great with working class wages.
Big Mike said...
"Does anyone think Rich is actually able to comprehend the stuff he cuts and pastes for our benefit?"
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