"Fauci said Monday he meant there was no clinical trial to settle on the distance of six feet, and that officials from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention who crafted the recommendation were basing the distance on early expectations of how the virus spread. The answer did not satisfy Republicans.... 'This six-foot rule crippled businesses, it allowed students to stay at home and not learn,' Rep. John Joyce (R-Pa.) said. Other countries and the World Health Organization recommended a distance of about three feet of social distance, and experts said a similar measure in the United States would have allowed schools to reopen more quickly...."
From "Fauci dismisses ‘preposterous’ allegations that he led covid coverup/The infectious-disease expert said Republicans have distorted emails between scientists as they discussed whether a lab leak of the coronavirus was possible" (WaPo).
११८ टिप्पण्या:
He most certainly did lead an effort to dismiss the lab leak theory and it is likely that he did so because he knew the U.S. government had funded it. Even the NYTimes is coming around to admitting the virus was created in a lab.
Everything they did was lies
It was obvious from the data from Italy that Covid was only a threat to the over 70 crowd.
NONE of the restrictions should ever have been put into place
People's lives were ruined by COVID. People's lives were also ruined by lockdowns and restrictions. People frequently can come to terms with life dealing them a hardship. People less frequently can accept another person causing a hardship on them.
"have distorted emails between scientists as they discussed whether a lab leak of the coronavirus was possible"
There's nothing distorting about deliberately misspelling or omitting certain words and using couriers with hard copies to avoid FOIA requests. No one has distorted that, because that's exactly what this little snake and his acolytes like Daszak did.
The sound of 1,000,001 Fauci Votive Candles being thrown in the garbage…
Throughout all of this no one seems to be asking the most pertinent question:
What in the fuck are American institutions using US taxpayer dollars in China for? Not just for biomedical or genetic research, ANYFUCKINGTHING? We have a massive health and bio-pharmaceutical complex that is wealthy enough to give these vipers $710 million dollars in royalties but for some reason this research can't be done in the US with US flagged firms. Are the Chinese offering a discount? Can we at least see how much the discount is so we can find out if the American taxpayer got a good deal or not?
There is absolutely no reason other than a nefarious one that this is necessary. Zero. None. That alone is a 200 decibel fire alarm right there.
So, are any of Team MAGA going to comment on the fact that Trump never fired him, had Fauci speak regularly at briefings to the public with him, and awarded him a Presidential Commendation on his final day in office?
"It was obvious from the data from Italy that Covid was only a threat to the over 70 crowd."
The Diamond Princess data demonstrated pretty much the same thing. In February, 2020.
Fauci is a serial liar of Clintonian proportions. To believe anything from this bureaucratic sociopath would be deadly mistake. He is only good at sucking up to totalitarian leftists and truly believing he is holier than thou. He screwed up badly in the first days of the AIDS epidemic and should been sacked and had his medical license revoked then. His useless feud with the French scientific community caused more unnecessary deaths than has ever been reported by the U.S. media frauds.
Good thing he sucked up to the Clintons or he would have been forcibly removed from his office.
"So, are any of Team MAGA going to comment on the fact that Trump never fired him, had Fauci speak regularly at briefings to the public with him, and awarded him a Presidential Commendation on his final day in office?"
Nobody anywhere is claiming Trump is perfect and has never made a mistake. Did you think that was some sort of "gotcha", or what?
Covid-19 is The Crime of the Century, which is sad because it's not even a quarter over, so there's probably greater atrocities yet to come. IMO it beats 9/11 easily. 9/11 affected the world but not even half the planet was affected equally. Everyone said "what a pity" and went on about their lives. Covid-19 affected every single living human everywhere and killed 100 times + the number who lost their lives in NYC.
Covid was a crime. It had planners. It was deliberate. It was a bioweapon. If you still believe in coincidences feel free to believe it was accidentally released. That's exactly what they want to help you sleep at night.
The Chinese scientists recommended 3m physically, not social (e g. masks), distance from the Sino-Fauci engineered virus.
Oh, and like radiative effects, the distribution pattern and progress matter.
Monday morning quarterbacking, for the initial outbreak.
Bureaucracy for the rest of the time.
Why was the US conducting "gain of function" research in China? It is either meant to produce a bioweapon or to produce a defense to one, right? So why partner with an adversary?
It’s too bad we didn’t have an elected official who could have called various experts into the White House and sorted these policy issues out. Perhaps the Constitution could be amended to vest the executive power in a single individual so that something like this doesn’t happen again. Or, maybe the reputed germaphobe in chief picked six feet.
"So, are any of Team MAGA going to comment on the fact that Trump never fired him, had Fauci speak regularly at briefings to the public with him, and awarded him a Presidential Commendation on his final day in office?"
It is almost as if you were born last night, Rich. Numerous conservative commenters on these threads have criticized Trump for not firing Fauci early on and for not fighting harder to stop the lockdowns until was too late to reverse them in large parts of the country. I have many times said the other Republicans in the primaries should have focused on Trump's failures from March 2020 but none of them wanted to publicly go against the narrative that masks, distancing, and lockdowns were effective which let Trump off the hook.
Rich said...So, are any of Team MAGA going to comment on the fact that Trump never fired him
As with so many political groupings, Team MAGA doesn’t exist in any sense that the term is generally used.
Yes, to answer your question, there has been a fair amount of infighting over Trump’s role in the COVID lockdowns, with some people looking for any excuse to exonerate him while others want his mistakes accounted for—even as we recognize that he is still the better choice for president.
"Why was the US conducting "gain of function" research in China? It is either meant to produce a bioweapon or to produce a defense to one, right? So why partner with an adversary?"
Because the research they were doing wasn't allowed by law in the US, so they did an end-run around that with their globalist pharma buddies and did it anyway, using a known and untrustworthy bad-actor like the PRC that had nothing to lose by taking taxpayer money and intellectual property and everything to gain.
I bet they all had a huge laugh about that at the JingXi Hotel. I bet they couldn't believe it.
The science is settled! And the source is I just made it the fuck up!
"but none of them wanted to publicly go against the narrative that masks, distancing, and lockdowns were effective"
Lockdowns were effective at expanding mail-in voting. I'm sure that had to be useful to someone.
The issue of the 6-foot rule is hardly the most egregious thing Fauci did or was discussed in today's hearing. Fauci and the organization he ran also refuted the notion that Covid leaked from a lab and that he funneled money to that same Wuhan lab to conduct gain of function research. Legally, he avoided a clear criminal complaint of lying to Congress on the gain of function issue because as the regulator, he used his power to define "gain of function research" as something other than what was commonly considered the definition and what he did.
"he used his power to define "gain of function research" as something other than what was commonly considered the definition and what he did."
Redefining words is something leftards do regularly in order to avoid consequences for their criminal actions.
They brought in scott atlas but mike pence ran interference for fauci and birx
The cia fixed the evidence around the lab leak
retail lawyer said...
Why was the US conducting "gain of function" research in China? It is either meant to produce a bioweapon or to produce a defense to one, right? So why partner with an adversary?
i don't understand your questions? China is NOT an adversary..
They are our governing MASTERS.
They OWN this country. They OWN this country's government.. we EXIST to serve Peking..
Don't you pay attention?
Leland said...
..he used his power to define "gain of function research" as something other than what was commonly considered the definition and what he did.
comparison/contrast with their work on the definition of the word "vaccine"
“When I use a word,’ Humpty Dumpty said in rather a scornful tone, ‘it means just what I choose it to mean — neither more nor less.’"
Another ritual flogging with no real consequences...
Thats largely why they put peter navarro and now trying to put bannon in jail. Because they stand against xi
Don’t you just love people who hate Trump because he threatens the status quo, yet then try to turn his supporters against him because he wasn’t stupid enough to take on the entire DC bureaucracy at the same time in between two bogus impeachments and a plethora of phony investigations?
I know I have written here before on this, but it drives me absolutely wild that the biggest unforced public policy error in our lifetimes was inflicted on us by the Left and not a single one of these Leftists have paid any price. And to make matters worse, they NEVER admit they were wrong.
Here in Nebraska, Dr. Jeffery Gold was the top guy at the University of Nebraska Medical Center during Covid. A report was issued one year after covid started which recommended that school children be masked the next school year. Well, of course, that was dead wrong and the kids unnecessarily suffered.
So, Dr. Gold was selected to be the President of the entire University of Nebraska system and I told the Regents - in person - that Dr. Gold should apologize for this giant mistake. And also apologize for the much worse mistake of mutilating and sterilizing minors. At least the Legislature and Governor stopped it.
Well, no apology from Dr. Gold but I have a tiny bit of satisfaction knowing that Dr. Gold and the Regents know that Begley knows that two unforced liberal errors were inflicted on Nebraskans and I called them out on it.
At some point, the Left needs to pay a price for being wrong all the time. My biggest fear is this net zero insanity - that is going to cost at least $11.8 trillion - will just proceed unchecked.
Dude should be hanging on the lamp post next to George Bush’s skeleton.
It's more than just about Democrat politicians and Fauci. Every liberal vested their virtue signaling soul in social distancing, mask mandates (even for kids), and forced vaccine participation.
NOBODY was more invested in all the COVID bullshit than the education establishment. Teachers and their unions, colleges, "highly educated" Phds...
Look at today's liberal protestors. They STILL wear masks. It's 1) and acceptable way to hide their identity and 2) their Linus Van Pelt security blanket.
Democrats aren't just defending Fauci, they are defending the new identity and ego of their base.
Greg the Class Traitor said...
"Everything they did was lies
It was obvious from the data from Italy that Covid was only a threat to the over 70 crowd.
NONE of the restrictions should ever have been put into place"
It's more than that. Many states - CA and NV, for example - were transferring people recovering from COVID into nursing homes, supposedly to avoid overloading acute care hospitals. My Dad's brother was recovering nicely from a thigh fracture surgery at a rehab center in metro Vegas, until he suddenly - unexpectedly - went into full respiratory arrest and was dead in a day or so. His daughter had since confirmed that he caught COVID while there.
Big Pharma, in league with the CDC, pushed for use of a narrow spectrum, modified RNA treatment. Many states' pharmacy boards came out early with orders that hydroxychlorine and ivermectin were not to be used because their effectiveness was "unproven" - that exact word - which is easy to claim if a medication hasn't been tested. The Lupus foundation also objected to the use of HCQ because they didn't want shortages of a well-established treatment for Lupus. Convenient excuses, but I suggest it was because the effectiveness of those medications was already known; in any case, research done on has borne out that even among high-risk patients, mortality is significantly reduced. I've posted links to those studies in comments going back more than a year ago, but if anyone doubts those facts, I'll be glad to reply.
The CDC said to mask up, then no, it wasn't needed, then reversed course again, saying they meant to avoid a run on mask supplies, which happened anyway.
Trump messed up. He trusted the experts. They misled him.
Didn’t watch it. Did Fauci make monkeys out of the hapless Republicans, as I expect.
Fauci is a murderer, in actuality.
Covid protocol killed people.
The virus killed people - he was honcho over gain of function.
The man is pure evil.
Whining about masks and distancing?
Oh do shut up - useless GOP.
Does anyone believe anything this self-serving POS says at this point?
I don’t. He’s lost ALL credibility.
The first inkling we got about COVID while we were visiting in California was a sudden rash of nursing home deaths in Chino Hills. Several residents and at least one essential worker passed suddenly within the space of a week. Our Dad lived about 20 miles from there so my sister took to sewing several masks for her and Dad. We already had our own, which we carried with us long before COVID was a thing.
Here's a report from April 2020 about nursing home deaths in CA at that time:
SoCal nursing homes among hardest hit in COVID-19 outbreak
The California Health Department list names 261 skilled-nursing facilities across the state with more than 3,000 positive cases among residents and staff. The health department website said the list was a snapshot representing the 86% of the state’s 1,224 skilled-nursing facilities that have reported data within the last 24 hours.
Read the full story on LATimes.com.
Source: https://ktla.com/news/california/socal-nursing-homes-among-hardest-hit-in-covid-19-outbreak/
"Yah fuck youse guys. We lied. So what? Ain't shit you can do about it now." Smirk. Wray, Mayorkas, Comey, Hilary, whoever. They do this to us, profit from it all and then laugh in our faces. The Republicans have hearings, get in a few sound-bites, and then nothing. Fund raising appeals, and admonitions to vote harder and trust that we'll get 'em next time. But that never happens. (N.b. '22 election, "red mirage"). American society is in a death spiral.
"Fauci dismisses ‘preposterous’ allegations that he led covid coverup/The infectious-disease expert said Republicans have distorted emails between scientists as they discussed whether a lab leak of the coronavirus was possible"
Maybe he didn't "lead" the coverup, but he also wasn't forthright about what he did do. When he dismissed the lab leak hypothesis as a conspiracy theory, as he still does apparently, he had no evidence to refute it and no definite evidence of a natural origin. Of course, you don't have to believe in a "conspiracy" to think a lab leak happened. Fauci's bad-faith dismissal raises a question about his own motives and shows a refusal to learn from mistakes. He's not following the science, as they say.
I never thought Trump had the first clue about the right approach to COVID, in part--but only in part--because too many of the experts he trusted were sorry hacks like Fauci.
Until Fauci, the worst example of entrenched DC hack who should have been canned decades earlier was J.E. Hoover, but at least the Hoov's derelictions, mistakes, and crimes didn't cause large numbers of preventable deaths.
let us guess.
No evidence found! Fauci is clean!
Even the most militant liberal mask, lockdown, and vaccine promoters know they were duped.
You can tell my the drop off in booster participation. If you believed the bullshit and the "science" you should be on five shots. They couldn't give shots 3,4,5 away.
Just look at Pfizer's stock price. $59.00 Jan 2022 after Biden's "Winter of Death" Christmas 2021 warning (which never came to pass). Low of $25.00 Apr 2024. Closed at $29.31 today.
Not only did Fauci destroy his credibility, but so did the medical establishment. Especially the line dancing nurses.
He told baric and co to shut their trap hr funded daszak what more evidence do you nedd
Fauci does belong in prison for the next q0 generations
So, are any of Team MAGA going to comment on the fact that Trump never fired him, had Fauci speak regularly at briefings to the public with him, and awarded him a Presidential Commendation on his final day in office?
Oh God, the Progs were PRAYING that Trump would fire "the scientist" so they could 100% blame him for every death.
Second place would have been Trump speaking alone so he could be accused of "not listening to the scientists".
In the middle of a pandemic, you can't just fire Fauci, you have to replace him. As previously pointed out, Trump tried to get others into the decision loop and Pence stopped that from happening.
Didnt they do that anyways didnt social media lock out dr atlas and a host of others
They wanted maximum deaths and suffering these (redacted) bastards
The High Priest of the Deep State
Get rid of the civil service
They (redacted) andrew cuomo who was responsible for at least 30,000 dead and whitmer and the cadaver and charlie parker did i leave anyone out
Because his record of failure had been (burnished) by larry kramer fumento and later rfk jr were the only one to point ouf how like the angel of death he left bodies wherever he watched
Rich said...
"So, are any of Team MAGA going to comment on the fact that Trump never fired him, had Fauci speak regularly at briefings to the public with him, and awarded him a Presidential Commendation on his final day in office?"
Fauci was one of Trump's few employees that he did not fire.
"He's not following the science, as they say."
From Forbes, "Attacks on me, quite frankly, are attacks on science," Fauci said Wednesday.
So there's that...
andrew cuomo who was responsible for at least 30,000 dead and whitmer
Planned Parent/hood
"Oh God, the Progs were PRAYING that Trump would fire "the scientist" so they could 100% blame him for every death."
If Trump had fired Fauci, the collective left would have lost their minds. Not that there's much to lose.
Its a short trip talk about someone who should be hounded every moment of the rest of his miserable life
Fauci dismisses his own case.
Interesting how the corrupt left are judge and jury to their own lies and treachery.
Not guilty! Says jury of one - golden parachute murderer, Fauci.
narciso said...
"They (redacted) andrew cuomo who was responsible for at least 30,000 dead and whitmer and the cadaver and charlie parker did i leave anyone out"
What about the guy who said:
“We have it totally under control. It’s one person coming in from China. It’s going to be just fine.”
“China has been working very hard to contain the Coronavirus. The United States greatly appreciates their efforts and transparency. It will all work out well. In particular, on behalf of the American People, I want to thank President Xi!”
Feb. 10, 2020
“I think the virus is going to be—it’s going to be fine.”
Feb. 10, 2020
Feb. 24, 2020
“The Coronavirus is very much under control in the USA… the Stock Market starting to look very good to me!”
Feb. 25, 2020
“CDC and my Administration are doing a GREAT job of handling Coronavirus.”
“Looks like by April, you know in theory when it gets a little warmer, it miraculously goes away.”
Feb. 26, 2020
“The 15 (cases in the US) within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero.”
March 14, 2020
“I’d rate it a ten,” [Trump’s rating of his coronavirus response]
“If [coronavirus] comes back though, it won’t be coming back in the form that it was, it will be coming back in smaller doses that we can contain….it’s also possible it doesn’t come back at all.”
April 23, 2020
"I see the disinfectant that knocks it out in a minute, one minute. And is there a way we can do something like that by injection inside or almost a cleaning? As you see, it gets in the lungs, it does a tremendous number on the lungs, so it would be interesting to check that."
Etc Etc
Isn't this the same guy who allowed the research on bat coronaviruses in Wuhan to continue to receive US support and funding because the risks were "acceptable." Of course, if we had not destroyed the sequences of the earliest versions of COVID-19, we could probably prove it with air tight evidence, instead we only have the odds, which are a million to one of a pangolin ushering a virus across two species barriers within a few short miles of the lab doing the bat virus research.
Fauci approved this research, and he changed definitions in order to get around a law prohibiting this, even as such research was forbidden in the United States.
The latest study was already under way before the US moratorium began, and the US National Institutes of Health (NIH) [Fauci] allowed it to proceed while it was under review by the agency, says Ralph Baric, an infectious-disease researcher at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, a co-author of the study. The NIH [Fauci]eventually concluded that the work was not so risky as to fall under the moratorium, he says.
But Wain-Hobson disapproves of the study because, he says, it provides little benefit, and reveals little about the risk that the wild SHC014 virus in bats poses to humans. - Nature (2015)
Fauci was the bad guy in - Dallas Buyers Club.
Fauci is poison.
The problem for some Trump supporters is that Trump awarded Fauci with a Presidential Commendation for Fauci's work on Covid 19. This is really hard to explain to people who refused to take the shot, yet supported Trump.
Fauci is said to have bigly mishandled the AIDS response, why would anyone think he wouldn’t screw this up?
They create the bug they know it spreads the agencies make up the narrative that they had shut down the taskforce
The fellow at barda denies the usd of hcq because his patrons at novamax had the virus contract
Vaccine contract this fellow also pushed golead remdezvir or tevas hcq because chinchona root is everywhere from india to honduras but its out of patent
Read everything about Fauci via Rand Paul. Volumes.
My husband was on our local school board during COVID and board members went into classrooms to measure to try to get the kids back in school while adhering to the 6 foot guideline. It was impossible in most school buildings so they didn’t go back. For months and months. It’s hard to not have animosity toward Fauci.
Got to love all the leftists screaming "But why didn't Trump fire Fauci?"
This was all during the "Summer of love" where leftists were rioting, burning, looting, and murdering.
And they were all demanding Trump's head, filing impeachments, etc.
They were screaming how it was racist to not give a person from Wuhan a hug. And screaming that Trump needed to "Follow the science!"
And now they state that Trump clearly messed up by not firing Fauci?
Leftists are shameless whores, the lot of them.
"This is really hard to explain to people who refused to take the shot, yet supported Trump"
You mean that Trump deferred to what were presented to him as the "experts" in public health, all the while, while his intelligence agencies were covering up the truth, and certainly not letting him in on it? Pressuring journals to suppress articles which pointed out the obvious truth of this man-made pandemic? You could have knocked me over with a feather the day I heard that Trump was not perfect, and did not have superpowers out of a sci-fi story to overcome, I don't know, being impeached over not slavishly supporting the Ukraine war at a time when COVID was breaking out, and was killing thousands of people a day? You know, because, at that time, the human immune system had no experience with a *brand spanking new* virus cooked up in a lab working for NIH.
It looks to me like Congress doesn't really want to get to the bottom of this, that we created the monster, against the advice of many scientists, and wants to talk about side issues, because the truth, that our NIH was responsible for the early deaths of tens of millions, is too horrible to contemplate. Better to focus on lost jobs and school time.
"Leftists are shameless whores, the lot of them."
I fear you're being unfair to shameless whores, here.
No they are ghouls the flesh eating kind
Now this was not accidental the biological warfare program was under the authority of pla marshal emeritus chi haotian of whom ive mentioned in the past
This is really hard to explain to people who refused to take the shot, yet supported Trump.
No. It isn't.
What will it take to get it through your heads that some of us can disagree with a LOT of what Trump did or didn't do and still vote for him because the other guy sucks so bad?
It's not fucking rocket science.
"The problem for some Trump supporters is that Trump awarded Fauci with a Presidential Commendation for Fauci's work on Covid 19."
Why is that a problem? I'm a Trump supporter and I don't have a problem with the idea he's done things that it might have been best he hadn't. But of course, you're perfect, right? You never make mistakes, do you?
Fucking leftards and their strawmen.
The problem for some Biden supporters is that Trump sucks *so badly*, yet people prefer him over Biden.
by what stretch of the imagination did Dr Fraudci NOT lead the covid coverup?
who are we supposed to believe? HIM or our eyes?
He had pushed for effective therapeutics but you couldnt get a eua for the vaccines so this was denied
"Preposterous" coming from the lips of this pusillanimous prevaricating popinjay is a bit much. Fauci has a lot to answer for --but I doubt he'll ever be held to account.
And as for Trump awarding Fauci a Presidential Commendation Medal on Fauci's last day in office? Most of us in the corporate world know of or have seen lots of duds who got a send off. It's known as "shine 'em up and ship 'em out". Trump's mistake was in listening to the little weasel in the first p lace--but he ultimately got rid of him.
Bedazzling Birch, in her book, admitted the 6 foot bullshit was just that.
She also admits to actively undermining Trump and that the jab was oversold.
They can put it all in writing and still escape scrutiny.
There's a middle school in town that still has 6 in diameter white dots painted on the sidewalks around the school and leading down to a football field.
Chutzpah, the personification of …
Congratulations, Xi, your attack on the West was wildly successful, beyond your wildest dreams, in terms of economic disruption, societal discord, and death. My only question is whether you meant to do this, or was the entire thing started by some stupid Chinese lab worker who didn't follow hygenic protocols? I'm betting on the latter, having worked with mainland Chinese lab partners.
The scheme was a depopulation tool that was not supposed to be released into the world until a famine had first weakened the immune systems world wide. It is back into development now. The food supply is the target now.
But the early release was 100% to cause a crisis that demanded illegal new mail in ballots to appear in tens of millions and be fed into count machines at 3:00AM by paid Democrat operatives. All to get Trump out.And January 6 was a cover story for that steal.
The scheme was Gates and Fauci’s all the way. They used Red China as a cover. As the Chinese first told us the bio weapon was a U S owned and created weapon all along.
How much truth can we stand? Stay tuned.
My personal favorite was the one way aisles in the super market. Remember the arrows on the floor?
I envision Rich dutifully obeying the mandated flow.
He's that smart!
Bottom line it's how a virus acts... We all had Covid, but few succumbed.
China even sold us the masks!
Still got sanitizer in the closet?
This may be an example of mistaking incompetence for malice. Fauci has a remarkable record of incompetence going back decades. Some folks that I respect say that he was a decent scientist, but he should never have been put in charge of anything.
As if viruses followed rules like the plexiglass screens lol
This may be an example of mistaking incompetence for malice.
I don't think so. The clincher for me was when he threw out the first pitch at a Nationals game - wearing a mask all by himself on the pitcher's mound - and then later being photographed sitting between two people with his mask down while looking at his phone.
The little shithead knew it was wrong from the start. All of it. And he helped destroy people's lives in the process.
"My personal favorite was the one way aisles in the super market."
Restaurants. It wasn't safe to be inside, but outside on the sidewalk was okay. And when it got too cold, everything was enclosed by plastic walls. Plus- you had to wear a mask going in and out, but it was safe to have it off while you were eating.
Good times.
"The little shithead knew it was wrong from the start. All of it. And he helped destroy people's lives in the process."
A leftist twofer. They just love to show you who's in charge (and it's not you).
Boot -> Face -> Forever
Maybe I missed the part where Biden fired Fauci on his first day in office.
Leftists were flying Fauci flags and wearing I love Fauci t-shirts.
This is was passes for wisdom on the left.
China didn't use mRNA vaccines.
was = what - above
shhh - the CIA and FBI, the lockstep loyalist leftwing media and all democratics do not want you to watch any of it.
google and the united corrupt left search engines will tell you it's all a conspiracy.
It's not.
Pay a price? Faucii and his fellow scientists reaped a $710 million reward in payments from the Big Pharma distributed to NIH and individual patent holders.
In his own words.
Here's classic Chi Com-Democrat a-hole Fauci - Authoritarian Fascist Criminal. A walking talking death machine
I will tell this true story again -
A contractor friend of mine - his granddaughter was born with all of her organs shoved up into her chest cavity. The mother - a teacher who was FORCED TO get the Fauci Jab - of course got the Fauci jab. a few of them.
The doctors At Children's Hospital (Yes - a very respected hospital) said they had no doubt it was the covid vaccine.
Th baby lived- but spent 67 days in a hospital.... with tubes and surgeries to save her. The parents didn't leave her side. The 7 year old daughter at home lost her parents for 67 days.
I saw the photos he took of all the nurses and doctors gathered around that little girl.
According to Google, the FBI, The DOJ, The CIA, Crook Biden ad his corrupt evil handlers, MSNBC, CNN, ABC, CBS, the NYT, the WaPoo NPR, PBS-
Those doctors are lying.
You know what - fuck the left.
Fauci in his own vile words.
What Fauci did, was to continue the NIAID and NIH vaccine fetish over his tenure as director. If you look at studies in virus controls, you see that those investigating behavior and environmental controls essentially stopped after the 1950s.
The 6-ft rule seems to have come from old studies that saw droplet spread of viruses was very low after 5 ft distance between the infected animals and uninfected test animals.
What they didn't dust off, and was effective in the past, was to tell people to stop talking into each other's faces. Looking someone in the eye when talking to them is a significant viral spread vector.
Blogger imTay said...
"You mean that Trump deferred to what were presented to him as the "experts" in public health, all the while, while his intelligence agencies were covering up the truth, and certainly not letting him in on it?"
The media had turned Trump into an ignorant villain, and Fauci into an incredibly knowledgeable medical demigod. You saw the reaction when he tried to dump the people who were literally sabotaging what he was doing after he'd been told by the DC insiders that they were the 'best possible people' for their jobs. They were screaming about the chaos he was creating.
If he'd tried to fire Fauci, the media would have ruptured themselves pushing the narrative that Trump was totally mismanaging the Covid emergency. As it was, the narratives were everything and you didn't dare question them because Fauci said it was the Science.
He caused the problem, mismanaged the response, made shit up on the fly - and he'll never pay the price.
BUMBLE BEE said...
"Bottom line it's how a virus acts... We all had Covid, but few succumbed."
Actually 7,010,681 people have succumbed.
'This six-foot rule crippled businesses, it allowed students to stay at home and not learn,'
The decision to "not learn" was, in many cases, made by the students and parents.
Mason G said...
"Leftists are shameless whores, the lot of them."
I fear you're being unfair to shameless whores, here.
6/3/24, 6:50 PM
I second that!!
To all the tiresome leftists upthread denigrating Trump's 'rona response:
Many of us agree totally that Trump fumbled numerous policies. The fact that he didn't bounce Fauci and Birx out on their collective ass when they ignored early data from the Diamond Princess to fearmonger instead, alone is egregious. However, who doubts that had Hillary! been in charge that the response would have been far more draconian and harmful to the country?
Trump is the second-worst choice for president in 2024. That the decrepit 50 year political lying hack of a corrupt politician is the best the Democrats can come up with would be hilarious if it weren't so dangerous.
Never Democrat, unless and until they come to their senses and stop squashing normal ones like Tulsi and Manchin, and now Fetterman too.
8 billion population 7 million deaths (with and by Covid-19) = a bad flu year.
Normally a politician, and Fauci has never practiced medicine only politics, would be suspect for recommending solutions for which he would earn revenue while suppressing solutions that were cheap effective and widely available yet didn’t produce revenue for him personally.
Normally. But these are abnormal times when for the first time in history our government is under control by extreme leftists who by definition have no morals no internal limit and no conscience. The same qualities evident in “doctor” Fauci.
The botom line being the epidemic wasn't so much a matter of public health control as much as it was an experiment in social control.
Let's see what the people will do if we mandate this and then take that away.
Trump tried to cut off influx of people from China, RACISM.
Fauci was an administrator.
You got a whiff when the churches were closed, but liquor stores were open.
What an arrogant little person. Napoleon syndrome.
I think it was Lily Tomlin who said "I try to stay cynical, but it's so hard to keep up." But I don't think that Fauci intended for the extremely dangerous virus that his boys were whipping up in that lab in Wuhan to escape. I think he was just that stupid. It was the Jurassic Park scenario, right down to the gene editing, and we had been warned, "life finds a way." This was hubris, not an evil plan.
Howard (not that Howard)
Had Hillary been president - there would not have been a virus.
Remember when the collective Soviet google-MSNBC left forced us to buy the "It came from a Wet market" BS?
Total lie.
I never thought Trump had the first clue about the right approach to COVID,
There were two statements early on that I remember. The one by Trump before he formed the task force led by Pence. From memory - Trump's first statement on covid was that we should be cautious, but continue our normal lives and let the "virus take its normal course" through the population. The msm reaction to that was predictable. Trump knew he was going to be personally responsible for every single death in the press and decided to let the institutions set up for this exact event handle the guidance. Politically he didn't have much choice in the manner. Fault him as you like for that decision.
The second was from Xi who immediately blamed a "US military lab" for the virus. I've always wondered why he dropped that line of attack early on.
Mutaman said...
BUMBLE BEE said...
"Bottom line it's how a virus acts... We all had Covid, but few succumbed."
Actually 7,010,681 people have succumbed.
Or about 0.087% or the world's population- so hardly anyone. And many of those covid deaths are from the followup pneumonia people often get following serious virus infections. Pneumonia kills between 2.5 and 4 million people worldwide yearly. Depending on whose numbers you want to trust.
And there are medical practices in the USA that lost exactly zero patients who had covid by, you know, actually treating them. Ivermectin, budesonide, zinc, etc...
"Actually 7,010,681 people have succumbed."
To something.
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