June 20, 2024

"[P]ortraying Trump as not merely a convicted criminal — but a wildly self-centered one — may be a smart play."

"And wedding that charge to a bread-and-butter message about Biden’s commitment to taxing the rich and lowering drug prices also seems wise. Debates over Democratic messaging often posit a binary choice between running against Trump and for popular economic policies. Biden’s new ad shows that these options are not mutually exclusive.... Regardless, Biden must hope that his new message about Trump’s criminality packs a punch — because, for now, the president is losing the fight for reelection and his rival hasn’t fully entered the ring."

I'm reading "Biden’s ads haven’t been working. Now, he’s trying something new. The president has been massively outspending Donald Trump on the airwaves and still losing" by Eric Levitz (at Vox).

AND: Here's a piece in Real Clear Politics by J. Peter Zane addressing the same Biden ad — "If Character Matters, Biden Flunks the Test":
With the unstinting support of the corrupt corporate media, which works to bury evidence of Biden’s troubling character rather than expose it, the president will memory hole his long history of dishonesty, deceit, and disturbing behavior to cast himself as a man of compassion and integrity....

Most politicians have a casual relationship with the truth, but Biden stands out in his insistence on repeating thoroughly debunked statements....

Biden’s penchant for prevarication runs so deep that the New York Times recently sought to defuse the issue while reporting on it (neat trick, that) by addressing what it called his propensity to tell “tall tales.”...
Consider his long record of plagiarism....

Biden told one of the most consequential lies in American political history when he declared at his last debate with Trump in 2020 that his son Hunter’s abandoned laptop was a “Russian plant.”...

While many videos show Biden pressing himself against the bodies of young women and girls and sniffing their hair, the 2020 allegations of his former Senate aide, Tara Reade, go much further..... The Times confirmed Reade’s assertion that she had told two people at the time about the assault.... The Times article also reported that “Last year [2019], Ms. Reade and seven other women came forward to accuse Mr. Biden of kissing, hugging or touching them in ways that made them feel uncomfortable.”...

We live in strange times when a man as morally flawed as Joe Biden can present himself as shining beacon of integrity....


Kevin said...

The president has been massively outspending Donald Trump on the airwaves and still losing

Not just losing, but falling with no sign of leveling off.

"Losing" hides this fact.

wendybar said...

Joe Biden is a bigger criminal than Trump could ever DREAM of being. The difference is the FBI and the Intel agencies along with Hussein and Hillary set Trump up for so many hoaxes and "laws rewritten to GET TRUMP" that the media is spewing disinformation to get the delusional one reselected so Hussein can continue with his fundamental transformation into the ghetto shithole of his dreams.

narciso said...

When you arent prosecuting real crimes like bribery and treason and you make up crimes people notice not to mention murder rape and robbery

John henry said...

Remember 110 years ago when the income tax amendment was sold as taxing only the very high income earners? Then as now miscalled "wealthy" or "rich"

It would never affect the typical middle class earner. Oh, no. Pinky swear.

Brandon wants to tax unrealized capital gains. But only on really high earners.

The plebs will never have to pay income tax on the increase in home value.

Really. Double pinky swearsies.

John Henry

Static Ping said...

Biden cannot run on popular economic policies. The economy has been a disaster under his care for 3+ years, and his regime keeps lying about it claiming the economy is great when it obviously is not. He has a track record on the economy, and he will be gauged by his actual results. Trump can run on the economy since both (a) the economy was good under his care until COVID wrecked everything and (b) he is an outsider demanding a change to how things are done. Someone like RFK, Jr. can run on the economy being an outsider. Biden can't.

doctrev said...

"Character Matters - Biden/ Harris 2024"

LMAO. Are these goons even reading their own copy? You'd have to have a Rich-level stooge to even think this was a good idea. How absolutely perfect.

Rule 1 for an effective media campaign: Don't be Absolutely Retarded.

Dave Begley said...

Have Eric Levitz and J. Peter Zane been to the gas pump or grocery store lately?

Jupiter said...

Time to put a felon in the White House!

gspencer said...

I too believe character matters. Which is why I would NEVER ever vote for Biden.

Jamie said...

I dunno, the odds sites have shown Trump's return to a decisive lead after a little tightening just after The Verdict.

I still don't think Pres. Trump, The Sequel is in our future. Too many dirty tricks are still available in the bag. And I consider my career military Vietnam veteran father's incredible vitriol toward Trump (interestingly countered by my mother's calm, if quiet, statement that "you only feel this way because you don't know him" - I can't tell you how surprised I was when she actually said this out loud) and am forced to conclude that the forces of misinformation (or is it disinformation? I only know it's not malinformation, the one where you tell the truth but in a way that misleads, since telling the truth is not what is going on) are still firmly in control of a lot of otherwise smart people's minds.

My husband was listening to some possibly self-proclaimed Democrat strategist on MSNBC last night who opined that Biden should hammer the 10% of actual undecided voters who will tip the election with "elect Trump and no more contraceptives, no more careers for women, no more voting, no more..." I think THAT strategy is just dumb. Surely everyone who can be made to believe that these threats are more than a ridiculous bogeyman is already voting for the team behind Biden.

Jeff Vader said...

Luckily these clowns think it is still all about money, how much more did Hilary spend them trump?

narciso said...

After biden was behind the betrayals in vietnam and afghanistan

tim maguire said...

The best thing about that ad is the upbeat music.

I doubt anyone will be swayed by the list of Trump convictions--anyone still on the fence will likely as not see the length of the list as evidence of the corruption of the DOJ, not the criminality of Donald Trump.

The friend of the working man message is equally problematic for Biden as he hasn't been a friend of the working man. He can't make this pitch when the "are you better off than you were 4 years ago" question cuts so badly against him.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Biden and his team are in a bubble. None of the stuff Biden talks about reflects the reality on the ground right now, when people go to buy what they need. If they remember what it was like under Trump, Biden is toast.

John said...

Jamie is probably right that the Democrats have too many dirty tricks in their bag. I fully expect Trump to be in jail for the GOP convention, since that seems to be the only thing they will have to pull from the bag in that time interval, but Andrew McCarthy at NRO made the argument that Jack Smith is gearing up to bring Trump to trial as soon as the SC rules on immunity, and he also says that Smith has been arguing that the 60 day rule will be ignored for Trump for reasons. The Democrats do not intend to lose another election ever, as near as I can tell.

BUMBLE BEE said...

If the performance of Biden's administration were analyzed truthfully, one could presume that Trump was actively sabotaging Biden.
Nobody has f*cked up this bad in America's history.
Of course it's all "CHEAP FAKES" now.
Weimar America.

Michael Fitzgerald said...

"We live in strange times when a man as morally flawed as Joe Biden can present himself as shining beacon of integrity...."

There is one single reason why Joe Biden is allowed to present himself as a man of integrity- because Party members allow and support it. Democrat Party voters are the "morally flawed" liars and hypocrites presenting themselves as people of good character and integrity.

narciso said...

Well mccarthy is so legendarily wrong until he figures out what everyone else already knew

Enigma said...

Consider the source: Vox is state propaganda spoon-fed to younger, ignorant, and less educated voters.

JK Brown said...

"convicted criminal" or

Enemy of the State [career functionaries}?

rehajm said...

The Democrats do not intend to lose another election ever, as near as I can tell.

It is clear they are frustrated by people like Ann are no longer supporting their propaganda as strongly as they used to…and I’m sure that crazywall in the war room shows the Supremes were supposed to be backstopping all the lawfare with emanations and penumbras by now but no matter. They seem quite content to live in the lawless zone between kangaroo courts and the relief via the appellate process…

Dave Begley said...

Hy-Vee grocery store in Omaha carries Village Piemaker pies. Incredibly good. The price has gone up $2.00; that's 15%. But still worth it. Try them if you can find them in your area.

Bob Boyd said...

Biden’s ad calls attention to bread and butter issues like driving up the cost of bread and butter.
Trump’s conviction is another Biden crime.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

"With the unstinting support of the corrupt corporate media, which works to bury evidence of Biden’s troubling character rather than expose it, the president will memory hole his long history of dishonesty, deceit, and disturbing behavior to cast himself as a man of compassion and integrity....



Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Biden is the actual criminal.

Which is why the collective corrupt left had to criminalize a hush payment to a porn star.
Not illegal.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The collective left are lying liars who lie.

Narayanan said...

felon = Freely Elected Leader Of Nation


Big Mike said...

Democrat Party voters are the "morally flawed" liars and hypocrites presenting themselves as people of good character and integrity.

Agreed. For too many decades Democrats are have gotten away with portraying themselves as people who “care.” All they really care about is amassing power so that they can screw with ordinary Americans. Democrats are evil.

traditionalguy said...

Biden has long pumped out thousands of lies about his life history. That’s good old American Con Man 101.

But since he became the front man for Obama, Soros and Iran’s War against the USA his lies about everything have become a weapon of mass destruction. Our destruction. SOS. it’s time to go get Donald “ John Wick” Trump.

CJinPA said...

I don't think you can make simultaneous points that Biden is Not All There and also A Liar. The average, non-hyper-partisan person slots his "tall tales" under the heading of "He's not all there."

Or, we're all just overthinking these ads. These candidates are so well known it seems an outdated notion to think ads will move the needle.

John henry said...

We should also remember that president trump is the only president in 2 centuries to actually tax wealth. Indirectly to be sure, but tax it he did.

His limitation on deductions for state and local property trades is effectively a wealth tax.

We must never fail to to beat the people who think a wealth tax is a good thing about the heads and shoulders with this.

John Henry

Rusty said...

One of them is running on taking things away from you. The other isn't.

BarrySanders20 said...

"His limitation on deductions for state and local property trades is effectively a wealth tax."

Assume you mean SALT taxes. Utterly wrong unless you define "effectively" so broadly as to strip all legitimacy from the word. The SALT deduction (and limitation of same) only affects the amount of income tax people pay. It has zero to do with accumulated wealth.

Mattman26 said...

Character matters. Okay. But is there anyone out there who doesn't already have a pretty firmly fixed idea of Trump's character, and whether anything about that character makes him a poor choice for President?

I would argue no.

narciso said...

no that was the dems doing in overtaxing their citizens, which goes to garbage like skydragon temples windmills and pride paraphernalia,

traditionalguy said...

Landslide cometh.

hombre said...

Zane doesn't mention that QuidProJoe would be well on his way to a felony conviction for unlawful possession of classified documents if his DOJ had not decided he was too senile to stand trial.

An interesting aside is that Garland refuses a Congressional subpoena for the video of Biden's interview leading to that conclusion for transparently spurious reasons.

Scofflaw arrogance from the highest ranking law enforcement official in the US.

Dogma and Pony Show said...

Both the ad and the Vox article seem to assume that voters will choose a candidate based on "character." That seems like a dubious assumption. The best modern example of trying to win a presidential election based on character was probably Dole v. Clinton in 1996. That didn't work out so well for the candidate who was pushing his superior character.

It's highly doubtful that very many voters in 2024 are going to decide whom to vote for based on "character." Sad to say, but I think people have largely given up on the idea that people in power (whether within or without government) are, or even need to be, people of high character and integrity. The whole idea of it seems naive and old-fashioned. For Biden to push the character angle seems especially rich. Whatever you think of Trump, does anyone really think of Biden some kind of boy scout?

What voters really want are GOOD RESULTS, which they (quite reasonably) believe are correlated with GOOD POLICIES. Given this, the fact that Biden's people are trying to put the focus on character says a lot.

Ambrose said...

Notice the mindset here. There is no problem with the president or his policies, it’s just that his ads aren’t working.

DanTheMan said...

IMHO, it's only 50/50 that it's Trump v Biden 5 months from now.
The D's aren't going to let him be the nominee if he bombs during the first debate. Some sort of medical incapacity is also very possible, given his age and obvious decline. There are also too many forces directed at removing Trump from the race via any means possible.

The D's best chance would be to run Hillary again.

Old and slow said...

The predicted red wave is never going to arrive. We've seen this movie before, and it doesn't end well. When Biden's numbers magically explode upward at 3:00am the night of the election, we'll all know what's going on and that there ain't shit we can do about it. Go to DC and hold a massive protest? Fat chance after what they did to the J6 protesters. There will be plenty of anger and lots of smug Democratic scammers rubbing our noses in it, but we all still have way too much to lose so we will do nothing. Eventually the dam will break, but we are still a long way from that time.

Narayanan said...

in which American Saga do Character match Alpha-hood? congruence!

rehajm said...

We would see the arguments as political distinctions without a difference but eliminating salt while lowering rates was exactly the prescription of the bipartisan Simpson Bowles framework, and I would argue as did S&B constructive for economic growth. History back that up…

(You can tell Trump’s actions were bipartisan because both sides attack the action)

Michael said...

The problem with this messaging strategy is that the more the Dems/Biden harp on "convicted" criminal, the more they remind people of how badly they have abused the legal process. By now even the casual observed knows the whole business was (T)rumped up, so to speak.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

1. The "character vote" ship left port in 1996 never to come back. Thank you, Dems.

2. The "convicted felon" schtick will serve to remind most people that Biden's easy-to-understand bribery and FARA felonies go unpunished because his DOJ let the charges against Hunter time out and Joe's Special Counsel literally wrote a report showing Biden is too feeble=-minded to stand trial, a report his AG is withstanding a contempt charge in order to keep (the tapes) secret.

3. Despite "conviction" Trump's charges have failed to impress the public who can't understand WTF he was charged with or convicted of, but they damn well know Biden is behind every one of them and we Americans hate to be a Banana Republic. Short take: If "hiding derogatory info to win an election" really is a crime, then 90% of elected Democrats and GOPe are in big effing trouble when Trump appoints the next AG.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Let's us widen the focus here shall we?



This ain't just sniffin 9 year olds, bunkie!

John henry said...

The D's best chance would be to run Hillary again

Has she ever recovered fully from her stroke?

A/k/a cerebral venous thrombosis.

John Henry

Aggie said...

It's not going to work.

tcrosse said...

It wouldn't surprise me if Disney was working day and night on the Animatronic™ Joe Biden. Or maybe that's what we're seeing, and they still haven't worked out all the bugs.

Harun said...

I will note that many traditional Democrat tactics don't seem to work anymore.

1) Big spending. Biden especially spent a lot, but nothing was delivered. 8 charging stations for 42 billion. I think all that money went to NGO's and regime allies.

2) Student Loan Forgiveness - its underwater in approval. Which is amazing.

Obamacare at least actually went into people's pockets.

Kakistocracy said...

Character doesn't matter any more in American public life.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Quote Of The Day H/T Righttoreply

"Yep, once you see the strings, you always see the strings. Depressing, but it allows you to live your life knowing."

Jamie said...

A very interesting interview of Miranda Devine of the NY Post (warning, RCOCEANII: the interviewer is Caroline Glick, whom I just suspect you won't credit) about J. Biden's decades of being the godfather of a mob family. It's just over an hour long, but I found it well worth the time - it lays out both the Ukraine and China connections in detail. I saw it via >neo.

Do let's talk about character.

Achilles said...

Rich said...

Character doesn't matter any more in American public life.

Actually it does.

What people are noticing is that they have been lied to by a bunch of traitors and scumbags and that Trump is the most honest and decent man to be president since Reagan.

What people are noticing is that the people who preach about character have none.

Achilles said...

Russel Brand no longer minces words.

He has noticed people like Rich who complain about "Character" are a bunch of amoral despicable evil liars who cannot be honest about what they are doing.

This is a fun rant about CNN but the overall themes are consistent.

tcrosse said...

Back in 2016 Hillary spent most of her campaign money attacking Trump. This was because the more people saw of Herself the less they liked her, no matter how hard they tried to sell her. Whatever bad things they can say about Trump are already baked in, and are unlikely to move the needle.

narciso said...

I mean when they try to put a doctor in jail over trying to protect children from mutilators in their own hospital, on spurious hippa charges, how about jailing michael patrick leahy for bringing the nashville shooters manifesto to light,

ron winkleheimer said...

My liberal friends have pretty much given up on trying to defend Biden's record and have accepted that he has the cognitive capability of the professor's pictures of fungus. Not the fungus, the pictures of fungus. However, they are comforting themselves by buying into the media narrative that Trump is just as impaired.

Clever Pseudonym said...

I can't let the name Eric Levitz pass by without noting that he is the author of the greatest tweet in the history of tweets, which should be preserved at the Smithsonian.
From last October:
"Last night, I asserted that this report indicated that babies were beheaded. This was an overstatement. I should have said that the report established that babies were found headless, a fact that lends plausibility to claims of beheading, but which does not prove them."
Gotta fact-check those headless babies! Maybe sometimes Jewish baby heads just pop right off!
Modern journalists renounced journalism in favor of something they call "moral clarity" and have managed to achieve the opposite of both.

rehajm said...

Q: Joe’s handlers, has Joe ever been convicted of a felony?

A from Joe’s handlers: Convicted? No…

Big Mike said...

1) Big spending. Biden especially spent a lot, but nothing was delivered. 8 charging stations for 42 billion. I think all that money went to NGO's and regime allies.

@Harun, that’s almost right, but you’re conflating two different fiascos. Roughly three years ago Biden signed a bill allocating $42 billion (with a ‘b’) to bring high speed Internet to rural residences that are not well served by ISPs. I haven’t been able to find out how much of that money was spent so far, but lots of news sources have published how many homes have been hooked up to the Internet: zero. Meanwhile, a different bill allocated $7.5 billion (also with a ‘b’) to create a network of 500,000 EV chargers. The number built so far: eight.

Add these two fiascos to the botched withdrawal from Afghanistan — which resembled a rout much more than an orderly disengagement from a weaker, though dedicated, foe — and you have the administration that cannot do anything right.

2) Student Loan Forgiveness - its underwater in approval. Which is amazing.

Why should this even be surprising, much less “amazing”? Who benefits from this largess, if not the already well go do? Which are there more of among the voting population: young people who spent four years partying while getting a bullshit degree, or young people who got a job after high school, maybe went to trade school, and who resent even a small portion of their taxes going to bail out the party animals? It does not help the narrative when people earning six digits or near six digit salaries go on social media to thank Biden for canceling their loans (which they could obviously have paid back).

Fred Drinkwater said...

Levitz: "babies were found headless,"

There's only one way to interpret that remark. He means, it is reasonable to believe that those babies are headless because Israelis beheaded them.

tcrosse said...

Another cohort upset by Student Loan Forgiveness are those who actually paid theirs back, and now feel like chumps for having done so.

Oligonicella said...

Character doesn't matter any more in American public life.

You're projecting your hopes.

Clever Pseudonym said...

I remember some pretty mean mamas from back in the old neighborhood, but I don't recall any who tore the heads off their own babies! Do even praying mantises do that?
I don't know quite how to be charitable to Levitz here, maybe he meant in the commotion of a massacre some baby heads got accidentally knocked, shot or kicked off??
Of all the things our media clerisy deems necessary to investigate...
If the man had any shred of dignity or sanity that's when he would have logged off, quit his job and gone somewhere far away to spend a year in quiet contemplation. Only someone seriously spiritually and intellectually deformed could have typed such a thing.

Oligonicella said...

ron winkleheimer:
Not the fungus, the pictures of fungus.

Ouch. Accurate but ouch.

chickelit said...

I love that Biden is spending more only to lose more ground. Let him spend even more!

retail lawyer said...

AP Style Guide frowns on the term "Felon", likely likewise "convicted criminal", and it recommends stating what the conviction is for. But in this case, that cannot be done accurately because nobody knows what the conviction is for. The polite and proper term for Trump is "justice involved individual".

Mason G said...

"because nobody knows what the conviction is for."

Everybody knows what the conviction is for. It's for being Donald Trump.

Josephbleau said...

"because nobody knows what the conviction is for."

The conviction that Americans have, my child, is for Freedom!

walter said...

"Pedo Pete" showered his daughter with love.

Mutaman said...

Half of Zane's article is about Tara Reade. Now there's someone who has really stood the test of time.

Lawcruiter said...

As long as supposed Republicans like Peggy Noonan keep insisting that Joe Biden (as compared to the Orange guy) is a "fundamentally decent man", then we are doomed to keep hearing this narrative until November.

walter said...

Yeah...Mutaman thinks nothing of corroborating evidence re Reade and Pedo Pete's daughter's diary.
But all in on Mouse House "rape is sexy" advice columnist whose story mirrors her favorite show.
That's the credibility of Mutaman.

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