June 20, 2024

Fungus of the Day.


ON REVISIT: What are these creatures feasting on the fungus?



traditionalguy said...

OK. I finally understand why fungi are suddenly getting more time than sunrises. The Professor is planting the thought that President Biden is like an old fungus covered log. Smooth move Professor.

Narayanan said...

The Professor is planting the thought that President Biden is like an old fungus covered log.
but Professora has yet to show where on the doll is the fungus!

gilbar said...

here's Another rotten thing to think about:
PrePrint Paper Showing COVID Jabs Directly Caused Sudden Deaths Passes Peer Review After Being Rejected By Lancet
The 2023 study—conducted by Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Harvey Risch, Dr. William Makis, Dr. Paul Alexander, Dr. Mark Trozzi, Dr. Richard Amerling, Dr. Heather Gessling, Dr. Roger Hodkinson, and epidemiologist Nicolas Hulscher— reviewed 325 autopsies of COVID vaccinees who died suddenly, and found that 74 percent of the sudden deaths were directly due to or significantly contributable to the COVID-19 shot.

“Within 24 hours there was so much pressure put on [Lancet] by the pharmaceutical industry, that the Lancet took the paper down and canceled it,” the radiologist told the audience. “They basically wanted to cancel it forever so it would never see the light of day,”

gilbar said...

Fungi grow in the dark, and hate the light of day.. Just like big Pharma

Hassayamper said...
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Hassayamper said...
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Hassayamper said...

Those are nearly certain to be oyster mushrooms in the genus Pleurotus. A look at the underside could clinch the ID by showing "decurrent" gills, i.e. gills that are extending far down the short, eccentrically located stems.

Oyster mushrooms are a very good edible, especially when prepared tempura style, although these are getting a little too old and dry for eating. You should remember where this stump is, and pass by there 2-3 days after heavy rains.

My local Whole Foods is selling these for $26 per pound today, but theirs are grown on a substrate of scrap cardboard and pallet loads of politicians' memoirs straight from the publisher's loading dock. The wild kind are far superior.

amr said...

An "Oyster" Mushroom, a species of Pleurotus.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Are metaphors quantum consciousness at play?

What else makes sense if consciousness is what this guy says it is?

Narr said...

Soon to be fungus food--Donald Sutherland.

pacwest said...

Donald Sutherland dead. Great actor.

Ann Althouse said...

Slugs, I'm told.

Kate said...

Every time you post a fungus picture I think of banana slugs. They're everywhere in redwood country.

Not my favorite memory...

The rule of Lemnity said...

Food for thought: The classical physics we understand is the plate. Consciousness is the food.

"You shall have no other gods before me" - the first commandment.

“… But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.” - Joshua 24:15

The rule of Lemnity said...

Like that Dylan song says, ‘Gotta Serve Somebody.’

n.n said...

The lack of Diversity in fun guys is appalling.

Sydney said...

Yes. Definitely slugs.