And note the phrase "jury denial." It's like "election denial."
३ जून, २०२४
"... a parade of MAGA voices.... The MAGA crowd.... the MAGA cult.... Some MAGA voices.... the MAGA movement’s coordinated assault on the rule of law.... MAGA threats and smears.... MAGA calumny...."
Excerpted from "Opinion/Democrats must defend Trump’s guilty verdict against MAGA jury denial/The danger of delegitimizing jury verdicts is real" by Jennifer Rubin (WaPo).
१२८ टिप्पण्या:
"Jury verdicts are sacrosanct and should not be questioned.
Unless you're Kyle Rittenhouse."
Or George Zimmerman.
So now everyone should remember to describe Trump as a “justice-impacted individual “.
"the MAGA movement’s coordinated assault on the rule of law...."
You cannot make this shit up. Some homo-adjacent idiot took a plane half-way across the country to kill a sitting Supreme Court justice after SCOTUS transferred the abortion issue to the states, and they still cackle about 'assault on the rule of law'.
The rule of law is dead. No one on any side will ever trust it again, thanks to these people.
As we ALL know by now (or should), Progressives HATE America, so why wouldn't they hate the people who want to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN??
This SHOULD open anybody's eyes, but since people are thick in the head, they think THEY are smarter and violence and hate is their answer..
About the use of "MAGA"...
1. I think Trump supporters would be happy with "MAGA" as a description.
2. "Conservative" would be a terribly misleading and frankly incorrect term.
3. "Republican" would likewise be misleading and incorrect; this is not a policy- or even policy-realted issue. It is all about "Trump." And "MAGA" is the best and most descriptive shorthand for Trump fanatics. Of course it includes many Republicans, some senior elected Republicans and senior Republican leadership. "MAGA" neatly excludes anti-Trump Republicans, while it includes many of the pro-Trump Republicans.
4. I can't think of any better term, for Rubin's usage in the column. Can anyone think of a better term?
I was all excited that you had discovered a new fungus, but it was only Jennifer Rubin.
I want to thank Merchan and the band picked jury for showing everyone just how terrible democrats are.
Now they have to defend this. You cannot be a democrat and be a good person.
You are the party of Lavrentiy Beria now.
Now please please please put Trump in jail.
MAGA = Make America Great Again
Says a lot about anyone who uses it as a slur. "America denier", maybe?
"Jury denial"...
Socrates basically said a democracy cannot survive with a population full of shallow morons. For this, the Greeks and were in full control of the "democracy" put him on trial and found a jury of morons to convict him of "corrupting the youth." Found guilty, he was given the choice between exile, or death via hemlock poisoning. He chose death famously stating, "the unexamined life is not worth living."
America is filled with idiot's who consider themselves intellectuals. We are infected by the elite credentialed class, leading us on this downhill trajectory. The voting system is corrupt. Most Americans are ridiculously low on information. They can also end up on your jury.
If you are in a blue community the odds of you getting a jury of your moronic peers are very high. A rural Michigan jury let the guys off the FBI tried entrapping on some bullshit mission to kidnap Gretchen Whitmer. A Manhattan or DC jury would have brought out the hemlock. They would have sent Kyle Rittenhouse up the river.
To pretend juries are infallible is stupid, especially when we know lawyers try their best to keep the smart people off.
The WaPoo is Pravada on the Potamic. They'll publish anything to keep the Democrat/Barbarian Party in power. Including calling Republicans members of a cult. And calling a Democrat Operative in a Black Robe an unbiased judge. A judge who barred testimony of a former FEC commissioner about campaign finance laws.
This trial was a Frankenstein's Monster operation. Cobbled together with a biased judge who conspired with the prosecutor to railroad Trump in front of an anti-Trump jury. Definitely a fair trial. NOT.
Innocence project.
Holy cow Rubin. The idea of appeals has been around longer than our Constitution because it is understood that the results of jury trials should be questioned until those questions are adequately addressed. Now the progressive left wants to prohibit appeals via admonishment?
Who are you people supporting the Jennifer Rubin’s of this world? Please stand up so we know who you are.
Chuck said...
About the use of "MAGA"...
1. I think Trump supporters would be happy with "MAGA" as a description.
2. "Conservative" would be a terribly misleading and frankly incorrect term.
Chuck is absolutely right.
“Conservative” in this context means serving big business interests and screwing Americans.
MAGA means Make America Great Again and to put Americans First.
There is a reason why Chuck is in a political movement with a few hundred people in it. Nobody wants assholes like Chuck around. He is a walking advertisement for Donald Trump.
Thanks for what you do here Chuck. You give everyone an undeniable picture of what the Uniparty is.
Rubin is a case study of the physically debilitating effects of mental illness.
1. No extraordinary processes - everybody gets treated the same
2. Impartial deciders, no connections to either side
3. Notice of what the charge is so that you can defend yourself
4. Right to mount a defense, call witnesses on your behalf
5. Separation of deciding body from prosecuting body
6. No retroactive laws
Other than that, it's great.
"To pretend juries are infallible is stupid, especially when we know lawyers try their best to keep the smart people off."
Mark Twain wrote about this very topic over 150 years ago. It's cleat things haven't improved since then.
Achilles said...There is a reason why Chuck is in a political movement with a few hundred people in it. Nobody wants assholes like Chuck around. He is a walking advertisement for Donald Trump. Thanks for what you do here Chuck. You give everyone an undeniable picture of what the Uniparty is.
I went to confession this weekend before Mass to prevent the priest from biting me when I reached for the holy host.
He gave me five Our Fathers and ten Hail Mary's but then said..."don't be so hard on yourself, be thankful you're not Chuck."
cleat = clear
Sorry about that.
Orange Mandela
he’s bleeding but he ain’t cut
on to November!
The problem for Rubin and the rest of these people is that nobody in the world has been charged with the crime that Trump was charged with.
Nobody has been charged with this felony ever.
Except Trump.
If the positions were reversed, Rubin would be arguing the exact opposite.
trong miệng bạn, dinky dau 45!
I think that every time Trump is referred to as a convicted felon, Biden should be referred to as a non-convicted felon or an unindicted felon.
Chuck said...
"About the use of "MAGA"...
1. I think Trump supporters would be happy with "MAGA" as a description." Now bugger off you little turd.
I'm not half as offended by it as you are.
DINKY DAU 45 said...
"yeah great again.when blacks had their own water fountains,women had to be silent and serve their man and watch the kids,lgbtq had to be a secret,child labor, everyone was a coon,spic,dago,chink unless you were white.and so on...yeah right great again..."
Jesus. You're a miserable racist person.
Americans walked on the moon. Fastest jet plane ever built. More affordable housing for everyone. Everyone. We fed the world. Biggest fastest computers ever built. Biggest nuclear accelerator ever built until the Haydron reactor. Personal computers. Cell phones. Running shoes. Blue jeans. Video games. Graphite fly rods. Plastic boats. Computer Numerically Controlled machines. What a small cramped world you live in D.D.
jury denial, election denial, climate denial... goes right along with phobic.
Sticks and stones.
"yeah great again.when blacks had their own water fountains,women had to be silent and serve their man and watch the kids,lgbtq had to be a secret,child labor, everyone was a coon,spic,dago,chink unless you were white.and so on...yeah right great again..."
Most everybody knows what "great again" means to progressives, but it probably doesn't hurt to remind us now and again. Thanks.
Reality denialists.
Biden should be referred to as a non-convicted felon or an unindicted felon
A felon without convictions.
There are several issues at play here when it comes to juries.
First, we know some juries are just biased and do not care about the law or the evidence. This is well documented. To pretend otherwise is either blatant ignorance or incredible stupidity. Jury nullification is a thing.
Second, juries are supposed to follow the instructions given by the judge. If the judge is biased or incompetent and provides instructions that guarantee a certain outcome, technically the jury is supposed to follow those instructions. They do not always do so - see Point #1 - but a perfectly unbiased jury can produce a biased outcome at no fault of their own.
Third, when a judge says to "disregard that remark" or "disregard that testimony" in its entirety, that's impossible. You cannot un-ring a bell. You can try to pretend that thing that happened never happened, but you will remember it and it will matter. Juries will make incorrect decisions based on bad evidence because they are human beings.
Jennifer Rubin? WELL! if SHE is against Trump, i'm going to have to rethink my support!
UNLESS.. Jennifer Rubin is engaging in Trump denial?
oh noes anyways
so the judge violated richardson v us, 1999, he created reversable error by excluding the FEC commission testimomy, that any such transaction would have to reported as legal fees, it couldn't not be considered false, inflammatory hearsay that had no probative value, thats just off the top of my head,
No need for appeals on death penalty cases. It only allows the killers to avoid the punishment they deserve.
It is rather extraordinary that LLR-democratical And Violent Homosexual Rage Rape Fantasist Chuck seems to believe his 9+ years of relentlessly pushing the farthest of the far left policies and farthest of the far left poliicians and farthest of the far left talking heads, not to mention his psychotic racist attacks against black conservatives and vicious misogynistic attacks against conservative women, will have no effect whatsoever in his continued play-acting as an obviously fake "online conservative".
A game LLR-democraticals Rich and lonejustice play as well.
It makes one wonder just who these shallow cats actually hang around with in real life.
I’ve been opposed to the death penalty because the appeals process focuses on ensuring the process was correct. There’s little recourse when a jury gets it wrong. Here, we’re being invited to ignore the dozens of legal violations and focus only on the sanctity of a jury decision…
They’re just trying to stop their own people from defecting…
jury denial, election denial, climate denial... goes right along with phobic.
And with - what is it? Wreckers and hoarders and capitalist-roaders?
Shoot, I should have added the "oh my!"
If the left wasn't second-guessing the courts all of the time, I could respect this position.
But that hasn't been the case for decades.
"MAGA means Make America Great Again and to put Americans First."
In short: MAGA = Fascist.
The above is what every strongman leader promises his followers and it's what all their followers crave--a promise that all their resentments and hatreds will be avenged (upon the scapegoats who are called out for blame) once complete control is surrendered to (or taken by) the strongman leader.
chuck said...
I was all excited that you had discovered a new fungus, but it was only Jennifer Rubin.
ChatGPT says she's a slime mold. I think most of us will go with that.
Couldn’t read this because of the paywall.
Didn’t want to read it because it’s Jen Rubin.
But to what precisely was she referring when she said:
“the MAGA movement’s coordinated assault on the rule of law”?
Jamie you left out "running dogs". Otherwise it's the start of a pretty good list.
Bad, bad MAGA. I can understand why "making America great again" disturbs Democrats. It would likely involve hunting them to extinction.
It reminds me of the meme we see now. "If you see someone displaying an American flag, you know who they will vote for."
denebian slime devil, once upon a time we thought she was sane,
now she hangs out at the Atlantic and threads remember when that was a thing,
These same bozos say Trump is racist because he didn't engage in jury denial for the Central Park 5.
Robert Cook said, "The above is what every strongman leader promises his followers and it's what all their followers crave--a promise that all their resentments and hatreds will be avenged (upon the scapegoats who are called out for blame) once complete control is surrendered to (or taken by) the strongman leader."
defending oneself against bogus charges, how dare he, (greta firestarter hrumpf)
Robert Cook said...
"MAGA means Make America Great Again and to put Americans First."
In short: MAGA = Fascist.
The above is what every strongman leader promises his followers and it's what all their followers crave--a promise that all their resentments and hatreds will be avenged (upon the scapegoats who are called out for blame) once complete control is surrendered to (or taken by) the strongman leader.
Yeah, wanting Freedom, Prosperity and the government to "Leave Us the Hell Alone", is the epitome of fascism.
Ditto Americans wanting government services paid for with heir tax money being directed toward them, and not to hordes of illegals, is "fascism".
Wouldn't the real jury deniers be the people who first set up the appellate court systems?
As I observed the other day, half the White folks in America now have a view of the justice system that was previously pretty much held by just Black folks.
I do have to wonder where the cracking point is. In the past I would have scoffed at the idea, as nations are way more resilient than generally understood. But this year there's definitely something in the air.
The lock-STEP talking points have gone out.
Message received... Democrat Soviet Loyalists... to your stations!
everyone can have an opinion, but does she have to strive to be this stupid,
Cook - Explain why Make America Great again is fascist.
Well, I don't see it. He seemed to me a middle-of-the-road liberal Republican/Conservative Democrat. Can you elaborate?
To paraphrase Rhett Butler, Jennifer Rubin needs to get laid, and by someone who knows how.
Frankly, my dears, so does Chuck.
America First means no deals that don't benefit America, that is, our deals are ordinary deals.
Deals don't happen unless they benefit both sides, in the usual case. Trump was going to extend that to America's foreign dealings.
With Trump -
No new wars.
Low unemployment
No inflation
Low gas prices
oh so very fascist.
Jennifer Rubin is an asshole.
New York, like all states, has a level of appeallate courts and a supreme court (in New York called the Court of Appeals).
The US Supreme Court has jurisdiction to hear appeals of state court criminal convictions that raise federal issues.
Also, one of the federal habeas statutes allows a federal court to reverse a state court criminal conviction.
So what the fuck is Jury Denial?
The Scottsboro Boys should have just accepted their guilty verdicts, they were lawfully convicted by a jury.
The left are reality denialists. and lying liars who lie.
Robert Cook said...
Well, I don't see it. He seemed to me a middle-of-the-road liberal Republican/Conservative Democrat. Can you elaborate?
Cook is correct. There is little difference between bush, Obama, Clinton or any of the other uniparty pukes that have been trotted out.
That is why cook is so mad about Americans First.
Cook hates the working class.
"MAGA" repetition is Leftist baby talk with which they comfort each other. If they sounded out the words instead of the acronym they would burst into flames, as the though of America being great and worst of all being great again, violates their deeply held beliefs.
Especially sourpuss Rubin. Fake conservatives are even more miserable than your standard-issue miserable leftist.
Jen Rubin would like you to eat your Banana Republic crap sandwich, and like it.
AlbertAnonymous said...
But to what precisely was she referring when she said:
“the MAGA movement’s coordinated assault on the rule of law”?
The “rule of law” is Uniparty power.
The conflict is between the working class and the political class.
The political class has written the law to protect and maintain their power.
The working class thinks that the law should be something else.
After 3.5 yrs of Biden, more and more people now truly understand the meaning of MAGA. More and more are joining the cause. Rubin is just lashing out because she’s losing. She’s pathetic.
Here's sourpuss Rubin in front of her sourpuss self-portrait.
Trump raised $200 million in the 3 days after the verdict, $70 mil of which in small dollar donations. No wonder she’s having a fit of pique.
"jury denial" is like "election denial" is like denying a dress-wearing male the he's a real woman.
"Here's sourpuss Rubin in front of her sourpuss self-portrait."
Clicked the link, saw this:
You’re unable to view this Post because this account owner limits who can view their Posts. Learn more
shes the real life frau bucher, or frau bissima,
Some here need reminding that appellate courts deal with issues of law, not jury decisions per se.
"The higher court will be looking for errors "made during the trial that affected the outcome, and this can include issues related to jury instructions, jury selection, or the conduct of the trial itself. They focus on whether the trial court correctly applied the law and whether any legal errors prejudiced the outcome of the case."
(From ChatGPT, but it's basic legal stuff.)
In the Trump case, there are numerous issues involving evidence, admission of expert witness testimony, lack of specificity of the charges, choice of jury members. venue, and the judge's instruction to the jury, which are open to legal challenge.
None of those imply that the jury verdict was prejudiced or demonstrated a reckless disregard of the facts.
Jennifer Rubin needs to get laid... so does Chuck.
They seem like each other's type too. Good call.
Thank you Mason. That sounds wrong-- it should be public, but I'll check.
Robert Cook said...
Well, I don't see it. He seemed to me a middle-of-the-road liberal Republican/Conservative Democrat. Can you elaborate?
Sure. Do middle-of-the-roaders say things like this:
“We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America.” — Barack Obama, October 30, 2008
"Cook - Explain why Make America Great again is fascist."
Because it's a childish lie. It's addressed to our emotions, not to our intellects. It doesn't provide detailed policy proposals, but amounts to unspecific promises of "I will save you...and only I can!" Such promises of restoration (by one person) of imagined former greatness that has been destroyed by (scapegoats of choice) is a fantasy promulgated by avaricious power-mongers who want to seduce votes by hearkening to a "golden-era" that never existed. Even in the best of times, there are serious problems. There are always scapegoats blamed to explain the present "degraded" or "no-longer-great" state of the nation, (any nation where fascist leaders arise). Reality everywhere is always a mix of good and bad, sometimes more good than bad, and other times more bad than good, but always in flux. Usually, minorities suffer the bad times the most, yet they are also the ones blamed for those bad times, (the "invading hordes pouring into the US" from the Mexican border is classic fascist-mongering).
To feel emotional about a political leader is a clue that one is not thinking rationally or examining available data, but is simply vesting one's hopes and wishes into a person who promises he will save us, (or that we harbor a desire that he act to "avenge" a variety of grievances, grievances the demagogue builds up specifically to pander to them). Our elected officials are nothing but social servants--yes, even the president--and we should be as impassive and objective (and skeptical) when considering the promises of aspirants to office as an employer interviewing applicants for a job. "Make America Great Again" is not in the least a policy proposal or a concrete goal, but a snappy advertisement slogan, even worse, a magic phrase that we are meant to wish upon.
(For the record, the good times under Trump were in effect the day he entered office. He didn't "Make America Great Again." The good times continued under Trump--until COVID fucked the world unexpected disasters of all kinds tend to do--but Trump was not the author of those good times, and he didn't increase the good times [before COVID] to any extraordinary degree.)
A parade of fascist democrats voices, the fascist democrat crowd, the fascist democrat cult, some fascist democrat voices, the fascist democrats coordinated assault on the rule of law, fascist democrat threats and smears , fascist democrat calumny…
As usual, democrats always accuse others of what they are actually doing. Disgusting creatures.
"Sure. Do middle-of-the-roaders say things like this:
'We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America.' — Barack Obama, October 30, 2008."
Uh...yes, at least to my hearing. That sounds like typical overstated political rhetoric. (What was Obama even referring to in that speech?)
if one is trying to destroy or otherwise poison every institution, of course you are going to look askance at anyone trying to restore those institutions,
Robert Cook said...
"Sure. Do middle-of-the-roaders say things like this:
'We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America.' — Barack Obama, October 30, 2008."
Uh...yes, at least to my hearing. That sounds like typical overstated political rhetoric. (What was Obama even referring to in that speech?)
You need to clean the shit out of your ears.
So, you have nothing actually specific or thoughtful to contribute.
Every candidate needs branding. MAGA is just the shorthand. You'll hear the actionable policy details if you tune in to any Trump rally.
Btw, what is Joe's slogan? "Finish the job", right? What does that mean, exactly? Regardless, a lot of people are thinking, "No thanks, had enough".
Blogger Robert Cook said...
"MAGA means Make America Great Again and to put Americans First."
In short: MAGA = Fascist.
The above is what every strongman leader promises his followers and it's what all their followers crave--a promise that all their resentments and hatreds will be avenged (upon the scapegoats who are called out for blame) once complete control is surrendered to (or taken by) the strongman leader.
6/3/24, 11:45 AM
Sorry, Cookie, fascism is the suppression of dissent. It can be summed up as "STFU and obey us!" That's the Democrat/Barbarian Party playbook. That was quite evident during the 2020 election and the suppression of the NY Post's Hunter Biden Laptop story. Not to mention all the propaganda about COVID and the so-called vaccine. The riot at the Supreme Court building is another example of SFTU.
Putting America first is not fascist, it's nationalist. Not putting America first is globalist and treasonous. Keeping Americans safe is the first priority of government. Giving Iran billions of dollars is corrupt and giving aid and comfort to terrorists. I'll take Trump over corrupt Joe any day.
Robert Cook said, "Well, I don't see it. He seemed to me a middle-of-the-road liberal Republican/Conservative Democrat. Can you elaborate?"
The man virtually created rule by Executive Order whenever he couldn't play nice with congress. Furthermore his executive orders are infamous for usurping powers never before claimed by POTUS. Not grey...illegal.
Also, droning American citizens overseas doesn't help.
Expired misdemeanors = felony in corrupt court of Soviet law.
Cook - you cannot be serious.
Your opinion that a political phrase ammounts to FASCISM! just stupid.
"Thank you Mason. That sounds wrong-- it should be public, but I'll check."
Just so you know, I'm not wise to the ways of "X", I only go there when somebody posts a link. Sometimes it works, sometimes not.
"Also, droning American citizens overseas doesn't help."
He seemed rather proud of that, don't you think?
"Robert Cook said, "The above is what every strongman leader promises his followers and it's what all their followers crave--a promise that all their resentments and hatreds will be avenged (upon the scapegoats who are called out for blame) once complete control is surrendered to (or taken by) the strongman leader."
Primo, what Cook & Co. want to divert attention from is the fawning, vengeful, cultish behavior we all saw in 2008 when Barry Soetoro "The Wonder Negro" was practically worshipped as a divine avatar of liberal justice by millions of leftists worldwide. Members of the teachers unions were forcing kids to sing songs to their bisexual benefactor in the White House.
Slavish devotion is slavish devotion, but they'll gladly remove the stick in your eye before removing the log in their own.
Rubin is a case study of the physically debilitating effects of mental illness.
Perhaps, Trump's greatest virtue is in helping us uncover who among the government-media crowd is mentally ill. I am convinced there are a few among the lefty commenters here.
He helps us uncover the phony intellectuals and moralists with their shallow NYT-level sermonizing.
He also helps us uncover the totalitarians and opportunists among the DNC-GOPe crowd.
They will never allow him to be re-elected, but now we know who they are.
Speaking of denial, many are in denial of Joe Biden's cognitive decline. But there it is.
Same old Democratic voices, still calling for people to respect jury verdicts......just like in the Jim Crow South, when all white juries typically convicted blacks on little to no evidence, while acquitting whites who assaulted or killed black victims. Democrats then too. You would think they would have new material 6 decades later.
Chuck Shumer, speaking from the steps of the SCOTUS reference abortion, would like a word (and his picture in the news).
President Biden, who explicitly said that he worked around the SCOTUS and ignored their decision with regard to student loans, would like a word.
Robert Cook said...
"Cook - Explain why Make America Great again is fascist."
Because it's a childish lie.
Hmmmmm.....a purported lie IS "fascism".
Makes perfect sense---if yer crazy as a shithouse rat!
Robert Cook said...
"Cook - Explain why Make America Great again is fascist."
Because it's a childish lie. It's addressed to our emotions, not to our intellects. It doesn't provide detailed policy proposals, but amounts to unspecific promises of "I will save you...and only I can!"
This is not true. You just don’t like the policies.
The policies of MAGA are clear:
1. Controlled Immigration that protects workers.
2. Reduced regulation and taxation on domestic production.
3. Tariffs on imports that benefit from exploitation of foreign workers.
4. No stupid wars.
5. Expansion of energy production by reducing federal government involvement in oil production.
These policies are clear, unambiguous, and obviously helped the working class.
You just don’t like them and have to be dishonest in dealing with it.
"These policies are clear, unambiguous, and obviously helped the working class."
Since progressives prefer policies that are foggy, subject to interpretation, and obviously help the ruling class, it's clear why leftards oppose Trump.
In short: MAGA = Fascist.
You really can't do better than that...?
follow the money
Eric Trump, [failson] of Donald Trump, claimed his father’s conviction on 34 felony charges last week is making “certain segments” of the population more likely to vote for him.
“For the first time, they realize that the system’s coming down, that he’s the victim, he’s the victim that oftentimes some of their communities were,” he told Fox News host Maria Bartiromo on Sunday. “You see them swinging. Look at the African American vote, right? That’s swinging over to Donald Trump in spades.”
So Donald has to have spades since he has no heart.
Cook. A childish lie would be to say your son died in combat when he did not. Or that you met someone called corn pop. MAGA is a slogan not a policy statement. And as a smart fellow you should be more careful in using the term fascism as a rhetorical flourish when it is clearly inapt. I recommend the Brittanaca article on fascism as a short course. You can cherry pick as much as you want from that as you like. But consider executive orders as a feature of, say, fascism lite.
Go home, Jennifer, you're drunk.
theyre all so predictable
Achilles said...
Robert Cook said...
"Cook - Explain why Make America Great again is fascist."
Because it's a childish lie. It's addressed to our emotions, not to our intellects. It doesn't provide detailed policy proposals, but amounts to unspecific promises of "I will save you...and only I can!"
This is not true.
The speech ended on the dictatorial note that has become the chilling, messianic signature of his 2024 campaign: “I am the only one that can save this nation,” he said. L’état, c’est Trump. [June 15, 2023]
Isn't making an appeal to a convection a denial of the jury's verdict?
If so then all whom appeal a conviction are deniers!
Speaking of appeal, why hasn't Trump appealed the verdict in his "hush money" trial? I expected appeals for emergency intervention by higher courts. I'm not a lawyer and must be missing something.
To feel emotional about a political leader is a clue that one is not thinking rationally or examining available data, but is simply vesting one's hopes and wishes into a person who promises he will save us
Robert Cook et al., try substituting the words "fears and nightmares" for "hopes and wishes" above, and the words "we believe will destroy us" for the words "promises he will save us" (and btw, as far as I know, Trump has never promised to "save us").
Do those substitutions ring any bells?
Further, Robert, you're making the error of, having correctly observed that fascists can and sometimes do use the language of nationalism, assuming that everyone who uses the language of nationalism is fascist. "Nationalism" isn't, in itself, a dirty word - but that you make it so.
Americans who believe in the worth of this country, founded not on geography and shared ancestry but on a specific, well-examined, and consciously chosen set of values, and having been the first among nations to remove class impediments (however imperfectly) from a person to allow her to strive to change her destiny according to her own desires, are not fascists, no matter how much you'd like to believe them to be, for whatever your reasons.
I'd be so interested to know your history - to know the origin of your apparent conviction that it's evil and stupid to believe that the United States, specifically, is good, at least on balance. If a Ghanaian loves her country, its history, its culture, its customs, is she evil or stupid? How about a Norwegian? If not, then why is an America-loving American?
Is it really just because in your mind, "America-loving" is inextricably linked to, what, the Jim Crow South? The Sacco and Vanzetti and Rosenberg trials? The McCarthy era? Such that the fact that you almost certainly know American history better than the history of Ghana or Norway means that you inevitably know our dark moments better than you know theirs?
progressives prefer policies that are foggy, subject to interpretation
Gender is sex-correlated attributes (e.g. sexual orientation).
Respect For Marriage Act disallows sexual discrimination, including: transgenderism (e.g. homosexual orientation of couplets), pedophilia, sadomasochism, etc.
Abortion is a human rite established under the Pro-Choice religion adopted by liberal sects to relieve perceived "burdens" on social, clinical, criminal, political, and climate progress.
Diversity is a color judgment or class bigotry, including: racism, sexism, etc.
Fascism is a sociopolitical model that entails a democratic/dictatorial consensus of public and private interests to secure capital and control through redistributive change and suppression/coercion.
And note the phrase "jury denial." It's like "election denial."
Is it like "existence of evidence denial"?
Speaking of appeal, why hasn't Trump appealed the verdict in his "hush money" trial? I expected appeals for emergency intervention by higher courts. I'm not a lawyer and must be missing something.
According to the Dersh, an appeal cannot be made until after sentencing. Sentencing was delayed until 3 days before the convention to forestall any chance of a quick appeal.
Cook has provided us with the rational that suffices to justify in his mind his radical leftism. He is not quite a communist but far to the left of anyone right of Obama. Obama's and Michelle's promise to "fundamentally transform America" was a prediction of what they really tried to do. I don't think they have succeeded but in Democrat governed states and cities the results are there for anyone to see. The internal migration seems to be the evidence of resistance. I think it is hilarious that Cook left near Marxist NY City for libertarian Florida. "Don't pay attention to what I say. Watch what I do."
Yes Comrade Cook depises the working class. They have too much freedom. Especially under Trump when they were less regulated. Had more influence on production and had more money. Comrade Cook will not be happy until a new soviet is formed and he is the head.
And before I foirget, D. D.. Civil rights for minorities. Another thing that has made us great. You racist.
People like Rubin - and there are a lot of them - are just so tedious.
It's the same, stupid shit day after day after day after day.
Robert Cook thinks he can refute the MAGA slogan by writing "Even in the best of times, there are serious problems" and "Reality everywhere is always a mix of good and bad".
No Trump voter, and no intelligent person - a lot of overlap there! - denies that. The fact is that Trump is not offering to 'Make America Flawless Again' or 'Make America Perfect Again' because he is well aware that it was never flawless or perfect. It was however great, and is no longer, in great part thanks to people like Robert Cook.
In Michigan if someone is convicted of a felony that person has an automatic right to appeal to the Michigan Court of Appeals. This isn't a "denial of a jury verdict" or whatever nonsense Jennifer Rubin is spouting. She's the sort, in my opinion, who would have supported lynching in the Jim Crow South.
Robert Cook "Make America Great Again" is fascist; "Fundamentally transforming America", just typical campaign rhetoric. This is the embodiment of rules for thee but not for me. Either they are both fascist, or they are both typical campaign rhetoric.
Robert Cook said...
So, you have nothing actually specific or thoughtful to contribute.
Radical legislation of the Obama era:
* DACA ("pen and a phone"
* ObamaCare (not one GOP vote!)
* Repeal of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell"
* Dodd Frank (itself an attempt to divert attention from Dem refusal to end the government's entering the "subprime" mortage market and "Fanny Mae" providing cover for banks to go along---policies Barney Frank himself promoted.
* The boondoggle that was the American Recovery and Reinvestment [stimulus] Act of 2009.
We're all sure you will simply curl your upper lip and sneer that these were not transformative, let alone "radical".
Jen's getting all her MAGAs in before the new editor sweeps the opinion column and she becomes a full-time cat carer.
from the same jennifer rubin:
Jennifer Rubin says if Democrats win the White House and majorities in the House and Senate, they will remove the filibuster, impeach Justice Alito, and pack the Supreme Court.
Jack Links Bacon Jerky.
It's like legal black tar heroine.
Back when Jen Rubin was a fake "conservative", Robert McDonnell appealed a similar unanimous jury verdict in a politically targeted case engineered by his political opposition-many of the same hacks involved in the absurd Trump prosecution. The result? 9-0 reversal by SCOTUS. Jury denial my ass.
The only jury denial going on is the Democrats denying that the jury was hopelessly partisan.
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