“What Trump and his acolytes are running on is an authoritarian playbook,” said Patrick Gaspard, the chief executive of the CAP Action Fund, the political arm of the liberal think tank the Center for American Progress. He added, “So now we have to democracy-proof our actual institutions and the values that we share.”...
The leaders of many of the centrist and left-leaning groups... are... wary about discussing their contingency plans publicly, for fear of signaling a lack of confidence in President Biden’s campaign prospects...
2. "If Trump Wins" by Charlie Savage, Jonathan Swan, and Maggie Haberman. This is a very useful list, but I'll just quote from the headings (except on the very last point). Wouldn't it be bad if this list of horribles actually appealed to a majority of Americans?
Mr. Trump is planning a massive expansion of his first-term crackdown on immigration.... Mr. Trump has declared that he would use the powers of the presidency to seek vengeance on his perceived foes.... Mr. Trump and his associates have a broad goal to alter the balance of power by increasing the president’s authority over every part of the federal government that currently operates independently of the White House.... At the risk of disrupting the economy in hopes of transforming it, Mr. Trump plans to impose new tariffs on most goods manufactured abroad.... Mr. Trump has long made clear that he sees NATO, the country’s most important military alliance, not as a force multiplier with allies but as a drain on American resources by freeloaders.... Mr. Trump has been more clear about his plans for using U.S. military force closer to home. He has said that he would: 1. Declare war on drug cartels in Mexico....
3. "At Biden Fund-Raiser, Hollywood and Democrats Let the Trump Attacks Fly/The Biden campaign said it raised at least $28 million on Saturday, at a fund-raiser in Los Angeles, where entertainers, Barack Obama and even Jill Biden assailed Donald J. Trump." Wow, that headline needs an Oxford comma (after "Obama"). No, the entertainers were not Obama and even Jill Biden. They had George Clooney, Julia Roberts, and Jimmy Kimmel. And Barbra Streisand, who introduced Jill Biden with the line, "She’s the neighbor everyone wishes they have, not the type that suddenly flies an American flag upside down."
Mainstream lawmakers and veteran legislators are increasingly marginalized by ideologically driven right-wing figures who have little interest in operating within the political establishment....
Right-wing hard-liners have tormented their leaders in Congress in recent years over the appropriations process, demanding steep spending cuts that the Democratic Senate and White House would never accept. They have repeatedly fueled the specter of a shutdown and forced consecutive Republican House speakers to rely on Democrats to push spending bills through....
ADDED: Re #3, feel the glamor:
Why are they all so squinty? I think a bright light is shining on them. It's bouncing off their forehead. I'm getting a come-to-the-light vibe...Had a great time catching up with a few good friends.
— Joe Biden (@JoeBiden) June 16, 2024
Together, we will beat Donald Trump. pic.twitter.com/TyAP0qj7Mz
१२७ टिप्पण्या:
I know people who voted for Biden because "The Resistance" to Trump just wore them down and they wanted calmer public discourse. They preferred Trump but "how bad could Biden be", they thought.
I knew it wouldn't be too long before they rolled out Babs. "And Barbra Streisand, who introduced Jill Biden with the line, "She’s the neighbor everyone wishes they have...."
Nobody knows about 'being a great neighbor' like Babs. Reference: I felt I was standing up for a principle...
Obama looks incredulous in that photo.
"It's almost as though there's a conspiracy to deny the election."
You could call it an insurrection. I hear they throw people in prison for that.
The collusion hoax was the form denial took after 2016. What will it be this time?
It is striking, isn't it, even for us cynical conservatives, that progs would be so upfront about "resisting" an incoming administration. All while lecturing the rest of us about "saving our democracy."
Well, I did say this would happen:
But I did think it would take longer than a week. Katzenberg, Bloomberg, and Clooney are all pulling hard for the same team- in theory. But Joe Biden must be pig-hungry for money if he's willing to sit through lectures on the ICC for it.
Resist is shorthand for - sore losers who cannot accept reality.
That Biden star-power in action! Remember when Kimmel was the lackey on "Win Ben Stein's Money"? How about those blackface routines as Karl Malone? And Obama's grimace? 'Nuff said.
That is a bad picture, three versions of the death's head. Who has the best rictus* smile?
*a kind of horrified, involuntary grin.
The story about the Biden fundraiser is worth reading, just to see what they're saying between the lines. Once again, Jill Biden is introduced first (prominently) and Joe is reduced to monosyllabic quotes that cannot be sugarcoated (they're trying, though).
The right story to run now is a re-cap of the shennanigans that went on when Trump was elected as #45. Remember the 'electors'? Remember all those Constitutional end-run attempts? Remember all the court cases filed? Remember all of gambits produced one-after-another, all designed to thwart Trump taking the oath? Start with that re-cap, and then move on to all the inspired 'Resistance' efforts over the 4 years. I would like to see this reporting, true opposition, but I don't have high hopes.
Of course the Democrats want to “democracy-proof” the country.
I just didn’t think they’d admit it so readily.
If Trump wins the election, the Left wants to use the bureaucracy and the courts to defeat his election mandate. That’s the opposite of democracy.
Seems like an admission of a RICO violation to me, conspiracy to commit insurrection.
If Trump wins, these dorks better fly the American flag upside down every day for four years, or they will be tacitly supporting the Orange Man!
This time I believe they have a bigger, more kinetic "resistance" in mind. Why do you think they've been importing all those unvetted "military-age men". No, I think this time they're going for a Red October event in January. And the Resistance Media (i.e., NYTWaPoCNNMSNBC...) will dutifully splash it as a popular uprising. The Antifa/Chaz/BLM attacks were just the dress rehearsals. Now that they've brought in the reinforcements in sufficient numbers they'll be springing the real thing.
NYT editorial board publishes misinformation, disinformation, malinformation, and handmade tales in an art of war. We're on a progressive path. All's fair in lust and abortion.
What the fuck is wrong with these people?
Re para #2 That sounds like a platform many of us would like to see.
Perhaps NYT should publicize it more. They might pick up some MAGA subscribers
John Henry
You could call it an insurrection. I hear they throw people in prison for that.
@Sebastian, it’s much worse than that. It’s a conspiracy to have an insurrection.
So a election denial insurrection is being created, but this one is ok.
I want some of those videos where they all say part of a sentence and then it is concantenated together. Those were fun!
They're worried that Trump will treat them the way they treated him. I hope he does.
"They preferred Trump but 'how bad could Biden be," they thought."
Not as bad as Trump.
Those Resistors look so gosh darn heroic in those photos. No bias there.
"How about those blackface routines as Karl Malone?"
No one has forgotten about Kimmel's blackface routines. No one has forgotten David Letterman's secret intern fuck rooms. As long as they stay in line and pose for photo ops with Joe there will be no problem. When these guys are longer useful in service of the cause the things everyone already knows about will become a VERY BIG DEAL. Ask Russell Brand.
You really believe that Democrats really want democracy which means rule by the people?
Tell me another fairy tale.
We have got to destroy democracy to save democracy.
1) I love the noble poses they give the people who are working the 'Resistance'. And please note: We are women, and people of color!!
2) I love that they tell the world that they are out to save democracy, even as they work to blow it up.
3) I think the NY Times has inadvertently nailed the entire Obama thing. He was an entertainer. If you like that kind of performance, he was stellar. Award winning- gathering (garnering?) a Nobel Prize before he even unpacked at the White House, just...because.
And as for celebrity endorsements, here is the single greatest commentary on it that I've ever seen:
...and you don't want that....
Kimmel peaked on Ben Stein's show.
As usual, the democrats are actually DOING what they accuse others of. They are open borders, they are bigots, right now they are also actual NAZIS and they have destroyed any reputaton the fbi/cia/doj ever had. They have declared parents domestic terrorists and they have actual political prisoners.
I have NOTHING in common with democrats.
I wrote it just last week- if Trump wins the election in November, the Democrats will do all of the same things for which they indicted and threw into prison the people who did them in 2020 and early 2021- and then some. The Democrats see this election as the one that will allow them to pack SCOTUS, make Puerto Rico and D.C. states, naturalize all 30 million illegal immigrants, and finally disarm everyone not government approved to own guns. That is a big prize for the Democrats and they will anything to achieve it- literally anything.
So press releases instead of actual investigation isnt ian bassin a former administration official where are they being funded
So press releases instead of actual investigation isnt ian bassin a former administration official where are they being funded
If Trump wins, they are going to claim any attempt to fire civil servants, which refuse to carry out his orders, as authoritarian. We should make it clear now that is a violation of their civil servant oath.
I guess this means that the Dems don't think they can gin up enough mail in votes to carry Old Joe over the finish line this time around. I'm a little surprised that they are revealing their plans to stymie the democratic process so early. Last time around they waited until after the election to et us know how they stole it (oops, I meant fortified the electoral process).
planetgeo- is probably right on what the left is willing to do this time around. They are fighting, literally, to defend totalitarianism.
Months of violent riots, billions of property destroyed, people murdered. All happened- the left called it peaceful, organic, and democracy. And Cook above summarizes the left by saying "not as bad as Trump". No context, no reality changes people who are so programmed they will cheer as thugs take over cities, murder, loot, rape, and kill innocents.
This time, when Trump is elected, the left will find out what happens when patient men and women have finally had enough.
I hope it doesn't come to that, but as the leftist commentators on this blog, the leftist talking heads etc all are clear on one thing- they will do anything, to protect the dystopian nightmare they worked so hard to create. Anything, as long as they don't have to get their own hands dirty.
The coming year may well be one of the most violent and chaotic year in our history.
This is just false hope signaling.
The truth is, our voter ID laws are mostly gone - & get-one-month-to-vote post-COVID deception/BS are all purpose-built to maintain the left's grip on power.
The NYT is building an argument for massive printing and distribution of mail in ballots to make certain everyone can vote. Ballots that will be left around in heaps, apartment complex's, nursing homes etc. Expect a truly massive amount of law fare no matter who wins. It could get very ugly.
Not to worry, the Trumpers already have their rigged election excuses in place - oh wait, what if he wins?
Demand recounts? That's what wingers did in Missoula, even though the GOP swept the state ..
Mr Wibble: "Want to know why Trump is so popular with the base? Because the GOP leadership is otherwise worthless"
It's important to remember that none of the dem "resistance" in 2016 and beyond would have worked if not for the entirety of the GOPe leadership working hand in glove with the dems to thwart any and all changes Trump wanted to bring to DC.
There was only 1 republican House committee chair that was fighting back against the collusion lies pushed by the dems/GOPe...Devin Nunes. And Paul Ryan worked with the dems to sideline him immediately so that the Gang of 8 could remain the Gang of 7 who were all on the same page of threatening Trump with impeachment every day of his presidency.
Thus, despite the dems/LLR-dems who will always be dems/LLR-dems, in practical terms it was the McConnell/Ryan impeachment threats that stymied Trump from 2017 to 2019 and after Ryan threw the House to the dems in 2018 it was all set up for multiple impeachments with the dem led House.
Gunner said...
If Trump wins, these dorks better fly the American flag upside down every day for four years, or they will be tacitly supporting the Orange Man!
They don't hang the flag upside down to protest, they burn it.
They're just using the polling now to see how many fake ballots they need to print up, so not all is lost : )
The fear of the dems/GOPe-ers now is that if Trump were to take office in Jan of 2025 (Spoiler: "they" will never allow that) Trump knows enough to tell McConnell to shove it (in 2016 McConnell and the Senate republicans forced Trump to nominate people he did not want to key roles and then warned Trump not to push back on the hoaxed up "investigations" as there were enough republican votes for impeachment in the House and Senate if Trump pushed it too far) and to move forward despite the inevitable threats now that ALL the masks are off and Trump knows how the GOPe works with dems.
Looks like the progs are getting wee wee'd up. Not like that's a bad thing.
Just like 2016 before they even knew what his agenda was. This is Democrats' idea of "preserving Democracy." They will continue to tear the country apart using legal or illegal means.
Barbra Streisand is still alive???
“So now we have to democracy-proof our actual institutions and the values that we share ". When people tell you who and what they are, believe them. But, this is what every tyrant, every totalitarian society has done thru out history. Their values aren't democratic, they don't want those institutions to be democratic. They are vile, fascist, tyrants, just as they have always been. Root them out of the government. Remember who they are and what they have done, what planned to do further. They are enemies in every sense of the word and should be treated as such, in spades. You do not and cannot hate them eenough.
Trump challenges Biden to a cognitive test but confuses the name of the doctor who tested him
Well then let’s have them do the test and compare. Cognitive, IQ, and drug tests by a neutral administrator.
Just so you know, cognitive tests aren’t repeatedly administered to someone unless there’s a concern. It’s a real tell that Trump keeps mentioning it.
On the issue of biden's dementia-riddled cognitive status, LLR-democratical Rich is like the last Japanese soldier hiding on an island fighting a battle that was lost and settled years and years earlier.
Rich is now basically at gadfly level.
Joe Biden is the smartest man Rich has ever seen.
Dr. First Lady Dr. Jill was campaigning with Hanoi Jane. That's how desperate they are.
It's not democracy if the Democrat loses. The Democrat/Barbarian Party is the party of fascism and authoritarianism. Dementia Joe has been issuing Executive Orders beyond his authority like they were French fries. He's told his alphabet agencies to throw monkey wrenches (spanners for our English buddies) into the production machinery. No gas-powered car for you, said the EPA Nazis. No nat-gas furnaces nor driers neither.
The Democrat/Barbarians are just projecting what they want to do on Republicans. The DBs are full into DEI - Deranged, Extremist and Incompetent.
If Trump wins, they are going to claim any attempt to fire civil servants, which refuse to carry out his orders, as authoritarian. We should make it clear now that is a violation of their civil servant oath.
No it isn't. Their oath is:
"I, AB, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter."
Not one mention of the president in there. So, you are just lying.
Nobody knows about 'being a great neighbor' like Babs
Streisand would love having Jill as a neighbor, hoping the Secret Service would limit aerial photography of the area.
“So now we have to democracy-proof our actual institutions and the values that we share.”
Isn't that what they have been doing? Many of our government institutions seem to have no respect for democracy. Maybe it's because they exist outside of the democratic process.
Mr. Trump is planning a massive expansion of his first-term crackdown on immigration.... Mr. Trump has declared that he would use the powers of the presidency to seek vengeance on his perceived foes
Mr. Trump is planning on enforcing our laws, including border security. Mr. Trump is considering taking advantage of the precedent that has been set by the Biden use of lawfare.
Yes the constitution is more than a hundred years old and written by white men so disregard right
The article on the resistance was somewhat frightening. We share a nation with a large number of people who believe they are under no obligation to accept the results of elections.
Field Marshall Freder: "Not one mention of the president in there. So, you are just lying."
What are you, an infant?
Explain Milley's phone calls to his ChiCom pals telling them not to worry about Trump's orders?
Recall judge ginsburg preferred the south african constitution obama thought it had too much focus on 'negative liberties' what govt cant do to you
Not one mention of the president in there. So, you are just lying.
Article II, Section 1: The executive power shall be vested in a President of the United States of America. ...
The Constitution gives the President power to run the Executive Branch. Firing misbehaving bureaucrats is in his power. Reduction in Force of the bureaucracy is in his statutory power. Stripping the alphabet agencies of their rule making powers is in his authority. Telling those agencies that they need approval from Congress for any new rules is in his power.
Retail Lawyer at 9:07 - "I know people who voted for Biden because "The Resistance" to Trump just wore them down and they wanted calmer public discourse.".
That is the challenge for any R president. When R is president, the cultural and social heat goes off the scale. When a D is president, the cultural and social forces say "all is well, let's chill, life is good."
Ah, The Resistance! The White upper and middle-class Establishment that control everything.
Even for a milieu joyfully mired in self-dramatization and unrepentant douchiness, this pose is particularly absurd. Like they’re running guns to the Maquis or something.
There’s a significant number of Democrats secretly praying for a Trump victory. The soap-opera pleasures that will ensue will be delicious for them.
Let the lefty panic-mincing begin!
'Well then let’s have them do the test and compare. Cognitive, IQ, and drug tests by a neutral administrator.'
Sure. Everyone thinks Biden is completely lucid and has a 130+ IQ.
You're a dumb fucker.
Mr. Trump has declared that he would use the powers of the presidency to seek vengeance on his perceived foes....
I get that Lefties hate Christians, but “do unto others as ye would have them do unto you” is still pretty good advice. And, point of information, Trump’s enemies are “perceived” to be his foes because they’ve made it 100% plain that they really are his foes.
I am so happy! #theresistance is back. So much fun to read these brave warriors facing up,to the man facing down fascism, saving Democracy.
at The New York Times, it looks as though Trump has already won the election.
that's because he DID win the election.. AND the re-election..
The Only reason he's not in power is because of the coup..
Mr. Trump is planning a massive expansion of his first-term crackdown on immigration.... Mr. Trump has declared that he would use the powers of the presidency to seek vengeance on his perceived foes....
You don't need to sell me, I'm already voting for the guy.
“I think it's possible that the Dems have decided to let Joe lose, and focus on salvaging their position in Congress. Taking the House, or keeping the Senate to 50/50, would allow them to stymie any attempt by Trump to enact his agenda. Let Biden push through a wish list of progressive goodies, and then take the subsequent heat for it.”
I don’t think that they can get a Dem Congress without significant election fraud in swing states. They probably have maybe a half dozen extra Senate seats right now, thanks to the massive election fraud in those states in 2020 and 2022 (e.g. AZx2, GAx2, PA, NV). And Trump is likely to have decently long coat tails for both Senate and House seats this year. As he picks up steam in Blue states, I expect that more formerly safe Dem seats to come into play.
And with that, it won’t be Nancy Pelosi denying Trump’s request for National Guard on 1/6 this time, but rather a Republican Speaker requesting those troops. Does the Dem DC Mayor deny their request? Then move the festivities away from the Capital. Say, move them across the river into VA, with a Republican Governor.
I am not unworried, but I think that it would be harder than many think to actually implement a coup, leaving the Dems in power. Declaring martial law is just too transparent. What I worry about are the rumors of huge numbers of military aged men coming into the country, and that much of it appears to being coordinated by the FJB Administration. There are rumors of a large number of secret facilities popping up around the country, and a significant number of USAF planes flying them in.
We shall see. My advice is to buy guns, ammo, and probably body armor, while working to secure the election.
“I get that Lefties hate Christians, but “do unto others as ye would have them do unto you” is still pretty good advice. And, point of information, Trump’s enemies are “perceived” to be his foes because they’ve made it 100% plain that they really are his foes.”
Turning the other cheek is fine, but as things are going, more and more Jews appear to be swinging over, and they still believe in the older maxim of an eye for an eye…
If Trump wins the election what's to keep him from being sworn in away from Washington. It has happened for virtually every president who has take the office upon the death of the incumbent.
I'm thinking Alito or Clarence Thomas at Mar-a-Lago. He could provide his own security and let the the anti-Tumpists set fire to Washington. I would like the optics of that. They were rioting in the streets in 2017 and were hampered by some police intervention. This time I'd let them go and let the images of a real riot/insurrection be in the hands of the democrats.
Of course, he's got to win first.....
I had a friend bring up the Trump classified documents prosecution. He spoke scathingly of trump's claim to have had declassification authority.
I asked him who he thought should ultimately have the authority to decide what matters are "Top Secret" in our government. He was stumped. I said that someone has to have that power. He muttered about people in positions of authority in their areas of expertise. I asked "where does their authority come from? Who decides this?" I told him that under our Constitution it could only be, ultimately, the President--at least with regard to executive branch matters.
He changed the subject.
The fact is that Joe Biden's dubious "executive orders" are far more grounded in Constitutional authority than anything that these unelected power brokers are doing or plan to do. These people are precisely who the Founders were worried about when they drafted our Constitution, and prioritized the Bill of Rights.
"We had to destroy democracy in order to save it."
NY Times sends out the call to Hawaiian judges dust off their robes and go to the bullpen and start warming up.
Rich said...
"Just so you know, cognitive tests aren’t repeatedly administered to someone unless there’s a concern. It’s a real tell that Trump keeps mentioning it."
It's actually a tell that you keep mentioning it.
Here is the form the resistance will take if Trump wins in November- the closest states, likely to be the same swing states from 2020, will challenged in court much the way Hillary and Jill Stein did in 2016 before the discrepancies in Michigan scared them away from continuing the challenges. These challenges will be filed with Democrat friendly state and federal court district judges to get restraining orders to prevent certification as long as possible, and where the Democrats control the legislature, expect them to "certify" the Biden/Harris electoral slate by early December if at all possible providing dueling slates to generate even more court cases. Also, there will be an all out press to get Trump electors to go faithless. Expect lots of protesting, riots, and other violence with the media calling for the Republicans to support Biden to protect the country from violence.
Freder Frederson said...
If Trump wins, they are going to claim any attempt to fire civil servants, which refuse to carry out his orders, as authoritarian. We should make it clear now that is a violation of their civil servant oath.
No it isn't. Their oath is:
"I, AB, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter."
Not one mention of the president in there. So, you are just lying.
"The executive power shall be vested in a President of the United States of America."
14 words.
Freder is too stupid to read 14 words.
Yes I know it is 15. I can't wait to see how they jump on that without reading this.
They just cannot read and comprehend.
Rich said...
Just so you know, cognitive tests aren’t repeatedly administered to someone unless there’s a concern. It’s a real tell that Trump keeps mentioning it.
Everyone knows Biden is suffering from dementia.
Only people that are dumber than the dementia patient are still posting this.
Wild Chicken at 10:37 - I LOVE the idea of recounting votes even if "your guy" won the original count! I further love the idea of a completely open and televised recount process so that the People can see for themselves that the count is free from fiddling. Was there a vote change from the original tally? Find out what happened! Justify the change! It's about time the People see how electoral sausage is made. I say this as a "winger" from Kalispell.
we saw this attempt to steal back in 2000, thats when Jake Tapper got his start, 'the brooks brother riot' as they described it, prevented them from double counting votes, in 2004, they went after Diebold, and Ken Blackwell, and Conyers was the spearhead, in 2016, they tried with Stein, but the chain of custody om ballots were too flawed,
"Democracy-proof our institutions".... in other words protect them against democracy. Aren't these the exact same people saying Trump is the threat against democracy?
The American people (to Democrats): "If you'd just adopt sensible policies, you could easily encourage more people to vote for your candidates.
Democrats (after thinking about it for a couple of seconds): "No, thanks. We'll stick with cheating. It worked, didn't it?"
Joey is melting
An awful lot of lefty federal government bureaucrats are going to discover the limits of the Civil Service Reform Act when they are transferred to their agency’s Spokane field station.
You missed the best part. At the end of the thing with Kimmel, Obie and Brandon, Obie waves a couple times than starts to walk off stage. Brandon just stands there, frozen, deer in the headlights, not waving just staring at the audience.
Obie has to come back, grab brandon's arm, get him turned around and started walking. He then keeps his hand on Brandon's back to keep him moving? Guided? until they get off stage.
Video here https://x.com/chrissgardner/status/1802239454314410096
Several said Kimmel peaked with Ben Stein. I like Ben Stein on that show and Kimmel was pretty good too. But I think he really did his very best work on The Man Show.
John Henry
"transferred to their agency’s Spokane field station."
Spokane? You're far too generous. I hear North Dakota is nice in the winter.
Could someone explain to me how the United States is a democracy?
There is nothing in the Constitution giving anyone any federal right to vote with the sort of vague exception of the House
The House of Representatives shall be composed of Members chosen every second Year by the People of the several States, and the Electors in each State shall have the Qualifications requisite for Electors of the most numerous Branch of the State Legislature.
Nothing requiring states to allow for popular election of their legislatures, though I think all states did at the time (more or less)
Senators used to be appointed by states. Now 17A says:
The electors in each State shall have the qualifications requisite for electors of the most numerous branch of the State legislatures.
And the president is, of course, elected by the 50 countries, oops, I mean "states" that make up the USA. Not by the people in those states. Except as prescribed by state constitutions.
I fail to see anything in the federal constitution that would lead any reasonable person to think the US is, or is designed to be, a democracy.
I also don't see why rule by the mob should be considered a good thing.
John Henry
you take just one of the bylines,
as they say he's not even wrong, he's been systematically off the keel
I could reference Maggie Haberman's gossip that often doesn't pan out, or the ones that show that government officials don't follow their constitutional duty,
Barbra Streisand introduced Jill Biden with the line, "She’s the neighbor everyone wishes they have, not the type that suddenly flies an American flag upside down."
I see other commenters noted the "Streisand effect" whereas I thought that Hunter (and other crack-using family members) would appear to be part of the package of having 'dr' Jill Biden as a neighbor.
Within that article "At Biden Fund-Raiser, Hollywood and Democrats Let the Trump Attacks Fly" it was striking that 'dr' Jill has more quoted words attributed to her than does the president, who is mostly quoted as responding to quips by Kimmel.
NY Times, notably more and more consistently hostile to Biden, interestingly included a quote with the President "trailing off" (re Biden "referring to Mr. Trump, 'The idea that if he is re-elected, he’s going to appoint two more who are waving flags upside down, is —' He trailed off.")
Finally, and oddly, the New York Times quoted a protester:
“'People are going in to fund Biden’s re-election campaign while he is arming Israel and funding a genocide against the people in Palestine,' said one of the demonstrators, Jodie Evans, 70, a political activist and documentary producer who lives in the Venice neighborhood of Los Angeles."
Unmentioned by the New York Times, that protester, Jodie Evans also ran the 1992 presidential campaign of Jerry Brown and is a cofounder of CODEPINK.
Those seem like relevant background items to include.
the same Code Pink which is silent to the real genocide of the Uighurs by the Xi regime, yes that might be relevant,
Robert Cook said...
"They preferred Trump but 'how bad could Biden be," they thought."
"Not as bad as Trump."
We have established, Trotskyite, Bob. That you loath the working class and you have now stated that you have no use for peace and prosperity.
Do you ever buy groceries?
Achillies said,
"Freder is too stupid to read 14 words."
Freder you dumbass!
Those who would deny the rights of others, forfeit their own rights.
I commented at NYT on this article. I'm alway careful with my comments there. The only response I got was aggressive, unintelligible and stupid. I've been commenting and reading comments at NYT for years. The comments there now rival the comments at Yahoo News for stupidity and hostility toward Trump, MAGA and Republicans. Trump apparently exudes a media borne virus that eats Democrat brains (or what ever is up there.).
Mandates only come in one flavor…Totalitarian Left. Enjoy the taste of servitude.
"She’s the neighbor everyone wishes they have, not the type that suddenly flies an American flag upside down."
Is that upside-down flying flag the same one that the left likes to burn?
The left: If Trump is elected, he's going to shut down the FBI and the IRS, deport tens of millions of illegals, and fire tens of thousands of federal workers.
The meme: I'm already voting for him. You don't have to sell it.
It’s a real tell that Trump keeps mentioning [having taken a cognitive test].
It is indeed! It's a tell that the Trump campaign believes - absolutely correctly, in my view and based on my conversations with friends and family - that the American people are deeply concerned with Biden's clear cognitive... I suppose the salient word is "decline," even though he didn't have a very high cliff to fall from.
The winds are shifting. Time to break-out the resistance and mothball the obstruction.
Remember, we are the heroes, in the movie playing in our heads.
I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter.
If you reject and resist the lawful of orders of a duly elected President, then you are not faithful nor discharging your duties of the office. If you encourage others to do the same, you are conspiring.
The consensus I've come across in the UK, among many reflexive non Trumpers is that Biden seems senile and how can voters vote for him.
Jamie at 4:34. Joe was properly described as the dumbest man in the Senate when he was in his mental prime. For cognitive decline, Joe simply stepped off the curb. He didn't fall off a cliff.
As a general rule, reading comments only solidifies my already incipient misanthropy, and that goes for both ends of the political spectrum. That said, there are two people here who never fail to impress me. Obviously it is Jamie and Temujin. Hassayamper and Rusty are always good as well, but nobody does reasonable and smart like Jamie and Temujin.
Thanks very much!
Robert Cook, you are so close to being reasonable, but you are at least interesting if a bit blinkered.
Drago, you're too smart to be so smug. It's a bad look on everyone.
All the best to everyone. You're all better than I am, so there's that.
Trump is not Hitler. Him winning is not the end of Democracy. You are not in any way comparable to le resistánce. Get over yourself assholes and field a living candidate next time.
They had George Clooney, Julia Roberts, and Jimmy Kimmel. And Barbra Streisand, who introduced Jill Biden with the line, "She’s the neighbor everyone wishes they have, not the type that suddenly flies an American flag upside down."
It's almost as if they want you to despise our elites even more than we already do.
Boatbuilder said...”He changed the subject.”
Of course. Leftists are allergic to facts.
And still they only raised 25 million
The strange thing about Trump is that last time his administration was characterized also by a lot of incompetence. So it's hard to know whether he'll have more competent people this time. There's one provision, which is either positive or negative, depending on how you feel about it, which is that Trump himself is so unpredictable and so lacks anything resembling a coherent vision of the world, that it's possible that he could just stumble through another four years and nothing much would happen.
Old and slow: "Drago, you're too smart to be so smug. It's a bad look on everyone."
I believe your criticism is unwarranted as I do not drive a Prius.
I rest my case.
They lie about most everything that matters and were supposed to be civil about it, every major city on the east and west coast and midwest that has a democrat mayor is under siege millions are one paycheck away from losing their homes from being unable to feed their families we have millions of persons we dont know where they are or what they are here for
They lie about most everything that matters and were supposed to be civil about it, every major city on the east and west coast and midwest that has a democrat mayor is under siege millions are one paycheck away from losing their homes from being unable to feed their families we have millions of persons we dont know where they are or what they are here for
They lie about most everything that matters and were supposed to be civil about it, every major city on the east and west coast and midwest that has a democrat mayor is under siege millions are one paycheck away from losing their homes from being unable to feed their families we have millions of persons we dont know where they are or what they are here for
They lie about most everything that matters and were supposed to be civil about it, every major city on the east and west coast and midwest that has a democrat mayor is under siege millions are one paycheck away from losing their homes from being unable to feed their families we have millions of persons we dont know where they are or what they are here for
"The strange thing about Trump is that last time his administration was characterized also by a lot of incompetence."
Like what, exactly, Rich? Be specific with instances and people.
Blogger Drago said...
Old and slow: "Drago, you're too smart to be so smug. It's a bad look on everyone."
I believe your criticism is unwarranted as I do not drive a Prius.
I rest my case.
In fact, you just proved my case. I agree with you on most of the important questions, so my criticism was only mild. I quite like my Prius. It is one of the few with a Trump 2024 sticker on it.
Trump himself is so unpredictable
Thanks for bringing that up Rich. It was definitely one of his strengths in foreign policy. But he did tell us he wasn't going to telegraph his moves even before he was elected. I thought his serving chocolate cake with a side of cruise missiles for dessert while dining with Xi was brilliant on a number of levels. Reagan, to a lesser degree, had the same knack.
His unpredictability gave him the upper hand with foreign adversaries on several occasions.
But you're probably trying to point out that a lot of life long insiders were complaining to the tune of "I've been in government for 50 years and that's not the way we do things." I consider that another good reason to to vote for him.
"The strange thing about Trump is that last time his administration was characterized also by a lot of incompetence."<
The Afghanistan retreat.
The Gaza Pier.
Military recruitment.
How many chargers has Pete Buttigieg built with $7.5 billion?
There's more, and Biden doesn't have an entrenched bureaucracy purposely planting land mines.
Drago said..."On the issue of biden's dementia-riddled cognitive status, LLR-democratical Rich is like the last Japanese soldier hiding on an island fighting a battle that was lost and settled years and years earlier."
Looks like a flamethrower is the solution for Rich??
Desperate times call for desperate measures.
That's been true for twenty years, since at least 2000.
Bill Clinton complained repeatedly in the 90s that the Republican Right claimed he was an illegitimate President, when we actually said he was an unfit one.
I look forward to seeing blue cities in flames when their residents throw a temper tantrum.
And I hope to see the headline TRUMP TO NYC: DROP DEAD!
For our Dicks, so you don't need to defend Biden, the assistant press secty already did on X
By pretending the President taking in an applauding crowd for a few seconds is somehow wrong,
He didn't freeze, he was "taking in the crowd" Sounds kind of like a Monty Python sketch involving a dead parrot, doesn't it.
OTOH, perhap he spoke truthfully. The crowd did seem to be "taken in" by Brandon and Obie. They seem to think he is not only president but is doing a good job.
John Henry
Like I expected- Rich takes a powder.
How many chargers has Pete Buttigieg built with $7.5 billion?
And how many chargers has Tesla built for "free" in the sense the govt didn't have to pay for them?
"More than 50,000" according to the Tesla website just now.
John Henry
Old and slow said...
All the best to everyone. You're all better than I am, so there's that.
6/16/24, 6:01 PM
Danno: "Looks like a flamethrower is the solution for Rich??"
Well, in the words of a typical WW2 generation dude, Rich isn't worth the bullet it would take to send him to hell, so for a flamethrower paraphrase I'd go with Rich isn't worth the fuel it would take to send him to hell...particularly at the high fuel prices everyone can see that Rich denies exists!
Old and Slow: "In fact, you just proved my case. I agree with you on most of the important questions, so my criticism was only mild. I quite like my Prius. It is one of the few with a Trump 2024 sticker on it."
What are the odds?
I live in Colorado and was riffing off the Southpark episode dealing with Prius' and "smug".
What's predictable about Biden other than he's going to do what the Obama/Prog cabal in the Democrat Party tell him to do? Quit trying to pretend he's making these choices on his own.
"Excerpt from point #2. " . . . . increasing the president’s authority over every part of the federal government that currently operates independently of the White House...."
Constitutionally, there are two other branches of government that operate independently of the White House -- Congress and the Supreme Court. All the other Federal agencies, with the exception of those that operate for the other two branches (like the Congressional Research Service) are agencies that work within the Executive Branch -- EPA, NSA, ATFE, all the Cabinet officers and departments, etc.) Trump doesn't need additional authority, he just expects to exert his authorities and responsibilities. Agencies like the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau are funded outside of Congress (the Fed) and don't answer to the President. ALL THE Federal agencies not explicitly created to support the other branches need to be corralled by the President.
Trump challenges Biden to a cognitive test but confuses the name of the doctor who tested him
It's quite telling that you didn't quote the actual "confusion", perhaps because it was more like a typo than a cognitive glitch.
He called Dr. Ronny Jackson, "Ronny Johnson", hardly a sign of mental decline. It's not like he called him "Ronny Schwartz".
So they want to prevent the person who is elected from doing what he said he would do if elected.
And they call that "defending democracy".
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