The group stresses its moderation: "The orange cornflour we used will soon wash away with the rain, but the urgent need for effective government action to mitigate the catastrophic consequences of the climate and ecological crisis will not."Just stop oil protestors damage Stonehenge 😭
— Stonehenge U.K (@ST0NEHENGE) June 19, 2024
९२ टिप्पण्या:
Orange Stone Bad.
It is just like the Penzey billboard ads mentioned below.
The fascists can't abide by people disagreeing with them and threatening their power.
They just need to be moved to China where they belong. They do not belong in a free society.
I thought the word “besmirch” meant assault on reputation.
When Moses broke the stone tablets, it would never occur to me to say Moses besmirched them. Maybe I’m wrong. I haven’t looked up the definitions.
They don't have tasers in the UK ? Stop allowing these fascist twits to destroy public property. They are mentally ill, secure then in an appropriate facility. Stop letting the nutters run the asylum. Geez.
They are funded by a very rich hedge fund manager chris holm
Sentence them to live in replicas of Iron Age huts, but without heat and absolutely no air conditioning. Force them to cook over wood fires. It’s what they want for us.
Remember when the religious nuts just held "The End Is Near" signs and "Repent" signs?
What's the difference between ancient pre-Druids and climate activists?
One is a superstitious mystery cult.
The other built Stonehenge.
The only difference between lunatics like these and Aum Shinrikyo is the latter had chemists.
Also halloween season of the witch
What would a besmirched stone say?
Luke 19:40
The world Climate Hoax rolls along.
Don't these clowns realize that without oil, they would be living a short, nasty and brutish life?
Yesterday I listened to some of the Omaha Public Power District's committee meeting; the part about revising its net zero policy. No discussion of the cost. But from its own consultant, the cost will be at least $28b.
OPPD has the unique distinction of being a government entity that ignore both the law and public opinion. Astounding.
"I thought the word “besmirch” meant assault on reputation.
"Besmirch" is exactly the right word. It means (OED) "To soil, discolour, as with smoke, soot, or mud." There is also the figurative meaning, that you're thinking of, "to sully, dim the lustre of."
It's like "smear" and "tar" and "dirty." It's something physical, initially, then can be used figuratively.
"When Moses broke the stone tablets, it would never occur to me to say Moses besmirched them."
But if he'd rubbed Cheeto dust into them, you might.
How did they get out to Stonehenge? Did they walk all the way from London?
Dave Begley said...
Don't these clowns realize that without oil, they would be living a short, nasty and brutish life?"
No they don't. EVERYTHING runs on petroleum products. Everything. When you stop oil all motion stops.
Is someone going to tell the oil to go away? Billions of gallons of cheap, portable energy?
Remember, "Climate" is "global."
Why oh why can't we just turn these fools into oil? We have the technology. We can compress them. And there's gotta be enough of them to add years to our reserves.
St. Thurnberg alone has got to be worth at least 5 barrels if they crush extra hard.
"How did they get out to Stonehenge? Did they walk all the way from London?"
They were carried by swallows...they gripped the hippies 'by the husk'. And then PETA got involved. Oh boy...
I am so tired of these self-important twits. They need a good punch in the nose.
the urgent need for effective government action to mitigate the catastrophic consequences of the climate and ecological crisis
The government has acted. Women are in the workforce and not having children.
The population is going to collapse and solve our environmental problems.
I’ve seen “Just Stop Oil” purposely do damage and harm to the environment, yet they want us to stop others from doing the same. Well first, I want to stop them.
The group will now move down to France to create some lovely altercations at the Tour de France. Racers will appear shocked on TV, saying "Look at me, I'm bicycling, I'm on your side!" only to have it pointed out that their bottom brackets are not lubed with vegetable oil.
the urgent need for effective government action to mitigate the catastrophic consequences of the climate and ecological crisis.
Effective government action?
What’s that?
Effective government action? What's that?
The paradigm all "effective government" advocates (Inga, D.D. Driver, LLR Chuck, etc.) admire and emulate.
"The urgent need for government action," AKA institutionalization of mentally ill fascists.
Did they drive in?
Maybe resettle them on Adak, AK. Lots of abandoned buildings (shelter firewood). Cut existing electricity and ability to access internet. Let 'em figure it out.
Defacing well-known places and things seems to be the current strategy of these loons. How many people are persuaded to change their way of thinking whenever this happens? Zero? LESS than zero? Seems to me that such actions are counterproductive to "the movement".
What "catastrophic consequences"? These are anti-science Chicken Littles.
I read recently read about the "March of Dimes Syndrome," an interesting piece by John Tierney in the City Journal (If the link was from here, I apologize, but the message bears repeating.). The point was that after the cause disappears activists will find a new one. The Chicken Littles will never let this go. A new cause couldn't be as damaging and destabilizing as this one. Not to mention the huge amounts of graft available.
Vile creatures. I don't believe their dyes are environmentally friendly. According to the State of California's Prop 65 warning every substance on earth "may" give you cancer or harm pregnant women. Won't somebody speak for the pregnant Druids!
Yellow rock is a hate crime targeting a minority.
When you cross over the bridge on 1-10 into St Charles, there is a billboard pleading for the end of the natural gas industry. I get a hearty chuckle every time.
There need to be strict and strongly punitive consequences for these acts both for the financier and the terrorist. Defacing a priceless monument or painting is an unforgivable crime and should be treated as such.
Defacing a priceless monument or painting is an unforgivable crime and should be treated as such.
They are depriving current future generations of observing the beauty our ancestors created. They are no different from the Taliban (and BLM) blowing up old statues or the marauding fools who burn churches and cathedrals.
Stuff that cornflour up their cheeky bottoms.
Is the cause just stop oil or carbon dioxide emissions perchance carbon? Ambiguity is like Diversity is a first-order forcing of climate change.
[Black] Lives Matter was/is a billion dollar cover-up of George "Fentanyl" Floyd syndrome imported from China, manufactured south of the border, then redistributed through immigration reform that kills thousands of Americans annually.
Seems to me that such actions are counterproductive to "the movement"
I suppose that depends on the goal.
Putting the most charitable color on their actions that I can, perhaps they consider that the war is already lost and all they can do is try to ruin things for humanity the way humanity has ruined things for the earth? Justice? Revenge?
Because I think you're absolutely correct that these actions DO NOT concert anyone to an environmental cause. They might convert some people to Direct Action™ because it's so exhilarating to destroy, or at least besmirch, in the name of even (maybe especially) a lost cause.
At least it is encouraging to see civilians jump in and stop the vandals. I haven't seen that before. I would like to believe that they gave the barbarians a thorough beating, off camera, before the cops showed up, but that's probably a wish too far.
That's a lot easier than hauling an anti-Israel banner halfway up El Capitan.
But just as ineffective.
Jail time needed. If these idiots want to deface public icons to gain notoriety and attention for their "cause", then it should be because they have indicated a willingness to pay the price. That is, 9 months in the slammer.
I wonder where on the LGTBQ+ spectrum they identify. Maybe they are gender-Druid.
Meanwhile in today's UK elections it's a blowout landslide for Labour.
Somebody needs to shoot one (or more) of these fuckers.
Just Stop Nonsense.
Arrest them for public mischief and felony destruction of property of a World Heritage site.
Sentence them to 1 year community service 'Leading by Example'.
Said service to be confinement to a wildlife preserve, fire allowed, no petroleum products, CO2 ecological impact and emissions to be cataloged for the duration, in the pursuit of science. Strict oversight imposed.
No derivative oil consumption either, so: natural fabric clothing only, all utilitarian requirements for shelter and lifestyle to be free of hydrocarbon tainting, no electricity, no communications.
Watch the rich benefactor's lawyers spring into action, provide microscopic coverage of same every day.
Al gores nephew is one of them
Al gores nephew is one of them
Elections not till july 4
Ooops. The polls predict a Labour landslide in the upcoming election. The Telegraph makes a huge deal of it.
That ninety pound woman (security person?, soldier?, cop?) trying to stop them should be, what do you call it?, oh yeah, a man.
'Meanwhile in today's UK elections it's a blowout landslide for Labour.'
The British are an incredibly weak people.
And St. Paul's will be a mosque in 20 years if not sooner...
the catastrophic consequences of the climate and ecological crisis
The Green blight, Urban Heat Island effect, AI, reproductive rites, etc.
Dave Begley said...OPPD has the unique distinction of being a government entity that ignore both the law and public opinion. Astounding.
I can't think of much that is less unique.
The Yellow S[cam]
Why do these people never attack evil oil at its core? Why aren't they destroying pipelines, or gas stations, or gluing their hands to the walls of British Petroleum's headquarters? Why aren't they slashing oil bottles at auto parts stores instead of attacking the security case of the Magna Carta? Why is their indignant rage aimed at everything but the antagonist they hate so much?
Odd that.
The stones were mined in Wales hundreds of miles from Stonehenge. The edifice was erected over hundreds of years. How the stones were transported is a mystery. SeeMike Pitts “Hiw to build Stonehenge”
Heard via Erik Erikson that the besmirching damaged, maybe even killed off, a unique kind of moss that had taken up residence on the stones.
While this hasn't been discussed AFAICT, it seems likely that the 'powdered paint' will simply wash off so that there is no real damage -- all gone the next time it rains. Which won't be long in England. So the protesters are counting on the outrage shown here and elsewhere to gin up publicity. The appropriate reaction may have been to arrest the perps, gently spray a bit of water on the stones to wash them (after consultation with experts in cleaning such matters), and otherwise ignore this stunt as much as possible -- with some modest jail term for the perps. If the powder actually does damage to the stones, then I'd throw the book at them and especially look at serious civil penalties. I suspect bankruptcy is rather less likely to provide martyrs than jail.
On the day before the Summer Solstice? Why not have these tiresome Philistine twat-waffles arrested for their blatant religious hate crime against the Pagans & Wiccans?
Just a thought...
“The climate and ecological crisis…” Someone is hedging their bets.
#MeToo is an attention and capital seeking social enterprise.
I have an annual kitchenhenge when the sun setting in the NW streams in through distant trees, through the back porch door, across the family room, and shines in the east kitchen wall.
Here's a pic of one recorded in 2018.
Milkbone color-coordinated with de Stael painting.
We grow organic rice here in the Philippines...and how exactly are we to grow food without fossil fuel to run our farm machinery to plow the fields, harvest the rice, separate the rice from the stalk, dry the rice, transport it to market, not to mention using fertilizer based on fossil fuel or for our organic farm, transporting organic fertilizer to the fields?
Back to plowing with waterbuffalo, flooding the rice paddies (producing lots of methane from rotting weeds), planting and harvesting by hand, drying on roads, and then threshing by hand?
Okay. They've convinced me. I'm never using oil again. Ever.
"and how exactly are we..."
The people who are pulling these stunts couldn't find their own asses with both hands in broad daylight. There is exactly zero chance they'd be able to answer the question you asked.
Big Mike said..."Force them to cook over wood fires. It’s what they want for us."
No wood fires for them! That releases carbon dioxide and particulates into the atmosphere!
Just stop oil! But not until my flight is over!
everything has carbon not only oil but wood, living beings, stone might be the least carbon thing, why disfigure a 6000 year old structure,
"Back to plowing with waterbuffalo, flooding the rice paddies (producing lots of methane from rotting weeds), planting and harvesting by hand, drying on roads, and then threshing by hand?"
Yes, yes, yes, and yes. If you die 20-30 years younger than you would have that's a bonus since you'll be sequestering your personal carbon quicker. Also, don't forget to notify your feudal lord of your carbon emissions on days she's not flying to her next TED Talk.
"why disfigure a 6000 year old structure,"
Because they're idiots.
Patient: I'm depressed because of the weather in 30 years.
Doctor: Have you tried gluing yourself to the street?
After each of these stunts I fire up my diesel truck and let it idle for half an hour.
When you cross over the bridge on 1-10 into St Charles, there is a billboard pleading for the end of the natural gas industry. I get a hearty chuckle every time.
Don't laugh too hard. That's exactly what the leftists in Washington state's government - along with the leftists at Puget Sound Energy - are doing right now.
It's a rare/endangered lichen that grows on the stones. The lichen also protects the stones from wind and weather erosion.
One example why I call myself a "conservative" and not a "GOPe", as some label me here, is that I would be fine killing these sons of bitches. Kill a few and then no more dumbasses will protest by damaging a historical item. I am not joking. Saudis chopping off hands for people who it.
I have been to Stonehenge, and it was a great experience. As I recall, there's disagreement about whether it was ever used for human sacrifice. But suppose these vandals were sentenced to death by disembowlment to be carried out at Stonehenge and broadcast on live TV. Would that discourage copy-cat vandals?
The Godfather at 5:34...You are a Great American. Or as Sam K said to Rodney D in Back to School, "I like the you think".
"I like the way you think" - darn typo.
Its classically druid in season of the witch a druid toy maker is using a laser array to sacrifice children with the use of masks i know i gave the mystery away
So the orange cornmeal will soon just wash away. Hmmmmmm Couldn't the same be said of bruises and minor contusions from a judicious ass whipping? JS
Presumably if HM Government do the Right Thing their sceptred isle will be spared the climate disaster that will engulf the rest of us.
Reproductive... human rites? Still popular in progressive cults with liberal support. For fair weather... climate stasis, no less. Did they sequester the carbon of their victims on site? Or consume them as albinos (i.e. white people) were in some black African cultures and virgins are in Planned Parenthood.
Ky has a mini Stonehenge, a local's version.
Xmas said:
It's a rare/endangered lichen that grows on the stones. The lichen also protects the stones from wind and weather erosion.
Those symbionts are never satisfied.
How to undercut their goal and alienate people who might agree with their stance on oil. Absolute fools are apparently universal.
Mason G
Too funny.
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