"... suggested he had advanced knowledge of last week’s guilty verdict. 'Today, the Court became aware of a comment that was posted on the Unified Court System’s public Facebook page and which I now bring to your attention,' Merchan
wrote in a letter to Trump attorney Todd Blanche and the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office. 'In the comment, the user, "Michael Anderson," states: "My cousin is a juror and says Trump is getting convicted … Thank you folks for all your hard work!!! …."' the judge explained. .... In his Facebook profile, Anderson
describes himself as a 'Transabled & a professional sh** poster.'"
I'm reading
"Hush money judge alerts Trump lawyer, prosecutors to Facebook post claiming prior knowledge of jury’s verdict" (NY Post).
It's hard to imagine how this can amount to anything... even if it turns out that the person who posted actually is the cousin of one of the jurors.
I've chosen to link to this story at the NY Post, because other news outlets did not include the detail that "Michael Anderson" called himself "transabled."
According to Wikipedia, "transabled" is a term used by some persons with body integrity dysphoria, which is "a rare mental disorder characterized by a desire to have a sensory or physical disability or feeling discomfort with being able-bodied, beginning in early adolescence and resulting in harmful consequences."
Why would someone who presented himself as a "shit poster" — I'd write "shitposter" —
also want to identify as "transabled"? Actually, it's hard to understand why a shitposter would want to call himself a shitposter. Wouldn't the usual game of shitposting be undercut by
telling people that's what you're doing?
In Internet culture, shitposting or trashposting is the act of using an online forum or social media page to post content that is of "aggressively, ironically, and trollishly poor quality." Shitposts are generally intentionally designed to derail discussions or cause the biggest reaction with the least effort....
Now, "Michael Anderson" has caused a lot of trouble with very little effort, but he'd have caused more if he hadn't called himself a "shit poster." And what was the point of also calling himself "transabled"? Could be he just actually does suffer from body integrity dysphoria, but it seems more likely that he's giving people one more thing to get stirred up about... which would seem to justify all the news outlets that have left this detail out of their story. But the NY Post didn't, and I didn't. Discuss.
Or do you want to breeze by all of that and demand that Justice Merchan declare a mistrial? Do you think that pro-Biden forces, having seen voters' reaction to the verdict, would now like to reconfigure the complicated political problem into a mistrial? Did "Michael Anderson" act alone? Do you believe the lone shitposter theory?
१५६ टिप्पण्या:
It's always been assumed that there were anti-Trump jurors, in which case this is no news. If he'd known about the other 11 jurors as well, that would be news.
Merchan himself has been the real scandal and it's always been out in the open.
shitposter, shitposter
The mood is gray just by the touch of your hand
shitposter, shitposter
Stir up some shit, make all
that fluff grow tall
Who knows if any of this is true, but as I understand it, the “cousin” Posted this before deliberations had started,, therefore suggesting that the fix was in.
Even if Anderson were one of the jurors himself there is no way Merchan would toss this verdict.
Odds are that Anderson was lying about the cousin being a juror but if he isn't, then yes, it should be a mistrial for jury misconduct even though everyone already knew the jury was completely anti-Trump before they were selected.
Then a disheveled Sidney Powell appeared and said “I’m going to release the Kraken.”
You may be overthinking the matter of the particular poster.
I am most struck by the careless viciousness. Could easily be true of both a juror and the poster who bragged about it (tho it could also be a pointless lie). Should it indeed rebound against these creepy creeps, and lay waste to the entire trial, it would be in keeping with how rotten everything else they do, think and say about Trump runs. And it would most of all be justice served.
There's a lot of middle ground between (to paraphrase) "nothing whatsoever comes of this" and "Merchan declares a mistrial." What I fully expect to happen is, Trump's lawyers will request that the jury be called back in so the judge can question them individually to see if the comment has any basis in fact. The state will oppose the request. The judge will in fact grant the request. At that point, my guess is that the evidence that this "Michael Anderson" is for real will be found lacking and Merchan will take no further action in regard to it.
Putting that speculation aside, I am extremely skeptical of the notion that this jury is completely on the up and up. On the jury questionnaires showing where they each got their news, one of them reported Truth Social. NFW on that. The likelihood that the jury pool would include even one person who used Truth Social as his primary news source seems miniscule. That the same person, if legit, would not have been peremptorily eliminated by the state is even more farfetched. Finally, if it the person were legitimately a regular consumer of Trump's own social media app, he would not have voted to convict.
I think this is really the D “get out of jail free” card they are playing after the “conviction” blew up in their faces. It’s a way to avoid a pardon or the explosion the sentencing from Judge Psycho would cause while leaving the faint odor of “guilty” on Trump.
And of course Bragg can brag he’s going to retry the case soon! ( really!)
The whole trial was a (redacted) from cohen on tiktok to daniels double hearsay
This an old mobster trick. Joe Biden's campaign should be terrified.
"... suggested he had advanced knowledge of last week’s guilty verdict."
That should be "advance knowledge," not "he had advanced knowledge."
"Advanced knowledge" sounds as though he were some sort of expert on the subject. To say that he knew something in advance, you should write "he had advance knowledge."
Also, the "advanced" in "he had advanced knowledge" could be mistaken for a verb — he put forward knowledge.
"I think this is really the D “get out of jail free” card they are playing after the “conviction” blew up in their faces. It’s a way to avoid a pardon or the explosion the sentencing from Judge Psycho would cause while leaving the faint odor of “guilty” on Trump."
So you are answering yes to my question "Do you think that pro-Biden forces, having seen voters' reaction to the verdict, would now like to reconfigure the complicated political problem into a mistrial?"
"Do you believe the lone shitposter theory?"
let's see some other examples of his shit posting first.
Grist for the weekend news cycle mill, come on journalists, do your job!
Bob Boyd is 3-D commenting.
Much like the prewritten willis indictment in atlanta?
That cousin was probably fibbing, not like my cousin who was actually there at ER when they pumped Rod Stewart's stomach.
All of this has been wake and a criminal wste of time
Thinking about it, if one is going to use "advanced" as an adjective rather than a verb, it needs a determiner in front of it.
I reflexively think the worst of the Democrats. I’m usually right.
I wonder where "transabled" fits in the hierarchy of the Oppressed. Certainly above being just an ordinary schmuck from Queens.
I think it was Michael J. Anderson, who's always up to no good.
Man in the Red Suit
Is it a coincidence that “America First Legal (AFL) filed a formal request with the State of New York Ethics Commission for the Unified Court System for the immediate release of Judge Juan Merchan’s financial disclosures”?
What would the internet and social media be without shitposters?
It just wouldn't feel the same.
Maybe, just maybe, Judge Psycho (I'm stealing that, Ironclad) should have sequestered the jury in this historic prosecution of a former president and current presidential candidate.
You can't unring a bell. SJWs always double down and Democrats always overreach. They should have gone for the hung jury and "He got off on a technicality just like you MAGAs always complain about when the people your don't like aren't convicted."
More likely this is an attempt to rehabilitate the conduct of the trial and will be spun as 'proving' the jury wasn't biased via the investigation.
A Poster Boy for sh*tposters! A quick forensic dive of the page would tell investigators how long the identity has been around, i.e. whether it was created recently for this purpose, or whether there is a timeline of similar behavior stretching back. It would likely also reveal any real family connections with a little more work.
But it has the feeling of a social media attention-seeker, one of those toxic, damaged, self-harming, tell-a-lie-for-'likes' types.
I doubt much will come of it, unless the Progressive Liberal Establishment sees something they can harness to change their terrible, awful, self-induced nightmare of a court case.
Merchan also had advanced knowledge of the guilty verdict.
Ironclad said...
I think this is really the D “get out of jail free” card they are playing after the “conviction” blew up in their faces.
The delicious irony. Biden has to play the get out of jail free card, to avoid putting Trump in jail.
I'd say yes to the notion that it is a potential op on the progressive side, whether coordinated with Biden or not. None of the blogs on the right, including some that cover the far-right discussions, ever mentioned the court's Facebook page. I can understand Merchan telling the defense in a pretense of doing his job, but it is Merchan that made this news. I think for others, rhhardin first comment covers what many think.
Does that mean I think a mistrial will be declared? I think that was gamed out by "Blogger Goetz von Berlichingen" in the over-night post. I agree with the gaming aspect. However, I think this is Merchan pretending to be a "straight-shooter", but he'll then rule the post as inconsequential to the trial. In the meantime, Merchan has something to barter for more donations to his daughter. "Pay up or I declare a mistrial". I don't think you can be too cynical with this judge.
Don't most high profile trials have juror alternates for situations of illness or misbehavior when a juror must be dismissed? Or is it too late to invoke that after the verdict is revealed?
Libtards on X are relying on the shitposter aspect, claiming this is a hoax.
Merchan was alerted by the NY Supreme Court, and he thought it serious enough to notify Trump's lawyer.
Would be easy to find out if the shitposter is a cousin of a juror. Whatever the truth is, this is all coming from the top down.
Not sure the trans community will appreciate Wikipedia's use of "trans" as a prefix meaning a body dysphoria.
So, if you can be transabled can you be transdisabled?
For example, President For Life Joe Biden might be transdisabled, meaning he sincerely believes he can control his bowels and walk just fine.
If they toss the verdict, has double jeopardy attached?
Probably a little off topic, but it just occurred to me how hard they have to dig to find Trump misconduct while the Democrats misconduct is right there in front of us.
Is a racist for a single comment he made in Charlottesville that was selectively edited and taken out of context.
Was impeached based on secondhand testimony from someone who was not part of the phone call in question.
Is indicted for possession of classified documents which were stored in a locked safe in a secure room.
This whole NYC business documents fiasco.
Hillary pays for a fictitious dossier with campaign funds which is “leaked” to the press as a predicate to two years of Russia, Russia, Russia.
Hillary’s bathroom server.
Joes classified documents strewn about in cardboard boxes in an unsecured garage with Joe’s Corvette.
Hunter’s laptop which was immediately characterized as “Russian disinformation” by 51 then current and former intelligence officers who had not even seen the laptop.
Hunter’s 21 shell companies that funneled millions of dollars in foreign money to Biden family members, including an adolescent granddaughter.
Ashley’s diary.
Do I have to go on?
Assuming Micheal Anderson is indeed a shitposter, he will never top this one. Like the guy who is arrested for stealing a cops car, he will be a legend among his peers.
And, on the subject, two lawyers were on the jury. Perhaps to explain to the hold-outs how Trump was somehow technically guilty
“This an old mobster trick. Joe Biden's campaign should be terrified.”
Very Roger Stone… Nothing to see here.
A Trump supporter thought they were smart and funny. Anyone who has ever spent a second on ExTwitter, reddit, 4chan, etc, knows the type. What's surprising is that there's only one of these and not fifty thousand.
Not sure DNC/Progressive/Biden scheming is quite as sophisticated as some of the speculation assumes. The primary point is that the post in question was made before there was a verdict, much less any reaction to the verdict or fundraising based on it.
But maybe I lack full conspiracist insight.
On its face, this post's claim seems so in keeping with how their own zeal for evil has a self-destructive mechanism built into it, as with Fani Willis. And Biden's election itself.
It is part of the intelligent design behind the universe that Satan gets his victories but doesn't win in the end.
Real American said...
Merchan also had advanced knowledge of the guilty verdict.
That's the only answer that really matters in this upholstered cesspool.
As an aside, most shitposters I know make a point of telling anyone who will listen that they are shitposters. It's an inherently self-congratulatory pattern of behavior.
The issue might be that a juror had decided before hearing all the evidence, but we already knew that was true of all of the jurors. So no biggie.
Has anyone seen Drago recently?
This fits his posting to a T.
Gusty Winds said...
Libtards on X are relying on the shitposter aspect, claiming this is a hoax.
Merchan was alerted by the NY Supreme Court, and he thought it serious enough to notify Trump's lawyer.
Would be easy to find out if the shitposter is a cousin of a juror. Whatever the truth is, this is all coming from the top down.
Now I am going to try to explain this politely, even though we are on opposite sides of a deeply hate-filled divide.
Judge Merchan SITS on “the New York Supreme Court.” New York does this odd thing where they name their trial court of unlimited jurisdiction “the Supreme Court.” Then, the intermediate appellate court (of right, mostly) is “the Appellate Division” of the Supreme Court. The top appellate court in New York is then called “the Court of Appeal.” Very different from the federal nomenclature as well as most states. Different enough to fool you into thinking that a very important court with supervisory control over Judge Merchan (a Judge of the Supreme Court) was being told something by his betters.
And now you know better.
You’re welcome. Have a nice day.
"Real American said...
Merchan also had advanced knowledge of the guilty verdict."
8:56 AM
Thread Winner!
We all live in Roger Stone's world now. A tiny silver lining.
Disabled people should bet permitted to beat the crap out of transdisabled people. It's worse than blackface.
False flag... they want everyone to focus on nonsense like this. They did it with 2020 elections, where they massively started spreading nonsense to cover up real problems.
Merchan just gave Trump's lawyers a reason to bill 50k spinning their wheels. Pointless.
Strange BS won’t amount to anything.
“Actually, it's hard to understand why a shitposter would want to call himself a shitposter.”
It’s a disclaimer so that the shitposter’s cousin can’t sue for defamation.
An easy out to declare a mistrial.
Why does a court have a Facebook page where any idiotic, anonymous, pseudonyms thing can be posted? Why does a court have Facebook?
If it becomes that easy to get a mistrial—simply make a claim in a chatroom—we may as well shut down the court system.
There is so much that needs to be established first—is he a real person? Does he have a cousin who was a juror, did that cousin give him advanced notice of the verdict? Was it sufficiently advanced of the formal decision that it shows the jury pre-judged the case?
It seems unlikely to me that anything will come of it.
Nothing will come of it.
It's a false-flag-shit-post, designed to undercut any potential legitimacy that the trial was rigged. If anyone posts or indicates that the trial illegitimate, it throws you in with the shitposters: guilt by association.
“Also, the "advanced" in "he had advanced knowledge" could be mistaken for a verb — he put forward knowledge.”
Thank you, Miss Crabtree!
Mrsmyth said...
Why does a court have a Facebook page where any idiotic, anonymous, pseudonyms thing can be posted? Why does a court have Facebook?
This is a very good question. Why?
Another distraction from the Buydem regime disaster
Jeopardy attached. No re-trial.
"Do you believe the lone shitposter theory?"
Classic Althouse.
"It's hard to imagine how this can amount to anything... even if it turns out that the person who posted actually is the cousin of one of the jurors."
Democrats want an out... they now have an out. Tired of Trump getting all kinds of donations, support, praise, etc... while Biden stumbles and bumbles.
They want to cut their looses.. hence... mistrial.
"Shit poster" obvious reference to Biden's recent mishap.
Dumb Lefty Mark: "Has anyone seen Drago recently?
This fits his posting to a T."
At least you tried.
However, given SpaceX's astonishingly successful IFT-4 sequence this week and X's continued dominance in global social media after Dumb Lefty Mark and LLR-democratical Rich predicted X's collapse long, long ago, I would have thought Rich and Dumb Lefty Mark would still be in mourning and too embarrassed to "show their faces", so to speak.
And Rich actually did his best doomed-to-failure LLR-democratical Brigade not-subtle "subtle" ploy with listing X with reddit and 4chan!
Seriously, Althouse should demand an upgrade in her New Soviet Democratical trolls and "contributors"!
How many such postings were made?
There's always people shitposting, and sometimes it turns out that they were right.
You don't need any real information to shitpost.
All you need is an imagination and an anticipated thrill if it hits.
Do you think that pro-Biden forces, having seen voters' reaction to the verdict, would now like to reconfigure the complicated political problem into a mistrial?
No. Whether the Facebook post is legit or not, Democrats did't come this far to suddenly get cold feet. Captain Ahab's thirst for vengeance never abated, nor will the Left's.
Interesting out for the Ds if they're frightened by the backlash.
I think it's more likely that the NY governor pardons Trump during the period that is (1) after Trump is sentenced to prison (but he won't be taken into custody pending the appeal), (2) after Trump is formally nominated by the Rs, and (3) before the election. The Ds will think that a pardon is more likely to play better to the independents and the undecideds.
Plus, the Ds will think a pardon will allow them to appear ‘magnanimous’ and the D governor's act done ‘for the sake of our democracy’ while allowing Biden and Ds to continue to refer to Trump as a CONVICTED FELON and tout that’s a determination made after a full trial by a jury of his peers.
I believe a pardon will also likely moot Trump's appeal and possibility of eventual access to the federal courts to review the conviction, all while maintaining the precedent of the DA's theory, the trial, and the conviction.
Leland mentioned the comment I posted in the wee hours of the night.
I am reposting it here for your convenience:
Goetz von Berlichingen said...
Joe Smith said
Nobody gets this lucky.
Scott Adams' 'Too on the nose' here..
Consider this: Some smart-ish Biden advisor looks at the polls and then sees the near half-a-billion dollars added this week to the DJT war chest and realizes what a huge failure this lawfare tack has been.
That an Appeals Court will over turn the ruling is the odds on outcome, making the Democrats look foolish, and a the courts listing of the due process violations of the Merchan court that led to their decision will be ammo for the Republicans, all adding to the looming disaster.
If Merchan declares a mistrial, the prosecution can decide to not retry President Trump. They may say they are doing it to save taxpayers money, for example. With that move, the Democrats minimize the bleeding and are still able to maintain that DJT is a 'convicted felon' and only was acquited due to a technicality. No need for a higher court to investigate and rule on Merchan's judicial failings and his abrasions of the US Constitution.
Then they can get back to stealing the election.
Goetz von Berlichingen
“Merchan just gave Trump's lawyers a reason to bill 50k spinning their wheels. Pointless”
Silly. That amount of money is rounding error for Trump and his campaign. Besides, it may delay sentencing beyond when Trump is formally nominated. They (politically) have to investigate, and the judge really has to have a factual basis for denying a motion for a mistrial, before he can sentence Trump. The clock is running, and they have less than a month to prove that this post was bogus.
Another old lawyer:
Interesting theory, but I think you underestimate the personal hatred NY Dems have for Trump. Just tune in MSNBC any day and watch it.
My cousin is a Supreme Court Justice and says Trump is getting full immunity! Thank you folks for all your hard work!!!! (He also says the justices are all going to Bali….)
Merchan committed career suicide. What are the chances he wasn’t a do-over?
They are getting the worst possible outcome out of the sham trial. How is Trump doing with women after the verdict?
Merchant is shopping for a parachute out of a plane headed for a crash.
wants - not wasn’t.
My suspicion is that the claim is by some Trump supporter. There has long been a suspicion that the jury was hand picked, or at least tainted, by the prosecution. And that there were some ringers on it (e.g. the juror who claimed to get most of his information from Truth Social). There jury verdict, esp with the way that the judge ran the case, was foreordained. We all knew it. So maybe, just maybe, someone tried to throw a monkey wrench into the whole setup with this post. Heck, if the case had been against Crooked Hillary, the perp would likely have been one of her paid staffers, or maybe even one of her lawyers. Republicans can’t be that blatantly corrupt, so there has to be quite a bit of plausible deniability between Trump and the poster.
Think Operation Chaos.
Of course, it could be completely legitimate. Leftists routinely brag online about their dirty tricks, because they almost never pay for them.
We shall see. They have less than a month to work this out. After that, if they sentence Trump anyway, they do it either with a credible motion for a mistrial outstanding, or if they do it after the nomination, they sentence (and therefore formally declare Trump a felon) after he is the formally nominated Presidential candidate of the other major party from the judge and his daughter.
My gut feeling is that backlash has nothing to do with this. My view is that the FJB re-election campaign is essentially a rudderless ship. A lot of party stalwarts are stepping in, to do their part, but we aren’t seeing anywhere the level of central control we usually see with national Dem campaigns. Marchan went all in with the case. It is likely that he had to volunteer and pull strings to get the case. He then ran it as a kangaroo court inquisition. He has to know that he will ultimately be reversed. His Due Process violations are just too blatant. He likely did it to do his part for his party and to make money for his daughter.
Do you think that pro-Biden forces, having seen voters' reaction to the verdict, would now like to reconfigure the complicated political problem into a mistrial?
A little late now.
But yes.
Mrsmyth said...
Why does a court have a Facebook page where any idiotic, anonymous, pseudonyms thing can be posted? Why does a court have Facebook?
Because the people that work there want the status and acknowledgement.
Merchan's only way out is if the defense, after reviewing the investigation into this guy, agrees it's all bs. But why would that happen? More likely Merchan's been told to get rid of the hush money case (which effectively prosecutes Trump for the same things Hillary paid a small fine for) so the Dems' ruling class can sub Hillary onto the ticket in August.
I can’t imagine the judge declaring a mistrial over this. I seem to remember that’s some court somewhere said that nobody’s entitled to a perfect trial. I suspect that’s true.
I do have a question for the house bar association, though. Would this be yet another claim for a reversible error on the part of the defense during the appeals process?
Of course, everyone knows this case will be overturned on appeal after the election, but every little bit helps I guess.
What’s the difference between a shit poster and an edge lord? (And should one or both of these terms be one word like fireman?)
Götz von Berlichingen has made an appearance as commenter (11:29 AM), suggesting to me that we might think of Trump as a latter-day Götz. I like it!
"Few outside of Germany have probably ever heard of Götz von Berlichingen, the colourful 16th Century knight, mercenary and outlaw. But at some point in your life, you’ve probably uttered the famous phrase he coined: Mich am arsche lecken or “kiss my ass.” According to Johann Wolfgang von Goethe who penned highly acclaimed play about the hard-fighting Teutonic warrior, von Berlichingen supposedly uttered the now-ubiquitous rejoinder in response to a surrender ultimatum during a siege at Jagsthausen Castle. In fact to this day, the expression is known in Germany as the “Swabian salute.”" – Rand al'Thor
[h/t https://literature.stackexchange.com]
Perhaps this is just the first salvo in the Democrat hope to salvage something from their deep mistake. "Convicted felon" is quickly becoming a non-thing as the miscarriage of justice is seen for what it is by the voters.
Democrats did a bad thing. The NY legal community is worse off, especially the government thugs. The whole legal profession has taken a hit, especially the graduates of the "top" law schools. Respect is lost and can't be recovered. But some do hope to salvage something.
The very idea that "oh, the government is prosecuting them, so they must be bad" is being revised. Perhaps we'll see a resurgence of the guilty until proven innocent and that proof can't be legal technicalities or mumbo jumbo.
No one should hold prosecutors in any regard, and judges barely.
One aspect of a "profession" is the self-regulation by the body of professionals, but the legal profession is no longer a profession but just a means to political ends.
Here is a bit more information.
Doesn't look very MAGA to me.
Milo Minderbinder said...
Merchan's only way out is if the defense
Jim Howard said...
I can’t imagine the judge declaring a mistrial over this.
Respectfully, I believe you guys are operating in an outdated paradigm. Blind Justice got hit in a crosswalk by a bus driven by the Democrats.
Anything the Democrats want in this case, they get. Corrupt judge? Check. Corrupt prosecutor? Check. Corrupt jury? Check.
There are supposed to be people and processes to discourage railroading the accused. Those don't seem to function in Democrat-controlled jurisdictions. They need statutes of limitations ignored or amended so as to target a single individual? No problem if the legislature and/or the governor is controlled by Democrats.
It seems to me that those who most often are correct at prognosticating Democrat's future behavior are those who best understand what the Democrats want and what they control.
Goetz von Berlichingen
Democrats aren't going to give up the convicted felon talking point. Have they ever backed away from an opportunity to slander an opponent? They're still going on about the fine people and Russian collusion hoax.
“My cousin is a Supreme Court Justice and says Trump…”
The shitbird Rich and his cousin/sex partner… that’s funny, thanks!
Dave Begley. “Interesting theory, but I think you underestimate the personal hatred NY Dems have for Trump. Just tune in MSNBC any day and watch it.” Have a look at any comments section on any topic in the NYT. Pure hatred.
It’s pathetic how quickly Trumpists have grasped onto the idea that some shit post constitutes a mistrial, without even investigating who the shit poster is. All the hopeful conjecturing that the shit post was real and was orchestrated by Democrats for some equally ridiculous reason is laughable. Are you people this desperate? Isn’t it time to leave the cult? Hannity and Trumpists really made fools of themselves as well as Trump himself with his “MISTRIAL!!!!” Post on Truth Social.
Blogger Inga said...
It’s pathetic how quickly Trumpists have grasped onto the idea that some shit post constitutes a mistrial, without even investigating who the shit poster is.
Merchan suggested it and he's no Trumpist. Please read the news before opining so you don't come off as ignorant.
On the left - corruption is 100% A-OK!
Soviet Inga... LOL. Stick with your precious husk puppet and his corrupt regime.
On the sell-out corrupt left - one is either authentic Trump hater... or paid to be a Trump hater.
Merchan's letter, in case Inga thinks Truth Social is the source of all news, which I understand but not in this case.
Jersey Fled said...
"I reflexively think the worst of the Democrats. I’m usually right."
Me too.
Leland (to Inga): "Merchan suggested it and he's no Trumpist. Please read the news before opining so you don't come off as ignorant."
Inga only reads headlines, which confuses her, and is incapable of understanding details and nuance.
Thus, a perfect democratical.
FYI, Inga has never apologized for calling those of us who questioned the covid "experts" literal murderers.
Even after all this time.
Inga also remains a hardened russia collusion hoaxer, self-declared Mueller mindreader and desperate believer in the laughable hoax dossier.
That context tells you pretty much all you need to know about that whack job.
Real American said:
"Merchan also had advanced knowledge of the guilty verdict."
Poor Inga. Even flatworms know enough to turn away from pain. Inga just keep spouting the lies her heroes vomit up.
Speaking of Covid. Everyone should watch this video hosted by John Campbell.
all of his videos are worth watching. (Unless you are Soviet loyalist Democratical Hivemind type)
this vaccine injury story is chilling.
Pfizer is deeply sorry:
more more more... subscribe to his channel and watch them all. Reality and truth not found on the corrupt left.
by the way - Fauci knew about the beagle abuse. Paid for it and authorized it.
Cats and dogs still abused in horrific ways for Fauci "science".
Fauci lines his pockets for misery.
The issue might be that a juror had decided before hearing all the evidence, but we already knew that was true of all of the jurors. So no biggie.
By Occam's Razor, this is how I took it. I will now wait to see what develops, if anything.
And I still think, no matter the election results, Trump ultimately won't take office - by fair means (that is, if he were actually to lose, which could happen just because so MANY people believe NBC News etc. - including my father, a veteran, a career military officerb and monetary academy graduate, and at least at one point a Republican, if [I think] rather a liberal one, which ought to put him straight in Trump's camp, whereas yesterday he expressed a desire to [this is a quote] "blow him up" because "he would actually be a Nazi") or foul.
How was that for some Russian-doll writing?
So Leland, are you asserting that Judge Merchan sent the letter to the prosecution and the defense because HE thinks it’s real and may be a reason for a mistrial? I saw Judge Merchan’s letter last night and in no way does it point to Judge Merchan writing it to say there is any legitimate reason to believe it would constitute a mistrial. You people are so desperate to make nothing into something. Again, so pathetic.
Speaking of stupid…
I have very serious doubts that the shit poster is real.
However, it scares the beejezzus out of the dumb lefties.
What will they do when the gaslighting doesn't work any more?
Inga, he sent the letter because if the facebook post was telling the truth, it could be a justification for a mistrial. Only Merchan knows what he believes about the post, but it is an issue that can be investigated and has to be investigated by the trial court immediately.
I'll try to post this comment again, because for some strange reason the first time didn't work.
There was this mistaken comment, which I had expected would be quickly corrected. But so far, no one has.
Gusty Winds said...
Libtards on X are relying on the shitposter aspect, claiming this is a hoax.
Merchan was alerted by the NY Supreme Court, and he thought it serious enough to notify Trump's lawyer.
Would be easy to find out if the shitposter is a cousin of a juror. Whatever the truth is, this is all coming from the top down.
That's pretty much all wrong, based on a misunderstanding of New York courts. In New York, the trial courts of unlimited jurisdiction and felony prosecutions are called the Supreme Court. The intermediate appellate courts (appeals as of right in most cases) are called the "Supreme Court - Appellate Division." And the court of last resort ("the Supreme Court," in most states and in the federal court system) is called the Court of Appeal.
So no; it isn't at all true that "this is all coming from the top down." It was simply a notification made public and noticed to all the parties within Judge Merchan's own court division. The entire premise of Gusty Winds' comment is mistaken and/or misleading. Judge Merchan IS part of the "NY Supreme Court."
As usual, hilarious!
Rich, we already knew you were a shit-poster- you don't have to keep trying to convince us. Sheesh.
1. Althouse, thanks for the grammar lesson. It seems that there are so many examples of writing in the media that are grammatically incorrect, have improper or irrelevant word usage, and misspellings. One reason is that not everyone is perfect, but that is what editors are for. I believe much material bypasses the editors (if there even are any that exist at those sites/papers -- many may have been laid off for money concerns: "Editors, we dun need no freakin' editors.") or the editors are as bad at their profession as the writers are. I learned to read and write (as in "compose", not handwriting) at a very young age, first from comic books and then from the newspaper. I picked up, from the latter, how a straight news story should be constructed, among myriad other things. That was WAY before I took my first journalism module in 6th grade.
2. I consider myself a "shitposter" in some sense of the word, but never have I considered myself a troll. My social media posts are about my FWB, my TMI personal life, political comments, and comments on Instapundit and here. Oh, and many, many memes. In a very flexible sense of the common noun, I consider myself an "agent provocateur".
3. Perhaps they have a FB page so they can post the latest hip and hot item on the Left Agenda: pride month, wearing a mask, supporting Ukraine, and so on
Inga- point any comment from a Trumper on his thread that thinks the facebook post is authentic. Just one will do. And even if it is authentic, none of think the judge will throw out the verdict.
Why don't you try reading the comments with just a bit of comprehension before trying to characterize them?
there wasn't a pretense to fairness, again Beria is not supposed to be leading authority, or Freisler or Ayatollah Khalkali, otherwise there wouldn't be 57 flavors of reveraable error,
Everyone but tru-faith leftists knows the trial was a sham.
This will not change anything.
I consider myself a "shitposter" in some sense of the word, but never have I considered myself a troll. My social media posts are about my FWB, my TMI personal life, political comments, and comments on Instapundit and here. Oh, and many, many memes. In a very flexible sense of the common noun, I consider myself an "agent provocateur".
My observation: the shit part of shitposter is the part which is either known false, or simply made up without any regard to whether it's true or false, with the intention of causing a commotion. Overlaps with one kind of troll.
Posting one's view in a provocative or hyperbolic manner isn't shitposting.
Marchan should drag this guy into court and he should be questioned by the judge and both sets of lawyers.
If this self-proclaimed shitposter made it all up, then 30 days in jail for contempt of court. But first, it must be determined if he acted alone as Professor Althouse has wondered.
one might call 'obstructing an official proceeding' well lamer arguments have been proferred
may be Dobbs leaker was the one posted this on Court FB
and USSC can now intervene!
“ That's pretty much all wrong, based on a misunderstanding of New York courts.”
Hey Chuck, even if everything you say is true, as you correct Gusty Winds, why do you need to be such an asshole about it? Just present the correct information but leave out the arrogant attitude. Is that something you can manage to do? (Just trying to help you avoid being banned again for the, what, fifth time is it?)
If the post stating advance knowledge of the verdict is viewed to be threat to the Democrats, then I expect to see former intelligence officials signed a public letter suggesting that is has the hallmarks of a Russian disinformation campaign.
Rich said...
"My cousin is a Supreme Court Justice and says Trump is getting full immunity! "
My cousin is a Supreme Court Justice and he won't even let me buy him a beer lest there be an appearance of bias. Unlike Clarence.
unlike say sotomayor whose publisher had businessman before the Court, its so easy to shoot these memes down, like an errant scud missile,
this vaccine injury story is chilling.
Alphabet/Google/YouTube continue to censor user content perchance to spread misinformation, malinformation, disinformation.
censor (n.)
1530s, "Roman magistrate of 5c. B.C.E. who took censuses and oversaw public manners and morals," from French censor and directly from Latin censor, from censere "to appraise, value, judge," from PIE root *kens- "speak solemnly, proclaim" (source also of Sanskrit amsati "recites, praises," asa "song of praise").
Who is it that thinks... longs for the Roman Empire.
“My cousin is a Supreme Court Justice and says Trump is getting full immunity! "
“My cousin is a Supreme Court Justice and he won't even let me buy him a beer lest there be an appearance of bias. Unlike Clarence.”
Mi prima is a Supreme Court Justice and she says “Dobbs memo leak? What Dobbs memo leak?”
“Marchand should drag this guy into court and he should be questioned by the judge and both sets of lawyers.
If this self-proclaimed shitposter made it all up, then 30 days in jail for contempt of court. But first, it must be determined if he acted alone as Professor Althouse has wondered.”
I agree!
Meade said...
Hey Chuck, even if everything you say is true...
It is. NYCourts.gov
There. Was that so hard?
Chuck does not see himself as others do, clearly. He often has points to make. He just presents himself so poorly that it is difficult to do anything but dismiss him. That and the fact that he is a disingenuous asshole...
Thanks Meade. Very good advice, that I appreaciate very much. I'll try to do better. I'll moderate myself.
I remain, your faithful servant,
Moderated Chuck
Chuck the cunt
"LLR-democratical And Violent Homosexual Rage Rape Fantasist Chuck"
Chuck the clown.
Touche, Chuck.
The ad hominem noise is my least favorite aspect of this otherwise wonderful blog and commentariat. It is often a tough slog to get through the insults and uncover terrific insights (and narciso's cryptic observations, often requiring a decoder ring). And what on Earth has Dinky Dau been posting that has resulted in so many removal? It seems like that's a high bar
Consider this a plea for civility (bullshit).
Poor LLR-democratical And Violent Homosexual Rage Rape Fantasist Chuck.
His all-too apropos descriptor is entirely, 100%, purely his own doing based on his very own words and self-labeling.
Its a good thing Rod Dreher never saw Chuck's rage rape musing, which Chuckles proudly shared on this very blog (very inappropriate and declasse to be sure), lest Rod might have felt a call to the authorities might be in order.
Its important for Althouse readers to recall that banned commenter LLR-democratical And Violent Rage Rape Fantasist Chuck is quite desperate for many of his explicit and proudly expressed thoughts on Althouse blog be forgotten by other readers in order for Chuck to continue his faux online seminar caller-like "conservative" schtick.
Chief among Chuck's loud and proud admissions that he and his pals Rich and lonejustice would love to put behind them are these Chuck admissions:
1) I (Chuck) am only here to smear (lie about) Trump and conservatives
2) I (Chuck) want to drive a wedge between Althouse and her readers
That second assertion is really quite something, isn't it?
Even if he's a "shit-poster" posting a "shit-post", it's still true this guilty verdict was a foregone conclusion, given biased jury pool, biased and compromised judge's (unwritten) instructions to jury, and defense's inability to veto jury-inclusion of two attorneys (der normal circumstances not desired by prosecution or defense attorneys), nor to present their unencumbered defense witnesses to said jury.
Banana republic, kangaroo court.
Old and slow: "Chuck does not see himself as others do, clearly. He often has points to make. He just presents himself so poorly that it is difficult to do anything but dismiss him. That and the fact that he is a disingenuous asshole..."
Every Chuck comment for the last 9+ years makes perfect sense when you accept the following explicit admissions Chuck has made as to why he posts at Althouse (which I will reprint here from above):
1) I (Chuck) am only here to smear (lie about) Trump and conservatives
2) I (Chuck) want to drive a wedge between Althouse and her readers
This context explains it all... without exception.
Meh. The post could be real and could've actually been written before the trial even started.
We knew what the outcome would be.
'I've chosen to link to this story at the NY Post, because other news outlets did not include the detail that "Michael Anderson" called himself "transabled."'
So a shitposter and a freak.
Please read the news before opining so you don't come off as ignorant.
OK. That made me laugh out loud.
'Mi prima is a Supreme Court Justice and she says “Dobbs memo leak? What Dobbs memo leak?”'
Funny how the biggest breach of protocol in SCOTUS history completely disappeared.
I'm a real life-long Republican, so of course I find "Chuck" annoying, but he is correct about the unusual nomenclature of the NY courts (I went to law school in NY, so I know, although I never practiced there).
If the Judge were to throw out the verdict, then the Dems couldn't continue to run ads calling Trump a "convicted felon" (well, I suppose they would continue to do so -- he WAS "convicted", right? but it might be marginally less persuasive to uncommitted voters, if there are any left.) That's the main reason I don't think Judge Merchan will throw out the verdict. The other reason has to do with my lack of respect for this JUdge's neutrality.
The Godfather said...
I'm a real life-long Republican, so of course I find "Chuck" annoying, but he is correct about the unusual nomenclature of the NY courts (I went to law school in NY, so I know, although I never practiced there).
If the Judge were to throw out the verdict, then the Dems couldn't continue to run ads calling Trump a "convicted felon" (well, I suppose they would continue to do so -- he WAS "convicted", right? but it might be marginally less persuasive to uncommitted voters, if there are any left.) That's the main reason I don't think Judge Merchan will throw out the verdict. The other reason has to do with my lack of respect for this JUdge's neutrality.
The problem is juror misconduct is a pretty serious issue.
Throwing the conviction out for that makes the conviction look bad even for the frothiest of the stalinists.
Inga said...
So Leland, are you asserting that Judge Merchan sent the letter to the prosecution and the defense because HE thinks it’s real and may be a reason for a mistrial? I saw Judge Merchan’s letter last night and in no way does it point to Judge Merchan writing it to say there is any legitimate reason to believe it would constitute a mistrial. You people are so desperate to make nothing into something. Again, so pathetic.
Speaking of stupid…
I think this is just an excuse to get out of sending Trump to jail.
I still hope and pray that you stalinists are stupid enough to throw Trump in jail for this.
A convention speech from jail would be a historic event remembered for centuries.
The pendulum has already started swinging back. I would be sad if Merchan somehow got out of the way.
"If the Judge were to throw out the verdict, then the Dems couldn't continue to run ads calling Trump a "convicted felon"..."
Doubt it. The truth doesn't stop them from repeating the "fine people" hoax or that Trump told people to drink bleach or...
Sometime next week Merchan will probably claim that it cannot be verified that any of the jurors are guilty of juror misconduct.
But I think he will also take this opportunity to let Trump off on the "technicality."
This will afford the stalinists the chance to keep calling Trump a "convicted felon."
"Wouldn't the usual game of shitposting be undercut by telling people that's what you're doing?"
As @RAF_Luton has proven, there's always fresh meat to be had even after all these years.
His FB page is no longer viewable. He claimed to be a shitposter, but you couldn't see any of the posts on his wall. His one photo was of a dead musician. It was a very nothing-to-see-here account.
I'm more curious about the "professional" part of "professional shitposter". Who is paying him?
Why did the NY Court FB page post the letter and then remove the post?
Mason G said...
...The truth doesn't stop them from repeating the "fine people" hoax or that Trump told people to drink bleach or...
"'The Charlottesville Hoax' Hoax." The definitive analysis of "fine people on both sides." Perhaps the single most important link that I have ever posted to these comments pages.
Similarly there is the "by injection" (not "drinking") question with "the disinfectant." PolitiFact had the transcript. And an admirably fair analysis. Wherein, as usual, things boil down to (a) a clumsy and barely-literate iteration of something where Trump, knowing less than most people, tried to make himself sound like he was the smartest guy in the room; (b) the press ridicules Trump for his convoluted inaccuracies, and finally (c) Trump, never backing down, responds by saying that his musing about 'disinfectants' and 'injections' and 'cleanings on the inside' had been only "sarcasm."
"Perhaps the single most important link that I have ever posted to these comments pages."
The Bulwark? *This* Bulwark...
The Weekly Standard was one of many Washington institutions that Donald Trump threw into chaos. In 2018, the 23-year-old conservative magazine was shut down by its pro-Trump owners after the publication’s staff adopted an anti-Trump stance. So Weekly Standard cofounder Bill Kristol and political strategist Sarah Longwell decided to create the Bulwark, a fun, punchy Never Trump website that found success—and broke news—catering to readers who yearned for serious coverage of events through a center-right filter.
Seems they have an agenda. One that agrees with yours. I'm not surprised you found it to be "perhaps the single most important link that I have ever posted to these comments pages."
Do you, perhaps, have any links to sites whose agenda is less "Never Trump" or is this about it?
I was going to post a response to Chuck’s “most impotent post ever” comment, but then I remembered that Chuck’s superpower is getting us all off topic.
So I didn’t.
"Similarly there is the "by injection" (not "drinking") question with "the disinfectant." PolitiFact had the transcript. And an admirably fair analysis. Wherein, as usual, things boil down to (a) a clumsy and barely-literate iteration of something where Trump, knowing less than most people, tried to make himself sound like he was the smartest guy in the room; "
Actually, as someone who used to teach medchem a bit, at the time of Trump's initial statement, I kind of admired Trump's instinct-- understanding his comment as "how do we adapt...". Indeed, months later, a small start-up company found a way to adapt it... The above interpretation is malicious.
Chuck continues a spiral into insanity. If Trump wins in November, I think Chuck may just move to Canada for the healthcare.
Chuck never recovered from Trump's first election- he spent almost an entire year promising that there was no way Trump could ever win. Chuck had it all planned out- all the comments of Trump supporters he had bookmarked and screenshotted ready to roll out the day after the election, and it went to shit on him. He was already borderline nuts in late 2016, but he is a full-blown obsessive now.
The kindest thing Meade and Althouse ever did for Chuck was banning him from the comments section because posting here just feeds his madness.
“Actually, as someone who used to teach medchem a bit, at the time of Trump's initial statement, I kind of admired Trump's instinct-- understanding his comment as "how do we adapt...". Indeed, months later, a small start-up company found a way to adapt it... The above interpretation is malicious.”
That’s what I love about Trump pronouncements. Because he never, ever admits any error or inaccuracy or clumsiness, he always digs himself an ever-deeper hole.
So while you suggest that there was merit to Trump’s original pronouncement, Trump has already beaten you to that high ground, and poisoned it. By claiming that he was only being “sarcastic.” You can try to defend what Trump said, but he’s making it pretty much impossible for you.
Every Summer robins build a nest in our garden. Whenever I get close to that nest, a robin will appear, often with a worm in its beak, and try to lure me off in the opposite direction.
I call that robin Chuck.
Chuck continues a spiral into insanity. If Trump wins in November, I think Chuck may just move to Canada for the healthcare.
It's mental health care that he needs, Yancy.
You do know that the Canadians treat his condition with assisted suicide, don't you?
Take the bleach thing as a just one of many items Chuck continuously lies about- no rational person would ever take Trump's statement as encouraging "injecting bleach". And yet Chuck lies about this all the time thinking, apparently, that he is talking to children who can be fooled by his lies. I don't even understand what kind of person would tell this lie over and over to people not fooled by it. It is a mental disorder of some sort.
And, Maynard, I wrote my comment specifically with assisted suicide in mind.
This investigation should take very little time. A perusal of the 12 hush money jurors with a cousin named Michael Anderson is easy for a court to discover. Judge Merchan has likely requested this information.
Come to think about it, no juror would have any idea as to how the twelve would vote before any discussion had begun.
Come to think about it, no juror would have any idea as to how the twelve would vote before any discussion had begun.
Didn't everyone know what the verdict would be in Merchan's kangaroo kourt?
:So while you suggest that there was merit to Trump’s original pronouncement, Trump has already beaten you to that high ground, and poisoned it. By claiming that he was only being “sarcastic.” You can try to defend what Trump said, but he’s making it pretty much impossible for you."
Not really -- there was an intermediate step in which Fauci rolls his eyes and refuses to defend him when asked about bleach. I actually thought that Fauci had not been sufficiently knowledgeable to simply say "yeah, check mustard gas and anti-cancer drugs, this is exactly the right instinct". Trump was indeed semi-joking when he asked "is there a way..." (paraphrase), so that is a normal fall-back position, nothing wrong about it. Many scientific ideas start as such free associations, semi-joking, that undergo critical assessment, and end up either discarded or turned into real experiments.
There might have been an issue whether the timing of his question had been appropriate, but from my perspective, I still prefer a president that is capable of asking such questions in critical situations.
So, to conclude on my side: There are real things that make it absolutely legit to criticize Trump or decide not to vote for him, if you really intuit that Biden/Harris is better. No need to come up with fake ones.
"Come to think about it, no juror would have any idea as to how the twelve would vote before any discussion had begun."
It is like Gadfly was literally born last night.
“Inga, he sent the letter because if the facebook post was telling the truth, it could be a justification for a mistrial. Only Merchan knows what he believes about the post, but it is an issue that can be investigated and has to be investigated by the trial court immediately.
It’s an issue that not only CAN be investigated, but MUST be investigated. If true, it likely is good grounds for a mistrial,
"Come to think about it, no juror would have any idea as to how the twelve would vote before any discussion had begun."
Except that if they did, there was probably some jury misbehavior. Which probably means a mistrial. The judge cannot afford to have that possibility hanging over him when sentencing Trump.
The democrats are not getting cold feet. Nope. They are full in, especially NY ones.
The only possibility is Merchan is worried about his actions causing him trouble down the line, so finding this, a) makes him look fair b) might be cover for him to declare a mistrial so his actions aren't scrutinized as much (because of the mistrial.)
" Actually, it's hard to understand why a shitposter would want to call himself a shitposter."
part of the personality type is wanting to rub people's face in [sh]it
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