Said Donald Trump, quoted in "Trump again suggests political opponents may face prosecution, too/In an interview with Newsmax that aired Tuesday evening, the former president said 'it’s a terrible, terrible path that they’re leading us to, and it’s very possible that it’s going to have to happen to them'" (WaPo).
He didn't set the precedent. And he calls it a "terrible precedent." But should he guarantee that he won't follow the "terrible precedent"? I think he's primarily making the argument that what's happening to him should stop. He's making the argument in a way that is, I presume, intended to feel threatening.
१२९ टिप्पण्या:
Wouldn't it be terrible if the injustice you have inflicted on others is visited on you? It's just a warning that Nemesis has a very cold sense of humor.
Until republican state AGs and Governors start arresting and indicting local and federal democrats in the same way they've attacked Trump, nothing will change. We don't need anymore sternly-worded letters. Indict Obama and Holder for 'gunwalking'. I want Ken Paxton to indict Hillary for her bathroom server...states can now charge federal crimes can't they.
Let the extremely loud gunpowder-powered polka begin.
Trump is pulling their chains, as he always does. The pundit class will have a fit while everyone else watches and laughs.
But should he guarantee that he won't follow the "terrible precedent"? I think he's primarily making the argument that what's happening to him should stop. He's making the argument in a way that is, I presume, intended to feel threatening.
There are plenty of real crimes to prosecute on the left, committed by many of the major players including potus. It’s justice vs whatever we’re calling the left’s shit show today.
"He's making the argument in a way that is, I presume, intended to feel threatening."
He's threatening that he will do to the Democrats what they are currently doing to him? What a bad man. *eyeroll*
Trump is a player---and mostly a winner. And he's the kind of guy who says, "Tell me the rules--and I'll play the game."
Well Team Biden, the MFM and Soros appointed or supported DA's have changed the rules. The Bar Orange Man can read their rule book.
Now Hillary's campaign in 2016 recorded the payment for the Steele Dossier as "legal expenses". Isn't that a felony under Judge Merchan? Just saying.
Typical Trump nonsense. Everyone knows that America's deep bureaucracy loves you bunches, and if you suspect otherwise you are a very hazardous threat to freedom, justice, and the precious norms we're all trying to get back to.
After the last 7.5 years!?!?
Fuck right off, Democrats.
@Althouse, if you’re trying to suggest that there is some means of getting through to you, personally, and to other people on the liberal to progressive axis that doesn’t involve violence or the plausible threat thereof? Lefties disdain facts and are immune to logic.
At any rate, the mathematical theory of games says “tit for tat” is the only rational strategy for achieving equilibrium.
A great idea would be for Paxton to arrest and charge Mayorkas with aiding and abetting illegal aliens, either arresting him in TX or putting out an interstate warrant for him so he can't travel to 3/4ths the states in the country. There's piles of evidence and it's a state charge. Send word to all Potomac swamprats that states will cease recognizing federal immunity and that they are no longer safe in over half the country. Tell their protection details that they can get prepared for a gunfight with the Texas Rangers if they don't like it.
The Declaration of Nullification is in effect. Washington's writ will not run West of Arlington.
Well, I don't see a problem in him having some of them investigated considering their past behavior and if they are found in violation of the law they should face an appropriate penalty.
Even if that means prison.
Just as Democrats whined about impeachment proceedings against Biden after they completely debased impeachments by pursuing two against Trump for crass political reasons, so too will they whine about Trump putting Democratic criminals in jail after they politicized the process by going after Trump.
They will have no shame. None whatsoever. And most of the media will help them cover up their own culpability.
Hillary and the rest of them know our corrupt civil service, which is 95% Democrat and 100% on the side of big government, will never lift a finger to bring a popular left-wing politician to justice.
" He's making the argument in a way that is, I presume, intended to feel threatening."
As in the last fair warning to stop that crap.
The time-honored way to send such a message is to fly overhead and drop leaflets.
Perhaps he's making his argument in the direction of the Supreme Court.
I don't view it as threatening at all. Unless, of course, the Democratic Politicians are guilty of something!
The genie is out of the bottle.
"MADISON, Wis. (AP) — Felony forgery charges were filed in Wisconsin on Tuesday against two attorneys and an aide who helped submit paperwork falsely saying that former President Donald Trump had won the battleground state in 2020...
Democratic Gov. Tony Evers offered a one-word response to news of the charges being filed: “Good.” "
Presume what?
I think we can all agree threatening to lock up your political opponent is unconscionable when they do it and perfectly acceptable when we do it.
Right before he leaves office, Biden's handlers will have him issue blanket pardons to every one of his political appointees, and every member of his staff and his family.
I'm looking forward to the arrest of Barack Obama for the murder of Anwar al-Awlaki.
Now, do I think this was a morally and legally legitimate "kinetic action" against a terrorist? Ultimately, yes. But, it certainly isn't obviously so, and the killing by military action of an American citizen overseas without any American court ruling against him for a crime sets an awful precedent. This is the sort of thing that had Trump done it, the MSM would never, ever have shut up about it. But, it was done by The Lightbringer and so it all but disappeared from the radar.
Extra-judicial killings of American citizens by the US government should never be allowed to disappear from the political radar.
Trump needs to go to jail so he loses these reservations.
The Stalinists need to go.
"I think we can all agree threatening to lock up your political opponent is unconscionable when they do it and perfectly acceptable when we do it."
Threatening to lock up people who have broken laws is not the same thing as threatening to lock up your opponents. I don't know whether Trump did the first or the second (or neither) and I'm not going to the WaPo to try to find out.
Earnest Prole said...
I think we can all agree threatening to lock up your political opponent is unconscionable when they do it and perfectly acceptable when we do it.
90 IQ take.
Sending criminals to jail for committing crimes is good.
Sending political opponents to jail for being political opponents is not OK.
Biden is a criminal that has taken bribes and committed espionage. Hillary is a criminal that has taken bribes and committed espionage.
It is pretty clear that Trump hasn't really committed any real crimes because democrats have to make them up.
There are people in jail right now for what Joe and Hillary have done.
There is not one person in jail for what Trump did.
That is the difference here.
The bezos surprisingly leaves out most of the context the trial where all the defense arguments were denied
"I think we can all agree Republicans *threatening* to lock up their political opponents is unconscionable when they do it and perfectly acceptable when Democrats *actually* do lock up their opponents"
Fixed it for you. Your formulation was a little vague, and didn't really comport with the facts of the matter.
The awlaki case is very interesting he is a subject in my novel in all but name
John Durham is tanned and rested.
He's threatening that he will do to the Democrats what they are currently doing to him? What a bad man. *eyeroll*
Well, yes he is. He has called it a "witch hunt". Didn't your mom tell you: "Two wrongs don't make a right".
Freder Frederson said...
He's threatening that he will do to the Democrats what they are currently doing to him? What a bad man. *eyeroll*
Well, yes he is. He has called it a "witch hunt". Didn't your mom tell you: "Two wrongs don't make a right".
Biden and Clinton have stolen classified data, taken bribes from foreign governments.
There are people in jail for what they have done.
Donald Trump had an accountant write down "Legal Expense" in a ledger so a lawyer could secure and NDA from a porn star.
There is not one person in jail for or convicted of what Trump did.
except Trump.
The government has already admitted that Hillary and Joe broke multiple laws and they have made excuses for why they did not prosecute.
There are many people in jail for what the government admitted they did.
Many on the right are making the wrong argument.
Hillary's private server should have landed her in big trouble.
It's not retribution to go after actual criminals.
Well, yes he is. He has called it a "witch hunt". Didn't your mom tell you: "Two wrongs don't make a right".
What is the deterrent that a politician should use in this case? If one side is abusing the system and gets not consequences then there is no reason for them not to do it again. A tsk tsk from the abused side will not do it since all the people on their side keep saying Let's do it again!
To the Civility Bullshit penalty box you go!
"Didn't your mom tell you: "Two wrongs don't make a right"."
Why, yes- she did. And now, a question for you- do you think people who break laws (and for this hypothetical, we'll just stick to actual laws as written and not the cobbled together Rube Goldberg kind of stuff that Democrats seem to like- a more difficult task, wouldn't you agree?) should be held accountable for their actions?
What is the deterrent that a politician should use in this case? If one side is abusing the system and gets not consequences then there is no reason for them not to do it again. A tsk tsk from the abused side will not do it since all the people on their side keep saying Let's do it again!
So if both sides do it, it will stop both of them continuing the tit for tat?
Please explain to me how that works.
Please start with murder charges in Texas on Barak H. Obama for the drone strike on a US citizen.
"Anwar al-Awlaki and Khan were killed in Yemen on Sept. 30, 2011. A March 9, 2013, Times news story about the strike said al-Awlaki, a cleric born in New Mexico, incited and plotted terrorist incidents involving U.S. targets, including lending support via email to Nidal Hasan in 2009 before Hasan killed 13 and wounded more than 30 people at Fort Hood in Texas. Khan, who the story said came from North Carolina, edited the online al-Qaeda propaganda magazine Inspire." Politifact
So if both sides do it, it will stop both of them continuing the tit for tat?
Please explain to me how that works.
If Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton have to spend money defending themselves against actual crimes (Achilles said... The government has already admitted that Hillary and Joe broke multiple laws and they have made excuses for why they did not prosecute) and are at risk of being imprisoned, do you really not think they might back off on these phony-baloney show trials?
You're not very bright, are you?
And a yemeni court found him guilty in 2010 but the fact that the crocodile saleh protected the yemeni faction of al queda as much as they pursued it makes things more complicated than we think
“Please explain to me how that works.“
It doesn’t “work “
You fucked around and now you find out. Don’t. Fire. On. Fort Sumter.
What's happening here is that the Democrats are Hamas and Donald Trump is Israel. The Democrats have waged their attack and are now calling for a cease-fire so they can avoid any consequences foe their douchebaggery.
Freder Frederson said...
So if both sides do it, it will stop both of them continuing the tit for tat?
Please explain to me how that works.
Freder cannot discuss this honestly. He is not smart enough.
Joe and Hillary committed crimes that other people are in jail for. The government has admitted this and made excuses for not charging them.
Trump is the only person in history that has ever been convicted of having an accountant describe paying a lawyer to secure an NDA from a porn star as a legal expense.
Freder is a fascist. So is anyone that supports Joe Biden.
Dumb ass.
If he doesn't jail a couple of thousand traitors, including most of the IC, I will feel cheated.
This country is falling apart, from DEI to trans bullshit to Antifa and our anti-Semitic groomers in education.
I want a reckoning...
Game theory says that tit for tat is the only way to stop it. This has been extensively studied with regards to nuclear escalation.
"If he doesn't jail a couple of thousand traitors, including most of the IC, I will feel cheated."
I am resigned to the idea that should Trump be elected and allowed to take office, he won't be able to do anywhere near enough to root out the rot eating at Our Republic.
And when I say "the rot", I mean the Democrats and Republicans who have been sent there, not to be our rulers, but the hired help.
This is fucking America- read the Declaration of Independence if you need a clue.
"Didn't your mom tell you: "Two wrongs don't make a right".
So if both sides do it, it will stop both of them continuing the tit for tat?"
Are you 12? You must be 18 to post on much adult content for fragile young minds.
Didn't your mom tell you: "Two wrongs don't make a right.
So if both sides do it, it will stop both of them continuing the tit for tat?
There are really three options here.
1. Do not respond and thus letting the other side know they are free to abuse you without consequences.
2. Have the people who are on the left rise up in indignation and demand their representatives stop being abusive or they will lose support.
3. Provide a deterrent so that the other side know there are consequences for their actions.
#1 won't work, #2 isn't happening because people aligned on your side are NOT demanding that your representatives stop but instead cheering it on and demanding more.
That leaves #3. You tell me, as I asked before, what is a viable alternative deterrent? you gave no answer, just rejected mine, which is the lazy person's way to rebut.
So if both sides do it, it will stop both of them continuing the tit for tat?
Punishing people for the crimes they actually committed isn't 'tit for tat.'
Blogger Tom T. said...
Right before he leaves office, Biden's handlers will have him issue blanket pardons to every one of his political appointees, and every member of his staff and his family.
I wonder if that is what Trump really wants. He thinks "if I win, I want Biden scared so that Biden does mass pardons." This will look terrible for Biden and the Democrats. This gives Trump political capital to pardon himself for anything and everything and also to clean house in the various Departments. IF Biden doesn't pardon himself and others (assuming he loses) then Trump's next best move is for him to Pardon Biden in a plenary and public fashion and say he is doing this to avoid continuing the terrible precedent of Presidents going after former presidents. If he does that then he needs to find a few dozen scalps of politically connected individuals from the Biden administration and prosecute them. Trump gets cover because he let Biden go, and the social-climbing political/administrative class learns fear. And those groups of people are the real ones that enable corruption. People in Peoria won't feel like Assistant Undersecretary what's his face facing trial is politically motivated, but folks in DC will tremble and think, there but for the Grace of God go I.
Punishing people for the crimes they actually committed isn't 'tit for tat.'
Imagine the howls from leftards if 'tit for tat' was actually implemented. It would be spectacular.
Based on Know Nothing past performances ( Trey Gowdy and his Benghazi investigation, Jordan and Comer's impeachment clown show, or John Durham losing trials, I don’t think the Democrats have much to worry about.
If Biden does have to go to trial, I predict that unlike some people he will testify, and his wife will show up in court to support him. And he won't doze off in court.
The Democrats/Socialists/Commies (birm) involved should have their noses rubbed in their malevolence, their lies and election interference. Again, it needs to be done religiously, with great vigor and there needs to be consequences whenever laws were broken. They have severely damaged our social fabric.
Trump is advising Liberals with Planned Presidenthood (PP) in Progress to abort NOW, not later, while comity is still a viable Choice... uh, choice.
Seeing as jill is a coconspirator receiving the laundered monies from chin and elsewhere
There's an old saying, "Two wrongs don't make a right, but three do."
Prosecuting former presidents and presidential candidates will not stop until it happens to a democrat. Clinton remains an unindicted crime artist. Trump is saying, how far do the Dems want to take this, and it’s a fair question
Yeah, we should Trump in Jail, but he'd better not threaten to do that to Biden.
That would be fascism on steroids.
Trump is putting his antagonists in the precarious position of condemning him for saying if what was done to him, it's done to them, his antagonists, that would be terrible.
After going through what he's had to go through, Trump comments are the mildest anyone could make.
That should move the needle with fair minded independents, towards the inevitable conclusion that the personal hatred of Trump is completely irrational.
Whether Trump ends up going to Jail for years on bogus charges, or whether he just loses the Presidental election because he cannot campaign, or somehow wins, the Democrats will Never stop at being totalitarian shitheads and destroying US Democracy to hold power.
They will only stop when forced to. By fear of retaliation.
Thats the truth. They passed the Rubicon when they used Russiagate/FBI to try to destroy Trump and then followed it up by stealing the 2020 election and impeaching Trump twice.
Only those approved by Liberal Democrats can be President. That is their rule, and they dont give a damn what 45-50 percent of the USA wants.
Evidently Trump is required to turn the other cheek. How Christlike.
When there is no mention in the news of something people might want to know, is because it's bad news for their side.
I bet post-trail small donations to Trump are swelling.
Leftists appear to be increasingly dissatisfied with the bed they have made.
What are the corrupt left so afraid of?
If Trump "loses" and Biden "wins", not facing re-election, there will be nothing restraining Mr Biden.
It would be a terrible, intolerable, unthinkably unAmercan thing, if any President got to throw anyone in jail.
It’s certainly a good thing that it is clear to anyone with a brain and some reading comprehension, that President Biden isn’t throwing anyone in jail. Biden had, and has, no control over the New York prosecution. Biden has no personal control over the Georgia prosecution, or the Department of Justice prosecutions. Biden isn’t prosecuting anyone, and absolutely no one is going to jail unless and until they have been found guilty, and exhausted appeals.
This is such a weird and crude rhetorical device — Baden throwing people in jail — that I feel like this is one of those things that Scott Adams has names for.
Meade understands that in politics as in life, tit-for-tat is a perfectly cromulent strategy.
Turnabout is fair play.
Chuck, Biden gets to be the face of the Democrats just like Trump gets to be the face of the Republicans. If the word had come from on high to stop with the judicial witch hunting the shows would have stopped. It didn't so they haven't.
Biden owns this and he sure isn't doing anything to distance himself from it. But keep enjoying your retirement in the land of Onan.
Chuck said, "President Biden isn’t throwing anyone in jail. Biden had, and has, no control over the New York prosecution. Biden has no personal control over the Georgia prosecution, or the Department of Justice prosecutions. Biden isn’t prosecuting anyone, and absolutely no one is going to jail unless and until they have been found guilty, and exhausted appeals."
Then the White House and the DOJ shouldn't have any problem releasing all meeting and communication records with Bragg, James, Willis or Jack Smith. Which is precisely what they said they wouldn't do. Today in fact. You have nothing to fear if you have nothing to hide, right?
"Biden has no personal control over the Georgia prosecution
From Newsweek:
"There are calls for the White House to reveal details of two 2022 meetings that reportedly took place between its employees and Nathan Wade. He is a special prosecutor working on Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis' Georgia election-interference case, which was brought against Donald Trump and 18 other defendants."
"Attorney Ashley Merchant this week told a Georgia state Senate committee, which is investigating Willis following allegations of wrongdoing, that a White House record showed Willis had a "meeting with the vice president" before the indictment."
Bad move by Trump.
Now they have to kill him.
Mutaman said...
Based on Know Nothing past performances ( Trey Gowdy and his Benghazi investigation, Jordan and Comer's impeachment clown show, or John Durham losing trials, I don’t think the Democrats have much to worry about.
If Biden does have to go to trial, I predict that unlike some people he will testify, and his wife will show up in court to support him. And he won't doze off in court.
Mutaman believes Joe Biden is competent and that he is smarter and has more energy than Trump.
Let that sink in.
These people are not just fascists.
They are just dumb ans shit too.
Chuck said...
It would be a terrible, intolerable, unthinkably unAmercan thing, if any President got to throw anyone in jail.
It’s certainly a good thing that it is clear to anyone with a brain and some reading comprehension, that President Biden isn’t throwing anyone in jail. Biden had, and has, no control over the New York prosecution. Biden has no personal control over the Georgia prosecution, or the Department of Justice prosecutions. Biden isn’t prosecuting anyone, and absolutely no one is going to jail unless and until they have been found guilty, and exhausted appeals.
This is such a weird and crude rhetorical device — Baden throwing people in jail — that I feel like this is one of those things that Scott Adams has names for.
Notice the corner these idiots have painted themselves into.
Keep it up Chuck. Nobody believes a thing you say. Obviously not even you and you know it.
And I still hope the Biden Regime throws Trump in jail. Because we all know who is pulling these strings.
"Tit for Tat" is the ONLY strategy that is effective in an "Iterated Prisoner's Dilemma," which is a good analogy to the disaster that people drunk on their own hyperbole have now created.
If Trump wants to be magnanimous, he can pardon the people AFTER they've been charged and convicted, but they have to be charged and convicted or the escalation will never stop.
The first thing would be to prosecute every single person, including Obama, Hilary Clinton, Fauci, Comey, and almost certainly most members of the Biden administration who used a secret gmail or other non .gov account for government business. It's an easy-to-prove "felony" with a reasonably short prison term attached. Prosecute all these people, haul them into court, perp walk them, have booking photos taken, etc., and then Trump can pardon them if he wants to.
The two-tier legal system, in which insiders can violate the exact same laws that little people are prosecuted under needs to end, and it needs to end dramatically, visibly and with serious consequences for some "big name" people.
"Norms" can't be restored until both sides have suffered.
P.S.: To head off the tedious and inevitable cliches: "An eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind" was coined by someone who didn't understand neither human behavior nor math.
Doh! saw the double-negative typo immediate after hitting send. Always happens.
*someone who understood neither human behavior nor math.
"Notice the corner these idiots have painted themselves into."
The "It would be totally unfair and wrong for Republicans to even think about doing to Biden what the Democrats are busy doing to Trump" corner?
Yeah, pretty silly, isn't it?
"An eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind"
That's only so if the person who starts it doesn't learn from losing his first eye. Of course, Democrats can be pretty clueless, so there's that...
Prof. M. Drout said...
P.S.: To head off the tedious and inevitable cliches: "An eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind" was coined by someone who didn't understand neither human behavior nor math.
To follow up and expand on this excellent point.
You can only have "Rule of Law" and social contracts with people who adhere to the social contract in good faith.
The reason Ghandi was successful was because he did his thing in a UK run country. If he tried that in Tibet he would have died in a Chinese jail completely unknown. Our current Regime is on the same moral level as the Chinese, not the UK circa 1950s.
We are not dealing with people who are adhering to our social contract in good faith. We are dealing with insects who just attack and bite and sting with no thought about consequences or conscience.
Trump is the only person in history that has ever been convicted of having an accountant describe paying a lawyer to secure an NDA from a porn star as a legal expense.
Democrats made up a crime with no thought or care to the damage that would do to the system. You cannot deal with these people in a constructive way. They are completely incompatible with a free country and a legal system that provides due process and equal justice.
They are just a tribe who use firm grip power and only believe in justice through tribal affiliation.
Achilles said...
"They are just dumb ans shit too."
"dumb ans shit". (sic)
Trump University education.
NY Gov Hochul should pardon Trump. If she had any class. She said conservatives should move out of NY. The Luv Gov said conservatives weren't welcome in NY. So, not likely, but she should. A pardon would not help Trump's election, if anything, it would hurt him.
He won't do it. It's not in him, even now after all they've done to him for years. But I do hope we get someone soon who will allow us to attack our enemies and crush them in every way.
Clyde wrote:
> There's an old saying, "Two wrongs don't make a right, but three do."
I'm pretty sure the saying is, "Two wrongs don't make a right, but three rights make a left."
Nicely put, Professor Drout. Thank you.
Mutaman said...
Achilles said...
"They are just dumb ans shit too."
"dumb ans shit". (sic)
Trump University education.
It is a typical 90 IQ tactic to point to a typo.
Because you cannot deal with anything I said in an intelligent way.
You are just an idiot.
Mutaman said...
John Durham is tanned and rested.
6/5/24, 6:40 PM
LOL! Thank you, brother, for that laugh. That's a good one. Exxxx-cellent.....
Chuck proves yet again that he is the dumbest man on the internet.
'It is a typical 90 IQ tactic to point to a typo.'
And proves his NPC status.
Even near-geniuses like me make occasional typing erors : )
typing erors :)
Trump reminds the world, yet again, that he is a counter-puncher, not a belligerent.
The Progressive Liberal Establishment's response is a delicious faux moral panic.
'So if both sides do it, it will..." Both sides, doing it, they're the same - you know - like Hamas, and the IDF.
Biden blanket pardons: Now - there's an interesting concept. Except that pardons are for crimes past and present, but we're now in a brave new era now, where new crimes can be imagined into reality, out of thin air. They can be a creative exercise, sometimes they're prosecuted without even mentioning what they actually are - Right? Problem solved.
Prof M Drout.
Well said.
"An eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind" was coined by someone who [understood] neither human behavior nor math.
Nor the biblical injunction, which was intended to scribe limits around retribution. Before "an eye for an eye," it was often "your son for an eye."
It should stop, but Biden won't stop, so the only way to stop what the Progressives have planned is to do unto them what they do to you. THEY set the precedent, and THEY are the corrupt idiots who thought they were smart. We see through their lies and we want them punished for what they did to America.
Freder Frederson said...
He's threatening that he will do to the Democrats what they are currently doing to him? What a bad man. *eyeroll*
Well, yes he is. He has called it a "witch hunt". Didn't your mom tell you: "Two wrongs don't make a right".
6/5/24, 6:40 PM
Shut up hypocrite. Your side will rue the day.
Mason G said...
What's happening here is that the Democrats are Hamas and Donald Trump is Israel. The Democrats have waged their attack and are now calling for a cease-fire so they can avoid any consequences foe their douchebaggery.
6/5/24, 7:09 PM
There have to be consequences for bad actions.
I like the idea of Trump pardoning Biden, but letting the DOJ (under new management and after a clearout, as it's stuffed full of leftist lawyers)go after Bragg, Smith, James, Willis, Bratt, those filing felony charges in 2024 for actions taken in November, December 2020.They should be bankrupted into oblivion - ask Mike Flynn how the FBI and DOJ worked him over in 2017.
They should probably require that federal crimes are not charged in DC, but, say, Texas (then they can separated from family, gagged as per Merchan's treatment of Trump).
The lawyer activists going after lawyers acting for Trump in 2020 need pursuing. Nice to see a show trial of Marc Elias, wouldn't it?
Once this has been done, both sides will realise that lawfare is personally destructive and it will stop.
Trump wants his legacy to be restoring our American birth-rite to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Would indicting a few high value bad players who were destroying our institutions further that cause? I would think so. On the other hand, getting them to back off will go a long way to that end. Remember how he dealt with Kim Jung Un.
It’s too bad this retribution idea is a thing, but it is. Key for his legacy will be to turn the focus on the border, the economy and energy policy as soon as possible.
Shorter Pro Drout: if you *don’t* take an eye for an eye, well, the whole world may not end up blind, but many end up drinking water contaminated by nuclear fallout.
Such experiments as game theory allows show that firm retribution, the followed by magnanimity is the only way to end this. Red states need to start combing their law books, or writing laws to allow this, because blue state courts are simply too corrupted.
Blogger Meade said...
“Please explain to me how that works.“
It doesn’t “work “
You fucked around and now you find out. Don’t. Fire. On. Fort Sumter.
That’s the most curious comment on this page. Not the Civil War comparison; that part I get. What I don’t get is the putting the Trump insurrection in the place of the defenders of Fort Sumter. Geographically; ideologically; spiritually; I associate Trumpism with the old Confederacy. They are even adopting the old Confederate battle flag.
A couple of good links on this; the Confederate battle flag as part of January 6:
And Trump’s personal defense of the Confederate battle flag:
Say what you will about Trump; he knows his base.
Both sides aren’t to it Freder. That’s the point. Another old saying is once you kick the shit out of the bullies, they shut the fuck up and go way. It’s time to kick the shit out of the bullies. I guess you’re scared.
What did the Federal Courts say when certain states tried to disqualify Obama? It never went to trial, and the only proof he ever provided was a "birth certificate" that had been created in Adobe, and created based on records that could easily have been manually entered into a DB at any time. No investigation was ever done, and in one of his two autobiographies, written while he was a state senator, no less, describes his "exotic birth cirtificate' and nothing about that Adobe job seemed all that exotic.
I have professional experience designing document generation systems that operated from database records, it was called "cold storage" back in the day, but unless you could prove that the original records written in the DB were anything more than ones and zeros on a disk that could have been entered by anybody, they didn't mean anything.
Personally, I think that Obama's American mother was good enough for me to qualify him, but apparently we have been invited to a game of hardball by the Democrats.
“He didn't set the precedent.”
We’re already seeing the wrath of Trump in the prosecution of a President’s son, Hunter Biden, stemming from an investigation the Trump administration launched in 2018.
“Another old saying is once you kick the shit out of the bullies, they shut the fuck up and go way. It’s time to kick the shit out of the bullies. I guess you’re scared.”
There is no bigger bully than Donald Trump.
I suggest that a new Republican Congress (temporarily) extend the statute of limitations for crimes committed by Bill, Hillary, Barack, and Joe, then let justice take its course.
Amazingly, confoundingly stupid and dishonest LBOC.
The depths of dishonesty and depravity that rolls if the tongues of people like yourself means there can be no reconciliation.
so Left Bank is fine with pee doh drug addicts buying guns and disposing them in garbage bins by schools.
His daddy is oh so tough on crime.
expecting leftists to act in good faith... LOL.
We really are Charlie Brown.
It’s funny seeing the Left make counter claims lacking any evidence.
"Oh, no! It's the consequences of my own actions!"
it is a terrible precedent and also he was for it before he was against it
Gun Control NOW....except for druggie sons of installed presidents who don't have to obey the laws everybody else does.
"We’re already seeing the wrath of Trump in the prosecution of a President’s son, Hunter Biden, stemming from an investigation the Trump administration launched in 2018."
Oh haven't seen anything yet. It's coming and you are going to get what you gave good and hard. Enjoy it!!!
I doubt the R's/Trump will take the D's to court.
But if they do, I'd bet you would not have to wonder AFTER the conviction, "What were they guilty of again?"
Leftwing Authoritarian bullies act like authoritarian bullies - but please be nice to them.
Sadly - most of the time the crap GOP ARE too nice.
Corrupt Leftist lying creeps do not deserve nice.
Freder Frederson:
Didn't your mom tell you: "Two wrongs don't make a right".
Making an assumption here, didn't your dad tell you: "The only way to stop a bully is to stand up to him."?
Left Bank of the Charles said...
“He didn't set the precedent.”
We’re already seeing the wrath of Trump in the prosecution of a President’s son, Hunter Biden, stemming from an investigation the Trump administration launched in 2018.
Hunter Biden clearly broke our common sense gun laws that Democrats pushed for.
They are also laws that have inordinately been used against and were targeted specifically at black Americans.
The Biden regime will find a way to get Hunter off though. Have no fear. Hunter is white in the state of Delaware. Only black Americans go to jail for what hunter did.
As Louis L’Amour would say, “You boys saddled this bronc, let’s see if you can ride him.”
“It’s certainly a good thing that it is clear to anyone with a brain and some reading comprehension, that President Biden isn’t throwing anyone in jail. Biden had, and has, no control over the New York prosecution. Biden has no personal control over the Georgia prosecution, or the Department of Justice prosecutions. Biden isn’t prosecuting anyone, and absolutely no one is going to jail unless and until they have been found guilty, and exhausted appeals.”
That’s just plain silly. The two DOJ prosecutions both required direct White House intervention and coordination to set up. The FL documents case had (unprecedented) the WH ordering Trump’s security clearances revoked and (unprecedented) NARA to fully cooperate with the FBI/DOJ (and do exactly what they were told to do by those agencies). Both cases also required the (unprecedented) waiver of executive privilege for Trump by the FJB WH. A couple weeks ago, Judge Cannon ordered unrredacted and declassified the existence of meetings between the FJB WH and AG Garland to set his two prosecutions up. Similarly, there are records of multiple WH meetings between its attorneys and both the GA and NYC DA offices. With GA, it wasn’t just with DA Willis, but also with her BF/former lead attorney. As for NYC, the three lead attorneys came free from a law firm tied closely to the FJB and Obama White Houses. All three had worked in high positions in the Obama DOJ.
Three of the four prosecutions are probably effectively dead until 2025, at this point. The way things are going, the most likely people to go to jail in the FL case before the end of the year are Jack Smith, and esp Jay Bratt, for repeated acts of contempt. The latest news there is an ED FL hearing set late this summer to review the legality and funding of Smith investigations and their funding (they are apparently being funded off budget through a special off-budget fund for “Independent Prosecutors”, which haven’t existed for over 20 years now). The GA prosecution and Willis are currently under investigation by both the executive and legislative branches of the GA govt. Which leaves the NYC case. There have been leaks out of the prosecution that they are going to request that bond be denied, which means immediate imprisonment at Rikers Island. Moreover, a common requirement for an appeal there is a requirement that the defendant not leave either the city or state during the pendency of the appeal. Which would mean no MAGA rallies across the country before the election.
I sense victory slipping away from Trump with stuff like this.
The most important word in the English language is "no". We don't need the DJT revenge tour. Anyone who paid the slightest attention to the New York proceedings knows that they were election interference of the grossest kind perpetrated by political hacks in New York state court acting in bad faith. Due process never made an appearance. Achilles is right: Trump is the only person in history that has ever been convicted of having an accountant describe paying a lawyer to secure an NDA from a porn star as a legal expense. The matter speaks for itself.
There are plenty of issues with which to beat Team Biden--the obvious Biden senility, the empty cacklings of the stupidest person ever to be VP, the southern border fiasco, the illegal immigration crisis, the over-regulation of everything, the feckless Ukraine folly, the lawfare against ordinary citizens, the inflation bomb (soon to be paired with economic stagnation), the government attempts at censorship and propaganda propagation, the antisemitism of the Democratic base, etc., etc.
The spotlight should be on Biden and his disastrous policies the whole time. The less said about the sorrows of Donald Trump, the better for his election chances.
It's amusing to watch the "liberals" here immolate their credibility defending this prosecution of Trump. Hunter violated black letter law, though he is making an absurd argument regarding the meaning of "is." He then went on to brandish the illegally obtained firearm in a restaurant, whereupon his girlfriend took it away and threw it, once again illegally, into a trash can where any dumpster diver could find it.
Trump was found "guilty" of falsifying records in 2017 to steal an election that happened in 2016, or of violating Federal election laws, which for some reason the Feds declined to prosecute, or of some misdemeanor transubstantiation, whereby a misdemeanor could then be distilled into a felony, without a second crime being committed. I still don't know which if these crimes was the steel trap that caught him, and neither do his lawyers, who were tasked to defend him, because they weren't told until the trial was over what they were defending.
Maybe the guy from the home of Harvard and MIT can tell us which law he broke, the time travel one, the Federal one that the prosecutor lied to the jury and claimed that he had been found guilty by the Feds, or the double jeopardy one, where he is tried twice for the same misdemeanor, even after the statued of limitations had passed.
And as for tit for tat, a big part of the reasoning that tit for tat is the only correct response, is that if you don't show that you have the power to dish out some tat, you are going to be choking on tit 'til you are done for.
It's like in baseball, if you don't show that you can hit a curve, that's going to be your steady diet at the plate until you are driven out of the league, or you learn to hit it.
It's funny how Trump is responsible for an "insurrection" based on a tweet telling people to calm down, and go home, and to respect law enforcement, but Biden isn't responsible for the rhetoric that has led to these baseless prosecutions, even though he is the head of the political party to which all of these prosecutors belong.
And BTW, according to the Gary Hart precedent, where the Feds conspicuously declined to prosecute Hart on the same theory, Trump had every reason to believe that tasking his lawyer, an officer of the court, with making this payment was entirely legal.
There is so much reasonable doubt in this case that even calling it "reasonable doubt" gives the charge too much credibility. As if there was some high probably that some crime *actually occurred*, which it didn't.
"I'm looking forward to the arrest of Barack Obama for the murder of Anwar al-Awlaki."
I'm definitely for that! It was an illegal assassination of an American citizen. A few weeks later Obama subsequently killed al-Awlaki's 16-year old son, also a criminal act.
I'm all for every president being criminally prosecuted for crimes they commit in office (and out of office subsequently).
This would rightly put most or all US presidents for the last half-century (and longer) under criminal prosecution. The prevailing blindness to and normalization of presidential crimes absolves criminal presidents past and nourishes criminal presidents future. Unless and until presidents become soundly fearful they could be criminally prosecuted for their actions in office, ongoing presidential (and US) criminality won't end.
imTay 8:43 am: “you are going to be choking on tit ‘til you are done for.”
Where does this sort of thing happen?
Asking for a friend.
Robert Cook:
Unless and until presidents become soundly fearful they could be criminally prosecuted for their actions in office, ongoing presidential (and US) criminality won't end.
Agree. However, it needs be actual criminality, not two or three tenuous tiers removed. Like the current trial was.
OT: captcha wouldn't be near as annoying if the "creators" knew the difference between a bike and motorcycle or a tractor and other heavy equipment.
Hunter clearly enjoys many ways of getting off, including his brother's widow.
Family ties.
Regarding that pesky gun issue, he has the defense of being out of his fucking mind on drugs when he filled out the forms.
You can't expect him to be involved in Biden Inc, drug deals and perhaps some underage gals without a piece.
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