June 25, 2024

"I know the excruciating pressure of walking onto that stage and that it is nearly impossible to focus on substance when Mr. Trump is involved...."

"It is a waste of time to try to refute Mr. Trump’s arguments like in a normal debate. It’s nearly impossible... to identify what his arguments even are. He starts with nonsense and then digresses into blather. This has gotten only worse in the years since we debated.... Mr. Trump may rant and rave in part because he wants to avoid giving straight answers about his unpopular positions.... He interrupts and bullies... because he wants to appear dominant and throw his opponent off balance.... In 90-minute mock debates on an identical stage, I practiced keeping my cool in the face of hard questions and outright lies about my record and character.... Unfortunately, Mr. Biden starts from a disadvantage because there’s no way he can spend as much time preparing as I did eight years ago.... Mr. Biden is one of the most empathetic leaders we’ve ever had. Listen to how sincerely he talks.... Mr. Trump can’t do that because he cares only about himself.... ... Mr. Biden is a wise and decent man...."

Writes Hillary Clinton, in "Opinion | Hillary Clinton: I’ve Debated Trump and Biden. Here’s What I’m Watching For" (NYT).

It's actually not hard to understand Trump. He does switch in different topics, and that could throw his opponent off balance, but it's not hard for the home audience to follow. His rally crowds get him, easily. If you hate him, it may indeed be "nearly impossible to focus on substance," and then you won't understand him. That's a plus for him as a debater. He gets to communicate fluently with the voters, at least the ones who aren't dead-set against him, and flummox his opponent, who, apparently, is supposed to dump endless time into practicing not losing his cool. Meanwhile, is Trump even practicing at all? I don't think he is. He may be brushing up on the facts and the policies, but his debate style is instinctive, and his opponents don't even know if he's going to do the acting-presidential routine or unleash some chaotic force-of-nature attack.


Dude1394 said...

You mean like Biden lying about Hunter Biden bald faced, and touting the fake 51 intelligence agents that he knew were also lying. Like that?

The 3 day old fish that just will not go away.

Mary Beth said...

I don't understand. To hear Dems talk, Trump supporters are mouth-breathing idiots, yet they can follow along and understand what Trump is saying. But Clinton, Biden, and almost all of the media is bewildered every time he talks. It makes me think the dummies aren't who the dummies think they are.

RideSpaceMountain said...

Donald trump turned Hillary into a newt. But she got better.

TreeJoe said...

"Unfortunately, Mr. Biden starts from a disadvantage"

For once I agree with Hillary.

On that note, is that why Biden first declined a debate and then pivoted and set it up with CNN and then told Trump he would debate him?

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

In the 3 disastrous years of Biden, Trump has a lot of material to keep Biden on defense.

Mason G said...

Fuck off, Hillary. You're the embodiment of all that's wrong with how this country has been run for far too long. Your time is over, why don't you do everybody a favor and just ooze off into the sunset? And take your rapist husband with you.

Aggie said...

" Mr. Biden is one of the most empathetic leaders we’ve ever had. Listen to how sincerely he talks.... " ...'sterotypical malarkey'

I practiced keeping my cool in the face of hard questions and outright lies about .... my record and character

Like this.

mindnumbrobot said...

Go home Hillary, you're drunk.

tcrosse said...

For years people have been telling Hillary how smart she is, and she's stupid enough to believe them.

FullMoon said...

Thank you to commenter who posted this link yesterday.Ccannot find the name).
Anyway, hour and a half.
Ten-15 minutes at a time for short attention span.

titleTrump responds to serious questions without notes, tele-prompters or assistance

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

It's actually not hard to understand Trump.

It is for Hillary Clinton who has time and again shown that she has no ability to think on her feet.

Iman said...

“Mr. Biden is a wise and decent man...."

Clinton hissed, with no evidence.

Skeptical Voter said...

Reading this load of codswallop from Hillary, I realize why she couldn't understand why she wasn't 40 points ahead of that dolt Trump. Clueless ain't in it, so to speak, where Hillary is concerned.

She has absolutely no idea why she isn't Queen of the May. But the voters had an idea, and they showed it.

Enigma said...

Hillary's "superior" prep 8 years ago resulted in creepy Cheshire Cat grinning from start to finish. Her coaches said "smile a lot" but couldn't fix her weird facial contortions.

Hillary also thought she NAILED Trump when he responded as her coaches predicted. She thought she'd set him up and trapped him, and that she'd won the election during the debate with a double-wide grin.

But no.

Selective memory.

Rusty said...

Iman said...
“Mr. Biden is a wise and decent man...."

"Clinton hissed, with no evidence."
She then licked her left eyeball.

mezzrow said...

Reading this from Hillary (especially at this point) is like listening to someone's contractual obligation album from somewhere in the deep hair band 80's. Like then, it's time to move on.

Nothing to see here.

henge2243 said...

The most empathetic leader ever? What about on time POTUS Slick Willie "I feel your pain" Clinton?

I think Mrs. Clinton added in an unnecessary "em" in her description of 'ol aneurysm Joe.

BTW, the P is for predator.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

YouTube:I know the excruciating pressure of trying to be... myself, whatever that was.

Tom T. said...

Notice that she doesn't offer any substance.

doctrev said...

If Joe Biden called Hillary a dried up old harpy and reminded her that she will never be President, I genuinely think he would go up two points in the polls.

Leland said...

In 90-minute mock debates on an identical stage, I practiced keeping my cool in the face of hard questions and outright lies about my record and character.

The US spent 3 years and hundreds of millions of dollars because of your campaign’s outright lie that Trump won because of Russia. Fuck off on your demand of pity for wasting your time. If you didn’t want lies about your record, you wouldn’t have hid it from the people and FOIA requests, such that anyone could fill the void you created from your poor decisions and weak character.

Balfegor said...

It is a waste of time to try to refute Mr. Trump’s arguments like in a normal debate.

The moments when politicians in a presidential debate (primary or general) actually respond to each other, like in a normal debate, are few and far between. That's why stuff like Trump's famous "because you'd be in jail!" or Chris Christie's mockery of Marco Rubio's garbled talking points stand out -- they show that, unusually for politicians, they're actually listening to what the other participants have been saying, not just marshalling their talking points. Because mostly our presidential "debates" are a mix of rote talking points and the moderator trying to debate the Republican candidate.

Two-eyed Jack said...

Do you think CNN gave Biden's team the debate questions or vice versa?

TreeJoe said...

"Excruciating pressure" - Are you kidding me?

This is about being President. A stage debate should be nowhere close to an excruciating pressure for anyone on that stage.

narciso said...

how do you know Hillary is lying

her lips are moving, they thought they had this wired with the two tracks of maskirovna, with Sussman and Elias, but then the DNC and the Panama papers came out, the deals with Prokhorov
her funding of Skulkovo village, other aspects from the Guccifer hack illuminated the schemes in North Africa, that underlay the Arab Spring socalled,

Darkisland said...

Poor Hilary.

She has never gotten over the big man frightening her on stage.

John Henry

narciso said...

she lost to Obama, that was bad enough, but to a one time dinner guest, that is unbearable,

the tripwire that Obama had set up at Justice, at LAngley, at the Hoover building prevented Trump for really retaliating

gspencer said...

More lies from Hillary the Harridan.

On a feel-good note. Hillary will NEVER be president. And it goads her no end that Trump has been president and has a good chance of being president again.

Take it away, Nelson Muntz,


Original Mike said...

Dana Bash's ex-husband was one of the 51 spies who signed the 'Hunter's laptop is Russian propaganda' letter. Jeez.

Original Mike said...

"On a feel-good note. Hillary will NEVER be president."

IDK. Hillary as Biden's VP could happen.

gilbar said...

avoid giving straight answers about his unpopular positions...

could Hilary! or ANY ONE name ONE of his "unpopular positions"?

ANY ONE? name JUST ONE of his "unpopular positions" JUST ONE.. also, please give line to poll#s

damikesc said...

I've heard Biden for decades.

When was he ever wise or empathetic?

Darkisland said...

Blogger RideSpaceMountain said...

Donald trump turned Hillary into a newt. But she got better.

He did but she didn't. (Get better)

She was never much before her stroke in 2014. But she did lose a couple steps and it shows. She still has not revered from that, I don't think.

John Henry

Darkisland said...

Great line from Stephen Green at PJM

“What if Trump goes up against Biden with this one message underpinning his performance: ‘I’ve come to this debate the same way I’ll go back to Washington, with literally everything stacked against me. And I’ll still win.'”

John Henry

Just an old country lawyer said...

Blather from the original AWFL.

This doesn't look so much like a real debate as a joint interview with softball questions for one participant and gotcha questions for the other with minimal opportunity for interaction between the debaters.

Sure hope I'm wrong, but I do look forward to the Althouse and the Althouse commenters' takes on it. Y'all watch it for me, please.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

But they are too scared of him connecting with ORDINARY PEOPLE like he did in the CNN Town Hall event, and therefore have to exclude actual humans from this event. Got it. Obviously this is clue number 2,043,187 that Hillary is less than ordinary* if not less than human.

*If you haven't seen the photo op of her pulling a Chuck and pretending to grill food you should see it. (or search "democrats pretend to grill" because its quite a fad with them). She looks like she's giving the spatula the dead fish handshake.

Big Mike said...

Do you think CNN gave Biden's team the debate questions or vice versa?

Obviously it was a negotiation.

ron winkleheimer said...

"Mr. Trump may rant and rave in part because he wants to avoid giving straight answers about his unpopular positions...."

Is she really that far into the bubble!? Trump's positions are popular and are basically those of an anti-Nafta 1990's Democrat.

damikesc said...

One plus: Biden, Mr. Empathy, is one of the few candidates for President available with video of him dropping "N" bombs in Congress.

Original Mike said...

"Mr. Biden is a wise and decent man...."

Let's ask his grand-daughter Navy's opinion on that.

Joe Biden is a nasty SOB, and there's plenty of video to prove it.

Joe Smith said...

So now we care about the opinion of the most evil person since Pol Pot.


rehajm said...

Why can’t Trump be a good do bee like Mitt and play our game with our rules?

stlcdr said...

Trump is a force of chaos.

This is a good thing, and kept us and most of the world relatively safe while he was president. It also allowed enemies of the [US] people - government - to focus on 'bringing him down' and leaving us little folk alone to do our business.

Left Bank of the Charles said...

A lot of people who love Trump love him for the entertainment value rather than the substance. But does he have an acting-presidential routine?

Yancey Ward said...

Shelob's essay is one of the more unintentional comedy routines I have read in recent time. Anyone who can write that Joe Biden is one of the "most empathetic leaders we have ever had" is either an astonishing liar or just out of her fucking mind.

Iman said...

Rusty said: “She then licked her left eyeball.”

…and attended to her cloaca…

Yancey Ward said...

"But does he have an acting-presidential routine?"

Acting presidential is good for exactly what, Left Bank? Good Presidents and horrible Presidents are pretty much universally regarded to have acted presidential, wouldn't you agree? Now, I know you don't agree with the substance of what Trump did in his four years and won't agree with what he might do in another four, but people shouldn't be so quick to focus on what turn out to be superficial qualities and this basically where Trump supporters have ended up landing- not being fooled so much by the polish GOP candidates typically lather up in.

Jersey Fled said...

“But does he have an acting-presidential routine?”

Yes. 2017 - 2021

"It is a waste of time to try to refute Mr. Trump’s arguments like in a normal debate. It’s nearly impossible... to identify what his arguments even are.“

Sounds like a good tactic if you know Donna Brazille gave your opponent the debate questions.

narciso said...

its funny about Hillary, besides her Russian engagements she was involved with Haiti, we know what porridge has been made there, but also Nigeria, of course Judge Chutkin was very helpful in burying that trail, with regards to Chadoury,

GRW3 said...

Substance = Information and observations compliant with the Democrat/Socialist/Progressive worldview.
Lie = Any statement contrary to Democrat/Socialist/Progressive beliefs.

Every D/S/P codeword has a similar definition.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Y'all watch it for me, please.

Already have a room in the new Hyatt downtown (Gainesville) but I expect I'll be watching it in the bar. They said they would tune to it. They also play albums on request. Nice place!

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

She seemed to have left she got the debate questions from CNN. I'm sure it was a really tough prep session when she had the questions.

Jupiter said...

"It’s nearly impossible... to identify what his arguments even are."

Another Democrat with dementia.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

We have no cable or streaming on TV at home, in case the previous post seems out of context. And this is one thing I do want to see live even though as expected it will be "tape delay" and have about 20 minutes of commercial time in which to cover for Biden gaffes. To reprise a theme on yesterday's thread, I too am hoping Trump wears a prominently visible timepiece, somewhere between a lapel pin and Flava Flav.

hawkeyedjb said...

"Joe Biden is one of the most empathetic leaders we have ever had..."

I'm trying to imagine how much money or alcohol someone would have to supply me before I would agree to put my name to that.

Yancey Ward said...

Were this a real debate where the candidates ask each other the questions, a more focused strategy might be better to pursue that isn't going to be the case on Thursday. Knowing that Biden will know the questions in advance and literally have the pre-written answers either on cue cards or fed to him through an earpiece does require a more flexible "debate" strategy. Were I and Joe Biden on a stage asking each other policy questions I would have him blathering and spitting like the moron he is without ever having to look "non-presidential" myself in doing so. However, lacking that interactive dialogue makes it far harder to undo Biden unless Biden just can't manage keeping the pre-programmed answers straight with his cards which is always a real possibility. Like I wrote many times- I thought Shelob won every debate against Trump in 2016 by standard debate judging criteria and I thought it wasn't even close on that score- but that isn't how audiences perceived it and people like Shelob and others just don't quite grok that.

Greg the Class Traitor said...

It is a waste of time to try to refute Mr. Trump’s arguments like in a normal debate. It’s nearly impossible... to identify what his arguments even are. He starts with nonsense and then digresses into blather.

False, if true. Because it's very easy to respond to nonsense and blather: You simply point out that what he said was blather and BS, then make your own point.

If the audience agrees with you, its an easy win.

It's only when they're making good points, that you lose by not responding to them

RCOCEAN II said...

Why are we even reading what this liar says about anything? Hello? She hired a lawfirm to cook up the whole dishonest "Russiagate" scandal and the fake phony "Steele Dossier" and to this day, still lies and insinuates Trump is a "Russian asset".

She's also stupid. Hillary's obvious lies ignore known facts. For example, Biden isn't taking any meetings, he's been holed up in his beach house and the WH concentrating on the debate.

Anybody with a brain, just listens to Trump's arguments and counters them. If Hillary was too stupid to follow Trump's words, (she's a former Sec of state and Yale Law Grad) then its good she was defeated.

IN any case, Biden will just rely on CNN to help him out and he will study the questions that CNN has given him in advance.

Quaestor said...

Hillary goes away

If only... I doubt there's a stake of holly sharp enough to keep that chardonnay-guzzling revenant in her political tomb. All it takes is a coven of purple-haired Marxists chanting the appropriate evil incantation, and Hillary oozes once more onto the leaves of used toilet paper comically named the New York Times. Dracula should have it so easy.

RCOCEAN II said...

Yeah, poor Joe Biden. it seems being President is a cakewalk compared to talking to Donald Trump!

RideSpaceMountain said...


I propose a trial by ordeal to see if Hillary is truly the witch of Chappaqua people say she is. We shall make her sit on the scales of woe and if she weighs more than the combined weight of the servers in her bathroom closet then she is a witch. If she weighs less then the servers she is also a witch. If she weighs the same then we must throw her in the Potomac and see if she floats.

If she floats she is a witch. If she sinks then she wasn't a witch but with no objections I think we just solved our problem with Hillary "not going away".

RCOCEAN II said...

Last comment. This will be the most rigged debate in Presidental history. CNN is basically an arm of the DNC. They've given Biden the questions in advance. All the questions will be designed to hurt Trump and help Biden.

All the moderators are liberal Democrats who've called Trump a "fascist" and a "threat to Democracy" on TV or in print. They will cut Trump's mic anytime he says anything they don't like. Biden will also be pumped up on some sort of drug to help make his brain work.

It will be 3 against 1. If Trump "Wins" it will be a miracle.

Achilles said...

""I know the excruciating pressure of walking onto that stage and that it is nearly impossible to focus on substance when Mr. Trump is involved....""

They have to pretend it is not about substance.

But they are utterly dishonest people.

One one side Americans First.

On the other side open borders, forever wars, hyper inflation, defunding police, high crime, censorship and persecuting political opponents.

Trump is better on every substantive policy question that exists.

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Achilles said...

Left Bank of the Charles said...

A lot of people who love Trump love him for the entertainment value rather than the substance. But does he have an acting-presidential routine?

He did it for four years.

We had peace and economic prosperity.

You just cannot deal with the fact he did a great job as president.

And he would have done better if Washington DC did not go full on soviet after his election.

Russian collusion was your first lie. You have been lying ever since Trump was elected. You are a liar and so is every person that supports Joe Biden.

You are just completely dishonest in every way.

Original Mike said...

"They have to pretend it is not about substance."

Yeah, Joe Biden has been a policymaker for 50+ years. Why does he have to "prepare"?

cassandra lite said...

Calling Joe Biden empathetic immediately disqualifies Hillary from ever again being taken seriously.

The only adjective she could've used that would be sillier is "honest."

Inga said...

Trump will give a great “refuttal” to every one of Biden’s assertions!

Achilles said...

Inga said...

Trump will give a great “refuttal” to every one of Biden’s assertions!

Trump doesn't have to refute anything. The truth will do that.

You support:

- Open Borders.
- Defunding police and high crime.
- Political persecution.
- Censorship
- War

You just can't deal with the truth so you lie. It is just the nature of being a Democrat today.

Quaestor said...

"Mr. Biden is a wise and decent man..."

The Vampire of Little Rock wouldn't know a wise and decent man if he appeared before her wreathed in clouds of glory.

retail lawyer said...

"Only Rosie O'Donnell"

Mikey NTH said...

Donald Trump can be both chaotic and presidential within minutes, depending on what he thinks will work best against his opponent. He has been negotiating for decades. He also displays a good command of facts. Add to this that he has been speaking extemporaneously for years and that makes for a skillful speaker.

Big Mike said...

RideSpaceMountain said...

Donald trump turned Hillary into a newt. But she got better.


Chuck said...

I still think that the best thing for Biden would be to begin the debate by declaring, “Mr. Trump, as the current President of the United States, despite the fact that I have no role in any of your state or federal prosecutions, as a lawyer myself I think it is incumbent on me to advise you that you have a right to remain silent, and that if you answer questions about the crimes of which you are now alleged, those answers may be used against you in court. You are presumed innocent in all of those prosecutions, and as a matter of criminal procedure, you do not have to say anything to prove your innocence. But as a matter of electoral politics, you should certainly answer questions about the conduct which is now the subject of very serious allegations. With that, let’s begin the debate.”

Patentlee said...

I thought that Biden was a complete ass during his VP debate against Paul Ryan, and that Biden lost his earlier VP debate against Sarah Palin.

mikee said...

Trump upsets the Dems by not losing gracefully, like McCain, Dole, and GHWBush before him. He's even worse than GWBush, who simply smirked at AlGore's attempted intimidation during a debate, and refused to roll over for AlGore's attempt to steal the 2020 election! How dare Trump actually fight!

mikee said...

As evidence of the truth of my comment above, I completely forgot about Romney, who also lost very gracefully.

tim maguire said...

Does Hillary really not understand how bad this makes her look? She can't handle a debate with someone whose style is different from hers but she thinks she's qualified to be president? She thinks she's qualified to tell us who else is qualified to be president? When she can't even debate someone with an unusual style?

JK Brown said...

Trump can be a bit of work to listen closely to. He diverges and has a complex speaking method. Most college students learned to hack their professors who increasingly lay it all out in order, even if filled with academic nonsense and doublespeak.

The working class person on a job site will be more familiar with processing speech that is not "textbook" processed but more original sources. Textbooks are dumbed down "studying" with the authors having done the work of supplementing the ideas, organizing the ideas and even offering a judgement on the worth and soundness of statements. Leaving the student to rote memorize rather than have to think and process the information.

Michael K said...

Blogger Original Mike said...

"They have to pretend it is not about substance."

Yeah, Joe Biden has been a policymaker for 50+ years. Why does he have to "prepare"?

All wrong policies.

Iman said...

“Trump will give a great “refuttal” to every one of Biden’s assertions!”

and with that, the snake slithered away…

Michael K said...

Blogger Patentlee said...

I thought that Biden was a complete ass during his VP debate against Paul Ryan, and that Biden lost his earlier VP debate against Sarah Palin.

I thought he was acting crazy in the debate with Ryan and wondered why Ryan did not call attention to his nonsense. "Are you all right VP Biden?"

Achilles said...

Blogger Chuck said...
I still think that the best thing for Biden would be to begin the debate by declaring, “Mr. Trump, as the current President of the United States, despite the fact that I have no role in any of your state or federal prosecutions, as a lawyer myself I think it is incumbent on me to advise you that you have a right to remain silent, and that if you answer questions about the crimes of which you are now alleged, those answers may be used against you in court. You are presumed innocent in all of those prosecutions, and as a matter of criminal procedure, you do not have to say anything to prove your innocence. But as a matter of electoral politics, you should certainly answer questions about the conduct which is now the subject of very serious allegations. With that, let’s begin the debate.”

I hope that Biden is stupid enough to think this is a good idea.

I want Joe to brag about how nobody is above the law with Chuck levels of self awareness.

I think he may actually do it too.

Steve said...

Hillary hid behind her own skirts.

Biden will hide behind his dementia.

Iman said...

Paul Ryan proved to be a wimp, like so many others. The witless Biden should’ve been low-hanging fruit for him.

Kevin said...

I see Hillary has delivered her prefectly-timed, ghost-written and pre-approved opinion piece as per the DNC's debate prep Gantt chart. This sets in the minds of people watching that if Joe becomes flustered or loses his cool it's Trump's fault.

Most voters, however, will just hear the next day that Biden won.

Because there is no way in hell the media people will tell people Trump was better.

Iman said...

Paul Ryan proved to be a wimp, like so many others. The witless Biden should’ve been low-hanging fruit for him.

Achilles said...

If Joe Biden is stupid enough to bring up classified documents, I wonder how many people are going to learn that the DOJ decided not to prosecute him for stealing documents himself because they determined that he is a dementia ridden old man.

Patentlee said...

I grew up in a town that straddles the Queens - Nassau County border. Trump speaks like a typical guy from Queens. Trump typically sounds unpresidential but I understand what he is saying, even if others say they don’t.

Joe Smith said...

“Mr. Trump, as the current President of the United States, despite the fact that I have no role in any of your state or federal prosecutions, as a lawyer myself I think it is incumbent on me to advise you that you have a right to remain silent..."

The dumbshit barely graduated law school.

I never went to law school and you would be better off asking me about legal issues.

In other words, Joe is a dummy. I mean really dumb. As in stupid. Slow.

wendybar said...

The drunkard needs to go away. Nobody cares what this has been has to say. She is a loser, who actually DOES belong behind bars.

PM said...

Agree with Original Mike's ugly scenario.
Hillary as VP would solve the Kamala issue and make it safe for Biden to win and, shortly after, bail-out to spend his days watching TCM and internet porn.

rehajm said...

…and with this she answers her question Why am I not 50 points ahead?.

rehajm said...

Obama’s handlers were wrong- she’s not likable enough….

Narayanan said...

maybe Left Bank of the Charles should try the view from Right Bank?!

Kakistocracy said...

CNN's moderators must begin Thursday's debate by asking the candidates who should be the next president of Harvard. Everyone knows it's Maria Bartiromo. /s

Mikey NTH said...

My God, Chuck actually suggested that?

Okay, here's a response: "You want to discuss crimes? Then tell us what Hunter Biden brings to any business deal with foreign corporations other than he is your son and why any foreign corporation think that would be important enough to hire or make deals with him?"

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

It will be 3 against 1. If Trump "Wins" it will be a miracle.

Exactly why I expect it to be compelling television, despite their efforts to take any fun or challenge to Joe out of it. It's always delicious right when the Coyote opens that big box from Acme and rubs his hands together. You know what's coming!

Beep beep!

Oligonicella said...

I bet Hillary thinks Biden will have to run crouched to avoid the sniper fire as he approaches the lectern.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Ah I see Acme Asshole Air Freight just dropped off a big "Duh Joe Should Do Dis" box. Here we go.

Beep beep!

Jupiter said...

Lesbian space witch, dressed in the hide of a sofa.

Original Mike said...

"You want to discuss crimes? Then tell us what Hunter Biden brings to any business deal with foreign corporations other than he is your son and why any foreign corporation think that would be important enough to hire or make deals with him?"

This is where Mr. Empathic calls Trump a lying dog-faced pony soldier.

Narayanan said...

Do you think CNN gave Biden's team the debate questions or vice versa?
who could be the cut out in scenario?

Ambrose said...

All of a sudden Hilary is in the news. Hmmm …..

Narayanan said...

Joe Biden is one of the "most empathetic leaders we have ever had"
Joe does have hug and sniff nailed down! for empathy performance

Yancey Ward said...

"CNN's moderators must begin Thursday's debate by asking the candidates who should be the next president of Harvard. Everyone knows it's Maria Bartiromo. /s"

Let's just ask you, Rich: would Maria Bartiromo make a better or worse president of Harvard than Claudine Gay? Who would you trust more to manage anything important, Rich, between Bartiromo and Gay? Tell us- this is me asking you a serious question.

Big Mike said...

I’m still chuckling over how Hillary did (an obviously scripted) downstage cross in front of Trump, then bitched about how he “loomed” over her when it backfired spectacularly.

Yancey Ward said...

"Hillary as VP would solve the Kamala issue and make it safe for Biden to win and, shortly after, bail-out to spend his days watching TCM and internet porn."

Let me ask you this- how worried would you be if you were the person keeping Shelob out of the Oval Office? Biden in that position would quickly be taking a dirt nap is the most likely outcome.

Yancey Ward said...

LOL, Chuck- I do hope Biden tries your suggestion- he will literally be stepping into shit and Trump would pummel him with it.

RideSpaceMountain said...

"dressed in the hide of a sofa."

If you've seen her recently, it looks like she stole every farmla from Gaddafi's closet.

She came
She saw
She stole his mumus

mindnumbrobot said...

Does anybody honestly care what Hillary thinks anymore? Heck, does the average NYT reader care what she has to say?

Quaestor said...

"CNN's moderators must begin Thursday's debate by asking the candidates who should be the next president of Harvard."

Trump's best reply: The presidency of Harvard should be decided by a national lottery. Random chance must assure greater intellectual honesty than Harvard's usual procedure. With a random nobody at the helm rather than the typical Marxist bootlicker, Harvard's Jews will enjoy the safety and freedom granted by default to Harvard's Muslim students. Furthermore, a more sagaciously selected president would have the balls to institute gravely needed reforms throughout the university. For example, an annual Quran Burning Night would go a long way toward restoring the Ivy League's lapsed reputation for intellectual rigor.

Darkisland said...

Now, I know you don't agree with the substance of what Trump did in his four years and won't agree with what he might do in another four,

With all due respect, Yancey,how do you know that? All his disagreements, like pretty much every never-trumper here and elsewhere, is based on style.

When you try to ask him or anyone else what substance of PEDJT's presidency, policies, actions etc, it is pretty much crickets, "humena, humena, humena" or bluster about him appaearing unpresidential.

Still waiting for anyone to tell me how he will "destroy our democracy".

As for being unpresidential, we have hundred and hundreds of hours of PEDJT acting presidential with foreign leaders, US politicians and others. He can do it when he needs to. He doesn't do it when he doesn't need to.

What many of us hear, drain the swamp, MAGA et al is exactly what we want to hear from our president. Thus presidential by definition.

John Henry

John Henry

FullMoon said...

Michael K said...

I thought he was acting crazy in the debate with Ryan and wondered why Ryan did not call attention to his nonsense. "Are you all right VP Biden?"

Yep. Seemed strangely euphoric and un-serious.

Suspected amphetamines.

Made me feel slightly nostalgic.

Butkus51 said...

dogs listen, but they dont understand

FullMoon said...

Beloved commenter Inga breaks her silence at 12:01 PM in order to predict, without evidence, President Donald Trump's behavior.

Nobody knows what (Inga) knows

Darkisland said...

Blogger Joe Smith said...

The dumbshit barely graduated law school.

He barely even went to law school. Syracuse? C'mon, man!

John Henry

Drago said...

Iman: "Paul Ryan proved to be a wimp, like so many others. The witless Biden should’ve been low-hanging fruit for him."

Paul Ryan is not a wimp. He is simply and fully on the other side, as we now clearly see.

who-knew said...

This is the best description of the debate I've seen yet "This doesn't look so much like a real debate as a joint interview with softball questions for one participant and gotcha questions for the other with minimal opportunity for interaction between the debaters" Thanks to Just an old country lawyer. Chuck says that Joe Biden should open with a patently false statement "despite the fact that I have no role in any of your state or federal prosecutions". That's fitting for the serial fabricator we have pretending to be president. I agree with the commenters who think Biden will be given the questions ahead of time. Despite all my best instincts, I will probably end up watching.

Mattman26 said...

Looks like we have entered the "lowering expectations" phase.

Drago said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
damikesc said...

Trump should play the video of Biden dropping "N" bombs in Congress anytime he possibly can.

Drago said...

At the risk of setting off LLR-democratical Chuck potential proclivities, Perhaps someone should ask Biden why he showered with his adolescent daughter and how long that behavior continued.

Mason G said...

From wikipedia (yeah, I know, but how badly could they screw this up?):

"Harvard University is a private Ivy League research university in Cambridge, Massachusetts."

As a private school, why would their choice of president matter in any way to the government of the United States?

Original Mike said...

"Perhaps someone should ask Biden why he showered with his adolescent daughter and how long that behavior continued."

You lying dog-faced pony soldier, you…

Breezy said...

Hillary, why don’t you join the other 16 people prepping Biden this week. He’d probably like to bounce things off you.

mindnumbrobot said...

There is no need for CNN to provide the Biden camp with the questions. There will be no gotcha questions, no unexpected topics, etc. CNN will stir clear of any subject or questions unfavorable toward Biden.

Iman said...

“I ain’t no ways tahred”
of wrecking lives of others
pantsuited pantload

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

It's CNN.

the whole thing is a big gotcha trap for Trump.

they want that dick-step soundbite. If Trump is on a roll -they will cut him off.

This is Democratic Soviet America.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

That headline really is a masterwork of hyperbole and self-own: "I know the excruciating pressure of walking onto that stage and that it is nearly impossible to focus on substance when Mr. Trump is involved."

Does "excruciating pressure" refer to her walking instead of waddling or to her performance anxiety? I'm leaning towards performance anxiety because the the second clause about how impossible it is to focus supports that theory. I reject any blame she lays on Trump's presence because enshrined in her nasty history are both the "3 a.m. phone call" commercial she ran against Obama and the actual 3 a.m. phone call from "her dear dear friend" the ambassador in Benghazi for which she was not ready and to which she reacted slowly, poorly and at the cost of lives, only to then lie about it. Over and over. THAT was the moment to focus on substance Hillary. And you blew it.

I'll bet your good friend would counsel you to avoid phrases like excruciating pain since that is what your inaction condemned him to. Hillary had a real knack for handling Libya, even if she couldn't handle Trump. At least we have her classic eulogy for Ghaddafi to remember her tenure as SOS: "We came. We saw. He died." Isn't she lovely.

Eva Marie said...

Contrarian opinion: James T Harris (AZ talk show host) wants Trump to lose the debate. That would solidify the Biden candidacy. And we need Biden as the Democratic candidate. He also mentioned that Stacey Abrams has slimmed down recently, maybe waiting in the wings if Biden does poorly. Would a Stacey Abrams/Kamala Harris candidacy be viable? Or Abrams/Newsom?

Jupiter said...

Wait. F. Joe Biden showers with a lying, dog-faced pony soldier? I wonder how Dr. Jill feels about that.

Mason G said...

At least we have her classic eulogy for Ghaddafi to remember her tenure as SOS: "We came. We saw. He died." Isn't she lovely.

And then there's her boss: "Turns out I'm really good at killing people," Obama said quietly, "Didn't know that was gonna be a strong suit of mine."

Democrats are just lovely people, I guess.

Paul said...

Question is... can Trump say what he wants and ignore the questions from the 'moderators'???

So if Biden says 'Trump is a FELEON' and keeps yacking on that can Trump, with his time, point out Biden's multiple failed policies?

For to me that is what Trump should concentrate on. Facts of Biden's 4 years of f*ckups.

Readering said...

Going back to '84 incumbents generally fare poorly in 1st debates. Trump like an incumbent since refused to debate in GOP primary.

Original Mike said...

I don't want Biden to melt down. I want Biden to answer to the voters in November.

mindnumbrobot said...

I know the excruciating pressure of walking...

I believe her.

pacwest said...

Trump like an incumbent since refused to debate in GOP primary.

A smart move by Trump being able to sidestep those. They would have only left bad feelings. Very savy.

Aggie said...

I listened to part of that 'All-In' podcast yesterday, the one that @FullMood referred to at 10:26. I only listened to part of the segments that included Trump, because once I was able to gauge his answers (and his mental direction) I was good. I did listen to quite a bit of the post-interview debrief, which was more interesting.

But: There is a segment where Trump discusses the upcoming debate with Biden. Although he'll often ham it up on stage and play to the Joe-Mentia angle, he doesn't seem to be willing to underestimate Biden. He's approaching this as a legitimate debate with a viable candidate, which I think is well-grounded. Joe played the feeble-old-man rope-a-dope in the last election, and it was a winning strategy: Minimize the exposure by avoiding the camera, strictly managed small-crowd public appearances, juice up for the important speeches and debates. I don't think they've changed their playbook. Trump knows that he's fighting two fights at the debates, Joe and the rest of the Democrats, at once.

Jim at said...

I long for the day when this vile creature draws her last breath.

Freder Frederson said...

I grew up in a town that straddles the Queens - Nassau County border. Trump speaks like a typical guy from Queens. Trump typically sounds unpresidential but I understand what he is saying, even if others say they don’t.

Well, since you are a home boy of Trump, can you explain what the hell he is saying here:

" And the fake news they go, he told this crazy story with electric. It's actually not crazy. It's sort of a smart story, right? Sort of like, you know, it's like the snake, it's a smart when you, you figure what you're leaving in, right? You're bringing it in the, you know, the snake, right? The snake and the snake. I tell that and they do the same thing"

And that is only part of the whole batshit crazy rant.

FullMoon said...

According to anonymous sources within the Biden debate prep team, there are several attending doctors, as well as Hunter, responsible for getting his medication cocktail perfected prior to debate.

Apparently a delicate proposition

Iman said...

Ask P0TATUS Dementia Joe Biden to explain it to you, Fredo.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Readering why do GAF what Republicans do in our primaries?

Democrats didn't have any at all. We shouldn't have had primaries either. What it did was waste dollars and time and give the gabbing class more to yack about. If I have to find an upside I'd say Vivek managed to stand out and I learned Burghum's name, and it's good to learn early my awesome governor ain't ready for primetime. Those lessons might be important later.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Oh Freder no one falls for your out-of-context extractions from the master performer. You had to be there, or watch it in full. You're approach is like taking "Jesus wept" and then saying "What kind of crap crying religion is that?"

There's whole chapters and books man. Dig in.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Now April's going to say I'm comparing Trump to Jesus or worshipping him or something. Sometimes an analogy is just an analogy.

narciso said...


Joe Smith said...

'And that is only part of the whole batshit crazy rant.'

And yet batshit crazy Trump's IQ is at least 30 points higher than slow Joe who got rich from Chinese, Ukranian, and Russian bribes.

Go figure...

AlbertAnonymous said...

Everything that comes out of HRCs mouth is BS

“ Listen to how sincerely he talks.... ”

Biden? GMAFB….

Everything that comes out of HIS mouth is BS too

Freder Frederson said...

And yet batshit crazy Trump's IQ is at least 30 points higher than slow Joe

And you know this how?

Oh Freder no one falls for your out-of-context extractions from the master performer.

Well, I might be stupid, so please explain to me what I extracted out of context. Or at least explain what the hell snakes has anything to do with sharks and electric boats (as if that wasn't batshit crazy enough).

Skeptical Voter said...

To qoute the Hildebeest, "At this point what difference does it make" what she thinks, says or does? The old baggage is on the political shelf--probably for eternity unless the Dims try to recover from a possible Biden implosion this week. And if there was such an implosion, would the Dims be dumb enough to call for Hillary? We shall see--she's probably just as unpopular as either Joe or the Kackler.

Freder Frederson said...

I'll make it easier for you, in what context would the snake comments make any sense?

Drago said...

Field Marshall Freder: "And that is only part of the whole batshit crazy rant."

Provide the link to the video. Trump interacting with crowds as he tells stories is incredibly fun.

And while you are at it, why don't you petition your DOJ Soviet heroes to release the biden video from the Hur interview.

Now THAT would be enlightening!

Hey, you wanna know what a "bats*** crazy rant" looks like? Freder and the entire left, for years, as they claimed the insane hoax dossier was legit, including the unbelievably moronic pee tape story!

And yet Freder believed it all....for years.

Bats*** crazy indeed.

imTay said...

Isn't Hillary the one who had unauthorized copies of classified documents on a server in her bathroom, and then destroyed large quantities of Federal records, including correspondence to her as Secretary of State from President Obama?

Oh, that's right. The finest legal minds assure me that it was only "extreme carelessness" not the "gross negligence" that would have made her a convicted felon. I would love to see the case law, from prior to this finding by the Department of Justice, that delineates this distinction.

She's also the one who paid to have a fake Russian dossier made up and then reported it as "legal expenses" rather than "campaign expenses." I can't wait for New York State to throw her in prison for committing a crime to mislead the people of the United States and therefore attempt to steal and election.

imTay said...

Joe Biden "pretended" to be senile under questioning whenever a particularly incriminating question was asked. He didn't take the Fifth, which was his right, he pretended to be senile, and now the DoJ is in contempt of Congress because they refuse to release the recording. Merrick "Rosemary Woods" Garland.

Here is one of the direct quotes from the transcript: "Vroom! Vroom!" - Joseph R Biden in response to questions about why he had classified documents in cardboard boxes in his garage where his unregistered foreign agent son had access to them.

Oh, and it turns out today that the prosecutor in the MAL Classified Documents trial doctored the evidence, making up covers for the files they found to tart them up for photographs for the press. "Fake, but accurate" will be their defense, I am sure, and it's a high enough standard for a show trial!

Mutaman said...

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

" It is for Hillary Clinton who has time and again shown that she has no ability to think on her feet."

I recall when Clinton subjected herself to 12 hours of examination by Trey Gowdy before congress. On the other hand Trump didn't have the courage to take the stand in his own defense in the porn star trial , despite promising that he would do so.

Original Mike said...

"Isn't Hillary the one who had unauthorized copies of classified documents on a server in her bathroom, and then destroyed large quantities of Federal records, including correspondence to her as Secretary of State from President Obama?<

Those were yoga videos.

Drago said...

Mutaman makes an appearance, providing the opportunity to ask him once again to confirm or deny that he still believes Trump told people to drink bleach!

Remember, Mutaman has been pushing that long ago debunked lie for years and given the collapse of the Charlottesville "fine people" hoax that has caused so much pain and angst amongst the Althouse usual suspects, lets see if he can take the next big step on the path to discarding all the stupid left/dem/LLR-dem hoaxes.

So, here we go: Mutaman, do you still believe Trump told people to drink bleach?


effinayright said...

Mutaman said...
NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

I recall when Clinton subjected herself to 12 hours of examination by Trey Gowdy before congress. On the other hand Trump didn't have the courage to take the stand in his own defense in the porn star trial , despite promising that he would do so.
What does "courage" have to do with this?

And what's this shit about a "promise"? Was it some sort of contract?

Ya think Trump's lawyers waved him off, and he listened to them?


Amadeus 48 said...

Megyn Kelly said yesterday that if Donald Trump wants to charm you, you will be charmed. That's the guy who needs to appear on Thursday. He needs to charm the audience.

Joe Biden is a practiced and experienced fantasist. He tells stories that are completely made up with a fluency that is startling. It is like watching Jon Lovitz do the pathological liar on SNL, but with more comfort in the role. Contrary to Hillary, Biden is not empathetic. He shows a nasty mean streak when he is challenged.

For Trump, less is more. "Are you all right, Joe? You seem to be shouting." "Why are you so angry? You are President of the United States." "It is tough to be behind, isn't it?" "No one has ever done what your justice department is doing to me. How can the folks out there believe that they will get a fair shake from your policemen and prosecutors?"

Mutaman said...

effinayright said...

"What does "courage" have to do with this?

And what's this shit about a "promise"? Was it some sort of contract?

Ya think Trump's lawyers waved him off, and he listened to them?

Based on past performances Trump is one of those clients who doesn't listen to his lawyers. He clearly didn't have the balls to get up there and subject himself to cross examination.

effinayright said...

Mutaman, not only are you repeating yourself you're treating your accusation as a FACT.

If Trump doesn't listens to his lawyers, why did he have lawyers represent him in court?

You're as much a mind-reader as Inga.

Freder Frederson said...

Provide the link to the video. Trump interacting with crowds as he tells stories is incredibly fun.

I can't stand to watch it. But here is the entire video. There were so many lies in just the few minutes I could stand to watch were astounding.

And no one has yet explained what the hell he is talking about.

Mutaman said...

effinayright said...

"Mutaman, not only are you repeating yourself you're treating your accusation as a FACT.

If Trump doesn't listens to his lawyers, why did he have lawyers represent him in court?"

People are represented by lawyers that they don't listen to all the time. Being arrogant and stupid is a very dangerous combination.

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

RCOCEAN II said...
Why are we even reading what this liar says about anything? Hello? She hired a lawfirm to cook up the whole dishonest "Russiagate" scandal and the fake phony "Steele Dossier" and to this day, still lies and insinuates Trump is a "Russian asset".

Has Althouse ever apologized for supporting Hillary Clinton?

Mutaman said...

Amadeus 48 said...

"For Trump, less is more. "Are you all right, Joe? You seem to be shouting." "Why are you so angry? You are President of the United States." "It is tough to be behind, isn't it?" "No one has ever done what your justice department is doing to me. How can the folks out there believe that they will get a fair shake from your policemen and prosecutors?"

For Biden, less is more: "Are you all right Donald? Are you still advising the American public to drink bleach"?

Leland said...

I wonder if the excruciating pressure of walking onto the debate stage remembering the questions given to you in advance is like her recollection of sniper fire in Kosovo as that girl handed her flowers? For a person who can’t recall while under oath, she recalled enough to write another book that she wants to sell. It is fraudulently categorized as non-fiction.

Drago said...

Field Marshall Freder: "There were so many lies in just the few minutes I could stand to watch were astounding."

Nonsense! Your serial hoax lies and smears over 9 years have enabled you to build up an astonishing tolerance for New Soviet Democratical BS!

In this very thread your lefty amigo is STILL pushing the "drink bleach" lie!


Do you have anything to say about that? Or is that just good clean political fun!

Meanwhile, you've gone so far over the edge truth ow looks like lies!

Question: has biden really tamed inflation?

This should be fun.

Drago said...

"Also, I’ve noticed she’s had an "odor" lately. It reminds me of a combination of boiled cabbage, urine, and farts. I’m guessing it’s either connected to her fall or simply the fact that she rarely bathes. Outside of encouraging her to take a shower once in a while, I don’t know what to do about this. — any suggestions would be appreciated"--John Podesta

Of course, I fully recognize that providing a quote that makes Hillary look (and smell!) bad, there is some danger LLR-democratical And Violent Homosexual Rage Rape Fantasist Chuck will completely "lose it" and potentially put people in his near vicinity in danger.

I pray that does not happen.

Darkisland said...

Blogger Mutaman said...

For Biden, less is more: "Are you all right Donald? Are you still advising the American public to drink bleach"?

What is wrong with drinking bleach, Mutaman?

I try to drink at least a gallon of chlorine bleach daily. Seems to do my body good. Keeps me hydrated at least.

John Henry

Jamie said...

Going back to '84 incumbents generally fare poorly in 1st debates. Trump like an incumbent since refused to debate in GOP primary.

Well, since Biden actually IS the incumbent, how's this going to go?

I don't want Biden to melt down. I want Biden to answer to the voters in November.

100%, Original Mike.

Mutaman said...

Darkisland said...

"What is wrong with drinking bleach, Mutaman?

I try to drink at least a gallon of chlorine bleach daily. Seems to do my body good. Keeps me hydrated at least.

John Henry"

Whatever gets you through the night.

Amadeus 48 said...

Biden wants to get to the bottom of what happened to his Uncle Bosie. Did those cannibals get him?

John henry said...

Drinking a gallon of bleach a day does not get me through the night. It wakes me up to pee 3-5 times.

John Henry

Drago said...

Amadeus 48: "Biden wants to get to the bottom of what happened to his Uncle Bosie. Did those cannibals get him?"

It is my understanding biden's uncle was eaten by cannibals and then washed down with some sort of tribal bleach cocktail.

Mutaman can explain it....sort of....since he keeps hearing these voices in his head telling him everyone is talking about drinking bleach.

And isn't Freder just Johnny On the Spot to tell his co lefty to cease and desist with the "drink bleach" hoax.....and by Johnny On the Spot, I of course mean nowhere in sight!

0_0 said...

Why is Biden taking a week off of his job just to prepare for a debate?

Drago said...

0_0: "Why is Biden taking a week off of his job just to prepare for a debate?"

It takes at least a week to, day by day, incrementally shift bidens "alert"/non-sundowning window to coincide with the time of the debate.

Skeptical Voter said...

Rompin' and stompin' on the Hildebeest. It never gets old. I think there at least as many potential voters in the US that hate Hillary as the number of potential voters who hate The Bad Orange Man But then Old Joe and the Kackler also have high places in those numbers. We deserve a better political class.

Achilles said...

Mutaman said...

Amadeus 48 said...

"For Trump, less is more. "Are you all right, Joe? You seem to be shouting." "Why are you so angry? You are President of the United States." "It is tough to be behind, isn't it?" "No one has ever done what your justice department is doing to me. How can the folks out there believe that they will get a fair shake from your policemen and prosecutors?"

For Biden, less is more: "Are you all right Donald? Are you still advising the American public to drink bleach"?

Still running with the bleach lies.

Snopes doesn't think there are fine people on both sides anymore either.

It took months for you people to admit the J6 protestors had nothing to do with Brian Sicknick's death and his family had to beg you people to stop waving his body around like a flag.

Biden supporters are just dishonest people.

They lie. They cling to their lies. They are just liars.

Russian collusion was a hoax. The Ukraine phone call was a hoax. Hunter's Laptop was not russian disinformation.

Dana Bash 's husband was one of the 51 lying intelligence officers. He is a traitor and a liar.

There is not one honest Biden supporter left. Everything you people have is based on lies.

MadTownGuy said...

Iman said...

[“Mr. Biden is a wise and decent man...."]

"Clinton hissed, with no evidence.

Worse than that, the facts controvert her statement. He's neither wise nor decent.

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