"... so does this mean that Hunter Biden has immunity from all other past crimes that he has committed? And the defense said, yes, that's our understanding. And the prosecution said, no, we're still investigating him for financial crimes. And the judge said, Then, we don't have a deal. Right? There's no meeting of the minds. There's no contract that can be formed.... [T]he reason this thing blew up was related to the other Hunter Biden stuff, all of the foreign stuff going on.... I'm not figuring out this willingness to go to trial on these charges with these facts.... All of that is gonna be horrible for the Biden family. And again, politically really unpleasant for his father.... Joe Biden has said he will not pardon his son, but... why would you say you're gonna pardon your son before it's necessary and before an election?..."
From the new episode of the Advisory Opinions podcast,
"Will President Biden Pardon His Son?"...
the other Hunter Biden stuff, all of the foreign stuff going on.... In my view, all this theater about taking gun statutes seriously serves at least 3 purposes.:
1. It might con people into into thinking that the government is vigorously enforcing gun statutes.
2. It might make people forget "the other Hunter Biden stuff, all of the foreign stuff" that is much more serious and that might intertwine with Joe Biden.
3. It might make people empathize with Joe Biden — that poor father! — and respect him for standing back and declining to rescue his son from what might look like the normal workings of the legal system — and maybe that will make it seem more as though Donald Trump is just another guy caught in a ruthless and neutral meat grinder called criminal justice.
NOTE: I added the words "In my view" to this post, because a commenter wasn't sure whether these 3 points were taken from the podcast. They were not! Be assured that if I were quoting or paraphrasing ideas from someone else, I would say so. Quotes are in quotes or blocked and indented. The 3 points are mine.
१०५ टिप्पण्या:
Is Hunter going to flip on the big guy? Consider:
1) Hunter is a perpetually skezzed out junkie, but he's lucid enough to realize that he's completely expendable after his father is re-elected.
2) Hunter can do catastrophic amounts of damage to the entire Rat effort, and Trump can certainly offer him a pardon.
3) Junkies aren't known for fanatic loyalty and long time preferences.
So telling him to wait after the election is a sure guarantee that he's not going to get a pardon, to his mind.
Hunter was the bag man for Joe in the treason and bribery scheme. Joe will have to pardon Hunter after the election. Otherwise, the threat of more jail time on the "foreign stuff" would be an incentive for Hunter to rat out Joe.
IOW, get the pardon - for all federal crimes - out now before Hunter can be indicted for the foreign stuff.
It's very funny that Hunter's own lawyers were so worried about those other prosecutions that they couldn't make any tweaks to this plea deal to make it happen. Some might call that "consciousness of guilt."
>"Will President Biden Pardon His Son?"<
Well of course he will pardon his son. Joe Biden is simply not going to allow his son to spend his (Joe's) last years of life in a prison. (To be fair - which I hate to do in this case - very few fathers would.)
Another pertinent question. Why is Kevin Morris - a CIA asset - financing Hunter's defense and rehabilitation to the tune of tens of millions of dollars? Anyone? Bueller?
Washington Times - June 5, 2024
House investigators seek DOJ charges for Hunter, James Biden for lying to protect president
Biden family and associates pocketed at least $35 million from deals
"[Hunter Biden] was gonna plead guilty to misdemeanor tax charges, do deferred prosecution on the gun charges. And the judge asked a very simple question..."
"... so does this mean that Hunter Biden has immunity from all other past crimes that he has committed? And the defense said, yes, that's our understanding. And the prosecution said, no, we're still investigating him for financial crimes. And the judge said, Then, we don't have a deal. Right?"
The judge forced the Prosecution to say what they were doing out loud. It only took a question. They were trying to cover up the Biden family crimes with this plea deal.
Hunter is being charged because he obviously broke numerous laws.
And Hunter was obviously working directly with Joe to do it. They were trying to sweep those crimes under the rug.
More than 90% of people in DC are criminals. The entire city needs to be expunged and our country freed from it.
Well, it’s actually a story about redemption and recovery. Hunter recovering from his addictions and getting his life into balance. That's a great American story. Lots of people can relate to that. And Biden just looks like a great dad, supporting his son. And then there is the 2nd amendment. Hunter had a constitutional right to that gun. It’s actually made for MAGA. Shame they can't use it. It’s the type of story that makes America great (yet again).
Joe is not implicated in the gun charges. This is a distraction, and yes, of course Joe will pardon his son for all federal crimes. None of this is mysterious or novel, we've known this all along.
The prosecution brought forward the plea deal while not completely agreeing to it. Had the judge not asked, Hunter Biden would have gotten a misdemeanor plea deal negating the need for his father to pardon him. No gun charge and no need to answer questions about his foreign financial deals.
And the progressives are pretending this is a harsh prosecution.
"Well, it’s actually a story about redemption and recovery." Good grief. Do you honestly believe that this is a story line that can be sold? Too many Americans (far too many) are familiar with the ways of junkies and crackheads to buy into this line of shit.
Hunter was bag-man for international family grifting. Illegal.
Joe biden is the "big guy".
They are crooks. Above the law crooks.
the corrupt left *WHINE* -... in unison .... with their MSNBC lies - "You cannot prove it!" "There is no evidence! "... "Russian disinformation!" and on and on... whaaaa.
There is a shit ton of evidence.
How stupid was Hunter to narrate his own audio book confessing to his drug crimes?
Yale Law alum!
Blogger Rich said...
Well, it’s actually a story about redemption and recovery. Hunter recovering from his addictions and getting his life into balance.
That's rich(tm)
It would be a great American story if he actually were recovering from his addictions and getting his life in balance.
There doesn't seem to me much evidence this is the case, does there?
And what about past crimes? If we were getting straight, do you, should we, forgive his past crimes without consequence?
Listening to some of his testimony from yesterday I was struck by how blackmailable he was. Worse, how blackmailable Brandon was. Does anyone think foreign actors eg; Chinese or others, did not have access to his text messages? Would not threaten to release them if they did not get what they want? Did Venezuela threaten Brandon to get him to open the borders?
I did say "his" testimony. He did not testify directly but his text messages and voicemails were read out in court. Far worse and more damning than I had imagined.
John Henry
RE Doctrev above. I think an argument could be made that Hunter leaving his laptop and Ashley leaving her diary are potential cry out for help. They likely know how they’ve been used to enrich the patriarch’s in the family and the risk that has brought them and to their freedom. You can suspect both were given the riot act for being careless with their documenting of activities and leaving them around for others. There are worse things than going to jail.
Payoff from china for cobalt from kazakhstan for the uranium from the oil baroness baturina need i say more
or put simply >>> is FJB pardoning Hunter or self ex-culpating?
I believe that Hunter B has a law license. My understanding is that he automatically loses this on conviction for a felony.
If he gets pardoned, is the license restored?
John Henry
A newsmax viewer was thrown out of the jury pool the fix is in
Hunter's own lawyers, who are presumably the best money can buy, are willing to risk prison time for him rather than to make a simple deal on a crime we know he committed, that doesn't protect him from prosecution for crimes that we are constantly assured he never committed.
Consciousness of guilt.
Leland said...
RE Doctrev above. I think an argument could be made that Hunter leaving his laptop and Ashley leaving her diary are potential cry out for help. They likely know how they’ve been used to enrich the patriarch’s in the family and the risk that has brought them and to their freedom.
6/6/24, 9:20 AM
Mmhmm. In a halfway sober republic, Joe Biden would have been immediately forced out by popular disgust as a candidate and the Democrats would have gone the way of the Whigs after such revelations. The people behind the Biden regime (not Biden himself) have to be seriously thinking of "suiciding" the remaining Biden children, but the level of scrutiny makes that increasingly unlikely, and at any rate President Trump can effortlessly make the Democrats look like insane tyrants if they did.
The gun stuff is small potatoes compared to the international grifting.
the issue is - so many on the left partake in the same types illegal financial behavior- they will go to their deaths protecting Crook Joe and his brother and son.
Rich said...
Well, it’s actually a story about redemption and recovery. Hunter recovering from his addictions and getting his life into balance. That's a great American story. Lots of people can relate to that. And Biden just looks like a great dad, supporting his son. And then there is the 2nd amendment. Hunter had a constitutional right to that gun. It’s actually made for MAGA. Shame they can't use it. It’s the type of story that makes America great (yet again).
Except for the part where Hunter Biden helped his Dad take bribes from foreign countries like China, Russia, Ukraine and Iran and then they betrayed the voters of the US on behalf of those foreign countries.
And the part where Hunter had sex with underage girls.
But other than that totally wholesome.
Oh and the showering with daughters thing.
Other than that...
Oh Joe Biden is a rapist and a sexual pervert.
And Joe Biden is a lying fabulist.
And look at all of the wars Joe started. He has killed millions of people.
And look at all of the women being raped at the southern border.
And all of the kids being sold into sexual slavery at the southern border.
And the censorship. Jailing political opponents.
Actually you know maybe Joe Biden and the people that support him are just terrible people.
Lowell protected menendez the first time when bribes from an opthalmologists protected drug shipments through the dominican republic come on now
"Hunter's own lawyers, who are presumably the best money can buy"
The best Kevin Morris can buy. Hunter blew all his dough on blow.
Dave Begley said...
How stupid was Hunter to narrate his own audio book confessing to his drug crimes?
Yale Law alum!
The left is following the Orwellian playbook.
They need to force you to accept and repeat obvious lies.
immunity from all other past crimes that he has committed?
i was VERY happy with My lawyer (1st cousin once removed, former Polk county DA)..
my charges removed from my record (charges "deferred" i Think they called it), and NO jail time.
But, Even HE couldn't (WOULDN'T!) have tried for "immunity from all other past crimes",
he knew me Well Enough to know that THAT would have covered a LOT a ground.
in The History of The World, has ANY prosecutor EVER given such blanket immunity?
Who was apparently a company asset like they said in the departed 'there are peolle you cant touch' by costellos main enforcer played by ray winstone
1. It might con people into into thinking that the government is vigorously enforcing gun statutes.
I didn't listen to the podcast so I don't know if this is Althouse or the the host(s) speaking. But this point is something I suspect they think they will accomplish, having been forced by their own incompetence into actually proceeding with a trial that they clearly do not want to win.
But it's bullshit. The best thing they could do to reduce gun violence is enforce the laws against illegal possession and illegal use, but they don't because it would "unfairly impact brown people." So millions of brown people must die simply so the Democrats in control can virtue signal. This smokescreen trial ain't gonna move that needle an inch.
And at the heart of this bogus prosecution is a dumb statute, the "false statements" catch-all they selectively whip out now and then. Does it apply to Fauci? Mayorkas? Buehler? Anyone without an R after their name?
I got your redemption and recovery right here.
People you cant touch like costello cofer black was his krisha his protection at burisma
I think this is about propping up the "no one is above the law" story of the multiple Trump prosecutions.
But I'll be interested to see how the "10% for the big guy" thing plays out, now that everyone's admitted that the laptop is real.
@ Achilles — You can kiss your career as a comedian goodbye….
You mean Smirnov's evidence?
Sounds like you are reading from a script. Tell us about Smirnov.
He was part of a Russian disinformation plan to feed false evidence to Comer. The FBI have charged him with providing false information. He is also linked through Postolnikov with providing funds to Truth Social when it was about to go bust. Meanwhile. Comer's witch-hunt went flat. Russian illegal. He will probably be traded for one of Putin's hostages.
I have long maintained (not that anyone cares) that Joe Biden's strident support for his troubled son is nothing more than a transactional relationship. I can certainly envision a scenario where Hunter said 'oh you'll support me, old man and you know precisely why.' Joe isn't being supportive. He's being blackmailed.
"I didn't listen to the podcast so I don't know if this is Althouse or the the host(s) speaking"
The numbered comments should be clearly readable as mine. It's not in quotes, it's not attributed to anyone else, and it's not indented.
This is deeply troubling to me, since I have used this format in thousands of posts!!!!!
Hey ! Where did this wife come from, did Hunter trade in the old model?
Now, I see a lot of chat about Presidential Pardons. But..... what is their practical value now? We are in a glorious new world, comrades, a world where criminal prosecutions can proceed with actually naming the charges. Why, we can just pick them from a list, now. Thanks, Progressive Liberal Establishment! We'll play by your rules.
You had to go to an obscure podcast to elevate this story. Makes sense, given that the NYT webpage at present has nine (9) stories featured on the Trials of Trump. Zero (0) on the Trial of Hunter.
"You had to go to an obscure podcast..."
This is not an obscure podcast.
To write "Biden is a great dad" is really something. I can't believe I accidentally read it but now I can't stop laughing about it.
I mean I too sent my only surviving son who I knew was addicted to the worst drugs on the planet to a hostile country for the expressed purpose of procuring millions in bribes (holding 10% for me, the Big Guy) knowing he would blow his share on hookers and crack and probably spill state secrets in the process, since I had left him alone with my stash of Top Secret documents on the country in question (something I told my biographer, who kept the tape of me confessing LOL) and the keys to my classic 'Vette (parked next to said docs).
But then, who hasn't. Right?
Now we know that the notebook isn't a Russian plant. Oops. Let's see how far this goes.
Hunter's lawyers were the ones who answered the judges question truthfully- the prosecutors lied about the agreement.
Biden bobbles. The Trump hunt is about retributive change, empathetic amusement, and political exchange (PE)... this grade school stuff that makes people go hmm.
Beneath all this there is a far more important story coming out of the Hunter Biden trial, which the BBC have done a good job of shining a light on. The pool of potential jurors were all asked if they had any association with substance abuse, either directly, through their families or their friends. One on three said they did, which is both a not too shocking number and apparently a highly representative sample of Americans.
I’m hoping this spotlight on Hunter Biden’s story will have good outcomes for other people battling with dependency across America. But never lose sight of the reality that behind every addiction there is probably a trauma of some description. In Hunter Biden’s case it is well known and easy to understand what that was. In other cases it might have been, often is, something as unrelated to a delinquent lifestyle as a sporting injury that was treated with opioids to mitigate physical pain.
Be educated by these proceedings and try not to judge.
This is deeply troubling to me, since I have used this format in thousands of posts!!!!!
Those exclamation points hurt. I didn't read the entire post so closely as I usually do, because I'm in the middle of a project, but I had been discussing #1 with my brother this morning so I thought I'd dash off that comment. I apologize for not recognizing the standard format, which is fairly obvious now that I've been hit with a rolled up newspaper.
In the future if I'm confused I will simply make my comment with no unnecessary preamble (it is a weakness in my writing, admittedly). Maybe I'll go back and edit it now to confuse later commenters...
And Rich has devolved into completely unintentional parody.
Tell me something, Rich- why is it concern trolls from the left have an utter inability to maintain the facade? Are you guys just that stupid?
"But never lose sight of the reality that behind every addiction there is probably a trauma of some description. In Hunter Biden’s case it is well known and easy to understand what that was."
A father forcing his son to take showers with him would be for traumatic for anyone.
OMG you edited the post. Really, it was me, not you. The quotes in the top are obvious upon rereading, even in the horribly formatted "click for more" page.
Well, it’s actually a story about redemption and recovery. Hunter recovering from his addictions and getting his life into balance.
Well, except for the coke he left in the White House less than one year ago...
They let the statute of limitations run on the serious stuff. This is just misdirection fluffy stuff with no jail time. Joe probably wants Hunter on probation. To keep him clean.
"Hunter was the bag man for Joe in the treason and bribery scheme. Joe will have to pardon Hunter after the election. Otherwise, the threat of more jail time on the "foreign stuff" would be an incentive for Hunter to rat out Joe."
Wouldn't a pardon automatically do away with Fifth Amendment protections, since there are no crimes to prosecute him for?
Rich said...
@ Achilles — You can kiss your career as a comedian goodbye….
You mean Smirnov's evidence?
Sounds like you are reading from a script. Tell us about Smirnov.
He was part of a Russian disinformation plan to feed false evidence to Comer. The FBI have charged him with providing false information. He is also linked through Postolnikov with providing funds to Truth Social when it was about to go bust. Meanwhile. Comer's witch-hunt went flat. Russian illegal. He will probably be traded for one of Putin's hostages.
Are you being serious with this?
What are you even referring to. What is wrong with you people?
I like how everyone assumes Hunter is going to be found guilty of the gun charges. The ground has been layed over the last 20 years for runaway juries for democrat defendents. Fellow travelers
1. It might con people into into thinking that the government is vigorously enforcing gun statutes.
Only if they don't know squat about the targeting of individuals right of center.
Sigh. Another error. I meant "Show original post" at the top of this page, not the click for more thing, which is -- as far as I recall -- nicely formatted.
I really need to go now.
Joe Biden is just an All-American story. From the podcast transcript:
Right? Right. So I mean he has paid his back child support, his back taxes and a ton of his legal fees here. But even all of that money set aside, Kevin Morris has now said he's tapped out. So Hunter Biden and really, let's be serious, the attorneys involved in this case are on right The line for this, I talked to white collar attorneys who are at white shoe law firms, top of their game. And I said, you know, heading, heading practices like Abby Lowell over at Winston str, who is the lead attorney on this case, who's a very famous attorney. Yeah. And I said, okay, cheapest you can do this trial. Not the pretrial stuff, not just, just the trial, just a two week trial.
Cheapest you can make it happen. It's a friend of the firm. They, they can't lose money on it, but you know, lower your rates. Bottom, bottom it out, and the fewest number of attorneys you can have on the case, $150,000 a day was the estimate. Wait,
Wait, wait. I did you say a day?
I did say a day.
You said a day.
A day. Oh
My gosh.
Us normies totally wouldn't balk at 150k a day in attorneys fees.
I like how everyone assumes Hunter is going to be found guilty of the gun charges.
I thought the consensus was he would NOT be convicted. But my reading comprehension has been notably lacking today. Maybe because I'm editing a French catalog. Or should be editing one instead of here...
Sorry Rich, we don't care about the gun stuff and expert parenting stuff that you claim for Joe Biden.
We care about the international grift! The stuff that was on the laptop--the stuff that your side was phony.
J Scott said...
I like how everyone assumes Hunter is going to be found guilty of the gun charges. The ground has been layed over the last 20 years for runaway juries for democrat defendents. Fellow travelers
It is pretty obvious they have stacked the jury.
There is almost no chance Hunter is convicted of anything.
One of the best parts of these very public cases is that corrupt jury stacking is going to be a front and center issue. now.
"150k a day in attorneys fees" and they still fucked up the plea deal. Nice work guys!
"Joe Biden is an All American feel good story."
What drugs are you on right now?
Blogger J Scott said...
I like how everyone assumes Hunter is going to be found guilty of the gun charges.
Who is the everyone? You and the mouse in your pocket?
Hunter is being tried in the state of Delaware. A small state in size and population that kept voting for his dad as a Senator for decades. With the exception of judges appointed between 2017 and 2020, every judge owes their appointment to Biden as a Senator to recommend, VP, and now President. If the New York jury was slanted Democrat, the Delaware jury is certainly slanted to be pro-Biden, which explains why a family acquaintance is on the jury because good luck finding 12 people in Delaware that are not.
I think what most people are paying attention to is how the trial might be used to protect Hunter from Congressional investigations. For instance, as much as his laptop was entered into evidence yesterday which sort of authenticates it, both sides could challenge that authentication and use the jury as a means to reject the authenticity. We will then here about the sanctity of the jury as Congress uses it for its investigations.
1. It might con people into into thinking that the government is vigorously enforcing gun statutes. [My emphasis]
Wow, Althouse. You seriously get it.
If I were POTUS and my son were convicted, I would pardon him before the ink was dry.
Here's the question that interests me (if I must be interested):
Does the public respect Biden more if he does or if he doesn't pardon his son? Which answer makes him look more calculating?
"They let the statute of limitations run on the serious stuff."
I don't know, statute of limitations seem to be a lot more flexible these days. Ask the Democrats.
The FBI, DOJ, Biden, Security Agencies all KNEW that the Hunter Biden Laptop was real. They KNEW IT. They have just admitted it.
But the FBI, Biden, Democrat Leaders, Security Agencies and then with the help of the corrupt democrat propaganda outlets all claimed it was russian disinformation.
Why in the world would ANYONE trust ANYTHING out of their mouths anymore.
"Blogger Kate said...
If I were POTUS and my son were convicted, I would pardon him before the ink was dry.
Here's the question that interests me (if I must be interested):
Does the public respect Biden more if he does or if he doesn't pardon his son? Which answer makes him look more calculating?"
Here is the question, what information is he trying to cover up if he pardons his son and claims the laptop is russian disinformation.
Malibu Hunter lives large off millions of ill-gotten gains.
Jury cry on q - because boo hoo drug addict.
"the fewest number of attorneys you can have on the case, $150,000 a day"
So, if they do not receive ordinary payment, do Lowell et al. report their services as a campaign contribution?
Hunter's lawyers were the ones who answered the judges question truthfully- the prosecutors lied about the agreement.
It was obvious both sides in that little hussle thought of the hearing as a formality and weren't prepared. Big oops.
Does the public respect Biden more if he does or if he doesn't pardon his son? Which answer makes him look more calculating?
Disingenuous question presumes "the public" is a monolith. Which public?
Dude1394 said...
The FBI, DOJ, Biden, Security Agencies all KNEW that the Hunter Biden Laptop was real. They KNEW IT. They have just admitted it.
But the FBI, Biden, Democrat Leaders, Security Agencies and then with the help of the corrupt democrat propaganda outlets all claimed it was russian disinformation.
Why in the world would ANYONE trust ANYTHING out of their mouths anymore.
6/6/24, 10:24 AM
Well, it’s actually a story about redemption and recovery. Hunter recovering from his addictions and getting his life into balance.
Except, maybe, for that packet of "white powder" in the White House.
I think an argument could be made that Hunter leaving his laptop ... are potential cry out for help.
Then make it instead of asserting w/o support that it could be. A better argument could be made that Hunter needed quick cash and was a drugged-out dipshit. I don't know enough actual facts about Ashley to make a guess.
Oh, that poor, poor addict. Smokin’ crack and shaggin’ whoahs like there was no tomorrow.
May the shit get real for this family of grifters!
Blogger Kate said...
Does the public respect Biden more if he does or if he doesn't pardon his son? Which answer makes him look more calculating?
If the public thinks like Rich, then they'll support Biden not pardoning his son. Because a loving father would realize that his son has both a drug and gun problem. Remember, this began because Biden's daughter-in-law, former wife of Beau and then dating Hunter, was worried that Hunter may commit suicide. That's a major cry for help. Hunter may need the counseling he could get in prison. Especially if President Biden believes in the sanctity of the jury and that the jury has his son's best interest at heart. A pardon only enables his son.
Alas, Biden most likely will never have to make such a calculation.
Oh, and +1 to Oligonicella at 10:48a. No evidence that Hunter has recovered from his addiction or life has become balanced.
Now for Oligonicella's comment directed to me. I won't make the argument because I don't believe it. I simply considered the hypothetical and recognized the possibility. Like you, I don't know enough facts to have a belief one way or another.
That said, I don't follow the argument of Hunter dropping of his laptop for repair resulting in fast cash? How does Hunter make money in such an arrangement?
I'm thinking it will be hard to justify the prosecution of a former President for misdemeanors when the current President's son has such an insurmountable amount of evidence of felonies. When you add the obvious blocking of prosecution by high ranking officials, if Hunter skates, the evidence of a "deep state" is overwhelming, and even those not paying attention will know there's something rotten going on in the U.S. government.
But never lose sight of the reality that behind every addiction there is probably a trauma of some description.
"Probably" is doing a lot work here.
Prosecutor: "You're accused of robbing ten stores in the last year."
Recidivist: "But I probably have a trauma of some description."
I don't think that would normally fly. Do you?
In the ninth step of AA's 12 step program of recovery, you “Made direct amends to such people wherever possible, except when to do so would injure them or others.” after having made such a list in the previous step. I wonder if Hunter Biden has completed such a step.
Perhaps this trial might lead to a foundation for a subsequent trial during the next Trump administration years, a trial of the really significant violations of law. You know, him serving as a bagman for his father. At the very least, it gets some of the laptop's content into evidence. That fake laptop that was just Russian disinformation.
That said, I don't follow the argument of Hunter dropping of his laptop for repair resulting in fast cash? How does Hunter make money in such an arrangement?
No personal argument intended, apologies if it came across that way.
You're right, however, if he left it for "repair". ABC: A major catalyst for the controversy has been a laptop allegedly owned by Hunter Biden and left at a computer repair shop in Delaware.
A "repair shop". I haven't heard anything about the device actually needing repair, only what's been found on it. I'll correct my view if someone posts a link to evidence it did.
Lemme adjust my statement for now then: Hunter could easily have left it there to rot knowing exactly what was on it and knowing - or being told - what's rolling down the hill at him and believing (stupidly or not) that a reputable shop wouldn't go snooping his personal files.
"Joe Biden is an All American feel good story."
I’ve never heard The Sopranos touted as a feel good story.
My uderstanding is that the laptop was water (liquid anyway) damaged and Hunter wanted to recover the data. A very simple job.
Since three people have now referred to "the Big Guy" or "10% for the big guy", it's time to repeat an important fact:
There is good reason to conclude that Joe Biden is not "the Big Guy". Hunter is on record as telling a female relative (sister, daughter, niece? I forget) that Joe took 50% of his "earnings". That's not unreasonable, considering that he wasn't doing any work for all that money, and the amounts were so huge that even keeping half of it paid for all the cocaine and underage hookers he could handle.
So who was "the Big Guy" who was taking 10%? To whom could those words refer in the context of a crooked vice president? As others have noted before me, it can only have been the president: Obama. Where the 10% was taken out, whether the bribes ended up divided 50-40-10 or 45-45-10 or 50-45-5 or what, is not clear. But Hunter's own words - 50% for dad + 10% for "the Big Guy" - clearly implicate Obama.
its more like the clan in sin city, the senator and his earless sun,
"Hunter is being tried in the state of Delaware. A small state in size and population that kept voting for his dad as a Senator for decades. With the exception of judges appointed between 2017 and 2020, every judge owes their appointment to Biden as a Senator to recommend, VP, and now President. If the New York jury was slanted Democrat, the Delaware jury is certainly slanted to be pro-Biden, which explains why a family acquaintance is on the jury because good luck finding 12 people in Delaware that are not."
I thought about this. I live in Sacramento, which probably is close to Delaware's size.
No, its not "likely" that people would be aquainatncews of the Bidens, or have played squash with Beau. Only if you're choosing elite people.
Odds are that if Joe loses the election in November, a pardon for Hunter will come winging down from the White House in time for Christmas. At that point, what does it matter? And even if Joe wins in November--and a pardon might hurt him a bit, I think the pardon will ultimately come down at some point in Biden's second term.
A "repair shop". I haven't heard anything about the device actually needing repair, only what's been found on it. I'll correct my view if someone posts a link to evidence it did.
More here. I advise starting with the complaint, particularly under paragraph 15 which starts section B. Statement of Case. I believe the case was ultimately dismissed but the evidence is still presented in the filings.
As for Hunter's motives for attempting to repair the laptop and then abandoning it: I think $85 is a trivial amount to have data recovered. The thumb drive for storing the data for return to the client would eat up a lot of that invoice. The work could be trivial, as it is simply copying files from A to B, but it takes a good amount of time monitoring. Anyway, $85 shouldn't be a problem for a former board member of an oil and gas company. So why not pay it? That's the real question. It could be Hunter didn't think he had to pay (privilege, "do you know who I am"), intent to be caught with data, disposal (although a trash can is better than a repair shop), etc. I don't know the answer, but I'd bet Hunter made the decision not of sound mind.
This seems like an effort to defraud voters during an election. I'm sure NYC DA's office will investigate.
I think the President, whose administration orchestrated the prosecution and conviction of his political opponent, has put himself in a position to Pardon both President Trump and Hunter Biden at the same time.
Pardoning Trump potentially renders the appeal in the criminal case moot, avoiding the possibility of a reversal (or the matter being passed up the chain to the Supreme Court) between now and November.
It also allows Joe Biden to purport to act as a "unifier" like he claimed he would in 2020, while still being able to call his opponent a convicted felon, and once again prevents his son from suffering any consequences from his reckless, self-abusive lifestyle.
Hunter was on drugs, big time. People who chronically abuse drugs forget what day of the week it is. It should come as no surprise that he left the laptop at the repair shop.
“ And Rich has devolved into completely unintentional parody.”
I actually thought it was parody until I noticed that Rich had posted it.
I would like every article on this matter to start with the following,
"Hunter Biden's defense team attempted to enter into a guilty verdict plea deal with federal prosecutors over gun charges that would provide blanket immunity from further investigation, including for potential foreign business corruption unconnected to the original gun charges.
This plea deal, by appearances, was successfully agreed upon between Federal prosecutors working for the Biden administration Department of Justice, as well as the Defense. Only when it was presented to a judge in open court, and upon the judge's review the judge requested the prosecutors confirm they were offering such blanket immunity, did the plea deal fall apart due to the prosecution stating they did not intend to offer such blanket immunity. The defense was not willing to accept a plea deal with such blanket immunity."
That interplay is so intensely corrupt and wrong, it needs to be the opening description everywhere.
So why not pay it?
Not sure which hanger-on said it, but the reason stated for not picking up the Mac was he was so fucked up he forgot where he left it. Then he went to California for an extended stay during which the guy (John Paul Mac Isaac, I saw him on TV a couple years ago) who owned the repair shop made a good faith effort to reach him but was unsuccessful. He waited a year then disposed of it somehow.
Here's a good summary of the laptop's journey. It was actually the national security stuff on it that caused the shop owner to call the FBI and give it to them. (Cut and paste if you like)
The big trial will be in CA when the tax evasion case comes up. Discovery etc. will clearly show the criminality of the Biden Syndicate.
We have sworn testimony of an associate in the deal that Joe Biden was “The Big Guy.”
Seems like AA tends to put the most cynical spin on Biden's words and the most generous spin on Trump's. Fighting to right her perception of an imbalance of so-called mainstream media, or throwing red meat to her commentariat, or both or something else?
Hunter will never be expendable. He is the bag man. This is how corruption is done all over the world, use of family, and keep the guy with the power you are peddling at a plausibly deniable distance.
This is why Zelensky handled over his secret holdings to his political cronies when he took office, as shown in the pandora papers.
Thanks. Hate legal formats but found enough to buy into repairs, but "cry for help" I don't. Particularly with leaving the PCs (3) with a stranger. Doing blow off hookers' asses, filming sex with hookers and other degenerate things sure doesn't paint that picture. A reasonable assumption is he simply forgot where it was. We will never know for sure. If that was the case, he didn't choose his savior wisely.
There were no folds in the paper in the first pdf, so that one wasn't mailed.
TL;DR - I buy he took it in to get repaired. I don't buy it was a plea for help based on his subsequent activities.
All that pales next to the business dealings though.
Again, thank you for your effort on this as no doubt I'm not the only one who hasn't seen those docs.
Readering: "Seems like AA tends to put the most cynical spin on Biden's words and the most generous spin on Trump's."
Its probably done partially to counteract the absolute lies, hoaxes and fake quotes the entirety of the left/libs/dems/LLR-democraticals launch against Trump almost every single day.
Readering is no exception in that regard.
Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous
That's a photo from Hunter's pad presented as evidence in the trial.
Oh. It's David French. JFC
Readering said...
"Seems like AA tends to put the most cynical spin on Biden's words and the most generous spin on Trump's. Fighting to right her perception of an imbalance of so-called mainstream media, or throwing red meat to her commentariat, or both or something else?"
You, as a self proclaimed lawyer, should know that it isn't a matter of either/or. One or the other regardless, but which side is being more factual. Which side tilting closer to the truth. If you look at it objectively Biden has a more tenuous grasp of the facts than Trump. Then there is the very real appearance that Biden and his justice department will take any measure necessary to silence Bidens political rivals.
Now you can argue the law. You can argue the facts, or you can beat your shoe on the table while yelling at the top of your voice.
Right now you're yelling at the top of your voice and pounding your shoe on the table.
Althouse loves facts and a well reasoned argument.
"Seems like AA tends to put the most cynical spin on Biden's words and the most generous spin on Trump's."
What words of Biden and Trump did I quote here?
I'm just seeing: "Joe Biden has said he will not pardon his son, but... why would you say you're gonna pardon your son before it's necessary and before an election?"
If it's cynical to believe that he's going to take a different position after the election, then I'm cynical. Aren't you? If you say no, then I'm cynical enough to think you're bullshitting.
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