"Mr. Buford believes that neither Democrats nor Republicans have done enough to address significant parts of America’s criminal justice system that are broken, including wrongful convictions, racial disparities and a rate of imprisonment that far outstrips that of other industrialized nations.... For Dawn Harrington, who served time on Rikers Island in New York and now directs an organization called Free Hearts for families affected by incarceration in Tennessee, watching the news coverage of Mr. Trump’s criminal conviction last week was upsetting.
She heard liberals rejoice that he was now a 'convicted felon,' a term she and others have tried to persuade people not to use.... After the Trump verdict, she also heard President Biden defend the justice system as a 'cornerstone of America' that has endured for 'nearly 250 years' — back to a time, Ms. Harrington noted, when slavery was legal. The rhetoric, she thought, was 'quite frankly dehumanizing to the base that we organize with,' she said...."
"People With Criminal Records React to Trump Verdict: ‘Now You Understand’/The New York jury’s decision stirred conflicting emotions, including surprise at the responses of many on the left" (NYT).
She heard liberals rejoice.... "liberals" is not the right word for people like this.
६० टिप्पण्या:
It will all be ok. The justice system will find its liberal roots again by exonerating Hunter Biden.
Be careful what you wish for...
"liberals" is not the right word for people like this.
I've mostly stopped using Liberal for the left. (though I can credibly be accused of failing to be consistent in this area out of laziness)
The real liberals need to renounce the appropriation of this term, and renounce those who caucus with them but pervert true liberalism. The American left need a serious come-uppance.
Trump should be sentenced to at least 3 years in prison. That's what Michael Cohen got for his underling role in this same case, and he had no previous criminal record. His boss should get at least as tough a sentence.
Trump was also guilty of 10 contempt of court citations during the trial for violating the gag order, showed no remorse for his crimes, was convicted of sexual assault in civil court, and is awaiting trial for three other serious felony cases.
There is a strong case to be made for a lengthy prison sentence. Also, the maximum prison sentence is 4 years per felony conviction, with a maximum of 20 years.
IMO — Bragg will suggest incarceration (politically good for him). Merchan will remain overly cautious and give Trump probation which is what most defendants get for this crime….
…and a rate of imprisonment that far outstrips that of other industrialized nations…
Why can’t we be more like Sweeeden?
Trump's second greatest crime, after usurping the crown from Hillary, is the TDS which has caused the Democrats to drop their liberal principles and start acting like the Mafia.
Progressives. Classical Liberalism is NOT Progressivism. The Progressives took over the party, and now they are a party of corruption.
Err...Biden and his friends just spent the last 3.5 years trying to let felons vote. This is because 20% or more of all black males are convicted felons and cannot vote for Biden. This includes many drug offenders and illegal gun users like Hunter Biden too. Never mind Democratic efforts to allow noncitizen / flagrantly illegal voting too. Never mind self-contradictory Democratic efforts to criminalize more things (i.e., guns) that they simultaneously want to ignore.
The Democratic Party is running as if it was 1974 and as if Christian morality had a meaningful impact on 2024 politics, but only within the Republican Party. "What did Richard Nixon know and when did he know it?" That era is dead because the Democrats killed it with Bill Clinton, yet they pretend as if "Rules for thee but not for me" works politically.
Following Clinton-Lewinsky and the pervasive deep state tricks of the Obama-Trump-Biden era, "convicted felon" is apparently now a badge of honor. It means that the dirty swamp is forcing Trump to become one of their own...
Trump Derangement Syndrome is real. Deranged. D.e.r.a.n.g.e.d. Childlike lashing out. Blind zealotry. With fingers on the nuke buttons and control of every deep state agency.
Sleep well.
"Convicted-American." A new identity to keep up with.
Rich, you are such a GREAT Progressive!! I'm sure they are thrilled to have someone like you in their ranks.
I hate to be the bearer of bad news but the word liberal now belongs to the fascists.
She heard liberals rejoice.... "liberals" is not the right word for people like this.
Did somebody appropriate a treasured label and re-purpose it in the name of The Cause?
I normally use 'Progressive Liberal', because this is the name they often proudly associate themselves with. No hiding !
I seem to remember that Trump did something long overdue and liberal-minded with prison reform, but I see that it was too trivial to be mentioned here.
"Trump should be sentenced to at least 3 years in prison. That's what Michael Cohen got for his underling role in this same case, and he had no previous criminal record. His boss should get at least as tough a sentence."
Rich bald-face lying once again. Rich the Cunt Jr. Michael Cohen was sentenced to 3 years in prison for tax evasion.
"liberals" is not the right word for people like this.
Leftist ideologues would be much closer to the truth. The following story is a perfect example of their mindset. I was at my grandson's bar mitzvah on Saturday and my brother-in-law and sister-in-law could not wait to demand to know who I was voting for. Surely you are not voting for that convicted felon they said. I tried to deflect the conversation but they insisted on knowing who I was planning to vote for. By the way they are both brilliant lawyers who are partners in prestigious law firms. I asked them if it troubled them to see the law perverted in such an egregious manner in order to convict Donald Trump. They could not care less. You would think that on a joyous occasion like this they would not bring up politics out of the blue. But you would be wrong. And it did not stop just at Donald Trump. Another brother-in-law, also a lawyer, stated, also out of the blue, that Clarence Thomas is an idiot who is not able to speak English. It is nice to know who the real racists are.
... "liberals" is not the right word for people like this.
Is that like "woman" is not the right word for a man in a dress?
"liberals" is not the right word for people like this.
The appropriate term is "libtards."
Yes- Gusty nails it "libtards".
Glenn Reynolds is an advocate of genocide. I will not credit anything he thinks.
I'm so excited to be intersectionally MAGA aligned with the convicted felon class.
I'm a cowboy...on a steel horse I ride...I'm wanted...Dead or Alive!!!
Glenn Reynolds is an advocate of genocide. I will not credit anything he thinks.
Don't be coy, Freder. You don't credit anything by anyone who is not a hard blue leftist. I also doubt you could defend the statement "is an advocate of genocide". You are just engaging in slander.
Glenn Reynolds is an advocate of genocide.
Preposterous. Believing Israel should prevail in a war they didn't start isn't genocide.
It's a capital "L" Liberals.
But they have to keep churning the labels. Pietists to Progressives, to Liberals to whatever these days. The governing dogma is to use the government to impose their morality on others. The big split was in the 1920s when Progressives split into the Marxist Progressives we have today and the Evangelicals who continued with Christianity. Both still wanted to use the state to impose their morality to "save their soul" by suppressing others.
Innocence project. It depends on which witch.
Glenn Reynolds is an advocate of genocide.
Hamas is a liberal "burden", and a clear and progressive threat to the people of the former Palestine mandate and unincorporated territory now occupied by Syria, Jordan, Israel, etc.
That said, murder, rape, rape-rape, and torture-torture in the pursuit of social justice is no ethical vice.
Cohens got three years (Or so) for fraud and/or Tax evasion. He got a pass on his Trump related activities. You either knew this or you didn’t. Either way you’re a scumbag, so whatevs “Rich”.
Yancey Ward said...
"Trump should be sentenced to at least 3 years in prison. That's what Michael Cohen got for his underling role in this same case, and he had no previous criminal record. His boss should get at least as tough a sentence."
Rich bald-face lying once again. Rich the Cunt Jr. Michael Cohen was sentenced to 3 years in prison for tax evasion.
We need to go easy on poor Rich.
He has an excuse for his flakiness: His mother dropped him on his head ten times when he was a child---"by accident", she claimed.
"liberals" is not the right word for people like this.
The box says "liberals", and it has a picture of some nice people doing nice things. But when you open the box, they're what's inside.
"He [Cohen] got a pass on his Trump related activities."
So- Rich is advocating for Trump to not be punished, then?
Rich said... "His boss [Trump] should get at least as tough a sentence."
He either realized he was making that argument, or he didn't. What a maroon.
Blogger Freder Frederson said...
Glenn Reynolds is an advocate of genocide. I will not credit anything he thinks.
Well, I guess that makes us even Hamas lover Freder. All you post here is bullshit. Now you are a supporter of mass rape and murder.
As ever, Freder engages in drive-by sliming without offering a single bit of evidence.
Not a word, not a morphene, not a syllable, not a phoneme, not a letter, not a fricative......
“Conservatives” is not the right label for all Trump supporters.
Well, I guess that makes us even Hamas lover Freder. All you post here is bullshit. Now you are a supporter of mass rape and murder.
I have never made one comment on this blog (or actually anywhere on the internet) about the current conflict in Gaza. So you are simply a liar.
What I did criticize was you, and several other commenters here, openly advocating the genocide of the Palestinians.
As ever, Freder engages in drive-by sliming without offering a single bit of evidence.
Sorry, that comment was actually intended for the Fetterman thread.
But yes, this is what Reynolds posted in the lead up to the invasion of Iraq (it has conveniently been erased from his archive, I guess even he realized that it was a tad too bloodthirstt
"Civilized societies have always won against barbarians ever since the industrial revolution made making things a greater source of power than breaking them.
Civilized societies have found it harder, though, to beat the barbarians without killing all, or nearly all, of them. Were it really to become all-out war of the sort that Osama and his ilk want, the likely result would be genocide unavoidable, and provoked, perhaps, but genocide nonetheless, akin to what Rome did to Carthage, or to what Americans did to American Indians. That's what happens when two societies can't live together, and the weaker one won't stop fighting especially when the weaker one targets the civilians and children of the stronger. This is why I think it's important to pursue a vigorous military strategy now. Because if we don't, the military strategy we'll have to follow in five or ten years will be light-years beyond "vigorous.""
What is especially disgusting about this statement is that one of the examples he gives is the genocide of Native Americans and blames them for their own genocide because "the weaker one targets the civilians and children of the stronger" without acknowledging that the stronger also targeted the civilians and children of the weaker (e.g., The Sand Creek Massacre and countless other atrocities)
Freder Frederson wrote...I have never made one comment on this blog (or actually anywhere on the internet) about the current conflict in Gaza. So you are simply a liar.
It's too bad you stayed silent on the Hama rapes, murders, and kidnapping at the time. Many of us did express outrage right here. But at least you didn't cheerlead for Hamas.
...without acknowledging that the stronger also targeted the civilians and children of the weaker...
You're twisting Reynold's words to conveniently coincide with your biases. That whole excerpt is a discussion of when and why a "stronger" side will chose to eventually actively engage in genocide when the "weaker" side persists in engaging in conflict, especially when non-combatants are targeted. As indicated by his statement "This is why I think it's important to pursue a vigorous military strategy now." the point he was making is that gradual escalation by a stronger side is a strategy that eventually leads to the necessity of far more gruesome tactics in the future.
She heard liberals rejoice.... "liberals" is not the right word for people like this
I am an actual liberal.
The bastardizing of language is key to the Orwellian left.
Were it really to become all-out war of the sort that Osama and his ilk want, the likely result would be genocide unavoidable, and provoked, perhaps, but genocide nonetheless,...
Note the conditional format of the statement. He is arguing that it will become a genocidal condition if forbearance is practiced.
This is why I think it's important to pursue a vigorous military strategy now. Because if we don't, the military strategy we'll have to follow in five or ten years will be light-years beyond "vigorous."
Now note that he advocates a vigorous campaign to avoid what he thinks will happen if they are too soft now. This is the opposite of wanting genocide, it is saying without a clear decisive ability to prevent them from attacking in the future will end up in a genocidal event later.
Consider also, that what Hamas and their supports do want is the genocide of Jews. And you support their cause. That makes you the advocate of genocide, not Reynolds.
What is especially disgusting about this statement
You also have problems with context here as well. I think your analysis of an author's intent would not get a passing grade. Reynolds did not reflect on the provocation but was drawing out the issue of consequences for action. One could, if looking at this more liberally (not with the capital L), posit that Reynolds is concluding that Israel is like the US vis-a-vis Native Americans in provoking the Palestinians. But that is only because I am limiting myself to one short comment by an author who has a large body of work to use to balance any specific comment in, light of he full position on matters.
Rich said...
Trump should be sentenced to at least 3 years in prison. That's what Michael Cohen got for his underling role in this same case, and he had no previous criminal record. His boss should get at least as tough a sentence.
Please do this Merchan. Please listen to Rich.
Trump will be the only person in the world to go to jail for the felony of “falsifying business records.”
Please do this.
Wisconsin Democrat Attorney General Josh Kaul just filed state charges against three attorneys that worked for Trump in 2020 on the whole "fake elector" bullshit. Beta-cuck Gov Tony Evers' statement is simply, a smarmy "GOOD".
I'd imagine the will face a Madison, WI jury. They're already convicted.
The lawfare is now right in our backyard Professor Althouse (close to yours). You don't even have to look to NYC. This is to cover for the 2020 voter fraud, and clear a path for more of it in 2024.
I am not surprised. This is expected. The liberal WI Supreme court will bring back drop boxes to be stuffed.
Things are going to get A LOT worse...and the libtards in WI will cheer. For those of you not living in WI, our libtards are a very special kind of libtards. A very disengaging holier than thou type.
Consider also, that what Hamas and their supports do want is the genocide of Jews. And you support their cause. That makes you the advocate of genocide, not Reynolds.
Like Michael K, you are a liar. Find one post anywhere on the internet where I have "support[ed]" the cause of Hamas, or even criticized the Israeli conduct of the war. You simply can't and are just making shit up.
"liberals" is not the right word for people like this.
We live in a time where, if you want to call yourself a liberal, you must first reject all liberal values. If you hold liberal values, you vote Republican.
""liberals" is not the right word for people like this"
Yes, but this is a family blog.
You're twisting Reynold's words to conveniently coincide with your biases.
That may be true, but you are too. Glenn Reynolds is an odious asshole and hypocrite. He rails against the public education system yet has been sucking at the teat of the State of Tennessee since 1989. Every time I check instapundit (which is every few weeks) I want to wash my computer with bleach.
Find one post anywhere on the internet where I have "support[ed]" the cause of Hamas, or even criticized the Israeli conduct of the war.
I don't believe it is possible to do a search on your name and find all comments related to any topic much less related to this particular topic, so I really do not have any proof to offer. I will assume you are accurate in your self-assessment since I've never known you to be duplicit in the comments I have read. I retract my accusation.
Unless the election gets rigged again, the tide is turning, and Progressives will be forced back under the rocks from which they slithered...
David Hilliard, founding member of the Black Panther Party supports Donald Trump!✊💯🇺🇸🙏
Freder Frederson said...
Glenn Reynolds is an advocate of genocide. I will not credit anything he thinks.
6/4/24, 10:57 AM
Naw...don't think he is for abortion anytime. THAT is a real genocide happening and it is all the Progressive party has to run on. Killing babies. Especially black babies.
I have the impression that the correct term is "injustice involved individual"
She heard liberals rejoice.... "liberals" is not the right word for people like this
Liberalism is a philosophy of divergence. Embrace the classical. That said, principles matter.
He rails against the public education system yet has been sucking at the teat of the State of Tennessee since 1989.
K-l Marx forbid a person working on the inside to enact change rather than standing aside. Freder may get the vapors thinking of Reynolds.
I found nothing the least bit objectionable in Glenn Reynolds comments about OBL and Islam. It was a perfectly reasonable, and even compassionate statement of facts. In the end, we did NOT pursue our war with any degree of seriousness, and this may ultimately lead to the sort of genocidal war that we should prefer to avoid.
He rails against the public education system yet has been sucking at the teat of the State of Tennessee since 1989.
Leland got me thinking. Should we apply the same standard for anyone who hates America but still lives here? Can we say that they welcome immigrants but still call the country irredeemable?
Besides, I think his issue is with public primary and secondary schools. Is he like the left that decry school choice but put their kids in private institutions? It seems you should have greater cause with them than with Reynolds. Do you have a "no credit" clause for all those lefties that do that?
Freder Frederson said...
You're twisting Reynold's words to conveniently coincide with your biases.
That may be true, but you are too. Glenn Reynolds is an odious asshole and hypocrite. He rails against the public education system yet has been sucking at the teat of the State of Tennessee since 1989. Every time I check instapundit (which is every few weeks) I want to wash my computer with bleach.
"Glenn Harlan Reynolds is an American legal scholar who is the Beauchamp Brogan Distinguished Professor of Law at the University of Tennessee College of Law"
Yeah, that's EXACTLY like the teat-sucking chair-moisteners sitting on their asses all day pretending to teach our children.
Yeah, that's the ticket.
Every time I check instapundit (which is every few weeks) I want to wash my computer with bleach. Well, perhaps you should keep your hands out of your pants when perusing his website. Oh, and maybe get a life. Good grief.
Here's a pic Reynolds's wife Helen Smith, taken a few years back.
A real babe, and smart as hell.
(Alas, an older shot of her wearing a semi-see-through blouse has been taken down. )
Liberal? They stopped being liberal long ago. Just using Washington state as an example, a true liberal was someone like Scoop Jackson, Dixy Lee Ray and even a very, very liberal Mike Lowry. Those days are long gone.
They're not liberals. Not even close.
They're totalitarian, leftist thugs.
The burst of satisfaction for Finally Getting Trumpy! may recede into the realization that a mistake may have been made by not just letting Trump be president and slowing him woth the usual in bureaucratic inertia.
The defeat of Hillary! seems to have been the the point of failure for many, many brains.
"liberals" is not the right word for people like this.
The real liberals should have made a much bigger fuss much sooner.
But they didn't so possession was taken and the value disbursed.
"The real liberals should have made a much bigger fuss much sooner."
The real liberals were on board for a good part of the ride, their mistake was thinking they were in charge of where the clown car was headed. They're not as smart as they like to think they are.
Quislings sitting on the sidelines until the 11th hour don't get to defend themselves using semantics. You're not defending a noun. Nor an adjective.
Naw...don't think he is for abortion anytime.
Actually, Reynolds is pro-choice. He is an acolyte of Ayn Rand.
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