"Yolanda Sánchez was ambushed by gunmen in the centre of Cotija, Michoacán, on Monday. Local media say she was shot 19 times and died in hospital shortly after the attack. Her bodyguard was also killed in the gun battle.... More than 20 people running for office have been killed since September according to official figures, but independent surveys have put the number closer to 40...."
BBC reports.
९० टिप्पण्या:
I have no idea, but wonder how all the male migration out of Mexico and into USA affects things in Mexico. Does it increase the likelihood of the cartel situation, or is it in no way related?
Everything in Mexico is run by the cartels including the US Mexican border. Either cave to their demands or you, your friends, your family and your pets may be killed or kidnapped or both.
Just like the "Big Guy" they want their cut and their demands met. Or else!
Soon coming to American cities. Oh, wait they are already here!
So there have been maybe 40 political killings, but this one makes the news because the victim is a woman?
Oh - I predict our next "hot" war will not be with a Muslim majority country, but will be in Mexico after cartels kill a lot of Americans violently and on TV in USA.
Imagine how violent Mexico would be if they had a Second Amendment!
The flow of Mexicans into El Norte is less important because of numbers than because of influence--we are becoming more like Mexico, practically the definition of a failed state, every day.
A not so subtle message to the new Prez.
"So there have been maybe 40 political killings, but this one makes the news because the victim is a woman?"
Bingo. Even in death, the victimization hierarchy must take precedence. If Sheinbaum is assassinated, it will be interesting to see if the globalists spin the event as misogynistic or antisemitic.
Blogger Political Junkie said...
"I have no idea, but wonder how all the male migration out of Mexico and into USA affects things in Mexico. Does it increase the likelihood of the cartel situation, or is it in no way related?"
Migration through Mexico is controlled by the cartels. Nobody crosses the border without permission from the cartels and without paying the cartels. Police, politicians, everyone involved in the smuggling, drug, human trafficking get a cut from the operation.
The cartels are, in effect, allies of the Chinese. The cartels control roughly 20 percent of Mexico. This will not end peacefully.
Tom T. said...
So there have been maybe 40 political killings, but this one makes the news because the victim is a woman?
6/6/24, 11:57 AM
I only recently heard about these assassinations. It seemed to be a minor news point. This seems pretty major with the number of people (who?) crossing the southern border!
So nice that Biden and the open border democrats are supporting the cartels. Coming soon to the border states.
Bad, bad neighborhood.
We should open our borders to these people. - Biden Administration
Everything in Mexico is run by the cartels including the US Mexican border.
is not Uni-Party also = cartel?
I don't think our next "hot" war will be with a Muslim majority country. I think it will be in/with Mexico after the cartels brutally kill many Americans in the USA on TV.
Tom T. nails it.
Feminism pollutes everything it touches, especially journalism. Althouse made the point about the Women's page feature of obsolete (i.e. honest) newspaper journalism of the past. There is no more Women's page because the thoroughly modern meat wrapper is the Women's section from front to back. The 39 other victims aren't worth a line of ink because they were men.
BBC claims Mexico is celebrating the election of her first woman president. Really? Morena is described as anti-neoliberal (whatever that means) and populist. Really? A strange crop of populists they're growing South of the Border that has FJ Biden's grimy hand shoved in its glove. We'll see, but expect nothing but more of the same shit Mexico has wallowed in since Maximillian was shot.
No disrespect to Mexico, but get your shit together people!
They do democracy different down there.
Sheinbaum promises to put new wine into old wineskins: as a new president, she promises to continue her mentor’s failed policies. More hugs, not bullets will get the same results as her predecessor’s.
Another challenge is a powerful economic elite who refuses to end its dependence on rent-seeking and corruption as a way of life. The Mexican elite is not willing or able to compete at the international level and require domestic protectionism to survive.
I was hearing somewhere that the cartels raked in something like $50 billion last year on human trafficking alone. You know - that whole southern border / Darien Gap thing that is supplying voters to the Progressive Liberal Establishment but don't you dare question where the money is coming from.
Mexico is clearly a failed state. And right on our border. Some way or other the US is going to have to figure out a way to repair that situation, maybe using the services of our large Hispanic population?
Mexico needs to emulate El Salvador. They could benefit by forming posses, rounding up the narcos giving them expedited field trials and then hanging them.
Ever since James Hodgkinson and then later Jeffrey Epstein I’ve believed that this is where the US is heading.
The cartels will need control of the Mexican government if Trump wins?
How inclusive
Well, well, well. That's what happens when your culture abandons the Rule of Law and allows the drug cartels take over.
And we are supposed to feel sorry for that pathetic Hunter Biden because he was a drug addict? No. The lawless Bidens and the sick culture of the Dems are bringing this shit to America.
Biden has allowed this country to be flooded with drugs. I'd be shocked if he wasn't getting a cut - via bitcoin - from the drug cartels.
And, of course, the Dems want to legalize pot on a federal basis to make people even crazier and more addicted. The rationale? More government tax money. Fuck them.
Gunmen have killed the female mayor
We must still await the day when Mexican elected officials are murdered by assassins of diverse gender.
And the reason for the killings is what? Amazed how we never get any in-depth analysis of Mexico by our MSM. Its either ignored or we just get stories about violence and wimmin getting elected President.
What is the new President going to do about the violence. Bueller, Bueller, anyone?
"I think if you were Satan and you were settin around tryin to think up somethin that would just bring the human race to its knees what you would probably come up with is narcotics."
Cormac McCarthy, No Country for Old Men.
Diversity or coincidence (DC)?
It's neat how Mexico has intervened in South Africa's fake genocide case against Israel. I guess that if you are a Mexican government official, being pro-terrorist is easier and safer than doing something about rampant lawlessness at home.
Didn't our 45th President have a name for countries like this?
40 political killings, but this one makes the news because the victim is a woman?
The first feminine gender politician?
Was she a "burden"?
Sex, sexism, and politics?
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion (IED)
The only way the Mexican government ever regains control of any area outside the boundaries of the larger cities is going to be a draconian enforcement of the law- literally rounding up the narcos at gun point and summarily executing them.
This, by the way, is what happens when the law-abiding are restricted from arming themselves- it only means the law-abiding are unarmed while the non-law-abiding rule over them.
bring the human race to its knees what you would probably come up with is narcotics.
George "Fentanyl" Floyd syndrome kills thousands of Americans annually, where the precursors are imported from China, then assembled and redistributed through immigration reform across the southern bridge to the land of DREAMs. #BabyLivesMatter
And Joe Biden is helping to import that here.
A very loose association was made by the media regarding the election of Mexico's first female president and the assassination of a small-town female mayor from Cotija (population 18,000). Timing is everything, I suppose.
Mexico needs to emulate El Salvador.
Emigration reform to mitigate progress at both ends of the bridge and throughout.
My cousin is retiring to Mexico in a few weeks. Of course he’s relocating from NYC so he might not see any difference.
Democratic Choice. Demos-cracy in action.
"I predict our next "hot" war will not be with a Muslim majority country, but will be in Mexico after cartels kill a lot of Americans violently and on TV in USA."
The cartels have no interest in gringos who aren't in the cartels' business. Messing with regular Americans would be bad for business and they know it.
Blogger Luke Lea said...
maybe using the services of our large Hispanic population?
Don't lump us (Puerto Ricans) into this. Or the Cuban-Americans or Filipino-Americans either.
This is a Mexican problem. None of us have anything in common with Mexicans other than language. More or less. Not even much in common with each other than language for that matter.
John Henry
Its what the state of nature looks like
I read this as a story that cartels have killed a mayor. One they had previously kidnapped. Despite military security for her town she was gunned down being struck 19 times.
For context we learn at least 20, and perhaps as many as 40 mayors have also been slain by the cartels.
As an unrelated side note, the slain mayor has the same plumbing features as the new President.
El Salvador used to have a similar problem, until they elected a “far right” trump ally Bukele who built more prisons, chained together gang members and kicked ass. Homicide rate halved.
Don't lump us (Puerto Ricans) into this. Or the Cuban-Americans or Filipino-Americans either.
Diversity is a bloc philosophy. Americans should know better than to exercise liberal license to indulge it.
Bloc Lives Matter (BLM)
So there have been maybe 40 political killings, but this one makes the news because the victim is a woman?
I would say that it made the news because it could be linked to remind people of the recent election of a woman President of Mexico.
And it was probably only allowed because it happened downstream of Biden's recent performative actions to address the border situation.
None of us have anything in common with Mexicans other than language.
(Ahem) Love of tacos.
Blogger gadfly said...
A very loose association was made by the media regarding the election of Mexico's first female president and the assassination of a small-town female mayor from Cotija
I don't know about very I suppose loose could be argued. But we definitely agree an association was made by the media.
She is, unfortunately, not the first feminine gender politician to be aborted, not even the first Latina... LatinX... LatinZ... Mexicana.
Almost 40 politicians killed by Mexican gang members (likely using guns provided by Obama), one woman hardest hit.
We do hear about all the killings. It's out of control. That they are now killing women - is just the next big move.
Illegal entrants are still crossing in based on Biden's 70+ executive orders un-doing all of Trump's border closures...
The illegals are from all over the world and they do not care that they are breaking the law.
What law? Under corrupt democrats - there is no law.
Given that Mexico is nearly a one-party state, its voters like the status quo, the status quo includes the regular killing of inconvenient officials and civilians, and the cartels stay in their lucrative business, can we now call the entire country a cartel?
Limited blogger said...
“No disrespect to Mexico, but get your shit together people!”
Unfortunately, we are living in a glass house right now.
Women have been quite successful in Mexican politics at the municipal and state level. It's sad that this female mayor has been gunned down--but she's neither the first, nor certainly not the last, female politician to be murdered in Mexico.
Mexico has certainly had an interesting political history since Maximilian was executed in ~1869. You mix corruption in with a one party state (the PRI--the party of the permanent revolution) ran the country for almost 90 years in the 20th century, and you get Mexico.
"This is a Mexican problem. None of us have anything in common with Mexicans other than language."
Umm...they're human beings,* (not to forget that all human beings spring from common ancestors from the African continent).
*(Or were you trying to suggest clumsily that Mexicans aren't humans, at least, not like Americans are?)
"Mexico needs to emulate El Salvador. They could benefit by forming posses, rounding up the narcos giving them expedited field trials and then hanging them."
The Mexican Cartels are much better-organized and better-armed than the Salvadoran gangsters. It is not clear that the Mexican government could defeat them militarily, even if it had the political will. What an awful lot of very bad people are discovering is that "democracies" are inherently weak, and easily subverted. There is no lock on the control-room door.
In a little café just the other side of the border…
not supposed to talk about it
The cartels, as noted, control much of the country, are imbedded in the police and the fererales and have elected officials more or less hostage to their agendas. The El Salvador solution won’t work in Mexico since the cartels are as heavily armed as the military unlike the Salvadoran gangs who were local low level criminals and not particularly organized. Also centered in the Capitol and easier to round up
The only solution for Mexico would be for the US to take control of the 100 miles south of our border either through a Putin style annexation or a serious lease from the Mexican govt. 50 miles would do it denying access to the cartels to their honey pot. This would work. Starve the cartels.
I was assured that Mexican citizens weren’t allowed to own firearms. Weird.
None of us have anything in common with Mexicans other than language.
La Bamba
People on social media, including sometimes on Althouse Blog, have been known to say that the United States is now just another Banana Republic with no rule of law. But then I remind myself that there have not been 40 elected people in the U.S. murdered during the past year. So despite our current problems, there is a very real difference.
In the 1840's, the US gave serious consideration to annexing Mexico -- we were in a growth mode in those days. But Mexico had abolished slavery, and the half of the US that relied on slavery didn't like the idea of bringing in a whole lot of "free" land on their southern borders.
Nowadays? Slavery isn't the issue; crime is. If the US could block Mexican crime from crossing our southern border, that would be great. But I don't see that as a reasonable possibility. Not with our current administration, which seems to think that the future of the Democratic Party depends on importing a supportive electorate, without regard for criminal status. I seem to remember that we used to have a system where we decided who could legally immigrate to our country. When did we repeal that?
"All cultures are equally valid."
$50 BILLION on migrants? There were less than 2,000,000 total immigrants to the US last year, legal and illegal, about 2/3 to 3/4 from Mexico (from 30 seconds of Googling) so that means more than $25,000 paid per migrant. Maybe drop a factor of 10 from your total, my fellow Aggie. Even then, $5,000,000,000 is a nice round number for simply allowing people to pass through without murder of them. Rape, maybe, and probably extortion for more along the way.
Maybe Biden has a good idea with the direct flights of migrants into the US at night, avoiding payoff to the cartels in favor of straight cash transactions that can be handled discreetly between the administration and its "asylum applicants" with cash to spend on travel. The graft on that system could be enormous. But I doubt he's raking in billions for the US doing his low-key airshipments of humans.
She's also Mexico's first Jewish President.
Odd that that isn't mentioned.
Coming Soon to a 3rd world capitol (WashDC) near YOU!
LaRaza wants their cut. Since Montezuma’s death, the Conquistadors descendants have been after gold and silver.
>Robert Cook said...
"This is a Mexican problem. None of us have anything in common with Mexicans other than language."
Umm...they're human beings,**(Or were you trying to suggest clumsily that Mexicans aren't humans<
Really? Yeah, that must have been it. That pathetic lefty trope is so predictable that no one actually would have predicted that one of ours might actually use it there.
Blogger Tom T. said...
So there have been maybe 40 political killings, but this one makes the news because the victim is a woman?
I read about this, too. It has been a very bloody political season in Mexico, this year.
"But Mexico had abolished slavery, and the half of the US that relied on slavery didn't like the idea of bringing in a whole lot of "free" land on their southern borders."
LOL. If anyone wanted to annex Mexico it was the Southern/Border Politicans. The South was in favor of annexing Cuba in the 1850s. I say "if anyone" because very few Pols saw any point in annexing a bunch of poor Mexican peasants who only spoke Spanish. We didn't go to war with Mexico to make Mexico the another star in the US flag, we did it because we wanted to annex the mostly empty lands of Arz/NM and Calf.
We were so nice to Mexico, that even after they attacked us, we paid them millions for Calf and the other territories.
Only the good die young
Prof van Creveld (As I Please) has posted thoughts on Mexico, and how blind the US has been to the realities.
And I recall old David Hackworth outlining a scenario similar to today at the tail end of his book About Face.
lonejustice said...
"People on social media, including sometimes on Althouse Blog, have been known to say that the United States is now just another Banana Republic with no rule of law. But then I remind myself that there have not been 40 elected people in the U.S. murdered during the past year. So despite our current problems, there is a very real difference."
It's only a matter of degree. If you had the opportunity to kill Trump you'd piss yourself with joy.
I did a lot of consulting in Mexico for Mining and Manufacturing. When I talked politics with Mexican educated professional class leaders, they told me that, from the Aztecs, in Mexico the strong used the weak to gain wealth and power.
There was never a shift to where the common population gained any democratic power over the elites, the revolutions were run by priests. The Spanish way of Feudal Nobility did not help. There was no Mexican Ben Franklin.
The Cartels are a North American power center that buys Canadian, US, and Mexican political influence.
Being colonized by Britain was a big plus, but not a guarantee, of future freedom.
Did they use a gun, a scalpel... blade, or other means to abort her? It matters... in American politics.
Robert Cook said...
Umm...they're human beings,* (not to forget that all human beings spring from common ancestors from the African continent).
*(Or were you trying to suggest clumsily that Mexicans aren't humans, at least, not like Americans are?)
Yes. Mexicans are human and they are getting the socialist/leftist treatment good and hard right now.
Cook is going to pretend that it is not real leftists though.
Gun Violence!®
"She's also Mexico's first Jewish President."
Proof they want to control everything!!!
Blogger Iman said...
In a little café just the other side of the border…
Thanks for the brain worm, dude!
All these reminiscences of direct and frequent experience with Mexico inspire me to tote up my own. I count 16 visits, the first an overland passage from Texas to Guatemala and Belize and back in 1981, the last a flight into Guadalajara just last month. Whereupon, and for the first time ever in Mexico, I rented a car! Otherwise, I had traveled by train - Mexico used to have many - bus, and bicycle. I've even kayaked across the border and camped on the other side.
And I never met a cartel. Hardly ever had to ask permission for anything. If I did, and it was granted, there was no flavor of extortion, no intimation of violence. Then again, I count 6 Mexican states I have yet to set foot in. Maybe the rules-enforcing baddies are there.
Someone above mentioned hugs and that does put me in mind of something. A candidate who I now know came in second or last in Jalisco's gubernatorial race had a billboard - just one that I ever saw - and on it she promised Safety and a phrase that translated literally as The Embraces Are Over but perhaps figuratively as No More Mister Nice Guy. I could not tell, however, from any of the other campaign advertising that other politicians were running on a get-tough-on-crime message. Issues seemed to be mainly social: free school lunches, the government will pay your water bill, the sexes are equal except-when-they-aren't, stuff like that. I did hear a DJ complain about gas prices - which were indeed high - and there was one news report about a diplomatic dustup with Ecuador. But it was plain these affairs weren't weighing heavily on voters.
Shorter Cook -
the monsters shooting people in Mexico .... Are human beings too!
Luke Lea:
maybe using the services of our large Hispanic population?
Don't lump us (Puerto Ricans) into this. Or the Cuban-Americans or Filipino-Americans either.
I worked saw mill for a couple years. Ask a Puerto Rican what they think of Mexicans and sit back.
Luke Lea:
maybe using the services of our large Hispanic population?
Don't lump us (Puerto Ricans) into this. Or the Cuban-Americans or Filipino-Americans either.
I worked saw mill for a couple years. Ask a Puerto Rican what they think of Mexicans and sit back.
"Ask a Puerto Rican what they think of Mexicans..."
And no hint of the fear-of-being-thought-racist disease that so strongly infects the AWFUL people.
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