It's not meat, and it's not cheese. So there's no problem... except putting your glasses down with the lenses against a hard surface.
ADDED: After the correction, above, I think it is meat and cheese, with the cheese on top of the raw side of the meat... the grayish meat. So there's no way to stand your ground, Chuck, and I approve of the deletion. Some things just don't work.
१३६ टिप्पण्या:
Does tofu melt?
Are those "veggie hot dogs"?
Veggie burgers suck. Although if you put enough sauce, onions, pickles, etc. on your "Hamburger" it doesn't really matter that much.
So it's just as if not more disgusting than tossing a slice of cheese on top of a raw, half rancid patty on a cold grill. Got it, Senatir.
The best topping for a veggie burger is the other garbage in the dumpster.
The vegan diet makes my dog hurl green. It's great for a forced cleansing. I empathize with my pooch, because I, too, am not a ruminant, a low energy masticator.
Did he tell an Impossible Whopper, or did he make an Impossible Whopper?
Don't seek approval from online critics.
"So there's no problem... except putting your glasses down with the lenses against a hard surface."
And for that mortal sin, Chuck should be voted out of office.
Schumer has released the whirlwind and now he will pay the price!
There is something deeply unsettling and sinister about that man's smile.
Ahhh, Chuck, Chuck....stop digging. Just admit it was a staged photo for Father's Day and get it over with, there's very little shame in that. But - telling people it's Fake Meat with tofu topping: The Phoney runs deep with this one. You don't put something on the grill without warming it up on both sides to char it a little, before you put the gooey artificial cheese product on top of the veggie fake meat material, to make it hot and runny and at least look like a cheeseburger for normal people.
Faster summary: Phoney politician stages fake photograph while pretending to grill vegetarian meat substitute with artificial cheese. WARNING: The only thing real in this picture is the gas grill - which may or may not be turned on.
"There's been a mistake. You've given me the food my food eats." - Ron Swanson, philosopher and realist
+1 for Quaestor above.
So there's no problem... except putting your glasses down with the lenses against a hard surface.
Not to mention that they're next to a hot gas grill! But what do I know? I only have a common Weber gas grill that would be putting out about 600F. I'm sure Chuck has some super-duper, AOC approved, Green Nude Eel, EcoSmart, hubba-hubba grill that is acetate frames/plastic lenses safe.
I think the article indicated that it was one of the commentors who said that, presumably facetiously, and not Schumer himself. In all likelihood he simply got busted posting a clearly staged photo.
Also -- it wasn't the Senator who said "Calm down people...." it was just some online sycophant.
I don’t believe for a second that those are vegetable based patties, and I don’t believe that the “tofu” isn’t cheese. It’s just a poorly considered photo op. Today’ dems seem so comically inept. Although to be fair the republicans have their share of phonies too. Anyway, FCS.
Courageous Chuck! He's gone braless on the week ends!
Rob has it!
No "men in shorts" tag?
>Original Mike said...
Does tofu melt?<
It does not melt. I used to work with a bunch of 7th Day Adventists. They would bring tofu to barbecues and grill it - beside the burgers. LOL
I'll also go on record as saying this is one of the worst efforts to make an elitist scumbag politician look like a Regular Joe since Hillary! went to Chipotle Grill.
Thanks, Ice Nine.
Tofu doesn't melt. It is gross and not human food.
"Vege Burgers" are made out of things that are not human food. Vegetable oil is one of the most unhealthy things you can eat. The only thing worse is sugar water and fruit juice.
All of this crap being pushed on us is being done by people who want there to be about 500 million people left on the planet.
Humans eat red meat. We are clearly healthier and our gastrointestinal systems are designed specifically for red meat.
Anyone who tries to get you to eat anything else hates you and wants you to be unhealthy.
No one uses cheaters at the grill.
That photo has staged written all over it. It might even be generated by AI.
Ice Nine said...
>Original Mike said...
Does tofu melt?<
It does not melt. I used to work with a bunch of 7th Day Adventists. They would bring tofu to barbecues and grill it - beside the burgers. LOL
So many different kinds of tofu also. The grilling tofu is "drier."
It is like snot at various levels of dehydration.
Is he wearing a girdle? Looks like he's wearing something to hold his gut in or trying to suck it in. Also looks like he should lose a few pounds....is that fat shaming? Should I feel bad about making comments like that? Does Chuck deserve to be shamed?
Where did the cooked hot dogs come from? The neighbor's grill?
This might be the funniest post I’ve seen here in awhile.
If you're going to eat vegetables in place of meat, why grind them up and try to make them look like meat? Why not just eat them?
And if you're going to pretend that you're eating meat, why hamburger? Why not something fun and interesting, like tiger? Or coelacanth? "Who wants another condor dog? Should I put more platypus patties on the grill?"
Just wondering, but what normal person eats a veggie "burger" with a slice of tofu?
I love threads that ridicule people named "Chuck".
He’s shitting them right? One in his column…
…he’s prolly got a million readers, too. I say no foul…
Doesn't look like a veggie patty to me, they are usually uniformly dark, without the "simulated fat" evident in Chuckie's burgers. It looks exactly like raw, low-quality preformed burger patties that grocery stores sell to people who are too lazy or inept to form patties on their own. Hard to say which is colder, that grill or the look on Chuckie's face.
Evidence of his guilt, you say? Yes, the fact he deleted the post rather than defend it is evidence he is, as is his usual operating mode, lying. They don't call him "Lying Crying Schumer" for nothing.
I don’t know/care how else they are shaming him but…gas, way too cold, awful fucking liberal hack…
Sorry, but Chuck wrote that it was "hamburgers".
"Veggie burgers" aren't "hamburgers".
He deserves all the hell he's getting
The one who threatened the supreme court who threatened the president in the first days of his term in 2017
Who puts hot dogs or hamburgers on a cutting board when taking them off the BBQ?
The burger juice will run all over the sides and the hot dogs will find a way to roll off.
These lefty idiots can't literally operate a hotdog stand yet they want to run every aspect of your life.
In one photo AA, is the reason you should vote Trump.
Chuck apparently can’t tell the truth about anything, no matter how trivial.
Just how tight is the frame for his glasses? It looks like it's made a permanent indentation on the side of his head.
The guy has a screw loose and he and his far-left colleagues have been screwing Americans for decades.
Introducing the Incompetent Burger!
As Sofa King posted (and from the article):
But some came to the defense of the 73-year-old married father of two, with one user insisting, “Calm down people, it is not raw/cold, it is a veggie burger patty underneath a slice of tofu.”
The proper response is in the order of “Screw you! I’ll cook what I want and eat what I think tastes good, and if you don’t like it you can go vote Republican.”
But that would require a male Democrat politician to be a manly man. So a logical impossibility.
Now he's cooking with gas.
How odd that Althouse misattributed the quote. That kind of thing just doesn't happen.
Yeah Althouse, you should correct your misattribution of the veggie/tofu claim; Schumer never asserted that. And it looks nothing like "a slice of tofu" anyway, it is clearly two thin slices of some kind of cheese. (I'm guessing Emmentaler.)
Jeez, Chuck, say it was a baby burger and I might be able to feign some shred of respect for you. Why don't you just fry up some locusts if you have to feign appeal to the neolib crowd?
Emmenthaler is much better cheese hard to find as well
can Sen Chuck Schumer be now given mob-name Chuck The Spatula?
Veggie? Tofu? I'd eat the raw hamburger and cold cheese before that crap.
“I’m really excited to be able to announce that the Impossible Burger is now kosher,” Dr. Lipman said. “And because our meat is purely plant-based, for the first time we can all enjoy a delicious — and strictly kosher — cheeseburger.”
Chuck The Spatula can check multiple intersection boxes
Nice marketing for 'veggie' burgers. They look so non-tasty
'Grillers Pounce !! "
Thanks for the heads-up on the misattributed quote.
My eyes went dim after I worked to understand the "second mention" approach to referencing Schumer: "But some came to the defense of the 73-year-old married father of two, with one user insisting." I was skimming and picked out "the 73-year-old married father of two" and had to stop and think is that their ridiculous way of saying "Schumer," and got to the right answer yes, then ignored all the words around it, the "some" and the "one user."
"...a veggie "burger" with a slice of tofu?"
Yeah, nice try at cover, Mr. Commenter.
The only thing better would be Schummer holding up a non-alcoholic beer.
Wadda guy.
I think that things like this really are a good reason not to vote for someone
Because if you're not capable of hiring competent "photo shoot" staff, what in the world would make me think you're capable of hiring ANY competent staff?
Never trust any powerful person who doesn't have people around him who tell him when he's being an idiot.
I think that things like this really are a good reason not to vote for someone
Because if you're not capable of hiring competent "photo shoot" staff, what in the world would make me think you're capable of hiring ANY competent staff?
Never trust any powerful person who doesn't have people around him who tell him when he's being an idiot.
Lance said...
"If you're going to eat vegetables in place of meat, why grind them up and try to make them look like meat? Why not just eat them?"
Grilled or roasted veggies are delicious and a perfect compliment to any meat.
In fact, I think eating meat without a helping of colorful roasted or grilled veggies on a side is just gross.
"can Sen Chuck Schumer be now given mob-name Chuck The Spatula?"
There's only one Mr. Spatula. There can be no other.
I read a similar article on PJM. Of all the horrid, despicable things Schumer has done, I wouldn't waste my time to comment on this tweet of his.
At least Chuckie S. knew how to spell "barbecue" correctly. The writer at PJM used "barbeque", which is not a word except when it appears on sauce labels and chain BBQ sites' signs.
Yes, "the 73-year-old married father of two" is quite strange. Actually, the whole thing is a bit too family-friendly. Is there some infidelity scandal brewing for Chuck?
At least he is using an affordable gas grill. Nancy would have used something ridiculously expensive. Of course both want to keep us from even having gas grills.
"Is there some infidelity scandal brewing for Chuck?"
If you've seen his wife you'd realize that A) if there was it would've happened already by now and B) if there's a scandal it's that his 'wife' isn't a woman.
As far as I'm concerned, Chuck is the paragon of fidelity. He'd have to be to have stuck around with his partner.
"...a veggie "burger" with a slice of tofu?"
Chandler Bing: Can Schumer’s estrogen levels BE any higher?
And some people don't believe we are ruled by lizard aliens. What more proof do you need? He ate that and lived.
Didn't Schumer know that he isn't supposed to be grilling because CLIMATE CHANGE! HERESEY! cries the left wing cultist authoritarian.
Oh wait that's right- far left elites are always exempt from their own diktats.
This is one thing I don't care about. Or at least, barely enough to post that I don't.
I quite like at least one type of veggie burger thingie. Pricey though.
'It just cheapens the discourse making fun of a man for something small like this...'
It encapsulates everything that's wrong with liberal politics.
He's a know-nothing, pandering political asshole.
He deserves all the scorn he gets, as does every politician trying to run your life.
If the flames aren't out of control from the grease as you splash beer (sparingly, of course) to tamp them down you ain't grilling burgers.
So fake meat and fake cheese in a fake (staged) photo. Perfect metaphor for the left/Dems
Who doesn't love cheeseburger tartare?!!
This reminds me of the Elizabeth Warren beer video from a few years ago ... populist wannabes, LOL.
Reflexive liar. Just like our installed POTUS.
We don't hate politicians enough. We really don't.
Tofu - cheese = Toe Cheese ??? I'm not sure that melts either
"It's my firm take people shouldn't be photographing their food, to brag on it or compare what they eat to others..."
That sounds kind of judgy.
Breezy: "Chuck apparently can’t tell the truth about anything, no matter how trivial."
True for several "Chuck's" we are familiar with....
I don't think the "calm down!" guy was coming to Schumer's defense. It sounds a lot more like mocking to me.
Why would you post something so awful-looking on twitter? Looks like a clueless setup, hence the deletion.
It seems that a lot of politicians try the 'common man' posting, but since they are so far removed, they have no idea what the proletariat actually do.
Is it weird that the burgers are raw but the dogs are perfectly grilled?
I don't think the "calm down!" guy was coming to Schumer's defense. It sounds a lot more like mocking to me.
Ahhh, listen to the crowd chanting "Let's go, Brandon!"
oh god jihad dave is upset, meanwhile schumer is acquiescing to the invasion that has closed his own alma mater to students, because newcomers count more, he is groveling to the squad, on
the green nude eel, that makes electricity more expensive, he is groveling to Qatar,
Rocco at 12:40!
It's always so embarrassing when politicians try to relate by pretending to be something they are not. It reminds me of when Ted Cruz referred to a basketball hoop as a 'ring', or when Bill Clinton 'found' some stones on the beach at Normandy and felt prompted to arrange them in the shape of a cross (though this one goes above any beyond in terms of manipulativeness.) To his credit, while Trump was in the White House he publicly said he wasn't going to get a dog or a pet because he wasn't a pet person. I appreciated him avoiding that bit of political theater that I think other White House occupants have indulged in.
I see what you did there.
Where are the buns, Chuck?
To those decrying veggies on the grill I will note that the veggie components of kebabs on the grill can be quite tasty, particularly the mushrooms, red onions, and cherry tomatoes. I've never been a fan of the squash or zucchini slices though.
Shumer prematurely cheesed his patty. Embarrassing.
That's Fake. Schumer doesn't grill burgers, he blows on them. Air fried burgers are great.
Bragging about your lesbian daughter owning a million dollar house isn't the greatest look.
tommyesq ... I noticed the same thing. It's possible but I'd say unlikely to occur naturally. Hot dogs usually just need heating and charing. Raw hamburger takes longer so I'd expect the states of the items to be reversed. At the very least the burgers should appear to be starting to cook.
Isn't meat murder for leftists?
Shouldn't we be arresting Chuck here for murder?
Even using cheese is a product of animal slavery if I remember my leftist ranting correctly.
Also: Isn't Schumer allegedly a Jew?
So why does he have some hot dogs? Aren't those banned?
when Bill Clinton 'found' some stones on the beach at Normandy and felt prompted to arrange them in the shape of a cross (though this one goes above any beyond in terms of manipulativeness.)
I remember that. A broad, clean, sandy beach that didn't have any stones on it for a mile in either direction, other than this convenient little pile that was obviously placed there by a flunky before the news cameras showed up. Or maybe well afterwards, with the silent connivance of the "journalists".
Politicians are such wretched, two-faced scum. I think anyone who seeks such positions should be disqualified from holding them. We'd be better governed if a term in Congress was something you won by a nationwide random lottery for which you qualified when you filed a tax return showing you to be a net taxpayer for the year.
you can have beef ones, but thats important now, schumer pretending to be human is, but it's like jeff bridges in star man,
Bagoh - I wish we were ruled by lizard aliens. Be an improvement.
"Isn't meat murder for leftists?
Shouldn't we be arresting Chuck here for murder?
Even using cheese is a product of animal slavery if I remember my leftist ranting correctly."
Large numbers of vegetables were harmed in the making of this photo op. Please contact the Motion Picture Editors Guild with comments or concerns.
I'm sure his daughter's illegal alien housekeeper/cook took over the grill after the photo op. Schumer said she and the other help could have it, but she threw it out while the Schumer's retired to the dining room for steak and lobster she prepared.
@Vance said: "So why does he have some hot dogs? Aren't those banned? "
Well.... In fairness, there are Hebrew National hot dogs out there, for sale.
Off-topic, but one for Meade.
Scheemer's debacle reminded of the commercial from 1989 "Spatula City".
Schumers ancestors originated in the Ukraine.
mindnumbrobot said...
I'm sure his daughter's illegal alien housekeeper/cook took over the grill after the photo op. Schumer said she and the other help could have it, but she threw it out while the Schumer's retired to the dining room for steak and lobster she prepared.
Lol. The barbecue has been moved to the dining room, folks... ;-)
So are those 'Veggie' hotdogs to?
I remember when Paul Ryan brought his family to help serve the homeless and he pretended to wash some clean dishes, pots and pans...
This is a uniparty thing. Not Democratic not Republican... just politicians and their mealtime fakery. (I bet Schumer doesn't even have a daughter... ;-)
FAKE MEAT. The latest substitute for reality being forced on us. Someone wants us destroyed fast.
So fake. That's a Weber grill with the burner valves set high. Everything would be at least browned at the edges, and that "cheese" would have burned corners. The gas is off in this pic.
Second, there's no way those slices are any sort of tofu. I cook with every sort of tofu ever made, and those are not tofu or tofu-adjacent.
Even the cutting board looks fresh from the store.
Last: Schumer is a corrupt weasel and should be deported to Antarctica.
mmmm platypus patties and condor dogs...
The things you have to go through to keep your cred when you’re a lefty.
“Last: Schumer is a corrupt weasel and should be deported to Antarctica.”
No! That’s not far enough away! I’m thinking deep space would be appropriate.
Next thing, Schumer will be complaining he can't get his tuna to melt.
“ Blogger BUMBLE BEE said...
Courageous Chuck! He's gone braless on the week ends!”
If you are going to grill for a publicity shot, at least grill so those present can have a snack. And then refrigerate the rest because - hey, ready food.
(I live alone, leftovers are awesome.)
Schumer ceased to be a member of “The Great Unwashed” when he became a member of the House of Representatives in 1981. Know your place, peasants.
Cheese on meat, especially raw meat?
Something is not kosher.
Even though I do believe this was just a staged photo, in real life, at a real picnic with lots of children, sometimes you cook the kids' stuff first (the hot dogs) and get them eating and taken care of before you serve the adults.
narciso said...
The one who threatened the supreme court who threatened the president in the first days of his term in 2017
I must always be remembered that this leader of the Democrat party is a constant advocate for violence against and persecution of his political opponents.
Chuck Schumer wants the government to attack his political opponents in every way possible.
He is a fasscist and so are the people that support him.
Having a cook out.
I mean kook out.
I mean..
But Truuuuuummmp! puts ketchup on steak.
Even if it didn’t make him look like a complete phony who can’t grill, I thought it was a faux pas to cook a cheeseburger which is so obviously not kosher, when he is Jewish.
Grilled cheese when he flips it.
And, gotta be some pecan pie reference
That better be an electric grill. If it’s a gas grill he might as well be cooking polar bear steaks on it.
Does Schumer keep kosher?
If yes, it's either a veggie burger, or that's not cheese.
The Internet has Six Ways From Sunday Of Getting Back At You.
If that is ground beef, it looks spoiled.
Ralph L said...
If that is ground beef, it looks spoiled.
That was my thought. I sure wouldn't trust any hamburger that color - even though some have said it was veggie (nope, that texture doesn't fit) or frozen (yeah, nope, I've seen a fair number of frozen burgers and again that's not fitting and that doesn't look frozen) so the only thing I can think is that they left those out for a day or two, then patted them dry for a photo op. Maybe they were going to touch them up with Photoshop, but someone dropped the ball.
For sure I wouldn't be cooking any burger that started that color...
Man, I'm just so impressed with the sheer competence and ability of the Dems. And totally believe they're just like us common folks. /sarc
Ralph L said...
If that is ground beef, it looks spoiled.
And if it is vegetable protein, the pattie is processed food, i.e. already cooked.
Again, silly to bitch about the POS Schumer doing this: he doesn't claim to be an observant Jew, he doesn't keep kosher, so such complaints are .....miniscule compared to the outrageous conduct he displays daily. YMMV
I don't want to be governed by people who are unable to perform simple tasks.
The REAL Chuck Schumer? With Manzier!
That photo of Schumer could be re-captioned "Fungus Of The Day".
I just had a waking nightmare, about the return of Schu'ger from deep space. Surrounded and concealed, as he is today, by enormous clouds of mendacity and "journalistic" obfuscation.
Hillary plays the part of Illia the Deltan, sworn to chastity among humans.
I finally looked at the picture. Schumer's full of shit.
Those are clearly raw patties. And I've never known anyone to top a veggie patty with tofu.
Again. Schumer's full of shit. As always.
How does this make it better?
How does this make it better?
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