ADDED: If you think more context would help, take a look at this:Anyone who denies this is extremely uncomfortable and embarrassing to watch at this point isn't being honest.
— Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) June 13, 2024
And I don't understand how Democrats and their pundits believe they can convince Americans it's not happening.
And he wants 4 more
Everyone freaking out about that Biden clip at G7.
— Viva Frei (@thevivafrei) June 13, 2024
I found the full video. The longer clip, in context, is even more horrifying.
११० टिप्पण्या:
The combination of a below average IQ and early stage dementia is not pretty.
He's fine! Everything is fine!
Like a malfunctioning Roomba
He strays from the path
The lady of the house
Fetches the broken appliance
Before it impacts with force
Luckily there's no wall there
President Roomba strikes again
Nothing to see here! Don't believe your own eyes.
Democrats have no backup plan.
Kamala? No.
Newsom? No.
Michelle? Hahaha... no.
Hillary? No.
Well who? Just none!!!
And the puppetmasters in charge of Biden (Soros/Obama/Jill) just won't let go of power.
Trump by a HUGE landslide!
Husk-Puppets keep quiet.
that's why.
The left do not need a leader. That have AI.... and the pedo cabal of money whores to ruin our lives.
Its just a stutter!
I chuckle at the Democrats who try to explain this. "He's going over to give a Thumb's Up to the parachustist's aid!!"
There is no focus in Biden, none at all. Easily distracted and prone to wandering. What kind of ailment of age does that suggest to everyone?
hes a lesuo compromised husk, a withered shell of a man, most of the other members of that crew, except for meloni, are vastly unpopular in their own country
meanwhile our largest oil supplier has decided not to accept our currency, there are a million charlottesvilles on the streets of every city,
He was just contemplating his great love for his son after the horrific attacks against him, you monsters.
Chuck say
Interesting that it was the ultra far right Mussolini wannabe that deftly handled him and kept him from making a bigger fool of himself. I am certain that those of us who rely on our media to provide labels for everyone have no real clue who these people are.
Anyone who thinks that the global chaos of the last 3 years is not related to foreign perceptions of personal weakness in our Commander in Creep is delusional. It absolutely matters. It doesn't just show personal weakness, but cultural and electoral weakness as well.
"Whom shall I send? Not my gentle son. The mere sight of him would only encourage an enemy to take over the whole country." - Kind Edward "Longshanks", Braveheart
"meanwhile our largest oil supplier has decided not to accept our currency"
Massive news. Colossal news. A sea change that will affect the global economy for years to come. Hardly a blip from the MSM. And also related to perceptions of personal weakness in our CinCreep, as above.
far right is what one calls sensible now, as opposed to the communist candidate, thats the democracy party, the eu is largely devised by a communist, aldo spinelli,
Absolutely ridiculous.
They clipped the video so you can’t see the parachute rigger that he’s talking to on the right.
Red Wave, just around the corner !
I don't trust Biden, or his dementia, or his senility, or most importantly: His handlers.
He can shamble all he wants, grin vacantly all he can. Watch the debate and decide how much of this is an act, how much of it can be fixed (temporarily) with a needle.
But wish-casting a landslide of people voting against it, is repeating a mistake that was made 4 years ago - in my opinion. His handlers are not senile.
Biden will win. Ballot harvesting is the trick.
It's just the British system, with a powerless figurehead king and power in the parliament and its majority leaders.
that they might pull off another fraud, is a difference from the day to day nature of the fraud,
So you’re saying denial is not just a river in Egypt?
Rich said...
Absolutely ridiculous.
They clipped the video so you can’t see the parachute rigger that he’s talking to on the right.
They clipped all of the videos of Biden wandering off. Except the ones where he didn't.
This video of Biden is way better anyways.
LLR-democratical Rich: "Absolutely ridiculous.
They clipped the video so you can’t see the parachute rigger that he’s talking to on the right."
It's so cruel and ridiculous how they are committing elder abuse and nobody seems to care. Not to mention he's the POTUS good god.
It used to be Joe chased Jill around the room.
Catch me! Catch me!
well he isn't
Blogger Rich said...
“Absolutely ridiculous.
They clipped the video so you can’t see the parachute rigger that [our mentally compromised POTUS is ]talking to on the right”
1. The video does show the rigger.
2. Why would his handler need to spring into action to physically turn him and point him in the right direction, as if he were a child?
You know, Meloni has the gonads to just come out and spill the beans on Joe’s performance this week.
Wonder if she’ll do it.
I love Italian women.
Remember in the 2020 campaign when Biden promised if elected, he wouldn't seek a 2nd term because he would be too old? And the media were saying Kamala would be President in four short years?
It was bullshit, of course.
Biden didn't "wander off".
After viewing a skydiving demo with the other G7 leaders, Biden stepped aside to speak with one of the skydivers who is kneeling on the ground packing away his chute.
The video in the above post has been digitally altered to remove the skydiver.
@ Meade
I think that was Georgia Meloni, prime minister of Italy, who turned Biden around.
But, but, but Trump!!! wail Chuck and Rich and gadfly and Freder and Mutaman and the rest of the lefty trolls.
IMHO Althouse errs in using present tense for her "biden [sic] drops out" tag when future perfect seems to make more sense.
My own, very cynical, take is that he will not drop out. One morning the White House will announce that Joe Biden passed away peacefully in his sleep. This will start a thoroughly divisive set of rumors that he was murdered, but given that the Democrats since Obama have adopted divisiveness as a campaign strategy, I don't feel bad for them.
RideSpaceMountain with an honest, ringing indictment of P0TATUS.
I’ve seen the weasel and the damage done. Float on, Biden.
LLR-democratical Rich: "...Biden stepped aside to speak with one of the skydivers..."
Well, there was a guy off to the right, and it did appear that Biden was trying to communicate with him. But the guy appropriately was looking down at his work - packing parachutes being after all more mission critical than whatever it is that Biden does.
Talking to people who are not paying attention to you.
And I don't understand how Democrats and their pundits believe they can convince Americans it's not happening.
They don't have to. Democrats could run a tomato and the vote tally will be the same. It's not about how many people go to the polls, but how many ballots are turned in.
>Rich said...
Absolutely ridiculous.
They clipped the video so you can’t see the parachute rigger that he’s talking to on the right.<
Absolutely ridiculous.
You've conveniently ignored the fact that the unclipped video also shows that everyone else was aware enough about what was happening that they were politely giving attention to the parachute officer who was addressing them, and that they were aware that they were gathering for the photo op posing.
Rich wrote
"Biden didn't "wander off".
After viewing a skydiving demo with the other G7 leaders, Biden stepped aside to speak with one of the skydivers who is kneeling on the ground packing away his chute.
The video in the above post has been digitally altered to remove the skydiver."
I saw the full clip, including the thumbs up to the skydiver, packing his chute.
He didn't step aside.
He tottered aside.
Even with the context, it looks absolutely terrible. Just like my wife's father after he fell.
It's awful.
And thanks to Biden continuing where Obama trod, favouring Iran over Saudi, the US Saudi petrodollar agreement is dead. What did Trump do? Trump did the Abraham Accords.
disaster on legs
no joke i really mean it
there is no there there
Those in power have decided to let the illness progress until no reasonable voter can deny the need to remove and replace Biden. And by putting the "Biden is Sick" show on, they are clearing the way for "The Replacement Show."
Great for the "press" -- news of Biden's problems and more news about the replacement process.
Better than landing men on the moon.
You can see why Giorgia Meloni of Italy has the lowest domestic disapproval rating of the G7 leaders. She gracefully and graciously brought Biden back to the right place.
Honorable mention to Macron, who was also on the case, but two steps behind.
Von der Leyen was concerned but useless.
It’s amazing the lengths that Rich will go to to just say stuff that is silly.
Wait, it was the Italian PM that stepped forward and kindly got Joe turned around and brought back into the fold? While the other manly types watched and did nothing?
But I've been reliably told by all the best Legacy Media that she's 'Far-Right' and by some, even a 'Neo-Fascist'.
My gosh, what are we to believe, our lying eyes?
I knew exactly what Biden was doing and I knew he wanted to go make small talk with the guys already down, but it's completely obvious that the rest of G7 doesn't think he knows what he's doing. Apparently they were going to take a picture. He probably couldn't hear that direction so Meloni went over to bring him back. The look between her and Macron was telling.
Giorgia Meloni subs for Dr. Jill who usually has the task of corraling the wandering doddering dude.
What killed the petrodollar agreement was the sanctions, and weaponization of the dollar, and the desire by large customers of the Saudis, and the Saudis themselves, who, after all, could one day find themselves the target of US ire, to protect their sovereignty from US veto by sanction and wealth seizure.
Last two leaders who tried to sell oil in currencies other than the dollar? Muammar Gaddafi, and our old buddy, Saddam Hussein. So don't be surprised if MBS meets with an "accident."
"Giorgia Meloni subs for Dr. Jill who usually has the task of corraling the wandering doddering dude."
I wouldn't be surprised if Dr. Jill had asked her to take care of Joe.
I'm still not sure what to think of the petrodollar thing. I need more info and time to think about it
But my initial thinking is that it's a good thing for the us.
It has beem propping up massive us govt spending for far too long. Removing the prop may (I hope) force govt shrinkage.
That may be a painful but a good thing. If we get a president who can grow the govt, like trump, it may not even be painful.
John Henry
Rich (and the other court jesters who are protecting King Biden) are officially now the inheritors of the legacy of the great (but infamous) Baghdad Bob. Nothing these sycophants say from now on should be taken seriously. Nothing.
well we need oil, even if we drill most of it,
Somehow Dick thinks Brandon wandering off to chat with the rigger makes it better, not worse.
That's Rich!(tm)
John Henry
well we need oil, even if we drill most of it, which we arent
The USA has become a sad joke under Biden. Defending him, at this point, reaches Stalin level of worship.
Will the people who really control this cluster stupe let it go on, or will dimwit be replaced at the convention?
My money is on Michelle O. Not Newsom.
50 years of real stupidity, racism, and perversion, all on tape. If the Rep had any courage, they could run those tapes.
Just look at the expression on Joe’s face as he walks back to the crowd and tell me he has all his marbles.
Those aviators are necessary so his empty eyes don’t reveal his brain damage.
Yep. The Dems are completely responsible for letting Biden just have a second run for (and a very possible loss of) the White House. They should have made it clear they would not support him for a second try and asked him firmly--that is, tell him--to announce early on he would not run for a second term, for the good of the party and of the nation. Even if they see a Biden up close that convinces them he is a viable second-term candidate, they have to look at the perception he makes to the nation at large: old, frail, not, um...mentally acute. I do not expect Bide to win a second election, and whatever follows rests on the shoulder of the Dems.
Biden is no Adenauer.
It looks like it was the prime minister of Italy’s turn to wrangle Biden. They take turns by drawing short straws. They are an exclusive small club. Very tightly knit. They look out for each other in times of trouble.
I hear the mermaids singing each to each...over...there...
I am a "Little England" conservative. They were the conservatives in England who thought that the Empire was an expensive drain. The petrodollar sort of acts as a kind of seignorage, one that props up the value of the dollar, that almost every country in the world pays to the US, because they have to buy dollars to buy oil, and it is based mostly on US military might. I sincerely doubt that the cabal running our foreign policy is going to let it happen without a fight, because if this support for the dollar goes away, the US is looking at the kind of economic problems that Europe is now facing being cut off from the resources of Russia. Nobody is going to be happy in the US if the dollar collapses.
It's like buying stock on margin, it seems like free money until one day the market collapses, and the repo man comes and sells a large tranche of your portfolio at the fire sale prices that are going on that caused the margin call, in order to repay the loans, without even a by-your-leave as to what to sell, since you already agreed to it when you borrowed the money. Maybe that's what it should be called, "The Great Margin Call."
What I love most about Rich's BS is how the rigger that Rich claims was chatting with Biden never even looked up and was doing zero chatting while Dementia launched another air-thumbs up to no one in particular!
Bidens performance DOES explain why the lefty gaslighters are accelerating their Trump cognition lies.
meanwhile we discover dei rules are part oft he reason, so few charging stations were built for ev's, and the big broadband buildup won't happen till 2025, at the earliest
What the hell is up with Meloni's pants?
"IMHO Althouse errs in using present tense for her "biden [sic] drops out" tag when future perfect seems to make more sense."
It's a long slow descent
The way Biden slowly raises and puts on his sunglasses -- I see my 90 year old father move that carefully and deliberately every day. It's what happens when you can no longer be sure your muscles will behave as asked.
Aw, Joe was just brushing up on his “parachute packer” jokes.
No joke! I mean it…
Biden doesn't know where he is or what is happening- the confusion on his face is unmistakable.
In zombie movies there are typically two types of them in zombie crowds, the active ones and the ones at best shambling vacantly. Biden is of the latter.
Rockin those shades!
Looking at the assemlage, must be no fun being on display so much.
And wondering what USSS thought wheb learned what Italians were planning.
"Just look at the expression on Joe’s face as he walks back to the crowd and tell me he has all his marbles."
They didn't walk him back. To help massage this walking catastrophe they all moved to his position and restaged.
Methinks Rich & Co. have another lame excuse for that too.
"My money is on Michelle O"
Nope. She's much too lazy.
At first glance, I misread the skydiver's sign in the 2nd video as "genitalia".
Rich is like Michael Palin in the Parrot Skit. Soon it will be Biden is pining for the fjords.
Watch Trudeau's reaction.
The editing is deceptive. I have seen the complete thing and he is wandering off to give a thumbs up to another parachutist. That said Biden looks and is pathetic. He seems to be, in both posture and actions, the perfect example of a senile old man who has no idea what is going on around him. The Dems and MSM may do their best to deceive, but aren't you going to believe your own eyes?
“ I have seen the complete thing and he is wandering off to give a thumbs up to another parachutist. “
The “other parachutist” is a rigger. Notice that another with the same uniform just rushed up to the parachutist who just landed. He gets a thumbs up from Biden though.
Kate said...
The way Biden slowly raises and puts on his sunglasses -- I see my 90 year old father move that carefully and deliberately every day. It's what happens when you can no longer be sure your muscles will behave as asked.
Parkinson's Disease - he has all the symptoms and theoretically, the disease does not necessarily equal "dementia" - which is why the doctors can claim that he is mentally functional if they pour enough drugs into him (and there are strong drugs that can minimize the symptoms, although there is no cure). But the slurring, the word salads, the slow careful and stiff walk all add up to the Parkinsons. The media suspects but dares not ask. Voters deserve to know and but the puppet masters hope they can get away with the Obama/Trump "all is well" medical clearance.
"They didn't walk him back. To help massage this walking catastrophe they all moved to his position and restaged."
They did; didn't they? Good observation.
Can you imagine the conversations that have gone on amongst that group?
There's no way Biden's up to four more years.
You're voting for President Harris, people.
In 1944, it was obvious that President Rosevelt would be reelected, and he would not finish the term. His VP, Henry Wallace, was a huge fan of Uncle Joe Stalin, and a sort of mystic in the terms of the time. The Powers That Be in the Democratic Party convinced FDR to pick another VP, and the rest is history.
One wonders whether there is something going on today, probably in Obama's living room, deciding on how and when to pull the plug. If there is an ounce of sanity left in the party, it is obvious that one or both of the current ticket must be replaced.
Given the dynamics for the party, replacing Biden with a white male such as Newsom would be an unacceptable slight to Harris. While Michelle Obama seems not to want the job, she would not be the first spouse who ran and was a figurehead for a term-limited partner. Lurleen Wallace, for instance. Of course, Hillary is tanned, rested, refreshed, and ready to assume the office which she was owed in 2008 and 2016.
"Of course, Hillary is tanned, rested, refreshed, and ready to assume the office which she was owed in 2008 and 2016"
Biden/Hillary. Interesting. (also nauseating)
Vegas makin' bets on how long he keeps breathin’ the air (how long, how long)
Stutterin’ and stumblin’ he can’t do it even on a dare
Who is the shameless guy, sells his soul for dough
Shit-talkin' - slow walkin' - slow movin’ old man Joe
h/t Charlie Rich
I believe that it is a possibility that Biden passes away in his sleep before the election. Prior to the convention, my dollar bill is on the Left kidnapping Michelle O into running -- a "Two Front Holes" presidency. Well, maybe. Harris might be so pissed she withdraws to become a senator from Cali.
If he passes away AFTER the the nomination, what happens?
I have no idea. Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?
I think he DID wander off, but in his addled mind, he diverted what little attention span he currently has to the rigger to his left.
Just think how the poor parachuter feels. Here he is having just perfectly executed a landing in front of several world leaders including the President of the United States. He then looks up to see the President paying no attention but instead wandering off and offering to shake hands with an imaginary friend. Obviously, the other world leaders were given lessons on how to redirect the dementia patient back to the task at hand.
>Marcus Bressler said...
If he passes away AFTER the the nomination, what happens?
I have no idea. Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?<
Pretty straightforward, IMO. You would then have Pres. Kamala Harris until Jan 20, 2024. And, as the incumbent president, she would all but automatically be the Dem candidate. It wouldn't be that hard to replace her as VP on the ticket, but as incumbent POTUS, not a chance. And, since any Republican would trounce her in the election, you would then have some Rep as Pres on Jan 20.
I don't understand how Democrats and their pundits believe they can convince Americans (Biden's dementia is) not happening
Because it's literally their job to do so...?
Maybe Biden wanted to tell the other guys that he was a parachutist too.
Digitally altered. LOL.
"Can you imagine the conversations that have gone on amongst that group?"
I can. I bet Scholz, Meloni, Kishida and Sunak have gossiped among themselves about who plays the girl when Trudeau, Biden and Macron are having their 3some. My money's on Macron personally. He's already married to a man, and he just has that angry bottom look.
Send me a postcard, drop me a line
Stating point of view
Indicate precisely what you mean to say
Yours sincerely, wasting away
After viewing a skydiving demo with the other G7 leaders, Biden stepped aside to speak with one of the skydivers who is kneeling on the ground packing away his chute.
We've all seen the full video. He didn't 'step aside' to do anything. He slowly wandered off, gave the guy a thumbs up, stood there like a fucking idiot until he was corralled back to the group.
Stop acting like we can't see what's going on. Just because you're a dumbass - willing to defend this clown at all costs - doesn't mean the rest of us are.
Nope. She's much too lazy.
I dont blame Dementia Boy for wandering off.
If you stand still too long the cannibals will get you.
It looks like it was the prime minister of Italy’s turn to wrangle Biden
She's the hostess of the G7. I don't know why she thought pants like that would be good on grass, but Meghan Markle wore them several times and looked even more foolish.
I was trying to figure out why Rich's explanation somehow comported with the full video, and I was having trouble, but then I remembered my 1984, which is, after all, a how-to, and it all made sense.
"The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command."
“Parkinson's Disease - he has all the symptoms and theoretically, the disease does not necessarily equal "dementia" - which is why the doctors can claim that he is mentally functional if they pour enough drugs into him (and there are strong drugs that can minimize the symptoms, although there is no cure). But the slurring, the word salads, the slow careful and stiff walk all add up to the Parkinsons. The media suspects but dares not ask. Voters deserve to know and but the puppet masters hope they can get away with the Obama/Trump "all is well" medical clearance.”
Biden does have the stiff stance and movements of someone with Parkinson’s disease. I wonder if he has ansomia.
What is "ansomia" Inga? Were you making a little dig at Althouse but unable to remember the name of the condition?
Dysarthria is also common in people with Parkinson’s disease. Could be a reason for Biden’s slurring and difficulty enunciating.
Mindreader Inga: "Dysarthria is also common in people with Parkinson’s disease. Could be a reason for Biden’s slurring and difficulty enunciating."
The astonishing contortions you lefties are pulling to avoid what is obvious to the entire world!
Its a stutter! Anosmia! Parkinsons!
And after 9 years of your BS fake "diagnoses" of Trump.
Which occurred while you were calling the Covid skeptics literal murderers!
"…a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory."
Twitter has now posted a correction to the NY Post ’s latest discrediting lie.
Maybe Parkinsons causes one to shake hands with ghosts.
The dems/lefties, like LLR-democratical Rich, are clearly having a difficult time adjusting to the fact Hunter's laptop, first reported on by the oldest and most consistently correct legacy media entity, the New York Post, was confirmed authentic in 2019 and confirmed corrupt foreign money influence schemes by the biden crime family, underage prostitution and trafficking, drug violations, gun violations and so much more.
Not to worry Rich! Your fellow gaslighting dem/left/LLR liars are just doubling and tripling down on your laptop the same way you double and triple down on all your other lies!
I suppose something can be said for consistency.
The Dementiacrats of the Dementiacratic Party.
Without sound it’s not as easy to unlock the meaning of Glenn’s agitprop. Sure, he could be just wandering around because he’s incapable of focusing on a photographer’s instruction to pose for a group picture. Or he could have gotten bored waiting for a dork with faulty gear that wasn’t ready and more interested in seeing what one of the unsung “little people” helping to coordinate the event was up to. Politicians who don’t always need to hog the camera or be seen as important for having “more important” company are better.
Of course, the balance of evidence is probably on the former, but this data point is pretty poor coming from a guy who hypersalivates about everything as much as Greenwald.
Parkinson's Disease can cause hallucinations- that might be part of what we see with Biden trying to shake hands with ghosts. Funny how Inga managed to not point that out.
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