A nearby saloon/kitchen is holding "Hetero Awesomeness Month". The result?
Since we announced Hetero Awesomeness Month we’ve had some significant backlash: theft of our property, vendors refusing to fulfill our orders for ingredients, wedding catering cancelation, libel, slander - even the owner being falsely accused of being a sex offender!
Stge 4 TDS-afflicted Rich, Chuck, Mark, Cook, Inga and Feder will not read this article by J. Turley, but it lays out the case for reversal in the "hush money" case very well:
There's so much obvious reversable error, ANYONE holding himself/herself out as a lawyer yet thinks this case was NOT an actual "show trial" designed to interfere with the 2024 elections is utterly dishonest.
theft of our property, vendors refusing to fulfill our orders for ingredients, wedding catering cancelation, libel, slander - even the owner being falsely accused...
Social conservatives. Remember, sodomy, pedophilia, sadomasochism, human rites, social liberalism, etc were once celebrated with pride in parades until demos-cracy protested then rebelled to mitigate their progress. Everything old is new again. Although, the overt albinophobia is a novel, perhaps green deal.
A question is, why is Joe Beiden not a felon? Because the DOJ has determined that he committed the felonies of illegal document possession outside of authority but is such a stupid old dumb fu*k that no jury would convict him.
Why is Hillary! Not a felon? Because Comey went on tv and said she didn’t mean to break the law, she just broke it anyway.
Are you interested in justice, America? Tough shit.
In 2015, Clear Channel partnered with the city of San Francisco to install 3,600 Muni bus stop signs. In 2018, 22 were operational. As of today, 300 have been installed. The transit agency blames the pandemic for the delay, and Clear Channel is no longer involved in the project. $2.5 million is needed to complete the project and the money is going to come via funds from Proposition AA, the measure which added $10 to yearly vehicle registration fees.
The multi-faceted efforts that led to the conviction of Donald Trump, proves to me, that people don't necessarily have to conspire, to reach an outcome they desire, but for the execution of extraordinary means, by likeminded people acting independently, anything is possible.
It runs the gamut. From convicting Trump all the way up to stealing his re-election.
The only thing uniting them in their zeal, is a genuine (but erroneous) belief that Trump is the existential threat, worse than anything made by man, that could destroy all human life. A lot of people (smart and not so smart) have sadly been thoroughly propagandized to hate one man for no reason.
BTW: I only found out that the judge had donated $ to an anti-Trump cause after the trial. The anti-Trump propaganda is extraordinary in breath and scope.
"On Monday, federal prosecutors in New York charged the Epoch Times’ chief financial officer, Bill Guan, with bank fraud and conspiracy to commit money laundering for allegedly moving at least $67 million in illegally obtained funds to bank accounts in the media outlet’s name. According to the indictment, Guan was in charge of something (rather suspiciously) called the “Make Money Online” team, in which Guan and underlings “used cryptocurrency to knowingly purchase tens of millions of dollars in crime proceeds.” The alleged scheme was fairly simple, relying on prepaid debit cards, a common method in crypto laundering."
Donald Trump, the king of money laundering, could now take over the Bill Guan crypto ripoff scheme, using "Invest in Trump Truth Social."
“William Roper: “So, now you give the Devil the benefit of law!”
Sir Thomas More: “Yes! What would you do? Cut a great road through the law to get after the Devil?”
William Roper: “Yes, I'd cut down every law in England to do that!”
Sir Thomas More: “Oh? And when the last law was down, and the Devil turned 'round on you, where would you hide, Roper, the laws all being flat? This country is planted thick with laws, from coast to coast, Man's laws, not God's! And if you cut them down, and you're just the man to do it, do you really think you could stand upright in the winds that would blow then? Yes, I'd give the Devil benefit of law, for my own safety's sake!”
Could Trump sue Juan Merchan for violating his civil rights?
I can hear it now: A Judge has immunity; you can't sue a judge. 😏
So, gadfly, let me know when the DOJ indicts Joe Biden for money laundering. A DOJ indictment of the Epoch Times tells me that they're getting under Joe "Bribe me!" Biden's skin. Another save-the-DNC indictment.
"No reason to get excited" The thief, he kindly spoke "There are many here among us Who feel that life is but a joke"
"But you and I, we've been through that And this is not our fate So, let us not talk falsely now The hour is getting late" - All Along the Watchtower
Sometimes I think that some of our seminar posters just come on here to model the kind of gullible credulity it takes to believe the crap we are being spun about the "rule of law" by people who have utterly perverted John Adams quote, and, in fact, are exactly the kinds of people Adams was warning us about, those who would usurp the majesty of the law, retaining its power, while throwing the foundations of its legitimacy like so much offal, on the ground beside a hunter's kill.
Kasparov resigns from Aspen Institute after comparing it to the USSR's information control techniques
On April 22, 2021, the Aspen Institute — an influential civil society group that draws funding from several federal agencies and in recent years has become an odd hodge-podge of boutique-left ideas and hardcore security-state rhetoric — announced that a “Commission on Information Disorder” would be preparing a major report, one that: Aims to identify and prioritize the most critical sources and causes of information disorder and deliver a set of short-term actions and longer-term goals to help government, the private sector, and civil society respond to this modern-day crisis of faith in key institutions.
Nothing here about this knowledge permeating our information space being, you know, false. It's just causing the people who are trying to clamp down on us, agita. Covid (US govt program), endless wars, utter perversion of the rule of law, oh yeah, and the tumblers for unlocking WW3 are falling into place at a quickening pace. US military exercises on islands within. sight of Taiwan, US special forces actually in Taiwan, US made missiles being used to attack Russia proper. At some point the fiction that we aren't part of this war over who gets to rule over parts of Ukraine that have been fighting against being ruled over by Kiev for ten years is going to be hard to sell.
It's funny that we fully support secession in Taiwan, and at the same time say it's worth it to risk WW3 over denying the right of parts of Ukraine to secede. Oh yeah, and we were fine with breaking off Kosovo too, which gives the lie to that trop about borders in Europe since WWII have been sacrosanct. It's almost as if our ethics were... situational. I'm sorry, is that an insult to the stately orderliness of the lies they have spun? The US hasn't staked its credibility on this war in Ukraine, the neocons have, and even Kasparov has had enough of their lies.
You know what would be a good way to restore faith? Start acting in ways that inspire faith and trust....
"There's so much obvious reversable error, ANYONE holding himself/herself out as a lawyer yet thinks this case was NOT an actual "show trial" designed to interfere with the 2024 elections is utterly dishonest. "
Guess effinayright is not going to retain me to represent him regarding that Peeping Tom charge. Maybe begley is interested.
"There's so much obvious reversable error, ANYONE holding himself/herself out as a lawyer yet thinks this case was NOT an actual "show trial" designed to interfere with the 2024 elections is utterly dishonest. "
Guess effinayright is not going to retain me to represent him regarding that Peeping Tom charge. Maybe begley is interested. ****************
How much glue have you been huffing tonight?
WTF you talkin' about? How does it relate to the NY Trump case?
If I were on a date with a tranny, and i didn't know "she" were really a he until "she" whipped out "her" male member and invited me to such "her" dick, you can bet I would be trans-"phobic"!!!
Come on nobody's that stupid. Lem said (with no proof, its all bull shit) that Judge Merchan gave a donation after the trial. Your link talks about the infamous $15 dollar donation Judge Merchan gave before trial. And your link fails to disclose that the New York State Ethics Committee ruled that such a minuscule donation did not warrant recusal.
Ah, Nancy, how wonderful! Although I can recognize Dickinson, I can't quote anything of hers. That discussion we all had a couple of weeks ago about memorizing poetry is apt.
In 2016, Hillary Clinton’s campaign was fined $8,000 for violating federal campaign finance laws. Why? Her team falsely reported the funding of the Steele Dossier as “legal services” and “legal and compliance consulting.”
Actually this “opposition research” was an attempt to smear her opponent with false and salacious allegations. Obviously, it was also intended to influence the 2016 election.
Moreover, Hillary’s campaign was headquartered in New York State (out of Brooklyn, NY), which would make it fall under the jurisdiction of New York Penal Law §175.10, the state law which makes it a felony to falsify business records with the intent to conceal the commission of a crime.
What is the key distinction between Hillary’s campaign violation versus recent news?
With Hillary’s violation, there wasn’t a Manhattan prosecutor politically motivated to bring an unprecedented case to trial.
THIS is Joe Bidens America....violent criminals and rapists need not worry, they will be let out if put in, and never prosecuted if arrested...but don't you DARE pray in front of the sacred baby sacrificing Church of the Progressives.
Joel Berry @JoelWBerry
A DC judge just sentenced 75-year-old Paulette Harlow, who is in poor health, to 2 years in prison for praying outside an abortion clinic. Her husband fears she might die there.
Joel Berry @JoelWBerry · Follow Replying to @JoelWBerry The aggressive prosecution of these pro-life activists was a response to their protesting Washington Surgi-Clinic abortionist Cesare Santangelo, who has murdered full-term, viable infants and admitted to leaving living babies to die. More coverage here: https://x.com/JoelWBerry/status/1790712885972226455 Joel Berry @JoelWBerry Lauren Handy retrieved the bodies of 5 babies from the trash of this abortion clinic. The bodies showed signs of illegal late term/partial birth and even post-birth abortion.
The police never investigated the murders of these babies, but sentenced Lauren to prison. 9:40 AM · Jun 3, 2024
Like I said. Baby sacrificing. They were LATE TERM!! Murders.
Come on nobody's that stupid. Lem said (with no proof, its all bull shit) that Judge Merchan gave a donation after the trial. Your link talks about the infamous $15 dollar donation Judge Merchan gave before trial. And your link fails to disclose that the New York State Ethics Committee ruled that such a minuscule donation did not warrant recusal.
"6/4/24, 2:14 AM "BTW: I only found out that the judge had donated $ to an anti-Trump cause after the trial. ""
Reread his comment. He said he didn't know about the donation until AFTER the trial....not that the corrupt judge gave a donation after the trial. No wonder you are so angry.. You can't read.
The FBI has become an arm of the Progressive party. It is time to disband them.
"In addition to those very practical, existentially threatening concerns, participation in events like the WeHo Pride parade clearly violate Hatch Act provisions. It’s beyond question that LGBTQ+ is not just a social movement, but a very loud and organized political movement, supported most directly by Democrat party interests, and advocated for by some of the most prominent national Democrat party leaders. The Hatch Act prohibits FBI agents from “using their official titles or positions while engaged in political activity,” and/or engaging in political activity “while the employee is on duty…”
Never-Biden Never-Putin said... Gadfly - your link reads like left-wing propaganda. Here is the front page of the Epoch Times. Nothing like what your radical bullshit leftist link says.
I am not a leftist, sweetheart, and The Epoch Times, run by a Chinese cult, has always been full of propagandist lies. At least we now know how Epoch afforded to print and deliver all of those free newspapers in the mail.
So will you accept the press release from the Southern District of New York DOJ instead of my New York Magazine link?
Because they are the all on the same side. They are looking in the mirror, and don't like what they see.
"So, the question is: Where is the outrage? Where are the widespread accusations of homophobia and transphobia against the pro-Hamas activists? After all, couldn’t they have just held their anti-Israel demonstration on a different day or perhaps in a different part of the city?
According to the precepts of progressivism, if one does anything to offend the LGBTQ community, the punishment is supposed to be widespread condemnation as a bigot – even if the target doesn’t actually hate members of the alphabet community. Under these guidelines, the actions of the pro-Hamas activists are clearly rooted in anti-LGBTQ bigotry."
My favorite Covid rule was when WalMart installed one-way arrows on the floors of their grocery aisles. I would deliberately go down the aisles backwards just aggravate as many Karens as I could.
There were unconfirmed reports the 6 foot distance rule was originally to be 10 foot, but the CDC realized the American public would stand for that and made it 6 foot. Either way, it was all a fairy tale.
Trump is an anti-establishment politician whose rhetoric of grievance and bigotry has resonated so well with his anti-establishment following he has become a cult of personality. It's a co-dependent relationship where neither facts, criminality, policy, nor the economy have much relevance.
What Trump does is good, what his opponents and critics do is bad. This is echoed by Fox News and various whacko websites like Epoch Times in increasingly creative and nefarious ways.
None of Trump's supporters really care what his program for a second term would be, nor are they concerned with facts, including that Trump is a serious criminal and threat to American democracy. And when the establishment indicts him and convicts him and criticizes him, they rally to his support. Clearly they see a bit of themselves in him, despite the material differences. Both want revenge and defeat of the establishment. Trump needs their votes and money to stay out of prison, while they need Trump to destroy the establishment.
"None of Trump's supporters really care what his program for a second term would be"
Naw, we are really scared of what a second term of Biden would be since this first one was a trainwreck, and our country is teetering on the edge of a cliff. But you be you, and continue to support the corrupt Deep State that will turn on you eventually.
Clyde wrote: "The Ceaușescus had immunity, too. Until they didn't."
The problem for Trump is that revolutions, which is what he is perhaps unwittingly in the process of trying to make, have a habit of eating their own. Chaos does not always stop once you are at the top.
@ Clyde: Rick Rubin podcast with Sarah Jarosz https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/broken-record-with-rick-rubin-malcolm-gladwell-bruce/id1311004083?i=1000656976111
"Now that President Trump’s status as a mere “enemy of democracy” has been elevated to “convicted felon,” it is time to evaluate the state of the coup. Biden’s wicked smirk, in passing, affirmed the obvious, when a reporter asked if the Trump verdict would affect the election, or if Trump was to be a political prisoner. History will remember that evil smile."
"Trump is an anti-establishment politician whose rhetoric of grievance and bigotry has resonated so well with his anti-establishment following he has become a cult of personality"
Guess what, Rich. We live in a democracy, and when the priorities of the government in place harm the interests of large swaths of the populace, they vote a different way. It's not "revolution" or an "overthrow of democracy," it's how democracy works. Just because you have defined your opponents as somehow beneath the right to vote for their interests, doesn't make those people being harmed by Biden's policies go away.
Rich rote: None of Trump's supporters really care what his program for a second term would be, nor are they concerned with facts, including that Trump is a serious criminal and threat to American democracy.
No, we don't want to led by the most venial and corrupt Democrat in recent history, nor do we want to "led" by the worst retail politician in American politics today who would just be an even more pliant face of Dem establishment. Dems did this to themselves by suppressing the primary process. I am on board with teaching them a hard lesson.
"I am not a leftist, sweetheart". You just side with them every chance you get. You free thinker, you. The Epoch times is owned by the Christian religious cult, the Fulon Hong. They are anti communist. So take whatever our main stream media has to say about it with a large grain of salt. Since our main stream media are heavily influenced by the CCP.
"What good fortune that Merrick Garland was passed over for supreme court."
He's still angry that he didn't benefit from the mysterious death of Scalia, under odd circumstances, among strangers in a remote private game reserve, when no autopsy was performed, and the body was rapidly cremated... He's like "Dang!"
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६८ टिप्पण्या:
A nearby saloon/kitchen is holding "Hetero Awesomeness Month". The result?
Since we announced Hetero Awesomeness Month we’ve had some significant backlash: theft of our property, vendors refusing to fulfill our orders for ingredients, wedding catering cancelation, libel, slander - even the owner being falsely accused of being a sex offender!
Stay inclusive!
Quelle surprise you cant publicize the truth
Stge 4 TDS-afflicted Rich, Chuck, Mark, Cook, Inga and Feder will not read this article by J. Turley, but it lays out the case for reversal in the "hush money" case very well:
There's so much obvious reversable error, ANYONE holding himself/herself out as a lawyer yet thinks this case was NOT an actual "show trial" designed to interfere with the 2024 elections is utterly dishonest.
No one who has a clue thinks otherwise unless they are paid off one way or another
Lawfare is very lucrative to certain parties
To make a prairie it takes a clover and one bee.
One clover, and a bee.
And revery.
The revery alone will do,
If bees are few.
WaPo editor Sally Busbee is gone and they're bringing in a new editor from the WSJ and a deputy editor from the UK Daily Telegraph.
The post is dead its just s mattrr of counting the entrails at this pojnt
If you haven't heard the Lumineers...
here you go
theft of our property, vendors refusing to fulfill our orders for ingredients, wedding catering cancelation, libel, slander - even the owner being falsely accused...
Social conservatives. Remember, sodomy, pedophilia, sadomasochism, human rites, social liberalism, etc were once celebrated with pride in parades until demos-cracy protested then rebelled to mitigate their progress. Everything old is new again. Although, the overt albinophobia is a novel, perhaps green deal.
“The post is dead its just s mattrr of counting the entrails at this pojnt”
Half-baked horseshit is my read of them there bowels, narciso.
A question is, why is Joe Beiden not a felon? Because the DOJ has determined that he committed the felonies of illegal document possession outside of authority but is such a stupid old dumb fu*k that no jury would convict him.
Why is Hillary! Not a felon? Because Comey went on tv and said she didn’t mean to break the law, she just broke it anyway.
Are you interested in justice, America? Tough shit.
In 2015, Clear Channel partnered with the city of San Francisco to install 3,600 Muni bus stop signs. In 2018, 22 were operational. As of today, 300 have been installed. The transit agency blames the pandemic for the delay, and Clear Channel is no longer involved in the project. $2.5 million is needed to complete the project and the money is going to come via funds from Proposition AA, the measure which added $10 to yearly vehicle registration fees.
Government- is there anything it can't do?
The multi-faceted efforts that led to the conviction of Donald Trump, proves to me, that people don't necessarily have to conspire, to reach an outcome they desire, but for the execution of extraordinary means, by likeminded people acting independently, anything is possible.
It runs the gamut. From convicting Trump all the way up to stealing his re-election.
The only thing uniting them in their zeal, is a genuine (but erroneous) belief that Trump is the existential threat, worse than anything made by man, that could destroy all human life. A lot of people (smart and not so smart) have sadly been thoroughly propagandized to hate one man for no reason.
BTW: I only found out that the judge had donated $ to an anti-Trump cause after the trial. The anti-Trump propaganda is extraordinary in breath and scope.
DOJ Says Epoch Times Newspaper Is an Epic Money-Laundering Operation
"On Monday, federal prosecutors in New York charged the Epoch Times’ chief financial officer, Bill Guan, with bank fraud and conspiracy to commit money laundering for allegedly moving at least $67 million in illegally obtained funds to bank accounts in the media outlet’s name. According to the indictment, Guan was in charge of something (rather suspiciously) called the “Make Money Online” team, in which Guan and underlings “used cryptocurrency to knowingly purchase tens of millions of dollars in crime proceeds.” The alleged scheme was fairly simple, relying on prepaid debit cards, a common method in crypto laundering."
Donald Trump, the king of money laundering, could now take over the Bill Guan crypto ripoff scheme, using "Invest in Trump Truth Social."
A Man for All Seasons Quote
“William Roper: “So, now you give the Devil the benefit of law!”
Sir Thomas More: “Yes! What would you do? Cut a great road through the law to get after the Devil?”
William Roper: “Yes, I'd cut down every law in England to do that!”
Sir Thomas More: “Oh? And when the last law was down, and the Devil turned 'round on you, where would you hide, Roper, the laws all being flat? This country is planted thick with laws, from coast to coast, Man's laws, not God's! And if you cut them down, and you're just the man to do it, do you really think you could stand upright in the winds that would blow then? Yes, I'd give the Devil benefit of law, for my own safety's sake!”
Could Trump sue Juan Merchan for violating his civil rights?
I can hear it now: A Judge has immunity; you can't sue a judge. 😏
NBC Gadfly - your link reads like left-wing propaganda.
Here is the front page of the Epoch Times.
The Epoch Times
Nothing like what your radical bullshit leftist link says.
Gadfly - Biden and his son and brother are the kings of international money laundering. and they are above the law.
You fool.
Biden's corrupt DOJ has zero credibility.
In leftwing Soviet Democratic America - only approved leftist "news" sources are allowed.
President Biden is going to pardon his son Hunter.
That case is not even worth discussing. Everybody is just going thru the motions so that it would appear Trump is not being singled out.
It's nothing but another Ridiculous farce.
So, gadfly, let me know when the DOJ indicts Joe Biden for money laundering. A DOJ indictment of the Epoch Times tells me that they're getting under Joe "Bribe me!" Biden's skin. Another save-the-DNC indictment.
Chuck - good news - the whole trial was rigged. Rejoice in the magic of the corrupt left. Your new found Nazi love affair.
"No reason to get excited"
The thief, he kindly spoke
"There are many here among us
Who feel that life is but a joke"
"But you and I, we've been through that
And this is not our fate
So, let us not talk falsely now
The hour is getting late" - All Along the Watchtower
Sometimes I think that some of our seminar posters just come on here to model the kind of gullible credulity it takes to believe the crap we are being spun about the "rule of law" by people who have utterly perverted John Adams quote, and, in fact, are exactly the kinds of people Adams was warning us about, those who would usurp the majesty of the law, retaining its power, while throwing the foundations of its legitimacy like so much offal, on the ground beside a hunter's kill.
GME management are the luckiest loss-makers around.
Kasparov resigns from Aspen Institute after comparing it to the USSR's information control techniques
On April 22, 2021, the Aspen Institute — an influential civil society group that draws funding from several federal agencies and in recent years has become an odd hodge-podge of boutique-left ideas and hardcore security-state rhetoric — announced that a “Commission on Information Disorder” would be preparing a major report, one that: Aims to identify and prioritize the most critical sources and causes of information disorder and deliver a set of short-term actions and longer-term goals to help government, the private sector, and civil society respond to this modern-day crisis of faith in key institutions.
Nothing here about this knowledge permeating our information space being, you know, false. It's just causing the people who are trying to clamp down on us, agita. Covid (US govt program), endless wars, utter perversion of the rule of law, oh yeah, and the tumblers for unlocking WW3 are falling into place at a quickening pace. US military exercises on islands within. sight of Taiwan, US special forces actually in Taiwan, US made missiles being used to attack Russia proper. At some point the fiction that we aren't part of this war over who gets to rule over parts of Ukraine that have been fighting against being ruled over by Kiev for ten years is going to be hard to sell.
It's funny that we fully support secession in Taiwan, and at the same time say it's worth it to risk WW3 over denying the right of parts of Ukraine to secede. Oh yeah, and we were fine with breaking off Kosovo too, which gives the lie to that trop about borders in Europe since WWII have been sacrosanct. It's almost as if our ethics were... situational. I'm sorry, is that an insult to the stately orderliness of the lies they have spun? The US hasn't staked its credibility on this war in Ukraine, the neocons have, and even Kasparov has had enough of their lies.
You know what would be a good way to restore faith? Start acting in ways that inspire faith and trust....
Lem the artificially intelligent said...
"BTW: I only found out that the judge had donated $ to an anti-Trump cause after the trial. "
Link please.
effinayright said...
"There's so much obvious reversable error, ANYONE holding himself/herself out as a lawyer yet thinks this case was NOT an actual "show trial" designed to interfere with the 2024 elections is utterly dishonest. "
Guess effinayright is not going to retain me to represent him regarding that Peeping Tom charge. Maybe begley is interested.
here's your link
In New York state, judges are barred from making donations to political organizations or candidates...
small dollar amounts
big bias
it's unlawful and he did it anyway
YouTube: ”Transphobia is a False Premise”
An interesting insight into the exclusive use of the word “phobia” when referencing trans, as opposed to every other use of the same word.
Why is that?
Talk about something hidden in plain sight.
Mutaman said...
effinayright said...
"There's so much obvious reversable error, ANYONE holding himself/herself out as a lawyer yet thinks this case was NOT an actual "show trial" designed to interfere with the 2024 elections is utterly dishonest. "
Guess effinayright is not going to retain me to represent him regarding that Peeping Tom charge. Maybe begley is interested.
How much glue have you been huffing tonight?
WTF you talkin' about? How does it relate to the NY Trump case?
If I were on a date with a tranny, and i didn't know "she" were really a he until "she" whipped out "her" male member and invited me to such "her" dick, you can bet I would be trans-"phobic"!!!
Saint Croix said...
here's your link"
Come on nobody's that stupid. Lem said (with no proof, its all bull shit) that Judge Merchan gave a donation after the trial. Your link talks about the infamous $15 dollar donation Judge Merchan gave before trial. And your link fails to disclose that the New York State Ethics Committee ruled that such a minuscule donation did not warrant recusal.
Ah, Nancy, how wonderful! Although I can recognize Dickinson, I can't quote anything of hers. That discussion we all had a couple of weeks ago about memorizing poetry is apt.
Why would a judge break the rules yet give such an inconsequential amount? It suggests a churlish desire to just put the knife in.
David Sacks
In 2016, Hillary Clinton’s campaign was fined $8,000 for violating federal campaign finance laws. Why? Her team falsely reported the funding of the Steele Dossier as “legal services” and “legal and compliance consulting.”
Actually this “opposition research” was an attempt to smear her opponent with false and salacious allegations. Obviously, it was also intended to influence the 2016 election.
Moreover, Hillary’s campaign was headquartered in New York State (out of Brooklyn, NY), which would make it fall under the jurisdiction of New York Penal Law §175.10, the state law which makes it a felony to falsify business records with the intent to conceal the commission of a crime.
What is the key distinction between Hillary’s campaign violation versus recent news?
With Hillary’s violation, there wasn’t a Manhattan prosecutor politically motivated to bring an unprecedented case to trial.
THIS is Joe Bidens America....violent criminals and rapists need not worry, they will be let out if put in, and never prosecuted if arrested...but don't you DARE pray in front of the sacred baby sacrificing Church of the Progressives.
Joel Berry
A DC judge just sentenced 75-year-old Paulette Harlow, who is in poor health, to 2 years in prison for praying outside an abortion clinic. Her husband fears she might die there.
Joel Berry
Replying to @JoelWBerry
The aggressive prosecution of these pro-life activists was a response to their protesting Washington Surgi-Clinic abortionist Cesare Santangelo, who has murdered full-term, viable infants and admitted to leaving living babies to die. More coverage here: https://x.com/JoelWBerry/status/1790712885972226455
Joel Berry
Lauren Handy retrieved the bodies of 5 babies from the trash of this abortion clinic. The bodies showed signs of illegal late term/partial birth and even post-birth abortion.
The police never investigated the murders of these babies, but sentenced Lauren to prison.
9:40 AM · Jun 3, 2024
Like I said. Baby sacrificing. They were LATE TERM!! Murders.
Mutaman said...
Saint Croix said...
here's your link"
Come on nobody's that stupid. Lem said (with no proof, its all bull shit) that Judge Merchan gave a donation after the trial. Your link talks about the infamous $15 dollar donation Judge Merchan gave before trial. And your link fails to disclose that the New York State Ethics Committee ruled that such a minuscule donation did not warrant recusal.
"6/4/24, 2:14 AM
"BTW: I only found out that the judge had donated $ to an anti-Trump cause after the trial. ""
Reread his comment. He said he didn't know about the donation until AFTER the trial....not that the corrupt judge gave a donation after the trial. No wonder you are so angry.. You can't read.
Lem the artificially intelligent said...
I can hear it now: A Judge has immunity; you can't sue a judge.
The Ceaușescus had immunity, too. Until they didn't.
The FBI has become an arm of the Progressive party. It is time to disband them.
"In addition to those very practical, existentially threatening concerns, participation in events like the WeHo Pride parade clearly violate Hatch Act provisions. It’s beyond question that LGBTQ+ is not just a social movement, but a very loud and organized political movement, supported most directly by Democrat party interests, and advocated for by some of the most prominent national Democrat party leaders. The Hatch Act prohibits FBI agents from “using their official titles or positions while engaged in political activity,” and/or engaging in political activity “while the employee is on duty…”
Never-Biden Never-Putin said...
Gadfly - your link reads like left-wing propaganda.
Here is the front page of the Epoch Times.
Nothing like what your radical bullshit leftist link says.
I am not a leftist, sweetheart, and The Epoch Times, run by a Chinese cult, has always been full of propagandist lies. At least we now know how Epoch afforded to print and deliver all of those free newspapers in the mail.
So will you accept the press release from the Southern District of New York DOJ instead of my New York Magazine link?
Nobody can make this shit up!
Because they are the all on the same side. They are looking in the mirror, and don't like what they see.
"So, the question is: Where is the outrage? Where are the widespread accusations of homophobia and transphobia against the pro-Hamas activists? After all, couldn’t they have just held their anti-Israel demonstration on a different day or perhaps in a different part of the city?
According to the precepts of progressivism, if one does anything to offend the LGBTQ community, the punishment is supposed to be widespread condemnation as a bigot – even if the target doesn’t actually hate members of the alphabet community. Under these guidelines, the actions of the pro-Hamas activists are clearly rooted in anti-LGBTQ bigotry."
gad, REALLY?? The corrupt Southern District of New York DOJ?? You think THEY are any different?? You are a hoot!! Keep trying.
My favorite Covid rule was when WalMart installed one-way arrows on the floors of their grocery aisles. I would deliberately go down the aisles backwards just aggravate as many Karens as I could.
There were unconfirmed reports the 6 foot distance rule was originally to be 10 foot, but the CDC realized the American public would stand for that and made it 6 foot. Either way, it was all a fairy tale.
Thank you Saint Croix and wendybar. You guys are terrific.
But it only gets worse. Can you believe an ethics panel had no problem saying the judge, Juan, donation to an anti-trump pac was not a problem?
Unbelievable. Check and balances along the way set up to make sure these conflicts don’t happen. It’s as if they aren’t even there.
No wonder Trump was under a gag order.
Scrolling back through yesterday's posts.
MAGA denial (Jennifer Rubin). Next... Republicans Claim (NYT).
Claim and denial.
Every once in a while you come across a perfect graph describing what’s happening.
Via Reddit: Emotional Rollercoaster 🎢
Trump is an anti-establishment politician whose rhetoric of grievance and bigotry has resonated so well with his anti-establishment following he has become a cult of personality. It's a co-dependent relationship where neither facts, criminality, policy, nor the economy have much relevance.
What Trump does is good, what his opponents and critics do is bad. This is echoed by Fox News and various whacko websites like Epoch Times in increasingly creative and nefarious ways.
None of Trump's supporters really care what his program for a second term would be, nor are they concerned with facts, including that Trump is a serious criminal and threat to American democracy. And when the establishment indicts him and convicts him and criticizes him, they rally to his support. Clearly they see a bit of themselves in him, despite the material differences. Both want revenge and defeat of the establishment. Trump needs their votes and money to stay out of prison, while they need Trump to destroy the establishment.
"None of Trump's supporters really care what his program for a second term would be"
Naw, we are really scared of what a second term of Biden would be since this first one was a trainwreck, and our country is teetering on the edge of a cliff. But you be you, and continue to support the corrupt Deep State that will turn on you eventually.
Clyde wrote: "The Ceaușescus had immunity, too. Until they didn't."
The problem for Trump is that revolutions, which is what he is perhaps unwittingly in the process of trying to make, have a habit of eating their own. Chaos does not always stop once you are at the top.
@ Clyde: Rick Rubin podcast with Sarah Jarosz
Can someone explain to me why it’s too much to ask that the children be left alone?
I am not a leftist
Gadfly is a neverending source of knee-slapping laugh material. Lefties have no delusions quite so bad as their self delusions.
"Now that President Trump’s status as a mere “enemy of democracy” has been elevated to “convicted felon,” it is time to evaluate the state of the coup. Biden’s wicked smirk, in passing, affirmed the obvious, when a reporter asked if the Trump verdict would affect the election, or if Trump was to be a political prisoner. History will remember that evil smile."
He's not a leftist, he's plainly a fascist.
"Trump is an anti-establishment politician whose rhetoric of grievance and bigotry has resonated so well with his anti-establishment following he has become a cult of personality"
Guess what, Rich. We live in a democracy, and when the priorities of the government in place harm the interests of large swaths of the populace, they vote a different way. It's not "revolution" or an "overthrow of democracy," it's how democracy works. Just because you have defined your opponents as somehow beneath the right to vote for their interests, doesn't make those people being harmed by Biden's policies go away.
Rich rote: None of Trump's supporters really care what his program for a second term would be, nor are they concerned with facts, including that Trump is a serious criminal and threat to American democracy.
No, we don't want to led by the most venial and corrupt Democrat in recent history, nor do we want to "led" by the worst retail politician in American politics today who would just be an even more pliant face of Dem establishment. Dems did this to themselves by suppressing the primary process. I am on board with teaching them a hard lesson.
"I am not a leftist, sweetheart". You just side with them every chance you get. You free thinker, you.
The Epoch times is owned by the Christian religious cult, the Fulon Hong. They are anti communist. So take whatever our main stream media has to say about it with a large grain of salt. Since our main stream media are heavily influenced by the CCP.
“Why would a judge break the rules yet give such an inconsequential amount? It suggests a churlish desire to just put the knife in.”
Merchan was signaling that he’s on The Team.
... the New York State Ethics Committee ruled that such a minuscule donation did not warrant recusal.
OTOH, such a miniscule expression of knowledge or opinion WILL get you "recused" from the jury.
And the 90 million dollars his daughter had raised for democrats never mind
The Dank Knight 🦇
This is where he was raised as a black, Jewish, Italian, Puerto Rican, Irish child
Joe Biden
I got to visit my childhood home in Scranton for the first time since I became president.
I’ll never forget where I came from.
What good fortune that Merrick Garland was passed over for supreme court.
"What good fortune that Merrick Garland was passed over for supreme court."
He's still angry that he didn't benefit from the mysterious death of Scalia, under odd circumstances, among strangers in a remote private game reserve, when no autopsy was performed, and the body was rapidly cremated... He's like "Dang!"
Johnny Cash singing Nasty Dan to Oscar the Grouch.
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