২৫ জুন, ২০২৪

At the Milkweed Café...


... you can talk all night.


২২টি মন্তব্য:

Lucien বলেছেন...

Imagine a re-elected Trump who pushed for an Amendment allowing a third term, and got it passed. Would that open the door for Obama, or what?

Jamie বলেছেন...

Nope. I'm sticking with Washington.

imTay বলেছেন...

Russia just called in our ambassador and told him that the state of peace between our countries is at an end. Ukrainian officials bragged about the attack on "civilian occupiers" on that beach in Crimea, by US supplied, targeted, and flight programmed, cluster munitions, the ATACMS missiles, and supported by a flight of one of our GlobalHawk drones over the Black Sea. And Russia has now called in our ambassador and declared the US a party to the war in Ukraine.

So we are that much closer to nuclear war, anyway. This never happened during the Cold War, but, as Barrack Obama famously said "Never underestimate Joe Biden's ability to f*k things up."

Ukrainian claims that it is Russia's fault don't explain why the missiles overflew a crowded beach on a summer Sunday afternoon, and oh, by the way, on one of the most important holidays in the Russian Orthodox calendar.

This is like that movie, The Sum of All Fears, based on the Tom Clancy novel, where the Ukrainians make a bid to draw the US and Russia into a nuclear war, to avenge their defeat of the Third Reich. I am sure that Tom Clancy made the whole premise up out of whole cloth, though.

Meanwhile, our own borders are being erased by Joe Biden, even as he drags us to the brink over Ukraine's border with Russia.

Jamie বলেছেন...

I just listened to what would have been a fascinating two-hour interview with Bret Weinstein if it hadn't been on Peterson's podcast, which rendered it a one-hour-or-less interview, in which Weinstein, who had recently visited the Darien Gap with Michael Yon, talked about the distinctly separate cohorts of migrants he says he saw and spoke with there:

1. The economic migrants, who were eager to talk, and none of whom described their reasons for migration in any but economic terms. NO political asylum seekers.

2. The mysterious Chinese migrants, shipped to the north side of the Gap (beyond the horrific lawlessness) by boat and housed in a separate camp, to which Panamanian authorities controlled access (in contrast to the economic migrants' camp, where there was no barrier to pictures, wandering, interviews). These migrants heavily skewed male and young to middle aged (I'm avoiding "of military age" to try to keep it as neutral as I can). There were no children in their camp. They would not talk about why they'd come - they obfuscated and even lied (and got caught in their lies). But in Weinstein's view, they didn't have the air of those fleeing a regime that threatened them; they had the air of those being at least encouraged by that regime.

The economic migrants has nearly all been robbed blind in the Gap, and the women raped, of course. They were temporarily staying just north of it to try to earn money to get bus tickets to the US southern border (which, if they couldn't acquire the money for, they'd be given, though that wasn't much publicized). Those buses passed easily through all the national borders, unlike any private vehicle or person. The IOM was facilitating their transport.

I damned Peterson repeatedly and aloud for his apparently uncontrollable habit of turning any "interview" into a philosophical bull session. He has some very interesting ideas and perspectives - and he needs to let his guests TELL THEIR FREAKING STORIES.

He is, after all, all about the stories.

This was the first I'd heard about the situation at the Darien Gap.

Scott Patton বলেছেন...

The raw dogging plane story instantly brought to mind the Seinfeld episode first mentioned in the comments by Yancy.
Whenever that happens, and it is often, an unwritten fanfic origin story the Tamarians starts to bubble up in my head. In the Star Trek TNG episode "Darmok" the Tamarians spoke entirely by allegory.
The story would be either:
An alternate universe where it was the inhabitants of Earth that spoke entirely by allegory. The basis of which would of course be Seinfeld. The entire rawdogging story can be boiled down to "Puddy and Elaine on the plane".
After some extended contact with the Tamarians, Picard and the gang would come to discover the basis for all of the allegory was an ancient sitcom that was eerily similar to old Earth's Seinfeld series.

The rule of Lemnity বলেছেন...

Weinstein told the story to Tucker.

link to video

n.n বলেছেন...

... there are no fun guys.

Deep State Reformer বলেছেন...

The heart wants what it wants and Mavis' didn't want BD. Baez wanted BD but he didn't want her.
"The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it?" Jeremiah 17:9 NIV

Big Mike বলেছেন...

Looks like Jamaal Bowman has lost his primary. There may be sane voters in New York City after all.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne বলেছেন...

Maricopa County Board of Elections temporary worker arrested for stealing keys and security fob from Board of Elections building.

Gonna be fun around here on election day!


NorthOfTheOneOhOne বলেছেন...

The rule of Lemnity said...

Weinstein told the story to Tucker.

He also talked about it on Rogan's podcast.


gilbar বলেছেন...

Without Bowman, who is going to pull the firealarms for the Democrat Party?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

Two White left Anti-Semite racist Democrats in CO house race primaries - it appears now like they are going DOWN. (replaced by another D - but gone gone gone.)

Timothy Hernandez (D-Racist Anti-Semite)
Elizabeth Epps (D-Racist Anti-Semite)

To make leftist heads explode- Lauren Boebert won her primary race.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

To replace Lauren in her old district - will not be the left's choice - Ron Hanks.
Thank goodness.

Lilly, a dog বলেছেন...

Thanks for the link to the Tucker/Weinstein interview.

Bret Weinstein and his wife Heather Heyer are two of the most sane, rational people left in America. So of course, they have been labeled as far-right pariahs.

Narayanan বলেছেন...

Without Bowman, who is going to pull the firealarms for the Democrat Party?
without firealarm won't fire burn longer and better?

wendybar বলেছেন...

THIS is what fundamental transformation looks like!!!

This is the Utopia Progressives are promising America!!

Vote wisely. If this is what you want to live like, vote for Biden and his regressive progressive party....and get ready to go, or to send your kids to war!!


imTay বলেছেন...

" While Putin Wages War on Ukraine, Islam Goes to War Against Russia."

That's a Stephen Green headline from Instapundit. It's pretty funny that, even though we know from leaks that we created ISIS, and that arming ISIS in Syria is what Ambassador Stevens was doing in Benghazi, he was there buying up weapons after we overthrew Gaddafi, and ISIS only seems to attack our enemies, like Assad, and Putin, it never occurs to him that these Islamic terrorists are a menace of our making which the neocons use to manipulate populations.

In Russia, the plan is to create hatred of the Muslim part of the country in the Orthodox Christian part of it, while at the same time we finance candidates like Navalny [Wikileaks again, damn them!] to whip up hate from the other side.

If the cabal running our country didn't use these same techniques against us, and steal elections, or even commit assassinations of our rulers, like JFK, when their plans are at risk when put to a democratic vote, I might even think that this was a clever plan. After all, as Nietzsche said, when you see a building that is leaning over to collapse, you should push it! And maybe the Russia Federation as it is currently constituted is such a structure, but we are destroying our own values in the process by running these terror outfits. We have more pressing problems at home than who runs Russia and China.

wendybar বলেছেন...

"I don’t need to hear any more about these mythical government employees who are anything but “honest, hardworking, patriotic Americans.”


Rusty বলেছেন...

Milkweed. The host of Monarchs and the source of Milkweed fluff.

Third Coast বলেছেন...

When I was a kid collecting butterflies and moths, milkweed was synonymous with Monarch butterflies. Their cocoons were really cool.

Leland বলেছেন...

Some interesting debate takes by Russell Brand

What I found funny was the MSNBC host talking about how unfair the bar is for Biden compared to Trump then explaining how Biden needs to show “is he alive, is he standing, are the words coming out of his mouth”. See at 1:44 mark. The higher bar for Biden to hurdle, according to MSNBC, is proof of life, and they think it is unfair.