реиреи рдЬूрди, реирежреирек

American/British royalty. Ours is better, right?

ремрей рдЯिрдк्рдкрдг्рдпा:

Kate рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

Theirs is breeding.

Ann Althouse рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

1. I had to look up "M8."

2. No one seems able to open their eyes all the way up anymore. What's happening?

3. It's clear who's least important.

Sebastian рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

"Ours is better, right?"

Better teeth/dental care?

doctrev рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

Taylor Swift's empire will collapse with her. Which is FINE, she's only a pop star, but comparing them to an institution with castles and heritage is the kind of absurd comment which is only taken seriously on Facebook.

Krumhorn рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

Ours actually contributes significantly to ours (and their) gross national product. Theirs married well.

- Krumhorn

Ice Nine рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

>Ann Althouse said...
1. I had to look up "M8."<

So did I. Best I could come up with is a BMW model. Frankly, the whole meme is rather puzzling.

rehajm рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

We get to switch ours out

Sally327 рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

It's the "special relationship", we have money and good looks and they have history and good manners.

It's really just a nice moment. Taylor Swift does a lot of fan interaction so it's not as if she's only making herself available for a photo because it's with the future Kings of England. The boyfriend in the back there? They come and they go. And she writes songs about it. I do wonder if he always pays when they go out to dinner. He's got money but she's got a lot more of it.

Drago рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

doctrev: "Taylor Swift's empire will collapse with her."

Her current estimated net worth is >$1B.

She will remain one of the biggest global draws for a number of years. That net worth, assumingly properly invested, is just gonna keep on growing.

Plus, she has a built in fan base for life that though it will become more and more niche over time it will continue to drive consistent significant revenue.

So, thats not such a bad "empire" collapse.

rehajm рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

Their rayalty like ours is Beatles Judy Dench Ed Sheeran slow hand

Narr рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

It's obviously a tribute to the M 8 Motorway.

It's a good thing for the Royals that William found a gal from outside the caste--the family looks are much improved.

Political Junkie рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

Must admit, I really liked Taylor early in her "country" phase.
However, I prefer the "clunkiness" of the British royalty. Can't explain, but that's my 1 cent.


Readering рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

Forget M8, where's Kate?

gspencer рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

The British and with the French - always there when they need US.

Lilly, a dog рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

Swift and Kelce are a fake couple. She's never handled his Kansas City Chief.

Paul Skenes and Olivia Dunne are the new sports couple, and when you see how they act with each other, it's clear that the young lady has been jolly rogered by his Pittsburgh Pirate.

Sally327 рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

Forget M8, where's Kate?

Still undergoing chemotherapy treatment for some undisclosed form of cancer that was discovered after she had abdominal surgery earlier this year. She was at "Trooping the Colors" last weekend but other than that doesn't make public appearances right now.

Limited blogger рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

I hope Princess Kate is ok.

She is my favorite royal.

doctrev рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

Drago said...
So, thats not such a bad "empire" collapse.

6/22/24, 9:42 AM

For most people, it's a fine deal. But it's all a personal fiefdom. Many celebrities "donate" their money to various charitable foundations at the end of their careers. Maybe that is because they don't want to put pressure on their children. Maybe the money isn't actually theirs. But few actually make the wealth generational.

Then again, the royals have so many inherent limitations on their actions that they might not be free at all. Almost makes you wonder why Harry wants back in.

Drago рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

Doctrev: "But few actually make the wealth generational."

I was going off the pic of Swift.

As for your comment, completely correct.

I consulted with a couple major music entertainment companies in the past on the business side and there were so many stories of artists that would call in all the time to inquire about royalty payments and financial hardships. That group is definitely the 90%+ crew given the overall numbers of aspiring performers.

Lem Vibe Banditory рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

Travis Kelce is a Biden plant, look where he’s standing.

Maga was right.

Tom T. рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

"It's clear who's least important."

In this setting, the prince is least important, because he's Dad. His role is simply to take them places, pay for things, and not talk. Any man with kids understands this. :-)

John henry рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

Never miss an opportunity to say Fuck British royalty, fuck the British king, and fuck king chuck in particular.

In 10 days we will be celebrating the 248th anniversary of our glorious insurrection.

It is unseemly and unAmerican to show any respect for the British king and kin.

Monarchy, esp absolute dictatorship like Chuck's is about as anti-democracy as one can get. (yeah, I know. He doesn't exercise his absolute powers. Not publicly)

We need to get over it.

Narayanan рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

also need to look up H8

Amexpat рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

I don't follow or care about the Britsh royal family. But based solely on the photos that I've seen, Princess Charlotte should be the next monarch. She seems to be the most regal and intelligent of the bunch. She reminds me of QEII.

Ann Althouse рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

A lot of the slang these days is just shortening things. M8 = mate.

Joe Smith рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

Taylor gonna be fat in a few years.

I see an Oprah situation coming on in more ways than one...

Joe Smith рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

'1. I had to look up "M8."'

Jeez...I'm old but I'm not clueless : )

Maybe it's because I can decode all the custom license plates...

effinayright рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

Amexpat said...
I don't follow or care about the Britsh royal family. But based solely on the photos that I've seen, Princess Charlotte should be the next monarch. She seems to be the most regal and intelligent of the bunch. She reminds me of QEII.

I dunno....seeing her, I wonder if Harry ever left Kate alone with Mick Jagger...

Paul рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

Dunno about royalty.. never cared about that stuff. But... I hear Taylor Swift likes Chicken Shish Kabobs! And that is good in my book.

Narayanan рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

William has a nice shiny P8
that is kissed and rubbed by K8

MadTownGuy рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

M8 = Mate.

mindnumbrobot рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

London shows are off to a splendid start

Splendid? Taylor is from Pennsylvania. Nobody says splendid.

victoria рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

Why is it that the right hates Taylor so much?

Vicki from Pasadena

tim maguire рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

victoria said...Why is it that the right hates Taylor so much?

We virtually never give her a thought.

Ann Althouse said...
1. I had to look up "M8."

3. It's clear who's least important.

At first, I thought it sounded like a British spy service. Then I got it. Oh, M8. Mate. Damn texting kids…

My second thought was, how can the future king of England allow himself to look so unimportant in a group photo? (Granted, not as unimportant as the boyfriend, whatever his name is, the football player, but still, pretty unimportant.)

Joe Smith рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

The prince (and his kids) are looking more like Wallace and Gromit characters every day...

Wince рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

Swift seems more waxen there than Madame Tussauds (see image 2 of 3 at link, below).


Quaestor рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

Why is it that the right hates Taylor so much?

Why are leftish imbeciles so dazzled by celebrity that they use first names as if they are intimates?

Shall we release the feline from the poke? The schmucks know jack about these crafted personalities other than what handsomely paid propagandists well-skilled in the science of psychological manipulation of the compliant and isolated have determined will leverage money out of them. I don't know what these urban hillbillies read, but from all appearances, it is far too often purchased in supermarket checkout lanes.

Old and slow рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

When royalty stop behaving regally they cease to have any purpose at all. And no John Henry, they aren't dictators or true monarchs in any way. Nothing but figureheads.

AndrewV рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

My first thought was the M8 motorway between Glasgow and Edinburgh.

Ralph L рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

The Daily Mail has multiple orgasms.

Rabel рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

More teeth on display than a Kennedy reunion.

The only people on the right who hate Swift are the ones who hate just about everything.

They might as well hate Debbie Gibson or Tiffany.

tcrosse рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

William is lucky he turned out looking more like his mum than his dad.

Dave Begley рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

As noted above, our royals have better teeth.

Drago рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

victoria: "Why is it that the right hates Taylor so much?
Vicki from Pasadena"

They dont.

That's just you projecting again because you're really quite dense and you proudly support a pedophile who showered with his own adolescent daughter which, in her very own adult words, sexualized her.

Wilbur рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

Our friend Vicki appears upset that everyone doesn't worship at the feet of show business celebrities like she does. She interprets this as ...what was it? Oh yeah, "hate".

In other Taylor Swift news, I read she prefers metal aglets over the plastic ones.

John henry рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

Old and slow,

Basically absolute and unlimited power over everthing in the UK

That they do not, publicly, exercise it doesn't matter. They still have it.

That there might be a civil insurrection if Chuck tried to exercise his powers doesn't matter. Chuck still has them.

I'm going to be curious to see what happens if Nigel farage is (s)elected as PM in a few years. Will Chuck say, probably privately, "nope. Not gonna appoint him. Send me someone else to be my PM"

Then what does parliament do?

Yeah, I know. The dreaded "CONSTITUTIONAL CRISIS!!" except that will expose Chuck's new clothes. There is no English constitution. Not in any meaningful way. Just customs and traditions that can and do change daily.

John Henry

AMDG рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

The best thing about this is imagining what Yoko Woko’s reaction was. It is not a good day to be Harry.

Jim at рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

Why is it that the right hates Taylor so much?

Apathy does not equal hate, twit.

tim maguire рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

tcrosse said...William is lucky he turned out looking more like his mum than his dad.

Or like Harry, who turned out looking like a local cavalry officer.

minnesota farm guy рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

I would not know a Taylor Swift song if it ran me over. However I give her all the credit in the world for being a really sharp businesswoman!

Yancey Ward рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

"As noted above, our royals have better teeth."

Swift and Kelce almost surely have had as much work done on their teeth as William has in that photograph. The children, on the other hand, have what a natural set looks like these days, but their teeth will be straight and blinding white by the time they are each 16 years old.

Deep State Reformer рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

Monarchy is only a viable thing if the monarch actually has some real power.This way they can act in the interest of the whole nation without worrying (too much) about their own personal popularity. The emasculated English model of governance called "constitutional monarchy" is just a joke. (Nb Democracy - The God that Failed, Herman-Hoppe, Hans, Transaction Books, 2001.) Political partisan rulers squeeze the national lemon as hard as they can while they're in office so as to get the most juice that they can for themselves and then will leave office and enjoy it. Monarchs otoh will try and leave the nation in the best condition as possible for the monarch that comes after them which is usually always one of their own family. And so there's the incentive. The nation is a treasured family heirloom to a royal. The nation is a rented airport car to the partisan and is treated as such.

The Vault Dweller рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

The oddly beautiful Taylor Swift and accompaniment.

Marcus Bressler рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

Typical Lib:
Non-approval of homosexual behavior is not Hate.
Pointing out that black men commit a unproportional amount of murders/shootings/violent crimes to their representation in the population is not Hate.
Fighting against child pornography in school libraries is not Hate.
Mentioning that Biden is allowing unfettered illegal immigration into the USA is not Hate.
And....not caring, one way or another, about Taylor Swift (I've never heard a song of hers), is not Hate.
Hate is an exclusive character trait of the Left.

Aught Severn рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

William has a nice shiny P8
that is kissed and rubbed by K8

...Must finish that limmerick!....

William has a nice shiny P8
That is kissed and rubbed on by K8
She pushed him on down
And he went with a frown
resigned, with a sigh, to his F8!

Narr рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

Am I the only one here who thinks Charles would look better in a powdered wig?

The Vault Dweller рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

Blogger Ann Althouse said...
A lot of the slang these days is just shortening things. M8 = mate.

Another shortened slang that has been around for a few years now is Rizz, which is a shortening of Charisma. And if someone has the rizz they have smooth charm. It is also possible for someone to hit you with the rizz.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

I heard a TS song the other day. I don't hate her at all - I just don't get it. What is all the hype about?

Old and slow рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

John Henry, you are one of my favorite commenters here, but on the subject of British royalty, you are delusional.

traditionalguy рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

One thing they missed: Prince William kneeling to receive the 22 Hat from Taylor.

The pictured American couple has done more for the culture of the USA in the past year than 1000 politicians in 50 years..Both are from up state Ohio /Pennsylvania area and are within 2 months of being the same age. And both have superior talents in their careers over the past 20 + years of intense working put into their careers.

The Eras Tour has three hours of her singing and acting 46 songs each 7 to 10 minutes in length from 20 years of her hit albums without a break to packed stadiums for 100 shows with 40 left to go. She plays piano and guitar and enunciates near perfection the lyrics she wrote which are Shakespeare class writing.

Her new man is the GOAT tight end in NFL history who has a truly loving leadership style on his team that has won 3 of the last 5 Super Bowls. And he co owns a 100 million dollar Podcast that comes out every Wednesday with an hour of excellent entertainment and guests.

They are apparently secretly married since May and are having their first child in December.

Did I mention she has a $1.3 Billion net worth and owns more mansions than the Windsors.

donald рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

There is no world where Travis Kelce is the greatest tight end of all time except in certain “establishments”.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

As long as Travis and Taylor stay in the good graces of the corrupt Democxratic left - they can keep their status.

Advice to TS and TK - Don't you dare wander off that plantation, kids. or - you'll get the Elon treatment. It's best to stay neutral. But - WE all see the pressure applied on TS by the corrupt democratic left.

JES рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

My friends from Madison are on their way to London to see the show. Go figure!

рдЯिрдк्рдкрдгी рдкोрд╕्рдЯ рдХрд░ा

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