Eateries and meaderies! Sounds indulgently wholesome, one might think.
Oh, but not to the commenters! The most-liked comment is:
To sample a few others from the top of the most-liked:"No one should travel to Idaho. No tourist dollars should go to a horrible, near-fascist state that so denies the rights of women and people of color...."
• "... Idaho is just filled with crazed militia types and all MAGA all the time. I wouldn’t feel safe there at all."
• "Do not spend one vacation dollar in the Fascist state of Idaho."
• "Boise Idaho- maga central?! Pass!!"
• "You forgot the warning for pregnant women traveling to Idaho."
• Responding to "Oh good—I was hoping a travel article would lead us to a conversation about Donald Trump": "That's the reality MAGA has created in this country. No, it's not a both-sides issue here, it's all on bible-thumping MAGA."
८१ टिप्पण्या:
Ann, don't you agree these people with severe TDS are in dire need of lobotomies?
Curious, why the “Trump drops out” tag on this post?
I once lived in a tourist area that was written up by the New York Times, there were two premier properties in the little town within the scope of the article, and one of them was owned by a friend of mine who was openly Republican, his was the only one that never even got mentioned.
When did Bible reading become a negative? If everyone read the Bible and tried to live according to its teachings, the country would be a much nicer place.
Who knew liberals could be such bigots? /sarc
The commenters - and those like them - are insane, and have nothing to offer but hate-filled projection.
I don’t know how we live with each other much longer.
- Rafe
They would rather live in burned down, run down Progressive cities overrun with illegals and homeless than live with people who want to Make America Great Again. That stands against everything they believe in, because it is THEY who hate America.
"Curious, why the “Trump drops out” tag on this post?"
Ha ha. Just seeing that now.
I typed "Trump d" and assumed the autocomplete went to what I wanted, which was "Trump derangement syndrome."
It would be funny to think the WaPo Boise reaction would be causally related to Trump losing heart.
I had forgotten there was speculation Trump would drop out. And in both 2016 and before 2020. Actually strengthens my belief Biden will stay in. I can't think of a nominated candidate who withdrew.
The mental illness runs deep and wide. Idaho will be better off if these lunatics stay away, far, far ,away. There are.more.than enough tourists and their monies to support tourism in Idaho. What a win win.
The WaPo Comment Section: Fever Swamp or Cesspool?
I vote for Fever Swamp.
I work in the biotech industry, mostly in New England, and one of the most tedious things about it is how nearly every time a red state is mentioned in conversation, someone seems obligated to liken the state to Nazi Germany or to the most repressive part of the post-Reconstruction Deep South. Hamas and the Taliban get more benefit of the doubt than Florida or Indiana.
Listen to your fellow lefties- Idaho is a right wing shithole. Do not ever go there. Boise, Sun Valley, McCall, Sandpoint, Coeur d’Alene. Yuk.
I hear New York City and the Jersey shore are the place to be…
You know, a lot of Idahoans (and Montanans, Wyomingans, etc.) would be just as happy as a clam (or Rocky Mountain Oyster) that the crazy lefties stayed home, too.
The problem isn't necessarily the summer vacationers, hopefully spending a lot of their Beltway dollars across the region, and not just in the private golf clubs. The problem is when they decide to move to the West, and bring their Eastern ideas with them.
And by the way, if WaPo knew their readers better, they'd have recommended Missoula, instead. It might not be quite as upscale as Boise, but is probably as Blue a city as you'll find in the Rockies.
The delusion on the left almost makes me want to learn more about psychology and neuroscience. What goes on in people’s heads when Trump haters gather together and make any topic at all about how much they hate Trump and then, with complete sincerity, blame Trump and his followers for their own dysfunction.
To some degree, this is true of any partisan, but as people have often observed, the right-wing lunatics are fringe characters while left-wing lunatics are fully mainstream, forming the base of the party.
I look at a reddit space where people often post little tributes to their deceased dogs. Someone followed up and said that, after posting, he/she got harassing private messages from someone. Multiple commenters blamed Trump, or Marjorie Taylor whatsis.
Where the hell have these lefties been? Idaho has been a leftie escape for a couple of decades. Tourism and California refugees. Did these leftie commenters just learn to read?
Idaho will be better off if these lunatics stay away, far, far ,away.
A vacation in an environment free of their negativity is an attractive idea. Not as attractive as potatoes, but it's up there.
Sounds like when the right talks about New York state or California, like what folks like wendybar can be guaranteed to spout off here.
'They would rather live in burned down, run down Progressive cities overrun with illegals and homeless'
Is that really any different that the wapo commenters?
What head would you put on a talking doll that uttered those WaPo comments every time you pulled the ring at the end of the string?
Idaho is three states. In the north are the preppers, the southwest are the California transplants, and in the southeast are Mormons. Wonderfully diverse.
“Is that really any different that the wapo commenters?”
Been to San Francisco, Chicago or New York City lately? I have. I’ve also been to Idaho in the last year.
The difference is that Wendybar’s comment at least has the benefit of being based in reality.
- Rafe
These are the same people who are astonished Trump is leading in the polls without realizing they're the ones pushing reluctant voters into his arms.
Proving, yet again, that the left has NO tolerance for anyone "not left."
The real news here is how small the WaPo readership is.
Beautiful Sun Valley and Schweitzer are top-notch ski destinations that I would highly recommend visiting. In the summer we call it the Redneck Riviera. You can also kayak, river‑raft, fly-fish or attend the Sun Valley music festival which is a set of annual free concerts. It’s one of those places where you’re not supposed to ask how much something costs, or how people earned the money to pay for it. Quite often, in both cases, you wouldn’t like the answer…
It's not surprising that the few remaining readers of a niche publication like the WaPo would react like that. One wonders how the lost half of its readership would have commented.
Pardon me, but isn’t half of Oregon trying to become part of Idaho?
Lefties are insane. I was in Georgia last week. I used to live in Atlanta and was there seeing some old friends- progressive in nature. They both asked me how I was faring in Florida. I wondered where this was going. I mean, Georgia's not Florida in governance, but only because our Governor knows what he's doing. But we're not talking Oregon here. We're talking Georgia.
And they proceeded to wonder aloud to me just what it was like living in such an oppressive state.
I suspect Idaho is very nice and very hospitable. Just like we are here in Florida. But in the fevered leftist mind...the only thing growing is their fear. In the meantime...Florida continues to boom. On my plane home I sat next to a man who had two homes. One in Southern Cal, one in Sarasota. He was working on moving full time to Sarasota. He could not take the policies in CA any longer.
But Idaho!
One thing: Idaho has had a history of being the landing site for more than one White Supremacist group. Actual ones. Not just the average non-Democrat voter. But then, so does Michigan. I'll not wait for the cries about visiting Michigan.
Idaho is the "Colorado for normals". But sadly, in time, it too will be Californicated.
Wikipedia says that Idaho's nickname is the Gem State and is best known for its potato crop so it must truly be a great realm, Master Gamgee, where gardeners are held in high honor.
Sounds like Idaho has its own version of Lesser Seattle, Lesser Idaho. Keep all the riff-raff out so the locals can live in peace without importing a barbarian horde. A horde that would spoil Idaho into a San Francisco in the Rockies.
Is this article from the new third newsroom or the old one?
How does Mr. Sugarcoat expand and refresh readership when his customer base will trash anything beyond a narrow band of acceptable content?
My [redacted] are big liberals, and went to San Francisco on a trip. I didn’t mention anything about what I had been reading in the “right-wing media,” as the regime calls it, because I wanted to hear their honest reactions when they got back, without them getting defensive over it. I innocently asked them on their return how their trip went, an oh boy, it was just as bad as any reader of Instapundit or SmallDeadAnimals would have expected, maybe worse. They said that they will never go back.
I hope the TDS discourages the typical Wapo reader from visiting Idaho. If they go, they’ll be enthralled by the landscape and charmed by the Idahoans. This will tempt many to return for a more extended visit and bring their bad habits with them.
You kind of need an “all of the assholes are on the other side” tag.
"No one should travel to Idaho. No tourist dollars should go to a horrible, near-fascist state that so denies the rights of women and people of color...."
It must be exhausting to be this full of hate and anger, all day, every day.
rehajm said...
Listen to your fellow lefties- Idaho is a right wing shithole. Do not ever go there. Boise, Sun Valley, McCall, Sandpoint, Coeur d’Alene. Yuk.
I hear New York City and the Jersey shore are the place to be…
6/9/24, 6:16 AM
A lot of the Jersey shore area is conservative. It is the ugly Progressive run cities that run the state which is why we are stuck with Menendez and Booker. Sad really, but the Trump boat rallies here are spectacular to see!!
They bring their filthy commie asses down to Gulf Shores. Droves of ‘em. MAGA everydamnedwhere. The Times and their loser pieces of shit readers would no doubt blast it, but they’re here. Happy, because it’s clean, civilized and nobody’s gonna kill ‘em just for being there.
Mark, if you go to Boise or Gulf Shores let’s say, you will meet friendly, clean people. You have zero fear of some insane person or garden variety gang banger murdering you and/or raping your boyfriend. New York? Not so much. Cali? Keep your head on a swivel if your in any major population center, but most people are nice. Your ability to bring the oblivious stupidity is astounding.
@Althouse said: "I typed "Trump d" and assumed the autocomplete went to what I wanted, which was "Trump derangement syndrome."" Maybe the autocomplete A.I. programming has TDS.
@Mark said: "Is that really any different that the wapo commenters?" Maybe it's an 'Eye of the Beholder' thing; Maybe they're exactly the same - just like Hamas and the IDF.
Please- all fear-filled leftists should steer clear of Idaho.
Thank you.
Spent 2 weeks there last year on a work-cation. Saw a football game on the blue turf field, arts festival, ran a 5k race, cooking class, winery tours. Rented a car one day to drive to Sun Valley. Biked the rest of the time we were there. Wife said that we were never anywhere that she didn’t feel safe or comfortable. Definitely would go back.
Fuck teh WaP00!
I’d be a spudboy lookin’ for a real tomato 🍅
Have ‘t a bunch of counties in eastern Oregon voted to leave Oregon and join Idaho?
I would assume the good people of Idaho are happy these lunatics are not coming for a visit. Win win.
In Eagle (a few miles from Boise)...
"Throughout June, Old State Saloon will celebrate Heterosexual Awesomeness Month. On Monday, any heterosexual man can get a free beer, as long as they are dressed like a hetero man. On Wednesday, there is a deal on food for hetero couples and Thursdays are set aside for hetero women."
The bar reported:
"Since we announced Hetero Awesomeness Month we’ve had some significant backlash: theft of our property, vendors refusing to fulfill our orders for ingredients, wedding catering cancelation, libel, slander - even the owner being falsely accused of being a sex offender!"
Wapo readers are the type of people who fill our bureaucracies. Not a good thing.
I'm to the right of Genghis Khan and just returned from vacation in DC and NYC where I had a great time. People were friendly everywhere even though based on voting patterns I would have agreed with few of them. Maybe those open minded readers (as they surely consider themselves to be) should try visiting a place they have a negative opinion of. They might be surprised.
Oh, and there was a lot of MAGA merch for sale in New York.
We are taking a two week vacation in Idaho, can't wait!
"the southwest are the California transplants"
Not just them, a significant portion is made up of refugees from Portland and Seattle. They're not crapping on the sidewalk yet but at this point, Boise is infected with woke.
No matter where I go, I look for local breweries to check out. Meaderies are much more rare but if I hear about one, I'm there. There's a nice little one (Rushford) in Omro, out side of Oshkosh. Kaukauna has one as well but I've yet to try it. There's a third in Iron River on the Lake Superior shore but that's all I know of here in Wisconsin. If Boise has a bunch of them, I want to go there.
“Listen to your fellow lefties- Idaho is a right wing shithole. Do not ever go there. Boise, Sun Valley, McCall, Sandpoint, Coeur d’Alene. Yuk.”
“Idaho is three states. In the north are the preppers, the southwest are the California transplants, and in the southeast are Mormons. Wonderfully diverse.”
Not sure how accurate that is anymore. Lot of LDS now around Boise, and the militia types were essentially priced out of N ID a decade or two ago. I think that they, and a lot of the preppers, came over to MT. It’s a much bigger state to get lost in.
My view of the state is plains and mountains/forests. The I-15 corridor, from essentially SLC to Butte, is potato country. Heavily Mormon, for historical reasons (the mining camps were supplied by long wagon trains through there from SLC). For me, Boise is in the ugly part of the state (I am a mountain/forest type of guy). We are talking plains shading into desert as you head SW towards NV.
We are next to N ID, notably Coeur d’Alene (CDA) and Sandpoint. Not notably different from where we live in NW MT. Mountains and thick forests. Pop through there a lot, esp with Spokane being the nearest SWA serviced airport. Our better doctors are in Spokane Valley (no income tax in WA), but rarely spend the night there, because WA has become so crazy. Used to be that you had to pay maybe 10¢ per plastic bag. I think that they have now moved to banning them outright. So, you have to bring your own non-sanitary reusable bags. People in WA are a bit surly, but a couple miles E in ID are nice. Plus limited concealed carry and over-tolerance for AntiFA and the like. (During a riot there, they drove over to CDA, saw the guys with slung AR15s patrolling the streets, and went straight back to Spokane). In any case, N ID has gotten quite expensive. CDA and Sun Valley are maybe the worse, but the US 95 corridor up to Sandpoint is filling up fast, and getting expensive. I was looking to move there (Sandpoint) maybe a decade ago, when we had a big tiff, and the prices have jumped a lot from then. There are a bunch of lakes around there, but the two biggest are CDA and Pend Orielle (Sandpoint). Much prefer the latter - it’s a lot more sailing than motor boats, and the cliffs around the southern part are spectacular. Besides, Sandpoint is a lot quainter than CDA. It’s one of the few places in the country where you can ski in the morning (Sweitzer) and sail in the afternoons.
The center of the state is just plain rugged. Some of the most rugged territory in the Lower 48. Gorgeous but remote. Places where the only way in is via a small plain into an unimproved landing strip, or in a high powered jet boat up the Salmon river.
I won't be surprised if some left-wing extremists go so far as to sabotage a stretch of highway near the Wyoming-Idaho border....
Wince said...
"What head would you put on a talking doll that uttered those WaPo comments every time you pulled the ring at the end of the string?"
“It must be exhausting to be this full of hate and anger, all day, every day.”
Surely you jest. They find it enlivening and life-affirming. One dopamine hit after another.
I truly believe there’s a large section of the Left that craves a Trump victory. Four years of virtuous righteous emoting on social media, repellent toxic Karenism transformed into The Resistance!, champagne corks popping at CNN and the NYT as they celebrate the saving of their jobs, no more awkward embarrassed defenses of the disastrous policies of the senile corrupt Biden.
Idaho is lovely in the summer. If all these losers avoid it, well, GOOD!
God forbid any part of the US should be mostly white and mostly conservative.
I was there in the '90s. If you're an outdoorsy type it's likely heaven.
It seemed pretty boring to me.
I prefer Montana/Wyoming...
"You forgot the warning for pregnant women traveling to Idaho."
I am perplexed. What would that warning be?
If you read the comments at The Washington Post, you can see why they're in financial trouble. They market their product towards a very small, extreme far-left audience.
Reminds me of a Robert Fulghum story about a couple in a VW hippie van, a young Idaho couple in a pickup, and a dead battery. While one of the women reads the manual, the two men assume that the other man knows this stuff and proceed to hook up jumper cables and blow up the battery. The Wrath of God on those who stereotype others.
Is that really any different that (sic) the wapo commenters?
I'd say the key difference is wendybar didn't take an apolitical article and leverage it to rail against an entire state because she doesn't agree with the majority political opinions there. Wendybar is just responding in kind to the Wapo commenters.
Besides that, I think there's a difference between saying, "Don't go to this nice place because of their politics," and, "Don't go to this awful place because the politics there have significantly contributed to said awfulness."
So I'd say that, yes, it is really different than the Wapo commenters.
More to the point, I love Idaho. That's one of the few states I'd seriously consider relocating to.
keep them away from
my own private idaho
give them planet claire
"No one should travel to Idaho. No tourist dollars should go to a horrible, near-fascist state that so denies the rights of women and people of color...."
Please, please, PLEASE, do not travel to Idaho, it's a horrible, terrible, not-good place! Full of white supremacists, polygamists, anti-governmentists, and a bunch of other "ists" that I can't remember at the moment. Lousy weather year-round; rattlesnakes under every sagebrush; wolves and grizzly bears behind every tree; bare-footed, gap-toothed, pregnant women in every field! That bar in Eagle, Idaho celebrating "Hetero Month"? You can literally feel the hate radiating from the Old State Saloon 100 miles out!
Did you know that when its time to harvest the potatoes, Idaho children are literally forced into the vast fields of ripening "Famous Potatoes" which they dig up by hand! Many children (some of them children of color or gender-fluid) die each year during what the locals call "The Spud Games"! It's all TRUE! Trust me! In the name of all that does not suck: Stay away from Idaho!!!
Sounds like Daddy Binx is a member in good standing of Lesser Idaho, an organization devoted to keeping the riff-raff out of Idaho. It takes its inspiration from Lesser Seattle, created by Emmett Watson.
"You forgot the warning for pregnant women traveling to Idaho."
If you want to keep your child, then come to Idaho. Idaho is a humanitarian state. No Sanger wicked solutions, no Levine Dreams of Herr Mengele, no Diversity, Equivocation, and Indoctrination (IED) to deny individual dignity. #HateLovesAbortion
These people (WaPo commenters) have left deranged behind, are passing through insane, and seem headed for stone evil. Have they actually been to any of the places they so freely disparage?
Oh it's much worse than just this. I reluctantly rejoined Facebook and am sticking just to homeschooling groups. But you still can't get away from the craziness.
Someone posted on a secular homeschooling group that they were thinking of moving to the US and asking where would be a good place. There were 300+ comments saying, don't come here, it's turning fascist, we're looking for our own escape route.
Do remember now, we're the ones who politicize everything. Not them. Oh, no. It's all the MAGA fascists doing it.
Fuck these people.
I mean that. Fuck. Them. I want nothing to do with them.
@Jupiter, likely the pro-abortion claim that miscarriages will be prosecuted as homicides.
I have been told over and over by Democrats that "diversity" is our strength. There are certain restrictions and conditions. You need to read the fine print.
Blogger Daddy Binx said...
"No one should travel to Idaho. No tourist dollars should go to a horrible, near-fascist state that so denies the rights of women and people of color...."
Please, please, PLEASE, do not travel to Idaho, it's a horrible, terrible, not-good place! Full of white supremacists, polygamists, anti-governmentists, and a bunch of other "ists" that I can't remember at the moment.
My Bernie Bro daughter bought 5 acres in the Idaho panhandle a few years ago. It has more than doubled in value since. She has also become a mother and wife and changed her outlook on life. She still lives in LA but is still thinking about Idaho. Friends of hers bought the adjacent 5 acres and built a house. They are now parents, too.
We have not discussed Bernie lately but she is now worried about LA schools.
"I have been told over and over by Democrats that "diversity" is our strength."
Diversity? To Democrats, that means "Things I like".
"Boise Idaho- maga central?! Pass!!"
MAGA Central? Really? Suppose one were to actually look it up. What might one find? Well, in the 2020 election...
Ada County (this is where Boise is)
Trump- 130,699 50.4%
Biden- 120,539 46.5%
There are 44 counties in Idaho. Of the 41 that went for Trump, Ada County had the lowest percentage at 50.4%. There are 32 counties that were at 70%+. Of those, 11 were over 80%.
Just sayin'.
Another comment:
"You forgot the warning for pregnant women traveling to Idaho."
So get your abortion before you go. Problem solved. Do I have to think of everything?
Self segregation is better than another civil war.
Birds of a feather, flocking together.
@Bunkypotatohead said...
Self segregation is better than another civil war.
Birds of a feather, flocking together.
That is how a lot of problems have been solved -- think Oklahoma farmers moving to California during the dust bowl, blacks from the South moving to northern cities during Jim Crow, and the more recent migrations out of the NY, CA, IL, etc. to the TX, FL, and mountain west.
But a lot of people on the left want to do away with Federalism. Those icky states they hate cannot be allowed to do what their citizens want. So we get the massive growth and overreach of the federal government, plans by leftist controlled states to eliminate (probably impossible) or nullify (only possible with a compliant Supreme Court) the Electoral College to get what the urban leftists want. Thank Trump for a Supreme Court that seems interested in revisiting the limits to the federal government and unlikely to see state compacts as a way to get around the constitution. But that is what really sticks in the lefts' craw, because they believed the demographic wave was going to give them the permanent majority, and, oh boy, were they planning to stick it to the rest of us.
The bizarre affectation "Could you really go there? What about the politics?!?" is definitely a thing here on the East coast, and I haven't seen/heard it when visiting friends in Midwest or the South.
My wife and I were looking at places to retire in the mountains in TN or NC. Professor friend hears us mention Tennessee and blurts out "What about abortion?"
Seriously. This actually happened.
I really, really wanted to say "We're not planning on having a lot of abortions during our retirement years," but I was kicked under the table and deflected the conversation.
Also, I don't think people in the Midwest or the South blurt out similar idiotic things about NY or Boston. If they express concern it's never about politics directly, but always about crime, cost of living, or taxes, all of which are really serious issues in East coast cities now. (Anyone who says crime isn't either has private security or is selling something).
Wokesters are all that remain reading WaPo.
What Daddy Binx said. You wouldn't like it. ID has too much of an other-worldly-this-is-what-America-could-have-been-like vibe to it.
It'll break your heart.
Mason G said...
“So get your abortion before you go. Problem solved. Do I have to think of everything?”
That would require planning. If they were good at planning, they wouldn’t be pregnant.
Boise's a great place to gas-up on your way to the Tetons.
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