"... offers a useful way to think about the value system undergirding MAGA’s romance with the mob. Ganz’s book excavates a prehistory of Trumpism in the angry, cynical period between the end of the Cold War and the full flush of the Clinton boom. You can see, in the rise of figures like David Duke, Ross Perot and Pat Buchanan, Trumpism in embryo.... But the most revelatory section... involves the mystique around the mobster John Gotti and the Buchanan-style paleoconservatives who saw, in the mafia, an admirable patriarchal alternative to the technocratic liberalism they despised.... Societies fetishize Mafiosi to the degree that they lose faith in themselves.... It’s a sign that a culture is in the grip of a deep nihilism and despair when moblike figures become romantic heroes, or worse, presidents."
Writes Michelle Goldberg, in "Donald Trump’s Mob Rule" (NYT).
Whose fault is that?! If the Goldbergs and the Rubins had worked to make a sane international society instead of one catering to Epstein types, we'd all be fine right now. But they're obsessed with keeping Russia as a backwater resource mine: kind of like Canada. That failed, while people throughout the West are sick of their insane social schemes and plummeting living standards.
You know what you can expect when the mob can't be controlled with social media and finance, Michelle Goldberg- and they have way more guns than the police do. This is history repeating itself for the 110+ time.
Yeah. About that mob thing. How many cities has the MAGA croud burned down? How many cops have they killed? Remind me. All the crowds that went berserk after Trumps guilty verdict.
You so desparately want to see us as unreasoning toothless hillbillies when in fact we're much more sophisticated than you believe we are.
You project all your fears on the MAGA types.
Mafia = Unions = Democrats
I see an attempt to explain why 'convicted felon' didn't move the needle.
1. Attack on Trump using guilt by association.
2. The Dem party is run like the Mob. Joe is The Godfather. Beau was Michael, but he died. Hunter is Fredo, but dumber and weaker. Fredo was banging cocktail waitresses two at a time. Beau, on the other hand, banged a number of strippers and whores and filmed the events. And then Hunter banged Kaye and got her addicted to crack.
The Dems are the great practitioners of omertà. They never leak their biggest secrets like how they stole the election.
These lefties we will always have with us.
The FBI and the Mafia are in a room. Who do you trust least?
It would be fun to give a word association test to TDS sufferers such as Goldberg.
word: flower
Goldberg: Trump!
word: house
Goldberg: Trump!
word: box
Goldberg: Trump!
There needs to be a NYT mood ring.
NYT, the newspaper of broken records.
If Dems win an election it's democracy. If they lose, it's mob rule.
Excuse me. The Godfather movies planted this 1990s narrative. There was no MAGA movement until Trump started it by promising they could live in reality again when everyone was aware they were being manipulated by narratives.
Did Hillary commission this book?
Blogger Dave Begley said...
1. Attack on Trump using guilt by association.
It was more like an AI generated list of people to hate and trying to claim they are associated.
The only people I know who know the name “David Duke” are left wing. That’s probably because he was a Democrat until 1988. Most people never heard of him. That is probably because his “rise” was as a Democrat to his highest office of Louisiana State Representative. Oh he ran for President but so did Biden at the time.
DAvid Duke is a democrat.
More of the same Trump hate sickness.
Note all corruptocrats are pure as snow.
Ganz’s book excavates a prehistory of Trumpism in the angry, cynical period between the end of the Cold War and the full flush of the Clinton boom.
If anything, I see Trump more as the embodiment of the synthesis between Bill Clinton and Newt Gingrich that brought the “Clinton Boom.”
Well, that and the Internet bubble.
Michelle Goldberg can go fuck herself sideways.
Now do Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, superlative shakedown artists. Corporations paid them extortion money so the corporations wouldn't be lambasted as "racists."
Then we have LBJ. Con man who ruined the Black family with his welfare scheme. Fathers no longer needed to support their kids and wife. In fact, no welfare with a father in the family. The result is 75% of black kids have no father in their lives and their behavior shows it. No discipline, no ambition to get an education, just skylarking and gangs 24/7.
Christopher B nails with his comment- this entire essay is the whining stage of failure of "Hush Money Trial Conviction" to jack shit to stop Trump. It is also the beginning of the campaign to force Merchan, not that he would really need the pressure, to put Trump in jail for 2-4 years. Goldberg et alia are sure there is a pony somewhere in that pile of dogshit through which they dig day after day.
It’s ok to shoot mobsters down in the street.
"MAGA’s romance with the mob"
Evidence? All the mobbish movies were made by lefties, including Robert De N.
"the angry, cynical period between the end of the Cold War and the full flush of the Clinton boom"
The angry, cynical period when America was number 1 and angrily, cynically elected a Dem over Bush?
"the rise of figures like David Duke, Ross Perot and Pat Buchanan"
The rise of Duke and Buchanan, who went nowhere? Of Perot, who handed the presidency to Bill?
"It’s a sign that a culture is in the grip of a deep nihilism and despair when moblike figures become romantic heroes, or worse, presidents."
Interesting. What better illlustration of nihilism and despair than Hunter's laptop? Who more moblike than the big guy?
Funny! So many people I know compare the Democratic Party (not democrats) to the Mafia. Ask AOC what it’s like to challenge a sitting democrat.
I just listened to a Triggernometry episode with Andrew Klavan that addressed this point, sort of. They were talking about how many of the big and long-running series of late have amoral main characters - the Triggernometry guys mentioned Game of Thrones, The Sopranos, The Wire (I think - trying to recall, and I haven't seen the series), several others. They wondered whether these series' success is a harbinger of the amorality of our culture.
Klavan said he disagreed about GoT, but added the obvious - Breaking Bad - to the list. And he said he didn't think it was specifically amorality that these series highlighted: in his opinion, it was masculinity. Since traditional masculinity was no longer a viable outlook or mode of behavior in Hollywood (and therefore among the groups that Hollywood reflects and, yes, leads by the nose), shows in which men were masculine could only present those men as living outside normal society.
I think he's on to something, and I also think the appeal of Trump does include the fact that there's a masculine sense to some of the things he actually does in his life (not just, or not necessarily, in his presidency): taking risks, persevering when the risks don't pay off, negotiating with a smile but also a hammer, speaking plainly, providing for his family (I mean, Biden does that too, but apparently more by means of sending them out as lieutenants, taking his cut, and then letting them have what's left, mobesque, which doesn't seem to be the way Trump operates with his family, irrespective of the legalities of how either man gained his wealth).
Trump fails to give lip service (which is, I believe, all Biden does give) to the grievance categories that have eroded masculinity to a nub. He owns the fact that he's a man. He's not the kind of man who would ever have appealed to me in a personal sense, but I can appreciate his lack of pretense.
Because it's clearly not just frustrated incels who like (as opposed to support) Trump. Yes, Virginia, even women can like (or at least support) the fact that there's a man in politics who doesn't hide behind a rainbow flag.
I put myself in the "support but don't particularly like" camp, but support I definitely do. Plus, he's funny. (Most importantly, many of his policies and the entire way he governed are/were superior to Biden's. But hey, I'm a chick, so I had to start with the feelz, yes?)
Wow. Trumpism started at the of the Cold War in 1991, 25 years before Trump ran for President?
Who knew?
It’s amazing what intellectuals will say to prove that they are smarter than the rest of us. They discover things that no one before them ever even thought of. Often because it’s not actually true.
Was this when we shipped most the rest of our industry to china when al queda was building up and we were focused on haiti and the balkans that 90s
In the 90s they celebrated destroying a city because some bum got beat up, that was the real reason they found buchanans speech distasteful the nerve cities should burn until the right people are paid off
Michelle Goldberg can shriek about mobsters all she likes, but she's clearly not familiar with the major story beats of the original Godfather by Mario Puzo. In the novel, Hollywood producer Woltz isn't just arrogant but a child abuser, and Don Corleone is genuinely upset when Tom Hagen reports the fact to him. "Infamia" is muttered repeatedly, which gives you an idea of how wicked you have to be for a Mafia boss to be disgusted with you.
For obvious reasons, Hollywood cut this out of the movie, but all it did was render the Goldbergs unaware of what sort of mob would be forming to expel them.
"(T)he full flush of the Clinton boom..."
Ye Gods and little fishes! It was the Reagan boom, following the disaster of Jimmy Carter. After the Hillarycare fiasco Clinton was shrewd enough to notice the Country wasn't buying what he was selling and began to "triangulate," thereby avoiding mucking things up completely. That honor was reserved for the Great God Obama. What color is the sky on Michelle Goldberg's planet?
--- Writes Michelle Goldberg
LOL Comic relief.
Donnie brasco painted the most clear eyes view of the mob its written by the english guy behind four weddings and a funeral
They are just thieves and killers there is no honor or nobility just parasites as much as lefty ruggiero pacino pretends otherwise
The usual thing is to compare Republicans to Nazis, but that's out now. The Democrats no longer like to vilify Nazis. That's upsetting to the pro-Hamas wing of the Democratic Party. The pro-Hamas wing is rather sympathetic to Hitler. Better to compare Trump and Republicans to Mafia types so as not to alienate a significant portion of their party.
Bill clinton was bought by bcci players like worthen bank like those chinese middlemen like charlie trie and john huang
He spent the rest of the 90s groveling to arafat and david halberstam tried to put lipstick on that pig
Outlaws have always been heroes. That's why we remember Robin Hood. How many gangster movies were made in the 30s? Hey!, that's an idea. Maybe the rise in admiration for the mob is tied to a shit economy. The book sounds like a theory put out without evidence. I don't see much, if any, connection between David Duke, Ross Perot, and Pat Buchanon, although I bet I could come up with one if I needed to for some useless race/sex/gender studies class. As was pointed out already, most of the current run of gangster movies have been put out by the left. I don't know what he's pointing to as evidence that MAGA admires mobsters and mob tactics but I haven't seem much of that. I have seen the left supporting Antifa, BLM, and wannabe Hamas-niks on college campuses. That's definitely mob behavior.
This was the also the era of weinstein two mbit casting coucher turned auteur
How about the purge of the military with tail hook torricellis purge of thd cia to appease bianca jagger yes it was a wretched empty decade in many respects
The decade of enron put together by master of the universe robert rubin
I wonder if anybody tried to get ChatGPT to write an article critiquing Goldberg's article, in the style of the NYT opinion page, as if Goldberg was political opposition? And using the words 'stated falsely' and 'claimed, without evidence', and so on?
How about the oslo deal that wasa tragic joke
The NYT's has gone so far done the Pravda Road of leftwing establishment propaganda its impossible to care about any of this. Everyone who doesn't toe the party line has to be portrayed as some sort "-ist" or "other". And every article is filled with adjectives and slanted words so every Dumbo can understand who's good and who's bad.
The liberal/left will do anything rather than accept that their opposition has issues and grievances that should be addressed.
BTW (Republican) “Rudy Giuliani prosecuted some of New York City's most notorious crime families when he was a federal prosecutor in the 1980s.“
Next up, a factual account of Democrats' romance with cartel dark money in the era of the open border.
Yet more word salad from Michelle Goldberg, as she once again projects her love of unprincipled power onto her political opponents.
This is the best the NYT has to offer in political commentary. Good thing they have Wordle.
"One of the more unsettling things about our politics right now is the Republican Party’s increasingly open embrace of lawlessness."
Goldberg has really outdone herself with this bit of super projection. Crooked DOJ, illicit lawfare, Clinton/Biden multimillion dollar grifts, enriching the cartels at the border are but a smattering of the criminal activity attached to Democrats.
I would suggest that she is in denial, but I don't think for a minute that the demon possessed mediaswine at NYT are unaware of Democrat criminality.
Both Goldberg and the author are delusional fools. Populism has nothing to do with gangsterism. And it is exactly the leftist progressives who went Gaga over The Sopranos and claimed that the show was a metaphor and masterpiece. Hollywood loves gangsters and lefty idols like the old short dude last seen challenging Trump voters to brawl outside the manhattan kangaroo court made his damn career playing mobsters psychos and an evil retired CIA agent.
Projection is a helluva drug and selling it is good business apparently.
Good job, Michelle. Now do Meyer Lansky.
Conspiracists has the word racists embedded in it. Nice touch.
The precursor to Trump was Rush Limbaugh.
The culture is in the grip of nihilism and despair, as Goldberg notes. It is fueled by education and the media, which her party owns and controls.
Of Occupy and exclusion, of Antifa and fascism, of SS BLM and Fentanyl deaths, of Pro-Hamas protests and terrorism, of climate conspiracies and the Green environmental blight, of immigration reform and excess deaths and rapes... rapes, of Planned Parenthood and Planned Parent/hood, of single/central/monopolistic solutions and redistributive change, of Levine's Dreams of Herr Mengele, of JournoListic integrity, of Obama ethnic Springs... here's to mitigating progress.
Of Diversity, Equivocation, and Indoctrination (IED), including racism, sexism... genderism, and classicism generally. Keep women affordable, available, reusable, taxable and "burden" of evidence sequestered, and girls replaced by boys in dresses.
Of witch hunts, warlocks trials, and retributive change. Of social justice is no ethical vice. Of justices and Posterity profits and Biden benefits.
I don't know what he's pointing to as evidence that MAGA admires mobsters and mob tactics but I haven't seem much of that. I have seen the left supporting Antifa, BLM, and wannabe Hamas-niks on college campuses. That's definitely mob behavior
And DeNiro was a star in The Godfather II.
I woulds say Rush was a precursor to Tucker, but the latter has a harder edge as the Times has become treacherous,
The New York Times wants you to pay for the privilege of consuming such insightful commentary as this.
I wouldn't say pre-Trump or current Trumpers are paleoconservative. They are America First libertarians mostly. Roots to Ross Perot is probably right. The same folks we can thank for Bill Clinton being elected, and thus the Clintonism that followed, as well as ushering in Barack Obama.
Yes, Ross Perot has a lot to answer for. He's the focal point.
Liberals always refer to democracy as mob rule.
Liberals always refer to democracy as mob rule.
It's hard to believe she gets paid to write this shit.
Let's focus on conservatives and ignore the rise of socialism, communism, transgenderism, and every other left-wing lunacy that is destroying the country.
Do you really think baseball, mom, and apple pie is the issue?
Fuck leftists.
Before Trump was the Tea Party movement.
Completely and totally peaceful; based on limited government.
It was ruthlessly beaten down with illegal actions by the federal government.
The most notable incident being Lois Lerner and the IRS illegally denying tax-exempt status of Tea Party adherents and groups.
Nothing ever happened to her or anyone else.
And here we are...
I don't think I cared about John Gotti nearly as much as the media who needed to fill their 24-hour news programming. Or maybe it was a living in the New York bubble thing. People in NYC seem to think their local news is important to everyone.
Joe Biden won his first Senate campaign when his friends in the mob called a one day wildcat strike to prevent an insert paid for by his opponent listing his sleazy history, even then.
It’s always projection with these guys. Pelosi’s father was a mobbed up congressman, you can read about it in Snopes. The courts in PA, which ruled against Trump so many times in the 2020 election are known to be rife with judges who got their positions via ballot stuffing.
Sorry, the strike was of newspaper delivery drivers
Michelle Goldberg is evil or stupid or both. Period.
American Godfathers predate the Cold War.
FDR was the Real Deal. He knew what power was and how to use it. He was the Master of the Message. He fostered a cult that remains strong almost 100 years later. He deserves credit for much and blame for much.
Truman, once reviled, then rehabilitated beyond reason, was about as suited for the duties he assumed as Kamala Harris would be. Just fucking inept. Thanks for the UN. turning much of our war-fighting hardware into scrap metal or rust, conceding much of Europe to Uncle Joe and letting our Asian ally, China, be driven offshore. Meanwhile, his administration made it known that we didn't give a shit about Korea, leading to the death of tens of thousands more GI's.
"I like Ike" aptly describes the Wholesome Godfather. The last time "Father knew best". He worked well with others, stopped the bleeding in Korea, updated the arsenal and put bad-asses like Curtis LeMay in charge of the Cold War.
After the Greenies demolish the last dam, they're coming after Ike's fossil-fuel-thirsty Interstate Hiway System!
Then The Golden Boy started by getting our ass kicked at the Bay of Pigs. He recovered by calling the USSR's Cuba bluff. The thrill of that victory may have encouraged him to believe that whacking Diem might speed things up in RVN, in a good way. Not to be. Maybe JFK was "Sonny" in our Godfather family tree.
In spite of serious personal flaws, Jack had the smile of a thousand suns. As the gravelly-voiced Rod Stewart later intoned; "Some guys have all the luck..."! Martyrdom sealed his sainthood. Otherwise he might have morphed into Bill Clinton.
LBJ doesn't deserve a place in any family; criminal or otherwise. A thoroughly dishonest and disgusting man. There should be a large neon sign atop the Vietnam Memorial Wall in DC - "Why'd you do us this way, Lyndon?"
Poor Nixon. The Families had gone to the mattresses by the time he came along. Largely blamed for warfare in Southeast Asia because he took the gloves partially off to get us out. Oddly, he then became the RINO Godfather. OSHA. EPA. ETC. And, of course, he welcomed Mao's China into the world. Back-stabbed by ALL the families. Deservedly so. The media, by then addicted to the taste of blood, has never looked back.
Gerry Ford. Nice man. I knew Gerry a little bit. Not really a player.
Carter could have been so much more which isn't saying much since he was nothing. A pious and petty peanut of a man who should have stayed on the farm. Not a credit to whatever side he'd be on. Did anyone take him seriously?
Ronaldus Magnus. Loved. Hated. Feared. Always gracious. What's not to like? What a Godfather should be.
Bush I. Energetic, patriotic but sort of a Frat Boy, Trust Fund Godfather. Didn't insist on respect for the Family. New kids in town saw weakness and took his lunch money.
Ditto, George W. Perhaps a worthy man but not ruthless enough to be Godfather. Saved us from Gore and Kerry but there was blood in the water and the media feasted. Maybe he thought they'd stop if he didn't hit back? He was wrong.
The Man from Hope was more than our first black president. He was also our first feminist president. He was/is a nothingburger.
He seemed to want celebrity as much as power (he had Hillary for the latter). The bullies and mean girls granted him all the bimbos he wanted as long as they could operate unchecked. Many Mini-Godfathers reigned on Clinton's watch. The media was all-in for the good times.
Obama might be the Godfather from Mars. Nobody has a clue where he came from or who he is. The all-out assault on America began and continues under this man. The government of the people has given way to the people of the government. Forget Biden. He's a nobody and nobody cares.
Trump? Needs to insist on loyalty in The Family. Jury's out...
If the entire New York Times website was just a series of pages that said "Trump Bad" on every one, how long would it take people to even notice?
How long until anyone cared?
NKP at 717 had a post that deserves to be something more than internet ephemera. Keep the good stuff coming.
My God.... that's the dumbest so-called "Trump Take" I've seen all year.
Lefty History: Everything bad that has ever happened was an antecedent of modern conservatism - you can trace it right through from Cain and Abel to the Crusades to Slavery and Jim Crow (yeah they switched parties in Hell) right up to Trump Tower (He built it on 5th Avenue Lovey!) - while everything good can be claimed by the Democrats.
I personally have never encountered a person who admired the Gotti family who was not a died in the wool yellow dog Democrat voter. I don't think you could find a movie glamorizing mobsters that wasn't directed by, written by and produced by people who campaign for Democrats.
Obviously David Duke does not belong in the distaff branch of conservatism that arose largely in opposition to WF Buckley’s dictatorial editorial cancel culture at National Review and led to Buchanan’s movement. To better understand the real seeds of a conservative movement that oddly consolidated around Buchanan, then Trump, see the movement that arose to counter the brownosers who surrounded Buckley: ie. see the fine William Rusher bio, If Not Us, Who? Or anything by Stan Evans or James Burnham or Emmett Tyrell, and, later, Ann Coulter, Mark Steyn, Victor Davis Hanson, and Theodore Dalrymple. The ever bemused Buchanan probably joked about the mafia, and he was probably referring to the Kennedy and Clintons. Show me any political dynasty that doesn’t employ or deploy the racist stereotypes of Scorsese.
This is low rent, uneducated stuff.
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