You look at the Afghanistan disaster. You look at the border. You look at the real economy, not the fake economy. Everything they touch turns to what?
The thousands cry out "Shit!" He teasingly chides:
You shouldn't use that kind of language. Look, you can't use the word "shit," okay?
Then he shifts — without any words of transition — to another word you can't say:
That is like Chris Christie. Does anybody like Chris Christie?
He's in Chris Christie's state. But they don't like their own guy. The crowd boos. Trump continues, and be patient, he will link this back to the topic of words you can't say (which he's going to say):
So, I was in New Hampshire, and he was fighting. Totally unhinged. It's called Trump derangement syndrome. He had a major case. He was there and somebody from the front row said, sir, he's a fat pig... but nobody heard it.... I said, you cannot call Chris Christie a fat pig. You cannot do that. Please, sir, if you call him a fat pig once more, I will have to have you leave the arena. I said, don't worry. I'm only kidding. I said you cannot call him a fat pig because you are not allowed to use the fat word. You can use almost any word but you cannot use the fat word. If you call someone fat, it is career-ending. We're all fat.
Why does he talk like this? We know it's successful for him, but no one else would dare do it. He enfolds the crowd of 80,000 in a kind of familiar intimacy. We can say these forbidden things amongst ourselves. He gets the crowd to say the word, then acts fake-coy about the bad word. There's fun in it, being bad together. There's freedom — a taste of freedom. And it's even okay to be fat. We're all fat.
The fat vote. Get that, why don't you? There's your landslide.
ADDED: A musical accompaniment:
There will come a time when everybody who is lonely will be free to sing and dance and love!
There will come a time when every evil that we know will be an evil that we can rise above!
Who cares if hair is long or short or sprayed or partly grayed?
We know that hair ain't where it's at
There will come a time when you won't even be ashamed if you are fat
१०३ टिप्पण्या:
Posts like this one are some of the best!
"For the heart of this people has become fat and their ears are slow in hearing and their eyes are shut; for fear that they might see with their eyes and give hearing with their ears and become wise in their hearts and be turned again to me, so that I might make them well."
Matthew 13:15
It’s the freedom vote he’s after. That’s the landslide. Fat is a symptom of freedom, as is using words you’re not supposed to use, or states you’re not supposed to rally in during your campaign.
Word this am is 100,000 came out for him in solid blue NJ. It’s freedom.
!00,000 came out to see Trump in NJ. They were all fat. Take that Joey! 100,000. Joey Boy can't pay 100 to show at his campaign fundraiser.
They were also handing out voter registration forms to the crowd.
Make NJ Great Again! Vote Trump!!
Palace Guard writes what?
And Chris Crispy is a Big Fat Pig. So there.
MAGA! Vote Trump 2024!
And every politician is a pig.
LMFAO. This is not your father’s “Kennedy wit” or Reagan quips. Trump is raw, direct, honest. Trump thumps all.
Mild, working class, banter.
Why does he talk like that? Because he can do comedy.
big deal!
So Trump had a hundred thousand humans show up to see him.
It's Not who votes that counts.. It's Who counts the votes.
The DNC candidate will win in a landslide, with AT LEASE one hundred MILLION votes counted for them
“ There's fun in it, being bad together. There's freedom — a taste of freedom. And it's even okay to be fat. We're all fat.”
Althouse nails it: Freedom. And that’s why the Left hates him. Trump represents Freedom. The Left wants control.
How many do you think can fit in Joe’s basement?
Way back when, the use of vulgar or coarse language was frowned upon when used in "mixed company".
A few years ago I told a good friend of mine, a deep left progressive, to not pay attention to what Trump says. Pay attention to what he does.
But that's an aside. What I really want to say is that any post featuring a song from "We're only in it for the money" is the best post of the day, no matter what comes next.
Trump speaks Truth to Power. Does the heart good to hear of it. And Ann Althouse can even, seemingly, agree. Very good choice of lede for the post, too.
It inspires her. Think what that says about the potential electoral results.
But there remains a desperate Democratic establishment to surmount. Who has Seth Rich's laptop, and why?
Just Trump being Trump.
He should have displayed the picture of Christie sitting on the beach like a whale, after Christie closed the beach to the general populace.
If Biden gave the same kind of speech, the NYT's would have called it a "rollicking, engergetic speech" that had the crowd "laughing at his earthy remarks" and amused by his "dropping the pompous tone of Presidental campaigns to engage in some plain speaking".
BTW, the incredible bias and lies put out by the MSM is so common its impossible to be suprised after 8 years of it. But that doesn't make it less annoying.
Off=Topic: I was listening to an Irish podcast called the "The Stand" and host Eamon Donphy was supposed to be discussing UK politics with his English guest, but kept interuppting to attack Trump. Donphy's last remark before I turned it off was how Trump had "threatened" to "Ditch Democracy" and pardon "All the violent insurrectionists" and "Not mess around" if elected a 2nd time.
There will come a time when you won't even be ashamed if you are fat
Turns to "shiitte"* implies incompetence. What Biden and Democrats are doing is intentional to bring the entire USA down to third-world levels.
It's the NWO way.
*Little Muslim dig there
I remember a sociologist saying that according to his study, F*ck was the seventh most used word, (excluding the article adjectives), in New York City.
Plastic People
Oh Baby Now
You're Such A Drag.
"We're all fat!" is also the perfect common sense response to the Woke complaints about fat-shaming.
There's fun in it, being bad together.
Trump should be unbeatable. It's little wonder, how the other side is trying everything short of ki***ng him.
Listen, fat.
"Republicans pounce on [fill in the blank]!"
That's always the Barbarian Press' response to bad news for their Barbarian Pary.
I remember a sociologist saying that according to his study, F*ck was the seventh most used word, (excluding the article adjectives), in New York City.
If the word and its variants did not exist, hockey players would be incapable of communicating.
The fact that you could pull that out of your memory, know that it was there and that it was relevant, is amazing.
Actually top story headline at this morning:
Trump spends most of his trial-free time out of voters' view
Blathering about a nation that’s lost its way to a crowd that’s lost its interest. At this point he’s running on fumes, mixing memories, catch phrases, grandiose visions of dominance, rage filled rants and a never ending fountain of lies. He needs to go easy on the Adderall.
Trump lies, claims crowd of 100,000 . Only 99.999 verified.
The only thing that could have made this any better is if Trump finished with "Get in my belly!" in a Scottish accent.
"Everything they touch turns to what?"
LOL - perfect.
Trump is Belushi. Every donk I know has, over time, become a variant of Dan Aykroyd's character Leonard Pinth-Garnell.
I think Trump should take the stand with a recorded message and a button.
Push play and it's Bill Clinton saying "I did not have sex with that woman." over and over... to each and every answer.
Just for fun.
Yes, Happy Mothers Day.
Apostrophe optional, see?
I'm not a fan of his constant dumping on other R's. instead of corrupt D's.
He spends more time dumping on GOP/R's, than anything else.
But at least he admitted the left turn everything into shit. we all know that is true.
Scott Patton:
Way back when, the use of vulgar or coarse language was frowned upon when used in "mixed company".
Way more of a myth than fact. usually promoted by the effete.
They capture him in the courtroom 4 days out of the week, and they seem to be hoping he'll barely be able to campaign, but there he was, expanding his scope beyond the battleground states and into one of Biden's supposedly safe states, New Jersey.
Meanwhile Biden is surrounded by a Praetorian Guard of aides to distract everyone from his infirm, shuffling gait....
*Blathering about a nation that’s lost its way to a crowd that’s lost its interest. At this point he’s running on fumes, mixing memories, catch phrases, grandiose visions of dominance, rage filled rants and a never ending fountain of lies. He needs to go easy on the Adderall.*
Prissy Richie
I'm spending a weekend behind enemy lines, so to speak, and I can report that people who think Trump incredibly vulgar don't bat an eye at a singer who uses f#ck or sh!t in every other sentence. Stronk impowerment!
Trump won the 2020 election 75 million to 60 million.
He is the most popular politician in the history of our country by a fat mile.
The "well, I never" Victorian attitude of the press really says something about their primary audience.
I watched World News Tonight. They had a segment on the rally and interviewed several of the rally goers. One of them was pleasantly plump but the others were fat and one of the fat attendees had missing teeth. A picture is worth a thousand lies. My guess is that the levels of obesity among Trump and Biden supporters is about the same, but it's pleasant for MSM people to think that Trump voters are fat, stupid people...... Related complaint: I have read that 80% of the migrants are military age men. On the other hand 80% of the pictures you see of migrants on TV are mothers holding small children.
I watched World News Tonight. They had a segment on the rally and interviewed several of the rally goers. One of them was pleasantly plump but the others were fat and one of the fat attendees had missing teeth. A picture is worth a thousand lies. My guess is that the levels of obesity among Trump and Biden supporters is about the same, but it's pleasant for MSM people to think that Trump voters are fat, stupid people...... Related complaint: I have read that 80% of the migrants are military age men. On the other hand 80% of the pictures you see of migrants on TV are mothers holding small children.
"for" each and every answer.
Rich said:
Gadfly said:
Chuck said:
'twas a time when the aforementioned were Trump fans, or at least neutral.
Then came the "grab 'em by the pussy" tape and the poor "men" did a 180.
LLR-democratical Rich: "Blathering about a nation that’s lost its way to a crowd that’s lost its interest. At this point he’s running on fumes, mixing memories, catch phrases, grandiose visions of dominance, rage filled rants and a never ending fountain of lies. He needs to go easy on the Adderall."
How many darts and dart boards of nonsensical BS did it take to generate THAT blithering idiot level response?
You can tell the dem response team hasnt quite come up with coordinated, top down directed talking points for the LLR-democratical NPC's to use just yet!
Embarrassing. Just give your masters a tad more time Richy. Don't jump the gun on your own!
WWIII Joe Biden, Husk-Puppet + America's Putin said...
I'm not a fan of his constant dumping on other R's. instead of corrupt D's.
He spends more time dumping on GOP/R's, than anything else.
But at least he admitted the left turn everything into shit. we all know that is true.
We are where we are because of Republicans, not Democrats.
Kemp delivered Georgia to Biden. Vos delivered Wisconsin to Biden. Doucey delivered Arizona to Biden. The Michigan GOPe was working hand in hand with Whitmer to attack their own base. Thune and the GOPe help democrats in Pennsylvania run the most corrupt election system in the nation.
The Republicans are liars like Desantis who graduated from Harvard, took record amounts of cash from the globalists, kept Trump from building the wall while in Congress, hired Jeff Roe, and whose entire campaign was based on Democrats taking Trump out with lawfare.
Nothing changes until we evict the traitors who think we are Listless Vessels and have an actual opposition party that believes in America and Americans First.
"Why does he talk like this?"
What? Say things that most normal people think but, somehow, aren't supposed to say out loud?
Anyway, one reason he talks like this is that he's not a progressive schoolmarm with a stick up her ass, insisting that everybody play nice while the adults are trying to put their opponent in prison.
Althouse said...
Then he shifts — without any words of transition — to another word you can't say.
"Sure, you could... in Wildwood, New Jersey."
Achilles - Only Trump can save you. Your one tru god.
Too bad Trump's dick-stepping, stupidity and promise-breaking is tantamount be being a Democrat Plant.
Wildwood, NJ, is the favored shore resort of Philadelphians, so I imagine there were more Pennsylvanians present than Jerseyites.
"Nothing changes until we evict the traitors who think we are Listless Vessels and have an actual opposition party that believes in America and Americans First."
Any mention of "MAGA" seems to make leftists (and GOPe suckups) lose what little is left of their minds. One wonders why they're so opposed to someone wanting to "Make America Great Again". Why is that a bad thing?
April Apple,
Trump is attempting to build the coalition that is required to stop the Democrats march to one-party rule. This is a demographic necessity, and part of that is the elimination of the D.C. class of Republicans who have become nothing but the footmen of the Democratic Party. If the representatives in Congress could cast votes anonymously, Hakeem Jeffries would already be Speaker of the House and Trump would be declared an insurrectionist by a vote in both houses. As things are going, Jeffries is going to be the speaker by August simply because GOP house members keep abandoning their seats rather than finishing out their terms- a few well timed accidents could speed up the process.
In Rooster Cogburn, Outlaw Ned told a fat Rooster Cogburn, "That's bold talk for a fat man."
Donald Trump is engaging in bold talk. OTOH as I recall things didn't turn out well for Outlaw Ned--and I don't think they will turn out well for the Donks this fall.
And the various Dim trolls here seem to have opened up the throttle on their trollery. Won't be enough.
"He enfolds the crowd of 80,000 in a kind of familiar intimacy. We can say these forbidden things amongst ourselves."
It occurs to me, that Trump saying these things relieves the loneliness many feel in today's oppressive censorship environment
“Loneliness does not come from having no people about one, but from being unable to communicate the things that seem important to oneself, or from holding certain views which others find inadmissible.”
― Carl Gustav Jung
Trump says what others can't so they feel less isolated.
Democrats want to isolate and shun their disfavored in the way of the middle school girl bullying. If the bullied dare speak they are screamed at as being "unhinged".
Achilles: "The Republicans are liars like Desantis who graduated from Harvard, took record amounts of cash from the globalists, kept Trump from building the wall while in Congress, hired Jeff Roe, and whose entire campaign was based on Democrats taking Trump out with lawfare."
Every point made here is absolutely correct.
Mason G: "Any mention of "MAGA" seems to make leftists (and GOPe suckups) lose what little is left of their minds."
Undeniably true.
We see it in this very thread.
Listen to that howling mob of blockheads in the street!
A joke or two with vulgarity, and the whole town's on its feet.
He is dangerous!
He is dangerous!
The man is in Wildwood right now to whip up some support.
A rabble rousing mission that I think we must abort.
He is dangerous!
He is dangerous!
Look Mr. President, they're right outside Rehoboth.
Quick Mr. President, go call the FBI.
No, wait!
We need a more permanent solution to our problem.
What then to do about Trump of Palm Beach?
Miracle wonderman, hero of fools.
No riots, no army, no fighting, no slogans.
One thing I'll say for him -- Trump is cool.
We dare not leave him to his own devices.
His half-witted fans will get out of control.
But how can we stop him?
His glamour increases
By leaps every moment; he's top of the poll.
I see bad things arising.
The crowd elect him president; which the Deep State would ban.
I see blood and destruction,
Our elimination because of one man.
Blood and destruction because of one man.
Because, because, because of one man.
Our elimination because of one man.
Because, because, because of one, 'cause of one, 'cause of one man.
What then to do about this Trump-mania?
How do we deal with The Apprentice king?
Where do we start with a man who is bigger
Than Reagan was when Reagan did his right-wing thing?
Fools, you have no perception!
The stakes we are gambling are frighteningly high!
We must crush him completely...
TrumpSwab/Trump-Humper duo -
"Everyone who ever graduated from Harvard is a Globalist!"
LOL. morons.
Achilles said...
Nothing changes until we evict the traitors who think we are Listless Vessels and have an actual opposition party that believes in America and Americans First.
5/12/24, 10:07 AM
The cultists whose leaders couldn't win the Republican nomination with a billion dollar advantage know their time is up. It isn't just that Trump is wildly popular, the various grifter consultants are vaguely aware that the party base will gladly string up the Kemps and the Grahams. They look out at the guttering economy, and the vast crowds seeking national rebirth, before dimly thinking "... Trump is Hitler?"
And they're terrified that this time they'll be right.
Blogger Wince said...
What then to do about this Trump-mania?
How do we deal with The Apprentice king?
Where do we start with a man who is bigger
Than Reagan was when Reagan did his right-wing thing?
5/12/24, 11:15 AM
A JCS parody works on so many levels here. Nice work.
Rich said "Blathering about a nation that’s lost its way to a crowd that’s lost its interest. At this point he’s running on fumes, mixing memories, catch phrases, grandiose visions of dominance, rage filled rants and a never ending fountain of lies. He needs to go easy on the Adderall." I guess those who complain about the uniparty are correct because even Rich can't tell the difference between Trump and Biden.
Trump saying 80,000. On brand. Photos indicate plus or minus 10,000.
Then came the "grab 'em by the pussy" tape and the poor "men" did a 180.
That seems to be one of those fake but accurate quotes. Not wrong but unfairly brevetized. Instead of saying "grab 'em by the pussy" we should always say "The let you grab'em by the pussy" Then it would be accurate as well as accurate.
Like the WaPo saying "thousands" attended the rally. Thousands did attend. Either 80 (Trump org) or 100(NJ) "thousands".
Perfectly true. Absolute lie. Disinformation.
John Henry
I am absolutely fine with our President Emeritus dumping on some republicans. There is absolutely no reason he should not dump on anyone, of any party, who is not in tune (generally, not necessarily lockstep) with his thinking.
He was selective in his endorsements in 2022. Better than 90% of his endorsees won their races.
The ones who didn't, we are better off without.
We are much better off for the republicans losing in 08 and 12. We got the odious Obama with all the problems. But we also got Trump in 16.
Had McCain or Romney won, we would have gotten 90% of the shit Obama inflicted on us anyway. Now we have a movement that has fundamentally changed the Republican party. Still plenty of old LLR diehards that need to be defeated but we are getting there.
I'm sending money to national candidates this year for the first time ever. Not through Act Blue, though or any of the party organs. I am sending cash and postal money orders directly to candidates.
Postal money orders/cash, not because it will keep me anonymous from the fascists. It won't. But if not on my bank or CC statements I have the chance it will be a bit less obvious.
John Henry
John Henry
So Wince:
Donald Trump, Superstar, do you think they're what they say you are?
Nice job.
John Henry
Doucey delivered Arizona to Biden.
No, the Democrat Sec State who became Governor accomplished that with the help of Phoenix GOPe. The voting machines "malfunctioned" on Election Day. We all know why and who did it.
WWIII Joe Biden, Husk-Puppet + America's Putin said...
Achilles - Only Trump can save you. Your one tru god.
Too bad Trump's dick-stepping, stupidity and promise-breaking is tantamount be being a Democrat Plant.
You have nothing. You are completely empty and bereft. Everyone notices the complete lack of arguments or supporting context in your posts.
We Empty Vessels are not as gullible and blind as you Romney Republicans. Desantis was just a shorter less attractive Romney. He didn't believe the words he was mouthing because he was just repeating the script given him by Jeff Roe. You have been choosing the same type of person since 1980 when you people supported Bush over Reagan.
What really grills your onion about Trump is you think you are better than the rest of us. But we were right about Trump and you were wrong. And Trump proves on a daily basis that Romney Republicans do not have better judgement than the Deplorables.
That is why the Desantis wing of the Republican party is going to get on board with America First or you can go vote for whatever Romney/McMuffin loser they trot out this time while we purge the Republican party of the traitors and scum that installed Biden in 2020.
We are going to replace every Nevertrump that leaves the party with 10 new working class voters and we don't really care about the stupid names you have for us.
I hit a very bad golf shot yesterday, of the type that golfers superstitiously won't say the word. I said "shit" instead. They begin with the same letters.
Undeniably true.
We see it in this very thread.
Yes, we do.
Young boy: "Mom, I am beginning to think he was right about everything."
Mom: "Of course he was, honey, but he gave people mean nicknames on Twitter so your father and I chose to vote for complete economic and societal collapse instead."
Most excellent rally, almost as if trying to gag him and throw him in prison wasn’t too bright .
WWIII Joe Biden, Husk-Puppet + America's Putin: "TrumpSwab/Trump-Humper duo -
"Everyone who ever graduated from Harvard is a Globalist!"
LOL. morons."
Notice not a single substantive word is offered to refute the already well established facts of what DeSantis did while in congress (Paul Ryan's puppy on every major issue including TPP and Fast-Track Authority for obambi) and who the primary backers and influencers were for the DeSantis campaign:
- globalist Murdoch throws a $10M book deal at "non-globalist" (wink wink) Ron
- globalist Ken Griffin promises "non-globalist" Ron that he'll have $200+M plus to make the run for President...and delivers it...a run Ron said he'd never make if Trump were running.
But Trump did run...and kept runnin...and so did Ron.
Hmmm. I wonder what made Ron think Trump wouldnt be around for long?
And Paul Ryan loves the idea of a DeSantis run, the Bushes and Rove were all over a DeSantis run, etc.
Alabama’s Bryant–Denny Stadium seats 100K
This is what 100K looks like
Trump made repeated reference to “the late, great Hannibal Lecter” and confused Jimmy Carter with Jimmy Connors—forcing a difficult conversation about Trump’s age and mental acuity.
There will come a time when you won't even be ashamed if you are a porn actress... or had sex with one.
Back in Trump’s prime the platonic ideal was “Let it all hang out.” There can be no doubt today Trump has finally lived up to his promise.
Kemp delivered Georgia to Biden. Vos delivered Wisconsin to Biden. Doucey delivered Arizona to Biden. The Michigan GOPe was working hand in hand with Whitmer to attack their own base. Thune and the GOPe help democrats in Pennsylvania run the most corrupt election system in the nation.
Romney is friends with Joe Biden, they bond together over how much they hate Trump. GWB refused to campaign for Trump in 16 and 20. He's been silent over the Democrats attacks on Executive Privilage. Dick Cheney and his daughter want Trump jailed over J6. Ryan criticized Trump and sabotaged his agenda while Speaker, then got out of Dodge. Fat man Christie had no reason to run in 2024, he knew he could never win, he just wanted to call Trump names and help Joe biden.
Almost every GOP "moderate" has made it clear they have ZERO party loyalty and will take their ball and go home, or vote for the democrat, if they don't like the Nominee. SO, fuck them. Want someone to treat you with respect, stop attacking your fellow Republicans, and show some party disclipline. But they never do and they never will. So, as I said Fuck the GOP moderates. Vote for the Parties Nominee or not. We will NEVER trust you. Cause you cannot be trusted.
The presumptive Republican nominee called Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg “fat Alvin.”
Former President Donald Trump mocked Sen. Jon Tester’s weight during a private event during the prior weekend, saying the Montana Democrat “looks pregnant to me. “Have you ever seen this guy? He doesn’t look like a fat guy, except that his stomach is out.”
Based on failson Barron's 6'7" frame, Donald's height has been determined to be 6'0"- a normal decline for old men. I am 6 ft tall and weigh 245 and Trump's leg mass alone makes it impossible for him to only claim to weigh 243 lbs. I would guess 270 minimum which would put him deep into the BMI Obese category at "36.6". So he should cease throwing stones.
Poor Rich. Too bad, so sad.
Local officials estimated 80,000 to 100,000.
Readering said...
Trump saying 80,000. On brand. Photos indicate plus or minus 10,000.
What was attendance at the most recent Biden rally, apparently in Tampa FL, plus or minus 10,000?
At this point he’s running on fumes, mixing memories, catch phrases, grandiose visions of dominance, rage filled rants and a never ending fountain of lies. He needs to go easy on the Adderall.
You do realize you just described Joe Biden to a T, don't you?
Or was that your attempt at being funny?
Let's go back to the beginning. Aug. 6, 2015, the first GOP debate for the 2016 election. There were 10 participants, present and former governors, senators, etc.-- and TRUMP, a minor TV star who had NEVER held public office. By all precedent, that should have been the end of the Trump candidacy. I watched it, start to finish. I was rooting for Gov. Walker (thanks, Althouse) because I knew the Dems would attack whoever the GOP candidate was, and I thought Walker could stand up to them. But Trump won that debate (no, there was no "declared" winner, but he was still standing, and at the end, he was the "the one to beat").
I don't think Trump expects to carry New Jersey -- or NY or CT. But his NJ rally gives him HUGE coverage for voters nationwide who are inclined to/ or maybe considering voting for him.
And there are fatties in every State.
The thing I worry about is that there are Trump voters who are so paranoid about the "GOPe" that they'll stay home on election day, and give the country over to the Establishment. I think Trump is saying, "I'll do all I can, if you elect me."
Fatfly, no one give a flying fuck about Trump's actual weight. When will morons like you actually understand that? You and Chuck the Cunt are the only people who give a shit about it and neither of you are going to vote for Trump.
Remember when Joe Biden called Trump a Sick Fuck and the WAPO called him out for his vulgarity?
Yeah, me neither.
There is nothing delicate New Jerseyites hate more than insults.
I think Trump is saying, "I'll do all I can, if you elect me."
He's already done more than lots of people deserve. How easy would it be to just say "Fuck it!" and ride off into the sunset? It's not like he can't afford to.
A "minor" tv star?
The Apprentice ran 14 seasons plus spinoffs. Donald Trump headline them all.
It was consistently one of the top rated shows. Did I mention 14 years?
He left to run for office but if he hadn't I suspect he'd still be toping the ratings.
So if that's a "minor" TV star, can you give us some examples of major ones?
John Henry
Nay-sayers trying to debate the thousands in attendance for the win.
Dear Jabfly,
Does Trump's leg mass concern you more than Joementia's "stutter"?
James Fallows
Watched all nearly two hours of this last night. It was enlightening. He has become profoundly boring, ranting, rambling. Incoherent. The kind of person you would move away from in an airport or restaurant. Will write about the speech.
Trump is unhinged and it is almost as much fun watching the once sensible Republicans saying he's got the secret, it's all about freedom!
Not being covered by Republican media, the crowd melted away long before the end. That a huge percentage of the crowd is from out-of-state, losers making almost a profession of being rally attendees. How unhinged and unhealthy-looking he has become.
Given that Judge Merchan has cited Trump for ten violations of his gag order and threatened to jail him for contempt, I don’t see how he can not follow through seeing Trump's violations at this rally. Not only is he continuing to insult the court but he’s creating a threatening environment for the jury pool.
From the NY POST:
“You could take the 10 worst presidents in the history of our country, and add them up .. and they haven’t done the damage to our country that this total moron has done,” Trump, 77, said to a cheering crowd of tens of thousands.
“He’s a fool, he’s not a smart man. He never was,” Trump said.
“He was considered stupid. I talk about him differently now because now, the gloves are off. He’s a bad guy … he’s the worst president ever, of any country. The whole world is laughing at him, he’s a fool.”
The former president also alluded to his own plethora of indictments, which allege he committed a variety of crimes before, during and after the 2016 and 2020 elections.
He blamed Biden, 81, for his legal troubles, saying, “You don’t do that to your opponents.
“It’s done in third-world countries, it’s done in banana republics, it’s not done in the United States of America.”
The man has become unhinged and peaked earlier this year. Trump is now on a downhill slide and taking the other GOP candidates with him and once-sensible Republicans seem to swoon on the freedom he brings.
Lies and more lies. They only had a permit for 20,000. They had a designated space and they had room for a lot more people. Are all Republicans now supporting his lies?
‘fly or Fat Bastard? You decide.
Reminds me of the claims about his inaugural crowd.
I can't believe some of you are still raging on DeSantis. Honestly, it's a little pathetic. Trump has made peace. You should too.
Gary said,......
We have another one.
ABC news 100,000 attendees.
You want to know how effective Trump's New Jersey rally was- just read the spittle-flecked comments of Gary, Gadfly, and Rich above. Comedy gold!
Hey, Gary, maybe a prosecutor can indict Trump for illegally mislabeling a crowd-size, or lying about how much he weighs!
Gary's a bit irritable since he nuked his Sexual Lemmings blog.
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