"... that have led some firms to recast or discard race-based initiatives. They’re renaming diversity programs, overhauling internal DEI teams and working closely with lawyers. Some are moving away from using racial and gender considerations in hiring and promotion.... Meanwhile, the DEI industry — which was worth an estimated $9 billion in 2023... — is also rethinking its public face, consultants say.... [I]nstead of referring to DEI, [Johnny C. Taylor Jr., chief executive of the Society for Human Resource Management] switched to calling these efforts 'IED,' putting the focus on 'inclusion' as DEI accrued cultural and political baggage.... Eric Ellis, CEO of Integrity Development, a DEI consultancy, said he’s seen the 'branding merry-go-round' playing out for decades, tracing back to the wake of the civil rights movement. He expects the language to keep changing in response to public attacks, especially those by high-profile figures like Elon Musk, who in January wrote on his social media platform X that 'DEI is just another word for racism.'... Joelle Emerson, chief executive of DEI consultancy Paradigm [said] 'DEI has only been the acronym du jour since 2020... Regardless of what we call it, we’ve done a really poor job storytelling what this work is actually about.'"
"DEI is getting a new name. Can it dump the political baggage? Under mounting legal and political pressure, companies’ DEI tactics are evolving" (WaPo)(free access link).
Switching DEI to IED... brilliant. Either you're proud of what you're doing or you're trying to hide it. And if you think of your real-world justification as a matter of "storytelling," you're tipping your hand. Do you even believe yourself?
८९ टिप्पण्या:
IED. Now that's a winner. Do they recall Iraq and Afghanistan?
"Do you even believe yourself?"
The snake oil salesman knows what's been put in the bottle, and rarely drinks his own wares.
IED! I guess Iraq is so last century.
Switching DEI to IED... brilliant. Either you're proud of what you're doing or you're trying to hide it.
IED: improvised explosive device
Unintentionally brilliant, perhaps, but brilliant nonetheless.
How about we just go with Inclusion. The the D and E take care of themselves.
The acronym IED was claimed already losers…
IED, improvised explosive device... Actually, I think that's perfect.
Seems fitting, though. Outcomes are the same…
IED - Improvised Explosive Device - is a perfect name for DEI.
An Improvised Explosive Device (IED) is still that, regardless if it's buried under a contested road or a a contested hallway in academia, business or governmental work force. It's there to go boom. And when it does, people get hurt.
The "I" is for 'illegal'.
"Either you're proud of what you're doing or you're trying to hide it."
"And if you think of your real-world justification as a matter of "storytelling," you're tipping your hand. Do you even believe yourself?"
Sure they do, even if the story is not the story. The grifters believe in the money they make, progs believe in reverse racism BAMN, law be damned.
Johnny C. Taylor Jr., chief executive of the Society for Human Resource Management
Human Resource professionals are snakes, so renaming DEI is no surprise. They all think they're mini-lawyers, and the world has too many lawyers as it is. HR people will railroad anybody to show they are "protecting the company." I've watched them make mountains out of mole hills many times in my career.
Best is some of their titles on Linkedin. "Vice-President of Human Capital". Sounds like a slave trader doesn't it?
Too be fair, Linkedin is filled with bullshit titles. Hilarious exaggerations.
IED is a winner...well, no. IED = Improvised Explosive Device, which we heard often in reporting out of Iraq.
May their IED blow up in their face.
Hey white guys. Do you really want to work at a company where DEI and mediocrity is the governing priority?
For the rest of the consumer market. You want to fly on a DEI airplane? Have heart surgery in a DEI operating room?
Look what DEI has done to colleges and Disney.
May their IED blow up.
It's not a substance problem, it's a marketing problem! (Like always.)
In the words of Jordan Peterson, rename it as "DIE" and make it die!
The political screw always turns. At some point public discourse will return to Merit, Merit, Merit.
IED or IUD? How many will confuse that?
IED? With liberals, history began last night. I suspect if you ask Human Resource professionals (cough) if there is another meaning to IED they would be clueless.
DIE would be best.
Only $9b? Does that include all the DEI workers employed on college campuses?
I have to admit that IED is more creative and descriptive of what it does than DIE. Regardless, it is still Intolerant, Exclusive, and Divisive.
My nephew has an outstanding academic record at Creighton. His mom is a doctor and a Creighton Medicine alum. He's wait listed for Creighton Medical School. DEI victim.
"Do you even believe yourself?" At 9 billion a year who cares.
Rule #1 of business is "A Business Solves a Problem". If it's not a big enough problem, no one will pay you money and you don't have a business. DEI used to solve a problem, and that problem was "You must appear to be doing something about a problem called racism in the workplace." No one really thought this was a problem in practice, but we all agreed as a society that we must all appear to be doing something about it.
Now that the majority is starting to roll their eyes at the sanctimony of the last few years, companies realize this isn't a problem they need to prioritize, and that there's no need to pay for the appearance of solving the problem. Time for this gang to find a new grift.
Sounds like you are in a maze of twisty little passages moving on to a twisty little maze of passages and then moving on to a little twisty Maze of passages
Hard to keep track
John Henry
$ pmte d e i
i e d
i d e
e i d
d i e
e d i
d e i
IED - Imagine Explosive Diarrhea
America needs a parasite cleanse.
Didn’t Earn It.
"And if you think of your real-world justification as a matter of "storytelling," you're tipping your hand. Do you even believe yourself?"
[shrug] I'll give them a pass on the jargon; storytelling is just one of the other ways of knowing, dontcha know.
But more important in the article, to me, were two things:
“We underestimated that inclusion was the real challenge,” Taylor said. “Now people are saying, ‘Not only should we probably call it something different, we should probably evolve it.’”
So, at least to some HR people, it's not just rebranding but actually changing the emphasis from "diversity" (looking like a human rainbow) to "inclusion" (I imagine this is something like not judging, or hiring, promoting, or firing, people based on their appearance - which, if they did it, would be exactly what opponents of DEI have been wanting all along). If they really mean this, go team! (I doubt that they mean it the way I said it, though.)
The other important thing from the article to me was the assertion that companies that score higher on diversity rating scales outperform less "diverse" companies financially. Nowhere does the article explore the possibility that (1) companies that outperform others financially have more fiscal wherewithal to absorb some substandard hires, especially if they're hired into ultimately meaningless backwaters, (2) these higher performing companies can attract better talent across the board, and (3) because of their high performance, they are also bigger targets for consumer criticism, which could motivate them to make a bigger hooraw over DEI.
It should be easy to draw at least something of a causative link rather than just the correlation that the article presents as causative: did these companies start to outperform their peers when their "diversity" hit some particular target, or were they already outperforming before... um... diversifying? And, with regard to my (1) above, has their financial performance tracked with their increasing "diversity" - has the degree of their outperformance grown or shrunk over that time? If "diversity" is the reason for their high performance, those two lines should be pretty parallel, shouldn't they?
But even if so, it'll depend on what the company actually does. Who are its clients? What is the nature of its relationship with clients - does it have relationship managers? In some cases, I can see that having a "diverse" group of relationship managers could lead to higher performance. Sports management springs to mind, though I have no data.
DEI is just more leftwing Soviet bullying. It's a focus on leftwing initiatives.
"what this work is actually about" is nothing but "using racial and gender considerations in hiring and promotion." And everyone knows it, especially those who pretend otherwise.
The way to get off the "branding merry-go-round" is to realize your product is immoral and unwanted. Rebranding the rubbish won't make it suitable for sale or consumption.
"...we’ve done a really poor job storytelling what this work is actually about."
Storytelling is to morons as cowboys are to cattle.
It's the long-revered practice of Eupeptics - covering up the bitter taste with a nice candy coating to make people swallow it easier.
Something gets a bad reputation? Just rename it - that solves everything.
Department of War sounds bad? Make it Defense.
Prison? Department of Corrections.
Master bedroom? Primary bedroom.
Taxes? Revenue enhancements.
Welfare? Entitlements.
Sanitation Engineers.
Undocumented workers. Or Visitors. Migrants.
Latinx. Latine.
Taxpayers? Suckers.
It seems to me that any time you base your hiring and promotion policies on some sort of "preferences" rather than on who is most capable of doing the job, you're guilty of discrimination of one sort or another. While I have seen a few lawsuits over this practice, I'm surprised they aren't more widespread. What is really surprising is that the EEOC hasn't been more involved as this DEI BS has spread. Oh, wait... they're a Gov't agency and Biden has mandated that they adopt the very same policies. If you've been paying attention, you've seen that this has worked out as well as you might expect.
Hilarious- hope it blows up on them, too.
IED: effective at killing and maiming young white guys since 2002. Sounds like a winner, storytelling-wise.
DEI = Didn’t Earn It
IED is too on-the-nose funny. 😅 They are trolling us. Gotta be.
Didn’t earn it. But it is typical democrat with their control of the media to rename something and get it adopted effectively. Snakes.
Here's a thought though, maybe the people making these policies have, in fact, never heard of an IED and are clueless why this is an unintentionally hilarious name. And MAYBE that cultural divide is huge part of the fucking problem here.
The billionaires that own the Democrat Party founded it on Racism and Defending slavery.
They have rebranded their attempt to divide the people against themselves many times. Slavery, Jim Crow, Separate But Equal, Affirmative Action, Sterilization/eugenics/abortion, and now DEI.
I am pretty certain at this point they had a hand in killing Martin Luther King as he was the most dangerous person to their goals in decades.
It is interesting when you notice the pattern of which political leaders get shot in this country.
Diversity [dogma] (i.e. color judgment, class bigotry) under the principle of political congruence ("=") of the Pro-Choice ethical religion.
That said, diversity of individuals, minority of one. #HateLovesAbortion
Diversity [dogma] (i.e. color judgment, class bigotry) under the principle of political congruence ("=") of the Pro-Choice ethical religion.
That said, diversity of individuals, minority of one. #HateLovesAbortion
Affirmative discrimination by color, sex... gender, and, generally, class... Here's to progress: one step forward, two steps backward.
Can anybody name one organization that has been enhanced by adopting DEI principles?
All DEI ever was was a way to slip in quotas without using words like “quotas,” or “goals.” Changing the acronym to IED or EID or EIEIO doesn’t change that.
Storytelling is to morons as cowpies are to cattle.
@TobyTucker: What is really surprising is that the EEOC hasn't been more involved as this DEI BS has spread. Oh, wait... they're a Gov't agency and Biden has mandated that they adopt the very same policies.
The EEOC got badly burned with its broad-brush sloppy claims of discrimination in the 1970s to 1980s. Search for "EEOC Sears Roebuck." The career EEOC people now read the law as written and stick to the law. The career people know full well that one cannot get a job unless one has the education for the job, so there's little to act on once Equal Employment is reviewed. The main political agitators are emotional amateurs (e.g., AOC) and those new to the topic. They think trees grow to the moon and that you can push a string for a mile...
The lack of hope in employment is why leftists now focus on universities -- give away credentials if the students can't pass the courses. California's Asian population has strongly resisted redistribution efforts, as they'd be losers per old-school discrimination and modern educational corruption too. Jews are back in that same boat after October 7 too.
I’m a consultant and have to deal with this issue. It is incalculable how much damage DEI has done to the advancement of women and minorities. There are so many men in the workplace who will not 1:1 coach and mentor a female employee. People are being put in leadership roles and their teams are being blamed when that person fails. The divisiveness is on the rise and supporters of D&I are distancing themselves from DEI. No one wants to be a communist in a capitalist workplace.
Meanwhile, real careers are being hurt and real opportunities being lost.
This entire DEI regime is unconstitutional.
Does the retired constitutional law prof at Wisconsin have any views? That last SCOTUS case was a good one.
“Regardless of what we call it, we’ve done a really poor job storytelling what this work is actually about.”
True DEI has never been tried.
"Switching DEI to IED... brilliant."
Improvised Explosive Device. First adjective that came to my mind was "stupid".
We should all repeat that label for them incessantly, as that's what all that bs really is.
John henry:
Sounds like you are in a maze of twisty little passages moving on to a twisty little maze of passages and then moving on to a little twisty Maze of passages.
And then you run into a Grue.
Branding with IED just makes the memes write themselves. Imagine a picture of a humvee as your company going along nicely and then IED explodes and your nice company is now burning pile of twisted metal. Pretty much sums it up right there.
The third biggest grift in history behind global warming and Ukraine.
It's all a liberal wet dream.
Minorities are too stupid to obtain government ID to vote, and these are the same folks that liberals want to put at the front of the line for employment.
So, too stupid? You're hired!
Tom is rigiht.
When I first heard if this I had the same thought - IED is astounding in its stupidity given the explosive nature of the term, pun intended. But I also have heard of a different new branding - IDEA. Inclusion, Diversity, Equity and Accessibility. So keep an eye out for that turd polishing rebranding.
Let me know when DEI has been replaced by SDA - standards, discipline, and achievement.
A fundamental tactic of DEI proponents is to lie about what they're doing. They use words like "diversity" and "equity" and "inclusion" but they constantly have to change the definition of these and other words to include ideological components to justify what they're doing. No one is seriously proposing that the NBA or HBC's need more white people, but that would be the logical conclusion from what they say they're pushing. But they're not pushing for that. It's all a bunch of hooey. It's all a smokescreen to justify their own bigotry. In other words, what DEI really stands for is the notion leftist racism, sexism, bigotry, etc. is not only ok, not only justified, but required.
Rebranding? I hope it blows up in their faces.
"Let's call it a bomb that blows your legs off."
"We'll hire you, if you handicap yourself."
In some places they've added a B for Belonging making it DIEB. I don't think that goes far enough. They should also add an L for Loving to make it DEBIL.
IED has already been expanded upon by others, of course.
I recall the animated series Archer, a private spy agency, called ISIS. The writers/creators thought it wise to drop the moniker.
Renaming and redefining things is the MO of these grifters.
I have no beef with diversity and inclusion. Any company that doesn't cast a wide net for talent is shooting itself in the foot, especially in today's tight labor market.
I DO have a VERY big problem with "equity". Equity means equal outcomes regardless of talent or merit. It means Vonnegut's Handicapper General run riot in our society. It means stagnation, failure, poverty and oppression. It means communism. Anyone using the word favorably is an enemy of America.
Great plan, go from D(idn't) E(arn) I(t) to I(mprovised) E(xclusion) D(evice). I don't understand how people could choose a new acronym and not check to see if it's already in use but something that could, literally and figuratively, blow up in their faces. IED is most commonly used to describe an Improvised Explosive Device.
Truth is that 50 years of progressive thoughts on education and society have come a cropper. All their theories that minorities would do better if not inflicted with traditional white American educational processes have failed. Rather than admit it and correct course, their answer is "Just give it to them".
Switching DEI to IED... brilliant. Either you're proud of what you're doing or you're trying to hide it. And if you think of your real-world justification as a matter of "storytelling," you're tipping your hand. Do you even believe yourself?
Well, it's all improvisation, and it is blowing up in their faces, so IED does work
So it's just a re-branding problem. Storytelling. If only Governors Faubus and Wallace had brought in some corporate image consultants, segregated schools (err, schools of exclusivity) would still be available everywhere. Do they really imagine this is going to stop those discrimination lawsuits?
DEI is the IED to a society. Better to just call it DIE.
Fire all the DEI staff and consultants. Let them all apply for jobs in the fast food industry. The only solution.
JaimeRoberto said...
In some places they've added a B for Belonging making it DIEB. I don't think that goes far enough. They should also add an L for Loving to make it DEBIL.
Some of the DEI ads use the term "Welcoming". In particular regarding trans "women" invading women's locker rooms and restrooms.
Makes me wanna puke.
Was the person who proposed this old enough to pay attention from 2003-2010 or so? "IED" has some, uh, negative connotations after Iraq and Afghanistan...
IED as in improvised explosive device? Wile E. Coyote, Super Genius. I like how that rolls out…
DEI is explicitly racist to the point that it has to redefine "racism" to exclude DEI.
DEI is attempting to shortcut what needs to be done. The way to address discrimination is to stop discriminating and see what happens. That can take some time to accomplish. DEI is the instant fix, which generally results in unqualified people being put in positions where they fail, doing damage to both themselves and the institution. Of course, any time you create a system where merit is irrelevant, it attracts all the psychopaths, sociopaths, con artists, grifters, etc. who jump in front of the line of individuals that are qualified. But that artificial "first" sounds so good in the press release.
What Is It? An improvised explosive device (IED) attack is the use of a “homemade” bomb and/or destructive device to destroy, incapacitate, harass, or distract. IEDs are used by criminals, vandals, terrorists, suicide bombers, and insurgents
So from "DEI" to intermix with Opus Dei
to "IED" or improvised explosive (extinction) device
Why not go straight to "DIE" which at least has a more logical order for "diversity, inclusion, equity"
The high school where I used to live was renamed to an "Academy of Excellence". It didn't stop the kids from shooting each other,though.
my company is all-in on DEL (IED!). we are failing as a business
You can't spell "Die, whitey" without "DEI".
"DEI has only been the acronym du jour since 2020..."
So much so, I have to admit I had to look it up and decidedly concluded: Who gives a shit?
IED is perfect. Some other turd is trying out JEDI by adding justice to the mix. By justice they mean Just Us.
You can't spell "Die, whitey" without "DEI".
Improvised Explosive Device is my reading of IED.
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