Following the Cannes screening, Trump’s legal representative Steven Cheung announced that the former president was planning to sue the people behind the film, with a typically dictatorial statement. “We will be filing a lawsuit to address the blatantly false assertions from these pretend film-makers. This garbage is pure fiction which sensationalises lies that have been long debunked. As with the illegal Biden Trials, this is election interference by Hollywood elites, who know that President Trump will retake the White House and beat their candidate of choice because nothing they have done has worked.”
Which sort of makes you want to see it more, doesn’t it?
The alleged rape incident involved scalp reduction surgery. You may remember reports like this, from WaPo in 2018, "Scalp reduction and Just for Men? Let’s dig into Donald Trump’s hair":
... Elie Levine, a plastic surgeon on the Upper East Side of Manhattan who specializes in hair-loss procedures... tells us that... flaps of the scalp containing hair are basically stretched and sewn into place to move hair around the head.... Such a “scalp rotation” was very invasive and often required general anesthesia — not to mention that it created unnatural hair growth patterns, he notes, and essentially just pushed a bald spot back. “It forces you to groom the hair in a very particular way to look, if not normal, then normal-ish,” he says.
If you want to know how that surgery could motivate a character to rape his wife, then "The Apprentice" could satisfy your curiosity.
१०३ टिप्पण्या:
Stop giving Inga hope.
We’re running into the eighth amendment.
What was the dictatorial statement?
Sounds like an open and shut case of libel. If Trump can find a court willing to apply the same rule to him that it applied to Hillary, then election interference is a slam dunk as well.
When do we get the Biden bio pic? Looking forward to that shower scene with Ashley. The B story would be about Hunter, his hookers and drugs.
ANOTHER woman lying about Trump. 🙄 I hate to speak ill of the dead, but Ivana was a lying money grubbing whore and Don was right to dump her skanky ass for Marla Maples. The nerve of her accusing him of behaving the way all the other LYING WHORES accuse him. She was his wife! Where's the loyalty?!
What is it about men like Trump and Bill Clinton that always attract LYING WHORES.
Bad movie for Trump.
Predication - he'll go up in the polls.
The viscous piling-on is being noticed.
Cannes where they still praise polanski where they would welcome weinstein back tell me more (gene wilder meme)
You know what this is reminiscent of? Althouse? Dave Begley? Anybody?
It's "Hillary: The Movie"! Produced and released by the group known as Citizens United. Giving rise to the case we know as Citizens United v FEC. Wherein the FEC's attempt to shut down the film as an illegal campaign contribution was hammered by a conservative 5-4 majority of the U.S. Supreme Court.
The correct legal response to Trump's threat to sue the makers of "The Apprentice" is, Blah blah blah blah blah another weak and laughable Trump threat to file a civil lawsuit that won't result in any recovery or other court action and might well result on monetary sanctions versus Trump..."
A wankfest for Trump haters, but is it art?
This is nothing compared to what the Commies have planned for October, affectionately known as the October surprise.
@Chuck - When you're right, you're right.
"This is nothing compared to what the Commies have planned for October, affectionately known as the October surprise."
Well Trump had his lawyers cross examine Cohen about Tiffany Trump's porno pics. I'd imagine those are now targets for hackers. Smooth move, Donnie. Father of the year.
A passion play for crazy Jews in the West. Let them enjoy it, I say. They deserve to have a happy moment, while they still can.
Shocking. The collective left's mental illness obsession on the silver screen.
Yet juanita broderick and tara reade are persona non grata even though they had actual evidence
"I wish to say that on one occasion during 1989, Mr Trump and I had marital relations in which he behaved very differently toward me than he had during our marriage.
"As a woman, I felt violated, as the love and tenderness which he normally exhibited toward me, was absent. I referred to this as a 'rape,' but I do not want my words to be interpreted in a literal or criminal sense.
"Any contrary conclusion would be an incorrect and most unfortunate interpretation of my statement which I do not want to be interpreted in a speculative fashion and I do not want the press or media to misconstrue any of the facts set forth above.
"All I wish is for this matter to be put to rest."
Under oath and penalty of perjury, Ivana testified that Trump raped her. Many years later after the fact NOT UNDER OATH she recharacterized her testimony so that we all understand that he did not really "rape" her, her just forceably undressed her, fucked her, and made her stupid little whore brain "feel" like she was being raped. But, clearly based upon the statement above, he didn't "rape" rape her.
Fun evidence question: how do all these hearsay statements make it in. The depo testimony clearly is admissible. Would a 60 minutes promo where she "retracts" (sort of) the statement be admissible? Where are my evidence professors?
When this offering doesn't give the required amount of thrill to its market, we'll be offered a flick with some poor Trump avatar getting himself assassinated or something. They did it to W. back in the oughts, and they'll have to give themselves the endorphin rush of seeing it now.
Otherwise, what is complete control of the industry all about, after all? These are perilous times and something must be done!
"Cannes where they still praise polanski where they would welcome weinstein back tell me more"
Those licentious French, they love to see it. Ooh la la!
Divorce is ugly... and often brutal.
All leftists are squeaky clean.
What is it about men like Trump and Bill Clinton that always attract LYING WHORES.
The answer to that is simple. The more interesting question is why Trump and Clinton are attracted to such women, if that is in fact the case.
Its trash from gabriel sherman who defamed a dying man roger ailes this is what raw dmsewage looks like
I doubt "his campaign [is] in an uproar" at all. What crap. Did they steal the NYP's headline writer? We all knew the movie was coming and by definition could NOT be flattering. This is The Grauniad preaching to their faithful, moving no one.
I know that the global post-WWII order is collapsing, and this is all they've got, but this is embarrassing. If I was an adrenochrome-guzzling-child-molesting-moloch-worshipping-WEF-affiliated-swamp-creature I'd be embarrassed to be associated with this.
Billions of dollars spent on the latest psychological warfare and tradecraft methods...what a waste.
Oh look, another coordinated, poorly-thought-out, poorly-executed disingenuous attack on Donald Trump. Aaaaaanyway...
In his native iran the screenwriter would have been hanged so he serves the mullahs he left when he was a child
What was the dictatorial statement?
@Leland, it’s merest hyperbole. If Trump was a genuine dictator then every member of the cast and crew, the producers, and the people who provided funding would all be marked for death. And they know it. C.f., Epstein, Jeffrey.
Says the Guardian that has been groveling to mao stalin and fidel since 1917
Blogger Dave Begley said...
When do we get the Biden bio pic?
The Biden bio should be an anime. It's got all the elements. A shambling zombie sneaking up on girls to smell their hair, a sister-in-law harem for slapstick comedy and fan service with inappropriately young girls in the shower.
That was the shot
This is the chaser
Stochastic terrorism. You make your own luck. It almost worked with Fico.
Every politician has skeletons in the closest. Some politicians put their skeletons in the grave (See: Hillary).
it's important to remember that ANY lie or deception or lawfare is FINE if it will Stop Trump!
democrats and the media say: "Stop Trump! by Any Means Necessary!"
"ANOTHER woman lying about Trump. I hate to speak ill of the dead, but Ivana was a lying money grubbing whore and Don was right to dump her skanky ass for Marla Maples. The nerve of her accusing him of behaving the way all the other LYING WHORES accuse him. She was his wife! Where's the loyalty?!"
And you know all
"What is it about men like Trump and Bill Clinton that always attract LYING WHORES."
Well, either like likes like, or it isn't the women in these relationships who are the lying whores.
As for you, it appears you'd be helped by joining MISOGYNISTS ANONYMOUS, bub.
They almost killed bolsonaro with these type of insinuations hes operating with one lung
Or perhaps you're being darkly ironic!
You know what this is reminiscent of? Althouse? Dave Begley? Anybody?
It's "Hillary: The Movie"! Produced and released by the group known as Citizens United. Giving rise to the case we know as Citizens United v FEC. Wherein the FEC's attempt to shut down the film as an illegal campaign contribution was hammered by a conservative 5-4 majority of the U.S. Supreme Court.
Of course, Trump didn't say he was going to try to have the FEC block the film, he said he would sue for libel. Nice try.
D.D. Driver,
Ivana admitted later that she lied under oath during the divorce proceedings-full stop. This is a frequent occurrence in such legal battles- when there are unlikely penalties for doing so, people will lie if it gives them a financial benefit. After she got what she wanted, she wanted to undue part of the damage it did to the children- in short, she found it much harder to lie to them when they were older ("Mom, did Dad really rape you?"), thus the recantation deliberately worded to evade any chances of getting prosecuted for perjury.
I seriously don't know what planet people like you live on.
It's an interesting phenomenon, the way Trump's opponents keep trying to figure out a way to dirty him up successfully, and by that last word I mean to persuade those who would vote for him not to do so. But they keep failing because everything they do is so over-the-top or blatantly unconsionable, it just adds to the belief on the part of those who support him that he is being unfairly targeted. And it encourages those who are neutral or even possibly trending away from Trump to feel sympathy and be more open to voting for him.
This is the Lincoln Project all over again. Are they still around?
I ask you, D.D. Driver- did you believe Blasey-Ford's accusations against Kavanaugh, too?
Same question to Chuck and Rich.
Thanks, Chuck!
This Trump movie is another example of how the Left controls popular culture. If conservatives were smart (humor me), we'd have a bio pic about Biden for release this Fall. Besides the shower scene, we'd have a scene with Tara Reade. A montage of Biden's lies and plagiarism starting with the stolen speech from Nile Kinnock. I'd have a scene exposing Joe's lies about how his first wife died. The other driver wasn't drunk. And, of course, Joe's senility would be featured with Dr. Jill hectoring him to run for President.
Why didn't I think of this earlier? My script would have been bigger then my "Frankenstein, Part II."
And if you don't believe Ivana's recantation, then please explain their childrens' interpretation of events. Which of Ivana's stories better fits with that?
How would you feel if you knew your father raped your mother?
This is sub kitty kelley trash she tried to make similar insinuations against reagan but the libel courts blocked her in the uk
Didn't Oliver Stone do the same to W?
Chuck, tellingly:
Citizens United was a campaign finance case, not a defamation case. As far as I know, Hillary never asserted falsity under defamation in court.
Trump is asserting a defamation claim, not a campaign finance case. Trump seems prepared to assert falsity.
If conservatives were smart (humor me), we'd have a bio pic about Biden for release this Fall.
Or at least training GOTV ballot harvesters, but noooooooooo (as Steve Martin would say).
"Ivana admitted later that she lied under oath during the divorce proceedings-full stop."
Citation please. I posted her entire statement6 above. If there is another one where she say "I lied under oath" let me read it.
"I ask you, D.D. Driver- did you believe Blasey-Ford's accusations against Kavanaugh, too?"
Nope. I evaluate these on a case by case basis. Bill Clinton and Donald Trump were both passengers on Lolita Express. This is a fact. There are manifests. Not saying Trump is a pedo, I'm just saying he was friends with them, said they were "great guys" who "like 'em young just like himself" and accepted free jet rides from them. Does NOT mean he is a pedo. Just hangs out with them.
Kavanaugh also was not on video talking about "grabbing 'em by the pussy" and because he is famous the "just let him do it." In that same video he was bragging about taking some other man's wife furniture shopping because he was hoping to fuck her. "I came after her like a BITCH!"
So is it possible that in Don's mind some woman is "just letting him do it" even though he did ask first ("I don't even ask.") and in her silly whore mind it "felt like" he was raping her? Doesn't seem that crazy to me.
This is more Paula Jones than it is Blasey-Ford.
Here's the video. You tell me: is this the kind of man that would rape his wife?
Now show me the Kavanaugh video.
9:01 Dave B.
Too bad Conservatives are not smart.
the movie would also need to include the Biden's illegal family international grift. The illegal pay to pay to play profit and shake down of Ukriane and China for millions of dollars in personal washed clean millions for Hunter, Joe's brother and other greedy Biden family members.
Obama's VP.
Its OK to defame someone and lie about them, if they're rightwing or Republican. That's hollywood "morals" for you.
Im glad Trump is suing. Seems open and shut. But of course, it will depend on what Judge he gets. The Leftwing Democrat judges don't care what the law is, and have zero desire to dispense justice. They find some blah/blah to stop the suit - because Trump is their enemy.
Iguess Narciso rings the bell - twice
narciso said...
Yet juanita broderick and tara reade are persona non grata even though they had actual evidence
narciso said...
In his native iran the screenwriter would have been hanged so he serves the mullahs he left when he was a child
Ali Abbas, the director, makes political points with all his films, all attacking the place he emigrated to, not the place he left behind. This is another in the series. He has said: that he 'uses genre elements [such as horror films] to explore deeper meaning. “What I really like about genre territory is that people tend to treat it as entertainment, that’s when people have their guards down, that’s a good time and place to talk about politics when people least expect it.” He said his movie, Shelley, which was 'a psychological horror story about a posh Danish couple living in a forest lakehouse, who ask a Romanian woman to be their surrogate – “wasn’t just people in a forest, it was about how the EU structure works, how the rich Europe takes advantage of the poor Europe.” '
So we are entitled to think that the film is making political points. And who do those points benefit? At this time, this film is helping Iran. Basically, this is Iranian propaganda by a guy who left Iran but never really left it. He hates the EU, the place he came to and feels no identification with it but he can't go home because he is, in some way, a dissident. They'd hang Ali Abbas in Iran for his identity. Still he helps the mullahs, attacking Trump, the man who'd support Iranian dissidents. He's like the group of gays for Palestine - people safe in the US who'd be thrown off the roof in Gaza but who don't think about reality, who just support the current leftist cause, Hamas, while protected by the US Army and police from any real consequences. A surprise but not much of a surprise.
"I evaluate these on a case by case basis. Bill Clinton and Donald Trump were both passengers on Lolita Express. This is a fact. There are manifests.
Liar. Trump never went to Epstein island. Clinton did.
That was pretty pathetic, D.D. Driver. About as pathetic an attempt as I have seen lately.
"I evaluate these on a case by case basis. Bill Clinton and Donald Trump were both passengers on Lolita Express. This is a fact. There are manifests.
Tee hee, look at how clever I am. i never stated Trump went to Epstein island, I just implied that. tee hee. He was on a flight manifest on Epstein's plane when it flew to NYC, from Florida. I'm so clever.
Tee. Hee.
That was the recantation, D.D. Driver, and one can be absolutely certain that she didn't try to evade a perjury charge with the children. That you don't seem to understand what she did with that statement speaks volumes about how utterly dense you are.
If you publicly accuse someone of rape, you best be in a situation where either (a) you can prove your case or (b) the facts are so murky that at least you have a reasonable argument. I am assuming that either the movie makers have anticipated this issue and think they have legal protection, or the movie makers are incredibly stupid, or the movie makers are so dead set to get Trump that they don't care.
Trump should sue, but he won't win- public figure and a Republican one at that. Hopeless case.
D.D. Driver:
What is it about men like Trump and Bill Clinton that always attract LYING WHORES.
Money, infatuation with power -- ultimate hypergamy.
The more interesting question is why Trump and Clinton are attracted to such women, if that is in fact the case.
Women (and people in general) of that nature are good actors. They had years of practice climbing Scala Sancta before they targeted those men.
Tmz publicized some scandalous crap about palin that larry flynt produced and a few years later simon and schuster published more garbage from joe mcguinness so their ethics are flexible
Compare how kamala rose up the ranks and little is made
This film doesn't sound controversial to me. In fact, it sounds like one of those historical documentaries or maybe a reenactment. Trump should be pleased — they chose a handsome actor instead of going for realism.
Trump won't get anywhere with a lawsuit. Part of the price of being a public figure, and besides, there's a factual basis for what they're showing. Besides, they would have to have a trial that would examine the truth of those allegations. Lots of testimony. They definitely don't want discovery to happen. I doubt Trump really wants that.
Now do Hunter. Should be easy since you don’t even have to make things up.
DD Driver - Now Do Biden ...and his mountain of lies, racism, and female abuse.
D.D. Driver:
Citation please.
{French voice-over} Seven sentences later. {/French voice-over}
Not saying Trump is a pedo, I'm just saying he was friends with them, said they were "great guys" who "like 'em young just like himself" and accepted free jet rides from them.
With no citation whatsoever.
The corruption must be awfully lucrative the way the Dumbocrats and Dumbocrat adjacent are pulling out all the stops.
Trump threatens lawsuit is an evergreen headline. When did he last recover anything as plaintiff?
I'm more interested in how Dan Snyder was persuaded that Gabe Sherman of Roger Ailes sex scandal fame was penning a flattering screenplay about The Donald goes to Manhattan.
“It is standard policy to authorize shooting our Republican political opponent when we raid his home for no good reason after running the Russia collusion hoax and other scams.” — Biden DOJ
10:49 PM · May 21, 2024
"Hillary: The Movie" is just a documentary. Is there a biopic of Hillary? Whatever happened to "I Am a Moth," with Addison Timlin as young Hillary?
"Hillary: The Movie" is just a documentary".
Alternatively titled, "The Stranger Beside Me."
Ha! Beautiful actress plays Hillary. I'd go with Primary Colors and Emma Thompson.
Maybe another movie can be made. It will open with a shot of a woman sitting in front of a mirror applying makeup and getting ready for the day. It will be revealed that it is actually Neilia Biden and she is very carefully applying the makeup to cover up bruises that are on her face and neck. We learn those bruises are from her Husband Joe from when he has to correct her behavior. She hates the way he treats her but bears it because she can't stand the idea of her children being raised without a father in the home. One day after coming home from the store she hears a strange noise coming form her son Hunter's room. She opens the door to see what is going on and finds her husband Joe on top of their son. Joe is abusing their son, but not in the same way he abuses her. She is distraught but doesn't interrupt fearing what Joe might do in anger. She doesn't know what to do. The next day while Joe is away and she is taking her children with her on an errand she looks in the rear-view mirror and sees her precious 1-year old daughter. "How long until he starts doing this to her too?" The idea pierces her heart with pain. She resolves to never let that happen to her or her other kids again. So while she was stopped at an intersection she see a large semi-truck coming down the intersecting street. Steeling her resolve and telling herself this will all be over soon, she presses her foot on the gas and pulls the car in front of the oncoming truck. Fade to black, just like in Thelma and Louise.
I wonder if this would get a dictatorial response too?
The left will stop at nothing.
Where is the movie funded by conservatives that tell the story of the drug-induced rapists and daughter-showering Bidens?
Won't happen because conservatives are pussies and don't realize they are in a knife fight.
"The trial's not working.
What else we got?"
With no citation whatsoever.
Just for you. 😘
I'm not *saying Donnie is a pedo*, but I am saying that he has had lots (and lots and lots) of pedo friend. Add P Diddy to the list.
Wasn't he also front row at the Clinton wedding?
Here are some really fun citations for you dear 😘😘😘
One time, Donnie rode to DC on Lolita Express with a gentleman named "Mark Middleton." He was Clinton sleezeball that got fired and banned from the White House. You think they were "draining the swap" my precious flower. 😘
So! Funny thing that happens to people connected to Epstein and Bill Clinton, he got so bummed out that he hung himself and shot himself at the same time. The gun was found many yards away. This is totally normal and there IS NOTHING TO SEE HERE.
Here is your citation:
So I'm not saying Trump is a pedo or a rapist. But I am saying he has spent his whole life being very, very friendly with them.
“I’ve known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy,” Trump told New York Magazine that year for a story headlined “Jeffrey Epstein: International Moneyman of Mystery.” “He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it — Jeffrey enjoys his social life.”
Your citation. 😘
FBI was authorized to use ‘deadly force’ in classified docs search at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago, court filings reveal
FBI man:
The Plan IS, now that we'd planted fake documents on the property, we will go Grab them!
Hopefully, the Villain will resist..
And we can Ruby Ridge him! Otherwise, we'll just use our planted docs to send him to HELL!
The only guy unlike barak and clintonband cia director burns who cut ties with epstein
Try again
This movie is just an opportunity for stupid evil people to let everyone know they are stupid and evil.
The pendulum comes.
I hope as many of them as possible get swept up.
I’m saying Driver is a Class “A” Gimp.
Nice Portlandia reference, Meade!
DD Driver - Now Do Biden ...and his mountain of lies, racism, and female abuse
Sure. I do that all the time. Corrupt assholes like Biden and Trump deserve our scorn and I attack both men with equal vigor. They both have contempt for the Constitution and I have contempt for them. I whole heartedly agree with you that Biden is a piece of shit, but why would I make that point in a post about the Trump movie? That sounds like Biden derangement syndrome.
Biden's creepy hair sniffing weirdo, but there is no record of him riding around on Lolita Express. Low fucking bar, but there you have it.
I’m saying Driver is a Class “A” Gimp.
Citation please. 😘
Ann Althouse said...
"Hillary: The Movie" is just a documentary. Is there a biopic of Hillary? Whatever happened to "I Am a Moth," with Addison Timlin as young Hillary?
True. Does that make it somehow less potent? To me, a documentary would be MORE likely to be held as potentially defamatory, than something that is understood to be a dramatization. But I digress. Trump will no more succeed in a defamation case against the producers of "The Apprentice," than he did in his failed and ultimately catastrophic lawsuit against Tim O'Brien and his publisher for defamation relating to O'Brien's book "Trump Nation."
Wince said...
Chuck, tellingly:
Citizens United was a campaign finance case, not a defamation case. As far as I know, Hillary never asserted falsity under defamation in court.
Trump is asserting a defamation claim, not a campaign finance case. Trump seems prepared to assert falsity.
Yes, I knew that. I'm the guy who first named the case on this page; Citizens United v FEC.
A Trump defamation case would be so delicious. Better, really, than than the current criminal case, where Trump didn't have to testify. Better than Trump v. O'Brien, where Trump had to sit for a deposition (which was gloriously terrible), but which only concerned dry asset valuations. A lawsuit over the dramatization of Trump's ugly life would be too delicious for words.
"Your citation. 😘"
Quite different from your earlier perversion of it, right? Then there's the inconvenient (for your twisted view) fact that Trump kicked Epstein out of MAL for seedy behavior. That act alone disproves your twisted quote from earlier.
During the couple's divorce proceedings in the early 90s, Ivana Trump accused the former president of assaulting and raping her in a rage over a painful scalp reduction surgery.
"Your doctor fucking ruined me!" Donald allegedly yelled, before tearing out Ivana's hair "by the handful, as if he is trying to make her feel the same kind of pain he is feeling."
He rips off her clothes and unzips his pants. Then he jams his penis inside of her for the first time in more than sixteen months. Ivana is terrified. This is not lovemaking. This is not romantic sex. It is a violent assault. She later describes what The Donald is doing to her in no uncertain terms. According to the versions she repeats to some of her closest confidantes, "He raped me."
So more donor money down the tubes with another Trump lawsuit that will fail.
I haven't seen this much triggering of snowflakes since Dave Chappelle upset woke libtards with trans jokes.
D.D. Driver:
Just for you. ��
Thanks, all I asked was for your post to not be hypocritical.
So I'm not saying Trump is a pedo or a rapist. But I am saying he has spent his whole life being very, very friendly with them.
You're assuming motivation. Yes, he acted that way, everyone at his level of finance and politics does. I almost typed 'must' but I agree with you that none of them should.
To be clear, you're mis-politicizing me. I'm not a Trump fanboi.
I'm reminded of numerous vids of Biden touching and sniffing children at the podium, in front of the press. As far as relating to this convo, that's who I have to weigh Trump against. It's a sorry state.
"Thanks, all I asked was for your post to not be hypocritical."
Trump/Epstein is such old news I didn't really think anyone didn't know and still needed proof. But, if you are really the last to the party, my apologies for my sarcasm.
Ivana stating she lied under oath sounds like complete bullshit. I want to see proof of that.
"That act alone disproves your twisted quote from earlier."
We don't know why they had a falling out but it wasn't because Epstein liked young girls. Trump thought that part was cool. Those are his own words. Why shouldn't he have to stand behind his own words?
You're right. I should have said most everyone.
Is Trump the only man in the world connected to both Epstein AND P Diddy? That's quite a badge of honor for Don.
"Trump Daddy."
I have no idea how it is even up for debate that Trump is a shitty man and husband. He has lead a shitty, selfish life. He was the original Kim Kardashian. He liked it that way. Now, in his 70s he is facing consequences for his decades of being a shithead. It's poetry. Enjoy.
I see the usual suspects once again think a movie is a documentary and the usual circle wank ensues.
Rusty: "I see the usual suspects once again think a movie is a documentary and the usual circle wank ensues.
Its simply their latest desperate hoax.
There have been so after the other.
I havent seen this much desperation since Howitzer Howard freaked out over Latinos refusing to accept his and the woke left's demands for Latinos to call themselves Latinx.
When does Hollywood release the "Good Times on Epstein's Island" film?
You could have Hollywood actors just play themselves.
Gusty Winds: "When does Hollywood release the "Good Times on Epstein's Island" film?
You could have Hollywood actors just play themselves."
The writers would have to make up a hoax Trump visit to Epstein island otherwise D.D. Driver would wet himself while weeping over the destruction of his latest gadfly-level smear.
"Has his campaign in an uproar."
Doubt it. The people who support Trump don't care about Cannes, the people who attend the film festival there, or the Guardian. I suspect his campaign would use their disdain to their advantage "See how much these snobs hste Trump? Now imagine how much they hate you for just existing."
Leftmediaswine will go for bestiality next in their slimy attempts to bring Trump down.
Trump is a jerk, but the left's problem is who do they have. Look at the ticket, Biden and Kamala. Really? Does it get any worse than that. They are a party of corrupt piggies. Who do they bring out, Newsome? A hairstyle with a failed record. Elevate Kamala? Remember what Tulsi did to her in the first debate. OUR problem is they will run one schmuck or another and cheat to get him/her in.
They can't afford to let Trump in. He will ravage them.
Not bougie "nice" perhaps, but like Harry Reid pointed out, lawfare, lies, slander, it WORKS!
"Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid has no regrets with falsely accusing Mitt Romney of paying zero taxes for ten years during the 2012 presidential elections.
So the word is out that he has not paid any taxes for ten years, Reid said on the Senate floor in August 2012. 'Let him prove that he has paid taxes, because he hasn’t.'
Afterwards with the 2012 election safely in the bag Reid admitted it was all lies. No apology though, because hey, you do what you gotta do, eh? "It worked", Reid said.
Dave Begley
Add this to your script. There were rumors in Joe Biden's district that his wife was trying to kill herself and the children because she found out about Joe's affair with Dr. Jill.
As a lawyer advising a script writer, I'll take a rape accusation in a wife's sworn deposition over an internet rumor that does not align with basic chronology any day.
Can't wait for that. Joe Biden biopic where they show him showering with his teenage daughter. At least that would be factually true.
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