May 10, 2024

Sunrise — 5:40, 5:41, 5:42, 5:43.






Josephbleau said...

The third one should be the album cover photo for Ronstadt's "Blue Bayou."

Caroline said...

Number two.

The rule of Lemnity said...

These are nice. I like the shadow and light contrast. The dark shadows.

Btw. A big solar flare hit earth and it’s going to give people up north some spectacular northern lights. Aurora borealis.

Dave Begley said...

I had the great displeasure of a business transaction with 3 young women (30-40) with “cute” tats on their bodies. Well, I held my tongue but all three were low intelligence and low class. Tats are useful that way.

rhhardin said...

Check for Aurora tonight, good odds it wanders unusually far south

Iman said...

A cheddar sunrise in Wisconsin. Sweet.

Achilles said...

Funny how the paid brown shirts always seem to attack enemies of the globalists.

Tesla makes working class cars.

These thugs aren't attacking Mercedes or BMW who make cars for the upper class people.

Total mystery what the fascist left is up to right?

BUMBLE BEE said...

You're aiming for the fence and making it!
Beautiful cleansing after those NYT & WaPo articles.
Clears the palate.

William50 said...

If re-elected Biden promises to let the Trump tax cuts that only benefited the rich expire. Let's take a look at the cuts and see who actually benefited. We'll start at the top rate and work down.

39.6% - 37%
35% - 35% No change
33% - 32%
28% - 24%
25% - 22%
15% - 12%
10% - 10% No change

So it looks to me like another Biden lie. The tax cuts didn't just benefit the rich but with the exception of two brackets they benefited everyone.

So looking at the above brackets you now know how much Biden has promised to raise your income taxes.

Next up will be wealth taxes. How much is in your 401K and how much is your house worth and how much equity do you have in it? All this will be taxed and more if the Democrats take control in the November elections. Count on it.

We certainly live in interesting times.

rhhardin said...

Geomagnetic storm index just dropped from 5 (extremely severe) to 1 (negligible), and shortwave radio came back to life confirming it. I don't know what that does to aurora predictions. Prediction map still shows aurora to southern Ohio but may be lagging.

Chuck said...

Last night, I tried to post a lengthy comment about what I thought was the most remarkable news story of a remarkable week; the fact that Barron Trump had been listed as an "At-Large Delegate" as part of the Florida GOP'S delegation to the Republican National Convention.

I doubted the story, despite the fact that it was confirmed as valid. I could not believe that Melania would allow it.

Althouse Moderation didn't allow my comment last night (on the "Magnolia" evening post), it seems. It never showed up.

Now, 24 hours later, it seems as if I had been prophetic. Not that Althouse readers would know it. Melania's personal office says that Barron has "prior commitments." That, after RNC Co-Chair Lara "LOL" Trump confirmed that it would be interesting and terrific to have Barron as a delegate to the convention.

Chuck said...

Here is the comment that I tried to post last evening:

In a week of unrelenting shocking and consequential news, this one caught me by total suprise. Such that I still have a hard time believing it will come to pass.

Barron Trump to enter politics as Florida delegate at GOP convention.

Barron turned 18 last month. He's a high school senior. The Trump family has released no information about any college plans for Barron. Even though most high school seniors are now engaged in final acceptances at their chosen schools.

This is all pretty close to the first time that Barron's name has appeared in the media since 2016, almost eight years ago. Back at that time, there were basically two notable incidents.

In one, a virtually unknown YouTube user named James Hunter posted a kind of homemade analysis video using publicly available video footage of Barron Trumpwith his own audio analysis, in which he suggested that Barron was autistic. Notably, James Hunter is himself autistic and he is an Autism Awareness advocate and activist. Melania Trump hired the nationally known media lawyer Charles Harder to threaten Hunter with a lawsuit if he did not remove the YouTube piece. Hunter did, immediately. And Harder communicated with media outlets which covered the story, threatening them as well and stating that Barron Trump is not autistic. Link to US Weekly for all of this.

In the other, Rosie O'Donnell, herself the mother of an adopted high-functioning autistic duaghter, made public statements urging understanding for Barron Trump whom she believed to be on the autism spectrum. "Barron Trump Autistic? If so — what an amazing opportunity to bring attention to the AUTISM epidemic..." Without making clear the nature of what communication she recieved from Harder, Rosie O'Donnell went silent on the matter and issued what appeared to be a negotiated apology.

For the ensuing seven years, the national media seems to have assiduously been silent on Barron Trump. I am not aware of a single time that Barron has been exposed to any kind of televised interview. Until now, when Barron's name appears as an appointed at-large GOP National Convention Delegate from the state of Florida. Barron is now an adult, and is a political figure insofar as he is a convention delegate. If there had been an understanding to give the teenage Barron all the privacy deserved by a teen who is not a public figure in any elective sense, it must now be gone. At least, as of the convention.

Chuck said...

LINK to the latest Barron Trump news. The interview that is referenced at the end of the article -- Donald Trump doing a Philadelphia radio interview -- is the one where Trump got Barron's age wrong.

Lilly, a dog said...

Three hookers at once, Dave? You dirty dog.

(Just kidding)

Mutaman said...

Dave Begley said...

"I had the great displeasure of a business transaction with 3 young women (30-40) with “cute” tats on their bodies. Well, I held my tongue but all three were low intelligence and low class. Tats are useful that way."

And after Dave had already paid the $5.00 Club Omaha cover charge.

Achilles said...

Chuck said...

Here is the comment that I tried to post last evening:

In a week of unrelenting shocking and consequential news, this one caught me by total suprise. Such that I still have a hard time believing it will come to pass.

Barron Trump to enter politics as Florida delegate at GOP convention.

Whenever Chuck isn't reading Stormy Daniel's description of Donald Trump's penis he is masturbating to rape fantasies involving Barron.

He can't tell us what crime Trump is being tried for but he knows exactly how many wrinkles there are.

Priorities you know. These Lincoln Project interns are groomed well.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

Achilles said...

Funny how the paid brown shirts always seem to attack enemies of the globalists.

Tesla makes working class cars.

These thugs aren't attacking Mercedes or BMW who make cars for the upper class people.

I won't argue that this was probably due to Elon being on every progressive's shit list these days. However, if you think a Tesla is a 'working class car', you're dumber than you sound most of the time.

Josephbleau said...

As a note. I dislike the new grey banner of "cookies" i am made to observe. The requirement to acknowledge something to get it out of my way is offensive to my liberty. But I am just one person.

Sydney said...

Just saw my first aurora. Magnificent. I am in northeast Ohio.

gadfly said...

Don and Melania are changing their minds about their son, Barron. First Donald lies to Judge Merchan about needing time off from the trial to attend Barron's graduation from Oxbridge Academy, heading to Minnesota for a campaign gig instead. And Mommy says that 18-year-old Barron will not become a Florida delegate for Dad. Yes, that “sharp, funny, sarcastic, tough — not weak, freaking stud of a kid,” who also may have ASD, is somehow incapable of speaking for himself. OMG, now I will be sued by Melania's lawyer.

Clyde said...

There were auroras visible overnight in Southwest Florida, at least as far south as Sanibel Island. I didn't see them, unfortunately. The local weather guy posted some pictures that people had shared on Facebook, and I saw his post after it had been up for seven minutes, but by the time I got dressed and went outside, I didn't see anything. I guess the show was already over. The crescent moon did appear to have a bit of a pinkish cast, but that may have just been wishful thinking.

wendybar said...

The Researcher

After years of lies about covid, the Russia collusion hoax, the bogus impeachments, the January 6 big lie, calling half of Americans white supremacists and election deniers for questioning the 2020 election, etc., why would anyone trust “the science” or the establishment media?

tim maguire said...

Chuck said...Now, 24 hours later, it seems as if I had been prophetic. Not that Althouse readers would know it.

Seriously? You’re upset about not getting credit for predicting some political minutia that nobody cares about? Are you really that insecure?

You can rest easy knowing that it would make no difference to people’s opinion of you.

Christopher B said...

A friend of mine who lives in a rural area near Evansville, IN posted some amazing pictures of the Northern Light display last night at his house.

Iman said...

Drink your Sterno®, gadfly.

iowan2 said...

Chuck is like Judge Merchan.

Publicizes a lots of lurid sounding information that has no bearing on any topic

I followed the links.
The facts

Florida Republican party choose Baron Trump as a delegate. A position he did not seek.
Baron decline, the appointment because he was unavailable, using his mothers Communication agent.

That's the entirety of the facts

Narr said...

The Lights were visible to some around here--the local weather broadcast at 10pm showed a lot of viewer photos--but our sightline to the north is very restricted and we didn't see anything ourselves. (And we may be too deep in the light pollution anyway.)

FullMoon said...

LOL! Titty twister Chuck so proud of his goofy post that he had to resurrect it.
Learned nothing from Pecan Pie humiliation..

Then Gadfly tries to one-up Chuck . Incidentally, years ago, "Chuck" made a comment claiming to "be on the spectrum"

jaydub said...

"OMG, now I will be sued by Melania's lawyer."

Not to worry. No one sues an unflushed turd. Even lawyers are smart enough to just push the lever.

gadfly said...

The word is out that Trump is willing to sell the GOP VP slot to Nikki Haley if she brings her deep-pocketed, Trump-hating, supporters with her. Trump wants to use her monetary support to pay his legal bills to help win the election.

Besides the bad blood between the former candidates, however, Haley will lose any chance for a future political career if Trump loses - because she will be blamed.

SteveWe said...

Evidence Gadfly? "Trump is willing to sell the GOP VP slot to Nikki Haley if she brings her deep-pocketed, Trump-hating, supporters with her. Trump wants to use her monetary support to pay his legal bills to help win the election."

Chuck said...

FullMoon said...
LOL! Titty twister Chuck so proud of his goofy post that he had to resurrect it.
Learned nothing from Pecan Pie humiliation..

Then Gadfly tries to one-up Chuck . Incidentally, years ago, "Chuck" made a comment claiming to "be on the spectrum"

That’s not true. I’ve never made any such claim.

You’ve done this sort of weird obsessive lying about me before, and I called you on it and told you to quote me and supply a link, knowing that you could not do it and you of course didn’t have anything to counter.

Shut the fuck up. Do Althouse a favor and don’t write about me again.

Rusty said...

"Shut the fuck up. Do Althouse a favor and don’t write about me again."
Crawl back under your rock.

FullMoon said...

Then Gadfly tries to one-up Chuck . Incidentally, years ago, "Chuck" made a comment claiming to "be on the spectrum"

That’s not true. I’ve never made any such claim.

Seriously, Chuck,you actually emailed AA about the pecan pie, and hilariously went back and forth with people defending yourself from us teasing you for a day or so.
That would seem to validate your on the spectrum comment several years ago.