Yes my body is built and strong 💪 NOT with nips, tucks, plastic, or silicone, but through a healthy lifestyle. Soon turning 50 years old, God willing, I will continue to lift, run, swim, play sports, surf, ski, climb and LIVE this life to the fullest and enjoy every single…
— Marjorie Taylor Greene 🇺🇸 (@mtgreenee) May 20, 2024
११२ टिप्पण्या:
So now we've established MTG can personally beat down Rich or LLR Charles Randall if they looked twice at her. Well done, Jazzy Crockett.
Actually, if you told me that there is a determined effort to build up certain Congresswomen depending on the narrative of the week, I'd believe it.
didn't think I could love her more
Weight lifters rule. MTG is a fighter.
Note that she doesn't rule out steroids. ;-)
The video feels like a Family Guy cut-scene.
MTG owns her "bad-built butch body."
"That was a [quadruple] alliterative improv. You don't hear those too often."
I pray for her knees
If she was morbidly obese AOC would call her beautiful.
I'm not an MTG fan in politics, but that's impressive.
MTG is a heavy duty Crossfitter who has participated in the Crossfit Games. Here is her athlete profile.
Believe me the Crosfit Games isnt for the faint at heart.
Crossfit isnt only about lifting and strength but also about stamina and endurance. It is about all-round fitness. She is probably the fittest politician in Washington by a long shot. When she was insulted and suggested she was butch, clearly her insulters had no idea of her fitness prowess. There is a lot more to MTG than her detractors would suggest.
That is full of Win!
Fake vapid leftwing eyelashes are so much better.
Ignore her public position and positions ... she's on the right track. Power-cleans use a lot of muscle groups, plus, with free weights, the small compensatory adjustments work lots of tiny muscles. Far better than machines. That was not a heavy lift -- 25 kg from what I saw -- nor big reps, and she was not strained, so it might have been a "cut-out" day, after much heavier work a few days earlier.
The important thing is that it's easier to keep conditioning than to rebuild it. I'm a 95 kg former athlete, still at my playing weight, and at 68 yo I could still squat 150 kg for three sets of 10 reps each. Sadly, my coach closed his garage-based gym the next year, when he retired. Now 75 yo, I'm still reaping the benefits of those years, even though a couple of old sports injuries are finally starting to catch up with me.
I don't know if it will improve my lifespan, but it sure as shit has greatly extended my HEALTH-span, which is what really matters.
I will try to clean 95lbs tomorrow at the gym. I know I can do it still at almost age 58, but I don't know how hard it will be since it is an exercise I haven't done in a while because my shoulders and neck don't like it very much.
Maybe Gadfly can give us some fact-checking on this video- prove that wasn't the Congresswoman or that those weights were obviously made of styrofoam.
Below the waist, males and females have an equal number of muscle fibers. It’s genetic, immutable. How well trained those fibers are depends on the individual’s willingness to train (work). A trained body—male or female—produces more endorphins and sex hormones, yielding increased life force, optimism and mental wellness.
I'll never be a fan, but that's a hell of a response.
Good on MTG!
The snatch and clean and jerk (Olympic Style) are my go-to techniques.
Awful music in that video.
That's impressive...good for her.
Feminine rock.
She ain’t rockin’ those fake eyelashes or the 8 inch fingernail extensions, so she’s toast in LCD-World.
Two worlds, one planet.
In DC, she puts antibodies into overdrive. No one understands, even fewer care.
A certified personal trainer can help you design an exercise protocol customized for you—your sex, age, body type and goals. Here’s a little pearl of wisdom I learned from a certified PT: a single repetition of any resistance exercise will maintain the size of the targeted muscle fibers. At 70 years-old I’m not trying to get bigger, I'm just trying to stay strong, flexible and functional. Low weights, super slow and safe, quality and performance. Fight muscle atrophy, keep everything moving, love life. Gratitude. No pain; no pain.
I pray for her knees
If done right (and her form looked fine to me), that exercise will lead to healthier knees than someone who doesn't do it.
Eyelash lifting is good.
So MTG can take a walk across Washington D.C. without worrying--she can clean the average mugger's clock.
Her muscles are good; there are those of her fans and or critics who wish that she exercised her jaw muscles less.
Blogger Rich said...
The snatch and clean and jerk (Olympic Style) are my go-to techniques.
Better than the "jerk and clean" using an old tube sock.
From drop the mic to drop the barbell.
Why is Althouse missing an opportunity to plug the Althouse Portal?
Starting Strength: Basic Barbell Training, 3rd edition
Crockett better be praying “Thank you, Lord, that Greene refrained from bitch-slapping me, or I’d need plastic surgery to fix my face” next time she’s in church.
In case you were wondering, AOC has also been working out.
Jersey Fled said...
If she was morbidly obese AOC would call her beautiful.
well, NO.. if she (MTG) was morbidly obese AOC would call her a lard ass fat pig..
body positivity is ONLY for the politically correct people
Digging the ROGUE brand weights. Ever since I saw how short she is, pictured with other Congresscritters outside Trump's courthouse last week, my estimation of her cuteness went up quite a bit. I do appreciate shorter than average women.
@Meade, good comments
Guess AOC should be happy MTG didn't decide to cross the aisle and do something about this.
But anyway, she got to use her two favorite words "racist" and "misogynist" without having to go to Starbucks and have them screw up her order.
Totally agree with @Meade's comments about staying strong, flexible and functional. I play a lot of tennis and used to think tennis was enough of a workout to stay fit. In my old age, I realize that I need to do a lot of off-court work (with dumbbells) so I can continue to play the game I love without injury.
Biggest functional goal -- always being able to get up off of the ground easily!
Good for her.
She's coarse and obnoxious. And bold, and magnificent, and absolutely correct on all issues of importance.
We need more people like her in positions of power where they can teach Merrick Garland and his minions a harsh lesson about how they are our hired help, not our masters. More and more, I am coming to believe that America's worst enemies are to be found in the upper levels of the civil service.
I want Trump to make open warfare on the insubordinate permanent government the #1 policy priority of his new administration. AS near as I can tell, the only ones who aren't lazy overpaid goldbrickers are scheming scum who have been behaving like court eunuchs and corrupt viziers in the days of the Byzantine Empire. If they disobey his direct orders and plot against him, that should be treated as open sedition, rebellion, and treason, and he should call out the unorganized militia of Title 10, Section 311, to enforce his will. We would know how to deal with the enemy vermin. Our forefathers showed us the way.
Stating Strength really is a great book for a beginner weightlifter. Rippetoe may be a bit obnoxious, but I enjoy his bombast, and he knows what he's talking about.
I choose flexibility. Dad, who was very active in his 70s, now at 90 is unable to put on socks or even step into pants and pull them up because he can't reach his feet.
How is it that the left completely silent about hurling homophobic insults in this one instance? Where is the outrage and applogy? I've read *cheerleading* about how clever the insults were calling MGT out for looking like a lesbian. I will remember this the next time one of the "bad guys" makes a similar remark and you tell me how outraged I should be.
Now we know why Ann runs every morning.
What young people don't understand about old age, is that the loss of muscle mass does not simply equate to a loss of strength and nothing more. A loss of muscle mass is a loss of protective padding - a knock against hard-edged objects hurts a lot more, because you've lost that cushioning mass that both distributes impact force and provides a gradual elastic braking. Instead, you find bone more quickly, and more sharply. A loss of muscle mass also means that you no longer have that elastic spring that dampens motion when you over-extend a joint - so you sprain a lot more easily, too.
Sucks, getting old.
She looks pretty sexy in that video, said this straight male.
Approx 85-95 pounds for 5 reps.
She could probably thrust AOC up in the air like that if AOC has enough core strength to maintain something of a side plank.
I feel like this will cause some left-wing women to feel sympathetic for MTG. It reminds me of when some left-wing media ran a piece on then Republican Senate candidate for Maryland Christine O'Donnell (rumored to be a witch) that was very lurid and vulgarly discussed allegations about her sexual history. That was far more severe than this and caused lots on the left to rebuke those who ran the story an trafficked in it. Since this event is less over-the-top than that story I doubt it will cause any new found love for MTG, but will contribute to the general disappointment with the left from members of the left.
@Bart Hall (Kansas, USA)
She did 5 reps at 105, touch and go, and looked like she was headed to the matador for dips (and who knows if the GHD was part of her workout).
I think she was in the middle of a pretty serious workout.
Just when I've been slacking on my (very moderate) exercise habits . . .
The really important thing is a healthy diet including Gazpacho.
How do you get 105 lb from a standard 15 kg women's bar, plus a standard 5 kg green plate on each end? That's 25 kg = 55 lb. She'd need another 10 kg on each end, plus a "penny" in the outside to be at 47 kg = 105 lb.
We've got our own Iron Lady.
The real beauty of this story is that the nation continues to fixate on MTG and her body and her shitposting.
Instead of the House Republicans’ idiotic stunt, trying to force a release of the OSC audio recording of Biden’s interview with Rob Hur and company.
Proof of criminal malfeasance possibly treason
Proof of criminal malfeasance possibly treason
Instead of the House Republicans’ idiotic stunt, trying to force a release of the OSC audio recording of Biden’s interview with Rob Hur and company.
Yes, "Chuck" would not want us to hear why Hur decided that Biden was too senile to charge with a crime.
'Instead of the House Republicans’ idiotic stunt, trying to force a release of the OSC audio recording of Biden’s interview with Rob Hur and company.'
Only ass-kissing democrats don't want to have more information about whether the president is senile or not.
Bury your head in the sand and keep shilling for Joe.
He still won't fuck you.
MTG is in great shape, and obviously works hard at it. More power to her.
Jasmine Crocket is an attractive woman on the outside. Not so much on the inside.
AOC is dumb as a box of rocks, but has a nice rack.
Hopefully we can now put that ugly episode from last week behind us.
Don’t forget strength training helps gain the advantage against osteoporosis, which most women get, and worsens over time. The better you can balance, stop a fall, absorb a shock without breaking, the better, longer quality of health-life you’ll enjoy.
Good for MTG - CrossFit rocks. This was a masterful response to “girl, baby girl, don’t play”. MTG - “baby, girl, I don’t think so”
Sweet home gym.
While I'm no expert, my understanding is that cleans are one of the best whole-body weight workouts you can do.
Me: Hey ChatGPT write a haiku on the topic of "bad-built butch body" that extols the virtue of female crosfit athletes
Mighty women rise,
Grace and power intertwined,
Strength forged, beauty thrives.
So much fun:
Me: Hey ChatGPT write a haiku on the topic of "bad-built butch body" that extols the virtue of female crosfit athletes and Marjorie Taylor Greene
Muscle and grit blend,
Marjorie's strength, fierce and true,
Butch body, bold soul.
Crockett clearly said butch, but I've been trying to decide if she was thinking another word and tried to tone it down a bit. Maybe butch is accurate enough given MTG's fitness routine, but she's definitely not what I would think of when I hear the word butch.
Hard to see in the video but I thought she had. 2x25 lbs Rogue bumper plates and assumed a 20 kg bar. Rogue sells a 15kg bar but 20 kg seems more standard. All her other gear is Rogue.
Per the earlier comment about men and women lower body strength - I am still competing and have a very good bench press for age/weight. But regularly get out pulled in the deadlift by smaller and younger females. Makes my wife smile.
"Chuck" would not want us to hear why Hur decided that Biden was too senile to charge with a crime.
Imagine what would be happening right now if it were Trump rather than Biden who'd been able to evade prosecution for a prima facie national security crime due to being too senile to prosecute. It would go far beyond Chuck and the other Internet loudmouths. Every evening newscast and every newspaper front page, from that day to this, would have devoted half or more of its coverage to the story.
You don't have to give up muscle mass in old age. You just have to work harder and smarter while eating right. Getting old is an awesome privilege if you don't give up or give in. Stay lean, stay strong and endure. Life isn't a race or a journey, it's a dance.
20 kg bar
Looks too thin for that, I would guess 35 lbs (15 kg), total of 85 lbs, which would be pretty normal for what you see women using for crossfit power clean.
Wow at near 50. Impressive at any age. All while maintaining her feminine allure. The swishing ponytail (h/t Laslo) is icing on the girl.
"While I'm no expert, my understanding is that cleans are one of the best whole-body weight workouts you can do."
It is- works pretty much every single muscle in the body and is even better if you can include the jerk part, too. If you are pressed for time, nothing beats it.
Althouse blogged a post about MTG’s body building lifestyle. And owning the libs. Althouse did NOT post about the disputed Congressional subpoena for OSC audiotapes of Biden’s interview with Bob Hur. MTG succeeded, at least with Althouse, in making her own shitshow the story. Instead of any actual political strategy.
I rest my case.
Those are 25-pound plates on the end- specifically designed for lifts off the floor and drops to the floor- they come in 10, 25, and 45-pound versions, all with the exact same diameter. I assumed the bar was a standard 45-pound bar but it could be a 35-pound bar. I can't tell from the video if she has smaller plates on the end, so I would say the weight is 85 or 95 pounds.
Chuck the Cunt, why did Biden claim privilege when the transcript was already released? Logically, there is only one reason- the recording makes it clear Biden's condition is even worse than the transcript indicates.
@Chuck - I'm not so sure. The subpoena story would just float by most people. Aren't there already Congressional subpoenas that the administration hasn't obeyed and no one in media cares? But this is kind of a sexy story. It shows a Republican woman as not just "baking cupcakes", as Hillary Clinton put it. She's succeeding in what used to be pretty much male only. She's being literally strong. And then getting criticized for it? A lot of middle of the road women are going to think better of Republicans and worse of Democrats after this. Maybe enough to slightly close the yawning gender gap.
“Life isn't a race or a journey, it's a dance.”
There goes Howard… putting his left foot in and doin’ the hokey-pokey…
rhhardin said...
“Eyelash lifting is good.”
I am imaging an eyelash doing curls with a tiny dumbbell.
Does she own her horribleness (sic) as a person?
Because she is.
Vicki from Pasadena
Wasn't "butch body" used as a slur? How many groups were just marginalized by being used to insult her?
victoria said...
Does she own her horribleness (sic) as a person?
Because she is.
Vicki from Pasadena
This person voted for Clinton and voted for Biden.
Two known rapists.
victoria owns here own horribleness very well.
Howard said...
“Life isn't a race or a journey, it's a dance.”
Life's like a road that you travel on
When there's one day here and the next day gone
Sometimes you bend, sometimes you stand
Sometimes you turn your back to the wind
There's a world outside every darkened door
Where blues won't haunt you anymore
Where the brave are free and lovers soar
Come ride with me to the distant shore
We won't hesitate, break down the garden gate
There's not much time left today
Life is a highway
I want to ride it all night long
If you're going my way
I want to drive it all night long
True story. Worked for an engineering company in the early 90's in Hotlanta. Every year at the Christmas party the whole office would get buzzed and do the Hokey Pokey. Good times.
I’m not trying to get bigger, I'm just trying to stay strong, flexible and functional.
Did Sir Meade carry Lady Ann over the threshold?
Every day and twice on Sundays.
Bart Hall, that is a 20 KG bar with a 25-lb and a 10-lb plate on each side. (Green plates are either 10 KG or 25 lbs.
Nobody says Hotlanta. Crimies.
Does she own her horribleness (sic) as a person?
Because she is.
MTG - like Donald Trump - won't go out with you, either.
As far as weight lifters go, we should have elected Arnold Schwarzenegger as President, if that is what really matters.
Wasn't "butch body" used as a slur?
I have asked a couple of people who were celebrating the insult to defend the "butch" part of it. No one has. Nor will anyone tell me why it's acceptable to body shame her.
I still think her comment about Crockett's fake eyelashes was an insult to her reading skills, not her looks. The lashes are clearly fake. It's stupid to pretend they aren't. It was an unnecessary comment that MTG shouldn't have made, but I don't see it as shaming in the way Crockett's was.
I'm more disgusted by the people who were cheering it than either of those women.
Did Sir Meade carry Lady Ann over the threshold?
Meade said...
Every day and twice on Sundays.
I didn't immediately catch the insinuation. I was thinking white wedding.
Poor Achilles, you must have been talking about Trump the rapist.
And, can anyone deny that MTG is a horrible person? That is objectively accurate.
And, How dare you assume who i voted for in 2016 or 2020. None of your business. At least for now, unless Trump gets elected, our vote is our own, no one else is privy to it. IF DJT is elected, we can only hope that the Senate and the Congress will be Democrat. If the congress keeps going the way it is, that will be easy, no one will vote for any republican congressperson. And, it Teddy Cruz continues with his idiocy, Colin Allred will surely be elected.
Vicki from Pasadena
Instead of the House Republicans’ idiotic stunt, trying to force a release of the OSC audio recording of Biden’s interview with Rob Hur and company.
"Stunt". Huh. Why would that be a "stunt," Chuck? Either Hur was correct, and he really is unfit to be President, or he was wrong, and it's a whitewash. Doesn't the public have a right to know?
"Move along, nothing to see here..."
MTG owns built and body but not bad and butch or bleach and blonde. Was butch a slur? The pejoratives were bleach and bad-built. In terms of owning the insult, it’s a fail.
victoria said: “And, can anyone deny that MTG is a horrible person?”
This is the Democrat position on every Republican who holds different opinions from Democrats. Not that you disagree with the positions or beliefs that a Republican has. But that they are a horrible person. A horrible person, by definition, can’t be convinced or argued with. They are horrible.
And no, MTG is not a horrible person.
LLR-democtatical lonejustice: "As far as weight lifters go, we should have elected Arnold Schwarzenegger as President, if that is what really matters."
lonejustice once again demonstrating why he is the biggest dunce of the Althouse blog LLR-democratical brigade.
victoria from pasadena remains strongly and passionately in the Its Perfectly Okay For Fathers To Shower With Their Adolescent Daughters camp.
In fact, victoria called the Biden family perfectly normal.
Perfectly normal.
Let that sink in.
With that nose, Jazzie has no room to talk. The eyelashes are an attempt to distract from that nose.
Don't you wish sometimes that duels were still customary amongst senators and congressmen? For situations like this? MTG would show her mettle superior to either most surely. Greene ought to challenge either or both of her detractors to a 50m sprint, an arm wrestle, or who could pick up a (decent) man at a club the fastest. It's sad that the Aaron Burr way of settlement, if the challenged is game, isn't allowed any longer. MTG popped a running pig from a moving helicopter with a rifle one time (GIFYS) so her capacity with arms is also noteworthy. All this trash talk from the D.C. types would diminish greatly if "duels" were still allowed. Just sayin'.
Bobert, MTG, AOC, and Crockett (or Omar, or Talib, Bush) should move in together and do a reality show. A lot of people would watch “The Real Morons of DC”.
It's a Festivus Miracle! Complete with airing of grievances and feats of strength. Over to you, Jasmine.
What’s her standing vertical?
What’s her 50-yard dash time?
What’s the velocity on her serve?
Anyone can lift weights. Let’s see some athleticism.
Eva Marie,
Says Who? If there was any evidence that she actually had intelligence instead of being belligerent i would applaud her. She believes that being rude and nasty is a substitute for being rational and intelligent. I would say that about anyone, left or right.
if you believe that the only reason she is attacked is simply that she is a Republican and not a Democrat, you are ignorant and uninformed in so many ways. Get your head out of the sand and actually listen. And if you want to hitch your wagon to a Republican, at least pick one with some couth. There are plenty out there.
Vicki from Pasadena
@Bart Hall
105 lbs
She’s got a green and a black rogue plate on each side.
35lb bar
(25 + 10) x 2 = 70
Totals 105
Cardi Boobs working on "BBBB".
victoria writes: Says Who?
Obviously, I say it. This is what discussions come down to when you attack the character or the essence of a human being rather than their arguments.
then you add: “if you believe that the only reason she is attacked is simply that she is a Republican . . .”
No, that’s not what I wrote. I wrote that Democrats don’t attack the ideas a person has, they attack the person. As you’ve just proven once again.
victoria said...
Poor Achilles, you must have been talking about Trump the rapist.
And, can anyone deny that MTG is a horrible person? That is objectively accurate.
I know you are a horrible person. You post things like this constantly.
You know damn well Trump never raped anyone. There are zero credible allegations against him and you know it. But Tara Reade made a real allegation and a real police report. All you have are floozies that can't even remember what year they were raped. You are a joke.
And, How dare you assume who i voted for in 2016 or 2020. None of your business. At least for now, unless Trump gets elected, our vote is our own, no one else is privy to it. IF DJT is elected, we can only hope that the Senate and the Congress will be Democrat. If the congress keeps going the way it is, that will be easy, no one will vote for any republican congressperson. And, it Teddy Cruz continues with his idiocy, Colin Allred will surely be elected.
Vicki from Pasadena
You want to be a coward and pretend you didn't vote for Biden that's on you. I would be embarrassed too. You want to pretend you didn't vote for either Clinton. What a pathetic coward. It is demonstrative that these people wont openly support the shitheads that lead them.
You still support open borders, world war 3, censorship, hyperinflation, and persecution of political opponents.
You would fit right in with the 3rd Reich.
Yancey Ward said...
Logically, there is only one reason- the recording makes it clear Biden's condition is even worse than the transcript indicates
I think it was Julie Kelly who observed from the Hur transcript that Biden was only filibustering potentially damaging questions from Hur. I'd say it's possible that the recording might also show that Hur's characterization of him is not supported by observations from the deposition. However, it is equally likely it would show he was coached to give those answers.
Yes, Christopher, also possible.
"Fight muscle atrophy, keep everything moving, love life. Gratitude. No pain; no pain."
Sage advice from Meade.
Vikki from Craptpoia(CA-D)
You do realize that the trial against Trump was not a criminal trial. It was a civil trial.
There is no crime of "rape."
Howard @2:11 PM
Nice post, w/ a sentiment I share.
Howard @2:11 PM
Nice post, w/ a sentiment I share.
What’s her standing vertical?
What’s her 50-yard dash time?
What’s the velocity on her serve?
Anyone can lift weights. Let’s see some athleticism.
Anyone can jump, run and swing a stick. Let's see some athleticism that also involves thinking.
How's your corps-à-corps with epee? Is your ceding parry worth a crap? What's your riposte time?
Anyone can kibitz from a favored perspective.
Vicki from Pasadena
5/20/24, 5:57 PM
OK, Karen.
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