Rebecca Weiner, the police department’s deputy commissioner of intelligence and counterterrorism, said on Tuesday that officers observed an escalation in tactics at Columbia on Monday night, including people scaling buildings, creating barricades with furniture and destroying cameras.
“We think these tactics are a result of guidance that’s being given to students from some of these external actors,” she said....
Columbia history professor Mae Ngai told Al Jazeera that protests at the university were led by students and that politicians were the outside agitators....
Student protesters who spoke at a news conference Wednesday outside CCNY called the involvement of outside agitators a “myth.”
ADDED: But who are the outside agitators? If they are not students, who are they? How about some details? Lots of them were arrested. Why isn't there a torrent of detail about what sort of people they are?
८८ टिप्पण्या:
Everyone keeps pointing a finger at Soros while missing a much bigger elephant in the room - Arabella Advisors/Associates/Investors. Arabella is 3x more powerful than Soros and his Open Society foundation and 100x bigger. It is estimated that more than 70% of the dark money for all leftist and democrat pet causes in the world is funneled through them. Their individual investors and associates are darker still and totally anonymous, although many well-known names (like Bill Gates) are conjectured to be linked to them.
And how could you blame them? Anyone associated with them would be a prime target for a random car-bombing.
Does the term "Foreign Nationals" ring any bells?
Yet Alvin Bragg is considering not prosecuting any of them and the FBI is not "hunting" them.
Maybe the DoJ can investigate the outside groups involved and indict Trump.
BLM/Antifa riots of 2020 were well funded, well equipped, well planned. It included sending personnel where needed to ramp up the nasty.
Pro Hamas protests of 2024 (which are not going away, but will move to city streets next) are well funded, well equipped, and well planned. This also includes the same personnel sent wherever needed to ramp up the nasty.
There is no doubt leftist groups and individuals are doing the funding. Vote accordingly.
Time to see some umbrellas get shoved up some asses.
i wonder how many of the brand new tents had any connections with the schools?
It should be very simple to determine if the assertion of outside agitators is a myth. Publish the list of names of those arrested, with their current city of residence, and whether they are currently enrolled as a student at the university. You would think that the vaunted fact checkers, journalists, and editors of the NY press could figure that one out, no?
So 75% and 40% WERE students...who should be expelled for being idiots for following idiots who hate America and Israel. Actions have consequences...unless you are a Progressive as we see happen every single day.
"Student protesters who spoke at a news conference Wednesday outside CCNY called the involvement of outside agitators a “myth.”"
"Myth" has become synonymous with "misleading narrative" and means, an inconvenient fact.
Student protesters who spoke at a news conference Wednesday outside CCNY called the involvement of outside agitators a “myth.”
Thus confirming exactly the comment I wrote on the post titled The False Narrative:
The walking away reveals to me that her answers to the first two questions were themselves a "false narrative," so they are willing to destroy property and are willing to take captives, and are willing to deny it, to lie with a straight face. Is there really so many evil-hearted students on campus now? That's sad. But it is the logical end of Marxist indoctrination teaching her that truth is relative, that no facts exist independent of The Narrative, which is to say, "The Revolution."
But worse, since then the DNC-Media Complex has gone full "mostly peaceful protests" again, thus reverting to their BLMian formulation, with Mika B explicitly advising a Morning Joe guest who dared to "go there," and ask if we are now "considering mobs taking over buildings by force" not a crime, that this "can't be compared to January 6." Thank you for clarifying, Mika.
It would be hard to keep up with their rules if I believed that they believe in any of them. Rules don't apply to "The Revolution."
They will all be released without bail, no charges will be brought, and the city will settle out of court to pay them millions of dollars for "brutality" or some other nonsense.
It is going to be interesting to see President Donald Trump hire Snake Plissken to recover some personal items from Trump Tower.
The universities cede the ground once they allow the occupation to take hold so the fact that this newly repurposed space attracts transients and squatters and opportunistic predators who move in and take over isn't a surprise. See, e.g., San Francisco and Portland, just everyday living there though.
It's also the history of revolutions I think, especially in the Middle East at least. The sincere but naive students celebrating their Arab Spring are subsumed by malovolent forces.
Nails It...
"I guess the ADL and SPLC didn’t see that coming, despite their exquisitely sensitive antennae for “hate.”
New York taxpayers to foot the bill?
Sure, Why not?
dbp said: "Myth" has become synonymous with "misleading narrative" and means, an inconvenient fact.
This sums it up perfectly. And the inconvenient fact is that the students are just tools in the hands of the professional left that has taken over the universities and the press in this country, and is working at taking over the elections for 2024 (like they pioneered in 2020). The acid test here is when we find out not how many are arrested but how many face the courts and serve jail time.
What percentage were US citizens? What percentage were in the country legally? What percentage have jobs versus living on our largesse?
Student protesters who spoke at a news conference Wednesday outside CCNY called the involvement of outside agitators a “myth.”
Don't they know the proper term is "false narrative"?
I really wouldn't be surprised if the students believed there was no influence by outside agitators. The people most susceptible to manipulation are the ones who don't see the manipulation.
“We think these tactics are a result of guidance that’s being given to students from some of these external actors,” she said....
I'm not clear here. Why does it matter where the protesters are from? Is she saying that student rioting is okay, it's those nasty external actors who are the problem? Or what?
including people scaling buildings
My spidey senses are tingling!
"Student protesters who spoke at a news conference Wednesday outside CCNY called the involvement of outside agitators a “myth.”"
Sounds like that's mythinformation.
Expel, not suspend, the student protestors that did not disperse when told to.
Hold the professionals in solitary confinement with no bail, on misdemeanor charges, for their 'insurrection'. After the election, offer a plea deal that requires a complete disclosure, subject to verification, of their network and funding. Make a careful note of the external support functions offering legal aid or bail.
The Direct Action folks understand compartmentalization so there probably won't be much information aside from understanding and mapping their immediate network of contacts.
As the fractal report from @BUMBLEBEE shows, the idea is that obfuscation by shifting money around is the methodology chosen to obscure the source of the dark money. The nodes have to be disassembled.
To understand why Biden's reactions to riots and vandalism and antisemitic racism are so feckless I recommend Daniel Greenfields' well-researched article, How Hamas Bought Joe Biden.
Yes, strangely, the same Hamas of whom the students rioting are big big fans. Bought. Joe. Biden. Via the usual path, brother James, who sold his services to Qatar by listing on his resume the curious occupation of "Joe's Brother."
Ace teases the Greenfield article today with the snippet (which is the article's sub-head), "Bloodstained currency, smuggled gold bars and a $200,000 check." One of the relevant tidbits is, "Even while undermining the sitting administration, Biden’s brother was offering the services of his family to an enemy nation. This has wider implications beyond Qatar’s role backing Hamas...Qatar was also the central intermediary in the Taliban 'deal' and had formed an alliance with Iran. It is difficult to know whether the 'Biden family' relationship with Qatar played any role in the disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan and in the sanctions relief offered to Iran."
The Soros family and the numerous corporate entities they control are not mythical.
"... thus reverting to their BLMian formulation, with Mika B explicitly advising a Morning Joe guest who dared to "go there,"..."
I never thought I'd see the day when Al Sharpton would get referred to generically — just "a Morning Joe guest." It was Al Sharpton!
Where was Ray Epps?
Leftist billionaire cash combined with mind-numbed NPC indoctrinated foot soldiers from the undergrad/post-graduate student ranks over decades has created, in the US, that which already existed in Europe beginning in the 60's (due to subsidizing never-ending "education" students): Permanent leftist rent-a-mobs/Red Guards/shock troops. This Maoist crew will join with the islamic supremacists the dems have allowed in through open borders.
They are always available to disrupt civil society at the drop of a commie hat, just as we saw in 2020 when that disruption was presented to the American public as Trump's fault by the completely corrupted and captured legacy media...necessary elements in every color revolution as we see now in Georgia and Hungary and recently in Poland with the installation of Tusk.
Our lefties/dems/LLR-dems (but I repeat myself) clearly now believe they will not be able to duplicate the George Floyd/BLM/antifa 2020 riots so they are forced to embrace and leverage their pro-Hamas/Islamic Supremacist alliance to sow disruption to cover the coming election theft just as they did in 2020.
The only open question is whether or not the dems/ChiCom alliance will also launch another man-made virus/pandemic as they did in 2019/2020.
I suspect they will.
Whitmer conspiracy? Pelosi-rrection?
Al Sharpton....the guy the Progressives have to make a pilgrimage to NYC to kiss the ring of before they can get nominated, has his own show on matter how they try to hide it.
Well, I have quietly attended many of the radical left's trainings, and one thing that is made explicitly clear is that the truth is a Western construct that needs to be destroyed along with everything else to clear the path for permanent, totalitarian revolution.
How clear? Hours and hours of a combination of screaming, enforced chanting, and wearing people down with recitations straight from Mao's little Red Book, punctuated by shouts of "mic check" by one or another open fascists doing the "training."
If I hadn't been a composition teacher, I really couldn't have handled the tedium.
As usual, Space Mountain is right. But Soros laid the groundwork decades ago. Now Arabella does do more funding. Their goals are the same.
And I promise you, the people at the top of the hundreds of organizations and NGOs are not sleeping on cardboard in the dean's office or in the quad: they're dining at the most expensive restaurants and staying in swanky hotel while denouncing capitalism. See: Jody Evans.
Politico said 2009...
"ACORN was always a very decentralized group, with a great deal of its activity and power concentrated in local chapters from New York to Arkansas -- the strongest of which will survive."
Very decentralized is not explained further.
“...we have never had a problem...except in a few very isolated instances and these have been the result of outside agitators.” - Geo. Wallace, 1964
Unleash the J6 prosecutors on the whole bunch. It’s what we’ve come to expect.
The answer to these questions is.
We have a two-tier justice system.
Grandma's in the Capitol, right wing extremists.
outside agitators on Columbia campus, we are not even curious.
25% outside agitators...
And orange drink has 10% real juice. That claim doesn't exonerate the faculty who should have educated these students not to swallow everything somebody offers them.
How many of these outside agitators are alumni of the same schools?
Why does it matter where the protesters are from?
It doesn't. We call that swerving, drawing attention to irrelevant facts to avoid addressing the damage and hateful violations of their alleged Codes (LOL) of Conduct.
Sounds a lot like J6. The MAGA crowd didn't start the invasion of the Capitol. Outside agitators did. Either Feds or ANTIFA paid by the Feds. Ray Epps conduct and post J6 treatment makes that quite obvious.
Arabella Advisors/Associates/Investors.
Not that Soros involvement isn't bad, but as RSM points out these are the really bad actors. Illuminati level.
We have to bring back and update the Just Say NO PSAs.
I never thought I'd see the day when Al Sharpton would get referred to* generically — just "a Morning Joe guest." It was Al Sharpton!
Yes. Yes it was, acting as the voice of reason, no less!
*TBF I thought that detail was too much to include, and might obscure my point. I never expected not mentioning Sharpton would actually be the distraction. TGIF
If they weren't overwhelmed by the threat of Radical Tradition Catholics, the FBI could get to the root of it.
And I promise you, the people at the top of the hundreds of organizations and NGOs are not sleeping on cardboard in the dean's office or in the quad: they're dining at the most expensive restaurants and staying in swanky hotel while denouncing capitalism.
Exactly! As we have seen in the past, they will have their dachas and unrestricted access to hard currency stores while everyone else will be standing in long lines in the hope of getting that last role of toilet paper. The last loaf of bread is long gone.
It's hard to put yourself in the head of someone with that kind of megalomania.
- Krumhorn
It behooves you to revisit Alice Cooper's prediction...
Read - Generation Landslide. Alice called it.
Did they check campus IDs and just let the students go, in a PR move to deflect blame for letting things get out of hand, and to placate parents of the idiot student protesters?
Of course they did. That's why step one to end this madness is for everyone to stop pretending any higher education campus in the nation -- all of which but one or two conservative ones receive massive federal funding -- should be managed differently from other public spaces. Campus police should report to and be part of command structure within local municipal police, not campus "authorities." That's the price you pay for taxpayers subsidizing literally everything you do - if Saudi blood money isn't paying for it. A lot of problems would be instantly solved by slashing the throat of the fantasy that academia and the people in it -- faculty, students, and administrators -- are not subject to ordinary laws and ordinary police intervention. State schols have zero excuses for this not to be the case. But even so-called "private" colleges and universities should be forced to choose between their vast and multifarious public funding and behaving like any other business, which includes any student, or visitor, may call 911 to report crimes such as trespassing.
Look at the dog's lunch they made of "rape tribunals." They are not foreign countries plopped down on American soil. It's time they all learned that. Then we can proceed to re-civilizing them.
"But who are the outside agitators? If they are not students, who are they? How about some details? Lots of them were arrested. Why isn't there a torrent of detail about what sort of people they are? "
They are paid mercenaries.
The border invasion is also being funded by the same groups that Ride Space Mountain highlights. They are organizing and helping ship people from south america north.
There is a large amount of money being spent by globalist forces to tear our country down. They have captured the Democrat party. The used to own the Republican Party but we have taken it back now.
There is no right or wrong anymore. We are in that place where two groups have an irreconcilable difference over where we want our society to go.
The Regime wants open borders and more war around the world. It wants the law to be enforcement of their power rather than providing for citizen's liberty. That is why they will prosecute Trump but not a bunch of violent shitheads beating up Jews. They want to destroy the middle class and censor and jail political opponents.
The vast majority of citizens want a free high trust society like we had before COVID.
The fascist shitheads are massively outnumbered. The only thing to discuss now are terms of surrender. I look forward to all of these violent leftist protestors being prosecuted and sent to jail in a year after the elections.
Tina Trent said...
"Hours and hours of a combination of screaming, enforced chanting, and wearing people down with recitations straight from Mao's little Red Book, punctuated by shouts of "mic check" by one or another open fascists doing the "training.""
The Occupy movement was the precursor to BLM and Antifa, now morphed into current protests, and I suspect your observations predate both of those; so it's not surprising that all this goes back to radical left operations.
is anyone going to say, with a straight face, that folks who openly support the terrorist enemies of the United States aren't above lying about it?
I don't understand why AG's in the sane states are not bringing action against George Soros and his many tentacles under the state equivalents of RICO. If ever there was a time for damn-the-torpedoes lawfare to pay back the Left in its own coin, it's now.
People like Bill Ayers, Ilhan Omar, AOC ect..ect..ect...
From a WSJ editorial today on who “they” are.
So 75% and 40% WERE students...who should be expelled for being idiots for following idiots who hate America and Israel.
Attendance at university in America should not be conditioned on one's attitude towards Israel, nor Ukraine for that matter, nor any other foreign nation.
I DO think that we need some good old fashioned McCarthyism to make life miserable for those who are trying to overthrow our own country and turn us into a one-party communist dictatorship. Anyone convicted of rioting or vandalism on college campuses ought to be permanently expelled, and their financiers should all spend the rest of their lives in prison.
The fascist shitheads are massively outnumbered. The only thing to discuss now are terms of surrender. I look forward to all of these violent leftist protestors being prosecuted and sent to jail in a year after the elections.
I hope it can be done peacefully as you suggest. As much as I'd savor the sight of the severed heads of high profile leftists rotting on spikes above the Potomac bridges, such alternative methods of reclaiming our liberties would be catastrophic for everyone.
"I look forward to all of these violent leftist protestors being prosecuted and sent to jail in a year after the elections."
Isn't it pretty to think so?
2024 is going to be a repeat of the Immaculate Election of 2020, but with more violence aided and abetted by the parties already mentioned. Meaningful punishment or retribution is, IMHO, far less likely than Trump's termination with extreme prejudice.
Who cares? It's fucking Columbia. Let 'em burn it to the ground, if it'll burn.
And our vaunted friends in the 3-letter agencies have no clue.
Hint: It's coming from inside the house!
5,000-word profile of the guy who threatened MTG... no interest in up-close-and-personal piece on a non-student agitator.
This is a failure of journalism.
Columbia and CCNY are big campuses. It's totally plausible that the student protestors didn't know that many of the protestors were non-student protestors. (It's also plausible that they're lying to protect the non-students because they saw them as their leaders.)
Since it would be easy to verify the student or non-student status of the people arrested, there is no reason to believe that the NYPD is lying about this.
Proud to say I just found out my nephew was one of the frat boys raising and protecting the flag at UNC. Someone set up a GoFundMe for them to support a "kick-ass party" for their good deed. Last I heard, it was up to more than $500k. Another sign that the vast majority of people in this country do not support Gaza/Palestine/Hamas.
If a claim or assertion comes from NYPD sources, whatever it may be, one should assume it's a lie or distortion...unless and until they provide incontrovertible evidence supporting their claims.
in kenosha on the first night is was just local people protesting peacefully, but the next day the buses started arriving bringing in the hired agents.
Via Yahoo News: Columbia Law Review Students Want Exams Canceled Amid Campus Chaos
This seems like the moral equivalent of phoning in a bomb threat or pulling the fire alarm to avoid finals. Who do these students think will hire them? School will never be as chaotic as working in the real world, so if you can't handle problem solving in such a benign environment as a school classroom; stay out of the professional world and shop floors. I wouldn't even suggest working at McDonald's during lunch rush.
Anyone want to guess how many professional agitators that worked for Antifa and BLM are there now?
And how many more walked across our Southern Border thanks to Joe '10%' Biden.
ADDED: But who are the outside agitators? If they are not students, who are they? How about some details? Lots of them were arrested. Why isn't there a torrent of detail about what sort of people they are?
Well, probably because corrupt Soros DA Bragg is blocking the release
"Why isn't there a torrent of detail about what sort of people they are?"
Yes, it would be nice to have the details. But as you say in another post today, you don't trust the MSM to give you the straight scoop -- and the same scepticism is warranted on this topic too. But, apart from eventually learning the particular names and backgrounds, on something like this do you need a weatherman to tell which way the wind is blowing?
Ron Daniels, the Johns Hopkins University sent an email to the students and faculty on Tuesday discussing the agreement the university had made with the students to remove the tents that they had set up for their anti-Semitic demonstrations. He said that once the students had decided to demonstrate, the first thing they did was to place an order for the tents which were then delivered to the students. They did not place the order with Dick’s Sporting Goods or Amazon. There are well funded groups that are supplying the tents for free.
New York taxpayers to foot the bill? Sure, Why not?
A good reason NOT to be a New York taxpayer. (Source: currently a New York taxpayer.)
"The fascist shitheads are massively outnumbered."
Oh? You think so? I hope you're right, as that means Trump will lose the election for POTUS. I'm more dispirited; I think the fascist shitheads are omnipresent, (as they always are in America), and thus, Trump's victory seems assured.
Oh professor you and your readers know perfectly well why.
Cook, you aren't stupid, and yet you can't see the real fascists staring you in the face. It's not the right my friend.
Robert Cook said...
If a claim or assertion comes from NYPD sources, whatever it may be, one should assume it's a lie or distortion...unless and until they provide incontrovertible evidence supporting their claims
Cook would sooner believe mercenaries paid to chant Death to America than NYPD officers who provide the safe life he takes for granted.
The differences are irreconcilable. They are clear that they are resorting to violence to get their way.
We will have Cook’s fascist utopia or we will have a free country.
All wars are a test of will. The test has begun.
Whether they're students or not is immaterial. The story here is the feckless administrators, staff and faculty allowing - and at times, encouraging - these thugs to trash their institutions.
Here are some of the known participants at a protest in Portland, OR:
Source: Police release identities of those arrested during Portland State University protests (KOIN TV 6)
"Ari Albertson 23 Criminal Trespass in the Second Degree, Resisting Arrest, Interfering with a Peace Officer
James C. Bailey IV 22 Attempted Assault on a Public Safety Officer, Criminal Trespass in the Second Degree
Vincent Benedetti 21 Criminal Trespass in the Second Degree
James G. Coats 32 Interfering with a Peace Officer, Disorderly Conduct in the Second Degree
Michael E. Dusek 47 Criminal Trespass in the Second Degree
Claire E. Granger 22 Criminal Trespass in the Second Degree
Jackson White 18 Criminal Trespass in the Second Degree
Frank O. Krehky 40 Criminal Trespass in the Second Degree, PV Warrant
Luca Lajeuness 23 Criminal Trespass in the Second Degree
Elijah M. Lane 29 Assault on a Public Safety Officer, Burglary in the Second Degree, Resisting Arrest
Jack Manchester 19 Resisting Arrest, Escape in the Third Degree, Interfering with a Peace Officer
Isabelle I. Martinez 21 Criminal Trespass in the Second Degree
Lorri J. McMahon 60 Criminal Trespass in the Second Degree"
...more at the link.
I think the fascist shitheads are omnipresent, (as they always are in America), and thus, Trump's victory seems assured.
Sometimes, Cook gives vibes of being a reasonable, rational, and thoughtful guy. This is not one of those times.
- Krumhorn
"tommyesq said...
Proud to say I just found out my nephew was one of the frat boys raising and protecting the flag at UNC"
Oh my! You should be proud! I think those young men helped bring forward the courage of other young American-loving men and women at other universities. The videos of those at colleges singing the Anthem, raising our Flag, and standing up for our nation is heart-warming and gives me hope for our youth.
To ask the "added" questions is to answer them.
We have yet to find out who funded the three criminals rightfully and legally shot by Kyle Rittenhouse. Or who's funding the continued lawmakers against him.
Or the motivation for all the judges that allow the lawsuits to go on.Judges are perfectly capable of dismissing them as frivolous.
But that never happens for conservatives or Republicans. With all the evidence compiled by the government that Hillary and the DNC was directly behind the Russian collusion hoax, his lawsuit against them was dismissed before it started. Apparently he has no right to sue lying liars who lie.
Bottomless Mimosas Intifada (Not The Bee)
"If I’ve heard anything half as funny or a fraction as fitting all this year as “the Bottomless Mimosa Intifada,” I sure as hell can’t remember it."
1) Usually witchhunts are described as "McCarthyism" - except with its Israel.
2) Usually violations of the 1st admendment are denounced as attacks on Civil liberties or Fascism - except when its Israel
3) Usually leftwing protesters are applauded and cries of "outside agitators" are mocked - except when its Israel
4) Usually brute force and the National Guard are never used for College Protesters - except when its Israel
5) Usually countries that violate International law and kill thousands of brown people are denounced called immoral and war criminals - except when its Israel.
6) Usually Liberal/Leftists never want to be on the same side with Glenn Beck, The daily wire, Fox News, Dan Crenshaw, or Tom Cottton - except when its Israel
Its almost like the Liberal/left support all these principles - but only when they don't hurt Israel or Rich Zionists. Wonder why?
"But who are the outside agitators? If they are not students, who are they?"
Only the purposefully ignorant don't know.
Robert Cook:
If a claim or assertion comes from NYPD sources, whatever it may be, one should assume it's a lie or distortion...unless and until they provide incontrovertible evidence supporting their claims.
Fairly easy insight as you've just described every governmental entity, labor and news group and political movement leadership, both liberal and conservative, in New York.
I agree with you.
Narr said...
"I look forward to all of these violent leftist protestors being prosecuted and sent to jail in a year after the elections."
Isn't it pretty to think so?
2024 is going to be a repeat of the Immaculate Election of 2020, but with more violence aided and abetted by the parties already mentioned. Meaningful punishment or retribution is, IMHO, far less likely than Trump's termination with extreme prejudice.
That is up to us.
You can whine about it or do something about it.
EAB said...
From a WSJ editorial today on who “they” are.
5/3/24, 11:39 AM
Great link. Website encouraging and instructing protesters
This is all blue on blue. Why does anyone here give a shit.
Louddogblog: so what? The students chose to be trained by the professional terrorists and create conditions to sneak them on campus. They should not be differentiated legally: all are equally legally culpable. This isn't Patty Hearst being kidnapped and kept in a closet being repeatedly raped until she broke down emotionally, fearing death.
This is student terrorists in the making, pandered to by everyone from mommy and daddy to school administrators, lionized by the media, and never facing consequences, unless you count their willing abdication of free will by perversely submitting to other terrorists just to have fun.
They should spend years in prison for serious assaults on police, rioting, damage to public property, and to their peers' loss of access to an education they paid for.
It's all done to piss you off.
All of it. They want a reaction. They want a killing. They want to bring the government hammer of Thor down on us all.
If you want to know who these people are, I've written dozens of reports and so have dozens in my working group.
But we were purged from YouTube, from the internet, and from Conservatism Inc., which really is in bed with Soros, and our work was literally disappeared. However, KeyWiki is a great source.
"You can whine about it or do something about it."
After a good night's sleep I've decided that, at my age, whining is the best I can do.
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