Said a 23-year-old self-described former "Trump hater" named Maya Garcia, quoted in "Four Years Out, Some Voters Look Back at Trump’s Presidency More Positively/A new poll by The New York Times and Siena College finds that voters think highly of the former president’s record on the economy, but memories of his divisiveness largely remain intact" (NYT)

I'm giving this my "Trump derangement syndrome" tag because of the Trump hating that existed in the past and may be healing to the point of not being derangement anymore. Even if you think it was never derangement, it is still the topic under discussion, and that's my tag for the topic.
By the way, this is one of the many articles about Trump that uses the shibboleth "chaotic." The second sentence begins, "While the memories of Mr. Trump’s tumultuous and chaotic administration have not significantly faded...."
Another article I read this morning, at CNN, began: "While many Democrats still consider former President Donald Trump to be about pure chaotic improvisation and impulse, they should consider that his campaign team has put together a very clear roadmap as to how they intend to work different institutions to their advantage...."
Much of what Trump offers to do is about restoring order. Those of us who care about order are warned away from him. He embodies chaos. That's a longstanding message. See, e.g., "Donald Trump: Chaotic and Wrong." His antagonists rely on it heavily, but what they don't do is demonstrate that they can deliver order.
६० टिप्पण्या:
Perhaps reality -- regarding the performance of the current administration -- is beginning to creep in. One can hope.
They didn't ask about foreign policy? It's one of the most chaotic aspects of the Biden admin, and one of the TDS wig-outs during Trump's. I would imagine it's a number that's moved very strongly in Trump's direction.
Martin Gurri sums up the “return to normalcy” President:
“So we said "Don't" to the Iranians and they did. So we said we stand with Israel but we also said we condemn Israel. So we called the ruling prince in Saudi Arabia a "pariah" the we begged him for more oil production.
Is there a plan anywhere in here?”
So far all the opposition has been able to deliver is misery. Unless, of course, you have a public sector job. In which case the world is wonderful. Just ignore all the conflict that your chosen president has instigated.
Sometimes all feelings all the time doesn't work out, she notices.
Don’t. Don’t. Don’t. Don’t.
Don’t think Biden has a chance in Hell of being re-installed.
"Is there a plan anywhere in here?”
To watch the world burn.
Trump is to much of a wuss to seriously take the DOJ and FBI to task for the crimes they've committed in the last decade. The CIA will just kill him if goes after them for their crimes. It will all be bygones and yesterday's once he's in office.
I want to wrong on this - don't think I will be.
That number on the economy carries a helluva lot more weight than the others. Only the most partisan describe our current economic state as "good." We have some king sized structural problems. Will Trump make them better? I don't know. But Biden is certainly making them worse.
Trump is all about triggering his marks deep seeded feelings of inadequacy, jealousy and fears. His campaign tactics and court battles are taken straight from Telenovela scripts. You are in love with a Soap Opera Drama Queen. That's the true derangement syndrome.
The prediction of chaos if Trump wins is a threat, not a warning.
The gaslight makes it hard to read the small print of reality. It makes your eyes work really hard, and sometimes chaos looks like order (if they tell the rubes that it is order) and order looks like chaos (if they tell the rubes that it is chaos.)
Then we got the incandescent light of our social media when the gas just didn't get the job done any more.
You can even make your own light with an internet connection! The gaslighters are telling us the the new electric lighting will blind us to the truth so don't use it, but some people suspect them of not having our best interests at heart.
Who should I listen to?
A Reader
Highest inflation in decades and pretty much self inflicted with energy and monetary policies.
Complete corruption of the legal systems
A purposeful invasion of the country being promoted.
The strait of Hormuz closed by a bunch of pirates, Ukraine invaded, Israelis slaughtered while the drooling dementia patient sends out tweets when Iran attacks Israel.
Tells Iran NO and Iran shows him two big fingers and tells him to STFU old man.
A complete lack of trust in ANY government institution now. FBI, cia, bls. All statistics are fudged.
Emptying the SPR for political reasons, but stopping oil gas industry whenever possible.
Executive orders causing half the republic states to sue this tyrant.
Horrible race relations.
Calling HALF of the country domestic terrrorists.
Investigating parents at school board meetings.
Biden is an unmitigated disaster, all purposefully. All to garner votes and political power.
If the Democrat media were not as corrupt ( or more ) as the fbi, he would already be gone.
Trump is an obnoxious centrist. Some folks enjoy the obnoxiousness but a lot don’t. Many of those folks confuse nice with kind and woke with caring. But some are waking up to the idea that maybe we need someone like Trump - that things are that bad.
What gets me is how the haters denigrated anyone experienced who tried to help the Trump administration. Like, no we don't want ANYONE helping, we want total chaos.
But you see, we have a country...
"That's a longstanding message. See, e.g., "Donald Trump: Chaotic and Wrong." His antagonists rely on it heavily, but what they don't do is demonstrate that they can deliver order"
They also don't mention that a majority of the chaos was instigated by Trump's opponents.
Trump is not The Answer. But he would be an improvement.
Is it order that you want? There are so many deficiencies, listed by Dude1394 very accurately. And a few more besides.
Trump would be an improvement over the current disarray and stupidity. But Heartless Aztec puts his finger on Trump's problem, IMO. How well does he follow through on things? We can only hope that, IF he gets a second chance, he has learned from the ways he was first thwarted and blocked, and then defeated in that first term.
Much of what has come out of Pandora's Box is out there and living, now. Pelosi's, Obama's, and Biden's Box. It can't all be crammed back in, we are going to have to go through some of the hell they have released. Good luck and best wishes in the days to come.
You keep choking down your supplements, eating moon pies, drinking RC Cola, monitoring your stool and barking at the fucking moon, Howard.
You be you.
Donald Trump is the civilizer. Joe "Bribe me!" Biden is the barbarian and decivlizer. The Democrat/Barbarian Party is the party of the criminal-lover, political violence (Antifa and BLM), voter and election fraud (It doesn't exist, never mind those 1.5million invalid voters!), high-cost and unreliable energy and vote buying.
Blaming Trump for bringing chaos is blaming the victim. Like, "if you didn't say those things, I wouldn't have to hit you."
Trump didn't make NPR refuse to cover the Hunter laptop story, or Obama abuse the FISA system to investigate a presidential candidate or social media companies censor citizens at the request of the government.
Trump built as much border wall as possible. That would be good now.
Trump wanted to negotiate the Ukraine/Russia war. That is going to happen eventually.
Trump got North Korea to settle down.
Trump improved the trade agreement with Mexico and Canada.
Trump tightened up on trade with China. Isn't Biden sticking to that approach?
Trump wants to leave abortion law with the states. Both extremes aren't happy with that.
Trump solidly supported Israel by moving the embassy.
Trump fixed the VA.
The federal government isn't working, so we need someone to shake it up rather than manage the decline.
“They also don't mention that a majority of the chaos was instigated by Trump's opponents.”
This was my first thought too.
During Trump’s presidency I worked for a company that always had CNN playing on the TV in the lobby. Every time I walked through the lobby, there was mass hysteria being promoted. Trump couldn’t lift a finger without being accused of colluding with Russia or some other crime.It was ginned up outrage, 24/7.
If he were president right now, every single homeless person would be blamed on him (as happened to Reagan). Every death at the border, every casualty in Gaza or Ukraine, every downward trend in the economy, would all be laid at his feet. And every attempt to actually bring order (including peace) and prosperity would be actively undermined.
Biden is down to spewing hatred of Trump as a man who is pure evil (interspersed by claims Biden is a uniter). The biggest advantage Trump holds over the D message is we have SEEN his administration. And, surprise, no one was in chains.
Many on the left can easily dismiss the evidence of their own lying eyes. The middle, not so much.
I love these people on the Left who tell themselves and the world that they crave 'order' when in reality, they are the chief creators and supporters of chaos.
Look around our country today. What city is not more chaotic and out of control than it was just a few years ago. And of those cities, which ones are run by Democrats. Well...virtually all of them are. And in most cases, the states they reside in as well.
Look around the world today. Is it not far more chaotic than it was just 4 years ago, pre-covid? Just yesterday we were watching Muslims send missiles and drones over Jerusalem, one of their own most holy cities. The entire world seems ready to explode.
Our borders are wide open. Our debt is adding another Trillion dollars every 100 days, our kids graduate from K-12 unable to read, add, or compose a sentence. They leave college knowing less in many cases, with useless degrees in their back pockets and the expectation that their loans won't have to be paid back.
Those claiming to be the righteous who stand for order, and fight chaos are no longer fooling anyone other than themselves. Everyone else- from Europe to North America is seeing clearly who the purveyors of chaos are. Trump speaks chaotically, but produces economic growth, peace, and strength. Biden mumbles softly, and allows his administration to be run by, seemingly far left teenagers who put more stock in their world vision than in reality. We have new pronouns in the military, yet we cannot recruit enough people to fill the uniforms waiting for them. We cannot produce enough arms and equipment to defend ourselves. But we have new pronouns.
This is how chaos looks.
I much prefer the catatonic Biden.
What Trump's "antagonists... don't do is demonstrate that they can deliver order".
Quite the opposite, actually.
Given a choice between anarchy and tyranny, the historical record shows that people prefer tyranny. The Biden forces claim that Trump will bring chaos. We also have their word that any tyranny needed to preserve order will be restricted to Trump and his more outspoken followers. On such a platform, they might very well win.....Biden forces claim that all those riots on behalf of George Floyd, Michael Brown et al. were justifiable demonstrations of righteous anger. Any efforts to control such demonstrations were fascist.. The J6 event, on the other hand was an insurrection, and the police were justified in using deadly force to control it.
Diversity (i.e. color judgment, class bigotry) breeds adversity. #HateLovesAbortion
Howard at 7:12 AM
Trump is all about triggering his marks deep seeded feelings of inadequacy, jealousy and fears.
I always thought the expression was deep-seated but deep-seeded makes sense too.
They're talking about Trump's "chaos" as if it were an end unto itself. IOW, "vote for Trump, get chaos!" But that's not what Americans see. Rather, they increasingly see it as, "vote for Trump, get American back on the right track." Trump will disrupt the status quo to put normal policies back in place. The fact that he's "chaotic" tells you that he means to do this; he won't back down just to be deemed more acceptable to the Washington/media elites.
If Biden represents predictability and stability, those qualities are in service of a steady march toward America's destruction. It's as if America's on a cattle car being taken to a death camp, and Biden is the man making the trains run on time.
The moment calls for chaos -- anything to alter the status quo, and to do it as quickly as possible.
...memories of his divisiveness...
Wait! WHO did the dividing? Who was divisive? I never saw DJT as divisive. DJT's "crime" was not being a career politician/bureaucrat. To the extent that his presidency was a failure, it was underestimating scope and will of Government employees.
"Government employee" here includes any whose job and income is controlled by Federal Government. That would be: Federal employees
..employees of Federal contracting companies
..many State government employees
,,many County government employees
..many City government employees
..many employees of State, County, and City contracting companies
..most Education employees - from Dean to floor sweeper
..most Health Care employees - from Chief Surgeon to data entry clerk
..most Media employees
..on, and on, and on...
These people will act with unity and go to any length to preserve their jobs and income.
Plus, by accident or design, the Wu-Han Flu arrived at the start of the 2020 election year - a unique new crisis for the Media to flog and castigate DJT with "news" of the future outcomes and hostile Government workers to sabotage his programs.
I haven’t forgotten the chaos of Trump’s presidency and I’m not looking forward to living in it again, but I blame his critics at least as much as I blame him, so its role in my voting decision is pretty much a wash. I’m certainly not going to let world descend further into real life-and-death chaos just so I don’t have to suffer more rhetorical chaos.
"We've traced the 'chaos,' it's coming from inside the swamp."
Nobody who was president in 2020 and 2021 has any business talking about restoring law and order.
“Trump is all about triggering his marks deep seated feelings of inadequacy, jealousy and fears. His campaign tactics and court battles are taken straight from Telenovela scripts. You are in love with a Soap Opera Drama Queen. That's the true derangement syndrome.”
Good Lord, Howard.
The projection is breathtaking.
- Rafe
Trump's brand of "chaos" as defined in 2020 is the Old Weird American Ideal of managing your own life without Government intervention. Now that they've had a bit of the New Cool American Ideal of having their lives managed by the Smartest People In The Room™️ under Biden, the Old Weird way doesn't seem so bad to people like Maya Garcia.
Are people stupid enough to vote for Biden again? That is the question. Its hard for political sophisticates, especially those who think for themselves, to realize how stupid many voters are.
They believe everything they read and see on TV, and like sheep just conform. Then get upset when someone says "The wrong thing". And they just don't like "all this fighting". And would rather have the bully do his bullying in private and for the victim to not fight back.
But maybe these sheeple have gotten hurt in their pocketbook and may actually vote their own interests. So what will win out stupidity or selfishness? We'll see.
We can elect Trump and get the chaos delivered from the Democrats, or we can elect Biden and get the chaos delivered from the Democrats.
Quite the choice, isn't it?
As I watch the intellectual meltdown of commenters like Howard, Rich, Chuck, and Lonejustice, I can't do anything other than laugh and laugh and laugh. Anyone who voted for Biden and his clown car administration in 2020 owns everything that has happened since January 20th, 2021- no escaping that responsibility no matter how one might try to deny it.
For Dems......Chaos= "things we can't control"
The chaos is because of Trump, but the chaos isn't coming from Trump.
“His antagonists rely on it heavily, but what they don't do is demonstrate that they can deliver order.”
But they can demonstrate abundantly that they can deliver disorder, as demonstrated by our border crisis, rampant crime, failing cities, massive debt, jumbled foreign policy…(and so on).
... may be healing to the point of not being derangement anymore."
Hating someone for just being who they are is derangement. The current left is trying to normalize hatred of other. DEI et al.
I much prefer the catatonic Biden.
In reality that translates to "I much prefer letting Biden's handlers, who I didn't elect and don't even really know anything about, do everything."
Inflation is killing America.
I am fairly well off by any standard, and it is very troubling to me.
I don't know how Joe Sixpack with a couple of kids even gets by these days.
That's what Biden has to worry about...
'We can elect Trump and get the chaos delivered from the Democrats, or we can elect Biden and get the chaos delivered from the Democrats.'
The 'chaos' under Trump was the IC trying to frame a sitting president.
Fuck off.
He embodies chaos. That's a longstanding message. See, e.g., "Donald Trump: Chaotic and Wrong." His antagonists rely on it heavily, but what they don't do is demonstrate that they can deliver order.
How much chaos was due to Trump and how much was due to Democrat mayors and governors who refused to take action against rioters, looters, and arsonists in their cities? How much was Trump’s doing and how much was federal bureaucrats doing everything possible to undercut him? When COVID-19 broke out, did Trump send a US Navy hospital ship to New York to help out? Yes. Did Governor Cuomo or Mayor DeBlasio take advantage of this resource? No? Did Trump put patients who were positive for COVID-19 into nursing homes? Or was that governors like Whitmer and Cuomo?
The question I have for Trump and his advisors is whether this time around he is prepared to crack down on Democrats who try to generate chaos?
His campaign tactics and court battles are taken straight from Telenovela scripts.
Could you explain, Howard? Are you a fan of telenovelas? Which ones? Which ones are PEDJT's battles and tactics like? I did not know you spoke spanish.
Do you even know what telenovelas are?
Hint, while they are roughly analogous to American soap operas they are very different in many ways. One way is that where American soap operas are intended to run forever (Guiding light ran from 1937, starting on radio, to 2009) Telenovelas build to a conclusion. More like the Sopranos than Days of our Lives.
In the sense that Donald Trump is building to a conclusion, re-election, perhaps you are right. Perhaps he is like a telenovela.
Telenovelas are popular with Spanish speaking women around the world and not a few men like my son in law. They run daily, 30-60 minutes and are made all over the world then dubbed in spanish. A number seem to be from Turkey.
I am not a fan but I am often in the living room working on my laptop while my wife is watching one. I see a lot more of them than I might wish.
John Henry
I remember nothing chaotic about his first term. Only the screeching of #theresistance. Entertaining that.
Rafe is correct. The Woke DEI sheeple are just as hysterical as you dead end Trump Uber alles freaks. Fortunately, the great silent majority isn't panicking like the two extremes.
Trump is not The Answer.
Reminds me of the joke: “Sex is not The Answer. Sex is the question. ‘Yes!’ is the answer.”
Maybe it works the same way here…
It seems like only yesterday when we were reminded that "You cannot concieve, how much we hate Trump, and everything about him, and his supporters. And how deep and how widespread the hatred is."
Howard said:
"You are in love with a Soap Opera Drama Queen. That's the true derangement syndrome.”"
SNORT. apparently it's slipped what's left of your mind that the Left is still deeply in love with a Soap Opera Drama Queen.
Her name is Hillary.
Well, Joe, I guess I could have added the third option to make my point more clear:
We could have elected DeSantis and gotten the chaos delivered by the Democrats.
In fact, his antagonists have demonstrated the exact opposite. They sow disorder.
Nobody who was president in 2020 and 2021 has any business talking about restoring law and order.
Nobody who voted for the last four years of this bullshit has any business talking about anything, Tom.
Which just goes to show that, yes, even flatworms can learn.
Which just goes to show that, yes, even flatworms can learn.
His antagonists also fail to demonstrate that he is chaotic, or wrong. Is that three for three, or just two for two, by them?
“Chaotic” is a key and meaningful term in the popular Netflix series “The Three Body Problem,” and equates to total destruction of a civilization. Perhaps the media is trying to use that to sway young voters.
Approve of Trump's handling of COVID?
Do they mean how the U.S. under the Trump Administration funded and helped engineer COVID? Or how he promoted the COVID shots and still brags about them? Or how he promoted the shutting down of the country?
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