April 26, 2024

"The days when Democrats could get away with thinking of Hispanics as one of 'their' minority groups are, or should be, over."

Writes Ruy Teixeira, in "Postcard from the Hispanic Working Class/Education polarization comes to America’s Latinos"  (The Liberal Patriot).
In terms of voting intentions, Biden leads by just one point among working-class Hispanics but by 39 points among their college-educated counterparts. Interestingly, this 38-point reverse class gap is actually larger than the class gap in this poll among whites (30 points).... And here’s something that should concentrate their mind when considering the working-class Hispanics problem and how seriously to take it. The simple fact of the matter is that there are far, far more working-class than college-educated Hispanics. According to States of Change data, Hispanic eligible voters nationwide are 78 percent working class. And working-class levels among Latinos are even higher in critical states like Arizona (82 percent) and Nevada (85 percent).

I'm giving this post my "Biden's racial nightmare" tag, though I can't remember what made me invent that tag and will need to publish this post and click on it to find out. 

UPDATE, right after posting: I now see why I created the tag. It's a pretty different topic, but I want to go back into it. It was August 13, 2020:

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris deploy the Charlottesville hoax to stir up racial pain and anger.

Here's the "Joe Biden and Kamala Harris Speech Transcript August 12: First Campaign Event as Running Mates."... 
But I'm reading the text this morning because I saw in a tweet that he was forefronting the Charlottesville "fine people" hoax. On his first day of campaigning with his running mate, he led with that. I say "he," but I don't really believe it's him. I think it's more likely that he's a foggy-minded figurehead, and other people have decided to frame the message like that. I consider these people — whoever they are — despicable. They have chosen quite deliberately to commit to a lie that is intended to make black people feel hated and they are doing it for political gain. 

As my earlier post about the tweet says, I blogged in April 2019, "If Biden does not come forward and retract [a video relying on the Charlottesville hoax] and apologize and commit himself to making amends, I consider him disqualified. He does not have the character or brain power to be President." Now, more than a year later, Biden has done the opposite. He's doubled down on the lie and he's making it the centerpiece of his campaign!

... This post is to look at the transcript of the speeches that Biden and Harris gave at their event yesterday and to pull out the Charlottesville quotes:
We have a racial justice crisis Donald Trump seeks only to inflame it with his politics of racist rhetoric and appeals to division. Today’s not only the day I’m proud to introduce Senator Kamala Harris as the vice presidential nominee of the Democratic Party. It’s also the third anniversary of that terrible day in Charlottesville. Remember? Remember what it felt like to see those neo-Nazis, close your eyes, and those Klansmen, white supremacists, coming out of fields...
... carrying lighted torches, faces contorted, bulging veins, pouring into the streets of a historic American city, spewing the same antisemitic bile we heard in Hitler’s Germany in the ’30s. Remember how it felt to see a violent clash ensue between those celebrating hate and those standing against it? It was a wake up call for all of us as a country. For me, it was a call to action. My father used to say, silence is complicity, not original to him, but he believed it. At that moment, I knew I couldn’t stand by and let Donald Trump, a man who went on to say when asked about what he thought he said, there were very fine people on both sides, “Very fine people on both sides.” No president of the United States of America has ever said anything like that, see him continuing to attack everything that makes America America. I knew we were in the battle for the soul of the nation.
That was in the middle of Biden's speech. This is from the end of Harris's speech:
Joe likes to say that character is on the ballot. And it’s true. When he saw what happened in Charlottesville three years ago today, he knew we were in a battle for the soul of our nation. And together with your help, that’s a battle we will win. Earlier this year, I said, “I do whatever Joe asks me to do.” And so now I’m asking you to do the same.
No! I'm not going to "do whatever Joe asks me to do," and I don't know why you're such a follower, Kamala. What if Joe gets something wrong? You're not going to challenge him? He's got something wrong about Charlottesville in that tweet last night when he said that Trump called the "white supremacists... with torches in hand and hate in their hearts... 'very fine people.'" You say "character is on the ballot." Show us character then!...

As for Biden, I can see that the speech isn't as bad as the tweet. The tweet repeats the lie. The speech cagily refrains from asserting that Trump called the white supremacists "fine people." The speech calls upon us to pull the facts up out of our own memory where, in many cases, the lie has taken root. He tells us "close your eyes." He seems to be hoping we will dopily drift into the false memory created by politicians and the media.

He did say, "No president of the United States of America has ever said anything like that." Well, now, that is true. Because Trump didn't say it.

I can't imagine what Biden could do to win my confidence. I'm not going to bother to put in a request this time, because I feel completely hopeless that he will try. He has decided to run on — his people have decided to run him on — fomenting racial division, fear, and hatred. He could have run on just not being Trump — the simple dream to make America normal again. But he has chosen an eyes-closed nightmare.
Wow. Now, it's 4 years later and he's doing the same thing — fomenting racial division, fear, and hatred when he could have run on just not being Trump, the simple dream to make America normal again.
I've gotten far away from my original post title here. Sorry. Too many nightmares.


RideSpaceMountain said...

"If you don't vote for me in 2024, you ain't no ways latinx breakfast tacos!"

- Memantine Joe

MadisonMan said...

Re: the tag. I figured it would have something to do with how Biden initially described Obama, the clean and articulate quote. Nope.

Sebastian said...

So, they don't like the invasion either?

Enigma said...

At one time the left thought Irish immigrants would give them a voting edge.

At one time the left thought Italian immigrants would give them a voting edge.

Now the left thinks that Latin American immigrants will give them a voting edge.

Hmmm? What is the take home message?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

American Hispanics are being displaced by Biden/Myorkas/Soros illegals.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

btw - The Democrats are now the offical WAR MACHINE Party.

The American left are all now joyfully singing the praises of American made bomb-making.

Democrats would rather build bombs than bridges. Of course democratxis could not build a bridge or fix a highway to save their Idiocracy - if they wanted to.

RideSpaceMountain said...

"At one time the left thought Irish immigrants would give them a voting edge.
At one time the left thought Italian immigrants would give them a voting edge.
Now the left thinks that Latin American immigrants will give them a voting edge.
Hmmm? What is the take home message?"

That democrats support anyone except current American citizens. They will always put future Americans first and current Americans second, and to do this they will always do whatever it takes to ensure the non-Americans they support become future Americans.

To have and/or keep power, they must always have a newer rube. They're circus carnies. Ponzi-scammers and con-artists. The democratic party is a America's biggest pyramid scheme. Scientology wishes it could be so successful.

Aggie said...

There's a third class of Hispanics that has been completely ignored in this story: The class of illegal immigrants that are being handed pamphlets by NGO workers south of the border, instructing them how to register to vote in the US. And exhorting them to vote for Joe Biden.

What are the numbers?

baghdadbob said...

Ruy Teixeira is the leftist best known as the originator of the "Great Replacement Theory" that is now re-purposed as an imagined extreme right-wing fever dream.

Hassayamper said...

I grew up in an area that has had a robust Hispanic presence since long before the American Revolution. Most of them are not fans of unfettered immigration from south of the border.

Every five years or so when I turn up to a homecoming football game or alumni reunion, I'm amazed at how much more conservative the Hispanics (and Indians) I knew in my high school classes and teams are now becoming.

Some of that may be due to age, but surely not all. The white women are becoming a lot more leftist as they get older, especially the divorcees and spinsters.

gilbar said...

so? How Long? before the dems are DEMANDING a wall?

Joe Smith said...

¿Quien es mas macho?

gilbar said...

American Hispanics are from Mexico.. Or Puerto Rico..
The "new" Latinos are Murderous Thugs from Honduras or Venezuela..
The "new: Latinos can't even write in spanish.. Let alone understand english..
Assuming (ASSUMING) that we return to era of having to sign absentee ballots; the "new" Latinos will have to sign with an "X"

Blacks dislike the new democrats
Hispanics dislike the new democrats
The ONLY People that like the new democrats are Affluent White Female Unmarried Leftists (AWFUL)

Leland said...

I realize this is mostly a topic about race, but I notice the class aspect that is at odds with that silly notion from yesterday that Biden is a man that represents the working class. Ruy Teixeira points out with polling that Biden is a man of the elites and not the working class.

Gusty Winds said...

Biden leads by just one point among working-class Hispanics but by 39 points among their college-educated counterparts.

More evidence that colleges are mind numbing left-wing propaganda farms.

The working class in America is now more diverse in its opinions and thinking than the college credentialed.

Universities create mind-numbing, group think drones. Students are dumber after they they get their degree than they were on the first day of freshman year. And holy shit, there's not many things dumber than an eighteen-year-old.

Left-wing, group think American universities are the #1 reason America is collapsing into chaos. Their shit then rolls downhill into HS, Jr. High, and grade school public education.

Enigma said...

@Althouse Wow. Now, it's 4 years later and he's doing the same thing — fomenting racial division, fear, and hatred when he could have run on just not being Trump, the simple dream to make America normal again.

When you've sold your soul to win (and defeat the supernatural Trump), one does not care about doubling down on a lie. Trump's legacy will be for ripping off the masks of the bumbling establishment sociopaths on the left and right. Whether that leads to reform and cleansing or government by a series of Biden-like stage-managed Praetorian emperors has yet to be determined.

I'm looking at the French Revolution and the later ideological flip-flops, foreign wars, and series of Napoleons as a likely outcome. Wealthy, spoiled cultures that have inherited success from their ancestors behave like stereotypical Old Money dunces.

Enigma said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Big Mike said...

Now, it's 4 years later and he's doing the same thing — fomenting racial division, fear, and hatred

@Alhouse, that same strategy worked for Obama in 2008 and 2012, and for Biden in 2020. Why you think they’d change what seems to be working? Only a resounding defeat, up and down the ticket will get Democrat strategists to reconsider.

robother said...

The most interesting polling data Teixeira discusses is the huge gap in between Hispanics with any college education and those with none. If you had any doubts about the primary role that every level of college now plays in indoctrinating students into Progressive Democrats for life, this should lay them to rest. My guess is it's a combination of peer and professorial pressure. Wise Latinas figure out that holding traditional views on borders, religion, gender is social (and academic) suicide, whereas becoming everyone's model Latinx is a ticket to open doors. As with so many other College-educated ethnics before them, they discover that one of the psychic benefits is contempt for those working class losers in your family and neighborhood you are leaving behind.

The college educated Hispanics are in fact "their minority group." This probably is the principal reason why the California Higher Ed system is rapidly dismantling merit-based admissions at every level. It's about the Hispanics more than the Blacks.

PM said...

Many Hispanics, if not personally, then through family/friends, are familiar with Catholicism. The Democrats' insistence on propagating gender stuff probably seems off to them. Add to that the Democrats' preoccupation with funding the plight of the blacks. Hispanics have a strong work ethic and are willing to do work other people consider menial. In CA, the day-workers who stand curbside in industrial areas or by off-ramps are all Hispanic. Legal or not, anyone willing to work, imo, is fundamentally American.

Bob Boyd said...

Highly educated Professional class whites don't like the working-class, look down on them as stupid and inferior, imagine they see in them all manner of hateful qualities, most of which are projected from themselves.
They take out their aggression on the white working-class because those are the only ones it's okay for them to hate. But working-class people of every stripe see the entitlement and elitism for what it is. Latinos don't want a pat on the head from these people. Like everyone, they want the respect they deserve, that they earn, unlike too many of the loudest members of the privileged class.

It seems Biden has completely lost the working-class vote for the Democratic Party and not just among whites, who as Althouse has pointed out, he openly demonizes and declares to be a threat to "our democracy". Working-class voters have been loyal to the Dems, but they aren't stupid. Biden's people apparently are though.

This bit of refreshingly concise political commentary was offered in Manhattan yesterday:

rehajm said...

…and there’s that stupid ‘reverse’ thing again. It’s a class gap, assholes….

Darkisland said...

C'mon S[ace Mountain.

Stop with the racist language. I know you were fake quoting and meant it at a joke, but it is hurtful and makes me feel unsafe

"Latinx" is cultural genocide and no laughing matter.

John Henry

Kevin said...

He has decided to run on — his people have decided to run him on — fomenting racial division, fear, and hatred.

You haven't seen anything yet.

Yes, that's Gavin Newsome's Instagram account.

Darkisland said...

There are 4 main "hispanic" groups in the US who can legally vote

Puerto Ricans/nyoricans

Other than a notional ability to speak Spanish, none of these groups has much of anything in common with the others.

So is there a breakdown of which "hispanic" groups favor which candidate?

John Henry

Steven Wilson said...

In 2019 I received an inquiry from Harvard about political attitudes and voting preferences etc. in the area where I lived. I no longer can locate the questionnaire but there was a space for comments which I filled out as follows:

"I am truly curious to know what you hope to learn from what I perceived to be a superficial survey. I live in flown over country and in a state that has flipped from Democrat to Republican in the past twenty years. We were accused of being racist for voting so strongly against Obama, but considering that he and his party vowed to shut down the coal industry and also expressed widespread opposition to all fossil fuel I would say we were just able to identify our enemies. I have seen this country pull apart in my seventy years of life due to identity politics. Pernicious Democrats and feckless Republicans. I don't like Donald Trump but I voted for him and will crawl over broken glass to vote for him again regardless of his opponent. You may think of me as deplorable and if so I welcome that label. My distaste for Trump's personal style does not any way cloud my judgment concerning his success as president. As Lincoln said of Grant, "I can't spare this man, he fights.

Furthermore, I would like to turn this survey on its head and query the two of you about the percentage of Democrat voters in your area, among your friends, neighbors, etc. I guarantee there is more diversity of thought and opinion in this backwater of West Virginia than there is among the faculty at Harvard. The only diversity that matters is diversity of opinion, and the definition of diversity that I have seen coming from the left in this country can best be expressed as a "a bunch of people of different melanin content marching in lockstep with the Democratic talking point of the day. That is not diversity that is simply a color palette useful for marketing ploys."

I stand by my assertions about diversity. Last night, in a state that went 70% for Trump in 2020 I played euchre and of the eight players whose politics I am know, five were Biden democrats. So, as I say, more diversity in my circle than in the Harvard faculty.

I have not, surprisingly, heard back from these people who were so interested in learning about my area.
I haven't heard back.

Big Mike said...

Plus, it’s dawning on Asians that, in the Democrat hierarchy of victimhood grievances, they’re pretty far down. Probably still above Jews but probably still quite a bit below Hispanics.

Static Ping said...

Part of the problem is "Hispanics" is not really a thing. It is an invented classification. It includes multiple racial groups from a large number of countries, many of which have limited cultural similarities other than language and religion. What does someone from Cuba have in common with someone from Colombia, and how do they mesh from someone from, say, Argentina? For that matter, how similar are Mexicans from African descent and Mexicans from Spanish descent? It's like saying that the English, the Spanish, and the Greeks are all the same because they are all European, or that the Chinese, the Iranians, and the Arabs are the same because they are from Asia.

Intersectionality demands that every individual be assigned to specific groups, which are then ranked on an oppressor/victim scale, just like good communists. A lot of these groups do not make sense, but that's not the point. The point is to produce an "us vs. them" mentality which then can be exploited.

Quayle said...

Sometimes I feel that we're being goaded to oppose and hate each other so they - pick your "they" - can tell us they're going to fight for us if we elect them.

"Vote for me! I'm going to save you from those guys over there."

You mean my neighbor Bob?

They start us to warring so they can make the case to be leaders. But they really don't care about much one way or the other, as long as they can stay in Washington DC in the power center.

Sometimes I feel like we're all suckers to be at each other's throats.

What if Washington DC declared a civil war and nobody came?

Bruce Hayden said...

“Puerto Ricans/nyoricans

“Other than a notional ability to speak Spanish, none of these groups has much of anything in common with the others.”

We almost exclusively see the Mexican-Americans out west, and they seem to be veering right at a pretty good clip. Yes, working class. But I have seen similar with working class Blacks.

Rocco said...

Ruy Teixeira said...
"Biden leads by just one point among working-class Hispanics but by 39 points among their college-educated counterparts."

Gusty Winds responded...
"More evidence that colleges are mind numbing left-wing propaganda farms. The working class in America is now more diverse in its opinions and thinking than the college credentialed."

George Orwell added in 1984...
"'If there was hope,' Winston wrote, 'it lies with the proles.'"

Bruce Hayden said...

“There's a third class of Hispanics that has been completely ignored in this story: The class of illegal immigrants that are being handed pamphlets by NGO workers south of the border, instructing them how to register to vote in the US. And exhorting them to vote for Joe Biden.”

You can see this in AZ. The corrupt Governor, AG, and Sec of State, all installed through very flagrant election fraud, are pushing this as hard as they can - despite it being quite illegal. Lara Trump is pushing hard for election integrity, but I fear that the Republicans there will, again, be fighting yesterday’s battles. In 2020, then SecState (now Governor) Katy Hobbs oversaw massive election fraud, similar to that in other stolen swing states - esp (illegal) mail in voting ballot stuffing and no signature verification or illegal voter removals from the voting rolls. Then, in 2022, they switched gears to making it almost impossible to read ballots (by reading them at a different size than printed) in Republican dominated precincts. This time, they appear to be illegally pushing illegals to register to vote (or at least have their ballots voted).

loudogblog said...

"Biden leads by just one point among working-class Hispanics but by 39 points among their college-educated counterparts."

So if you get a college degree you can't be considered "working-class?"

I have a college degree, but went to work as a theater technician. Also, most of my bosses and managers didn't have college degrees.

The whole "working-class/college-educated" thing is not an accurate way to separate people into groups.

Gunner said...

Biden appears outraged that people were exercising their freedom of speech in a city where people used to own slaves.

RideSpaceMountain said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
RideSpaceMountain said...


My sincerest apologies for offending you. I will use the globalist WEF-approved "Latine" from now on.

To the WEF-allied deepstate goons who monitor my online activity, please make sure that this correction appears in my social credit score for good-boy points...not all directives from sodomite-central go unheeded by this deplorable, no siree.

n.n said...

DEI una otra dia.

That said, diversity (i.e. colorjudgment, class bigotry) breeds adversity.

n.n said...

LatinZ to A, diverse, incoherent, and equivocal.

gilbar said...

looks like resdient Biden fears losing the Black vote too!
Biden Administration Shelves Plan to Ban Menthol Cigarettes
White House had been weighing health benefit of ban against angering some Black voters

I was Pretty Confident, that this one was NEVER going to fly.
The fact that the Biden residency Even proposed it shows that they are stupid beyond belief

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

We were told by the crap left media that "migrants" were supposedly given court dates for their asylum claims.

Now in Denver - the asylum claims are being jettisoned and no court appearance is required. Illegals all Move ahead to work permits and citizenship..right before the election!

gilbar said...

Serious Question:
*IF* the only voting block, that continues to support your fascist policies is AWFUL
affluent white female Unmarried leftists

Is it Physically possible to manufacture enough fraudulent votes to make mainstream media say that you won?

tcrosse said...

The impression I get here in the Southwest is that working-class Hispanics are unaware that they are oppressed. They have to go to college to learn that they are.

John henry said...

Space mountain apology accepted. I never thought you meant anything hurtful by it.

"latine" while less common is no less offensive and for the same genocidal reasons.

Thanks for understanding

John Henry

Leland said...

I agree with gilbar @3:14p and think we will find all sorts of vote counts suggesting Latinx voted heavily for Biden with only a few manufactured polls prior to the election showing it was even possible.

Iman said...

My lovely wife’s side of our family is Mexican-American and from what I can gather from occasional political discussions, about 75% of those of voting age will be voting for Trump. And they do have a keen interest in this election. That I have witnessed.

John henry said...

Sheesh leland

Would you talk about black people as n*****s?

Latinx is just as demeaning.

Perhaps more so given it's genocidal nature

Ditto latine

And I will continue to call out anyone who uses it here. I would hope that Ann would ban it, as she does the n-word.

John Henry

Amadeus 48 said...

"Wow. Now, it's 4 years later and he's doing the same thing — fomenting racial division, fear, and hatred when he could have run on just not being Trump, the simple dream to make America normal again."

I am not surprised by this, and I hope you aren't either. Biden is Biden--empty, stupid, and vicious. He has been that way for his entire career. He makes me sick to my stomach.

Hey Skipper said...

Steven Wilson, that was extremely well said.

Mikey NTH said...

The mistake being made is assuming that American blacks and Hispanics are the same because they are "people of color". There's a big difference between their stories. Hispanics are more like Irish and Polish immigrants because they came here voluntarily. The slavery and Jim Crow legacy is not part of the Hispanic story.

The Real Andrew said...

Haven’t read the comments, so others may have said this already.

But why is Trump responsible for what happened in Charlottesville, and obligated to disown it. But Biden isn’t guilty of all the anti-Semitic bullshit going on across the country?

Mason G said...

"But why is Trump responsible for what happened in Charlottesville, and obligated to disown it. But Biden isn’t guilty of all the anti-Semitic bullshit going on across the country?"

Easy. Trump is a Republican and Biden is a Democrat.

The Vault Dweller said...

I'm not Latino but I have a few friends who are. And while it certainly isn't the primary factor of any political switch, I do not think woke white lefty people appreciate how much damage trying to make LatinX a norm did to Latinos views of the left.

Kirk Parker said...

The Real Andrew @7:27pm,

Because (R). No other reason needed.

Mary Beth said...

those Klansmen, white supremacists, coming out of fields

Is "fields" the code word for "SUVs rented by the FBI"?

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