"There is no new information there, but Trump is listening as his own words about grabbing women’s genitals are recounted.... Trump, listening to a tape of himself from fall 2016 in which he says no one has more respect for women than he, mouths: 'True.'"
I'm following "Live Updates: Trump Trial Poised to Begin, a Criminal Case Without Precedent/Jury selection is set to start as Donald J. Trump faces charges he faked business records to cover up a sex scandal before winning the presidency. The judge declined Mr. Trump’s request to recuse himself" (NYT).
५८ टिप्पण्या:
Prosecutor recycles agitprop. Color me unsurprised.
"a lengthy recounting of Trump's comments on the infamous Access Hollywood tape."
And this is relevant how?
"There is no new information there"
So just a prog muddying the waters?
I really don't care do u?
"Live Updates: Trump Trial Poised to Begin, a Criminal Case Without Precedent..."
So- a day ending in "Y", then?
I admit, I didn't really pay much attention, but as I recall, they key phrase is "They LET YOU GRAB THEM".. not that you could just do it regardless of the woman's perception.
How is that possibly relevant to an accounting "fraud" case????
Yeah, how is this relevant?
Reversible error right there. Inflaming the jury in a case about bookkeeping.
This type of trial was common in the Soviet Union-but everyone understood exactly what was going on. The totalitarians were transparent and open about it.
That it is happening here is another reason why people no longer respect the law. It is a completely corrupt system.
But like all things involving trump, it highlights who is pro freedom, and who is happy with an authoritarian nightmare-as long as they are on the winning side.
The Judge is also allowing the prosecution to bring in Former Playmate of the Year Karen McDougal to testify she had a year long affair with Trump.
"Ms. McDougal, did you fuck former President Donald J. Trump?"
"Yes, I fucked his brains out dozens of times."
If I even go on trial, I hope Karen McDougal is called to testify she fucked my brains out too.
That was it for Trump for Althouse, if I remember right.
Did they even get the quote right? It was a remark about the motivation of women, touched by fame; not about something he did. Althouse was always after Limbaugh cites.
As for respect, I have more respect for women than they do for themselves. See Derrida and Christine MacDonald "Choreographies" where the point is made.
The liberated women are aiming to be second-rate men instead of women.
How are those things relevant to the issues in this case other than to dirty tramp up in a way that should be in a inadmissible.
Kangaroo prosecutor pulls irrelevant tape out of her pouch.
Nobody knows what the crime is but it's unsavory, like the unsavory aftermath of Helen of Troy's whoring around, as Anne Carson put it.
Good comparison, Stormy Daniels to Helen of Troy. We need to work out the cast. Bragg as Priam?
I"m weak on the story except for the horse.
Blogger rhhardin said...
Did they even get the quote [grap 'em by the pussy] right ? It was a remark about the motivation of women, touched by fame; not about something he did.
Now we know the entire point to this trial is just to regenerate brief, salacious headlines about about Trump that were already part of the 2016 campaign.
The jury is really being asked if Trump used his wealth and fame to fuck beautiful women who made themselves available to him (because of his wealth and fame).
"Guilty as charged your honor!!"
Are we really supposed to believe women don't throw themselves at rich and famous men. Evil Knievel said in his prime, women were waiting outside his hotel to fuck him. And he took advantage of it. One woman made her boyfriend wait outside the hotel door. Gene Simmons says he fucked 3000 women. Wilt Chamberlain...same number. You think if they weren't rich and famous they'd still have accomplished that? And yes, I consider it an accomplishment.
rhhardin is correct about the context of the Trump quote. He was almost telling Billy Bush, "My young Jedi, now that you're young and famous, you're not going to believe how many women you can have."
Even though Trump was correct?? Look at Hugh Hefner. Tell me again that all those beautiful women wanted a piece of him for his good looks. He looked and acted like a lizard. Fame whores will do anybody to get famous. Ask Harvey Weinstein.
Disgusting waste of time and an attempt by the Democrat Leftwing in NYC to decide who America can vote for. The judge should have recused himself. He's givin Money to Democrats and his daughter is a big Leftwing democrat Activist.
Of course, the real problem is the DC republicans have said nothing. They don't want Trump and they'd love it if NYC Lawyers knock him out of the race and put him in jail. Then they can continue the Uniparty agenda with their good friend Joe Biden.
Surely this isn't being recounted in front of jurors, is it? I thought today was the start of jury selection?
Seriously- if this is being recounted in front of the jury, this is already reversible error.
Strange... I have much respect for women to but... I sure do love their boobs...
And as for men.. when you have them by the balls their hearts and minds will follow...
Stormy Monday ~(h/t Allman Brothers)
"All I can do is tell the truth."
Donald Trump
Words fail.
He'll soon be entirely orange.
It is true that some very hot women, make themselves available to rich and famous men like Trump. It is also true that rich and famous men take advantage of that and enjoy themselves.
The thing about Bill Clinton, Prince Andrew, and all the other insecure scumbags that flew to Epstein's Island to fuck trafficked young women is, these guys are all dorks and douchebags.
You're the former President of the United States (Clinton), and you're member of the Royal Family (Andrew)...and you have to fly to Epstein's Island to get laid? WTF is wrong with you??
Something tells me that the moral turpitude card is going to be played by the prosecution. They will fuck themselves up good if they do that.
Alvin the Chiponhisshouldermunk Bragg believes prosecuting a misdemeanor (at worst) paper filing charge against a former president is more important than holding rapists and felonious assault miscreants accountable.
The corksoaker prosecutes the victimless “crime” perp (uses the serial plagiarizer Cohen to do it) and frees the violent criminals, usually same day.
Again… Fuck. These. People.
What an enormous waste. Except for Trump, of course, who will have a great stage and likely will increase his polling numbers.
I never understood the upset over his comment. Was anyone unaware that there are starfuckers who are turned on by celebrity and/or wealth? Or hoping for a sugar daddy/momma. It must seem surreal at times, even if you've grown up with it.
Partisans like to pretend Trump is admitting to sexual assault, but he's just commenting on our celebrity culture and a common female reaction to being in the presence of a famous man (i.e., Henry Kissinger, "power is the best aphrodisiac").
You can disagree with him (though he is clearly mostly right), but it's not a confession of assault or a value judgement about women.
They recount Trump talking about groupies who will "let you" grab their privates, in a trial involving a woman who, for a fee, will let you film her privates.
And we must all agree this is a VERY SERIOUS MATTER for the republic.
Good lord, they're saying Trump fell asleep! Not unprecedented but definitely not a good look for the old geezer who is looking to distinguish himself from the other of geezer.
The goal is to get a victory over trump in court, not worry about losing the appeal, which will happen after the election. He is already deemed guilty (of not being a democrat), so any negative consequences to him are justified. Just ask Vicky. This is a process punishment and proof that many people in America don't support the ideals of the country if they stand in the way of their agenda. (which means they don't support the ideals.) Those of us who care need to take specific, intentional action to make such activities too costly for the perpetrators to repeat, otherwise they too would be subject to such actions. The Constitution and the rule of law is meant to protect you, destroying it leaves you vulnerable when the other side has the ball.
Reminds me of the January 6 Committee. Including inflammatory and irrelevant material just for the sake of audience manipulation.
Interestingly, the NYT coverage of its hated enemy’s trial is not behind the paywall.
Just now, I happened to watch the 1954 movie Seven Brides for Seven Brothers. The movie's central plot is that six unmarried brothers kidnap six young women for a mass marriage -- just like the Sabines used to do in Roman times. Although the six women initially object to this group rape, they soon agree to it, quite happily.
Basically, the brothers just had to grab the women by their pussies.
Does the prosecution want this to be overturned on appeal?
Is it because what happens after the election is inconsequential to what the judge and prosecution are trying to do?
Trump didn't say that he grabbed women by their privates. He said they will let you if you are rich and famous. He's a boorish jackass, so maybe it's not a big leap to think he has actually done so, but we should be accurate with what he said. And it's not like groupies don't exist, so his statement was pretty accurate.
Trump stated the truth about Hollywood. Hollywood is a cesspit of sexual predator, especially Hollywood executives and stars. Hollywood can't stand to have that truth exposed. That's one of the reasons they hate him.
It is true that some very hot women, make themselves available to rich and famous men like Trump.
And in Althouse’s make-believe world the fact that this happens is 100% the fault of men.
John Hinderaker probably tried 100 jury trials in his career. Over at Power Line, he agrees that the prosecutor's statement is irrelevant and never should have been allowed.
Like I said, reversible error but that doesn't do Trump any good now.
why aren't matt lauer or les moonves on the stand, rhetorical question,
"Just now, I happened to watch the 1954 movie Seven Brides for Seven Brothers."
Back in Fall 1975 or Spring 76, I experienced a peculiar coincidence regarding that movie. I attended the University of Florida, and there was a large Student's Union not far from my dorm. The S.U. had a movie theater on its top floor where movies were shown, changing daily, often two movies each day. One could pick up a printed schedule of that semester's movies and plan one's on-campus movie going for days and weeks ahead. (These were not current movies being shown in the commercial theaters, but Hollywood movies from all eras, foreign movies, etc.) In order to have the cans of movie reels shipped to the theater in time to meet the scheduled date of each showing, they had to make arrangements weeks/months ahead of time to ensure proper timing of delivery.
I saw weeks beforehand that "Seven Brides for Seven Brothers" would be playing on a particular evening, and, as a fan of the movie, I planned ahead of time and I went to see the movie. Afterward, I walked back to my dorm. Before heading up to my room, I went into the common room, where students could gather to hang out or to watch television.* When I walked into the common room, I looked at the tv, and I was flabbergasted to see "Seven Brides for Seven Brothers" was in progress. (I was doubly astonished that someone had turned the channel to the network that was showing the movie! Such movies were not the typical choice of the late-teen-aged/early 20's students who lived in the dorm, to say the least!)
It just goes to show...something.
*(That's where I saw the premier and subsequent first season episodes of "Saturday Night Live" in 1975.)
"Trump stated the truth about Hollywood. Hollywood is a cesspit of sexual predator, especially Hollywood executives and stars. Hollywood can't stand to have that truth exposed. That's one of the reasons they hate him."
Oh, please. Such knowledge has been known even by schoolchildren for decades now. It's hardly a big secret the Hollywood bigwigs believe they are "concealing" from anyone. It's also not as if Trump has ever been reluctant to socialize with sexual predators.
a woman who, for a fee, will let you film her privates.
I mean, I've tried not to pay any attention whatsoever to the details here (such as Daniels' former profession), so it may not be true that she's a "former porn actress" as every single quoted story seems to say... She might simply have posted a nude selfie to a boyfriend and been betrayed or something.
But for the sake of argument, I'm going to posit that she really is a "former porn actress." Two things:
1. My understanding of porn is that the filming would not just have been of her privates sitting there minding their own business. And
2. It seems awfully likely to me that if it were Biden instead of Trump who nailed her twenty years ago (is that the story?), and the same scenario had played out thereafter, she would be instead a "long-retired sex worker" and the "hush money" would have been a "contractual stipend" and the "sex scandal" would have been a "short-lived romantic involvement during a brief period in which Mr. Biden and Dr. Biden mutually considered themselves to be free to pursue such romances, though they are now and have for years been exclusively and happily monogamous. In fact, Mr. Biden is happy to recount his decades-long and continuing wooing of Dr. Jill, and its beneficial effects on their marriage."
"There is no new information there,"
My first reaction was the same as others here: What the Hell does this have to do with a fraud case?
Later my Devil's workshop got up to speed and I wondered why object to letting it in? Think of the fun our President Emeritus, through his lawyers, could have with it.
He could bring out that he never said that he did grab anyone, just that they would let him. He could introduce video of women throwing their underwear at Tom Jones in concert. He could introduce Jerry Reed's song about how women would through hotel keys at him on stage. He could mention the rumor about Margaret Trudeau mom blowing all 5 Rolling Stones in one serial go in a Toronto hotel room. Stories, with art, about the Plaster Casters of the 60s. Groupies in general. Lots of other stuff like that he could bring up.
If they are going to have a circus, go with it.
Unfortunately, the judge decreed that the prosecutor can't bring up the tape.
Just by way of no harm, Tom Jones was married 59 years until his wife's death in 2016. Jerry Reed was married for 50 years till his death. In both cases to the same women.
John Henry
Or perhaps read this from 1960, Randall Patrick McMurphy in One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
It could illustrate how far back the predatory nature of some women, with celebrities or even just non-celebrity but hunky guys goes:
“Said she was seventeen, Doc, and she was plenty willin‘.”
“A court doctor’s examination of the child proved entry, repeated entry, the record states ”
“So willin‘, in fact, I took to sewing my pants shut.”
“The child refused to testify in spite of the doctor’s findings. There seemed to be intimidation. Defendant left town shortly after the trial.”
“Hoo boy, I had to leave. Doc, let me tell you”—he leans forward with an elbow on a knee, lowering his voice to the doctor across the room—“that little hustler would of actually burnt me to a frazzle by the time she reached legal sixteen. She got to where she was tripping me and beating me to the floor."
His lawyer could then ask PEDJT, on the stand "President Trump, did you ever have to resort to sewing your pants shut?"
Give 'em a circus if that is what they want.
John Henry
In other words they don't have anything so they are trying to damage his standing by bringing up anything he has said or done that they consider damaging. If they had anything they would have started with it.
And speaking of women tripping men, I watched "Shameless" Ep 1 last week. The British version and the American version. Don't do that. They used the exact same script, word for word, in both and I found it annoying.
In any event, in both, one of the woman leads is walking home with her husband from a night out and she comments on the hunkiness of someone at the club. "Oh, yeah?", sez he?
"Yeah", she answers, "I was thinking about tripping him up and falling under him."
Before anyone complains that I have a bad attitude about women, not all women are like this or above. Not even very many on a percentage basis. But enough are that every man, and especially celebs and hunky men, faces some danger every day.
Just today at Insty:
An Amherst student walked his girlfriend's roommate home then passed out, drunk, on her couch. She raped him orally. 2 years later, she complained and a kangaroo student court (Notice a theme?) expelled him from the school.
He is suing and good on him.
John Henry
Megyn Kelley did a pretty good podcast a couple weeks ago Episode 751 about sexual predators in Hollywood in general and Nickleodeon in particular.
John Henry
I never understood the upset over his comment.
Because he - by stating the truth - made the AWFLs look bad. They know what he said. They know it to be true. They just didn't like it being stated publicly.
And the left-wing guys who take his comment out of context? They're simply jealous.
Blogger JaimeRoberto said...
He's a boorish jackass, so maybe it's not a big leap to think he has actually done so,
Or, and here's another way of looking at it, after all these years and foofaraw not one woman, other than the loon Carroll, has come forward to claim, truthfully or not, that he ever grabbed them. With or without permission.
So, we can certainly make up our own minds about whether he is boorish. (I vote no. Or at least no more than 90% of all guys) but there is no evidence to lead us to think he has ever grabbed a woman.
John Henry
Chuck!'s keyboard gonna get all gummed up.
It's also not as if Trump has ever been reluctant to socialize with sexual predators.
Name names. Or withdraw your slanderous comment.
Or, and here's another way of looking at it, after all these years and foofaraw not one woman, other than the loon Carroll, has come forward to claim, truthfully or not, that he ever grabbed them. With or without permission.
Well, that is simply not true. Ivana, in her initial divorce filing accused him of rape. Even if you believe that he was just stated a simple fact (that famous people can grab women by the pussy) and Trump himself would never do that, he still recounted another incident in the same tape:
"I moved on her, and I failed. I'll admit it.
I did try and fuck her. She was married.
And I moved on her very heavily. In fact, I took her out furniture shopping. She wanted to get some furniture. I said, "I'll show you where they have some nice furniture." I took her out furniture—I moved on her like a bitch. But I couldn't get there. And she was married. Then all of a sudden I see her, she's now got the big phony tits and everything. She's totally changed her look."
And at least 18 others have accused him of sexual harassment or assault.
Oh, please. Such knowledge has been known even by schoolchildren for decades now. It's hardly a big secret the Hollywood bigwigs believe they are "concealing" from anyone. It's also not as if Trump has ever been reluctant to socialize with sexual predators.
Yes, but Trump said it out loud, and the Hillary campaign thought it was a gotcha against Trump. The feminists, both female and soy boys, were out raged that Trump said the truth, but they were never going to vote for him. They all misread his comment about him personally doing the grabbing, but he never said that. They just projected what the sexual deviants of Hollywood were doing onto Trump.
Cocksuckers all. Democrat politicians are all scum. Same with 90% of republicans.
Thanks for that link Freder.
I encourage everyone to read that.
My favorite is:
"Jill Harth said she had dinner with Trump and her then-boyfriend, George Houraney, in 1992 when Trump allegedly tried to put his hands between her legs. She alleged he also tried to kiss her during a tour of his Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida a month later when she and Houraney were there to celebrate solidifying a business contract.
Harth filed a lawsuit in 1997 alleging that Trump groped her and sexually harassed her, but she withdrew the suit, she says, as a condition of settling a separate financial dispute with him.
Harth’s lawsuit was reported in New York’s Daily News in 1997, and LawNewz published a post on its website in February 2016 revisiting the suit. After its publication, LawNewz reported that Trump subsequently called to deny the allegations. “It’s ridiculous, I never touched this woman,” LawNewz quoted Trump as saying.
In a New York Times article published a month before the 2016 election, Harth acknowledged that, even after she had accused Trump of sexual misconduct, she briefly dated him in 1998.
The Trump campaign also released emails from 2015 in which Harth, who now owns a cosmetics company, solicited the candidate for opportunities to do his hair and makeup. The Hill reported in December 2017 that Harth acknowledged sending the messages. That report came on the heels of another story in The Hill, which reported that after Harth publicly aired her allegations during the campaign, an unidentified donor came forward to pay the balance of a mortgage on Harth’s New York apartment."
Clearly, she will never rise above the trauma.
Certainly, Trump has far more respect for women than feminist Democrats who see nothing wrong with men who "identify" as women (identification = bald-faced + shit-eating grin) to rob them of opportunity as athletes, not to mention convicts who bullshit their way into women's prisons and parolee halfway houses.
Seriously… DA refuses to prosecute serious felonies and releases - same day - violent criminals to continue wreaking havoc.
Same DA elevates a victimless paper filing from a misdemeanor to 34 felonies… not abby normal at all
JaimeRoberto said...
Trump didn't say that he grabbed women by their privates. He said they will let you if you are rich and famous.
crucial to note = 'for free' absent in this formulation = hence the trial I suppose
All TDS afflicted women, girls, and likewise vapors-prone have their gazes affixed to their flat screens. For Trump it’s the tyranny of the female gays.
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