Said Bill Maher, criticizing the mainstream commentators who endlessly express negativity toward Trump, quoted in "Bill Maher Defends Trump Voters in Contentious Katie Couric Sit-Down" (Daily Beast)(video at the link).
Maher is right. The media pundits should not be aiming disrespect and contempt at the millions of Americans who support Trump. They are voters, and they are human beings. The self-important experts ought at least to pretend to care about understanding and reaching them.
७४ टिप्पण्या:
Luckily, Couric was "tactful" about Maher's heresy. Everyone can nod their heads and ignore him.
I think that perhaps General McClellan also thought that he might need to try to understand the point of view of the boys in gray at Antietam.
"Maher is right. The media pundits should not be aiming disrespect and contempt at the millions of Americans who support Trump. "
But they enjoy it so.
The Woke Democrat era ends not because of Trump, but because the do-or-die zealots force a critical mass of principled/center/sane Democrats out of the Party. Tulsi Gabbard, Joe Rogan, Bari Weiss, Matt Taibbi, Elon Musk, every Jew that doesn't want to be killed, Mr. "I am a Berliner" at NPR, and now the turtle-slow (but everyone saw it coming) Maher.
"The media pundits should not be aiming disrespect and contempt at the millions of Americans who support Trump."
You know, if you were paying those filthy, criminal scum-buckets, your opinion about what they should do might be important to them. Oh, wait, actually, you are paying them. You are a paid subscriber. I guess I am mistaken about what you want, and so are you. Carry on!
The self-important experts ought at least to pretend to care about understanding and reaching them.
No. What a stupid thing to say. That would be unconscionable. These people are evil and racist and Nazis. No option should be dismissed that would rid ourselves of these Neanderthals that infest our country. Thank God Biden is jailing them and importing better citizens. Hopefully we can create a permanent majority of enlightened people who are immune to the misinformation spewed by these reprehensible excuses for human beings.
"Contentious Katie Couric Sit-Down"
Way back in 2016, Michael Moore pointed out the cross-over between Trump supporters and Bernie supporters. But Trump supporters are beyond the pale while Bernie supporters are tolerable, even laudible, so long as they knuckle under in the end.
We have a Left that is contemptuous of the Workers and Peasants. Marx would not approve.
Some, Select [Black] Lives Matter. It's a Choice... uh, choice, why would they change their religious footing NOW? All's fair in lust and abortion.
“Because what they see on the other side, to them, is even more dangerous.“
This. The left has completely lost touch with the basics of right and wrong.
Couric in her typical cheerleader bitch attitude said, "“The socio-economic disparities are a lot and class resentment is a lot and anti-intellectualism and elitism is what is driving many of these anti-establishment [people] — which are Trump voters — so, I think that is a huge problem that we have to address,”
So basically Couric said Trump voters are jealous and stupid.
Is there anything more annoying than a self proclaimed "intellectual". Anyone here think Katie Couric is and intellectual? Sweetheart. You got the job on the Today show because you had a nice smile and good legs. Without those two attributes your "intellect" wouldn't have landed you the job.
At least this ding-bat recognizes anti-elitist is anti-establishment...but Couric wants to address the problem, not by fixing the totalitarian corrupt attitudes of the establishment elites, but the convincing, or perhaps forcefully re-programming Trump supporters into buying her bullshit.
See you next Tuesday Katie!!
The Left doesn't care that millions of Americans passionately want Trump to win. They know it is the bag with all the cheating they have planned.
Our Civil War starts with our Bastille Moment when Trump is broken out of an NYC jail. It will get worse from there.
I don't want this, but the Left pushes and pushes and is NEVER held accountable. "There is no evidence of election fraud." DDB: No one investigates it.
"The self-important experts ought at least to pretend to care about understanding and reaching them."
They'll likely never care about them [Trump voters] but they have reached them. Trump voters are not like the leftists who despise them- they have been listening to what their opponents [those self-important experts] want to do, and have dismissed their wacko ideas as a load of crap.
"Maher is right. The media pundits should not be aiming disrespect and contempt at the millions of Americans who support Trump. "
The Professors and administrators in the University of Wisconsin system do the same thing and have the same attitude. So do public school teachers. But deplorables are still forced to still support them and help pay their salaries.
Fuck all ya'll.
The boomerang effect is a clear and progressive risk. Stop while we're still viable.
The media pundits should not be aiming disrespect and contempt at the millions of Americans who support Trump.
Yet your commenters aim disrepect and contempt at the millions of Biden supporters. And you don't say a word.
The Trump supporters compared eight years of Obama bin Biden, saw Hillary as a continuation and said no. This year we are going to have a choice between the last four years and the previous for years and for those not on the government/academia grift, the comparison is stark and obvious. Are you better off now than four years ago?
"The media pundits should not be aiming disrespect and contempt at the millions of Americans who support Trump."
They show disrespect and contempt for us, and the feeling is mutual. We’re tuned them out and their ratings have fallen. Lower ratings mean lower advertising revenue, which hits them in the paycheck. Some (not enough) have lost their jobs as media outlets downsize or go out of business. Of course they hate us. Our hating them back is costing them money and jobs. They’d much rather get more money while still hating us, but we refuse to play along. As far as I’m concerned, they can ESAD.
The mainstreamers promoted Trump. I'll believe they're sincere now when they pay a price for what they did then.
From the article: For “lots of people,” Maher theorized, it’s not as though they actually like Trump. “But he’s all that stands between us and madness.”
Mahar finally gets it. The GOPe and Democrats are madness. The CIA and FBI are madness. Our public schools are madness. Our universities are...holy shit...absolutely insane.
All this talk about a "Trump" cult is bullshit. Name anyone else with the willingness and resources to stand up to the madness we see in modern America. This is where Trump stands alone.
There are a lot of articles out there about this interview. You can see Katie Couric has no clue what Mahar is talking about. She's a ding-bat, and an ugly, witchy woman.
Enigma said...
The Woke Democrat era ends not because of Trump, but because the do-or-die zealots force a critical mass of principled/center/sane Democrats out of the Party.
Not quite. The Woke Democrat era ends when those who think they are part of the Elite find out they are really not part of the Elite. Then the whole edifice crumbles.
It's coming, but I think we still have a little farther to go.
I'm more interested in defending Trump than defending Trump voters.
The trial presence requirement is forcing Trump into a regular daily travel pattern and an unheard level of direct exposure in public.
The responsibility of the SS and the country for providing security for Presidents, present and former, should override the local Judge's demands.
And it would for any other man.
LLR-democratical And Violent Homosexual Rage Rape Fantasist Chuck: "I think that perhaps General McClellan also thought that he might need to try to understand the point of view of the boys in gray at Antietam."
A thought you ought to share with the increasing %'s of Latinos and blacks supporting Trump and republicans.
They would be fascinated to listen to you, a white leftist democrat, whitesplain to them how they are now confederates.
But then, tbey've already woken up as to you democraticals have used them for decade after decade.
Something tells me your reception would be less than cordial...and your lies about being a PGA Rules hawk won't gain you as much traction as it does over at the MI democrat campaign headquarters breakroom.
The self-important experts ought at least to pretend to care about understanding and reaching them.
@Althouse, please tell me you are not calling for more “Gorillas in the Mist” articles like what Michelle Cottle wrote.
Couric was a useful ditz, happy to do Zucker's bidding at 7AM EST with a 'Don't you mean to say...' of cut off the target 5 seconds into the answer of her stupid question....
Maher is a ditz, a life devoted to legalizing weed. Now that he's got it he can sit back and enjoy a toke while the world burns. Good on him for pointing out you don't win hearts and minds by attacking Trump voters...
You're a ditz if you possess respect for any of the institutions that have been killed, skinned and partisans are wearing the hide and demanding respect....
Gusty Winds: "All this talk about a "Trump" cult is bullshit. Name anyone else with the willingness and resources to stand up to the madness we see in modern America. This is where Trump stands alone."
Someone should have told the DeSantis supporters this basic truth.
Freder Freder Frederson, you're doing apples/oranges - "media pundits"/"your commenters."
Are you better off now than four years ago?
The other day I filled up my car’s tank and the price of the gas was $3.599 — twice what I paid ($1.799) at its lowest point when Trump was President. My Social Security’s COLA has not kept up with inflation, and my pension is fixed. So I’m worse off.
All this talk about a "Trump" cult is bullshit. Name anyone else with the willingness and resources to stand up to the madness we see in modern America. This is where Trump stands alone.
You mean the same guy who said this:
“It represented such a big portion of the success of this country. Gettysburg, wow. I go to Gettysburg’s Pennsylvania to look and to watch, and the statement of Robert E. Lee, who’s no longer in favor, did you ever notice that? No longer in favor. ‘Never fight up him, me boys. Never fight up hill,’ he said. Wow. That was a big mistake. He lost his great general.”
The media pundits should not be aiming disrespect and contempt at the millions of Americans who support Trump.
Freder at 3:19:
Yet your commenters aim disrepect and contempt at the millions of Biden supporters. And you don't say a word.
And you have made our point, thank you. Of course we disrespect you. We are partisans and we honest about it. We don't even have to pretend to be neutral.
The media purports to be neutral but they are all on the other side.
"The media pundits should not be aiming disrespect and contempt at the millions of Americans who support Trump."
LOL. Contempt is their business model.
"They are voters, and they are human beings."
So what? They are deplorable. Nuf said.
"The self-important experts ought at least to pretend to care about understanding and reaching them."
Why? Prog hegemony means not having to pretend or care.
Progs know that, when he's done posing as heterodox, Maher will fall in line like all their sheep. Cuz Orange Man Bad.
You would burn the world down just so Donald could stand on top of the rubble. Such as the state of your mental disease.
Freder whines that Trump supporters "aim disrepect and contempt at the millions of Biden supporters." The above is a verbatim comment that Howard the Fool wrote in the David Harsanyi thread, addressing Trump supporters. Freder, you ignorant lout, you get as you give. I view you with contempt because you are contemptible.
It's not just the media pundits who are insensitive to Trump voters--it's also the millions of women who personally despise Trump and let that hatred blind them to what the Dems are teaching and preaching these days.
"The self-important experts ought at least to pretend to care about understanding and reaching them."
Why? Would you prefer phoniness? Would it make you more comfortable if they tried to con the rubes?
A person can't hide that level of loathing and contempt, especially if they truly don't believe the object of their scorn deserves any better.
Hate-mongers are ugly people. If what they say makes you feel uncomfortable, well, good. It should.
Katie Couric laughs.
"Yet your commenters aim disrepect and contempt at the millions of Biden supporters. And you don't say a word."
IDK about disrespecting Biden supporters; I see that disrespect aimed at Biden himself.
You specifically engender disrespect here not because you are a Biden supporter, but because you are so nasty.
I’m not a fan of Couric or Maher, they are both deplorables. But reading this thread and several other posts and commentsfrom the divine Ms. Althouse and her audience, the true question has been asked in multiple permutations; are you better off under Trump or Biden and the clear answer from the facts on the ground is Trump. Less inflation, cheaper energy, no (new) wars, less IRS, less spying on Americans, less corruption, etc., etc., etc.
Yet your commenters aim disrepect and contempt at the millions of Biden supporters. And you don't say a word.
It's because you earned it, Freder.
It's getting very, very personal.
Nice to see the usual suspects here, chiming in to show that they still don't get it.
The NYT story seen earlier today on 'the MAGAverse' is another one that reminds me of the similarities between people that are MAGA fans, and the old Tea Party advocates. Solidly Middle Class, polite in their gatherings, observant of the rules, respectful to authority. Tea Party rallies were known for their friendliness, their practice of leaving the rally grounds clean and free of litter or damage, for instance. The Trump rallies are very similar in this regard, perhaps a bit more diverse, but still keeping to the gentility-of-tone. It's nice to be nice, an old acquaintance used to say - and it got him far in business.
The Pundit Class learned their sense of superiority in University, I think, and they seem to have not grown past their sophomore year, when every kid gets edgy and holds their parents in contempt for being too staid. They're still being contemptuous, and at the same time, unaware that their object sees this and understands it for what it is - and chooses a different level instead.
The Pundit Class is convinced of their superiority, that they are above the fray. But it is mistake for them to think they're on the High Road - or that they're out of reach.
GatorNavy, neither Maher or Couric is a deplorable. They're both rich libtard Democrat Party propagandists. Do you even know what a deplorable is?
The Stalinist left be nice? I learned a long time ago - they are not nice.
tcrosse said...
We have a Left that is contemptuous of the Workers and Peasants. Marx would not approve.
Marx would also be flummoxed to see his disciples today arguing today's the Workers and Peasants **have too much stuff**, and use gobs of electricity, gas and oil to lead lives he---who spoke of "subsistance wages" and the "idiocy of rural life"---could never imagine.
For “lots of people,” Maher theorized, it’s not as though they actually like Trump. “But he’s all that stands between us and madness.”
That was the best part.
yes - many people do not like Trump - for various reasons. (no - I'm not talking hatred)
Just ordinary men and women who don't really like the guy. but yes - secretly some of the "dislike Trump" crowd are going to vote Trump.
I heard Trump speak the other day and he used an incorrect word to describe the judge. Just dumb!
Doesn't change the fact that Trump is all we have to save us from the corrupt and insane open border liar left. and the vacuous and dangerous hack-D media that includes a-holes like Couric.
Nah, then I'd have to pretend to care about understanding and reaching the experts. Let's just stick to mutual disrespect and contempt. It's more honest, at least.
Are you better off now than four years ago?
You do realize that four years ago was close to the height of the Covid pandemic. I think almost everybody is better off.
Wow, Freder, what an astonishing reality you live in. I didn't know all of us Trump-supporting Althouse commenters were paid political pundits.
For what it is worth- we treat you with utter disrespect because you are just that fucking stupid and insipid.
And there’s a different way to do this...
Do what?
I would sincerely like to thank all of you for demonstrating my point of view.
Our Civil War starts with our Bastille Moment when Trump is broken out of an NYC jail. It will get worse from there.
MAGA need also to thwart blockade of 21 Bridges or accomplish full takeover!
Pretend to care? These experts are so swelled up with their own hubris they can't even fake caring. That's the sure path to a downfall, and if we're lucky it will involve the experts having pratfalls on the way down.
cubanbob said...
"Are you better off now than four years ago?"
Four years ago there was no toilet paper at the store. my mail was arriving two weeks late, and the Commander In Chief was telling me to drink bleach.
For “lots of people,” Maher theorized, it’s not as though they actually like Trump. “But he’s all that stands between us and madness.”
@Gusty Winds, agreed. But the mistake Maher makes is that he thinks Trump supporters are moved by his hatred of Trump, and the companion hatred hurled in Trump's direction academics and newsmedia and Democrats. Shock of all shocks, Trump supporters -- including me -- discount all the TDS. It's so over the top that there's nothing to do but discount it. I mean, seriously?!?
Some of the hatred of Trump has to be that all of the Left's quaint theories have gone bust. Anyone besides me remember Modern Monetary Theory? MMT was supposed to mean that the Biden administration could print up as much money as it felt like and there would be no inflation whatsoever. Oops. Remember Joe Biden asking "who died and left Milton Friedman in charge?" The score, if you're counting, is Milton Friedman 1, Joe Biden 0.
And to make matters worse, it turns out that the standard liberal solution to any problem -- throwing a pile of money at it -- turns out not to work for inflation. Doesn't work at ALL.
Also some of the hatred has to do with how easy Trump made it look. It turns out that going from energy importer to net energy exporter was a matter of a few modest adjustments. Joe Biden petulantly overturned every energy-related EO Trump had issued within the first hours of his administration. And now the Strategic Petroleum Reserve is nearly empty, and gasoline prices are soaring. Oops.
Plus, from the perspective of us Normals, the biggest argument for reelecting Trump is named Joe Biden. This guy never was the sharpest tack in the bulletin board, but these days his brain is just so much porridge. People used to write to the local newspaper complaining Donald Trump's alleged lies -- not that they ever listed any particular lies, it was just the TDS-afflicted ninnies medaciously inflating puffery into capital mendacity. But what of the tall tales of Joe Biden? Did you know that his uncle was eaten by cannibals during World War II? (His uncle's plane crashed into the ocean after both engines failed, and only one member of the crew was rescued. The other three men aboard failed to emerge from the aircraft before it sank.)
That Katie Couric gets airtime on a "major" network tells you all you need to know about the MSM. What a farce.
"Commander In Chief was telling me to drink bleach." Never happened. Trump referred to using UV light as a disinfectant to treat COVID-19. The treatment undergoing research at the time was called Healight Platform Technology. It was developed by researchers at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles. The medical device consisted of LED lighting that would be inserted down the trachea of COVID-19 patients on ventilators to bring controlled ultraviolet light into the patient.
... and the Commander In Chief was telling me to drink bleach.
No he wasn't. That was the spin that the news media put on his remarks. Perhaps you fell for it because you are stupid and gullible. But I think mostly you fell for it because you are stupid and reprehensible.
I think he was looking for real reasons, not made up stuff.
Mutaman said...
cubanbob said...
"Are you better off now than four years ago?"
Four years ago there was no toilet paper at the store. my mail was arriving two weeks late, and the Commander In Chief was telling me to drink bleach.
Apparently some people have never heard of the terms Acts of God, or Force Majeure.
The US and the entire world were overwhelmed by covid, which Donald Trump didn't cause and could not have prevented.
Rephrase the question to: "Are you better off now than five, six or seven years ago?"
What's your honest answer?
(and Trump didn't "tell"anyone to drink bleach. "During a press briefing on April 23, 2020, President Donald Trump made remarks that were widely criticized for suggesting the possibility of using disinfectants or UV light internally to treat COVID-19.
In his briefing, Trump discussed the potential of disinfectants like bleach or isopropyl alcohol to kill the virus on surfaces and wondered aloud if there was a way to inject or ingest these substances to treat the virus within the body.")
"Suggesting the possibility" and "wondering out loud" is NOT "telling".
So you're full of shit.
BTW if you have a root canal done, your nice Dental assistant will likely be spraying a dilute solution of Clorox into your mouth during surgery. You'll swallow some of that, and not notice a thing. "The poison is in the dose".
and the Commander In Chief was telling me to drink bleach.
So why didn't you?
Could've done us all a favor.
Apparently, the word has gone out to compare this exact, same time from four years ago when they were calling Trump a racist for suggesting the Chinese were responsible for Covid.
As if he was responsible for all of it ... instead of the shitheads who should be in jail (or hung) for two+ years of lockdowns and the entire panic of a disease that was nothing more than a bad flu.
And we're supposed to ignore everything that's happened since then.
Well, fuck you. I remember all of it.
As do a lot of people on this board.
Take it somewhere else. Your bullshit won't cut it here.
Mutaman said...
... and the Commander In Chief was telling me to drink bleach.
4/17/24, 7:59 PM
The shibboleth that lets you know someone struggles with listening comprehension. Sad.
Freder Frederson said...
I would sincerely like to thank all of you for demonstrating my point of view.
4/17/24, 7:23 PM
Freder Frederson said...
(unattributed quote from GatorNavy) - Are you better off now than four years ago?
You do realize that four years ago was close to the height of the Covid pandemic. I think almost everybody is better off.
4/17/24, 6:56 PM
And thank you for proving ours, dumbass. Everybody here knows recent history as well as the genesis of the "better off than four years ago" phrasing but you and Mutaman are the only ones who treat it literally so you can throw out pedantic insults to avoid serious examination of the topic.
"The self-important experts ought at least to pretend to care about understanding and reaching them."
It's too late. No one even pays attention to the self-important experts any longer other than to post their comments for mocking fodder.
And honestly, when your only idea, and what you consider your path to victory is the constant pushing for more pre-born babies killed, endlessly, and in many cases shouting for no restrictions on it, when this is your best idea, are you really an 'expert' on anything? Do you have anything positive to offer to the masses?
We don't have the energy to be nice to you leftist brown-shirts.
Bid Mike - 8:31
You miss the point.
This topic is NOT about Trump's solid supporters. (get over yourselves)
Nor is it about Trump-haters.
This is about people who don't really like Trump - but understand fully that Trump is the only choice to stop the radical left, open-border, anti-woman, pro-child abuse in the name of trans-madness, hack lawfare, Biden family is above the law, corrupt media - democrat lie machine.
Freder is like the White left CEO of NPR.
'Stop hurting delicate leftist feelings!" 'Leftists are sacred. Leftists are allowed to be lying hacks - The narrative trumps all. How dare you call us out!'
Freder bloviated, "
"Yet your commenters aim disrepect and contempt at the millions of Biden supporters. And you don't say a word."
To be faiiiir. Before you dumbasses installed our national kiddie fondling grandpa there was no threat of WW3.
Freder further exclaimed,
''Are you better off now than four years ago?"
"You do realize that four years ago was close to the height of the Covid pandemic. I think almost everybody is better off."
Gosh, Freder. What happened between 2020 and now that could have made things so bad?
Lessee. In 2020 I wqas paying $1.98 a gallon for gasolene. In the little village I live in it is now $4.19 Eggs at Aldi were .79 cents a dozen. Now eggs are almost $2.00. I can go on but you get may drift.
Please explaine to us why things have gotten so bad? One caveat though. You can't use Trump as an excuse. Go ahead. I'll wait here.
Democrats are the new puritans. If you don’t follow the faith you are not just a sinner, you are not fit for society. You must be burned.
When I read about the Civil War, absolutely, slavery was the greatest of evil, but I look at the abolitionist leadership and unfortunately as a human being I want to say, what assholes. You can be corrupt in a noble cause. You can use a noble cause to get power over others. This is probably a dangerous thing to say.
In regard to the "Are you better off now than you were 4 years ago?" question, it depends on who you ask. If you ask people in the Green Leap Forward Complex, the answer is most assuredly yes. The Orwellian named "Balanced Budget Act" included tens of billions in subsidizes to green companies and organizations. The fact that those organizations will in turn send hefty campaign contributions to Democrats is merely coincidental, I'm sure. Likewise, if you're a government employee, you're likely better off than you were 4 years ago. Biden has expanded government employment greatly and has expended perks such as student loan forgiveness.
On the other hand, if you're a typical American who isn't in one of Biden's favored groups, you're probably worse off now than you were 4 years ago. Inflation has led to people paying much more for pretty much everything while their pay doesn't keep up. From the perspective of the favored, it sucks to be you. Vote accordingly.
"The self-important experts ought at least to pretend to care about understanding and reaching them."
That's no fun, and it would be work. Self important experts are the laziest of them all.
People need to be clear-eyed about this. Maher is a Nazi. Anybody on the Left, no matter how much they bow to the altar of socialism, who has a problem with the First Amendment should be treated this way. The days of watching Leftists march against Jews are over. They need to be accountable for their Jew hatred. A good start would be to deport all foreign nationals marching to eliminate Jews.
It is surprising the see Ann Althouse embrace the tactics of Stalin.
you fell for it because you are stupid and reprehensible.
"Life is hard, and it's a lot harder when you're stupid." -- Anon.
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