Theory No. 1: Kristi Noem is an incredibly bad politician....
Theory No. 2: Kristi Noem is trying to impress Trump, and he hates dogs....
Theory No. 3: Kristi Noem wants off Trump’s VP shortlist....
Ugh! Poorly done!
My 3 reasons are all so much better:
Althouse Theory No. 1: There were witnesses, so the story would almost surely come out in some form eventually, and Noem chose to control the narrative, telling it in her own words, in her book.
Althouse Theory No. 2: It was a trap to lure coastal-elite people into displaying their arrogance and ignorance. After they have their say, she's predicting, lots of working class people will step up and make fools out of them for failing to understand difficult, down-to-earth farm work and bird hunting.
Althouse Theory No. 3: Noem wanted to counter a stereotype about women, that we are too empathetic and indecisive, and she thought the anecdote about shooting the chicken-killing, person-biting dog showed her fitness to serve as Commander in Chief.
Speaking of Commander, Joe Biden did not have the nerve to euthanize his very dangerous biting dog.
By the way, does Trump hate dogs? I thought Trump said he didn't have a dog because he didn't have the space in his life to give a dog the amount of attention it deserves. That's a responsible position. A dog shouldn't be a political prop or a lifestyle accessory. But the linked article says Trump "reportedly thinks owning pets is 'low class.'"
The link goes to an April 8, 2019 New York Magazine article, "Who’s Leading the 2020 Democratic Puppy Primary," which is full of pictures of Democrats using dogs as props. This stands out:
Funny for New York Magazine to be linking to that "handful of women" story now.
Did you still remember Lucy Flores, Amy Lappos, D.J. Hill, Caitlyn Caruso, Ally Coll, Sofie Karasek, Vail Kohnert-Yount, and Alexandra Tara Reade? Maybe Tara Reade.
But I bet you remember the dog called Major. He was a biter. They replaced him — where did he go??? — with Commander and then Commander somehow was also a biter and he too required banishment. Were these 2 dogs euthanized? No one is telling. Shouldn't they have been?
And if all your dogs are bad, aren't you the one doing something wrong?
But back to Trump. What does the April 8, 2019 article have to say about Trump saying it's "low class" to own pets?
President Trump does not like pets. Not only is he the first president in over a century to not have a dog in the White House, he’s thinks pet ownership in general is beneath him, according to a 2018 report from theAtlantic:
When it was reported last January that the Pences would be moving some of their family pets — which include two cats, a rabbit, and a snake — into the Naval Observatory, Trump ridiculed the menagerie to his secretary, according to a longtime adviser. “He was embarrassed by it; he thought it was so low class,” says the adviser. “He thinks the Pences are yokels.”
It’s little surprise, then, that so many Democratic presidential candidates are going out of their way to show that, unlike Trump, they’re human beings who like animals — dogs, in particular....
Oh, come on, you kind of have to admit that keeping two cats, a rabbit, and a snake is low class, unless you're just so fastidious that you'd never say the words "low class."
Is it okay to say "low class" these days? Is it okay to say "yokels"? But we don't know whether the secretary was paraphrasing or quoting something verbatim? I'll bet if you were there in the room — perhaps as Trump's pet fly on the wall — you'd have found Trump's anti-Pence routine hilarious.
And finally, please vote on the theories:
१२५ टिप्पण्या:
is Noem more than Palin the Huntress [Diana in greek myth!]
At least she doesn't promote "shout your abortion." FWIW I would gone against the grain of your recent poll here if I'd been on the interwebs over the weekend.
according to a longtime adviser
Sorry. I don't believe that. All they're saying is that the long-time advisor makes stuff up. Note that the article does not say "according to a longtime adviser who heard Trump say this quote"!
The best use of the word "yokels" in history.
Where's Commander?
John Henry
Are we supposed to pretend she was putting down Old Yeller?
I don't know what to think. But people are very attached to their dogs. Taking a dog to the vet to be put down is a tough personal experience. Putting a bullet in dog's head, whether justified or not...takes a certain type of person. And yeah, I can see it being necessary on a farm or a ranch. I couldn't do it.
South Dakota adds nothing to the Trump ticket. I don't think she's the VP pick. Swing voters aren't going to be impressed with shooting a dog.
Althouse option #1 is closest, but I would have written it differently; it was an incident that took place and any kind of memoir that did not include it would have been a lie of omission. I have done things in my life that some people would find distasteful- some them I am not proud of- but if I were to write a memoir, I would feel compelled by honesty to reveal them- otherwise the memoir is false to some degree. Perhaps Noem feels the same way as I would.
fitness to serve as commander
Are you funnin' us Ann?
John Henry
New york has been a trash publication fof a long time at least 15 years by my reckoning
I wrote the other day- this probably doesn't damage Noem politically- what she did had to be done given the circumstances and I would have done it in the exact same way. However, if it really is politically damaging, then this country is truly fucked in the head and can't be saved any longer because we the people aren't a serious people any longer.
According to Devine's op piece in the NYPost, Noem has been telling this story for years. She may even be proud of it.
I voted for Althouse #3, but I don't agree with any of them. In rural areas death is an everyday fact and no reason for a second thought. If Noem is a true country child this would be assumed knowledge and a simple personal story.
Rural killing and death differs from the invisible factory killing of millions of animals per day as funded by brewpub, fast food, and steakhouse patrons eating a burger, steak, bacon, or chicken sandwich in the city. People Eating Tasty Animals. Mmm. PETA.
In the country, dogs bite and kill cats. Coyotes and foxes eat chickens. Horses and cows fall into rodent dens and break their legs --> per Hollywood clichés they must be shot. Cats eat birds, rats, mice, moles, gophers, lizards, and much more. Cats are little lions or tigers among us. Mountain lions / cougars eat deer and livestock. Wolves kill cattle and elk and deer and rodents. Dogs behave like wolves if left alone to form packs. Bears eat whatever they find. Racoons eat whatever they find. Snakes eat whatever they find. Hawks and eagles eat small animals of every sort.
Country life is akin to an R rated movie: Animals mating in public for all to see, and killing all the time for all to see.
When I visited my late wife’s family in Cebu, they joked with me for two weeks that I would have to chase the little piglet they had bought for the celebratory dinner through the mud and slaughter it.
This was a test. Was I a sissified white American?
I grew up working on farms. Have slaughtered and hunted just about every type of critter.
The family eventually withdrew the demand that I chase the piglet through the mud, and were satisfied if I just slit the piglet’s throat. I did. An unpleasant task, to be sure. The poor baby wept and screamed.
In rural, traditional farming societies, it is not a virtue to have somebody else do your killing.
Consultants I couldn't refuse literally tried to make me dress like a cowgirl when I ran for office, and my husband to dress like a cowboy.
I'm from the suburbs.
I'm terrified of cows.
Politics is a fetish parlor where the one fetish served up is endless idiocy. I don't expect much from anyone.
Some dogs do need shooting. I trust someone like her would know which ones. Farms are hard places. Yet it can be a lot less hard on the dog than putting them to sleep. That can be pretty horrifying and drawn out. I've done a lot of that. Haven't most dog owners? Vet workers?
if your dog bites a person, it should get put down..
if your dog bites MULTIPLE people, it should get put down..
if your MULTIPLE dogs bite MULTIPLE people, it's just another day at the Biden Whitehouse
Seriously, if *YOU* mistreat your dogs (MULTIPLE dogs) SO BADLY, that they bite MULTIPLE people..
YOU should be put down
Noam’s version of “I’m no Tammy Winette”?
Theory #4: Kristie Noem is a Muslim, and they hate dogs.
Besides, aren't we ALL not supposed to "own" pets anymore anyway?
It’s too bad, but better than ignoring the safety of the people who have to be around the dog because they are there to ensure your own safety.
Regardless of what her specific reasons were, the one most relevant is NY Mag #1--she is an incredibly bad politician.
Noem bought a hunting dog and had it killed when it turned out not to be good at its job. Look what people did with Romney putting his dog on the roof of the car, and it wasn't hurt at all! This will cost her millions of votes, which is why she no longer has a national political future.
"...he’s thinks pet ownership in general is beneath him...."
“He thinks the Pences are yokels.”
Put me in mind to do a word count of "think" in the articles referenced, to illustrate the arrogance of intuitive telepathy, but forestalled by paywalls.
Hint to would-be pundits: If you want me to read your stuff, steer clear of claims to clairvoyance.
I have seen several statements on X backing Althouse theory #2 already, so I selected that one.
She reminds me so much of Kari Lake. they are what Republicans think of as "tough chicks" Ugh. So not relatable to most women in the USA. They film behind filters, to make them look younger, they "talk tough" when they would stab their own mother in the back if it meant they could be on the Republican ticket. No thanks. Now, i am not saying that Hillary is the model we should follow, but not these 2, at all. Insincere both of them.
Gag me
Vicki from Pasadena
Micky and Bob talking about it last Sept.
Parrot Room: The Parrot Could Use More Bandwidth
Question for Althouse, and Meade, and other commenters:
Althouse, have you ever been an upland bird hunter? A waterfowler? (I am guessing "No.")
Has Meade ever been an upland bird hunter? A waterfowler? (I am guessing the answer is, "Yes, many years ago, a little bit.")
I've been upland bird hunting (grouse, woodcock) in northern Michigan for about 40 years. I've hunted over some very good dogs (professional guide's dogs) and some laughably bad dogs (friends, who took their pet Brittanies and Labs out just for the fun of it).
Under no circumstances, ever, would shooting a bird dog because it wasn't working well ever be considered. Never. Not under even the remotest consideration.
But please everyone note how Noem's own narrative about this reprehensible story has been changing. It began as, "the dog was untrainable as a working bird dog." Then, the story was, "the dog attacked some chickens." Then, the story was "remember that any dog that 'destroys livestock' can be legally euthanized under South Dakota law." Then, the story was, "the dog attacked humans." (That latter version seems to have arisen out of Noem's recollection that the dog snapped at her in anger when she was disciplining it for attacking the chickens.)
Personally, I hope that Trump makes her his V.P. pick. Because that is how much I hate them both.
My guess would be some combination of Ann's theories. All of this seems to show that she does not have the instincts or the communications skills for the big leagues. Politics 101: if you have to shoot a dog, don't make it sound like you enjoyed it. I'm skeptical that she has much of a future on the national stage. Maybe Secretary of the Interior.
Althouse, I agree with your #1 and #3, but not #2. Luring potential voters to make fools of themselves is not a path any sapient politician would take.
Regardless of what her specific reasons were, the one most relevant is NY Mag #1--she is an incredibly bad politician.
Noem bought a hunting dog and had it killed when it turned out not to be good at its job. Look what people did with Romney putting his dog on the roof of the car, and it wasn't hurt at all! This will cost her millions of votes, which is why she no longer has a national political future.
Axiom to account for the Noem theorems: All progs are clueless about the other side.
But there exists a liberal emerita prof who isn't.
The Founding Fathers were thoroughly confused about the role of the Vice President. They should have gotten rid of it after the whole Burr thing. Instead, they gave us a warm bucket of "spit" occupied by people who are almost never a proper choice for the actual presidency. The President should be able to choose any cabinet officer as his Number 2 and leave the running of the Senate to whoever actually does that job on all the days the VPOTUS is otherwise engaged.
If the Founding Fathers were alive today and saw what the office had turned into, they would shoot it like a dog.
No. 2.
Viki. When you leave the house where do you go? Besides the liquor store.
Her villainy pales in comparison to the monstrous evil done by President-elect Taft.
In January 1909 the Atlanta Chamber of Commerce asked him to be guest-of-honor at a feast.
The bulbous beast was asked "if he had any suggestions to offer relative to the preparations for the banquet."
"Just one," smilingly replied the big Ohioan. "I have had a lifetime longing to taste 'possum and [sweet] 'taters.' My visit to the south would be incomplete unless this wish is realized."
He then ordered the round-up and execution of 100 innocent Georgia possums.
"From the coves of Rabun Gap to the southern border of Okefenokee, throughout the length and breadth of the persimmon land, will opossums be gathered and a selection of an even hundred of the largest and fattest will be made for the banquet board."
One hundred! The fiend! My opposable thumbs can barely type this. OMG! This must be taught in schools. "Smilingly!" Forgiveness for him must come from a Higher Power than me.
"It is confidently predicted that he will experience an even more kindly feeling towards the south after he has partaken of the juicy meat and Georgia yams," one observer said.
Read Taft's full confession as printed in The Topeka State Journal.
Every dog I have ever had was either an adult rescue dog or an adult adopted dog. If I had a problem dog I would go to a professional dog obedience trainer long before ever putting a bullet in its brain. One of my dogs had to go to training school twice, but ended up being one the most gentle and obedient dogs I have ever owned.
Theory #4 Good dogs dont kill your chickens.
Planned Poochhood without the commission. Those uncouth people, really.
according to a longtime adviser
Given the inaccuracies and outright lies put out by the media under the cover of "unnamed sources", why should we ever trust anything they purport to have said?
Remember, this is the media of "fake but accurate".
Pat Schroeder, I believe, set an incidental/accidental standard for what is expected of women running for office.
Here is an excerpt down memory lane from the Chicago Tribune. "SCHROEDER`S TEARS MAKE WOMEN CRY" (October 5, 1987) (no paywall, at least for me)
"The next day, when the emotions had subsided, Schroeder defended her tears as a genuine sign of compassion. And I was willing to accept that.
But the day after that, as I walked into the TV newsroom where I do commentaries, two women reporters were discussing Schroeder`s performance. So I decided this would be a perfect time to show how liberated I am.
What`s the big deal? I said. Why can`t a woman cry if she wants. Men cry. Ed Muskie. Jack Paar. Giants like that. Why should it be considered a sign of weakness?
”You,” one of the women said, ”are a jerk.”
This was the first sign I got that I was not on the right track.
I decided to call my two colleagues Jane and June. They are young, bright, successful, professional women, the kind of voter whose support Schroeder was depending on.
”I was embarrassed when I saw her cry,” Jane said. ”As a woman, I was embarrassed.”
I started to talk about how in this new liberated age, crying is perfectly okay.
Jane`s voice hardened. ”The single greatest error in public is to cry,” she said. ”What Schroeder did is a blow to women. You are taught in politics and journalism, wherever you work, that you don`t cry in public.”
Aren`t you being a little tough? I asked.
”She said her whole campaign was to prove women were ready to vote for a woman for president,” she said.
Actually, I said, she said that her campaign would prove ”that America was man enough to vote for a woman.” A pretty nifty line.
”Well, she hurt that,” Jane said. ”She hurt that by crying.”"
(more at the link above)
Just say the dog went after a spotted owl.
When you're on the 'short list' you have to be destroyed, not just removed from the list.
Otherwise people would say " should have picked Noem...".
@Chuck: Althouse, have you ever been an upland bird hunter? A waterfowler? (I am guessing "No.")
Chuck comes out of the closet as a blue wall hunter who uses words like "upland" and "waterfower." There are some interesting contradictions on Team Blue about animal cruelty. On one hand, they've got the vegans and PETA. On the other hand, they have people doing far worse things to animals than Noem.
Much of a football fan? Do you know of African-American Michael Vick and his party game of killing and torturing pit bull who refused to fight? He got a year in prison and was back in blue city NFL football after two years. Ever visit a Hispanic-majority US region (or territory Puerto Rico) and watch the cockfights? Which party have blacks and Hispanics historically supported?
As names go, Noem is forgettable nomenclature. All this talk about killing her dog has given her name some brand recognition. Now people know who she is....On Morning Joe, they discussed her as a "puppy murderer" at great length and with great glee. Typical Republican. As soon as they get their hands on a gun, they want to kill puppies or schoolchildren. This was a welcome relief from all that distressing news about the Hamas wing of the Democratic Party closing down college campuses. Elect Joe Biden and our puppies will be safe.
The dark side of a tough woman shotting a dog is how most powerful women reacted to Covid.
Women presidents, prime ministers and governors put in place some of the most stringent policies on record. That's mostly from my recollection. btw. I don't want to sound off like some expert.
I don't particularly want to have to vote for Trump, but I would do so enthusiastically over Biden (or any Dem). That said, I would prefer he select a Veep who mattered to me. I never wanted to see Kristi Noem in that slot. Not sure how or why she was there to begin with other than she looks great in a _______ (fill in the blank).
And I don't want to see Tim Scott in that role because...well...I'm not a fan of white bread. He's so...middle of the road boring. So nice. So...Tim Scottish.
Trump doesn't want a strong personality on the ticket with him, so DeSantis is out. I'm glad Kristi accidentally pulled the trigger on herself, but I'm not sure what that leaves open.
I remember as a child, my grandmother, before cooking a chicken dinner, went into the backyard and grabbed a chicken by the head and wrung its body off. It would flop around a few seconds and then be immersed into a tub of hot water before plucking off the feathers. Killing animals is normal.
I voted for Anne's Number One.
Figured both number two and number three are gravy that comes from the action of Number One, and therefore were seconding and thirding the good idea number one was to do.
Some of the richest, old money people I've known had a lot of house pets. One even had a miniature horse, inside the city limits. It takes a lot of money to employ someone just to take care of your pets.
I voted Althouse #3 in this one, and #3 in the first one. As if NY Magazine knew anything about anything. Noem's passage in her book wasn't defensive, and wasn't pre-emptive damage control - i.e., witness paranoia - in my opinion. She was too proud of it, talking too much about it. If it was pre-damage control, she would have relayed it honestly, but downplayed it. I think it was more of a cynical ploy to leverage her standing as a forceful woman showing courage and leadership, taking the bull by the horns when a problem arose. But she handled it badly and shouldn't be using it as a good example, because it wasn't one.
You know what's curious? That nobody demanded to know what happened to those two killer German Shepherds that were eating Secret Service agents like Kibbles'N Bitz. Nobody even tried to find out, apparently. Geez, look at the size of that monster, and the way he's on point, and no leash in sight. I bet the photographer was sh*tting himself.
Did she shoot it because it was violent to people, or because it attacked chickens, or because it wouldn't fetch waterfowl?
Was she a professional farmer? A chicken farmer?
That does make a difference. Any dog violent to other animals on a farm would be hard to rehouse, if they are hunting dogs. Hunting dogs can be very high-strung and aggressive. I have two. It's a problem, no many how many hours we put into training.
If my job required me to deal with 15 or 20, I don't know the choices that would arise, including economic ones. But I sort of don't blame farmers for being dismissive of people who don't understand the unsentimental realities of farming, now that I'm surrounded by farmers and ranchers. Was she a farmer or a politician?
The Pence’s rabbit, was it there as food for the snake?
I have not been a fan of dogs as political props ever since learning about Dick Nixon’s “Checkers” speech. (I was 10 when he gave it, so read about it several years later.). Between LBJ pulling on his beagle’s ears to make it yelp and now Joe Biden with his dangerous, poorly trained dogs, let’s just stop already.
I didn’t take the Althouse poll because I suspect all three of her theories figured into Noem’s decision. I find it interesting that the newsmedia are upset (or fake being upset) over putting down a dog that attacks livestock, not to mention its owner, but are perfectly okay with college students physically attacking Jews. I guess Jews are below dogs in the left wing hierarchy of victimhood.
I don't know the details of Ms Noem's story but I will offer this Robert A Heinlein quote that I agree with "When the need arises - and it does - you must be able to shoot your own dog. Don't farm it out — that doesn't make it nicer, it makes it worse."
What's low-class is going by @drbiden when you only have an EdD.
@Yancey Ward,
“… this country is truly fucked in the head and can't be saved any longer because we the people aren't a serious people any longer.”
I think that ship has sailed. At least since Bill Clinton played sax on Arsenio, answered a question about “boxers or briefs,” said he didn’t inhale, etc., and won the election.
Have you ever watched The View? That’s actually a popular show.
"Speaking of Commander, Joe Biden did not have the nerve to euthanize his very dangerous biting dog.
...I bet you remember the dog called Major. He was a biter. They replaced him — where did he go??? — with Commander and then Commander somehow was also a biter and he too required banishment. Were these 2 dogs euthanized? No one is telling."
Which is it?
Her book was aimed at a segment of the US who she assumed would applaud shooting a puppy; overshot the mark.
Tina Trent said...
"Yet it can be a lot less hard on the dog than putting them to sleep. That can be pretty horrifying and drawn out. I've done a lot of that. Haven't most dog owners? Vet workers?"
If reality TV is to be believed (YMMV), Dr. Pol gives the critters sleepy juice first, then an injection to the heart for an immediate stop.
Nevertheless, a bullet is still more cost wise.
“According to Devine's op piece in the NYPost, Noem has been telling this story for years. She may even be proud of it.”
If this is true, it’s even worse. What sort of person talks about shooting a dog and a goat and is proud of it? Doesn’t she realize that most people on both sides of the political spectrum think this is perverse and reflects very poorly on her character?
Like Eddard Stark, Noem thinks a real leader does his or her own killing.
Shooting your own hunting dog is a very old school tradition.
Lol the spew
She told it badly. Just say you had a vicious dog and had to put it down. Leave it at that.
I voted for Althouse #1 mainly because I think Noem mostly wanted to control the timing. It’s April. If she’s gunning (pun intended) for the VP slot, better to have it come out now than later.
Every dog I have ever had was either an adult rescue dog or an adult adopted dog. If I had a problem dog I would go to a professional dog obedience trainer long before ever putting a bullet in its brain. One of my dogs had to go to training school twice, but ended up being one the most gentle and obedient dogs I have ever owned.
Your privilege is showing.
Chuck, from the Pastry Police, is now claiming it is a changing story based on some anonymous quotes he claims to have read.
Chuck- Noem even bakes very pretty pecan pies that look like they came from Amazon.
HA - NY Mag's list reads like a parody. Quite unserious. Noem probably had in mind some combination of those Althouse theories. But, like I said, it's bad politics.
My best friend's sister's boyfriend's brother's girlfriend heard from someone familiar with the matter who knows someone familiar with his thinking who's going with a longtime advisor who saw Biden pass out at 31 Flavors last night. I guess it's pretty serious.
Ha! It appears they edited the story and added Althouse Theory No. 1 as their theory number 2.
A biting dog is never not a liability. Euthanasia is best suited. If one was a Republican VP candidate at any time, their biting dog would be financial and political suicide. Leader dogs wouldn't take on of them.
#3 wouldn't be animal cruelty.
I had to put down my first dog personally at the age of 9. Tough to do, but my mother didn't want to do it and Dad was on a trip. Hard, but I have never thought of it as anything but part of life.
@ Shouting Thomas. It is never a virtue to have somebody else do your killing.
Blogger gilbar said...
if your dog bites a person, it should get put down...
That depends. Yes, some dogs are aggressive. But, some people get bit because they are being stupid with the dog.
A main thing to teach kids is not to pull on a dog's tail (a natural temptation), and keep your hands away from a dog's mouth. Don't try and take food out of a dog's mouth.
My theory? She ain't all that bright.
Even IF the story were to get out, it's a simple explanation. Dog attacked chickens. Dog tried to bite me. End of story. Next question.
There was no need to go into such detail in your own, friggin' book.
Her book was aimed at a segment of the US who she assumed would applaud shooting a puppy.
The dog was 14 months old. Puppies are not 14 months old.
And it takes a special kind of stupid to think anyone would applaud shooting a puppy.
The dog up and died
He up and died
After 20 shots he still bleeds
Inga -
Because sometimes - there are good reasons. My guess is you are a tru blue Biden supporter, and that is why your are so elitist about your disdain.
Freeman - exactly.
"If you are explaining - you are losing"
Biden: International pay to play crook - A-OK!
Noem - Kills vicious dogs.
that bitch!
Gusty - some dogs are assholes and they bite kids. Even when the kid wants nothing to do with the dog and has done nothing to bother the dog.
Hey we had a dog eater in the Oval Office. Why not a dog killer as Veep?
The kerfuffle is ridiculous. Governor Noem is a responsible dog owner--put down a dangerous dog.
Joe Biden should not be allowed to have a dog. I've long been of the view that the actions and conduct of a dog "owner" (air qoutes for Joe) have a big impact on how a dog behaves. You train most behaviors in a dog, whether you realize it or not. And if you can't train undesired behaviors out of the dog, then you arrange things so those behaviors don't impact other people. I've got a rescue mutt that loves people--but hates all other animals. I keep her in our house and backyard where she's free to enjoy being a dog---but I don't take her out in places where she might attack other dogs. I could not train that behavior out of her.
All I know is that I sure wouldn't recommend the Hamasnik protesters occupy any campuses in South Dakota. Might get the "bad dog" treatment!
Inga: "If this is true, it’s even worse. What sort of person talks about shooting a dog and a goat and is proud of it? Doesn’t she realize that most people on both sides of the political spectrum think this is perverse and reflects very poorly on her character?"
Long time readers of Althouse blog will recall that Inga defended MS13 machete murderers as having a "spark of divinity" and she refused to even use the names of the 2 NY high school girls that were butchered by the "spark of divinity" MS13 heroes of the left.
So much for "character".
Althouse #3
That is the Governors explanation.
Clay and Buck took some calls on this topic. Several calls claiming to be hunters/farmers thought putting the dog down was terrible.
I already entered my opinion (formed around 6 decades of experience) that putting down an dog that cannot be trained, = cannot be trusted.
Ill add my daughter had to put a 16 month old dog down because it did nip at a neighbor teen girl while in the back yard.
I also explained the only other option is to chain it outside with proper shelter. Those thinking there is some other option just aren't thinking the outcomes all the way to the conclusion.
"It was a trap to lure coastal-elite people into displaying their arrogance and ignorance"
Would be nice if a day could go buy without Althouse using the word "elite".
If I had a problem dog I would go to a professional dog obedience trainer long before ever putting a bullet in its brain.
My daughter spent over $6,000, including 30 days at the trainers.
Noem had three problems.
The bird dog was not birding. It is a farm dog, and it killed a chicken. It turned on her to bite her.
Those 3 things totaled up to a dog that ceased to have value of any kind. Could never be trusted to run loose on the farm. Farm stock, family, and visitors, would always be at risk.
98% of the population is more 3 or more generations removed from agriculture, and the culture of farmers/ranchers. One thing that little kids growing up on the farm here repeatedly. We only feed things that earn their keep.
That may sound trite, but it is a deeply held cultural truth
That is not to say the farm might have a dozen ewes that lamb every year because his wife loves sheep. Making the wife happy, is a value.
The only thing you guys love more than fantasies of trans surgery and migrants in cages is the thought murdering helpless animals.
It was especially weird to include the part in her story about the dog being bad at hunting. Who cares? How is that relevant? Your average reader isn't going to go, "Oh, well, there's another reason it should have been killed." Say that the dog killed livestock and tried to bite people. Vicious. Leave it there. The weirdness of the story is probably disqualifying.
“Long time readers of Althouse blog will recall that Inga defended MS13 machete murderers as having a "spark of divinity" and she refused to even use the names of the 2 NY high school girls that were butchered by the "spark of divinity" MS13 heroes of the left.
So much for "character".”
Long time readers of Althouse know that this is a lie. I have never opined on MS13 or anything related to them. Nothing seems to have changed in the modus operandi of Moscow Drago.
So Noem put down a dog that killed chickens and bit people. That's part of rural life, especially in family farm country.
Our current VP put how many Black men in jail for selling a product she personally used and presumably enjoyed?
Save your tears for those whose lives Kamala damaged.
It is never a virtue to have somebody else do your killing.
don't politicians do it all the time? as war-mongers
Freeman Hunt: Say that the dog killed livestock and tried to bite people. Vicious. Leave it there. The weirdness of the story is probably disqualifying.
I mostly agree, but I don't think it's disqualifying. Two points:
(1) I doubt seriously that she wrote the book herself. She may have gotten a ghost writer who wasn't keen on Noem's politics and let it show in the work product.
(2) Having said that, even if she had a malicious ghost, she should have proofed the damned book, and regardless of who actually wrote it she should have had an editor go over it for potential political landmines.
So she got bitten by a rush to market for her book. Kind of fitting.
On the other hand, she's in the news and everyone is getting her named spelled correctly. How many non-political junkies have any idea who else might be on Trump's short list?
iowan2 said...
"If I had a problem dog I would go to a professional dog obedience trainer long before ever putting a bullet in its brain."
If you live on a farm everything not human is live stock. Your dog is there to protect you and your live stock as well as hunt with you. You're raising chickens for eggs. You're selling the eggs you don't eat. That dog has become a liability and rather sinking more money into it or making it somebody elses problem you do the humane thing and end it. That's a reality of rural life.
"they are what Republicans think of as "tough chicks"
Yep, every state has 'em, straight shootin, pickup-driving, dog-killing mamas. We have several contenders here in Montana.
¿Quien es mas macho?
And they say gop doesn't encourage women candidates...
So... Pro abortion are we? That ain't a polyp in there.
Distinctions get vague quickly, don't they!
21st century, heh heh.
@ Narayanan: Artemis is the Greek hunt goddess; Diana is Roman.
where was the story told? One page in a 200 page biography? part of a discussion of the problems of running a farm? Context matters.
Put it into context: rural area. A dog that kills chickens could attack humans
This is a silly, stupid story and example 1 million of why we are an unserious people. I'm a dog person, have 3 dogs, and love dogs. This is what happens to working dogs that aren't just pets. This isn't Mike Vick and dog fighting.
iowan2 said...
If you live on a farm everything not human is live stock. Your dog is there to protect you and your live stock as well as hunt with you. You're raising chickens for eggs. You're selling the eggs you don't eat. That dog has become a liability and rather sinking more money into it or making it somebody elses problem you do the humane thing and end it. That's a reality of rural life.
I have lived on a farm for my entire life here in Iowa. My dogs and cats are not live stock. Yes, you can get attached to cows, pigs, sheep, chickens, rabbits, etc in 4-H and other farm programs. But you always know that the livestock you raise has to be slaughtered for food. That is what you are taught as a child. But dogs and cats are NOT slaughtered for food. Maybe you eat dogs and cats for food. Not that there is anything wrong with that, of course.
Rusty said...
" and rather sinking more money into it or making it somebody elses problem you do the humane thing and end it. That's a reality of rural life."
And then you write a book about it.
@Inga: If this is true, it’s even worse. What sort of person talks about shooting a dog and a goat and is proud of it? Doesn’t she realize that most people on both sides of the political spectrum think this is perverse and reflects very poorly on her character?
You say Noem is proud of it. Are you a mind reader?
This is Noem's characterization of the dog:
“I hated that dog,” Noem writes, adding that Cricket had proved herself “untrainable,” “dangerous to anyone she came in contact with” and “less than worthless … as a hunting dog.”
Please explain to me which part of putting down a dangerous dog is perverse.
‘Would be nice if a day could go buy without Althouse using the word "elite".’
Would be a perfect day if Muttman could stop being an arsehole
Remember the days when the statement “the other side kills puppies” was hyperbole?
lonejustice said...
You know the difference between a human being and a dog, right?
Inga: "Long time readers of Althouse know that this is a lie. I have never opined on MS13 or anything related to them. Nothing seems to have changed in the modus operandi of Moscow Drago."
Inga is running as fast as she can away from her and Pelosi's "spark of divinity" comments which were specifically offered up after a Trump State Of The Union address where Trump mentioned that crime and had the parents of those 2 butchered NY high school students in attendence.
Recall Trump called for the establishment of a national database to track the crimes of illegal aliens during the speech.
Our little lying Inga refused to even write the names of the 2 girl victims...all because of politics.
And now Inga doubles down on her sad and pathetic lie to avoid responsibility.
Tsk tsk tsk
Again, so much for "character".
There should be an all of the above for the three Althouse suggestions.
I was dubious about her, but this makes me warm up to her.
Its impossible to miss psycho Inga clinging desperately to her Russia Russia Russia delusions, even after these many years post-debunking.
If memory serves, she STILL believes the hoax dossier was "proven" "mostly correct".
Again, "character" indeed.
Lonejustice claimed…
But dogs and cats are NOT slaughtered for food. Maybe you eat dogs and cats for food.
Do you let the rats live or do you eat them when you kill them? Those seem to be the only options you’re capable of understanding. Yeah, I’m questioning your knowledge of farming. Your pretense is humorous.
tim maguire:
Noem bought a hunting dog and had it killed when it turned out not to be good at its job.
Not what happened. Do you always leave out salient details?
they "talk tough"
Pot ... kettle.
Be patient, there may be more to the story, because:
"Nobody knows what Mueller Knows"
Apparently "Russia" is to Inga as "Blucher" was to Marty Feldman's Igor.
To be fair, what Noem did may be reasonable in context. This wasn't a pet. It was a working dog that had proven somewhat dangerous. I'm sure that this sort of thing happens in rural America a lot more than we imagine. This is a place where animals are slaughtered without anyone blinking an eye, and if you can't feed something then something has to be done.
That said, "I kill dogs" is not a campaign slogan. Even if it was completely reasonable, if you have to explain you have already lost.
"someone who" ... "a top aid" ... "an individual" ... etc
All swinging from that long worn out thread "Trust me, I'm a journalist." All bullshit camouflage for "me, I made this up".
The dog up and died
He up and died
After 20 shots he still bleeds
That was seriously dark funny. Good job.
By the way, for the best version of that song - Jim Stafford.
lonejustice said...
Rusty: "You know the difference between a human being and a dog, right?"
lonejustice is part of the LLR-democratical Brigade along with Chuck and Rich, so simply lying, mischaracterizing, purposeful ommission etc is always part of the mix when these cats comment.
FullMoon: "Be patient, there may be more to the story, because:
"Nobody knows what Mueller Knows"'
That will forever be the quintessential Inga-ism at Althouse blog: Inga's daily warnings, which lasted for years, to Althouse readers not to presume what "Mueller knows" followed by posting after posting of Inga performing mindreading downloads on all relevant parties!
Absolutely classic.
Wow - an Althouse conspiracy! I remember Champ, the older of two German Shepherds that the Biden's brought into the White House in 2021. He died of old age at 13 according to NPR and the Dog Advisory Council tells us that "the average lifespan [of GSDs] would range from 9-13 years."
Kristy Noem's pup was 14 months old - totally untrained and unloved.
My extended family's farms are near Ms. Noem's family spread. Everyone knows her around there.
Rich beautiful daughter of a Dallas-like family patriarch. Ambitious, not overly brilliant.
What she said about the dog is normal farm life. None of the Dakota people she knows would bat an eye about putting down a dog that had killed chickens. It's what you do. They get a taste for it, and will go after any chickens they encounter. A dog can very quickly wipe out an entire brood. That's a big financial blow to the average farmer.
But I doubt it occurred to her that big-city folk would be horrified at it.
She needs better advisors. But then, people have been telling her that for several years.
"For example, the court noted, the contested plans covered mastectomies for cancer patients but not for trans women...."
She should have given the dog to the Bidens. They seem to like biters.
But what the hell are those shoes he's wearing in that picture. And with no socks!
Low class, man. Blue collar all the way.
This reminded me of the interview Palin gave (after the election?) with turkeys being slaughtered behind her, so I went with Althouse 3. The magazine phoned it in.
I've killed only one mammal intentionally, a baby bunny that a friend ran over with a lawnmower that I finished off with a shovel.
Major & Commander will be put down on November 5. No thanksgiving reprieve for them.
NYT and AA options number one are imho both correct....removing the needless word Incredibly from the first. This was going to come out. So she had a chance to tell her version. She told it poorly.
I did not think to bring in the White House Wolfpack, but its an obvious connection. Missed Opportunities = bad politician.
Not that Noem had a chance, there is other dirt on her, some of which has been hinted at. And the 3 EV of South Dakota are not worth it.
MSNBC and Adam Schitt just discovered Kristi Noem is also a Russian asset.
Gusty: is the dog-tail pulling child to whom you refer President Joe?
Well, there goes Atticus Finch as a role model. Finally.
Would be nice if a day could go buy [sic] without Althouse using the word "elite".
And it would be really wonderful if elites would actually stop trying to dictate how normal people should think and act. For instance lonejustice insists that Noem should have taken the dog to an obedience training. Later, at 6:14, he asserts that he has “lived on a farm for my entire life here in Iowa.” Must be s damned successful farm if its owners can afford to spend thousands of dollars to try (with no assurance of success) to get a dog that can earn its keep on the farm. No doubt he’s actually a “gentleman farmer,” someone wealthy (dare I say “elite”?) individual who runs Just enough livestock on his spread to secure favorable tax rates on his estate.
Well, I thought the edit adding a fourth theory which matched Althouse's number one was worthy of comment. I guess I was wrong.
My dogs and cats are not live stock.. . . But dogs and cats are NOT slaughtered for food. Maybe you eat dogs and cats for food. Not that there is anything wrong with that, of course.
If course we dont eat dogs and cats. That comes if we are sentenced to 4 more years of Obama's "we are days away from fundamentally changing America". 2 more years, and eating cats and dogs is going to be de rigueur.
Dog and cats do have value. Several times in my youth dad had to import a pregnant cat and a tom, when distemper wiped out the barn cats. Dogs need to at least be an early alarm for visitors, and make a good racket at night, for "unannounced guests" But if thae cannot be trusted around stock, or not to take a nip at a stranger, then the dog has to be put down. They slide from asset, to liability.
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