Trump at an NYC bodega: Pandemonium.
— Suburban Black Man 🇺🇸 (@niceblackdude) April 18, 2024
Biden at a Sheetz gas station: Crickets.
Trump later proclaimed, "That was great action at the bodega," and there was an instant campaign ad.President Trump will put New York in play this November!
— Lee Zeldin (@LeeMZeldin) April 16, 2024
It is only Day 2 of this show trial, and President Trump is already breaking the internet by visiting Jose Alba's bodega.
Alba was shipped to Rikers Island by Bragg after acting in self-defense.
७५ टिप्पण्या:
Trump would win the black vote if he said something like "My experience being railroaded by the justice system has opened my eyes to stamp out this kind of conduct as President".
If only people got to choose our leaders! Then we'd have Trump. But that's not how it works here
Biden's media wranglers don't want you too close. They fear you might overhear the gibberish...
Move that way...
Quite the contrast. Trump is a man of the people. Biden is a man of the media.
The White House looks bad every time they try to play in Trump’s turf. Work the room.
This post is very glitchy keeps bouncing to different views. I think I finally got the gist of it.
I couldn’t take my eyes off of the Secret Service synchronized swim. Who could wear charcoal suits all day?
- Krumhorn
(One of these days, someone might come a knocking if you keep this up).
A tale of 2 sets of secret service agents.
Quite the juxtaposition, can easily see how much trump is hated by regular people
Brought out the "Dont Jump" line again. It always kills.
Biden's not so demented. He spotted the little girl with the blond pony tail. She had hair that smelled of lilacs and happiness and you can see him fighting the urge to run over there and start snorting that fabulous hair. But take note of how he was ultimately in control of that urge. He nodded to her and moved on. This is a man totally in command of his faculties and movements. Look at the way he works that room.
Shades indoor without excessive illumination.
Q: What are his eyes doing?
Q: What drugs cause it?
Inquiring minds want to know, democraticals not so much.
I never saw the back of his head photographed before. From the back, his head looks really bald. He went through a painful and expensive operation, and that's how it turned out. There are dumber things than elaborate comb overs. All things are vanity, but some things are more in vain.
Trump is gonna use that trial to put NY in to play... in fact all the trials he is enmeshed in will be used to put him in the White House in Nov.
The Democrats are stuck to a tar baby... tough nuts.
I wish someone would pipe up and ask that old fool what the fuck "Don't jump!" is supposed to mean. Does he really think it's cute? That it's an answer? Is he insinuating that anyone asking him a tough question is on a proverbial ledge, losing their minds, about to do something stupid? Because that's how it comes off. Like he's saying, the questioner is all worked up and nuts for asking. Or is it a subtle threat of "Don't wreck yourself"? Either way. It's obviously still "Weekend at Bernie's" time on the Biden campaign trail.
Watch Biden walk. If that isn't the walk of a sadly deteriorated man I don't know what is. I am surprised the Security guys can resist leading him by the hand.
William said...
I never saw the back of his head photographed before. From the back, his head looks really bald. He went through a painful and expensive operation, and that's how it turned out. There are dumber things than elaborate comb overs. All things are vanity, but some things are more in vain.
FWIW, the face lift is worse. It makes him look like he's a corpse laid out by cut-rate mortician who graduated last in his class at Mortuary Sciences school.
John Kerry apparently went to the same plastic surgeon.
I was informed by the press, leftists on this blog, and the elite, that one of these men is a threat to our republic, and one of them will restore honor and dignity and normalcy to our country.
81 million votes, the most in history.
A vast experience in foreign affairs, and a solid grounding in real economic growth.
The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command. George Orwell, 1984
Biden looks like he found Brian, who has 37 pieces of flair.
I love watching Trump interact with regular people. A once-in-a-lifetime political talent. And as usual, all of the attempts by his enemies to take him out only makes him stronger.
As for Biden, he is deteriorating by the day. It’s only going to get worse. But I am genuinely sorry to hear that his uncle was devoured by cannibals.
Trump's Secret Service guys look distinctly uncomfortable. They probably feel like the Left is imperiling them by fanning the anti-Trump flames to a fever pitch.
What a contrast. Biden never makes eye contact with anyone at all, while the camera, constantly in motion provides the only real movement. At the bodega the camera is stationary while Trump is all action, touching people, making eye contact and working the crowd.
Why can’t our stupid president even take off those damn RayBans? Does he know he’s supposed to be running for president?
The choice of which bodega to visit was significant. This is the bodega where Jose Alba was working. From Eikipedia:
On July 7, 2022, Jose Alba, a 61-year-old bodega clerk, was attacked by customer Austin Simon in a dispute over a bag of potato chips. Alba attempted to de-escalate, but after being cornered behind the counter and being shoved into a wall, defended himself with a knife, killing the assailant. Police who investigated the incident described Alba's actions as self defense.[30]
Bragg, in his prosecutorial discretion, charged Alba with murder and requested bail at $500,000. The judge initially set bail at $250,000, before lowering it to $50,000. The dead attacker's girlfriend also stabbed Alba with her own knife, after attempting to turn Alba's knife back on him. Bragg declined to charge her. After backlash, including from Mayor Eric Adams who said Alba was acting in self defense, Bragg ultimately dropped the charges against Alba, noting that "a homicide case against Alba could not be proven at trial beyond a reasonable doubt".
Mr. Alba has since left the United States and returned to the Dominican Republic (where, presumably, prosecutors understand the concept of self defense). The case was quite the cause celebre at the time, as Hispanics felt — correctly — that Democrats dxpdcted them to accept a beat down and not fight back.
Do you want to lecture us again on the concept of prosecutorial discretion, Professor Althouse?
Watching the Trump visit had me marveling that Biden had deigned to allow Secret Service protection for Trump. Then I remembered that he's entitled to it as a former President. Good thing.
"There are dumber things than elaborate comb overs. All things are vanity, but some things are more in vain."
Hair is overrated (IMO).
Notice how Biden’s events with every day people are all at their places of employment. They are captive audiences. No one who works for a living would make an effort to go to see him at a separate venue.
@ Beth B
Maybe he says that because everyone who sees our President in the flesh looks extremely depressed.
The left criminalize everythign Trump does.
All while they insert (by cheating) --( ooops - send the fucking feds to round me up!)
a old dirty crusty withered fake fraud White Left money grubbing international money whore money grubbing husk.
Trump's visit highlighted the shop owner that was prosecuted for defending himself from a criminal.
He was just demonstrating how the shitheads that run New York view their government as a tool for retaining power and crushing law abiding citizens under their heel.
His cases make the obvious point that New York prosecutors would rather go after political opponents than criminals who rape, kill, and steal.
People in the inner cities have been allowing their votes to be "harvested" for a while because they didn't care.
Now they care. The democrats are going to have to mail in so many votes not even their karens and simps will be able to ignore it.
"Blogger minnesota farm guy said...
Watch Biden walk. If that isn't the walk of a sadly deteriorated man I don't know what is. I am surprised the Security guys can resist leading him by the hand.
4/18/24, 9:47 AM"
I suspect he has Parkinson's disease.
When Biden spotted that little girl, his eyes lit up like a cannibal coming across Uncle Bosie.
Men in stores ... one wearing sunglasses.
Check his pupils.
Noticed Biden clip obviously edited to avoid to showing thousands of cheering fans outside the building
We’re going to straighten New York out.” ~ Donald Trump
Trump took out a full page ad calling for the death penalty of five the Central Park Five case. They were later found to be innocent. Trump has not addressed them/apologized yet.
Unless Biden is promoted what to do - he has no clue what to do.
He is really a husk.
No worries - Biden's marionette controllers can air-brush most of it. The Chicago Mob can cheat-the-vote. We no longer have voter ID requirements for a reason.
Watch Biden walk...
Makes Frankenstein look like Fred Astaire!
Trump's public appearances certainly make him a likely target for some "lone wolf". It wouldn't surprise me in the least if things go that way.
Is that one of the SS guys wearing the same color tie as Trump? Weren't they told to stop doing that?
P0TATUS Biden is walking more and more like Frank N. Stein every day.
What’s with the indoor sunglasses look. And how did they find those white FBI guys willing to pose as fast food workers.
I sure hope Joe "Bribe me!" Biden got his ice cream cone. Wouldn't want to upset the Alzheimer's patient.
Actually, since GWB, the government no longer provides Secret Service protection to former Presidents. Trump's security as ex-president is privately retained.
I love the reactions when people see Joe Biden come in, walk by. It's a 'not sure what to say about this' look. Like..."I knew he was bad, but I didn't realize he was this bad."
Or maybe I'm just projecting. Or maybe I'm seeing what is.
In the Trump bodega video I hear cheers and chants of "four more years, four more years!". Also, there are people of all ages and of different races cheering the former President. In the video of Biden visiting the gas station/deli, I hear quiet murmuring but no cheers and no one calling out to Biden.
Democrats want to keep Trump locked up in a courtroom for the next six to eight weeks thinking it will keep him off the campaign trail. As usual, he is turning the trial into a campaign event in and of itself and gaining more support by visiting the voters at the end of the court day.
When will the left learn? Every case has boomeranged on them and since any convictions will surely be eventually overturned it will all be for naught. If they had just ignored Trump after November of 2020 he would have probably faded into the background at Mar a Lago and not even ran for the GOP nomination this year. But, they just couldn't do it. They are still looking for that revenge for his win in 2016. Also, I think they are truly afraid what he may uncover and reveal about both the Democrats and the Republicans that control D.C.
This all feels very 2016.
I want to believe!
The Wikipedia account cited above doesn't mention that Alba spent 6 nights in Riker's Island for what was clearly self-defense, with video.
It does mention, but it should be emphasized, that Alba was attacked by 2 thugs, the dead one and his girlfriend who also stabbed him with her own knife and attempted to stab him with his own (Alba's) knife.
She was not charged. I'm not even sure she was arrested.
Our president emeritus will get a lot of press and love (though not from the press) for this drop-in.
John Henry
"Actually, since GWB, the government no longer provides Secret Service protection to former Presidents."
"Trump's security as ex-president is privately retained."
Probably for the best.
"Actually, since GWB, the government no longer provides Secret Service protection to former Presidents. Trump's security as ex-president is privately retained."
How can a person be so wrong?
Tom T. said...
"Actually, since GWB, the government no longer provides Secret Service protection to former Presidents. Trump's security as ex-president is privately retained."
Actually that is incorrect. "On January 10, 2013, President Barack Obama signed the Former Presidents Protection Act of 2012, reinstating lifetime Secret Service protection for his predecessor George W. Bush, himself, and all subsequent presidents." Wikipedia.
Eventually, one of two things is going to happen:
-A court populated my an adult(s) is going to toss it all as unconstitutional revenge porn.
-someone high up in the Democratic part will finally catch on that all they are doing is helping Trump, and the word will be passed down to quickly make it all go away.
I’m betting on the latter.
They weren't children
They had committed a lot of awful things that day.
What happened to that poor woman that day was terrible and I don't think using Trump's (popular) support for punishment of them reflects well on you.
The case is one more reason I don't support capital punishment - the chances of getting it wrong in high profile cases is too high.
"Soft on crimes that matter." Bingo!
"Tom T. said...
Actually, since GWB, the government no longer provides Secret Service protection to former Presidents. Trump's security as ex-president is privately retained."
Incorrect. "The original act provided for lifetime Secret Service protection for former presidents. In 1994, protection was reduced to ten years after leaving office for presidents inaugurated after January 1, 1997. This protection limitation was reversed in early 2013 by the Former Presidents Protection Act of 2012.[3]
All living former presidents and their spouses after Dwight D. Eisenhower are now entitled to receive lifetime Secret Service protection. Their children are entitled to protection "until they become 16 years of age".[4]"
Trump took out a full page ad calling for the death penalty of five children
is not asking for death penalty is one weird trick to not killing them if ever
I'm sorry but I can't get past Ambrose Finnegan, Uncle Bosie. If I wrote a novel with a character by that name, my editor would make me change it. It just sounds like too much of a sea story:
"Now this ain't no shit. Me and Badass Bosie Finnegan was out drinking in Port Moresby one night and we hooked up with these two native broads. [Insert long improbable story here which ends up with Finnegan getting eaten by cannibals]. I miss Badass. Helluva pal."
If it were a fairy tale instead of a sea story, it would have started "Once upon a time..." instead of "Now this aint no shit..." Both have the same relation to truth.
Finnegan died in May 44. Brandon said that he and his brothers enlisted right after D-Day (june 6, 44) so that seems unlikely. He probably got confused with Pearl Harbor. Think of the fun the media and some of the brighter lights here would have with that if it were our president emeritus.
This site says he enlisted as a private on January 17, 42 so just after PH. He rose to the rank of Sgt before going off to OCS. I had thought him a bit long in the tooth to still be a 2nd LT (automatic promotion to 1st after 6 months) but maybe not.
There were 3 crew, pilot, gunner and engineer plus Bosie who was a courier, listed as passenger. The engineer Zulkus survived and passed away in 1963. He was always the class clown and the cannibals thought he tasted funny.
None of them got Purple Hearts as it was not a combat mission.
"Missing Aircraft Report" here
John Henry
Don't forget that the Bodega he visited is in Harlem.
Media seem to prefer calling it Hamilton Heights since nobody knows where that is. If they reported Harlem, black people all over the country would be going "WTF? Trump went to the hood? Brandon doesn't do that."
It would gain him some more black votes, no doubt.
John Henry
Rich said...
We’re going to straighten New York out.” ~ Donald Trump
Trump took out a full page ad calling for the death penalty of five the Central Park Five case. They were later found to be innocent. Trump has not addressed them/apologized yet."
And your point is? I have yet see Obama apologize about wiretapping Trump or Biden for his crimes. In the meantime,is NYC better off now than back then? Aynho, tell us how the country is better of now than four years ago.
Watch Biden walk...
Makes Frankenstein look like Fred Astaire!
President Abby Normal.
Their convictions were vacated, they weren't innocent.
"I'd love to sniff you, little girl, but then they wouldn't give me any ice cream."
LLR-democratical Rich, desperately trying to keep his Lefty Lying Level at least on par with LLR-democatical And Violent Homosexual Rage Rape Fantasist Chuck: "Trump took out a full page ad calling for the death penalty of five the Central Park Five case. They were later found to be innocent. Trump has not addressed them/apologized yet."
Trump took out a full page ad calling for the death penalty of five thecCentral Park Five Case."
"Children", what? Ages 4 to 6 on tricycles looking for the ice cream truck with quarters in their hands?
Any history of criminal activity on the part of these "children" previously? What was the meaning of the term "wilding"?
Many months and years pass. What happened during this time? Who was the Gov of NY? The Mayor of NYC? The Police Commissioner? Were there confessions? By whom? What was admitted/confessed to on video?
Getting a sneaking suspicion Rich The Lefty Liar is leaving out juuuuuuust a "few" key details...(wink wink)
Rich: "They were later found to be innocent."
How much later? By whom?
Rich: "Trump has not addressed them/apologized yet."
Apologized for what, precisely? Believing in the results of a completely democrat controlled govt/judiciary/DA/prosecutor/Police process?
Which begs the question: when have The New Soviet Democratical LLR-democratical Brigade (Chuck, Rich, lonejustice) ever called for the democraticals to apologize for this supposed mistake?
Please provide links per Field Marshall Freder's tear drenched demand!
Trump took out a full page ad calling for the death penalty of five the Central Park Five case. They were later found to be innocent. Trump has not addressed them/apologized yet.
4/18/24, 11:31 AM
I have no doubt that he has since become aware that police and prosecutors lie, as do you, since the ad only called for the death penalty for murderers.
Those "children" had gone out with the intent to attack people. The Armstrong Report determined that it was likely they had assaulted her, but that another man raped her and caused the most damaging injuries. Have they apologized yet for leaving her vulnerable to his brutal attack?
tommyesq: "Trump's Secret Service guys look distinctly uncomfortable."
Protecting Trump well is a clear career ender at the Secret Service.
I would suspect the personnel assigned to Trump have already been targeted for termination...of the employment variety.
Recall the chick Secret Service agent that went public saying she would NOT take a bullet for Trump. She got to leave the Secret Service with pay and full pension.
Why do people have to overdo it?
Rich - it's enough to say that the Central Park Five (according to Wikipedia also known as the Exonerated Five, presumably by the usual suspects) were wrongly convicted and their convictions vacated years later thanks to the confession of a serial rapist. It's bad enough that the wrong people went to jail for that horrible attack.
But to say they were "children" - they were active participants in the multiple attacks that took place that night in Central Park. No one contests that.
That Trump supported the death penalty for them when they had confessed, themselves - each one of them confessing to having been involved in the torture-rape, just none of them admitting to being the actual rapist - does not make him unique nor uniquely bad.
Hell, Biden still claims the driver of the truck in the accident that killed his first wife and daughter was drunk. He hasn't apologized for that, has he?
I'm always amused that Joe The Workingman From Scranton and folksy glad handler doesn't hold a candle to Trump when it comes to genuine support from the actual working class. The billionaire country club owner Republican is the actual working class candidate.
"The dead attacker's girlfriend also stabbed Alba with her own knife, after attempting to turn Alba's knife back on him. Bragg declined to charge her."
It's legal for negroes to kill non-negroes in NYC. It's not mandatory yet.
"Trump took out a full page ad calling for the death penalty of five the Central Park Five case. They were later found to be innocent."
That's Rich!
Here is the full text of Trump's ad. It does not mention any of the Central Park 5 by name, only "murderers and muggers", and it is written in a forward-looking tone advocating for New York's lenient policies on crime be revised so that all such criminals preying on peaceful honest people would face harsh punishment.
I fully stand behind the sentiments he expressed. Then and now, he speaks for the little guy victimized by coddled criminals and worthless, lazy, corrupt government.
What has happened to our City over the past ten years? What has happened to law and order, to the neighborhood cop we all trusted to safeguard our homes and families, the cop who had the power under the law to help us in times of danger, keep us safe from those who would prey on innocent lives to fulfill some distorted inner need. What has happened to the respect for authority, the fear of retribution by the courts, society and the police for those who break the law, who wantonly trespass on the rights of others? What has happened is the complete breakdown of life as we knew it.
Many New York families — White, Black, Hispanic and Asian — have had to give up the pleasure of a leisurely stroll in the Park at dusk, the Saturday visit to the playground with their families, the bike ride at dawn, or just sitting on their stoops — given them up as hostages to a world ruled by the law of the streets, as roving bands of wild criminals roam our neighborhoods, dispensing their own vicious brand of twisted hatred on whomever they encounter. At what point did we cross the line from the fine and noble pursuit of genuine civil liberties to the reckless and dangerously permissive atmosphere which allows criminals of every age to beat and rape a helpless woman and then laugh at her family’s anguish? And why do they laugh? They laugh because they know that soon, very soon, they will be returned to the streets to rape and maim and kill once again — and yet face no great personal risk to themselves.
Mayor Koch has stated that hate and rancor should be removed from our hearts. I do not think so. I want to hate these muggers and murderers. They should be forced to suffer and, when they kill, they should be executed for their crimes. They must serve as examples so that others will think long and hard before committing a crime or an act of violence. Yes, Mayor Koch, I want to hate these murderers and I always will. I am not looking to psychoanalyze or understand them, I am looking to punish them. If the punishment is strong, the attacks on innocent people will stop. I recently watched a newscast trying to explain the “anger in these young men”. I no longer want to understand their anger. I want them to understand our anger. I want them to be afraid.
How can our great society tolerate the continued brutalization of its citizens by crazed misfits? Criminals must be told that their CIVIL LIBERTIES END WHEN AN ATTACK ON OUR SAFETY BEGINS!
When I was young, I sat in a diner with my father and witnessed two young bullies cursing and threatening a very frightened waitress. Two cops rushed in, lifted up the thugs and threw them out the door, warning them never to cause trouble again. I miss the feeling of security New York’s finest once gave to citizens of this City.
Let our politicians give back our police department’s power to keep us safe. Unshackle them from the constant chant of “police brutality” which every petty criminal hurls immediately at an officer who has just risked his or her life to save another’s. We must cease our continuous pandering to the criminal population of this City. Give New York back to the citizens who have earned the right to be New Yorkers. Send a message loud and clear to those who would murder our citizens and terrorize New York — BRING BACK THE DEATH PENALTY AND BRING BACK OUR POLICE!
Donald J. Trump
81 million voted for Biden?
Hassaysmper, I am chastened that I didn't look for the text of Trump's ad, and grateful that you did, and posted it.
So, Rich... to what do you object again?
Thank you to those who pointed out the reinstatement of Secret Service protection for former Presidents. I learned something today!
I mean, Rich, you can oppose the death penalty - that's a principled stance, and one for which I have some sympathy, for all that's worth. But besides that?
And are you ready to admit that the ad didn't support the death penalty for these non-lethal "children"?
Jamie: "So, Rich... to what do you object again?"
Anything that can be assessed as even remotely in opposition to The New Soviet Democraticals.
Rich, as is his wont, vanished like a fart in the wind.
You have to give it to Trump; he’s a conman of exceptional talent.
Minorities are usually the most opposed to (mostly Democratic) virtue signalling initiatives that usually just end up patronizing them. They're also the least likely to watch 24-hour news all day to learn about Trump's latest outrage (most have to, you know, actually work). Most remember fondly the economy under Trump, which is usually the most important thing in their choice (and most of the electorate). I'm somehow not surprised that many would find Trump appealing, despite enough evidence of him being at least a bit racist, to be reductive.
No, I don't actually think Trump cares about them, aside from what's necessary for a few votes.
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