"In 2022, the most recent year for which there is available city data, women were killed by intimate partners at a rate 30 percent higher than the previous year. Reports of domestic violence also increased during that period, and nationwide, between 2018 and 2021, incidents of domestic violence involving guns went up by more than 7 percent. According to a survey from the Pew Research Center, a third of women under 35 report having been sexually harassed online. And this is to say nothing of the less manifestly aggressive if pervasive abrasions — the distillation of any middle-aged woman who complains about anything to the favored signifier of oblivious bourgeois entitlement, the 'Karen.'..."
Writes Ginia Bellafante in "Sexism, Hate, Mental Illness: Why Are Men Randomly Punching Women?/Conversation about the attacks on the streets of New York have centered on mental illness, but the offenses seem to have their roots in hatred of women" (NYT).
५४ टिप्पण्या:
How have those NYC women voted? The amount of woman-hate in the world is the same as it's always been. High. The difference is what your society does to woman-haters.
Vote for lawless zoos, get a lawless zoo.
I call BS: NYPD arrests 23-year-old woman in connection with a subway attack on cellist
This is a mental health problem that NY is ignoring because dealing with them doesn't give them the votes like handing out money to illegal aliens, except when they can claim compassion by refusing to lock-up these mentally disturbed individuals even after multiple assaults. Blaming it on misogyny is just another ever-more-insidious attempt to gain votes from these continued assaults.
And here I thought the long-known "knockout game" was simply becoming more inclusive.
Sexism. Yeah that's it. That's the ticket...
we could classify hatred of women as a mental illness to converge the discourse
After my mother died, I found this letter she had written to my dad for one of their wedding anniversaries. Boy, I sure wish I had kept it. She had beautiful handwriting! In it, she listed my dad's good qualities. One of them was something to the effect that he didn't beat her up. That's too strong of what she actually wrote, but that was the sense of it.
The thing of it was, I knew all of my parents' friends. To think that some of the men I knew were beating up their wives (who I also knew) was a complete shocker to me.
Domestic violence isn't new and according to the story there is more of it today, but I - for the life of me - can't understand why a man would strike a woman.
Break down the statistics further. What was the rate increase from 2018-2019 vs 2020-2021? In that time frame I would always suspect covid as the prime cause.
It is hard not to interpret these recent offenses within the broader context of judges letting repeat offenders back on the streets and the failure of the courts to lock up violent criminals for very long periods of time.
"ever-more-insidious misogyny"
Ever-more because the cost is lower.
How does the misogyny of roving improvised punching differ from the misogyny of systematic violent trans intrusion into women's spaces?
Noting for the record that Gina had nothing to say about the years of Jews being randomly attacked on the streets of NY, nor has she said anything about the “knockout game” that’s been spreading on the streets of America’s cities for years. We know the demographics of the attackers, but to point that out is to touch the fifth rail—two orders of magnitude more deadly than the third rail—in American life. (Heather MacDonald is essentially alone in her coverage of this.)
This seems to eliminate the race of the attackers. I grew up one of the major metropolitan areas, where whitey was a constant target. Many attacks and narrow escapes. On one level it would appear that white(ish) women have gained parity. But it is also due to the preying on the more vulnerable by predators.
Enter Daniel Penny.
...the distillation of any middle-aged woman who complains about anything to the favored signifier of oblivious bourgeois entitlement, the 'Karen.'..."
No, not "any" middle-age woman. That slur is reserved for white women only.
The NYC attacks on women - just like the NYC attacks on Jews and Asians - seem to have a Racial Component That Mustn't Be Acknowledged. So, you get exercises in creative writing like this.
Our country has a huge mental health problem and for some reason we aren’t doing anything about it.
Mass shootings, 122,000 overdose deaths/year, random punching, the extreme homelessness in the parks by my home in Santa Monica. It’s all different manifestations of the same thing.
This week we had one homeless guy dart in front of traffic on Ocean Blvd and get hit by a car and die, and one threaten a lifeguard then threaten to jump off a cliff so PCH was shut down while they tried to get him safely down. Who does this serve? Not the mentally ill. Not the lifeguard who was threatened or the driver who hit the other guy. Not their families who probably have no idea where their loved ones are. Not the cops.
Why do we ignore it? And why is this author trying to make it about women-hating? Obviously we don’t care enough about the people who are falling apart, the people who are their victims, or the other citizens of the cities who live with the major and minor consequences
Sex and hunting animals and military combat. Conquests all. Almost every invading army in the history of the world has raped and pillaged and killed male competitors, and often taken the fertile women and young girls as brides.
In the old USA, before the military draft ended with Vietnam, violent young men had a socially accepted outlet for their predatory traits. With the military turning to police actions and all volunteers, old-school probable war heroes became today's criminals.
Maybe boys need male role models and positive training programs like the Boy Scouts?
Maybe women need physical protection and to be very cautious around men?
Hmmm? What novel ideas. The screw of history turns.
Aren't female-on-male incidents of domestic violence on the rise too?
"I can't believe the leopards ate my face" says woman who voted for The Face-Eating Leopard party.
Better check that race card.
The evident point of this article is to provide a nest into which the following egg might be dropped:
"The man arrested in the case of Ms. McGookin, a 40-year-old occasional fringe political candidate from Brooklyn, has a criminal record and his own active internet presence, maintaining an Instagram page with provocative images of young women and pictures of himself standing in front of a “Trump: Make America Great Again” sign."
Unfortunately, the effect is spoiled by the subsequent sentence, which allows the reader to infer the attacker's race:
"He wears a baseball cap with an inscription that claims he is the great-great-grandson of Marcus Garvey."
More on this story can be found here:
Where exactly does misogyny enter into any of this? OK, sure, some of these brutes undoubtedly actually hate women but enough with the broad brush, feminist bread and butter "misogyny" bullshit that so serves the feminists' purpose. Most of this stuff mentioned - murders of women by their intimate partners, domestic violence against women, and the chronically overworked "sexual harassment - is simply the handiwork of violent, savage, psycho assholes and has nothing to do with men in the main or with anyone hating anyone.
Is there a gender random punch gap?
Didn’t read it. Any mention of race in the article?
Because I seem to recall Scott Adams (albeit in more belligerent tones) being concerned about this very thing.
The notion seems to have crept in to American culture that law enforcement is mainly a form of harassment and that the police and prosecutors have a social responsibility to back off and not make the lives of oppressed populations more difficult by arresting and jailing lawbreakers. As a result, people are committing all kinds of crimes with impunity.
In 2022, the most recent year for which there is available city data, women were killed by intimate partners at a rate 30 percent higher than the previous year.
Per the U.S. Census (census.gov), there were 168 million women in the U.S. in 2021. Per the U.S. Department of Justice, 4970 were murdered that year, with 34% (1690 women) killed by an "intimate partner" (which does not necessarily mean a "man"). So 0.0010% of women in the country were murdered by intimate partners in 2021. I couldn't find 2022 numbers too quickly, but using these numbers and the article's stats, that would mean the "big statistical jump" means that in 2022, 0.0013% of women in the U.S. were murdered by intimate partners.
Always be leery of evidence presented solely in statistical form, particularly when the statistic in question is a percentage change from year to year - it is an easy way to hide what would otherwsie be very small changes in already-small numbers.
Also, how do that count trans victims in this analysis?
First question that should be asked:
What is the ethnicity of the women being punched out?
Second question that should be asked:
What is the ethnicity of the puncher?
Does either question appear in the essay?
Where the intersectionalists at? Can't form an opinion until I know the race, gender identify, disability status, religious preference, and voting history of both slugger and sluggee.
As pointed out above, finding and removing the people who do this is the way to stop it. The same person likely is responsible for many attacks. Never know how one might react, but I'd like to think if I witnessed it and I had the chance, I'd pop the coward with a surprise shot of my own. Solid punch right to the solar plexus, or maybe the throat if he was coming toward me. Wouldnt take much to drop him. These rando punchers dish it when they see an easy target but they never think someone else might swing on them unexpectedly -- prob cause they know the DA would arrest the attempted do-gooder for disrupting the norms of the urban utopia which accepts battery by diverse mentally ill men, but not vigilantes.
I'm confused. Is the article about attacks on women by their "intimate partners" or about random attacks on the street? I do not see the connection between the two.
I would also point out that the rate of physical abuse between 2 female domestic partners is about the same, with similar levels of violence and injury as between 2 male domestic partners and female on male domestic partner abuse.
Which are all about the same as male on female domestic partner abuse.
I sort of assume from the snippet you posted that "intimate partner" is more or less a synonym for "Domestic partner" but don't really know.
John Henry
Specifically in relation to women being randomly punched. Are women targeted because there is a hatred of women or are women being targeted because women are less likely to withstand that first punch and retaliate? I would say it’s a storm of fewer police, reduction of prison populations, low/no bail, mental health, and self-preservation of the attacker before I’d say it’s misogyny.
"men" are attacking "women"? What are the races of the men and women?
As with the wave of anti-Asian violence, there is one potential factor that seems to be forbidden from acceptable public discussion: the racial identity of the perpetrators. Could it be that race might be as big of a factor in these assaults as gender?
At the same time, the press is happy to link the violence to Trump supporters:
"The man arrested in the case of Ms. McGookin, a 40-year-old occasional fringe political candidate from Brooklyn, has a criminal record and his own active internet presence, maintaining an Instagram page with provocative images of young women and pictures of himself standing in front of a 'Trump: Make America Great Again' sign. He wears a baseball cap with an inscription that claims he is the great-great-grandson of Marcus Garvey."
What image comes to mind when Trump is invoked? Surely not the man named Skiboky Stora. In 2024, how many NYT readers even know who Marcus Garvey is and what that might imply about ethnicity? The Times pulled this trick with the anti-Asian wave of violence, too.
Black Lives Matter & Defund the Police have a body toll.
This was predictable.
The NY Times cares more about being perceived as Anti-Police and Pro-Black.
Now they want to Raise Awareness on this issue that they helped cause.
Fuck them.
Your incel brothers🤪
What is she complaining about?? They wanted a progressive utopia, and they got what they wanted and voted for. Sit down and enjoy!!
I feel like there should be an obligatory link to the B ill Burr "No Reason to Hit a Woman" bit:
But just in NYC? How can this imaginary misogyny be so geographically limited. I know, because it's NOT misogyny. It's letting criminals roam the streets and letting tens of thousands of young men from honor cultures into NYC.
""It was hard not to interpret these recent offenses within the broader context of a roving and seemingly ever-more-insidious misogyny.""
There is nothing insidious about sucker punching.
The insidious part is raising a generation of men and women without fathers and reverting our society back to dominant-male/harem breeding patterns to raise a generation of men that act this way and women who like it.
Notice how none of these women are actually complaining about this in a way that would change the situation.
They are still stupid single women who voted vote for the known rapist Joe Biden, run through social dating apps and sleep with every 6 foot 6 figure 6 pack 6+ inch man they find, will have kids out of wedlock in their 30's, and clamor for abortions on demand.
After all that they will complain about insidious misogyny like fucking idiots.
David French lives in NYC. Do does David Brooks.
It would be nice to see NYC misogynists change their focus and bitch slap these two arrogant beta males.
Cowardly blacks attacking women that are not likely to fight back. There, fixed a great percentage of that for you.
Enigma said...
Maybe boys need male role models and positive training programs like the Boy Scouts?
Maybe women need physical protection and to be very cautious around men?
They definitely need positive training program like Scouts. Whether Scout USA, Trail Life, Royal Rangers, or others. Recall- Baden-Powell started Scouts because he thought the youth of England were too flabby and unprepared for military service. The whole point of Scouts was to make future soldiers...
My sons all went through Boy Scouts, oldest and youngest are Eagles, the middle two Life scouts. The older 3 all went through Cubs, the program for younger children. My youngest didn't.
But "Why?" you might ask. In my time with Scouts as an adult leader, the percentage of Scouts with two parents at home continued to drop- and is still dropping today. By the time my youngest was Cub age- and we went to the first meetings, there was 1 father involved with 10 Cubs- me. All the rest of the children were there with their single mom who was looking for a male role model for their sons. Because they had failed to marry one.... And they all- including the local council- wanted me to be the Pack leader when I was already the Scoutmaster of the local troop. Nope- wasn't willing to take it on. At that time- my 8 year older son was in the troop. He aged out, my youngest became a Scout, and I continued on as leader. At all times willing to step down if someone else wanted to jump up. We folded the troop about two years ago. We were down to 3 Scouts. For 7 years the adults running the troop had children who had aged out We had no fathers of the Scouts ever show up to meetings or volunteer to help out.
Volunteer organizations require volunteers. And scout like organizations require parents of the scouts to be involved. Not necessarily all the parents, but enough of them. And if you're looking at the leaders for male scouts to be role models, you need fathers. And for females to be role models- you need mothers. (Question, serious question- is a single mother REALLY a role model you ant for your girl???)
I will mention we have a daughter also. Along with a bunch of other Boy Scout parents our age after taking her to a few Girl Scout meetings and looking at what they had become, we didn't want her anywhere near the organization. American Heritage Girls had not yet been formed...
My son with 5 children is currently a leader in a Trail Life troop, and my daughter-in-law a leader in American Heritage Girls. Parents of the scouts are heavily involved in both organizations.
All volunteer civic organizations are dying on the vine. The USA has always had more of them then other nations. Still does. In addition to demographic change from unlimited and unlawful immigration- known throughout history as invasion, the country is undergoing a long term demographic change internally. The future belongs to those who show up. And along regional lines that would be Amish/Mennonites in one area, Mormons in another, and traditional Catholics in scattered communities throughout the remainder. I won't be around to see what transpires- my grandchildren will be. I've done my best to make our corner of the world a better place. That's all any of us can do.
Any mention of the skin melanin content of the attackers?
Or if they are members of the Religion of Peace™?
When you can punch someone at random and be released without bail, then go out and punch someone else at random and be released without bail, and when you go to trial, assuming there is a trail, you get basically a slap on the wrist in the name of equity, someone might get the impression that people generally don't care all that much if you punch people at random. Even the mentally ill get that. Also, the police might get that impression as well and not be so inclined to arrest the random puncher, given it won't accomplish anything and if anything goes wrong they will be spending the rest of their lives in prison.
This is a desperate attempt to rationalize the failures of their own cherished and unquestionable policies.
Now let's break it down by race, because the racial compositions of cities have changed dramatically in that time.
This, from Dogma & Pony Show:
"The notion seems to have crept in to American culture that law enforcement is mainly a form of harassment and that the police and prosecutors have a social responsibility to back off and not make the lives of oppressed populations more difficult by arresting and jailing lawbreakers. As a result, people are committing all kinds of crimes with impunity."
I should add, cowards pick targets that appear weak.
"men" seems to be missing a qualifier here. For some reason.
Hmmmm. My post seems to have vanished (f ever it existed).
The victims, obvious Jews, Asians, white women are, in general, smaller and less skilled in combat. Throw a large percentage of the victims are elderly.
Bullies, even the disturbed, tend to be cowards.
Cowards pick easy cowards.
... but the offenses seem to have their roots in hatred of women.
Yeah, no. Like RideSpaceMountain said, it's the general lack of criminal punishment. The specifics are just bleed over. Remember the knock-out game? Wasn't just women being targeted there and I'm certain I've seen vids of men getting randomly punched.
The news just puts it on blast when it's women.
"You get more of what you encourage."
Aren't female-on-male incidents of domestic violence on the rise too?
Yes but hush, you don't mention that when women are being made the victim. It dilutes the message.
It's Trumps fault black men are beating up white women in New York.
You know it's true.
Well, I call BS. The left is reporting crime is down, especially violent crime.
Changes in reporting percentages, redefining levels of crime, failure to catch and prosecute and futility of reporting crime notwithstanding - statistics PROVE CRIME IS DOWN! - per our betters.
So it must be true.
Now why are these women lying?
An annoying aspect of the report is the conflation of actual violence with being "harassed" online. Having been harassed online myself (and contradicted even here), despite being a mid-60s fat old white guy not at all a female, I find the comparison disingenuous and purposefully alarming. Everyone is harassed online. It is like saying there is a mile-wide meteor headed to earth, and also that leaves drop off trees in the fall.
Also, percentage increases are the wrong metric to report. If there were 10 murders last year and 13 this year, in a multimillion population, that 30% rise in murders requires no action. 1000 going to 1300 might be more significant in a population that size. But we are NOT told which it is, leading me to believe the story is written in a purposefully misleading and alarming manner rather than a dispassionately factual one.
Kate said: Break down the statistics further. What was the rate increase from 2018-2019 vs 2020-2021? In that time frame I would always suspect covid as the prime cause.
My exact thoughts. And even though the crap hit the rotating blades in 2020, I think the shock wore off and the despair and other negative after-effects really manifested in 2021.
More misogyny, right?
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