SEE IT: Nancy Pelosi EXPLODES in anger after she's reminded there was a global pandemic that led to job losses under Trump and that Biden has not done really much. WATCH
— Simon Ateba (@simonateba) April 29, 2024
१२४ टिप्पण्या:
If you want to be an apologist for the corrupt Biden regime... that's on you Nancy.
Nancy is a rich white left-wing liar.
Amazing that someone so vile can remain in public life.
Trump's economy was booming - until the Democrat-globalist-Chi Com Virus put an end to that.
Then came the removal of Voter ID.
Nancy runs to the left of MSNBC? Of course she does.
Katy Tur should hire a food taster ASAP.
Katy Tur puts the numbers in perspective, re: Trump was dealing with Covid, and Pealosi loses it. Fun to watch the lefties eat their own.
You’d think by now MSNBC would understand the assignment — it ain’t pushback.
You're either dishonest, or and economic moron if you don't know that Biden's job gains were nothing more than jobs lost during the COVID scam.
Up until COVID was released, the Trump economy was rocking. Democrats hated it. Especially low black unemployment. If blacks are employed...the don't need white Democrats.
Nancy Pelosi is nothing more than pure evil. The worst of all America's white women. Hope Katy Tur had fun interviewing another member of her coven.
How many jobs has Nancy Pelosi created that DIDN'T require a massive influx of government funding (and kickbacks) to create and/or sustain?
What an ugly development. Suddenly, fairness is rearing its head at the networks. I guess their ratings are finally being reflected in their ad revenues.
Pelosi is way past her sell by date. Don Lemon would think she should move on.
Pretty funny when the left eats it own tho.
Katy Tur an apologist for Donald Trump? Nearly spit out my coffee…
But the desperation is palpable.
Everyone knows that the BLS is completely corrupt. Joe Biden has destroyed workforce participation.
Everyone is having job cutbacks now. All of the big companies are cutting full time jobs right now.
All of the jobs being "created" are based on survey data at the BLS and they are all "part time." We know that all job expansion in the last several years is going to people born outside the US and most of it isn't paying taxes.
The Regime media is pretending the economy is booming but that is all going to come crashing down soon. All GDP increase is caused by massive immigration, but per capita GDP has fallen.
Credit Card Debt all time record highs.
Small Business rent delinquency is over 50%.
Commercial Real Estate is in the process of collapsing. CRE Vacancy is at record highs.
The price of food has doubled in 3 years.
The price of gas has almost doubled.
The only thing that has increased is government spending and government interest payments.
The Regime is funding these protests to get the BLM/Antifa/PLO foot soldiers ready for the summer of burning and looting and shipping in an army of illegal immigrants. They are trying to burn it all down on their way out so that Trump has to deal with an intractable problem when he becomes president again if they can't mail in enough ballots to steal it this time.
According to Scott Adams, Katie Kouric then reminded Pelosi that she's also against Trump. News admits.
Even the true believers are having a hard time sticking to the party line.
That aint funny.
Democrats don't like it when you go off the narrative and TELL THE TRUTH...
Again the diffeence between Democrat and republicans when dealing with the MSM. The D's always on the attack and always attacking any Reporter who doesn't give them a softball question or questions "The Narrative".
The Republicans (except Trump) are always on the defensive. Always trying to appear "reasonable" and agreeing with the hostile premises and assumptions of the leftwing reporters.
The Democrats rarely, if ever, attack on their own side. No matter how extreme. The DC Republicans are constantly attacking other Republicans. They'll disavow and throw otheir "Teammates" under the bus at a drop of a hat. For example, Mitch The Bitch McConnell
recently calling Trump's actions on J6 "criminal". And constantly trying to please their media Masters by making it clear "I"m not like those OTHER Republicans. Please like me".
As for Pelosi why is she on TV? She's not speaker. She holds no position of power.
Not puzzling if you realize they consider themselves the controlled opposition and The Demcorats "Uniparty Wing man".
Just like "Crime is Down"!
What's the point of going on MSNBC if you're going to going to be challenged? Obviously, only a Trump apologist would do that. Why is Tur still on the air there? Send her to Fox News, where she belongs.
I think it's important to remind people that Pelosi - by her own fervent pronouncements multiple times - is a Catholic. And by her own admission, a good one. This petulant, scolding, lying, abortion-loving, multi-millionaire sellout uniparty golem has the audacity to pound tables and spout bullshit while claiming she's a good Catholic.
If she's a good Catholic, Pope Francis is the 2nd coming and rides a unicorn while farting daffodils.
It could be like all the leftie octogenarians she's losing it or just a typical Tuesday for leftie lickspittle but that level of vitriol could also imply they aren't really happy with what their internal polling is telling them. Cook the Vote yes but there's still a marign of fraud to overcome...
...the MSNBC 'journalist' is hilarious. I don't think anyone can accuse me of that... She's worried people might believe Nancy Pelosi...
I call this clip: "US Politics in 30 Seconds".
I heard that live on the truck radio. I wondered if the blogs would pick up this nugget. Thank you.
Here is the Most powerful Democrat in the Nation, and she runs and hides like a puppy in a thunderstorm. After accusing an MSNBC journalist of being a Trump apologizer.
How pathetic is the Dem position, that the most powerful Democrat, given the platform, lack the intellectual chops, to clarify their public position?
Ah San Fran Nan--the Wicked Witch of the West (but mostly of the Napa Valley where she lives, but her constituents are in San Francisco). She's a lot of things--but nice isn't one of them.
Nasty Nancy is melting.
no shes a druid perhaps an eldritch creature, but not a Catholic, then again the current pontiff isn't one either,
Katy Tur wrote about about how crazy Trump is. So no, you can’t accuse her of being a Trump apologist.
Pelosi looks great, though, thanks to modern dermatological technology. Too bad her wits can’t keep up.
"Democratic Politician accuses MSNBC Host of being a Trump apologist," was not on my 2024 Presidential election Bingo card.
The thing is that why would Biden announce a huge tax increase seven months from election unless he knows something we don't?
Also I don't think Pelosi is scared or angry and losing it over fear of losing the election. I think it's more likely that knowing that they can't lose and have power ad infinitum keeps her arrogance primed.
White women sadly, are destroying the golden age of womanhood as well as the gains brought to humanity by western civilization+judeo-christianity+capitalism.
Pelosi makes herself look like a moron when she cites the job numbers that way- it isn't like Americans are too stupid to remember what happened in March 2020 and who was actually mostly responsible or those shutdowns.
She needs to go on crazy Russian Collusion hoax spreader, Nicole Wallce's show. Now that girl is a good little Progressive drone!! THIS is what Nasty Nancy is used to....
"After discussing how GOP candidates have stated that they believe that the last election was “stolen,” Wallace added “It is not accurate to say everyone in the Republican Party is a conspiracy theorist but as with racists, all of the conspiracy theorists are Republicans.”"
When you project strength like Pelosi and the Democrats, any accusations of fragility are swept aside with a mere flick.
The viewers don't need context! They can't handle context!! We have numbers!!!
I love the look on Nancy's face when Katy makes the obvious observation.
Don’t tell Nancy what HER truth should be. lol.
Chuck said...
"I am afraid you are mistaking me for someone who has an interest in fair treatment of Donald Trump. I'm not your guy. I am interested in smearing him, hurting him and prejudicing people against him."
3/4/16, 4:46 PM
Even through the massive amount of botox, you can see the look of outrage on Nancy's face that an MSNBC servant is slightly challenging her nonsense pronouncements. I dare you to find a Republican do this on Fox News.
I get a very brief--too brief--glimpse of the Prof's comment, which then disappears, leaving only the X embed.
That said, what a repulsive old harridan Pelosi is. I look forward to her death.
Stating facts is now being an apologist. Got it.
“The arrogance of the old these days is truly stunning.”
(from Ann's post on Dan Rather)
Nancy Pelosi is filth. She engineered the January 6 Reichstag Fire. She attempted to destroy the republican form of government in the United States and replace it with a Soviet style system with a single Party. She may have succeeded, it's too early to tell. No amount of contempt is enough for that evil woman.
Someone didn't get the memo.
It's not enough to be a commie toady 99.9% of the time.
You must always be a commie toady.
Many commenters on this forum know this.
What a vile women.
Did she have another facelift?
Are those bags under her eyes or her knees?
Pelosi's power within the Dem party came from her fund-raising prowess. Not her diplomacy or negotiating skills.
Nancy Pelosi is a second rate liar and bully compared to The Don. She kicks his ass, however, as a Day Trader.
I think the networks are reading the polls, seeing Biden lagging, and asking the right questions of Democrats. The old, “the economy is great, you just believe it isn’t” is now recognized BS. Layoffs are happening in all sectors. Even the Fed is admitting inflation is not in check and therefore they can’t lower rates. None of this has anything to do with Trump. He is not President, he was not Speaker of the House for the first two years of Biden’s administration when supposedly bills were passed to fix all this. MSNBC is asking the question on panicked Democrat minds.
Alas, as others noted, Pelosi is reminding MSNBC that their job is to blame Trump anyway. Considering how easily the NYT rolled over for the White House last week; I suspect MSNBC will do the same.
I’ve never associated ice cream with EVIL until Nanski Pelosi and P0TATUS Biden.
Pelosi doesn't expect anyone to forget there was a pandemic, she just wants to make journalists a bit more hesitant to add any unapproved comment.
Oh wow! They're worried they're going to lose, even with their election fortifications.
Just to be clear..
Trump DIDN'T lose jobs to "Covid", Trump lost jobs to government imposed Covid shutdowns.
Biden's job "numbers" count the government allowing people to return to their jobs.
Biden's job "numbers" Also count part time jobs as equivalent to fulltime jobs/
Biden's job "numbers" ALSO count jobs being done by immigrants (legal And illegal)
Add it all up, and Biden's job "numbers" show HUGE job losses across the board.
The ONLY area with increasing job numbers is the Government itself.
All of this means: Biden will be reelected, with the largest turnout and highest numbers EVER.
It's not who votes that counts.. it's who COUNTS the votes
When you're against Trump --- any LIE will do.
"If you want to honestly discuss the records of the presidents of the United States, I'm not your girl. I'm only interested in 'Party Before Country' partisan nonsense."
what did for seven trillion dollars in debt,
All you need to do is hate Trump and all your lies come true.
I heard a snippet on the news today that struck me as incredible. The corrupt prosecutors in NY are trying to prove "that Trump tied to win the 2016 election."
Got that - the left want to make it illegal to run and win elections - (unless you are on team corruptocrat)
yes - that's is what the news snippet said.
Blogger Howard said...
Nancy Pelosi is a second rate liar and bully compared to The Don. She kicks his ass, however, as a Day Trader.
Howard likes her style. Nobody knows how she did as a "day trader as her husband has hidden it all. I keep seeing lefties talk about Trump "lies," but they never seem to list them. I assume most are like that fraud with no victims.
As others have stated in various ways - The exploding in anger is just the communist lash-out at the media... "stay in line, or else."
The roles have become too predictable.
The curves and edges are not so rich.
The D'Alesandro family of fine thieves. Grabbing and grafting with both hands for four generations now.
US drug control agency will move to reclassify marijuana in a historic shift, AP sources say
the plan to move marijuana from its current classification as a Schedule I drug, alongside heroin and LSD. It moves pot to Schedule III
I don't want to sound like an apologist for the Biden residency; but this move readies US for:
* research into harmful side affects.
* open legalization in spite of those side affects.
For years (and years! (and Years! (and YEARS!!))) all we've heard is about how grass is "OBVIOUSLY" harmless, because there haven't been any studies showing harm..
Of course, as a Schedule I, it was almost impossible to be able to DO any studies. This opens the door
That's good comedy.
I used to take the side of the interviewer, but the more I think about it, the more Nancy Pelosi may have a point. Donald Trump was the president who ordered the shutdowns.
More than 400,000 Americans were killed during FDR's last two terms as presidency. The worst record of Americans killed during any presidency.
I’m guess Pelosi is off Trump's VP prospects.
Nancy Pelosi, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Kamala (“Cackles”) Harris, Nancy Mace, Maxine Waters, Shiela Jackson Lee, Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez, …
Clear evidence that women just do not belong anywhere in politics.
Nancy Pelosi, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Kamala (“Cackles”) Harris, Nancy Mace, Maxine Waters, Shiela Jackson Lee, Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez, …
Clear evidence that women just do not belong anywhere in politics.
Listening to Nancy Pelosi makes me retch, so getting a taste of how the interview went here was informative and helpful.
Thanks to all.
Baltimore is a massive shithole because of her family
John Henry
All members of congress should have their bank accounts completely published. And the ability to use insider trading HAS to stop.
Nancy Pelosi, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Kamala (“Cackles”) Harris, Nancy Mace, Maxine Waters, Shiela Jackson Lee, Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez, …
Clear evidence that women just do not belong anywhere in politics.
Always remember. From the moment they are elected democrats are seeking more power. 24/7.
I think Trump's anti-female supporters are on to something. Is there someway Trump can win without any female votes?
who needs females.... when we have Trump.
That's really astounding. The panic is setting in.
Explodes in anger? Hardly.
Baltimore is a massive shithole because of her family
#PelosiProfits and NYC tumbles after. Also, NanFrancisco.
Trump is her Choice... uh, choice, for a fall guy.
Good for that MSNBC reporter. On Face the Nation Sunday Margaret Brennan did the exact opposite. A CBS pollster reported voters were saying Trump’s economy was very good and Brennan jumped in with "they’ve forgotten how bad it was during the pandemic!"
Clear evidence that women just do not belong anywhere in politics.
Sarah Palin, for one, performed well enough, until evil men, and wicked women, sabotaged her career.
"Amazing that someone so vile can remain in public life."
Yep. Sometimes we're blessed to endure such vile shits in public life for a mere four years...other times we may be cursed to have to endure them for at least four more years.
As a property developer in New York Trump had plenty of experience dealing with the Mob, so he ought to know how to deal with the Democrats.
"Baltimore is a massive shithole because of her family"
One member or another of her immediate family has been on the government payroll since 1926.
No one is saying the real part out loud. The pandemic was (used) (Given to us) by the left and the left's friends.. to kill The Amazing economic boom that would have pushed Trump into an easy second term.
The corrupt left know/knew what they are/were doing. And the corrupt left - has Chinese Communist gain of function tentacles.
Lying evil power-mad authoritarian Communists are the same all over the globe.
"Donald Trump was the president who ordered the shutdowns."
It was my recollection that there were recommendations but that the decision to shutdown was left up to the governors.
From a quick online search, posted by CNN ( April 3, 2020):
President Trump again signaled his resistance to issuing a national stay-at-home order to slow the spread of coronavirus, despite comments from Dr. Anthony Fauci this week questioning why such an order has not been issued for all states.
The majority of states have issued orders for their residents to stay in their homes, but the federal government has not mandated people do so.
“I leave it up to the governors,” Trump said at the coronavirus task force briefing.
“I like that from the standpoint of governing, and even from the standpoint of our Constitution,” the President said of his inclination to allow states to make their own decisions about ordering people not to leave their houses.
If you dare say something positive about Trump - the corrupt left will stomp you down and shut you up... real fast.
Nancy Pelosi(D) was just giving everyone a little taste.
Birches said...
Oh wow! They're worried they're going to lose, even with their election fortifications.
Trump came very close to having more than half of the total registered voters in 2020.
That is why there were no audits allowed for the 2020 election because the Regime had to claim turnout levels that are impossible and that a vegetable got 16 million more votes than Barack Obama.
Trump is going to have more support in 2024. He will probably clear that 50% of all registered voters threshold.
It is only in spaces like this where "educated" people group up and jabber that people do not realize the historic levels of support and the popularity that Trump has in the electorate.
If I ever have colorectal surgery, I want the surgeon to use skin off of her face to tighten up those hemorrhoids.
- Krumhorn
Blogger Václav Patrik Šulik said...
I used to take the side of the interviewer, but the more I think about it, the more Nancy Pelosi may have a point. Donald Trump was the president who ordered the shutdowns.
Not true. Donald supported shutdowns but left the decision to the states.
Goetz von Berlichingen
Donald Trump was the president who ordered the shutdowns.
Not the way I remember it. It was the governors who did it on the advice of the thugs at the CDC.
Top one hundred of the worst people this country has ever produced and that includes serial killers.
Lol. MSNBC's Katie Tur does a very good and credible job of pushing back on Pelosi's hyperbole, and TrumpWorld uses the exchange to... bash MSNBC.
Of course, Trump had no responsibility for ghastly unemployment and an economic cratering at the end of his term; it was COVID.
Just like Trump had no responsibilty for $1.89 gasoline and near-zero interest rates at the end of his term; it was COVID.
Do the Trumpettes see how this works?
It's a peculiar thing, seeing septa-octa,even nonagenarians still active in politics. Nancy's been doing political speaking for so long, her speech patterns have become automatic, as have her gestures, expert at conveying sound bytes in easy-to-digest cadences. But you have to remember DC is a snakepit, so for all of them, there's a peculiar vicious, senescent rage that erupts when their authority is challenged. It's like there's a tinge of desperation that this might finally be the pivotal moment when the aged noble is finally being toppled by the upstart. Even for old snakes, the survival instinct kicks in, however feeble. Nancy can't think on her feet anymore, so she was left with just angrily repeating what she said at first, word-for-word, gesture-for-gesture. She's through now, lost her political teeth, and I think she knows it. There's probably a dozen Democrat Reps that are licking their lips right now, watching the video like it's a game tape.
When she called out Pelosi on the jobs number, Pelosi looked as if she was about explode. And politicians wonder why people hate them. We can't have an honest discussion. It is spin spin spin 100% of the time.
Krumhorn wants to exploit Nancy's face to jack up his pucker factor to 11 24/7. He must really miss the good old days in the A-4
Old Nancy said as she left and hopped on her broom for a ride.
"No one is saying the real part out loud. The pandemic was (used) (Given to us) by the left and the left's friends.. to kill The Amazing economic boom that would have pushed Trump into an easy second term.
"The corrupt left know/knew what they are/were doing. And the corrupt left - has Chinese Communist gain of function tentacles."
Why are so many delusional kooks attracted to this blog?
Sarah Palin, for one, performed well enough, until evil men, and wicked women, sabotaged her career.
Point taken
When I come to this thread I get a brief glimpse, as I said, of commentary before the video takes over hogs the space. I thought it was a Prof comment, but I see now that it was posted by Simon Ateba, an honest man and an actual journalist.
Pelosi ripping up Trumps state of the union speech was so comical, she's had Trumpitis for quite a while now.
Krumhorn - I think that at this stage of facelifts the skin on Nancy Pelosi's cheeks started life on her thighs.
'For years (and years! (and Years! (and YEARS!!))) all we've heard is about how grass is "OBVIOUSLY" harmless, because there haven't been any studies showing harm..'
If you pay a bunch of scientist to tell you pure spring water is dangerous, those are the results you will get.
Kind of like global 'warming.'
And it's 'effects.' I know people have issues with this, but it's a pet peeve of mine...
Explodes in anger? Hardly.
I agree! She didn't "explode in anger."
She froze, speechless, for an awkwardly long time, then, with hectic excitability, simply repeated what she'd just said, weird for word if I recall, in a higher and more frantic tone, ignoring the interviewer's mildly delivered contextual observation as if she couldn't think of a single thing to say to counter it.
Good catch, Readering!
Anger is a common symptom of dementia. Look at our President’s conduct.
What a detestable woman. Generations of graft and still she hungers for more.
Pelosi's most petulant and immature moment was when she dramatically tore up Trump's State of The Union speech. There was no justification for that childish little outburst.
And yes, the shitholery of Baltimore is prima facie evidence of her family's corruption.
Why are so many delusional kooks attracted to this blog?
I don’t know, Cookie. As you are one of the most delusional kooks who has ever commented here, perhaps you can answer your own question.
Robert Cook said...
"Why are so many delusional kooks attracted to this blog?"
BLS statistics
Check the unemployment rates on the five-year chart. January 2020: 3.6%. May 2020: 13.2%. March 2024: 3.8%. Who, exactly, is delusional?
rhhardin said...
According to Scott Adams, Katie Kouric then reminded Pelosi that she's also against Trump. News admits.
God, I hope it was Scott Adams -- and not just you -- who didn't know the difference between Katie "Kouric" [sic; it's "Couric"] and Katie Tur, who did the subject interview with Pelosi. Please tell me that Adams got it as wrong as you did. It will make my day.
If I ever have colorectal surgery, I want the surgeon to use skin off of her face to tighten up those hemorrhoids.
- Krumhorn
Krumhorn wants to claim Nancy kisses his ass!
"Please tell me that Adams got it as wrong as you did. It will make my day."
That's sad. You need to get a life.
Blogger Krumhorn said...
If I ever have colorectal surgery, I want the surgeon to use skin off of her face to tighten up those hemorrhoids.
She will forever be on your ass.
Blogger Chuck said
Of course, Trump had no responsibility for ghastly unemployment and an economic cratering at the end of his term; it was COVID.
Just like Trump had no responsibilty for $1.89 gasoline and near-zero interest rates at the end of his term; it was COVID.
Do the Trumpettes see how this works?
Dou YOU know the difference between a black swan viral attack and competent management of domestic energy production?
Give it the fuck up Chuck.
Cook - you simply cannot image that the leftist corruption taking place has deep roots. We know that about you. You buy all the lies - you think the border is secure. All of the leftwing corruption is just a figment of our imaginations... so much kookery.
Never mind the creepy left-wing media in-unison scare tactics used to bully for unproven big-pharma jabs... and the connections between big pharma and the left.
We do have the receipts
Gain of function research ... paid for with our tax dollars.
The systematic removal of voter ID laws.
Stay democrat loyalist, Cook. Don't ever question anything.
Certain you think the Biden's are clean.
Cook - the real kooks are those of you who buy all the lies.
Cook - I do love how team D is into American made bomb making. Don't you?
The "limit" of (Scott Adams intellect and knowledge) over (LLR-democratical And Violent Homosexual Rage Rape Fantasist Chuck's psychotic and twisted world view) as time approached literally yesterday was already equal to infinity.
Cookie: "Why are so many delusional kooks attracted to this blog?"
Big Mike: "I don’t know, Cookie. As you are one of the most delusional kooks who has ever commented here, perhaps you can answer your own question."
Comrade Stalinists and LLR-democraticals create infestations wherever one finds even one.
That gas bag is the original Wicked Old Witch of the West.
“Why are so many delusional kooks attracted to this blog?”
Cook, you are the obviously blind and delusional one here. The economy is a shambles. Runaway inflation. Uncontrolled illegal immigration, with hundreds of thousands of Chinese, Islamic terrorists, and cartel members streaming into this country. Indtead of arresting violent criminals, your DAs are prosecuting those who fight back. Blue cities and states, in particular, are economically collapsing, with the rest of us presumably to pick up the bill. Panic over a government constructed virus, allowing for stealing the 2020 election through massive mailin voter fraud, followed by idiotic pandemic actions that stupidly shut down the schools and economy, followed by imposition of a more deadly vaccine, making $billikns$ for the pharmaceutical companies, and $millions$ for the senior bureaucrats that funded the creation of the virus, followed by the approval of the deadly vaccine. Naked LawFare against the leading Presidential candidate by the current President and his Administration, installed 4 years ago through election fraud, to again steal control of the Presidency. Meanwhile, men in women’s locker rooms, or injuring them on the sports field, along with permanently sterilizing mentally ill adolescents is now a civil right, enforced by the DOJ.
If you want to stick your head in the sand and believe that this is all good, you can spend your time commenting over in the MSM echo chambers like the NYT.
Well said, Bruce Hayden!
I wonder how many high level GOP politicians have flaunted the use of the word "ain't" in some public pronouncement comment. We have Biden's famous “If you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump then you ain’t black,” and now this comment from Pelosi. Do they think using the slang word shows their authenticity?
Bruce Hayden - 3:43.
Thank you. All of that and more - ignored by the loyal left.
According to liar Nancy - Biden single highhandedly created 9 million billion jobs.
It's amazing. If you are a loyal democrat - you should bleive that.
Other thing PBS News? NBC affiliate hive-minders should buy and swallow wholesale:
The border is secure!
Inflation is coming down. Never mind prices are higher than ever.
Jobs Jobs jobs! Three letters, says Crook Joe - "J O B S"
Millions of illegals are by-passing their supposed court dates (another scam) and jumping the line for jobs, housing, and legal status.... oooo right before the Nov election.
But hey - everything is cool as long as the corrupt democrats stay in power.
No, no no, Nancy. Your job was to grift as much money as you could from the American taxpayer. A job which you suceeded in.
" Bruce Hayden said...
“Why are so many delusional kooks attracted to this blog?”
Cook, you are the obviously blind and delusional one here. "
This is how you can tell which commenters have/had public sector jobs or corporate jobs where they had no responsibilities. To somebody who never had to contribute, but still collects a paycheck, everything is rosey. They don't have to strain.
Gain of function research ... paid for with our tax dollars.
The systematic removal of voter ID laws.
It seems to me that these two things are sufficiently well documented that it takes an act of will to deny them.
But I do stop short of "the American [or International] Left worked with China to develop COVID in order to undermine Trump's too-successful first term, and then conspired to undermine the 2020 election because, despite their effort, he was still doing too well."
I think COVID originated in and escaped (was not deliberately released) from the lab in Wuhan, and we know from his own emails that even Lord Fauci suspected this from the start. But I think from there, it was largely a case of not letting a crisis go to waste.
At the very beginning, like within the first three months after the first reported cases, the idea of lockdown didn't gain traction publicly in the US - but whoops, Pelosi's encouraging her constituents to get together en masse and breathe on each other for Chinese New Year appeared to show the country that her desire to paint Trump as a racist was more important to her than ordinary public health prudence, and we were off to the races: in order to back up - indeed double down on - the message of, "We didn't screw up for the past three months! And when Trump said we shouldn't be welcoming travelers from China (and Italy, but let's ignore that the same way we ignored Venezuela and North Korea's presence and Indonesia's absence on the list of 'Trump Muslim Ban' countries), the two biggest hot spots, that was racist!", we all had to go hoard toilet paper and make sourdough.
And then what happened? The Great Divide appeared - or was thrown into sharp relief - between the people who kind of enjoyed lockdown, whose jobs continued uninterrupted but now in pajama bottoms, and the people who either lost their jobs or had to report in person in a world we were all told was too dangerous to go out in.
Oh, and Trump leveraged his executive powers to clear the regulatory way to develop two vaccines (that could have been available before the election, but which we know, from their own emails, were deliberately delayed). Any president would have done the same in the interests of public health - even though we've of course learned more about the vaccines since then that, in hindsight, might make us wish there had been more deliberation.
And recall that Trump never supported a vaccine mandate, and that the Democrat establishment was saying they wouldn't trust any "Trump vaccine" - until after the election, whereupon they did support vaccine mandates and passports, and people actually did lose their jobs over their vax status.
As to the election, it's inarguable that the extra-legislative changes made to voting procedures and rules, particularly but not solely in swing states, disproportionately advantaged Biden - any statistical analysis shows this, but as an example just look at the counties on the Ohio-Pennsylvania border that have always voted in statistical lockstep until 2020, when suddenly the PA ones went strongly for Biden and the Ohio ones for Trump. And we know from the Twitter and Facebook files that those two social media giants, at minimum, were deemphasizing positive stories about Trump and covering for (rather than covering) Biden's midmorning lids and growing incoherence, catching and killing(!) information about the H. Biden laptop that points to - again, at minimum - the appearance of J. Biden's influence peddling, and shadow-banning Republicans and especially Trump supporters. And we know that after the election, polls indicated that enough people would have changed their voting behavior - even if it was just by staying home - to flip the election if they'd gotten the news of The Laptop from their normal newsfeeds. Which, again, catch and kill - it's not just for the Enquirer!
Robert Cook, what of what I'm saying here is kooky?
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