"... that descended on this hilltop village for about eight hours on Saturday.... This Schnecksville extravaganza was the fourth Trump rally in the Mid-Atlantic that I’d attended since 2016. I go largely because I think the media still fails to understand America’s most important story of the last 10 years. U.S. democracy is staring out into the abyss not so much because of the narcissistic bluster of one alleged billionaire ex-president, but because of the people with fleece hoodies over their MAGA hats who spent hours in an April windstorm to see him.... So who are these people? A new best-selling book blames Trump’s unshakable popularity on 'White Rural Rage' and that is something you might expect to see here in Schnecksville, where the urbane Eastern Seaboard melts into live-bait shops, Baptist churches and red-brick 19th-century homes. The only problem is that almost everyone I met scoffed at their Green Acres stereotype...."
Trump: "This is a hell of a rally. I just heard there are 42,000. You know we expected maybe — because it's freezing, right,
it's freezing. I'm freezing my ass off up here. At least they could have given me a little bit of a heater underneath this. They gave me nothing! See, they take advantage — my own people take advantage of me. They gave me nothing. But... you know we expected maybe 10,000 people. We have 42,000 people tonight. 42,000. As far as the eye can see. I wish the I wish the fake news media would turn those camera look at all those cameras. Wow wow wow wow...."
"U.S. democracy is staring out into the abyss . . . because of the people with fleece hoodies over their MAGA hats who spent hours in an April windstorm to see him"
Give that prog props for honesty. The people bring democracy to the abyss. Gotta a. change the people, or b. crush them. Progs are working on both.
By the way, do progs ever talk about the endless Biden lies, decade after decade, from law school to Cornpop to growing up as x to watermen to football hands to not knowing about Hunter's business to you name it, as mis/disinfomation and abyssmal?
Nice, more people means they can stand close together to stay warm.
I know Trump's tangents when talking annoy some people and they think it means he's stupid, but it's the way my brain works and the way I sometimes talk, so I get it. I prefer it to the canned politician speak of most of the others. When politicians read a speech, it's telling me what someone thinks, but I never know if it's what he/she really thinks. At least with Trump, I feel like I know what I'm getting.
Fucking Trump. He's something else. Look at those people! Proud Deplorables all.
Take note, sneering Dems. They aren't chanting, "Trump! Trump! Trump!" They're chanting, "USA! USA! USA!"
And you're opposed to the whole idea! Now give them your long, convoluted, fundamentally dishonest and ridiculous explanation for why they should all shut up, go home and remember their place. If that isn't enough embarrassment for you, tell them you want them to re-elect Joe Biden.
okay, SURE! the overwhelming majority of american citizens approve of Trump.. BUT! HOW can they compete with synthetic virtual voters? HOW can Trump and the americans get over the margin of fraud?
If necessary, the democrats will just cancel the election.. because of a nuclear war with someone or such
“I will be forced to sit fully gagged. I'm not allowed to talk. Can you believe it? They want to take away my constitutional right to talk.”~ Donald Trump
If Trump wants to talk—have him testify under oath. I bet they could cross examine him for 2 or 3 days if he wants to talk so badly.
What a worthless article by some dumb libtard. It'd be nice if the MSM could - for once - objectively report something instead of giving us insults and "They're bad" labels to guide our thinking.
For my entire life MSM has been playing the same game. If its a group that supports Democrats then their greviances and interests are legitimate and should be addressed. If they protest its because theyre full of "Righteous Anger" Over "oppression". If its some group that does not vote Democrat, then their greviances and interests are NOT legitimate and they can written off as "losers" "clinging to their bibles and guns" or "Full of rage" because they aren't in control anymore.
This sort of stupid emotional view of things, ignores policy. Which is typical libtard thinking. Your typical libtard leftist really isn't FOR anything, they just hate those Goddamn Republicans. Or Christers. or whites. And get away with it because they control the microphone.
"It was a kind of “Trumpstock,” one night of manufactured peace, unity, and shared disinformation, while the gale-force winds of truth blew well above their bubble."
The Man-On-The-Street reporter. The peace is manufactured, even though there is constant friendly interaction with the enemy reporter; The crowd is made up of white-bread, White-Rage crackers, even though the endless examples of diversity of class and race are in front of his eyes. The gale-force winds of truth aren't touching his bubble, either - his bubble is equally durable, equally invisible to its inhabitant.
Taibbi & Kirn, a couple of Progressives, spent much of this week's 'America This Week' broadcast talking about NPR and its case of creative dementia. They both confessed, they cannot listen to the broadcast themes, the narrow range of Woke topics, anymore. The reporting class, like Bunch here, are becoming the only ones now that can weather the noise - the hardened professionals bent over their work, that no longer can see their product as normal people do.
Another article telling me that we're about to 'lose our democracy' because too many people want to vote for the guy the writer doesn't want. The problem with democracy is voters. You gotta love the left.
This guy lives close enough to the area covered by an actual journalist, Salena Zito. It would do him well to follow her for a week and find out how to go into these towns in a regular day, not when there's a Trump rally. Talk to the locals in the diners, at work, and in their homes. He'd be shocked to find out that not everybody thinks like his neighbors in the nice suburbs of Philadelphia. And most of them are decent, hard working people, who know how things can be, how they were once, and that they don't have to be the way they are now.
Will's forte is covering stories about social justice. Whatever that is. This is the worldview in which he's making judgements on large groups of people.
The “alternative reality” is inside the Beltway Bubble where Democtats and the legacy media tell each other that the country is doing swell. In the “alternative reality” there is no Bidenflation problem, no Biden illegal information problem, no Biden weaponization of the judiciary, no Biden weakness to be exploited by our adversaries. No, there is only Trump, the greatest threat to Our Democracy since Hitler or maybe even King George III. They really don’t understand why the rest of us are unhappy with their misrule.
"The only problem is that almost everyone I met scoffed at their Green Acres stereotype...."
Hi, I'm from the Philadelphia Inquirer and I have you folks pegged as characters from Green Acres. Would you say you're more of a Mr. Haney, Sam Drucker or a Hank Kimble? My reader (sic) would love to know.
Destroy Trump if you can. It won't matter, really, in the long run. And know that the next iteration of a candidate who coalesces the anti-leftist disgust of half the country might not be such a nice guy. Imagine someone who meets all the descriptions given Republican presidents by the left in your lifetime, but who really deserves them.
Dems: Akshually, experts now believe America was never great and should be replaced with something else...What? Well, that's the tricky part...but we'll get back to you with the details very soon...just as soon as we can. It's all very complicated, you see? But we're working very hard and having a lot of meetings and stuff. No no, it's fine. We call it process. Everyone we're talking to is either soo so smart or soo well-credentialed, sometimes both! They simply can't fail come up with something really really amazing for all of us and you'll be so happy and just Wow! I get awfully excited thinking about it. I want to clap my hands and jump up in the air! And that's why you should vote for Joe Biden, even though he's...well, you know. But think of him as a place holder who's just there until we can create your new future. Okay? Because Trump is Hitler and the guy who picked on you in high school and John Wilkes Booth all rolled into one.
GOPe: Vote for Joe Biden because we think he'll tell the experts to let us come to the meetings and help plan the new future, which is crucial. We will make sure the new future includes lower taxes and free trade and no abortions and plenty of wars. We plan to be there to fight for these things on your behalf. Trump won't even talk to us. What a jerk.
Will Bunch is made up of a combination of willful ignorance and rank stupidity that is unequaled even among Lefty journalists. He is a prime reason I cancelled my subscription to the Philadelphia Inquirer a couple of decades ago even though they had a pretty good sports section back then. I caution Ann against reading too much of his drivel because it will make your brain dissolve into sticky goo.
Mason G said... They're chanting, "USA! USA! USA!"
Dems can't hear them. They're busy listening to their supporters chanting "Death to the USA".
Rich said... “I will be forced to sit fully gagged. I'm not allowed to talk. Can you believe it? They want to take away my constitutional right to talk.”~ Donald Trump
If Trump wants to talk—have him testify under oath. I bet they could cross examine him for 2 or 3 days if he wants to talk so badly.
Rich and the Democrats aren’t even pretending anymore.
They are just fascist pieces of shit and they are proud to say so.
People always say they would have fought Hitler and the Nazis in the 1930’s as the National Socialist Workers Party seized power. It is right there with no masks or filters.
One thing never ever mentioned in the propaganda pieces like this one-in spite of Trumps speeches, quirks, etc, the economy was great, not good, great. We were respected worldwide, due to Trump being for a strong America, and a willingness to act when necessary. No new wars, and it was clear he wanted out of the middle east, while making it possible for Israel to get closer to Jordon, Saudi and a few other countries. Many other good things happened-the opposition spent all their time, like the leftists on this blog, worrying about his hair, and lots of alleged stuff. Most of which they made up. I cringe when he goes off on a tangent. But I would take that all day to what we have now. He ain't a politician, he's more of a comedian, who sometimes bombs but just keeps going. At the heart of all the TDS is a hatred for normal people, especially white people. And a realization that the only ones that they can influence are white women. Like they did for Obama, Clinton, and Biden. Oh, and male feminists. They run on hate, and envy. After covid, can anyone dispute this fact?
This is all such crap. With the exception of J6, which lefties are milking interminably, virtually all the violence in the country is perpetrated by Democrats and their cohorts. Every measure to safeguard the integrity of elections is opposed by Democrats. The law, which distinguishes us from animals, is being perverted to destroy non-Democrats, particularly Trump.
Sarah Huckabee was right. There are normals and crazies, right and left.The right is destined to lose because the left is not governed by decency, morality or, most importantly, God. This is not a Grimm's Fairy Tale or a Louis L'Amour western where good prevails over evil. We as a nation are not worthy of God's protection.
--- U.S. democracy is staring out into the abyss not so much because of the narcissistic bluster of one alleged billionaire ex-president, but because of the people with fleece hoodies over their MAGA hats who spent hours in an April windstorm to see him
We The People are the enemy of Will Bunch and his smarmy mainstream media pals. None so blind as those who will not see.
Had to look up this guy. What I quickly discovered were the deep roots of his convictions on "democracy."
Bunch was a sophomore on his prep school newspaper under then-senior Editor Keith Olbermann. They were both students at this school whose headmaster was Donald Barr, father of -- naturally -- William Barr.
Real of-the-people "democracy" as Bunch wants to imagine it. I can't condemn him because he had such privilege while consorting with some of what has turned out to be the worst of the nation's fashionable Establishment. But I sure can assess him as weenie supreme. A smug Tory, reborn, instructing the colonial rebels on their deficiencies.
Yet another dire warning of danger over electing the guy who already was president once and presided over a prosperous country and a peaceful world. The horror!
Meanwhile…looking at RealClearPolitics, a few months ago Trump was favoured in the betting lines by over 15 points. Since then, Biden has slowly closed the gap until today he went ahead a bit. Generally you can trust the people who put their money on the line more than you can trust the people who talk to pollsters, but on what are they basing this switch? Nothing I can see. Politics is roughly exactly where it was when Trump was up by 12.
Snotty Scottie writing for a Philadelphia paper wonders why all those hicks and clodhoppers out in Green Acres don't see the world the way he does.
And of course democracy (at least the writer's democracy) is staring into an abyss because these yokels might actually go to the polls and--exercising their democratic right to vote--re elect someone he doesn't like.
Well democracy--from early days in Athens--has always had the possibility that the "uninformed" opinions of the unwashed might prevail in an honest election. The Dims have a fix for that, and have been known to use it on occasion.
One of the things Donald Trump, as a candidate, president, president emeritus and candidate(again) is to pull back the curtain exposing the deep state.
Lots of people thought the FBI was a trustworthy institution. It never was but they had good PR. He has shown why that PR is not deserved. To a lesser extent why it has never, since Roosevelt founded it 115 years, been deserved.
He has shown the fraudulence of most politicians. We've never liked them, but now we have a better handle on why we've never liked them.
He has shown the harm of powerful and secretive government. His trials and persecution have shown the essential fraudulence of the justice system. Anyone who has been caught up it it knows the fraudulence. Most of us never have, Thank God, and only know a bit about it in the abstract.
He has shown the fraudulence of the media and how they have been co-opted by govt. They always have been. If not by govt at least by politicians and parties going back hundreds of years.
Most of all he has exposed the fraudulence of our election system. We've known (Kennedy in 60, Chicago machine politics et al) and joked (Dad voted republican all his life, Voted Democrat ever since) about election rigging for a couple hundred years. It was so ingrained that nobody ever took it seriously. It was "just the way things are". It was always something that happened in other districts. Our elections are on the up and up. Sort of a Gell-Mann paradox of governance.
He pulled the lid off the cesspit and the stink was so bad that even states like Pennsylvania are taking measures to make rigging harder. Or at least seem harder.
I was happy when Obama beat McCain (though I had hopes for a Senate President Palin) and happy again when he beat Romney. As Lenin said and as I said at the times, worse is better.
As appalled as I am by how bad the Brandon residency has been, I am almost glad he won in 20.
An alcoholic will not even try to quit until they think they have seen the bottom. Brandon may be the bottom. If he is not, he is pretty damn close. Perhaps the horrors of the Brandon years will inspire us to see the error of our ways. Take power out of Washington except as absolutely necessary. eliminate much of it, return the rest to the individual states.
I don't think you have called PEDJT "Literally Hitler" like others often do in other venues. Your level of fear seems similar to those who do, though. Along with a scatological fascination with his piss and shit. As the other day, fantasizing about his "shit filled diapers" (quoting from memory).
So if he is so terrible, what would you do to stop him?
Is he bad enough to justify fraudulent or illegal election rigging to stop him from becoming president again?
Would the CIA/FBI/military, with all relevant govt approvals, be justified in assassinating him to prevent his return?
Would the German government have been justified in killing Hitler in 1935 if they had known what he would become and do?
Why would it be so bad to "lose our democracy"? We were never supposed to have it in the first place. We are supposed to be a republic. The states can be democracies if they like.
Why is democracy A/K/A "mob rule" A/K/A decisions made by 51% of the people, a good thing? I think Churchill described as two foxes and a rabbit voting on what to have for dinner.
The constitution protects the 49%? Bullshit. Any provision or amendment of the constitution can be eliminated or replaced democratically. Not easily but if the majority feels strongly enough we could repeal, for example, the 13th Amendment. Or the 19th (H/t RHHardin) Everyone gets to vote. But if you happen to be in the 49%, tough shit.
Fuck democracy.
It is probably the least bad form of government. The only way it will work is by stripping govt of all power to screw with the 49%. That is what the Constitution tried to do.
We need to get back to constitutional first principles
Probably doesn't even bear repeating but I'll do it anyway.
For 8 years or so I've been asking Dick what his objections to Donald Trump as president are. Which of his policies, implemented, tried or proposed does he not like.
Still no answer. His objections are all based on style, not actions.
If Trump has one true gift in life, it’s separating the gullible from their hard earned cash. I really don’t feel bad for them, at all. If you haven’t figured it out by now, then you deserve to get taken.
Trump: "Gettysburg. What an unbelievable battle. That was the battle of Gettysburg. What an unbelievable I mean, it was so much and so interesting and so vicious and horrible and so beautiful and so many different ways… Gettysburg wow"
"Would the German government have been justified in killing Hitler in 1935 if they had known what he would become and do?"
This is why the Democrats pound the "literally Hitler" meme so hard.
"I don't know, Marge- I'm not so sure about some of the stuff the government does. But- well Hitler, after all... Maybe it's for the best if we don't think about it and just let the 'Top Men' in DC do what needs to be done."
That way, all right-thinking people can pat themselves on the back for being right-thinking, without having to do any thinking. As a bonus, when things go south (see: any large city run by Democrats), they can tell themselves that they meant well and never voted for *that crap*.
"Would the German government have been justified in killing Hitler in 1935 if they had known what he would become and do?"" By then Hitler was the government. The American left LOVED Hitler. Right up until Hitler Invaded Russia in 1941. The American upper classes were very antisemitic prioer to WW2. The American ambassador to Germany, Edward Dodd, was embarassed to admit to Herman Georing that American Jews had the same rights as everyone else in America.
The people who broadly accuse Trump of misinformation would help their cause by identifying the false statements and explaining why they believe that the statements are false. We can then see what they are talking about. Bunch won't do that.
Trump, like me and you, sometimes says things that aren't true. Biden, like me and you, sometimes says things that aren't true. We need to discriminate between the relative harmfulness of their respective untruths.
Too many people are too comfortable with this being a contest between two meaningless blobs of hazy belief.
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५७ टिप्पण्या:
Ah, yes--"Disinformation."
Like inflation is real, illegal immigration is a big problem, and green energy is mostly a pipe dream.
Good thing that the right-thinking people of Philadelphia have Will Bunch to protect them from "Disinformation."
Disinformation, misinformation, and handmade tales published for Inquiring minds.
And a number of those people will break Trump out of Rikker’s Island for our Bastille Moment.
A journalist complaining about disinformation is laughable.
"U.S. democracy is staring out into the abyss . . . because of the people with fleece hoodies over their MAGA hats who spent hours in an April windstorm to see him"
Give that prog props for honesty. The people bring democracy to the abyss. Gotta a. change the people, or b. crush them. Progs are working on both.
By the way, do progs ever talk about the endless Biden lies, decade after decade, from law school to Cornpop to growing up as x to watermen to football hands to not knowing about Hunter's business to you name it, as mis/disinfomation and abyssmal?
Is that what they mean by "dripping with condescension"?
"White rural rage"
oh do fuck yourselves - white leftists.
Then why are blacks moving to Trump?
Nice, more people means they can stand close together to stay warm.
I know Trump's tangents when talking annoy some people and they think it means he's stupid, but it's the way my brain works and the way I sometimes talk, so I get it. I prefer it to the canned politician speak of most of the others. When politicians read a speech, it's telling me what someone thinks, but I never know if it's what he/she really thinks. At least with Trump, I feel like I know what I'm getting.
Shorter Philadelphia Inquirer article: "We media people are so much more aware and perceptive than these yokel deplorables out in the boonies."
Fucking Trump. He's something else. Look at those people! Proud Deplorables all.
Take note, sneering Dems. They aren't chanting, "Trump! Trump! Trump!" They're chanting, "USA! USA! USA!"
And you're opposed to the whole idea! Now give them your long, convoluted, fundamentally dishonest and ridiculous explanation for why they should all shut up, go home and remember their place. If that isn't enough embarrassment for you, tell them you want them to re-elect Joe Biden.
okay, SURE! the overwhelming majority of american citizens approve of Trump..
HOW can they compete with synthetic virtual voters?
HOW can Trump and the americans get over the margin of fraud?
If necessary, the democrats will just cancel the election.. because of a nuclear war with someone or such
Wince said...
Is that what they mean by "dripping with condescension"?
4/14/24, 9:00 AM
...thicker than molasses in January. :-)
Only Democrats could spend all their time screwing over white people who live outside of cities and then bitch about “White Rural Rage.”
“I will be forced to sit fully gagged. I'm not allowed to talk. Can you believe it? They want to take away my constitutional right to talk.”~ Donald Trump
If Trump wants to talk—have him testify under oath. I bet they could cross examine him for 2 or 3 days if he wants to talk so badly.
Never been to a Trump rally but... I damn well will vote for him...
I also saw crowd listening to Marion Anderson at Lincoln Memorial [April 9, 1939]
What a worthless article by some dumb libtard. It'd be nice if the MSM could - for once - objectively report something instead of giving us insults and "They're bad" labels to guide our thinking.
For my entire life MSM has been playing the same game. If its a group that supports Democrats then their greviances and interests are legitimate and should be addressed. If they protest its because theyre full of "Righteous Anger" Over "oppression". If its some group that does not vote Democrat, then their greviances and interests are NOT legitimate and they can written off as "losers" "clinging to their bibles and guns" or "Full of rage" because they aren't in control anymore.
This sort of stupid emotional view of things, ignores policy. Which is typical libtard thinking. Your typical libtard leftist really isn't FOR anything, they just hate those Goddamn Republicans. Or Christers. or whites. And get away with it because they control the microphone.
BTW, whenever a MSM person writes about "Democracy" just substitute "Democrat Party" or "Liberal/Left" and it will all make sense.
Its now become a code word.
They're chanting, "USA! USA! USA!"
Dems can't hear them. They're busy listening to their supporters chanting "Death to the USA".
"It was a kind of “Trumpstock,” one night of manufactured peace, unity, and shared disinformation, while the gale-force winds of truth blew well above their bubble."
The Man-On-The-Street reporter. The peace is manufactured, even though there is constant friendly interaction with the enemy reporter; The crowd is made up of white-bread, White-Rage crackers, even though the endless examples of diversity of class and race are in front of his eyes. The gale-force winds of truth aren't touching his bubble, either - his bubble is equally durable, equally invisible to its inhabitant.
Taibbi & Kirn, a couple of Progressives, spent much of this week's 'America This Week' broadcast talking about NPR and its case of creative dementia. They both confessed, they cannot listen to the broadcast themes, the narrow range of Woke topics, anymore. The reporting class, like Bunch here, are becoming the only ones now that can weather the noise - the hardened professionals bent over their work, that no longer can see their product as normal people do.
Another article telling me that we're about to 'lose our democracy' because too many people want to vote for the guy the writer doesn't want. The problem with democracy is voters. You gotta love the left.
This guy lives close enough to the area covered by an actual journalist, Salena Zito. It would do him well to follow her for a week and find out how to go into these towns in a regular day, not when there's a Trump rally. Talk to the locals in the diners, at work, and in their homes. He'd be shocked to find out that not everybody thinks like his neighbors in the nice suburbs of Philadelphia. And most of them are decent, hard working people, who know how things can be, how they were once, and that they don't have to be the way they are now.
Will's forte is covering stories about social justice. Whatever that is. This is the worldview in which he's making judgements on large groups of people.
The “alternative reality” is inside the Beltway Bubble where Democtats and the legacy media tell each other that the country is doing swell. In the “alternative reality” there is no Bidenflation problem, no Biden illegal information problem, no Biden weaponization of the judiciary, no Biden weakness to be exploited by our adversaries. No, there is only Trump, the greatest threat to Our Democracy since Hitler or maybe even King George III. They really don’t understand why the rest of us are unhappy with their misrule.
"The only problem is that almost everyone I met scoffed at their Green Acres stereotype...."
Hi, I'm from the Philadelphia Inquirer and I have you folks pegged as characters from Green Acres. Would you say you're more of a Mr. Haney, Sam Drucker or a Hank Kimble? My reader (sic) would love to know.
Destroy Trump if you can. It won't matter, really, in the long run. And know that the next iteration of a candidate who coalesces the anti-leftist disgust of half the country might not be such a nice guy. Imagine someone who meets all the descriptions given Republican presidents by the left in your lifetime, but who really deserves them.
That's where one of the 9/11 planes was brought down by the passengers.
Appropriate headline, "Elites express record-breaking contempt at/for the people"
Trump: Make America Great Again
Dems: Akshually, experts now believe America was never great and should be replaced with something else...What? Well, that's the tricky part...but we'll get back to you with the details very soon...just as soon as we can. It's all very complicated, you see? But we're working very hard and having a lot of meetings and stuff. No no, it's fine. We call it process. Everyone we're talking to is either soo so smart or soo well-credentialed, sometimes both! They simply can't fail come up with something really really amazing for all of us and you'll be so happy and just Wow! I get awfully excited thinking about it. I want to clap my hands and jump up in the air!
And that's why you should vote for Joe Biden, even though he's...well, you know. But think of him as a place holder who's just there until we can create your new future. Okay? Because Trump is Hitler and the guy who picked on you in high school and John Wilkes Booth all rolled into one.
GOPe: Vote for Joe Biden because we think he'll tell the experts to let us come to the meetings and help plan the new future, which is crucial. We will make sure the new future includes lower taxes and free trade and no abortions and plenty of wars. We plan to be there to fight for these things on your behalf. Trump won't even talk to us. What a jerk.
The AA highlighted portion is comedy gold.
Bunch is the snake oil salesman
Bunch is ignoring the big shift of hispanic voters. Who happen to be religous and family centric, also entrepreneurial
The bomb that exploded in the Dems Face in a Chick Fil A in Atlanta, has turned the leftist propagandists heads into mush.
The corrupt left will not let this man win.
Will Bunch is made up of a combination of willful ignorance and rank stupidity that is unequaled even among Lefty journalists. He is a prime reason I cancelled my subscription to the Philadelphia Inquirer a couple of decades ago even though they had a pretty good sports section back then. I caution Ann against reading too much of his drivel because it will make your brain dissolve into sticky goo.
Preaching to the choir is unlikely to win any converts.
Mason G said...
They're chanting, "USA! USA! USA!"
Dems can't hear them. They're busy listening to their supporters chanting "Death to the USA".
Rich said...
“I will be forced to sit fully gagged. I'm not allowed to talk. Can you believe it? They want to take away my constitutional right to talk.”~ Donald Trump
If Trump wants to talk—have him testify under oath. I bet they could cross examine him for 2 or 3 days if he wants to talk so badly.
Rich and the Democrats aren’t even pretending anymore.
They are just fascist pieces of shit and they are proud to say so.
People always say they would have fought Hitler and the Nazis in the 1930’s as the National Socialist Workers Party seized power. It is right there with no masks or filters.
One thing never ever mentioned in the propaganda pieces like this one-in spite of Trumps speeches, quirks, etc, the economy was great, not good, great.
We were respected worldwide, due to Trump being for a strong America, and a willingness to act when necessary.
No new wars, and it was clear he wanted out of the middle east, while making it possible for Israel to get closer to Jordon, Saudi and a few other countries.
Many other good things happened-the opposition spent all their time, like the leftists on this blog, worrying about his hair, and lots of alleged stuff. Most of which they made up.
I cringe when he goes off on a tangent. But I would take that all day to what we have now.
He ain't a politician, he's more of a comedian, who sometimes bombs but just keeps going.
At the heart of all the TDS is a hatred for normal people, especially white people. And a realization that the only ones that they can influence are white women. Like they did for Obama, Clinton, and Biden. Oh, and male feminists.
They run on hate, and envy. After covid, can anyone dispute this fact?
This is all such crap. With the exception of J6, which lefties are milking interminably, virtually all the violence in the country is perpetrated by Democrats and their cohorts. Every measure to safeguard the integrity of elections is opposed by Democrats. The law, which distinguishes us from animals, is being perverted to destroy non-Democrats, particularly Trump.
Sarah Huckabee was right. There are normals and crazies, right and left.The right is destined to lose because the left is not governed by decency, morality or, most importantly, God. This is not a Grimm's Fairy Tale or a Louis L'Amour western where good prevails over evil. We as a nation are not worthy of God's protection.
Biden, nor any other 'normal' politician could pull off this stream of consciousness.
The writer is clearly the type of liberal who has never fired a handgun nor knows anyone who owns a pickup truck.
Those two things are good ways to tell if a writer is out of touch with real people, not just the cocksuckers in the DC/Media bubble...
'They're chanting, "USA! USA! USA!"'
I thought it was 'Let's go Brandon!'
In these "news" articles it would be nice if they took the most obvious editorial crap and used a different font.
I'd suggest Circus Font for this "journalist".
"Which is typical libtard thinking."
They don't think- they feel.
Lem the artificially intelligent said...
That's where one of the 9/11 planes was brought down by the passengers.
"Shanksville" = scene of 9/11/01 plane crash. In Somerset county, southeast of Pittsburgh.
"Schnecksville" = scene of the Trump rally. North of Philadelphia in the Poconos.
Similar names, similar events. But one was a plane crash; while the other was a train wreck.
Here's some fabulous Trump brain meltdown from Schnecksville, on video.
--- U.S. democracy is staring out into the abyss not so much because of the narcissistic bluster of one alleged billionaire ex-president, but because of the people with fleece hoodies over their MAGA hats who spent hours in an April windstorm to see him
We The People are the enemy of Will Bunch and his smarmy mainstream media pals. None so blind as those who will not see.
Had to look up this guy. What I quickly discovered were the deep roots of his convictions on "democracy."
Bunch was a sophomore on his prep school newspaper under then-senior Editor Keith Olbermann. They were both students at this school whose headmaster was Donald Barr, father of -- naturally -- William Barr.
Real of-the-people "democracy" as Bunch wants to imagine it. I can't condemn him because he had such privilege while consorting with some of what has turned out to be the worst of the nation's fashionable Establishment. But I sure can assess him as weenie supreme. A smug Tory, reborn, instructing the colonial rebels on their deficiencies.
Yet another dire warning of danger over electing the guy who already was president once and presided over a prosperous country and a peaceful world. The horror!
Meanwhile…looking at RealClearPolitics, a few months ago Trump was favoured in the betting lines by over 15 points. Since then, Biden has slowly closed the gap until today he went ahead a bit. Generally you can trust the people who put their money on the line more than you can trust the people who talk to pollsters, but on what are they basing this switch? Nothing I can see. Politics is roughly exactly where it was when Trump was up by 12.
Snotty Scottie writing for a Philadelphia paper wonders why all those hicks and clodhoppers out in Green Acres don't see the world the way he does.
And of course democracy (at least the writer's democracy) is staring into an abyss because these yokels might actually go to the polls and--exercising their democratic right to vote--re elect someone he doesn't like.
Well democracy--from early days in Athens--has always had the possibility that the "uninformed" opinions of the unwashed might prevail in an honest election. The Dims have a fix for that, and have been known to use it on occasion.
One of the things Donald Trump, as a candidate, president, president emeritus and candidate(again) is to pull back the curtain exposing the deep state.
Lots of people thought the FBI was a trustworthy institution. It never was but they had good PR. He has shown why that PR is not deserved. To a lesser extent why it has never, since Roosevelt founded it 115 years, been deserved.
He has shown the fraudulence of most politicians. We've never liked them, but now we have a better handle on why we've never liked them.
He has shown the harm of powerful and secretive government. His trials and persecution have shown the essential fraudulence of the justice system. Anyone who has been caught up it it knows the fraudulence. Most of us never have, Thank God, and only know a bit about it in the abstract.
He has shown the fraudulence of the media and how they have been co-opted by govt. They always have been. If not by govt at least by politicians and parties going back hundreds of years.
Most of all he has exposed the fraudulence of our election system. We've known (Kennedy in 60, Chicago machine politics et al) and joked (Dad voted republican all his life, Voted Democrat ever since) about election rigging for a couple hundred years. It was so ingrained that nobody ever took it seriously. It was "just the way things are". It was always something that happened in other districts. Our elections are on the up and up. Sort of a Gell-Mann paradox of governance.
He pulled the lid off the cesspit and the stink was so bad that even states like Pennsylvania are taking measures to make rigging harder. Or at least seem harder.
I was happy when Obama beat McCain (though I had hopes for a Senate President Palin) and happy again when he beat Romney. As Lenin said and as I said at the times, worse is better.
As appalled as I am by how bad the Brandon residency has been, I am almost glad he won in 20.
An alcoholic will not even try to quit until they think they have seen the bottom. Brandon may be the bottom. If he is not, he is pretty damn close. Perhaps the horrors of the Brandon years will inspire us to see the error of our ways. Take power out of Washington except as absolutely necessary. eliminate much of it, return the rest to the individual states.
Fix our election systems
And Make America Great Again.
John Henry
"Generally you can trust the people who put their money on the line more than you can trust the people who talk to pollsters..."
Assuming that the people making the bets are betting with their own money, anyway. Are they?
I don't think you have called PEDJT "Literally Hitler" like others often do in other venues. Your level of fear seems similar to those who do, though. Along with a scatological fascination with his piss and shit. As the other day, fantasizing about his "shit filled diapers" (quoting from memory).
So if he is so terrible, what would you do to stop him?
Is he bad enough to justify fraudulent or illegal election rigging to stop him from becoming president again?
Would the CIA/FBI/military, with all relevant govt approvals, be justified in assassinating him to prevent his return?
Would the German government have been justified in killing Hitler in 1935 if they had known what he would become and do?
John Henry
Why would it be so bad to "lose our democracy"? We were never supposed to have it in the first place. We are supposed to be a republic. The states can be democracies if they like.
Why is democracy A/K/A "mob rule" A/K/A decisions made by 51% of the people, a good thing? I think Churchill described as two foxes and a rabbit voting on what to have for dinner.
The constitution protects the 49%? Bullshit. Any provision or amendment of the constitution can be eliminated or replaced democratically. Not easily but if the majority feels strongly enough we could repeal, for example, the 13th Amendment. Or the 19th (H/t RHHardin) Everyone gets to vote. But if you happen to be in the 49%, tough shit.
Fuck democracy.
It is probably the least bad form of government. The only way it will work is by stripping govt of all power to screw with the 49%. That is what the Constitution tried to do.
We need to get back to constitutional first principles
John Henry
Probably doesn't even bear repeating but I'll do it anyway.
For 8 years or so I've been asking Dick what his objections to Donald Trump as president are. Which of his policies, implemented, tried or proposed does he not like.
Still no answer. His objections are all based on style, not actions.
John Henry
Oh my! Will Bunch had to rub shoulders with those rural deplorables a fourth time in 9 years.
Looking at his oeuvre for the past year, I conclude that Mr. Bunch is cozily ensconced within a big bubble.
If Trump has one true gift in life, it’s separating the gullible from their hard earned cash. I really don’t feel bad for them, at all. If you haven’t figured it out by now, then you deserve to get taken.
DJT price today — $32.59 (-59.09%)
Trump: "Gettysburg. What an unbelievable battle. That was the battle of Gettysburg. What an unbelievable I mean, it was so much and so interesting and so vicious and horrible and so beautiful and so many different ways… Gettysburg wow"
Nuff said.
"Would the German government have been justified in killing Hitler in 1935 if they had known what he would become and do?"
This is why the Democrats pound the "literally Hitler" meme so hard.
"I don't know, Marge- I'm not so sure about some of the stuff the government does. But- well Hitler, after all... Maybe it's for the best if we don't think about it and just let the 'Top Men' in DC do what needs to be done."
That way, all right-thinking people can pat themselves on the back for being right-thinking, without having to do any thinking. As a bonus, when things go south (see: any large city run by Democrats), they can tell themselves that they meant well and never voted for *that crap*.
4:27 makes up silly speeches and says they're 'just like' Trump, ignores the verbal diahrrea coming out of Brandon's mouth. 'Nuff said.
"Would the German government have been justified in killing Hitler in 1935 if they had known what he would become and do?""
By then Hitler was the government.
The American left LOVED Hitler. Right up until Hitler Invaded Russia in 1941. The American upper classes were very antisemitic prioer to WW2. The American ambassador to Germany, Edward Dodd, was embarassed to admit to Herman Georing that American Jews had the same rights as everyone else in America.
The people who broadly accuse Trump of misinformation would help their cause by identifying the false statements and explaining why they believe that the statements are false. We can then see what they are talking about. Bunch won't do that.
Trump, like me and you, sometimes says things that aren't true. Biden, like me and you, sometimes says things that aren't true. We need to discriminate between the relative harmfulness of their respective untruths.
Too many people are too comfortable with this being a contest between two meaningless blobs of hazy belief.
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