So they picked the worst photo and are riffing off that. There is no bar too low for Melania Trump's coverage, and I wouldn't expect that to change. But: In her worst photo, Melania still looks better than Jill, and not nearly as harried, grasping. And a plus: She's always dressed stylishly, like a classy woman - instead of like a sofa, with curtains.
The same people who build up the likes of a Jill Biden, insisting she be known as 'Doctor', the same people who demand that we appreciate the style and beauty of a Michelle Obama- though she's built like a linebacker, cannot stop picking at parts of Melania. Melania happens to be the only one who has been quietly helpful- not looking for the cameras, stoic, and always stylish and beautiful, like a world-class model would be.
Our entire Journalist class are nothing more than party hacks, ready at the moment to carry the water for the lowest of the low, or the most uninspiring of the mediocre class, as long as they're from the approved ideology/party.
That this continues to fill magazines and newspapers is my daily amazement.
''Khaleda Rahman is Newsweek's Senior News Reporter based in London, UK. Her focus is reporting on abortion rights, race, education, sexual abuse and capital punishment."
Her name does not show up on the masthead which seems to indicate that much of its editorial staff is in the UK. After all, the former print publication has a "Chief Royal Correspondent."
We're accustomed to Lady Macbeth as the politician's wife. Melania's lack of political ambition opens her for mockery, when a quietly supportive wife was common decades ago.
They're not enforcing retrograde standards. It would be great if they did.
1) The left is pissed over the $50 million raised at the event, after fawning over the $25 Million raised at the Moe, Larry, and Curly fundraiser in NY last week. The tree stooges were raising money, and Trump was at a cop funeral.
2) The left HATES beautiful classy conservative women. It's why they HATE Melania. What does that say about their standard profile of an acceptable woman?
Melania can't win and now that Barron is in the 18 and over category, the left and the press (is there a difference?) will happily attempt to feast on his carcass as well.
If she were meeting those standards, she’d be mocked for that too.
@Althouse, you broke the code! Well done. Much of the rote hatred of Melania comes from her association with her husband, but a lot of it comes from daring to look that good when she’s 53 years old.
It's Newsweek. It is a literally worthless IP. If you are willing to absorb the losses, you can buy it for a dollar and have it say whatever you want, assuming the current owner is willing to sell.
So Trump sets a new fundraising record, beating the "three presidents" gala that set a record for Biden last week, one the media endlessly gushed over, and THIS is the takeaway "news" that Newsweek sees fit to print? Really?
No matter what Trump (or Melanie, or any other proxy for DJT, did/does), it was wrong. If he tied his left shoe first, it was wrong. If he tied his right shoe first, it was wrong. There's no reasonable with the left because they refuse to be reasonable. Because their aim is to destroy. To destroy anything in their path to total government.
The left has attacked the wives of conservatives certainly going back to Nancy Reagan at the latest. As many minds snapped on election night 2016, they have no problem with hypocrisy when attacking people not on the team. Their PR problem is in being logically trapped by the prior "tolerance," "respect," and "inclusion" mantra.
This is the ugly end of the leftward political pendulum swing. This is where ends-justifies-the-means depersonalization leads to war and genocide. This is where globalism and cultural openness transforms into monoculture, autocracy, and bullying. The one-time 'progressives' say to themselves "Well, the ends justified the means when I was the good guy fighting to defend Vietnam, against racism and sexism, and to end the World Bank. I'm still the same person so whatever I say/do about a harmless wife/bystander is therefore 'good' too."
>"Melania, who hasn't been seen in public for months, doesn't look very happy for someone who is gearing up to be First Lady again--a job we know she absolutely adored....," journalist Victoria Brownworth wrote<
This is news to me. I'm pretty sure that it was well-reported at the time that she didn't much like being in that "job." Am I mistaken?
You all excoriated Biden for holding a fund raiser for wealthy donors in New York (and actually tickets were available for as little as $250), but when Trump does the same thing, and claims to have out raised Biden's New York, everything is just fine and dandy.
And really, Melania doesn't look like she is enjoying herself.
The left is pissed over the $50 million raised at the event, after fawning over the $25 Million raised at the Moe, Larry, and Curly fundraiser in NY last week. The tree stooges were raising money, and Trump was at a cop funeral.
I'll bet when Trump's FEC report comes out, we will find out he was lying about the 50 million.
"You all excoriated Biden for holding a fund raiser for wealthy donors in New York (and actually tickets were available for as little as $250), but when Trump does the same thing, and claims to have out raised Biden's New York, everything is just fine and dandy."
He didn't dodge a fallen officer's funeral to have his fund raiser.
Typical optic fail for his young marxist handlers.
“ And really, Melania doesn't look like she is enjoying herself.”
So what? I challenge you to give a feminist answer.
We’ve been mocking political wife smiles since the days of Pat Nixon. I’ve seen it for more than half a century. If Melania looked like she were enjoying herself, she’d be blasted as a ninny and a fake. But if a political wife comes along and just stands there, and looks like a person who has a life of her own and actual human feelings, she’s mocked, and Newsweek magazine amplifies the mocking as if they really got her.
There is certainly room to suspect that every single political wife actually dislikes her husband and is just playing along for one reason or another. It’s a bad life and look up the old videos of Trump when he was in his 30s talking about how he didn’t really want to go into politics because it was a bad life.
I've been trying to engage with the lefties commenting on Yahoo News. Anybody who thinks I am overly pessimistic about the future of the country should read their comments. They are vicious ignoramuses.
So why would Melania look upbeat? She knows what's coming.
You all excoriated Biden for holding a fund raiser for wealthy donors in New York (and actually tickets were available for as little as $250)
Freder has a point here - after three years of Bidenflation (which is transitory on geological time scales btw) $250 really isn't all that much. A person in New York illegally could buy one of those tickets and still have $750 in taxpayer money left over for the month*. And sure, Biden was actually excoriated for having the fund raiser at the same time as the funeral for a cop murdered in the line of duty, but to be fair Biden and the rest of the Democratic headliners from his fundraiser wouldn't have been any more welcome at that funeral than the Democratic governor of New York, owing to the widespread perception among the police that Democratic politicians side with cop murderers over the police themselves.
* of course a person in the country illegally couldn't make a campaign contribution bc the Democrats are super-strict about campaign finance ethics, lulz
Diversity (e.g. sexism) where people... women are judged and labeled in color blocs. Feminists do not represent women. Masculinists do not represent men. Social progressives do not represent people.
''Khaleda Rahman is Newsweek's Senior News Reporter based in London, UK. Her focus is reporting on abortion rights, race, education, sexual abuse and capital punishment."
Human rites, diversity, indoctrination, social liberalism, and Capitol punishment.
"We’ve been mocking political wife smiles since the days of Pat Nixon" No, the press has been mocking Republican wives. Remember HRC, while she covered for her husbands cheating, and worse; the press held her up as Joan of Ark. Michelle Obama was treated exactly the same. 'trailblazer', first one too...blah blah. Just maybe Melania is tired of her husband being hunted by the DOJ, the FBI, and other 3 letter agencies. Just maybe, she is sick and tired of being called a whore, a porn actress, and worse, by the press. Seems like a double standard is the standard now.
Absolutely. I'm no defender of the hard right nor any blind zealot nor any rigid ideologue. But, the left has controlled the recent swing and the rightward swing will end in another 75 or 100 years. The middle periods are the "good times," while the rigid/confused ends are characterized by absolutism, bullying, and death as people struggle to defend their indefensible bad ideological impulses.
Prior leftward end: Civil War 1860 to 1865 and the rise of the Klan Prior rightward end: Alcohol Prohibition followed by the 1929 crash and the Great Depression
Hitler's 1930s eugenics and 1940s concentration camps begat an ultra-compassionate 1950s left, who begat an indulgent 1960s blind-eye left, who begat the rise of pedophiles (1970s Hollywood, to include Rock & Roll through the 2010s Harvey Weinstein), and now 2020s dead-ender child mutilators and unqualified DEI puppets in power.
Would you rather place your mentally ill child in the care of Nazi Joseph Mengele or a "words are literal violence" equity doctor who is paid to cut off your kids boobs or penis?
There is certainly room to suspect that every single political wife actually dislikes her husband and is just playing along for one reason or another.
This is a bullshit statement. I doubt that any sane person would argue that Laura and Barbara Bush, or Rosalynn Carter, were not totally devoted to, and truly loved their husbands (and I could go on and on).
There is certainly room to suspect that every single political wife actually dislikes her husband and is just playing along for one reason or another.
@Althouse, I don’t think that’s quite right. I have reason to be pretty certain that Betty Ford and Nancy Reagan were very much in love with their respective husbands. But it’s hard not hate the political game. There’s a great scene in the movie “Apollo 13” where the astronauts’ wives (two of them — the third astronaut, the one played by Kevin Bacon, was a bachelor) have been coached how to smile vacuously and what sort of inanities to say to the press. They love their husbands, but they hate the stupid game. And it’s pretty much the same for most political wives. There are a few politcal wives who seem to like the game, and they can’t all be faking it.
That fake concern they show - she looks like she's being held hostage - I bet they were all gleeful when Trump was stuck in court while his mother-in-law was dying.
The left used to be reasonable, now they are unhinged.
'This is a bullshit statement. I doubt that any sane person would argue that Laura and Barbara Bush, or Rosalynn Carter, were not totally devoted to, and truly loved their husbands (and I could go on and on).'
And Reggie Love was totally (and I mean totally) devoted to Barrack.
Field Marshall Freder is very keen to hold Trump "accountable" now for hypothetical inaccuracies in the future.
Freder is a perfect democratical.
Interestingly, Freder has aggressively pushed and continues to push every thoroughly debunked hoax launched by the New Soviet Democraticals ober the last 8 years.
Of course, it's possible you were mistaken, and not intentionally lying, just like it's possible that the people who believed Trump paid it off were mistaken because of the timing of his phone call to the widow and his previous association with the charity that did pay it.
Field Marshall Freder: "This is a bullshit statement. I doubt that any sane person would argue that Laura and Barbara Bush, or Rosalynn Carter, were not totally devoted to, and truly loved their husbands (and I could go on and on)."
Wherein Freder directly insinuates Althouse is insane for refusing to line up properly and issue a Manchurian Candidate-like endorsement of the true inner thoughts and feelings of the "acceptable" to establishment/deep state blob/lefty media First Ladies.
Again, this is ANOTHER example, of so very many, of Freders hilarious democratical-NPC-ish proclivities!
She's a vapid joke of a person and everybody knows it. Eastern block sex worker immigrates to America, marries a citizen, has an anchor baby and becomes the first lady and does absolutely nothing of substance with that position. ! If this bitch were brown and married a liberal, you troglodytes would mock the shit out of her, insinuate that she were transgender and make hateful memes til the cows come home. Be best!
Look. Michelle Obama s probably female. But she absolutely 100 percent look like a fucking gorilla. She is incredibly ape looking for a human being. So you know…
“The left is pissed over the $50 million raised at the event, after fawning over the $25 Million raised at the Moe, Larry, and Curly fundraiser in NY last week.”
You got to laugh when you hear media reporting Trump’s getting double in one night that Biden did. As if Trump didn't just decide that's what they would say.
Trump claims he raised a certain amount of money — not that he actually raised it. Of course it’s the beginning of the quarter, which means by the time they have to report the true numbers everyone will have forgotten this boast.
1) Melania Trump 2) Jackie Kennedy 3) Laura Bush 4) Roselynn Carter
I'm sorry, but I can't put Michelle Obama, Hillary, or Dr. Biden on the list. These are women that repel real men.
Another important list. Presidential Mistress hotness ranked in order (while married or in office)
1) Marilyn Monroe (JFK) 2) Angie Dickenson (JFK) 3) Karen McDougal (Trump) 4) Lorie Morgan (Clinton) 4) Pamela Turnure (JFK) 5) Stormy Daniels (Trump) 6) Judith Exner (JFK) 7) Jennifer Flowers (Clinton)
Bravo Gentleman. Bow-chicka-wow-wow.
I don't think Jimmy Carter had affairs. I'm sure Obama did, but they were probably with dudes, so that's and entirely separate list. Reagan took it to town during his Hollywood years. Reagan bedded Doris Day, which is like an Oedipus fantasy.
Cheap shots from cheap people. Newsweek was sold a while back for the magnificent sum of one dollar. And the buyer was cheated. Newsweek was not worth more than a single penny--and the enterprise was overpriced at that level.
But what had me laughing out loud was the commenters claim that being First Lady was a job that Melania "adored". I seem to recall that there was some reluctance on Mrs. Trump's part to move into the White House. She had a son to raise and she wasn't at all certain that Washington D.C. was the place to do it. But that fact wouldn't stop the twit commenter from claiming that First Lady was a job Mrs. Trump adored.
Blogger TeaBagHag said... She's a vapid joke of a person and everybody knows it. Eastern block sex worker immigrates to America, marries a citizen, has an anchor baby and becomes the first lady...
I thought feminists were pro-sex worker and pro-immigrant??? Assuming now TeaBagHag is not a feminist. Do we really have an anti-immigration liberal here who hates anchor babies too?
Gotta say Mr. or Ms. Hag. The enigmatic nature uncovered by your hatred of Melania is entertaining. The hypocrisy is expected.
Any appearance with Trump, by anyone, sparks mockery on social media. Appearances by Presidents' wives always bring out mean girls...and not all mean girls are girls.
LLR-democratical Rich: "What’s the hourly rate? It has to be less than Stormy i guess."
Good time for a recap I guess.
- DJT denies the affair. - Stormy Daniels provided a signed statement denying the affair and denying she was paid hush money in 2018. - In 2022 Stormy Daniels was ordered to pay $300,000 to DJT after her failed defamation lawsuit when the democraticals got to her to lie about Trump (see Blasey-Ford & Kavanaugh, Anita Hill & Clarence Thomas, etc). - in 2023 Stormy Daniels was ordered to pay DJT ANOTHER $121,000 after her failed appeal.
- And now there is reporting that it was democratical darling, convicted felon and admitted liar under oath Michael Cohen that was having an affair with Stormy since 2006 and Stormy was threatening to go public at the Trump campaign in 2015/16 that led Cohen to use the Trump campaign funds to pay off his personal exposure.
Well, that would certainly fit a pattern of democraticals falsely accusing Trump for what the democraticals were doing.
But back to the hourly rate question our very stupid Rich brought up:
We are looking at Stormy owing Trump's team about $600,000 related to the 2 above items and additional submittals to the court by Trump's team.
We know Stormy's team wanted fees knocked down to $500/hour for Trump lawyer partners and that was rejected by the Judge, so the Trump team was getting paid much higher than that by Stormy and her legal Sherpa Michael Avenatti...another of the democraticals "god-like" "messiah" "heroes" in their cult pantheon of "gods".
Corrections: All persons of sound and discerning minds are repelled by and concerned about Trump.
"The same people who build up the likes of a Jill Biden, insisting she be known as 'Doctor'...."
Jill Biden has a Doctorate of Education. Thus, if she prefers to be so addressed, it is entirely correct to call her as "Doctor Biden." "Doctor" denotes a level of education, not the specialty, (such as "M.D." for a medical doctor).
As for Melania, I feel sorry for her: she's trapped (for now, at least) in a (no-doubt) miserable marriage to a miserable man, trying to do the best for her son and keep him from adopting any of his father's attitudes or boorish behavior.
TeaBagHag: "She's a vapid joke of a person and everybody knows it. Eastern block sex worker immigrates to America, marries a citizen, has an anchor baby and becomes the first lady and does absolutely nothing of substance with that position. ! If this bitch were brown and married a liberal, you troglodytes would mock the shit out of her, insinuate that she were transgender and make hateful memes til the cows come home."
Gee, this is precisely the type of post that Field Marshall Freder claims he jumps on filled with BS claims!
Blogger donald said... Look. Michelle Obama s probably female. But she absolutely 100 percent look like a fucking gorilla. She is incredibly ape looking for a human being. So you know…
I'll all for pushing the boundaries and insulting liberals. But dude...WTF is wrong with you??? Are you missing teeth or something? I'm picturing the guy who shagged Ned Beatty in "Deliverance".
You revert back to ape bullshit? You give ammunition to the people you are supposed to oppose with bullshit like this. You're more than likely a leftist troll.
It's less insulting to claim Michelle Obama has a penis, which is what Barack Obama's Kenyan brother has claimed publicly...over, and over, and over.
… He also claimed that he paid off the officer's mortgage, which is an outright lie.
To the best of my ability to research this (1) the officer’s widow’s mortgage was paid off by the Tunnel to Towers charitable organization (one can donate at; (2) as President, Donald Trump honored the Tunnel to Towers organization; (3) Trump seems to have been a donor to Tunnel to Towers; and (4) someone appearsvto have conflated points (1) through (3) and wrongly concluded that Trump had used Tunnel to Towers as a mechanism through which he could pay off the mortgage. However, I have not seen any evidence whatsoever that Trump himself ever claimed to have paid off that mortgage, so in that respect Freder is lying. When it comes to Trump he does that a lot.
You all excoriated Biden for holding a fund raiser for wealthy donors in New York (and actually tickets were available for as little as $250), - Freder
To put it in your language ... no, you fucking liar.
We excoriated him for holding that fundraiser while Trump was attending the wake of a police officer who was murdered by one of your kind.
'As for Melania, I feel sorry for her: she's trapped (for now, at least) in a (no-doubt) miserable marriage to a miserable man, trying to do the best for her son and keep him from adopting any of his father's attitudes or boorish behavior.'
Well GW, I don’t think she’s a dude (That’s pretty fucking insulting you know), but for fuck sakes, she is as fucking ape looking as anybody I’ve ever seen and she’s a piece of shit to boot. She would also just as soon send you and me to a concentration camp, so fuck her.
For the record, I’m an average looking dude with great teeth and hair and I’m not a hate filled bigot like Michelle Obama. you wanna judge me for that then knock yourself out.
Ah Cookie with that "Dr. Jill" stuff. You'd make a great headwaiter in a Viennese restaurant--who knows the precise rank and title of everyone who comes through the door--and who outranks whom. I've lived in Europe. They are big on that professional title bull dung.
I was of a generation of law school graduates who "benefitted" from the change of the name of the law school degree "Bachelor of Laws" to the "more prestigious" title "Juris Doctor". Heck even Kamala Harris has a "Juris Doctor" degree. Now going to law school full time to get that degree is a 3 year hard slog. But at the time the Federal government looked at a Bachelor of Laws degree as equivalent to say a Masters in African Studies--which you could get in a year. So the law students wanted more respect for their degree and pushed to have it changed to "J.D."
Does (or did) anyone ever call Kamala Harris "Doctor Kamala"? I don't think so. Blithering idiot yes, but "Doctor" never. And truth to tell I've met hundreds if not thousands of lawyers during my career who had a "J.D." degree. And I can't recall a single one of them wanting to be addressed as "Doctor" Biden. Heck, Slow Joe may have a J.D. degree and I've never heard of him asking to be referred to as "Doctor' Biden.
As a volunteer I've spent a lot of time around the local school district. An Ed. D degree is a ticket to advancement in public school administration. I've heard of some of those folks referred to as "Dr. Smith". But what they really want to be called is "Superintendent". I've also read several Ed. D dissertations. Suffice it to say that the level of language, grammar, and original thought in most of those dissertations is not much higher than Micelle Obama nee Robinson's senior thesis at Princeton. That is to say--not very impressive. "Doctor Jill"? Har de har har.
However, I have not seen any evidence whatsoever that Trump himself ever claimed to have paid off that mortgage, so in that respect Freder is lying. When it comes to Trump he does that a lot.
Well, you're right. See how easy it is to fall for disinformation? A few Trump sycophants published this on the web, and it became viral.
Regardless of how she once made a living, I think Melania is kind of classy.
Compare her White House Christmas decorations to the Biden’s. And do you think she would have allowed that bizarre Christmas ballet that came out of The Shining? Never in a million years.
LLR-democratial Rich joins fellow moron leftist Field Marshall Freder in advancing "future" lies re: Trump.
The Soviet-like "Future" lies, mindreading analyses, faked quotes, hoaxes and twisted lawfare are always used in the absence of actual substantive complaints.
But only always...and only always by the same cast of characters.
“Did the press fail to notice Melania was in front of the press at the time and maybe that odious company was the source of any displeasure?”
The only surprise is that Melania resisted the urge to hold her nose in response to the stench wafting her way from the press in attendance. I’d wager that takes real discipline!
the fact that ron flipping filipowski was considered an authority, dropped 50 IQ points, it's too bad because NewsWeek often shows a sense of balance you don't see in any weekly publication
I don't need to speculate any more about the First Consort of Ear Leader, that she is an ungrateful hectoring shrew rewarded by Foreign powers for her Anti American attitudes,
There is a reason that Melania won't sleep in the same bed or even the same room as Donald, even in the White House. There must come a time in every respectable woman's life when she finally realizes that her husband prefers porn star whores instead of her. Melania has come to this point in her life. My guess is that so many pro-Trump commentators here have jacked off to so many Stormy Daniels videos in private, that they must now defend Trump at all costs. Otherwise their wives or girlfriends or daughters might open up their Internet history, and see how often they have masturbated to Trump's favorite whore. How else could they explain it?
Many people will look at a short clip with essentially a single expression and concoct great detail as to what they think that person is feeling and thinking. Not uncommon.
lonejustice said... "There is a reason that Melania won't sleep in the same bed or even the same room as Donald, even in the White House." There's a reason noone here takes anything you say seriously. You're a halfwit. I could spot you 20 IQ points and I'd still be in the 95th percentile.
We excoriated him for holding that fundraiser while Trump was attending the wake of a police officer who was murdered by one of your kind.
@Jim at, once upon a time Democrat politicians understood the need to demonstrate support for law and order by attending the funeral (or at least the wake) for a fallen policeman. Today, however, the Progressives that have captured the party view the police as oppressors of the People, and so the politicians blow off opportunities to demonstrate support for fallen officers because that would offend their (nearly insane) Progressive base. Indeed, at least some Progressives may even view police officers as thoroughly expendable in the march towards true social justice.
What I don't know is whether Freder is a hard core member of the Progressive base, and doesn't view the death of a young policeman as anything more than just another egg broken on the way to a better omelette, or whether he is a "party over country" Democrat who figures that if Biden, Obama, and Clinton aren't at the wake then it must be for some good reason, which he will support because party right or wrong, etc. If there's a third option, I don't see it.
lonejustice said... "There is a reason that Melania won't sleep in the same bed or even the same room as Donald, even in the White House. There must come a time in every respectable woman's life when she finally realizes that her husband prefers porn star whores instead of her." *************************
Is that what happened to you, or are you merely confessing what YOU did to turn off your wife?
lonejustice said... "There is a reason that Melania won't sleep in the same bed or even the same room as Donald, even in the White House. There must come a time in every respectable woman's life when she finally realizes that her husband prefers porn star whores instead of her." *************************
Is that what happened to you, or are you merely confessing what YOU did to turn off your wife?
LLR-democratical lonejustice: "There is a reason...How else could they explain it?"
The combination of lefty projection joined with abject stupidity and plain mendacity is why I have categorized lonejustice as the least capable of the LLR-democratical Brigade, far behind both Rich and Violent Homosexual Rage Rape Fantasist Chuck.
Though others have suggested that "lonejustice" is a pure alter ego creation of Chuck utilized initially as a faux NPC backer of Chuck (some of the "lonejustice" early posts were indeed of the --oh Chuck, you are so incredibly smart and spot on...and handsome-- variety) and a Chuck workaround from his banning from Althouse blog.
Further, lonejustice does falsely claim to be a "true" "lifelong" "conservative" like our psycho Chuck.
Freder said: "Well, you're right. See how easy it is to fall for disinformation? A few Trump sycophants published this on the web, and it became viral.
I apologize for spreading lies."
Sorry, I don't believe that either. You blame Trump sycophants? That's a cop out (read: another lie) and you know it.
Ann Althouse said... "It’s a bad life and look up the old videos of Trump when he was in his 30s talking about how he didn’t really want to go into politics because it was a bad life."
The treatment he has received over the last eight years has certainly borne that out.
There is a reason that Melania won't sleep in the same bed or even the same room as Donald, even in the White House. There must come a time in every respectable woman's life when she finally realizes that her husband prefers porn star whores instead of her. Melania has come to this point in her life. My guess is that so many pro-Trump commentators here have jacked off to so many Stormy Daniels videos in private, that they must now defend Trump at all costs. Otherwise their wives or girlfriends or daughters might open up their Internet history, and see how often they have masturbated to Trump's favorite whore. How else could they explain it?
Go back and read your post out loud to your nearest friend or to a mirror. Substitute Bill for Donald and Clinton for Trump.
Just reflect not just on how awful you are, but also how stupid you are.
Talking about what other people are thinking when you clearly have no empathy and are not as intelligent as they are just shows what you are thinking.
And in your case showing what you are thinking should be embarrassing.
It doesn't really matter who the wife is - if she is a wife of an (R) - the a-hole left will denigrate her. That's what petty vindictive boring typical hive-mind Nazi mean-grrrl butt-fuKKKing leftist authoritarian a-holes do.
"DOCTOR" Jill: The Education School is the laughingstock of every university; the lowest SATs and the highest GPAs. Their graduate degrees are participation trophys.
Here is "Dr" Jill's dissertation: find . It's a vapid review of Community College population. It's filled with spellingand grammer errors written in the style of a 6th grade book report.
There is a reason that Melania won't sleep in the same bed or even the same room as Donald, even in the White House. There must come a time in every respectable woman's life when she finally realizes that her husband prefers porn star whores instead of her.
Is that what happened to you ? There has never been any evidence that "Stormy" had any relationship with Trump aside from a photo at a golf tournament. Her lawyer went to prison.
As for Melania, I feel sorry for her: she's trapped (for now, at least) in a (no-doubt) miserable marriage to a miserable man, trying to do the best for her son and keep him from adopting any of his father's attitudes or boorish behavior.
Cook. Another communist mind reader. Seems to be a lot of them around today.
Trump is a big-talker, was once a big flirt, but reportedly not really a philanderer. He's germ-phobic, uses a lot of hand-sanitizer, and said he regretted his divorce from Ivana, his marriage to Marla Maples, and happy to find younger Ivana-version in Melania.
Melania is "smarter" than either Michelle or Jill, women who received their degrees via additional boost from either affirmative action policies (Michelle) or political payback (Jill). Both ladies' dissertations are poorly conceived, poorly written, and truly unremarkable but for fact of their authors subsequent public profiles.
Sexual histories of Clinton, Obama, and Biden far murkier, but mostly undiscussed, rarely disclosed, and largely forgiven by media.
I must have missed the images of Jill Biden scowling while on the campaign stage. Melania can produce a beautiful smile with ease when she wants to do so.
To arrive at a conclusion that Melania does not support Donald's presidential campaign is easy to come by. Her attendance at this fundraiser with billionaires was dictated by our Mafia Don after John Paulson insisted.
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११५ टिप्पण्या:
Jeez, how stale is that hostage video stuff? Like…take my wife- please! Hahahaha…
This illegitimate regime is just made up of terrible two faced people.
Take for example the treatment of Barrack's Beard
I can understand being reasonable with Michele but the worship the regime threw towards her was ridiculous.
And if Melania was a Democrat's wife? We all know how that would have been treated.
That purple shade looks fantastic on her.
Because Progressives are ALL about women, aren't they??/SNARK
They don't even know what a woman is. They are jealous of a REAL woman.
Women not being pleased is the standard rest state.
What they're actually disappointed by is how they've treated their husband, but projected.
So they picked the worst photo and are riffing off that. There is no bar too low for Melania Trump's coverage, and I wouldn't expect that to change. But: In her worst photo, Melania still looks better than Jill, and not nearly as harried, grasping. And a plus: She's always dressed stylishly, like a classy woman - instead of like a sofa, with curtains.
The same people who build up the likes of a Jill Biden, insisting she be known as 'Doctor', the same people who demand that we appreciate the style and beauty of a Michelle Obama- though she's built like a linebacker, cannot stop picking at parts of Melania. Melania happens to be the only one who has been quietly helpful- not looking for the cameras, stoic, and always stylish and beautiful, like a world-class model would be.
Our entire Journalist class are nothing more than party hacks, ready at the moment to carry the water for the lowest of the low, or the most uninspiring of the mediocre class, as long as they're from the approved ideology/party.
That this continues to fill magazines and newspapers is my daily amazement.
What a piffle of a story. Pure clickbat.
Story's author from her Newsweek bio....
''Khaleda Rahman is Newsweek's Senior News Reporter based in London, UK. Her focus is reporting on abortion rights, race, education, sexual abuse and capital punishment."
Her name does not show up on the masthead which seems to indicate that much of its editorial staff is in the UK. After all, the former print publication has a "Chief Royal Correspondent."
This poor woman.
We're accustomed to Lady Macbeth as the politician's wife. Melania's lack of political ambition opens her for mockery, when a quietly supportive wife was common decades ago.
They're not enforcing retrograde standards. It would be great if they did.
1) The left is pissed over the $50 million raised at the event, after fawning over the $25 Million raised at the Moe, Larry, and Curly fundraiser in NY last week. The tree stooges were raising money, and Trump was at a cop funeral.
2) The left HATES beautiful classy conservative women. It's why they HATE Melania. What does that say about their standard profile of an acceptable woman?
If Melania had a penis, liberals would LOVE her.
Why is Melania mocked, but Dr. Jill Biden or Michelle Obama is not?
Similarly, why was Dan Quayle mocked, but Kamala Harris is not?
Melania can't win and now that Barron is in the 18 and over category, the left and the press (is there a difference?) will happily attempt to feast on his carcass as well.
If she were meeting those standards, she’d be mocked for that too.
@Althouse, you broke the code! Well done. Much of the rote hatred of Melania comes from her association with her husband, but a lot of it comes from daring to look that good when she’s 53 years old.
Hate makes you stupid. Hate makes you do stupid things.
It's Newsweek. It is a literally worthless IP. If you are willing to absorb the losses, you can buy it for a dollar and have it say whatever you want, assuming the current owner is willing to sell.
Isn’t expecting women to be smiling at all times a sign of the patriarchy?
Did the press fail to notice Melania was in front of the press at the time and maybe that odious company was the source of any displeasure?
So Trump sets a new fundraising record, beating the "three presidents" gala that set a record for Biden last week, one the media endlessly gushed over, and THIS is the takeaway "news" that Newsweek sees fit to print? Really?
Change your name to Newsweak already, losers.
"she’d be mocked for that too"
No matter what Trump (or Melanie, or any other proxy for DJT, did/does), it was wrong. If he tied his left shoe first, it was wrong. If he tied his right shoe first, it was wrong. There's no reasonable with the left because they refuse to be reasonable. Because their aim is to destroy. To destroy anything in their path to total government.
The left has attacked the wives of conservatives certainly going back to Nancy Reagan at the latest. As many minds snapped on election night 2016, they have no problem with hypocrisy when attacking people not on the team. Their PR problem is in being logically trapped by the prior "tolerance," "respect," and "inclusion" mantra.
This is the ugly end of the leftward political pendulum swing. This is where ends-justifies-the-means depersonalization leads to war and genocide. This is where globalism and cultural openness transforms into monoculture, autocracy, and bullying. The one-time 'progressives' say to themselves "Well, the ends justified the means when I was the good guy fighting to defend Vietnam, against racism and sexism, and to end the World Bank. I'm still the same person so whatever I say/do about a harmless wife/bystander is therefore 'good' too."
>"Melania, who hasn't been seen in public for months, doesn't look very happy for someone who is gearing up to be First Lady again--a job we know she absolutely adored....," journalist Victoria Brownworth wrote<
This is news to me. I'm pretty sure that it was well-reported at the time that she didn't much like being in that "job." Am I mistaken?
You all excoriated Biden for holding a fund raiser for wealthy donors in New York (and actually tickets were available for as little as $250), but when Trump does the same thing, and claims to have out raised Biden's New York, everything is just fine and dandy.
And really, Melania doesn't look like she is enjoying herself.
The left is pissed over the $50 million raised at the event, after fawning over the $25 Million raised at the Moe, Larry, and Curly fundraiser in NY last week. The tree stooges were raising money, and Trump was at a cop funeral.
I'll bet when Trump's FEC report comes out, we will find out he was lying about the 50 million.
as long as she stayed with Trump.. she’d be mocked for that too.
Blogger rhhardin said...
“Women not being pleased is the standard rest state.
What they're actually disappointed by is how they've treated their husband, but projected.”
So true!
"You all excoriated Biden for holding a fund raiser for wealthy donors in New York (and actually tickets were available for as little as $250), but when Trump does the same thing, and claims to have out raised Biden's New York, everything is just fine and dandy."
He didn't dodge a fallen officer's funeral to have his fund raiser.
Typical optic fail for his young marxist handlers.
“ And really, Melania doesn't look like she is enjoying herself.”
So what? I challenge you to give a feminist answer.
We’ve been mocking political wife smiles since the days of Pat Nixon. I’ve seen it for more than half a century. If Melania looked like she were enjoying herself, she’d be blasted as a ninny and a fake. But if a political wife comes along and just stands there, and looks like a person who has a life of her own and actual human feelings, she’s mocked, and Newsweek magazine amplifies the mocking as if they really got her.
There is certainly room to suspect that every single political wife actually dislikes her husband and is just playing along for one reason or another. It’s a bad life and look up the old videos of Trump when he was in his 30s talking about how he didn’t really want to go into politics because it was a bad life.
Vogue couldn't put her on the cover after Big Mike. The difference would have been glaring.
Screw them & Anna Wintour
I've been trying to engage with the lefties commenting on Yahoo News. Anybody who thinks I am overly pessimistic about the future of the country should read their comments. They are vicious ignoramuses.
So why would Melania look upbeat? She knows what's coming.
"We’ve been mocking political wife smiles"
"We"? Michelle's smiles?
Anyway, the solution is for Melania to declare she now identifies as a man. Or would that make progs revile trannies?
Enigma: "This is the ugly end of the leftward political pendulum swing."
The other end is just as ugly.
You all excoriated Biden for holding a fund raiser for wealthy donors in New York (and actually tickets were available for as little as $250)
Freder has a point here - after three years of Bidenflation (which is transitory on geological time scales btw) $250 really isn't all that much. A person in New York illegally could buy one of those tickets and still have $750 in taxpayer money left over for the month*. And sure, Biden was actually excoriated for having the fund raiser at the same time as the funeral for a cop murdered in the line of duty, but to be fair Biden and the rest of the Democratic headliners from his fundraiser wouldn't have been any more welcome at that funeral than the Democratic governor of New York, owing to the widespread perception among the police that Democratic politicians side with cop murderers over the police themselves.
* of course a person in the country illegally couldn't make a campaign contribution bc the Democrats are super-strict about campaign finance ethics, lulz
I'll bet when Trump's FEC report comes out, we will find out he was lying about the 50 million.
I'll bet if the report says it was actually $49,999,998.50, the New York District Attorney will try to fine him a trillion dollars.
You all excoriated Biden for holding a fund raiser for wealthy donors
No we didn't. Show me evidence. You don't know for what we did mock him?
He didn't dodge a fallen officer's funeral to have his fund raiser.
He didn't attend the funeral, he went to the wake. He also claimed that he paid off the officer's mortgage, which is an outright lie.
Diversity (e.g. sexism) where people... women are judged and labeled in color blocs. Feminists do not represent women. Masculinists do not represent men. Social progressives do not represent people.
''Khaleda Rahman is Newsweek's Senior News Reporter based in London, UK. Her focus is reporting on abortion rights, race, education, sexual abuse and capital punishment."
Human rites, diversity, indoctrination, social liberalism, and Capitol punishment.
All's fair lust and abortion.
"We’ve been mocking political wife smiles since the days of Pat Nixon"
No, the press has been mocking Republican wives. Remember HRC, while she covered for her husbands cheating, and worse; the press held her up as Joan of Ark.
Michelle Obama was treated exactly the same. 'trailblazer', first one too...blah blah.
Just maybe Melania is tired of her husband being hunted by the DOJ, the FBI, and other 3 letter agencies.
Just maybe, she is sick and tired of being called a whore, a porn actress, and worse, by the press.
Seems like a double standard is the standard now.
So what? I challenge you to give a feminist answer.
What on earth is a "feminist" answer?
@hombre: The other end is just as ugly.
Absolutely. I'm no defender of the hard right nor any blind zealot nor any rigid ideologue. But, the left has controlled the recent swing and the rightward swing will end in another 75 or 100 years. The middle periods are the "good times," while the rigid/confused ends are characterized by absolutism, bullying, and death as people struggle to defend their indefensible bad ideological impulses.
Prior leftward end: Civil War 1860 to 1865 and the rise of the Klan
Prior rightward end: Alcohol Prohibition followed by the 1929 crash and the Great Depression
Hitler's 1930s eugenics and 1940s concentration camps begat an ultra-compassionate 1950s left, who begat an indulgent 1960s blind-eye left, who begat the rise of pedophiles (1970s Hollywood, to include Rock & Roll through the 2010s Harvey Weinstein), and now 2020s dead-ender child mutilators and unqualified DEI puppets in power.
Would you rather place your mentally ill child in the care of Nazi Joseph Mengele or a "words are literal violence" equity doctor who is paid to cut off your kids boobs or penis?
Note from Billy Blaze:
"Always be sincere, whether you mean it or not"
There is certainly room to suspect that every single political wife actually dislikes her husband and is just playing along for one reason or another.
This is a bullshit statement. I doubt that any sane person would argue that Laura and Barbara Bush, or Rosalynn Carter, were not totally devoted to, and truly loved their husbands (and I could go on and on).
What’s the hourly rate? It has to be less than Stormy i guess.
There is certainly room to suspect that every single political wife actually dislikes her husband and is just playing along for one reason or another.
@Althouse, I don’t think that’s quite right. I have reason to be pretty certain that Betty Ford and Nancy Reagan were very much in love with their respective husbands. But it’s hard not hate the political game. There’s a great scene in the movie “Apollo 13” where the astronauts’ wives (two of them — the third astronaut, the one played by Kevin Bacon, was a bachelor) have been coached how to smile vacuously and what sort of inanities to say to the press. They love their husbands, but they hate the stupid game. And it’s pretty much the same for most political wives. There are a few politcal wives who seem to like the game, and they can’t all be faking it.
He also claimed that he paid off the officer's mortgage, which is an outright lie.
...and you know this how?
That fake concern they show - she looks like she's being held hostage - I bet they were all gleeful when Trump was stuck in court while his mother-in-law was dying.
The left used to be reasonable, now they are unhinged.
'This is a bullshit statement. I doubt that any sane person would argue that Laura and Barbara Bush, or Rosalynn Carter, were not totally devoted to, and truly loved their husbands (and I could go on and on).'
And Reggie Love was totally (and I mean totally) devoted to Barrack.
Field Marshall Freder is very keen to hold Trump "accountable" now for hypothetical inaccuracies in the future.
Freder is a perfect democratical.
Interestingly, Freder has aggressively pushed and continues to push every thoroughly debunked hoax launched by the New Soviet Democraticals ober the last 8 years.
Without exception.
Freder Frederson said...
He didn't dodge a fallen officer's funeral to have his fund raiser.
He didn't attend the funeral, he went to the wake. He also claimed that he paid off the officer's mortgage, which is an outright lie.
4/8/24, 10:50 AM
Snopes says you are lying. Trump has not taken credit for paying off the mortgage.
Of course, it's possible you were mistaken, and not intentionally lying, just like it's possible that the people who believed Trump paid it off were mistaken because of the timing of his phone call to the widow and his previous association with the charity that did pay it.
Field Marshall Freder: "This is a bullshit statement. I doubt that any sane person would argue that Laura and Barbara Bush, or Rosalynn Carter, were not totally devoted to, and truly loved their husbands (and I could go on and on)."
Wherein Freder directly insinuates Althouse is insane for refusing to line up properly and issue a Manchurian Candidate-like endorsement of the true inner thoughts and feelings of the "acceptable" to establishment/deep state blob/lefty media First Ladies.
Again, this is ANOTHER example, of so very many, of Freders hilarious democratical-NPC-ish proclivities!
Dems hate Trump. Why should I pay any attention to the Newsweek, one of the publications of the Democrat/Barbarian Party?
She's a vapid joke of a person and everybody knows it. Eastern block sex worker immigrates to America, marries a citizen, has an anchor baby and becomes the first lady and does absolutely nothing of substance with that position. ! If this bitch were brown and married a liberal, you troglodytes would mock the shit out of her, insinuate that she were transgender and make hateful memes til the cows come home.
Be best!
Look. Michelle Obama s probably female. But she absolutely 100 percent look like a fucking gorilla. She is incredibly ape looking for a human being. So you know…
In the photo and video Newsweek used she and Trump are facing a media gaggle. They hate her and she knows it. "I don't care, do you?"
Here is photo from the event that was not taken in front of a gang of ratfucking shitweasels.
A textbook example of fake news.
Freder said: "He also claimed that he paid off the officer's mortgage, which is an outright lie."
Haven't heard that Freder. Link time for you.
donald said...
"But she absolutely 100 percent look like a fucking gorilla. She is incredibly ape looking for a human being."
Go fuck yourself.
'Of course, it's possible you were mistaken, and not intentionally lying...'
I'm sorry, but communists ALWAYS lie. It's in their DNA.
The sooner you learn this the better...
'What’s the hourly rate? It has to be less than Stormy i guess.'
I would bet $1k that Melania's IQ is considerably higher than yours.
“The left is pissed over the $50 million raised at the event, after fawning over the $25 Million raised at the Moe, Larry, and Curly fundraiser in NY last week.”
You got to laugh when you hear media reporting Trump’s getting double in one night that Biden did. As if Trump didn't just decide that's what they would say.
Trump claims he raised a certain amount of money — not that he actually raised it. Of course it’s the beginning of the quarter, which means by the time they have to report the true numbers everyone will have forgotten this boast.
Recent First Lady hotness ranked in order:
1) Melania Trump
2) Jackie Kennedy
3) Laura Bush
4) Roselynn Carter
I'm sorry, but I can't put Michelle Obama, Hillary, or Dr. Biden on the list. These are women that repel real men.
Another important list. Presidential Mistress hotness ranked in order (while married or in office)
1) Marilyn Monroe (JFK)
2) Angie Dickenson (JFK)
3) Karen McDougal (Trump)
4) Lorie Morgan (Clinton)
4) Pamela Turnure (JFK)
5) Stormy Daniels (Trump)
6) Judith Exner (JFK)
7) Jennifer Flowers (Clinton)
Bravo Gentleman. Bow-chicka-wow-wow.
I don't think Jimmy Carter had affairs. I'm sure Obama did, but they were probably with dudes, so that's and entirely separate list. Reagan took it to town during his Hollywood years. Reagan bedded Doris Day, which is like an Oedipus fantasy.
Cheap shots from cheap people. Newsweek was sold a while back for the magnificent sum of one dollar. And the buyer was cheated. Newsweek was not worth more than a single penny--and the enterprise was overpriced at that level.
But what had me laughing out loud was the commenters claim that being First Lady was a job that Melania "adored". I seem to recall that there was some reluctance on Mrs. Trump's part to move into the White House. She had a son to raise and she wasn't at all certain that Washington D.C. was the place to do it. But that fact wouldn't stop the twit commenter from claiming that First Lady was a job Mrs. Trump adored.
Blogger TeaBagHag said...
She's a vapid joke of a person and everybody knows it. Eastern block sex worker immigrates to America, marries a citizen, has an anchor baby and becomes the first lady...
I thought feminists were pro-sex worker and pro-immigrant??? Assuming now TeaBagHag is not a feminist. Do we really have an anti-immigration liberal here who hates anchor babies too?
Gotta say Mr. or Ms. Hag. The enigmatic nature uncovered by your hatred of Melania is entertaining. The hypocrisy is expected.
The story implies that Melania has agency, it also implies that her critics don't have agency.
Any appearance with Trump, by anyone, sparks mockery on social media.
Appearances by Presidents' wives always bring out mean girls...and not all mean girls are girls.
LLR-democratical Rich: "What’s the hourly rate? It has to be less than Stormy i guess."
Good time for a recap I guess.
- DJT denies the affair.
- Stormy Daniels provided a signed statement denying the affair and denying she was paid hush money in 2018.
- In 2022 Stormy Daniels was ordered to pay $300,000 to DJT after her failed defamation lawsuit when the democraticals got to her to lie about Trump (see Blasey-Ford & Kavanaugh, Anita Hill & Clarence Thomas, etc).
- in 2023 Stormy Daniels was ordered to pay DJT ANOTHER $121,000 after her failed appeal.
- And now there is reporting that it was democratical darling, convicted felon and admitted liar under oath Michael Cohen that was having an affair with Stormy since 2006 and Stormy was threatening to go public at the Trump campaign in 2015/16 that led Cohen to use the Trump campaign funds to pay off his personal exposure.
Well, that would certainly fit a pattern of democraticals falsely accusing Trump for what the democraticals were doing.
But back to the hourly rate question our very stupid Rich brought up:
We are looking at Stormy owing Trump's team about $600,000 related to the 2 above items and additional submittals to the court by Trump's team.
We know Stormy's team wanted fees knocked down to $500/hour for Trump lawyer partners and that was rejected by the Judge, so the Trump team was getting paid much higher than that by Stormy and her legal Sherpa Michael Avenatti...another of the democraticals "god-like" "messiah" "heroes" in their cult pantheon of "gods".
Remember the flap over the jacket saying, “I don’t care. Do you?” Same same.
Time out. Comments gettin’ ugly.
Remember the flap over the jacket saying, “I don’t care. Do you?” Same same.
"Dems hate Trump."
Corrections: All persons of sound and discerning minds are repelled by and concerned about Trump.
"The same people who build up the likes of a Jill Biden, insisting she be known as 'Doctor'...."
Jill Biden has a Doctorate of Education. Thus, if she prefers to be so addressed, it is entirely correct to call her as "Doctor Biden." "Doctor" denotes a level of education, not the specialty, (such as "M.D." for a medical doctor).
As for Melania, I feel sorry for her: she's trapped (for now, at least) in a (no-doubt) miserable marriage to a miserable man, trying to do the best for her son and keep him from adopting any of his father's attitudes or boorish behavior.
TeaBagHag: "She's a vapid joke of a person and everybody knows it. Eastern block sex worker immigrates to America, marries a citizen, has an anchor baby and becomes the first lady and does absolutely nothing of substance with that position. ! If this bitch were brown and married a liberal, you troglodytes would mock the shit out of her, insinuate that she were transgender and make hateful memes til the cows come home."
Gee, this is precisely the type of post that Field Marshall Freder claims he jumps on filled with BS claims!
Lets see what Freder does next with this one!
Blogger Rabel said...
Here is photo from the event that was not taken in front of a gang of ratfucking shitweasels.
I second your ratfucking shitweasel description of the press.
Blogger donald said...
Look. Michelle Obama s probably female. But she absolutely 100 percent look like a fucking gorilla. She is incredibly ape looking for a human being. So you know…
I'll all for pushing the boundaries and insulting liberals. But dude...WTF is wrong with you??? Are you missing teeth or something? I'm picturing the guy who shagged Ned Beatty in "Deliverance".
You revert back to ape bullshit? You give ammunition to the people you are supposed to oppose with bullshit like this. You're more than likely a leftist troll.
It's less insulting to claim Michelle Obama has a penis, which is what Barack Obama's Kenyan brother has claimed publicly...over, and over, and over.
Freder Frederson said...
… He also claimed that he paid off the officer's mortgage, which is an outright lie.
To the best of my ability to research this (1) the officer’s widow’s mortgage was paid off by the Tunnel to Towers charitable organization (one can donate at; (2) as President, Donald Trump honored the Tunnel to Towers organization; (3) Trump seems to have been a donor to Tunnel to Towers; and (4) someone appearsvto have conflated points (1) through (3) and wrongly concluded that Trump had used Tunnel to Towers as a mechanism through which he could pay off the mortgage. However, I have not seen any evidence whatsoever that Trump himself ever claimed to have paid off that mortgage, so in that respect Freder is lying. When it comes to Trump he does that a lot.
You all excoriated Biden for holding a fund raiser for wealthy donors in New York (and actually tickets were available for as little as $250), - Freder
To put it in your language ... no, you fucking liar.
We excoriated him for holding that fundraiser while Trump was attending the wake of a police officer who was murdered by one of your kind.
'Of course it’s the beginning of the quarter, which means by the time they have to report the true numbers everyone will have forgotten this boast.'
You mean like Biden's jobs numbers?
Good to know...
'As for Melania, I feel sorry for her: she's trapped (for now, at least) in a (no-doubt) miserable marriage to a miserable man, trying to do the best for her son and keep him from adopting any of his father's attitudes or boorish behavior.'
I didn't think mind reading was real until now.
Well GW, I don’t think she’s a dude (That’s pretty fucking insulting you know), but for fuck sakes, she is as fucking ape looking as anybody I’ve ever seen and she’s a piece of shit to boot. She would also just as soon send you and me to a concentration camp, so fuck her.
For the record, I’m an average looking dude with great teeth and hair and I’m not a hate filled bigot like Michelle Obama. you wanna judge me for that then knock yourself out.
Ah Cookie with that "Dr. Jill" stuff. You'd make a great headwaiter in a Viennese restaurant--who knows the precise rank and title of everyone who comes through the door--and who outranks whom. I've lived in Europe. They are big on that professional title bull dung.
I was of a generation of law school graduates who "benefitted" from the change of the name of the law school degree "Bachelor of Laws" to the "more prestigious" title "Juris Doctor". Heck even Kamala Harris has a "Juris Doctor" degree. Now going to law school full time to get that degree is a 3 year hard slog. But at the time the Federal government looked at a Bachelor of Laws degree as equivalent to say a Masters in African Studies--which you could get in a year. So the law students wanted more respect for their degree and pushed to have it changed to "J.D."
Does (or did) anyone ever call Kamala Harris "Doctor Kamala"? I don't think so. Blithering idiot yes, but "Doctor" never. And truth to tell I've met hundreds if not thousands of lawyers during my career who had a "J.D." degree. And I can't recall a single one of them wanting to be addressed as "Doctor" Biden. Heck, Slow Joe may have a J.D. degree and I've never heard of him asking to be referred to as "Doctor' Biden.
As a volunteer I've spent a lot of time around the local school district. An Ed. D degree is a ticket to advancement in public school administration. I've heard of some of those folks referred to as "Dr. Smith". But what they really want to be called is "Superintendent". I've also read several Ed. D dissertations. Suffice it to say that the level of language, grammar, and original thought in most of those dissertations is not much higher than Micelle Obama nee Robinson's senior thesis at Princeton. That is to say--not very impressive. "Doctor Jill"? Har de har har.
However, I have not seen any evidence whatsoever that Trump himself ever claimed to have paid off that mortgage, so in that respect Freder is lying. When it comes to Trump he does that a lot.
Well, you're right. See how easy it is to fall for disinformation? A few Trump sycophants published this on the web, and it became viral.
I apologize for spreading lies.
Regardless of how she once made a living, I think Melania is kind of classy.
Compare her White House Christmas decorations to the Biden’s. And do you think she would have allowed that bizarre Christmas ballet that came out of The Shining? Never in a million years.
Doctorate of Education.
i.e. Colors, Shapes and Numbers
Total Eclipse?
Whatta sense of humor
LLR-democratial Rich joins fellow moron leftist Field Marshall Freder in advancing "future" lies re: Trump.
The Soviet-like "Future" lies, mindreading analyses, faked quotes, hoaxes and twisted lawfare are always used in the absence of actual substantive complaints.
But only always...and only always by the same cast of characters.
“Did the press fail to notice Melania was in front of the press at the time and maybe that odious company was the source of any displeasure?”
The only surprise is that Melania resisted the urge to hold her nose in response to the stench wafting her way from the press in attendance. I’d wager that takes real discipline!
the fact that ron flipping filipowski was considered an authority, dropped 50 IQ points,
it's too bad because NewsWeek often shows a sense of balance you don't see in any weekly publication
I don't need to speculate any more about the First Consort of Ear Leader, that she is an ungrateful hectoring shrew rewarded by Foreign powers for her Anti American attitudes,
“Eva Braun's Appearance With Donald Trump Sparks Mockery” NEWSWEEK
Gusty Winds said...
Here is photo from the event that was not taken in front of a gang of ratfucking shitweasels.
Blogger Rabel said...
I second your ratfucking shitweasel description of the press.
All in favor of adopting the ratfucking shitweasel description of the press?
There is a reason that Melania won't sleep in the same bed or even the same room as Donald, even in the White House. There must come a time in every respectable woman's life when she finally realizes that her husband prefers porn star whores instead of her. Melania has come to this point in her life. My guess is that so many pro-Trump commentators here have jacked off to so many Stormy Daniels videos in private, that they must now defend Trump at all costs. Otherwise their wives or girlfriends or daughters might open up their Internet history, and see how often they have masturbated to Trump's favorite whore. How else could they explain it?
Many people will look at a short clip with essentially a single expression and concoct great detail as to what they think that person is feeling and thinking. Not uncommon.
lonejustice said...
"There is a reason that Melania won't sleep in the same bed or even the same room as Donald, even in the White House."
There's a reason noone here takes anything you say seriously. You're a halfwit. I could spot you 20 IQ points and I'd still be in the 95th percentile.
tea bag hag.
I bet you look like Hillary Clinton. Ugly.
a rich man has a pretty wife.
That's never been done before. Leftists pounce.
I apologize for spreading lies.
@Freder, apology accepted.
We excoriated him for holding that fundraiser while Trump was attending the wake of a police officer who was murdered by one of your kind.
@Jim at, once upon a time Democrat politicians understood the need to demonstrate support for law and order by attending the funeral (or at least the wake) for a fallen policeman. Today, however, the Progressives that have captured the party view the police as oppressors of the People, and so the politicians blow off opportunities to demonstrate support for fallen officers because that would offend their (nearly insane) Progressive base. Indeed, at least some Progressives may even view police officers as thoroughly expendable in the march towards true social justice.
What I don't know is whether Freder is a hard core member of the Progressive base, and doesn't view the death of a young policeman as anything more than just another egg broken on the way to a better omelette, or whether he is a "party over country" Democrat who figures that if Biden, Obama, and Clinton aren't at the wake then it must be for some good reason, which he will support because party right or wrong, etc. If there's a third option, I don't see it.
"All in favor of adopting the ratfucking shitweasel description of the press?"
Wouldn't that be an insult to ratfucking shitweasels?
lonejustice said...
"There is a reason that Melania won't sleep in the same bed or even the same room as Donald, even in the White House. There must come a time in every respectable woman's life when she finally realizes that her husband prefers porn star whores instead of her."
Is that what happened to you, or are you merely confessing what YOU did to turn off your wife?
lonejustice said...
"There is a reason that Melania won't sleep in the same bed or even the same room as Donald, even in the White House. There must come a time in every respectable woman's life when she finally realizes that her husband prefers porn star whores instead of her."
Is that what happened to you, or are you merely confessing what YOU did to turn off your wife?
She looks totally normal. What are they talking about?
LLR-democratical lonejustice: "There is a reason...How else could they explain it?"
The combination of lefty projection joined with abject stupidity and plain mendacity is why I have categorized lonejustice as the least capable of the LLR-democratical Brigade, far behind both Rich and Violent Homosexual Rage Rape Fantasist Chuck.
Though others have suggested that "lonejustice" is a pure alter ego creation of Chuck utilized initially as a faux NPC backer of Chuck (some of the "lonejustice" early posts were indeed of the --oh Chuck, you are so incredibly smart and spot on...and handsome-- variety) and a Chuck workaround from his banning from Althouse blog.
Further, lonejustice does falsely claim to be a "true" "lifelong" "conservative" like our psycho Chuck.
Wow. lonejustice must be lurking in Trumps bedroom, since he knows all about their sleeping habits.
Talk about a voyeur. Just proving your obsession.
This discussion really brought out the best among commenters.
I think I will now go wash my computer in soap and water.
Freder said: "Well, you're right. See how easy it is to fall for disinformation? A few Trump sycophants published this on the web, and it became viral.
I apologize for spreading lies."
Sorry, I don't believe that either. You blame Trump sycophants? That's a cop out (read: another lie) and you know it.
Ann Althouse said...
"It’s a bad life and look up the old videos of Trump when he was in his 30s talking about how he didn’t really want to go into politics because it was a bad life."
The treatment he has received over the last eight years has certainly borne that out.
lonejustice said...
There is a reason that Melania won't sleep in the same bed or even the same room as Donald, even in the White House. There must come a time in every respectable woman's life when she finally realizes that her husband prefers porn star whores instead of her. Melania has come to this point in her life. My guess is that so many pro-Trump commentators here have jacked off to so many Stormy Daniels videos in private, that they must now defend Trump at all costs. Otherwise their wives or girlfriends or daughters might open up their Internet history, and see how often they have masturbated to Trump's favorite whore. How else could they explain it?
Go back and read your post out loud to your nearest friend or to a mirror. Substitute Bill for Donald and Clinton for Trump.
Just reflect not just on how awful you are, but also how stupid you are.
Talking about what other people are thinking when you clearly have no empathy and are not as intelligent as they are just shows what you are thinking.
And in your case showing what you are thinking should be embarrassing.
It doesn't really matter who the wife is - if she is a wife of an (R) - the a-hole left will denigrate her. That's what petty vindictive boring typical hive-mind Nazi mean-grrrl butt-fuKKKing leftist authoritarian a-holes do.
"DOCTOR" Jill:
The Education School is the laughingstock of every university; the lowest SATs and the highest GPAs. Their graduate degrees are participation trophys.
Here is "Dr" Jill's dissertation:
find . It's a vapid review of Community College population. It's filled with spellingand grammer errors written in the style of a 6th grade book report.
She's entitled to call herself Doctor, and we're entitled to ridicule her.
Free speech all around.
Blogger lonejustice said...
There is a reason that Melania won't sleep in the same bed or even the same room as Donald, even in the White House. There must come a time in every respectable woman's life when she finally realizes that her husband prefers porn star whores instead of her.
Is that what happened to you ? There has never been any evidence that "Stormy" had any relationship with Trump aside from a photo at a golf tournament. Her lawyer went to prison.
As for Melania, I feel sorry for her: she's trapped (for now, at least) in a (no-doubt) miserable marriage to a miserable man, trying to do the best for her son and keep him from adopting any of his father's attitudes or boorish behavior.
Cook. Another communist mind reader. Seems to be a lot of them around today.
Trump is a big-talker, was once a big flirt, but reportedly not really a philanderer. He's germ-phobic, uses a lot of hand-sanitizer, and said he regretted his divorce from Ivana, his marriage to Marla Maples, and happy to find younger Ivana-version in Melania.
Melania is "smarter" than either Michelle or Jill, women who received their degrees via additional boost from either affirmative action policies (Michelle) or political payback (Jill). Both ladies' dissertations are poorly conceived, poorly written, and truly unremarkable but for fact of their authors subsequent public profiles.
Sexual histories of Clinton, Obama, and Biden far murkier, but mostly undiscussed, rarely disclosed, and largely forgiven by media.
or as Teuton would say Frau Doktor Jill
I must have missed the images of Jill Biden scowling while on the campaign stage. Melania can produce a beautiful smile with ease when she wants to do so.
To arrive at a conclusion that Melania does not support Donald's presidential campaign is easy to come by. Her attendance at this fundraiser with billionaires was dictated by our Mafia Don after John Paulson insisted.
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