April 2, 2024

Does RFK Jr. still not have Secret Service protection?

I saw — blogged in the previous post — that RFK Jr. just called Joe Biden the first President in history to have "used his power over the Secret Service to deny Secret Service protection to one of his political opponents, for political reasons."

Kennedy was denied Secret Service protection in February by Homeland Security Director Alejandro Mayorkas....

"Based on the facts and the recommendation of the advisory committee, I have determined that Secret Service protection for Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is not warranted at this time," the letter from Mayorkas states, without offering any further reasoning....

Kennedy, who declined to comment for this report, told Deseret News in December that his campaign had already spent $2 million on security, and he speculated that Mayorkas was denying his Secret Service request because the White House would "probably rather me spend money on protection than spending it on field organization or advertising."


Dude1394 said...

Will someone not rid me of this troublesome political opponent.

gilbar said...

WHEN RFK Jr is assassinated.. resident Biden will go to the funeral and declare:

doubt me?

Wince said...

Joe Biden is the Mariana Trench of depravity.

Achilles said...

This is an illegitimate regime full of evil people.

And only terrible people would support this Junta. It is all out there in the open.

Mr. O. Possum said...

Americans are conditioned to think that when tyranny comes it will look like a man with a funny mustache. No, the tyrant will look like us, talk like us. He will lick the same ice cream we enjoy. He will wear shades, and he will keep a hot rod in his garage next to boxes of old papers whose contents he personally has never shared with the leaders of hostile nations.

We've also, many of us, been conditioned to think that a good leader will speak poetry like Churchill or Lincoln, have impossibly aloof dignity like Washington, or at the very least be dignified.

Whatever one thinks of RFK's politics, he carries himself well.

JAORE said...

Sounds kind of like protection of Supreme Court Justices even after a would be assassin was captured.

Insane. But they lucked out.

I guess Biden and Co. are willing to wager no harm will befall Kennedy. Perhaps the POTUS feels denying the status of SS protection to a competitor is worth the risk.


It is hard to imagine the horrible political visuals for Biden if Kennedy is harmed.

Kate said...

Let's see some journalist interview all those Kennedy family members who are such staunch Biden supporters. They hide behind New England gentility; show us how ghoulish they are when they defend this.

Larry J said...

Slow Joe Biden is a petty, vindictive man. He has surrounded himself with mediocre people who were selected for their "historic" characteristics rather than competency, such as Buttigieg for Transportation Secretary whose sole qualification is that he's gay. Biden has always been a profoundly stupid and arrogant man, and his obvious mental decline has only made things worse. The only people more stupid that Joe Biden are those who actually believe he is qualified and capable of doing the job.

Heartless Aztec said...

The waters of the Deep State do indeed run to an unfathomable depth. Who among us does not know the hand(s) behind the death of his uncle? Possibly his father? And now, potentially himself.

Rusty said...

Achilles said...
"This is an illegitimate regime full of evil people.

And only terrible people would support this Junta. It is all out there in the open."
And there are people who comment on this very blog every day who will joyfully toddle off to polls and pull the lever as many times as they can to vote for Biden. They know full well what Biden is but they have been taught to loathe you and this country.

The Vault Dweller said...

gilbar said...
doubt me?

I think it is more likely he would blame it on "Ultra-MAGA" people, and say this is proof they are an existential threat.

Levi Starks said...

When you use all your influence with the media to paint a troublesome opponent as a nut job it makes no sense to turn around and provide said nut job with protections which would normally only be garnered by “normal” people.

Leland said...

Gilbar, I think you have it all wrong regarding Biden. He wouldn’t say what you suggested. No, Biden would remind us how a drunk truck driver killed his first wife, so he understands loss.

Mayorkas articles of impeachment were sent to the Senate last week.

Achilles said...

JAORE said...

It is hard to imagine the horrible political visuals for Biden if Kennedy is harmed.

Really? You have missed people that support of the violent attacks and open murder of their political opponents? They don't worry about visuals. They revel in them. Their only supporters are terrible people and they know it.

Look at them cheer when they see videos of Boyland or Babbitt being killed. How long did they cling to the blood libel that J6 protestors killed a police officer to justify their bloody murder? We now know that the capitol police opened fire first.

When citizens are killed by illegals who does Joe Biden apologize to?

They are not worried about visuals. They are bloody ghouls already.

RMc said...

You'd think if anybody needed Secret Service protection, it would be a guy named Kennedy who's running for president!

Original Mike said...

Biden is just keeping his options open with regards to the threat posed by Kennedy.

What other explanation is there?

RCOCEAN II said...

Has RFK spoken out against Biden trying to jail Trump to win re-election? I haven't heard him attack the Lawfare by Biden. Its part of the same pattern by biden and his authoritarian goon administration.

BTW, Myorakas or whatever the fuck his name is has been impeached by the House for not enforcing the immigration laws. But its just a non-issue to the MSM, and everyone else just follows whatever the MSM does. The Republicans -except for Trump - NEVER fight back.

But going back to RFK. Given his family history, a failure to provide secret service is inexusable. An example of what a shit Biden is. But that wont' stop all the libtards from voting for him. He's not a Goddamn Republican, and that's all they care about.

Yancey Ward said...

If Kennedy is assassinated, or just an attempt made, it will be blamed on Trump. Does anyone really doubt this?

Joe Smith said...

'Gilbar, I think you have it all wrong regarding Biden. He wouldn’t say what you suggested. No, Biden would remind us how a drunk truck driver killed his first wife, so he understands loss.'

And his son died in Iraq while single-handedly attacking a heavily entrenched enemy position, taking out the entire command structure. He then lifted 22 of his comrades onto his back and carried them all to safety.

So he also has that going for him...

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

I believe I saw a list where he has made about two-dozen requests and Mayorkas personally instructed DHS to turn him down. That disgustingly aloof man really has turned out to be the go-to guy for enacting Biden's worst policies and Executive decisions.

gilbar said...

The Vault Dweller said...
I think it is more likely he would blame it on "Ultra-MAGA" people, and say this is proof they are an existential threat.

THAT, was pretty much, what i was TRYING to say.. Thanx for clarifying me

Achilles said...

Yancey Ward said...

If Kennedy is assassinated, or just an attempt made, it will be blamed on Trump. Does anyone really doubt this?


To be honest at this point RFK doesn't need SS protection. If Kennedy gets killed it will be the end for the illegitimate Biden Regime. Same with Trump. Kill either of them at this point and the leftists will have much to complain about.

They are already doomed electorally. Their only hope is millions of new illegal voters. But the cracks in the Regime are already clearly visible. Everyone hates them and there is no longer any real fear.

As Rowling and Peterson and Owens and other leaders show that it is lucrative and popular to challenge the fascists the tide has turned.

There is a point when people who resist a tyrannical regime gain social status. That is when the Regime falls.

Readering said...

Reading these comments, talk about derangement syndromes.

PB said...

They want him out of this race no matter how.

Aggie said...

Hmm. I'm sensing a rising tide of optimism. I think that's very dangerous. Like predicting the 'Red Wave' a few years ago, a sure thing - except for the way it actually happened. When the Republican establishment pretended their shock to discover they had been outmaneuvered - again.

And now we have Republican Representatives cynically squandering their majority, and doing it one-by-'Never-Trump!'-one, in a way specifically engineered to avoid a replacement via Special Election before November - in Gallagher's case, by quitting a week after that deadline passes. Salting the earth behind them, like the good Democrats they really are.

I hate to say it, but: You know what it should look like, when the 'regime falls'? Like a few miserable, formerly important public figures on the ground, pleading to make it stop. Nothing less than that is victory, as we should have learned very well with the Germans and the Japanese. Nothing less than the principles of Patton and MacArthur carried to their conclusion. Nothing less will be a victory - and remember that this is a party that has brought us here, this critical-theory, illegal-immigration Lawfare & diversity miracle, has shown it isn't interested in being victorious, unless the victories lead implacably and inevitably to dominion and tyranny.

Kevin said...

1. Assasination attempt on Presidential candidate (successful or not)

2. Calls for more gun regulation

3. Profit

Howard said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Howard said...

He's not a major candidate and the Republicans in Congress hasn't authorized it


Rocco said...

gilbar said...
“WHEN RFK Jr is assassinated.. resident Biden will go to the funeral and declare:

And that we need to send another $500 billion to Ukraine, Syria, Iran, and Mexico. Don’t forget that part.

Yancey Ward said...

Fine, Readering- why do you think Mayorkas is denying him secret service protection? Do you think there is no threat to Kennedy's life?

Humperdink said...

Readering said: "Reading these comments, talk about derangement syndromes."

Really? I don't see it. Clarify please.

William said...

Risk assessment: I can't understand how Biden is balancing the risks here. If Kennedy should suffer an assassination or even an attempt, Biden's loss will be enormous--not so big as Kennedy's, but profound and lasting. In a hundred years, that's what they'll remember him for. Besides being mean spirited, this is just plain stupid. Malice is, I suppose, part of effective governing but not gross stupidity.

Achilles said...

Readering said...

Reading these comments, talk about derangement syndromes.

Just a reminder that Readering openly supports political violence, censorship, jailing of political opponents, corporate government collusion to censor and persecute, FBI visiting/harassing people for internet posts, forced "vaccination," lying to FISA courts to spy on political opponents, and the murders of Ashli Babbitt and Susan Boyland.

Readering ran with the blood libel that protestors killed Brian Sicknick for months and still supports the liars that ran with it.

Readering still supports the people that pushed the Russian Collusion hoax and are now proven liars.

Readering just like anyone else that supports this regime is a terrible person and is absolutely dishonest about what they support.

Quaestor said...

"Reading these comments, talk about derangement syndromes."

It is axiomatic that deranged persons have no idea what deranged behavior looks like

Jupiter said...

"Has RFK spoken out against Biden trying to jail Trump to win re-election?"

Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. made an explosive argument suggesting that Joe Biden poses a greater threat to American democracy than former President Donald Trump.

loudogblog said...

Secret Service protection usually kicks in when a Presidential candidate is getting 15% or more in the polls. Kennedy isn't there yet. But that's not a carved in stone rule. Given his family history, and his ability to provide evidence of threats against him, they should have given him Secret Service protection.

Here's what the Secret Service says:

"When determining whether a candidate for the Office of President or Vice President of the United States qualifies as a major candidate, the Secretary has broad discretion and may consider a variety of factors. These factors include, but are not limited to:

Whether the candidate has publicly announced his or her candidacy and has filed the appropriate documentation with the Federal Election Commission (FEC) and is in compliance with the Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971, as amended, and related laws;
Whether the candidate is actively campaigning on a national basis for the office for which his or her candidacy has been announced, as demonstrated by operating a national campaign apparatus, regularly appearing at public events in multiple states, producing and publishing campaign advertisements, and other similar indicia of a campaign;
A threat assessment conducted by the Secret Service of general or specific threats directed towards the candidate. (for these purposes, “threats” should be defined as explicit threats of bodily harm to the candidate or indications of inappropriate behavior towards the candidate suggesting potential bodily harm);
Whether, during and within an active and competitive major party primary, the most recent average of established national polls, as reflected by the Real Clear Politics National Average or similar mechanism, the candidate is polling at 15% or more for 30 consecutive days;
Whether the candidate is the formal or de facto nominee of a major party for President or Vice President;
Whether the candidate is an independent or third party candidate for President polling at 20% or more of the Real Clear Politics National Average for 30 consecutive days;
Whether the candidate is the Vice Presidential running mate of the above independent or third party candidate"

mikee said...

The fundamental reason RFKJR is making this fuss over official protection is a vain attempt to connect himself to the prestige and success of his assassinated forebears, so people will think better of him, or at all. Thank goodness JFKJR crashed his plane in 1999, orlikely already we'd have had him to put up with in campaigns, or worse, elected office. Thankfully, there is zero risk of having to put up with RFKJR's public presence beyond a few primaries.

Readering said...

What did JFK, Wallace and Reagan have in common? Shot while under Secret Service Protection.

Hassayamper said...

The fundamental reason RFKJR is making this fuss over official protection is a vain attempt to connect himself to the prestige and success of his assassinated forebears, so people will think better of him, or at all.

No one takes a back seat to me in disdain and suspicion of RFK Senior and Junior, nor in outright contempt for his uncle Chapaquiddick Ted, but this goes beyond the pale of political give and take. I’m sure the heap of shit Biden is testing the waters for denying Secret Service protection to Trump too, in hopes he’ll be assassinated. As usual the Democrat scum haven’t thought this through all the way, and if this is allowed to stand, look for Republicans to start denying Democrats protection as tit-for-tat revenge as soon as they are able. Maybe state and local police in the sane parts of America ought to tell the Secret Service they’re on their own when the Biden heap of shit fouls their state.

Just another way Democrats are banana republic totalitarians who must be destroyed as a political force.

Thank goodness JFKJR crashed his plane in 1999, orlikely already we'd have had him to put up with in campaigns, or worse, elected office.

Fucking hell, that’s cold. Not everything in life needs to revolve around politics.

Hassayamper said...

The fundamental reason RFKJR is making this fuss over official protection is a vain attempt to connect himself to the prestige and success of his assassinated forebears, so people will think better of him, or at all.

No one takes a back seat to me in disdain and suspicion of RFK Senior and Junior, nor in outright contempt for his uncle Chapaquiddick Ted, but this goes beyond the pale of political give and take. I’m sure the heap of shit Biden is testing the waters for denying Secret Service protection to Trump too, in hopes he’ll be assassinated. As usual the Democrat scum haven’t thought this through all the way, and if this is allowed to stand, look for Republicans to start denying Democrats protection as tit-for-tat revenge as soon as they are able. Maybe state and local police in the sane parts of America ought to tell the Secret Service they’re on their own when the Biden heap of shit fouls their state.

Just another way Democrats are banana republic totalitarians who must be destroyed as a political force.

Thank goodness JFKJR crashed his plane in 1999, orlikely already we'd have had him to put up with in campaigns, or worse, elected office.

Fucking hell, that’s cold. Not everything in life needs to revolve around politics.

Readering said...

Hassayamper: 45 has had protection since '15, when Obama DHS gave it earremarried. Law he'll have it until he dies, unless like Nixon he declines it. Ditto Melania, unless like Jackie she remarries.

Readering said...

Hassayamper: 45 has had protection since '15, when Obama DHS gave it earremarried. Law he'll have it until he dies, unless like Nixon he declines it. Ditto Melania, unless like Jackie she remarries.

Josephbleau said...

In this episode, Beiden maintains his image of being an Massive Asshole, or a Massive Dick.

gadfly said...

Bobby Jr is talking to the wrong people. The law says that the determination of Major Presidential Candidate protection is assigned to the Secretary of Homeland Security.

The House Republicans know him as Alejandro Mayorkas - you know, the guy they want to impeach for no good reason.

Mutaman said...

"In 2004, I wrote an award-winning article for Rolling Stone that showed how that election how that election was stolen from John Kerry..."

Remember that article- it was a bunch of gibberish , devoid of any evidence. I decided at that point that Junior was not a serious person.

JIM said...

How's that Obama fundamental transformation working out for you?

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