And here's the link to Tom Cotton's tweet.
How it should be done:
— Tom Cotton (@TomCottonAR) April 16, 2024
blogging every day since January 14, 2004
How it should be done:
— Tom Cotton (@TomCottonAR) April 16, 2024
६६ टिप्पण्या:
Did Dylan call it or what.
Blocking a public right of way counts as fighting words in Ohio, which would seem to give you a legal green light.
my goodness…quite the meander…
US courts even in New York used to look favorably upon running over people deliberately detaining traffic since those assholes are preventing travel of emergency vehicles with a bit of unlawful detention and confinement. Prolly not now with this bunch of almost dead liberal judges though but I expect they’ll want to know why you were kidnapping people in their cars before they judge…
I got banned from X for expressing a similar sentiment.
We have reached the FO point of FAFO in any number of arenas, foreign and domestic. Sorry not sorry if that upsets you. It has upset a lot of us for many years but people who claimed to be against physical conflict kept voting for the party that benefited from it.
Agree completing with Sen. Cotton.
If this happened to me and I had golf clubs in my car, I'd take a 2 iron to those Jew haters.
If they’re blocking traffic on a bridge, there’s an obvious solution.
Yes, whenever I want to change the world I think, “I must sit in traffic and make a million people mad. That’ll do the trick!”
Our public schools suck.
Love the picture.
Isn't an overreaction to a non-emergency situation a characteristically feminine response? Of course since Donald Trump was our first woman president who runs a free form performance art soap opera to keep all of his hypersensitive and insecure fans feeling anxious and slighted, it only makes sense that in every occasion you're only response is the nuclear option.
I agree with Tom Cotton...again.
And I've been saying this for weeks or months now, going back to climate blockades of roads and bridges. It's the same people, but today they wear Hamas gear. I'm frankly surprised people in New York, or San Francisco, or Chicago have not yet taken things into their own hands. When the police are seemingly there to protect those disrupting civil society, it may be time for the people to take some action. No reason protestors should be given immunity from accountability.
At some point, if the authorities won’t do their job, the People will.
If people started urinating oh the prose, this would end quickly, without violence.
It wasn’t that long ago even Massholes had zero tolerance for blocking traffic. Those San Fran bike dooshes were regularly rounded up, though they were allowed to take over Copley Plaza, pedaling in circles. There was that purple Grimmace woman that lived in Brookline- local news outed her and went and knocked on her door. Bet she wasn’t expecting that when she cashed the Soros check…:
If dogs run free, then why not we?
In Larry Niven’s “Lucifer’s Hammer,” residents fleeing a disaster attack religious fanatics blockading a roadway. It’s supposed to represent the breakdown of society and human norms in extreme circumstances. Now it’s the GOP platform. If you assault a protestor because they are blocking your car, Tom Cotton will not defend you and “Tom Cotton told me to” will not be a legal defense. Doing anything because Tom Cotton said so is generally a poor bet.
The best part of this post is watching you and Meade read each other's minds.
Since Democrat Party controlled law enforcement supports the anti-American protesters, and actually assists them in blocking traffic, then calling the cops or waiting for them to restore order is not feasible. This is why violent conflict is inevitable - the Democrat Party has undermined orderly society and replaced it with mob law.
When the authorities won't act to end these blockades, the motorists must. "Have Sawzall, will travel" should be the motto of any motorist. These domestic terrorist are getting away with murder and they deserve anything the motorists can deliver to them. FAFO.
I'm not from Missouri, but show me, Tom. You're our leader. Show us how it's done.
People are well aware that there is a double standard and they will be jailed for expressing themselves by moving the protestors' self-expression out of the way. It would be easy to pick the protestors up and move them if you had enough annoyed drivers doing the moving because the protestors form a rigid chain. But the cities in which these protests were held have DEI police and Soros prosecutors. When voters in these cities get tired of the Dem/Antifa axis they will vote it out. Before that, as I see it, there's nothing to do but "go the back of the bus" or leave town. You'll go to jail in Bragg's New York for claiming equal rights.
It's different in Florida...
"Pro-Palestinian protesters in Miami were detained Monday when they tried blocking access to the Bayside Marketplace, WVSN reported."
@Howard says 7:53: "Isn't an overreaction to a non-emergency situation a characteristically feminine response?..." Only for you, babe.
I remain surprised that somebody hasn't taken action on the point that someone who glues themselves to the road can't get out of the way of many things besides traffic. Urine streams for example. These strategies all depend upon the largess and indulgence of the offended parties being willing to eat their own frustration. Sooner or later - it will end.
There have been several cases already of emergency vehicles or persons in medical distress that have fared poorly because of this style of protest. It won't be defensible in court, and any action taken will be difficult to prosecute when this is the case.
There is a reason they don't try this shit in the South.
According to a report I read about blocking the road into O’Hare, the police were present but did nothing to clear the road and instead made it clear they were there to protect the demonstrators.
Joe Bar comes up with a great solution.
When the police won't (presumably because they are following orders) maintain order, this is an invitation to vigilantism.
Cotton is voicing what a lot of people are thinking. It's possible that someday someone driving an eighteen wheeler with a deadline will hurry to meet his arrival date. They will then blame the carnage on Cotton and ultimately on Trump and the Jews. ...If a US Senator is voicing these sentiments perhaps the protesters should take heed about the level of anger they're inspiring. Not likely though. Any tactic they use is justified. Any response, even a verbal one, is an unconscionable threat that only a demented fascist would make.
These people aren't just blocking cars. They're not blocking just one lane of traffic in most cases. They also have designated drivers to prevent people from backing up. You can't back up and leave. It's no mere traffic infraction: it's carjacking, maybe even rising to the level of kidnapping. They're often breaking windows, rocking cars to overturn them, throwing firebombs, and trying to pull drivers through the windows. The original vanguard of protesters are parents with kids, soy boys, etc. Then they move out, and the radicals come out of hiding amon women and children. Often regular old looters and thugs join in, knowing they have cover. Then the seriously dangerous terrorists with weapons weave through the crowds and attack.
It is their strategy. They are trained in it.
Have you even bothered to see what they do to people who try to flee their cars? I gaveyou one example. She's in prison now, lost her law practice, her cancer treatment was interruoted, her COA wants her out, she can't sell her house because it is being targeted, and her main concern is that her mother, a Holocaust camp survivor, doesn't find out. You got a Dylan song for that?
And have you even bothered to see what the justice system illicitly does to people whose cars are being assaulted, including having the front window torn out, and they try to extremely, extremely slowly drive away? If you try to escape, even with the most extreme care, even if you fear for your life, even if your baby is in the car, you're the one going go jail.
An illegal protest can turn into a mass assault in seconds.
I got briefly stuck in Freaknick years ago. They were raping girls on the hoods of cars. I was too terrified to help. What would you do if you were stuck and they pulled Ann from the car? Hum a Dylan song? Real question. What if one of you were in severe medical trauma and were trapped? It's happened many times.
I don't understand the naiviety. It's epic.
How many roads must a man blockade
Before he gets his ass kicked?
The answer my friend is coming to them soon
The answer is coming to them soon
"Ann Althouse said...
and Meade is on the internet, thinking about the government..."
Meanwhile at SEATAC:
Protesters were blocking traffic into Seattle-Tacoma International Airport Monday afternoon.
The Port of Seattle said 46 people were arrested.
At about 3 p.m., WSDOT cameras saw several vehicles blocking the Arrivals expressway leading into the airport.
By 4 p.m., Port of Seattle police had towed several of the protesters’ vehicles and were detaining protesters.
By 4:35 p.m., travelers caught in the backup were turning around and heading out from behind the protest as the Port of Seattle police continued to detain protesters.
On WSDOT cameras, protesters were seen in zip-ties being led away from the area.
I like the song a lot more after Meade’s comment. Now it has a laugh line.
I think "The Times They ..." deserves it's prominence much more than "Blowin' in the Wind" and "Forever Young". That said, it's not on my playlist.
Cotton's comment is the same sort of sentiment you get from Neo-con/RW politicians whenever they see protesters. IRC, Cotton supported the capital Hill police killing Ashli Babbitt and throwing the J6ers in Prison. Don't know if he was like Erick Erickon demanding all the J6'ers be "shot down like dog" - but he was very tough talking. Here Cotton is ok with Vigilante's "things into your own hands" because its also against Protesters.
Not sure why protests drive these NeoCon/RW'ers into a bloodthristy frenzy.
BTW, Rightwingers are partly upset at the protesters blocking roads (because of Gaza Genocide), because Conservatives would NEVER do that for any issue. Their number one priority is making $$ or grilling. They would literally sit in the homes like church mice, still the Secret Police came and took them to the Gulag. because "They don't want to make a fuss".
The other thing R/W'ers love to do is bloviate about how they'll Teach those protesters a lesson and use their guns, cars, etc. to "Wipe them out". LOL, if you're white and you do that in a Blue State expect to land in prison for a very long time. But we all know its just tough TALK.
"Times they are a changing" is a good Dylan Song. I like the sentiment, its vague enough for Trumpers to sing it. But there are clunky lines like:
"Wherever you roam
And admit that the waters
Around you have grown"
Do waters grow? Or...
"The line it is drawn
The curse it is cast"
Curse? Is this about Witchcraft?
And then there's the threat to White America (realized):
"The order is rapidly fadin'
And the first one now
Will later be last"
Bob seems to have forseen affirmative action and powerful white hating people like the new NPR head.
Blocking traffic is not peaceful. If you detain someone against his will,and that's what blocking traffic is, you should expect an appropriate response.
Big Mike: they are ordered to do that. They are also always livid about the order. They also arrested the protesters, so you know nothing.
Want me to type slower? If one of those police touched a protestor without an order, he'd lose his job and house; get sued, protesters would be outside anywhere he moved faster than you can say boo, they'd threaten to rape his wife and kids, and the COPolice would bury his head deeper in a pile of political goo.
Chicago has an Aldermen (city council) chanting "death to America" next to a burned American flag.
Trust me, nobody from HQ would have ordered clearing those protesters from anywhere but the airport.
The Democratic Convention there is going to burn the city down. And you're living in your idiot fantasy that it's the police's fault?
Yesterday they shut down I-90 west heading to O'hare Airport. It is baffling why police don't make immediate arrests.
This is a perfect illustration of why many people resent paying taxes. What are you actually paying for? Taxes go to build roads and pay for police. But you can't get the fucking police to keep a few morons off the interstate because some asshole Democrat has given orders to stand down.
Seems that mayors in Democratic party-controlled cities are telling their police chiefs to go easy on Muslim fanatics so as not to hurt the pro-Democratic Muslim turnout in November.
From Tablet:
Extreme Democratic partisanship is shared by Jewish Americans with Muslim Americans. In 2000, 70% of Muslim voters cast their ballots for George W. Bush, the son of the Texas oil man George H.W. Bush who as president put pressure on Israel. But following 9/11, 90% of Muslim voters favored John Kerry in 2008. Obama got 89% and 85% of the Muslim vote in 2008 and 2012. Hillary Clinton got 75.9% of the Muslim vote in 2016 while 86% of Muslims voted for Biden in 2020, helping to deliver swing states like Michigan. Muslims who are critical of Biden for being insufficiently anti-Israel are more likely to cast a vote for a third-party candidate or stay home in 2024 than to vote for Donald Trump.
Although foreign-born Muslim immigrants tend to be socially conservative, their descendants tend to assimilate to the progressive subculture, making Muslim voters an increasingly important part of the electorate not only for the Democrats in the United States but also for center-left and socialist parties throughout the West.
Democracy is about majority rule, right?
When these assholes shut down interstates, they are a minority dictatorship, over the overwhelming majority.
This is not just about inconveniencing drivers. It is about disrupting commerce. Especially when you block access to O'Hare airport.
It would probably take only one or two bloody runovers by the thousands of people in their vehicles to get Democrats to let the police make immediate arrests. Remember. Tony Evers didn't do shit about Kenosha in the summer of 2020, until Kyle Rittenhouse forced his hand.
If people started urinating oh the prose, this would end quickly, without violence.
@Joe Bar, if anyone actually tries this then the police who are protecting those demonstrators will arrest that individual for indecent exposure and/or public urination. Nice try.
@Althouse, in your opinion how much abuse should the ordinary people of this country take? The police do nothing. The courts appear to be reserved for harassing Donald Trump. I am not at all happy about Tom Cotton’s “solution” but the status quo is intolerable. My prediction is that when things break, it will be very, very bad. I hope I’m wrong.
Hoo boy, Cotton.
Maybe he's merely advising folks disrupt the protests, take them out of their comfort space and force them to examine the intersection of violence and intersections.
This is what democracy looks like.
There is a reason they don't try this shit in the South.
The Democrats have retired law enforcement in their blue cities. Cops know their city councils won't back them if they attempt traditional policing.
I'm looking forward to the Democrat Convention in Chicago.
I think you are being too literal. In this context, "take into your own hands" has a vehicular significance.
We have tree haulers down here. You can't just stop a tree hauler.
No worry though. Odds are they'd be dragged out of the way before the truck arrived.
Timid people tend to want everyone else to act timidly. Even while under attack, to act timidly.
Damn, I'm glad I moved out of the city decades ago.
I’m wondering if someone caught in a situation like this, a motorist without any means of escape, could file a lawsuit for false imprisonment. Has that ever been tried?
I’m wondering if someone caught in a situation like this, a motorist without any means of escape, could file a lawsuit for false imprisonment. Has that ever been tried?
@Tina Trent, the report I read said what I said it said. It never crossed my mind that the police were doing anything other than following orders. If the police eventually did start arresting the demonstrators, that’s good. But for how many hours did they act as the demonstrators’ personal bodyguards before they got new orders?
My sister and my extended family live in the Chicago suburbs and I’ve flown into and out of O’Hare quite a bit, not to mention business travel back in the day (the corporation I worked for had a subsidiary in Niles). Next time we come out to Chicago to visit folks I guess we’ll have to drive the 12 hours. Costs less, but the drive takes a lot out of an old geezer like me.
Oh, and you have my permission to type at whatever speed you find salubrious.
Real Andrew,
File a lawsuit? Whatever for???
At a first approximation, the boots on the ground are fairly judgement proof.
However, the fact that these actions are indeed false imprisonment -- they certainly are here in Washington State, and presumably so in quite a few other places -- shows another path. A person is justified, quite explicitly so under WA state law, in using lethal force to defend yourself or any other person from such felonies.
At some point, if the authorities won’t do their job, the People will.
The cops aren't there to protect the citizenry from the lawbreakers. They're there to protect the lawbreakers from the citizenry.
Here's hoping Howard finds out the hard way.
If you assault a protestor because they are blocking your car, Tom Cotton will not defend you and “Tom Cotton told me to” will not be a legal defense.
When is it going to get through your heads that at some point we won't give a shit about the consequences?
What's it going to take?
i suggest anyone who sees some damn long-haired Pro-Hamas "protester" tying up traffic, just do what Tom Cotton says. Mow 'em down. Or get out your golf clubs and commit assault. Maybe, like erik erickson , you could demand any police there to "shoot them down like dogs".
Don't be timid. You can handle the legal consequences. We'll be right behind you, here on the internet, anonymously cheering you on. We'll even email you in Jail and give you free random legal advice. - So, GO FOR IT.
After all, "People" just aren't going to "take it anymore". Y'know like they've been "taking it" all my life. And like they "took it" in 2020.
Be a doer, not a talker.
Road Squatters possess our road property at our aquiessance. Cotton is military trained and thinks force is why governments exist. But Soros bought off our prosecutors who now only use that force on the Trump people.
If you don't want vigilantism, then the police, prosecutors, and courts need to take care of these situations. We've seen a few examples where a driver got madder than hell at the blocking of a street, and plowed through the crowd. That wouldn't happen if the cops would do their job.
I remember reading a long time ago about how vigilantism started in San Francisco during the gold rush. It wasn't a territory yet, and the military refused to have anything to do with crime. So crime was rampant. The citizens of San Francisco took matters into their own hands, and after hanging a few people, crime mysteriously fell.
There's too much violence in the world but not enough of the right kind of violence.
Fuck a buncha Chicago, City of Windbags.
Big Mike, you're a moron. Police can't act until they are instructed.
I've told you this again and again. This is what I fucking do.
What do you do in mommy's basement? Plus use your real name, you balless wonder. Want to debate? Man up and say who you really are, coward.
People who block bridges, etc. should be executed.
After a fair trial of course.
@Tina Trent, I’m 77 years old and my Mommy died in considerable pain from cancer 38 years ago.
The cops need instructions to remove people blocking an Interstate? Really? C’mon. Do they also need instructions o pull ver a speeding car or stop someone who’s driving erratically? If fired upon, do they need explicit instructions to return fire? If the cops were on the scene and did not immediately arrest the demonstrators then it is perfectly fair to assume that they were ordered not to arrest them and instead prevent motorists at risk for missing their planes from administering street justice. It’s a pattern we’ve seen in Portland and all over the Pacific Northwest. And now it’s in Chi-Raq.
Now get off your high horse and get your feet on the ground.
I'm very sorry about your mother. The same happened to my mother, father, and brother, the latter while I sang to him "Every Sperm is Sacred," his favorite Monty Python song, as the priest looked on extremely perplexed, clearly missing the reference (Irish don't cotton to Monty Python) and not sure if it wasn't some very obscure sacred song about Catholic dictates regarding masturbation. Mike, my brother, would have laughed his ass off. Hopefully he was.
Now, back to tussling.
I shouldn't have called you names: I was very ill myself yesterday. Please accept my apology. I am very protective of the police. But no, they could not have touched one of those protesters without orders, and if there was a medical emergency or even an advance by ANTIFA, they'd likely have to disobey orders to protect lives.
I will be in Chicago embedded in the protests to report on them. I'd love to have a coffee with anyone, friend or foe, while there. Damn, I wish I had seen it years ago. It's only one of two cities on my bucket list, and my husband says I can't talk about my enemies list anymore.
My favorite ANTIFA story is when they used superglue, pvc, and fast-drying cement (hint: that alone can give you third degree burns) to blockade the Apollo Beach power plant and Manatee preserve. In August. On black pavement. Wearing black. The police had to tarp and hose them down for hours as the DNR sent its stranded aquatic life unit to help cut them loose. Luckily, there were two entrances to the power plant.
Rocking use of the word salubrious, Big Mike.
Please accept my apology.
Accepted. I grew up well south of Chicago, and I can tell you that there are many good things to see there -- but I wouldn't go anyplace in that city anymore without quietly violating their gun laws. I'd rather be judged by 12 than carried by 6, as they say. The Field Museum and the Museum of Science and Industry are very interesting places. The latter has an actual World War II German submarine that was captured intact and eventually put on display on the shores of Lake Michigan. If you don't have a fear of heights the John Hancock building has quite the observation deck. I went there, but when I went up to the windows all I could think of was "if this window breaks I'd be conscious all the way down."
The land between my home town and the city used to be farmland. Today my home town has been swallowed by the suburban sprawl. I go back from time to time because my extended family lives in the far south suburbs and western suburbs. But I don't like to do it anymore.
Thanks, Big Mike. I alway wanted to see Chicago. I understand the bookstore at the Theology School of Univ. Of Chicago is amazing.
I worked in the projects of Atlanta for 20 years. But sadly I don't compare this to that -- and the last time I was in Atlanta, a crazy homeless woman spat in my face for no reason. That kind of stuff never used to happen. I could yell at gangbangers and take them home to their grandmas. And I knew every street. But that was the South. You fear your grandma. And I knew where I was. Any advice appreciated.
I'll have some retired cop help, and I don't take chances. I've been hit in the head. That's what scares me. Plus missing the good museums. I love agricultural, technical museums and aircraft museums. Agriculture museums the most.
If you're ever near Biloxi, the Seafood Museum is great. Not an aquarium -- the history of seafood. The Little White House in Georgia. Andersonville is not to be missed. You stand alone on a hill and you can hear the moaning. These guys were poor working class men from the North and the South. They didn't have a dog in the fight. They just died.
Best to you and apologies again. I have lost some restraint from injuries, though my brainpower is on good throttle.
Whatever that is. My skills have holes in them.
I have been warned to carry a gun. No go. Illegal. I could bring a plastic I only use them to put screwed-up animals down, and I have super crappy eyesight. However, I carry a full toolbelt with screwdrivers, rivet gun, carpet cutters, hammers, box cutters, bungee cords, electrical tape, professional grade pull ties, etc. I still have my union card.
Nothing dissuades an asshole like a little old lady singing on the train to her hammer. Nothing. Screw Bear Spray -- would you intervene with that mess?
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