March 14, 2024

Too early to call the election?


Iman said...

Never underestimate the Deep State’s intention to exploit mail-in ballots and Biden flooding the country with illegals who will miraculously vote with impunity.

RideSpaceMountain said...

But what is CNN saying about Arizona?

Joe Smith said...

The nightmare situation is the polls show an overwhelming Trump win but the Ds cheat enough to flip the votes at 2am (again).

Then it's time to buckle up...

The Godfather said...

Trump "already has" enough votes to win? Before a single vote is cast? Hell, the Democrats have barely started stealing votes! Call me after Labor Day and we'll talk.

hombre said...

The Democrats have the media, the money, the morons, the deep state and the cheaters. The prediction is not just premature. It is delusional.

CNN and other leftmediaswine must maintain the delusion that a contest is in the offing. 2020 is the model for squashing post-election dissent. Evil owns us!

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

The left never do anything by accident. They will use this for their anti-constitutional anti-democratic - rabid-rage campaign to try and get rid of the electoral college.

Leland said...

I wasn’t aware we already voted in the 2024 general election.

Tomcc said...

I was somewhat confident in the 'red wave' that was anticipated in 2022. I have to work to keep my confirmation bias in check.

gilbar said...

Michigan? the state where 52 counties have more ACTIVE voters than they do voting age PEOPLE?

Michigan? the state where "republicans" are actually Life Long Liberals?

Doug said...

Don't get cocky, kids.

Tom T. said...

What did he mean by "already"?

Steve said...

Pink is within the margin of fraud.

Yellow is secure if Dems can limit access to vote counting.

RAH said...

I have not voted in the primary yet and CNN thinks it is over? Hah They have not even got the fraudulent ballots printed yet .

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Iman #1 comment = that.

Cameron said...

Cynical me think the Dems have given up on winning electorally. They now hope some crazy takes Trump out. Or at least blame some crazy when it happens. Might even do the same to Biden to sort out their own issues.

Dave Begley said...

If TX’s 40 EC’s votes go to Biden due to illegal alien voting, different result.

Mark said...

Is March the time to peak, I forget ...

RMc said...

Trying to lure Trumpsters into a false sense of security...?

stlcdr said...

"this is how much we need to cheat to beat Trump"

JAORE said...

In addition to "get out he vote" shenanigans and law fare there is likely a whopper of an October surprise in the making.

BUMBLE BEE said...

The kakistocrats that captain the Democratic Party are so lacking in principle and so filled with villainy that they are using illegal aliens as pawns in their scheme to establish unopposed, unchallengeable power.

How can we know this? Because not a single Democrat voted last week in favor of an amendment from Tennessee Republican Sen. Bill Hagerty that would allow only citizens to be “counted for the purposes of allocating congressional districts and electoral votes.”

paulr said...

I understand that CNN is conducting polls by mailing letters to random addresses, and asking an adult in the household to take an survey online or call a dedicated phone number. This will be the first year CNN will use this type of polling in tandem with the Presidential election. We'll find out how accurate it is when the results come in. But I have a lot of questions about the methodology, sample size, whether the responses are representative, etc.

I don't trust the polls, especially this year. I'd say the same thing if they showed Biden winning.

Seamus said...

The Left will never let it happen. I don't know whether they'll pull a military coup, massive voter fraud, mass incarceration of known Republicans, refusal to certify the electoral college vote, or even an Indira Gandhi-style assassination by Trump's Secret Service detail. They literally believe anything would be justified to keep Orange Man out of the White House.