March 10, 2024

"People want to regain their agency, their sense of control, and do something to match their fears to their actions."

Said Chris Ellis, a U.S. Army colonel who researches the prepper movement, quoted in "US 'prepper' culture diversifies amid fear of disaster and political unrest" (Reuters).
Researchers say the number of preppers has doubled in size to about 20 million since 2017. Much of that growth is from minorities and people considered left-of-center politically, whose sense of insecurity was heightened by Donald Trump's 2016 election, the COVID-19 pandemic, more frequent extreme weather and the 2020 racial justice protests following the murder of George Floyd.... 
The diversification of prepping was clear last weekend at the Survival & Prepper show at the fairgrounds in Boulder County, a liberal district which President Joe Biden won in 2020 by nearly 57 percentage points over Trump.... Bearded white men with closely cropped hair and heavily tattooed arms were there. But so were hippy moms carrying babies in rainbow colored slings.... 

I never trust anyone who spells "hippie" "hippy." But large hips are helpful when carrying a baby in a sling. Being a mom with a baby in a sling seems like something that could lean left or right (or nowhere) politically, but I guess we're supposed to leap left because of the rainbow colors. When did the left get to own the rainbow? And how many hippie moms with rainbow-colored slings were there at this event? I'm skeptical. And that "But" — "But so were hippy moms" — implies that bearded, tattooed, short-haired men are presumed to be on the right. Is that so?

Anyway, speaking of rainbows, we've been watching the old TV series "Loudermilk" on Netflix, and last night we got to the episode where Loudermilk shares with his substance-abuse-support group that his "trigger" is the song "Rainbow Connection": 


Rusty said...

People, real people not lefty people, want to be left the hell alone.

Jaq said...

Joe Biden flirting with nuclear war has nothing to do with it! Joe Biden is *master* of every situation. God help us if Trump tries to screw it all up with peace talks before Joe Biden makes the guy with 6,000 nuclear weapons "bow down."

Big Mike said...

… more frequent extreme weather …

Except extreme weather evens aren’t happening more frequently. More disinformation from the left.

wendybar said...

Heightened by the police state AGAINST Trump and his supporters. Joe Biden and Barack Obama (who is actually running things) are more of a threat to our freedoms than Donald Trump EVER was.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Got nothin to do with Trump, but thanks for playing.

Curious George said...

Loudermilk was great. Sadly the network it was on, AT&T's Audience Network, went under and effectively cancelled it.

Aggie said...

I wouldn't trust someone who misspells 'hippie' or who writes about preppers as wierdos, either. We live in the hurricane belt - not on the coast but inland far enough to be away from storm surge but in range of the tremendous rainfall, substantial wind and tornado spawn. We are prepared for about a month, I would say. When Ike hit, I had friends in Houston that were without electricity for more than a month, water - about a week. And I still remember people descending on a pallet of toilet paper as it was wheeled out, emptying it before it made it halfway down the aisle, during COVID. If he looked at our pantry, I would bet the writer here would include us as 'preppers'; maybe because he's city folk.

'Preppers' is (for some) just a pejorative terms for right-wing, conservative, mistrustful of government - and my sense is, the writer is starting from this perspective. For goodness sake, you can go to any Costco and buy a 5 gallon 'Jug'o'Food' that will last a small family a month, for $100:

What this story is really saying (I think) is that more people have become distrustful of government, and are motivated enough by the strength of that belief to get off the couch and do something about it. I guess the writer is coming around to that idea.

Ann Althouse said...

When I was looking for law teaching jobs in the fall of 1983, I took global warming into account. I thought people moving in droves to the "Sun Belt" were going to find out in a few years — 10 or 20 years — that the south had become a place where human beings could not live. Choosing Wisconsin, I thought I was insulating myself from the upheaval that was going to take place, that I'd have myself established in the place where everyone else would be struggling to relocate.

It's 40 years later, and people with choices are still choosing southern states.

I really believed I was in the vanguard back then and that so many others were slow to understand and were going to be gobsmacked soon.

BUMBLE BEE said...

How about this tune?
Joe Biden and the Alzheimers.

2023 HSI seized 1.2 million pounds of narcotics.
ICE's Homeland Security Investigations division and CBP seized more than 8,200 pounds of fentanyl.
Nice job Kamala!

BUMBLE BEE said...

What's not to like? Sun Tzu goes unchallenged by dumbocrats.
Doin it to their own children and grandchildren.

Old and slow said...

I know some leftie hippie preppers. They even have dozens of predictable bumper stickers.

michaele said...

I was unaware of the show Loudermilk. It sounds wry, rueful and entertaining. I have a neighbor who is very much a prepper. She has chickens, puts in a bountiful garden and follows a lot of the prepper sites. The joke between us is that in the case of a worst case scenario of an EMP attack which causes prolonged disruption, she will either take care of me and my husband or we will gracefully self exit from existence and let her off the hook.

Big Mike said...

It's 40 years later, and people with choices are still choosing southern states.

It’s because they haven’t fallen for the hoax. You did. You also believe that Republicans hate blacks, women, and gays. It causes you to hate on Republican women.

Michael said...

Highly doubt there are 20 million.

Yancey Ward said...

"Much of that growth is from minorities and people considered left-of-center politically, whose sense of insecurity was heightened by Donald Trump's 2016 election, the COVID-19 pandemic, more frequent extreme weather and the 2020 racial justice protests following the murder of George Floyd...."

In other words, they are scared of themselves and other progressives. Makes sense.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Good gravy. what a bunch of leftist pussies.

Leftwing media manipulation gave us Antifa/BLM and the George Floyd riots - that caused billions in property damage.

it was an actual insurrection of sorts.
Fuck the left.

cremes said...

> I really believed I was in the vanguard back then and that so many others were slow to understand and were going to be gobsmacked soon.

You can only be in the vanguard for so long before you become 'guard.'

Robert Cook said...

"People, real people not lefty people, want to be left the hell alone."

IF that is true, why can't the "not lefty real people" leave other people live as they prefer, to have control over their reproductive choices, to identify as they prefer, etc.?

lonejustice said...

I know quite a few preppers, but none that are left-of-center politically. But I guess it makes sense. If you suffer from a bad case of Trump Derangement Syndrome, maybe you have to prepare for the worst.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

Ann Althouse said...

When I was looking for law teaching jobs in the fall of 1983, I took global warming into account. I thought people moving in droves to the "Sun Belt" were going to find out in a few years — 10 or 20 years — that the south had become a place where human beings could not live. Choosing Wisconsin, I thought I was insulating myself from the upheaval that was going to take place, that I'd have myself established in the place where everyone else would be struggling to relocate.

I once read something on the number of times the past that scientists believe that humanity had been close to extinction. All of them occurred during cold periods, none during warm periods. Humans can deal with excessive heat much easier than they can excessive cold. It's why you have ancient cities in Egypt and the Middle East, but not near the Arctic circle.

Robert Cook said...

"It's 40 years later, and people with choices are still choosing southern states."

Because the the southern states generally have lower costs of living than elsewhere, among an array of possible choices. I can't speak about other southern states, but I lived from age 8 to 25 in Florida. I would never consider returning there to live: the humidity and heat are terrible* and the potential for catastrophic property damage and loss from hurricanes are the two biggies. Also, heat-stricken voters down there put autocratic creeps like Rick Scott and Ron (wanna be "The Don") DeSantis into the governor's office. It's the sun strokes, it is!

*(I lived in Northeast Florida, "the First Coast," so-named by a copywriter at my uncle's advertising company. The "First Coast" is marginally less hellishly hot and humid and subject to hurricane destruction than the greater southerly portion of the state.)

tommyesq said...

The fact that the United States Army has high level officers "studying" the prepper movement is more than enough reason to become a prepper.

Curious George said...

"Ann Althouse said...
When I was looking for law teaching jobs in the fall of 1983, I took global warming into account. I thought people moving in droves to the "Sun Belt" were going to find out in a few years — 10 or 20 years — that the south had become a place where human beings could not live. Choosing Wisconsin, I thought I was insulating myself from the upheaval that was going to take place, that I'd have myself established in the place where everyone else would be struggling to relocate.

It's 40 years later, and people with choices are still choosing southern states.

I really believed I was in the vanguard back then and that so many others were slow to understand and were going to be gobsmacked soon."

Like the washing of shoes during covid.

John henry said...

Don't a lot of women gain weight on their hips after childbirth?

Wouldn't that make them "hippy moms"?

The author mocks white men with beards and tattoos. "hippy moms" seems in keeping with the to e of the article.

He could have said plump to avoid confusion. But "hippy moms" makes the fat shaming more subtle,

John Henry

Aggie said...

Robert Cook says 09:15: "IF that is true, why can't the "not lefty real people" leave other people live as they prefer, to have control over their reproductive choices, to identify as they prefer, etc.?"

The way I understand it, the Dobbs decision removed the Federal Government from the abortion rights purview, and returned it to the states, where it belongs, constitutionally. Not only did the rest of the country leave you alone, they left you to make your own decisions about 'controlling reproductive choices', in your own states. And reserved the right to do so, themselves, in theirs. And so it stands, now.

The way you put it, it sounds like you object to others doing what they want, on their turf - if it disagrees with your points of view. Who's the proto-tyrant? I say, you are.

Mr. Majestyk said...

I found Althouse's comment very interesting. I didn't realize that there was significant global warming propaganda as early as 1983. I remember it starting in the late 80s, but apparently that is wrong.

Wince said...

"Researchers say the number of preppers has doubled in size to about 20 million since 2017."

I'm a prepper,
he's a prepper,
she's a prepper,
we're a prepper,
wouldn't you like to be a prepper too?

Yancey Ward said...

"I found Althouse's comment very interesting. I didn't realize that there was significant global warming propaganda as early as 1983. I remember it starting in the late 80s, but apparently that is wrong."

I started college in September 1984- that very first day there was a student group for environmental issues that had something about global warming on a poster, so it was percolating in the idiot pot of academia even that early.

Yancey Ward said...

Robert, you can identify as a rainbow unicorn for all I care, I just don't want people like you trying to force me to call you one.

Maynard said...

I really believed I was in the vanguard back then and that so many others were slow to understand and were going to be gobsmacked soon.

Perhaps, you are now in the vanguard of reasonable liberals who allow experience to filter into their thinking.

Biff said...

It's interesting that neither the author nor anyone else at Reuters seem to know that a sizable percentage of hippies were part of a 60s-70s "back to the land" movement that had a lot in common with today's "preppers." Hemp and fashion aside, of course.

Ampersand said...

Loudermilk had a good cast and some fine writing for most of the first season. Once the New Orleans part of the story happens, the show swirls into repetitive predictable self-pity. It became an example of a show being produced because there's money, instead of some creative impulse begging for expression. It became part of the deal flow.

Captain BillieBob said...

"People want to regain their agency, their sense of control, and do something to match their fears to their actions,"
Step one. Stop voting for democrats.

Big Mike said...

You can only be in the vanguard for so long before you become garde arriĆØre.

@cremes, FIFY.

Captain BillieBob said...

I'm old enough to recall the great global cooling scam before we had the great global warming scam which is now the great climate change scam.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The economy was thriving under Trump.

so scary!

Kakistocracy said...

Once you start buying into one conspiracy theory, they all start to look appealing. Nothing is real. Everything is staged. And only the biggest pathological liar on the planet will tell you the truth.

God of the Sea People said...

If you look at any of the prepper subreddits, lots of the people on there seem to be (foolishly, I think) afraid of global warming and Donald Trump. As with crazy liberals on any online forum, they tend to have some of the loudest and most strident voices, to such an extent that it distorts their actual representation in a given community. Just look at the number of people talking about trans issues online vs. the number of actual trans individuals in society. It is completely lopsided. I wonder if this Col. did his research on an online forum like that.

John henry said...

Who's the proto-tyrant? I say, you are

Cook has been identifying himself as a fascist for as long as he's been commenting here.

He'll deny it, if course. Istr that he prefers "progressive"

But his own words prove the fascism ingrained in his soul.

John Henry

BUMBLE BEE said...

Do they live in a land where toilet paper was always on the shelf and not rationed?
Inventory of cattle at it's lowest point in decades. All is well.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Do they live in a land where toilet paper was always on the shelf and not rationed?
Inventory of cattle at it's lowest point in decades. All is well.
And DAMN Those Mormons!

n.n said...

Following the death of George "Fentanyl" Floyd, sympathetic national insurrections, and Democratic civil rights violations in the woke of the Sino-Fauci pandemic. Some, Select [Black] Lives Matter


Rusty said...

Robert Cook said...
"People, real people not lefty people, want to be left the hell alone."

"IF that is true, why can't the "not lefty real people" leave other people live as they prefer, to have control over their reproductive choices, to identify as they prefer, etc.?"

Fill yer boots, mate.

n.n said...

The early 20th century posted record high temperatures, 70s record low temperatures, the New Green Deal required publishing misinformation, disinformation, malinformation about [catastrophic] [anthropogenic] global warming... climate change caused by carbon-based emissions, then came population control schemes hrough social progress, redistributive change, and human rites... Deja vu.

mezzrow said...

*(I lived in Northeast Florida, "the First Coast," so-named by a copywriter at my uncle's advertising company. The "First Coast" is marginally less hellishly hot and humid and subject to hurricane destruction than the greater southerly portion of the state.)

Thanks for giving up our secret, Cookie. Your uncle WAS a marketing genius. Winn-Dixie (I can feel you shuddering at the very name) is still "The Beef People" even though they just got bought (again) by Aldi. Publix Uber Alles is the real story. A fair election would cede control of the entire state to Publix Supermarkets en masse.

It's a different age, and we are both older than that now. I bet we'll both be surprised by what's around the corner. "First Coast" is still a great tag for the region.

iowan2 said...

to have control over their reproductive choices, to identify as they prefer, etc.?

Killing babies at 35 weeks, is not reproductive choice. That choice should have been make 35 weeks prior
You can identify as tree for all I care. But you are not going to Give my 8 yea rold a book with a tutorial on blowjobs

Not surprised you are forced to parse your words pushing your lies.

Mason G said...

"The way you put it, it sounds like you object to others doing what they want, on their turf - if it disagrees with your points of view. Who's the proto-tyrant? I say, you are."

Conservative: "Leave me alone."
Progressive: "No."

The Vault Dweller said...

So is the Colonel saying it is ok for me to break into my stash of Y2k Dinty Moore Beef Stew?

JK Brown said...

Nothing the lanyard class fear more than the citizen who doesn't feel a dependency upon them.

Back in '92, I was working a fisheries research ship that was doing some near shore work off the West Coast. It was unusual for me as most of my prior work had been well beyond VHF range. So we had entertainment on the radio from all the calls to the Coast Guard from boaters. Most were referred the tow services or as one guy was told, to get some sleep. He was well offshore, calm weather but he'd run out of fuel, on a sailboat. No danger.

But one afternoon off Oregon, a guy calls up the Coast Guard with the calmest voice to tell them he was in the channel, had lost power, drifting toward the rocks but didn't think he needed help. Coast Guard comes back with "we are on the way" and a couple minutes later a USCG boat reports underway. So I surmised the way to get help was to say you didn't need it. Full disclosure, even back then they had cameras on those channels so had visual confirmation of the situation. And due to budget cuts, they USCG didn't get to go out on the boats much except for jobs, so they took small, low fuel usage job that the beancounters would have a hard time complaining about.

John henry said...

I don't know if it is doctrine or just practice. Mormons keep a year supy of food on hand.

John Henry

The Vault Dweller said...

In a related note, Mark Zuckerberg and other billionaires have been building underground bunkers. Mark Zuckerberg's Hawaii Compound.

Frankly, I think it is just prudent planning for all households to keep enough food, water, and other necessities on hand so they can survive without power or trips to the store for at least a week or two. This doesn't have to be full blown prepper stuff, but just keep some non-perishable items on hand. Just keep rotating the stock so it doesn't get too old and every so often have the unexciting dinner of Dinty Moore Beef Stew.

n.n said...

Diversity of individuals, minority of one. Nothing will change, because nothing has changed, and People of Normal, both men and women, are not fooled.

loudogblog said...

There is a legitimate concern about supply chains being disrupted from time to time. Just look at the great toilet paper shortage of 2020. Say what you will about the preppers, they never wanted for toilet paper during that time period. You had people in major cities clogging the drains with cloth rags instead of toilet paper while the preppers were sitting pretty. (on their toilets.)

Plus, there is also the chance of a massive solar flare taking down the supply chains. (Which rely heavily on electronics and electricity to keep goods flowing to consumers.)

That's one reason why I never throw away "expired" canned food. I keep them in boxes in the garage. Canned food, if canned and stored correctly, will never become poisonous. It may not taste great, but it will still provide nutrients to survive on. There are actually videos on youtube of people eating decades old, canned food (usually military rations) and most of it is still edible. (and they actually eat it!)

This is one thing that SciFi writers have gotten right. Whether it's canned Beets in A Boy and His Dog, canned dog food in The Road Warrior or canned beef stew in The Road, canned food will be edible for centuries.

What SciFi writers always get wrong: How long gasoline and jet fuel are good for. Gasoline is only good for a few years. (Maybe a little longer if it's stored correctly.) But I have seen so many sci fi works where people are using gasoline that is 50 years old or older. (The last one I saw last week was an English TV series from the late 1990s. It was called, The Last Train. In the story, there is a woman aboard a train who has connections to a secret government project to save humanity. She has a canister of special gas that can instantly cryofreeze people. An asteroid hits the earth and she opens the gas canister when the train in a tunnel. When they awaken, it's 50 years later and one of the characters goes to his garage and gets his van started with 50 year old gas and 50 year old batteries. Totally unbelievable.)

loudogblog said...

Big Mike said...
… more frequent extreme weather …

"Except extreme weather evens aren’t happening more frequently. More disinformation from the left."

People have gotten spoiled because we've had multiple decades of really nice weather. (Which is not the norm.) I remember, as a kid growing up in the Los Angeles area, having a lot of bouts of really nasty weather in the 1970s. But when we get a small rainstorm now, it's "STORM WATCH 2024!!!" on all the local TV stations. Every little rain storm is major event and "proof" of Global Warming.

It's like when Kerry Emmanuel at MIT said that Global Warming would lead to stronger and more frequent hurricanes after Katrina hit...and then that didn't happen. Hurricane activity actually decreased. Then they said that reduced hurricane activity actually proves Global Warming. When hurricane Sandy hit New Jersey and New York, they declared, "See, more proof of Global Warming. Just look at all the damage!" Which implied that Global Warming caused hurricanes were intelligent enough to direct themselves at densely populated areas???? Then hurricane activity picked up a bit and they said, "See!!! Proof of Global Warming!

It's a classic case of "heads you lose; Tails I win."

loudogblog said...

Ann Althouse said...

"It's 40 years later, and people with choices are still choosing southern states.

I really believed I was in the vanguard back then and that so many others were slow to understand and were going to be gobsmacked soon."

I think that you were gobsmacked in 1983 by the Global Warming alarmists.

Michelle Dulak Thomson said...

Yancey Ward,

I started college in September 1984- that very first day there was a student group for environmental issues that had something about global warming on a poster, so it was percolating in the idiot pot of academia even that early.

I started college the same month. But on my campus (UC/Berkeley), the big issue then was divestment from South Africa. Also AIDS (that Reagan poster showing him with Kaposi's sarcoma was everywhere). And whatever the anarcho-communists were pushing that week. Later on, Julia "Butterfly" Hill and the one redwood she was determined to save from felling, so she planted herself high up in the tree and refused to come down. Oh, and People's Park. Of course. Always and forever, People's Park.

Global warming (not "climate change" yet, for a decade-plus) might have been down there somewhere in the second-tier stratum. But I think that global cooling was too recent a phenomenon for the activists to "circle back" (ahem) without whiplash.

Btw, sometime in the 90s the students came up with the perfect metaphor for "free speech" as it was then in the original home of Mario Savio's Free Speech Movement. It's a bit of upper Sather Plaza where there is a circle in the pavement that says in etched text that anyone who stands on this circle is free to say absolutely anything. The circle is maybe 6" diameter, so unusable by any but mice, grasshoppers, and the like.

cfs said...

"Mr. Majestyk said...
I found Althouse's comment very interesting. I didn't realize that there was significant global warming propaganda as early as 1983. I remember it starting in the late 80s, but apparently that is wrong."


Various versions of climate cooling/warming/change/chaos have been warned of since the early 1900s. Our nation was supposed to be covered in ice by the mid-1930s.

Prof. M. Drout said...

Summer 1988 was really, really hot on the East coast and--surely coincidentally--that was when Time magazine announced that they would "no longer" be neutral about environmental issues, since by 1998 all of the earth but the poles would be uninhabitable due to global warming.

So, yes, the propaganda had started up before 1988, since it wasn't until then that it crossed over from the mainstream. I was an ardent environmentalist then and can tell you that the Audubon society had switched over from "a new ice age" (which they had jumped on after the winter of '78) to "greenhouse earth" around 1981-82.

I'll bet you could find a correlation coefficient of >.85 between the weather on the East coast and the prevalence of "new Ice Age" or "Global Hothouse" headlines.

Joe Smith said...

Preparations A through G all failed...

Joe Smith said...

"I really believed I was in the vanguard back then and that so many others were slow to understand and were going to be gobsmacked soon."

You are too smart to be this gullible.

Global warming is and always has been a hoax.

Follow the money...

Joe Smith said...

"I'm old enough to recall the great global cooling scam before we had the great global warming scam which is now the great climate change scam."


They were pushing the 'New Ice Age' bullshit on us when I was in grade school.

By high school nobody mentioned the cold apocalypse anymore.

That's when I knew (at 16) that it was all a lie.

Joe Smith said...

"In a related note, Mark Zuckerberg and other billionaires have been building underground bunkers. Mark Zuckerberg's Hawaii Compound."

There are advantages and disadvantages to Hawaii.

On the plus side, Zuck could probably just have his private security kill everyone on Kauai so no worries about the poors storming his evil lair.

On the bad side, it's so far from everywhere, there's the risk of running out of resources.

John henry said...

My recollection of the late 70s early 80s was that the big scam was Quebec Hydro's ACID RAIN IS GOING TO KILL US ALL!! Hoax.

John Henry

The Vault Dweller said...

and the 2020 racial justice protests following the murder of George Floyd

If the racial justice protests worried people imagine what the fiery riots did to their anxiety. I really loathe how dishonest so many in society have become. Even when talking about something years ago people feel the need to always be on message, always try to manipulate people, always try to deceive.

Jim at said...

Much of that growth is from minorities and people considered left-of-center politically...

I highly doubt that. While I don't run in 'prepper' circles, I know people who do. And not a single one is left-of-center. Not even close.

John henry said...

When hurricane Sandy hit New Jersey and New York, they declared

Not to denigrate the damage it did but I think you are talking about "super-storm Sandy"

A term made up by the news because by the time it hit NJ/NY it was no longer a hurricane.

John Henry

boatbuilder said...

Zuckerberg's underground bunker in Hawaii for some reason reminds me of "Syndrome" in "The Incredibles."

boatbuilder said...

Anyone with any grounding in the history of Colonial New England knows that it has been getting warmer for a long time.

iowan2 said...

Blogger loudogblog said...

Big Mike said...
… more frequent extreme weather …

"Except extreme weather evens aren’t happening more frequently. More disinformation from the left."

People have gotten spoiled because we've had multiple decades of really nice weather. (Which is not the norm.)

I sat in a seminar with Metorologist Elwyn Taylor of ISU. He laid out all the historical data of the climate over the last 100,000 plus years. Using the data he explained the "weather" all of us in the room have experienced in our lifetime was an anomaly.We were all lifelong people intimately involved with weather as it related to crop production. We had all experienced boring predictable "weather" regular weather fronts moving across the Continent, in predictable patterns.
With his climate data, he showed how over 100,000 years, "normal" weather is chaotic. Floods, droughts, massive storms, fires, and more.

So yes, more storms is the norm.

No surprise the metorologist could "predict" a return to normal when claiming its climate change requiring massive amounts of Government spending.

Rusty said...

Early eighties. Late eighties. According to the environmental, global warming, climate change wienies we should have been dead already. Several times over.
That's how you can tell it's a scam.

cremes said...

Big Mike said:
> You can only be in the vanguard for so long before you become garde arriĆØre.

Thanks, Big Mike. I was mostly channeling Ed The Dope over at Instapundit who repeats this "joke" endlessly but I'm happy that someone got my poke. I'm not Betamax3000 or Laslo but I aspire to tickle their toes.

John said...

Not really a prepper, but the wife and I do own a few bags of Mac and Cheese from Mountain House that are good for 50 years (much longer than our life expectancy!), though they will probably be consumed next summer during back-packing season.

I am, however, thinking seriously of purchasing a home generator for the inevitable when the lefty's electricity system breaks down during a serious cold-snap, as it almost did this winter in -40 temps in the northern Rockies.

Mason G said...

"A term made up by the news because by the time it hit NJ/NY it was no longer a hurricane."

Maybe it still identified as a hurricane. You never know...

West TX Intermediate Crude said...

CoPilot, Microsoft's AI app, just told me that worldwide, cold weather kills 2X more people than hot weather in the USA. Globally, the ratio of cold to hot weather deaths is 4:1.
CoPilot also references a study in Science Daily that looked at 74 million deaths worldwide; the ration of cold to hot related deaths was 20:1. That study was published in 2015, FWIW.

It also told me that in 1815, a volcano erupted and caused the "Year Without a Summer." The temperature worldwide decreased by less than 1 deg C., and this caused at least 100,000 deaths.

I'll take my chances in Texas.

effinayright said...

michaele said...
I was unaware of the show Loudermilk. It sounds wry, rueful and entertaining. I have a neighbor who is very much a prepper. She has chickens, puts in a bountiful garden and follows a lot of the prepper sites. The joke between us is that in the case of a worst case scenario of an EMP attack which causes prolonged disruption, she will either take care of me and my husband or we will gracefully self exit from existence and let her off the hook.

EVERY post-apocalypic novel points out that non-preppers will immediately notice those among them who are not starving, falling ill or suffering from freezing cold----and then overrun their houses, kill the occupants, and destroy the places looking for the their hidden stashes.

You might have a chance if you live deep in the woods where it would take precious gasoline for outsiders to reach your cabin, assuming car electronics still work. Even then you would need Claymore mines on your property perimeter to hold off human predators.

effinayright said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
effinayright said...

West TX Intermediate Crude said...
CoPilot, Microsoft's AI app, just told me that worldwide, cold weather kills 2X more people than hot weather in the USA. Globally, the ratio of cold to hot weather deaths is 4:1.
CoPilot also references a study in Science Daily that looked at 74 million deaths worldwide; the ration of cold to hot related deaths was 20:1. That study was published in 2015, FWIW.

It also told me that in 1815, a volcano erupted and caused the "Year Without a Summer." The temperature worldwide decreased by less than 1 deg C., and this caused at least 100,000 deaths.


Smoke released by the volcano led to the most devastating sustained period of extreme weather in thousands of years. Small ash particles were released into the stratosphere (mid-level atmosphere), blocking solar radiation and absorbing heat.

1 deg. C. is a nothingburger.

effinayright said...

(redone to correct an apples-to--apples math error. 373 deg Celsius is the same as 100 degrees Centigrade)

It bears reminding that a purported atmospheric temperature increase of 1.5 degrees Celsius over the past 150 years represents just a 374.5/373 = 0.40 PERCENT change.

Yet the Green hosenpissers and bedwetters treat that entirely normal amount of variation as a cause for alarm requiring deformation of our civilization and society.

It's much scarier to use the Centigrade scale, where 101.5/100 = 1.5% change. But Centigrade is built around the freezing and boiling points of water, NOT absolute zero.

Tens of millions of Americans have never had to sit for a DAY in a chemistry, physics, calculus or statistics class as part of their high school or undergraduate "education".

[Althouse, are you one of them?]

So for power-seeking politicians and sci/tech rent-seekers, they are easy prey.

Rusty said...

boatbuilder said...
Zuckerberg's underground bunker in Hawaii for some reason reminds me of "Syndrome" in "The Incredibles."
An underground bunker in Hawaii, huh? Anybody else see the problem here?

Big Mike said...

Tens of millions of Americans have never had to sit for a DAY in a chemistry, physics, calculus or statistics class as part of their high school or undergraduate "education".

[Althouse, are you one of them?]

@effinayright, Althouse claims that her high school teachers talked her out of taking trig. Her undergraduate degree is a BFA.

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