Not so funny:Still brilliant, never not been brilliant...
— James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) March 5, 2024
By the way, Elon's position — that Democrats are rigging the 2024 election by strategically dispersing immigrants (presumably to cities in swing states) — feels like a new version of the 2020 "election denial." He's getting the jump on the accusation of "treason."Treason indeed! Ushering in vast numbers of illegals is why Secretary Mayorkas was impeached by the House.
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) March 5, 2024
They are importing voters. This is why groups on the far left fight so hard to stop voter ID requirements, under the absurd guise of protecting the right to vote.
The funny/terrifying mix is painfully strong.
६९ टिप्पण्या:
Elon is correct and to frame it in a context of election rhetoric is denial…
We live in a world where humans are required to make judgements based on imperfect information. When there is coordinated deception some people won’t be capable of processing what’s happening. It’s called being duped.
When you cook the vote this way the tell is the delta between states with similar populations. Decisive win in states without a fraud machine vs squeaker losses where the vote is cooked…
That’s how we’ll re-elect the cadaver…
This will not end well.
They don't need illegals in the cities to vote. They can just vote multiple times without them.
The accusations will be vigorously denied with a conspicuous absence of ‘come look- we’re got nothing to hide’ boasting…
The Census will change representation. That is enough.
Rejecting voter fraud lawsuits on the basis of standing?
If you see something shut up.
Elon will be proved right on his 9/11 catastrophe prediction as well.
Elon must be reading my comments here.
They don't need illegals in the cities to vote. They can just vote multiple times without them
Without the emergency measures that’s more challenging this time. This way is easier…
Democrats are following a “flood the zone” strategy regarding election stealing—they are violating election laws in so many ways that its critics can’t pinpoint just one or two methods (which is what most people naturally do) and look like conspiracy theorists when they try.
Most people default to accusations about the traditional method—party machines simply stuffing the ballot boxes—but blatant fraud in a handful of blue cities is not going to win a national election. More subtle means are needed in more places.
IMO, the key method of election stealing is to use mail-in voting combined with ballot harvesting to ensure that every person who doesn’t vote gets recorded as a Democratic voter (the key tell is the sharply rising voter participation rates in 2020). But importing illegals to vote illegally is part of the overall effort and opposition to voter ID is the key element that makes it all work.
San Francisco proudly appointed a person that is not a US citizen to their election board, but we are supposed to be concerned about foreign interference with elections if they buy some ads on Facebook.
Then tell us WHY Biden created this invasion he caused because nothing else makes sense.
Drop box at the Roosevelt Hotel.
This effort resembles the late USSR's stagnant corruption era (Leonid Brezhnev), where the Party doubled-down on failure again and again. The huge USSR was falling apart and being pulled in a thousand directions by local ethnic groups, and Stalin's legacy of cruelty made no friends.
Today in the USA, the globalist open-borders crowd are true believers in globalism and anti-Fascism and anti-Nationalism and and-White-Supremacy. Many global businesses also made billions with this model, so they don't want it to end. They trouble is that their mental model is several decades out of date (e.g., see China vs. Whites in schools and hostile economic competition), and the globalists' input data comes from inside their self-serving echo chamber.
When the USSR fell in 1993, the old-line Communists lined up outside the Russian White House and tanks fired shots into the building. They believed that a Worker's Revolution was coming...the hammer and sickle people would march and fight and bring back the old ways...then no one arrived...then the USSR was done...
In the X/Twitter comments, several people say, Doesn't he know that illegal immigrants can't vote? However, given that many blue states have NO requirement to show ID at the polls, what's to stop them from voting? All the Democrats have to do is go over the voter rolls and find a bunch of dead people and have the illegals vote in their names. Sure, it might look fishy that John Smith, aged 85, looks like a young Latino man, but who are you to judge, racist?
Not funny at all. AG Garland made clear last week that the full fury of the DOJ will be unleashed on any state that tries to check ID or citizenship in the primaries or general elections this year. It is not a coincidence.
Wait, I thought states now didn’t have to follow election laws. Remember? Illegal mail-in ballots counted, illegal ballot harvesting, illegal adjudication of machine votes, etc. All illegal. So if voter ID is actually illegal, checking for voter ID would be copacetic.
Grownups know that Chicken Little is a fairytale.
And AG Garland is going to attack states to prevent voter ID and election security measures. That says let the stealing begin.
Another reason why I said they should include a criminal charge in the articles of impeachment.
OpenAI shares Elon Musk emails urging startup to raise $1 billion, see Tesla as a cash cow in its early years
This lawsuit of his isn't just a waste of resource, it undermines his credibility
I don’t know why so many people think Musk is a genius. Yes, he has a knack of pushing other engineers to develop great products, but he must have remembered that he wrote these emails and expect that OpenAI still has these emails?
What a muppet.
Elon's position — that Democrats are rigging the 2024 election by strategically dispersing immigrants (presumably to cities in swing states) — feels like a new version of the 2020 "election denial."
Why doesn’t the continuing refusal of the Democrats to answer the questions of the American people feel like an ongoing version of subverting their vote?
PA Governor Josh Shapiro just appointed an election integrity task force. No word as to who will comprise the task force, but the leading candidates all hail from south Philly and inner-city Pittsburgh.
That was a spot on imitation of our very own Howitzer Howard as well when the New Soviet Democraticals threw open our borders to allow in millions of of unvetted miltary age males from across the globe.
It's high FAFO season. And it's not Trump or the GOP that's doing the FA'ing. If things are terrifying, it's because the uniparty is willing to burn down your house, with your grandma and kids in it, to retain power.
Here's a preemptive compendium to answer any challenge to the way I characterized the AG's remarks by referencing his own words from AG Garland Vows Challenges to Election Integrity Laws, as reported by Media Research Center. (Actual quotes in front of the black church audience at the link.) His protection of the illegal vote will include this:
AG Merrick likened election security laws to the police brutality 59 years earlier against civil rights demonstrators in Selma, Alabama in his remarks at a Selma church service on Sunday. Garland boasted that he has doubled the numbers of lawyers to challenge state and local measures employed to ensure the integrity of ballots and verify the identity of those who try to vote.
But, the U.S. attorney general didn’t stop there. Garland said that has a task force that will prosecute those it believes are threatening election workers and officials. While actual violence was allegedly threatened in both of Garland’s examples, his remarks suggest his task force may prosecute any perceived “threat.”
So "believes" and "perceived" are giant discretionary loopholes from a guy not known for his ANY prosecutorial discretion thus far. And he has been inordinately sympathetic to claims that any "anti-trans" speech is "perceived" as actual violence by certain sensitive listeners. How about anti-illegal immigrant voting language? Is that proscribed in Biden's America too?
Howard said...
"Grownups know that Chicken Little is a fairytale."
We also know when we're being lied to. You don't do it very well.
Rich said,
"I don’t know why so many people think Musk is a genius. Yes, he has a knack of pushing other engineers to develop great products,"
Kinda like Henry Ford. The moron.
It's taken a good 20 years, but we're finally supposed to have voter ID in NC this year. We had it for one election about a decade ago before the judges stopped it yet again.
Once again Musk going out of his way to demonstrate to the world what a thin skinned egotistical man looks like.
I remember a few days ago when Musk aficionados were championing him as a man of integrity fighting the good fight.
Will you look at this now.
Howard has never had a grown-up thought in his life.
We all know that Democrats aversion and resistance to controlling the southern border, deporting criminal aliens, and voter ID laws is to import Democrat welfare voters. This is fine with the ivory tower liberals as long as they are not flow or bused to Madison, WI, Berkeley, CA, or Martha's Vineyard, MA. I'm sure Rich up above doesn't want them in his neighborhood either, but he does want them in sent to rural areas.
If it wasn't for my knowledge of bat shit crazy college educated white women, I'd have a hard time believing Rich is actually real. But, the beta males fall in line with the AWFLs, so I'm sure I could find a Rich at any given Kwik Trip in Dane County, WI.
Rich probably doesn't care that criminal aliens imported by Biden are displacing resources for inner city black communities, the homeless, and America's veterans. Libs don't give a shit about those people anyway. The caring is all make believe.
What is the underlying motivation to fly 320,000 criminal aliens and disperse them throughout the United States?
It is either to import votes, or destabalize targeted communities.
Musk is no fool. He simply follows trajectories. Something really bad is going to happen.
And when it does, Americans will pretend building 7 collapsed because building 1 and 2 fell down.
Hey Rich, tell us more about this "knack of pushing other engineers to develop great products". You know, in goofy little fields like rocketry, satellite phone networks, and electric vehicles. Like..., why didn't any of these other engineers (or you, you genius you, for that matter) knock out these great products on their own without having been pushed to do it by that simpleton Musk? One can only imagine all the great products geniuses like you and gadfly could come up with, even without the pushing.
Democratic gerrymandering. Throw another baby... nurse... girl on the barbie, it's over.
The Democratic CAIR (Catastrophic Anthropogenic Immigration Reform) Act where people... persons at both ends of the bridge are left behind with collateral damage and benefits h/t Biden. That said, send the illegal aliens/"burdens" h/t Obama to Martha's Vineyard, where the rich can deport them with virtuous indignation. The Left love their ethnic Springs.
Grownups know that Chicken Little is a fairytale.
It's not though. It's a fable.
And there are a lot of grownups who believe "the sky is falling" stories.
Like catastrophic climate change.
Like a bunch of angry protesters almost overthrew the government.
Like Trump will destroy our democracy.
Elon must have forgotten those e-mails after the weed he smoked. The numerous claims of Elon Musk having a drug problem makes more sense with each one of these episodes.
Elon Musk Has Used Illegal Drugs, Worrying Leaders at Tesla and SpaceX
Drag-o is salivating over military aged men as he recalls his Village People days In the Navy!
Musk's "core argument" is that OpenAI breached a contract that never even existed. Hilarious that his followers think OpenAI is the one with a weak legal argument. It’s hilarious, and now that he has his own social media platform it feels as if he’s even more willing to believe his own BS
If Elon was truly an open source champion, he’d make Tesla’s autopilot open source and speed up the development of his much touted and much failed autonomous driving software. But alas, this sounds like sour grapes in Elons mouth.
"The funny/terrifying mix is painfully strong."
And it is true.. this IS why the Democrats are bringing in millions... they know we would never deport 10M people (nor would the countries they came from accept them back.)
It is treason.
The federal government owns millions of acres of land in very sparsely-populated red states.
Build a few factories or pop-up towns, import some illegals, and once an amnesty deal is done, all of those states are now blue and republicans will never again win the White House.
Even now, as illegals, they are being counted in the census and being used to add seats to the House.
But it's just a conspiracy theory...
'I don’t know why so many people think Musk is a genius.'
This statement right here shows you how stupid hardcore liberals are.
Musk is in the top handful of the most successful entrepreneurs in the history of the world, but to liberals he's just lucky : )
'Elon Musk Has Used Illegal Drugs, Worrying Leaders at Tesla and SpaceX'
We should all have Elon's drug 'problems.'
If this is what he can accomplish when high, then...
: )
Carvey is turning into somebody's lesbian aunt, but he is very funny...
Dana Carvey still got it!!
Rich is devolving into a parody account?
Btw, if I'm doing something illegal, I want to be chased by the woman to the right of Joe in the still shot.
I could hop on one leg and outrun her...
Carvey did a brilliant turn about OJ Simpson.
Yep, YouTube has it: Dana Carvey on Framing OJ.
"Rich is devolving into a parody account?"
Devolving? No- just your standard issue leftist. They're not very bright but are good at repeating talking points supplied to them. A lot of that does end up being a sort of parody to anyone who's actually paying attention to what's going on.
This statement right here shows you how stupid hardcore liberals are.
Musk is in the top handful of the most successful entrepreneurs in the history of the world, but to liberals he's just lucky : )
Let's see. There's Zip2, the original (an online bank), Pay Pal, SpaceX, Tesla, the Boring Co., Solar City, Neuralink, xAI/OpenAi, and now the new iteration of, formerly Twitter. All of them are enterprises valued at hundreds of millions or billions of dollars.
Any one of his successful enterprises would be enough to put him in the history books. To do it so many times in succession makes accusations of "good luck" just pitifully laughable. Deranged. Downright offensive.
But consider the source. The leftist scum who shout "You didn't do that yourself!" are human weeds who've never produced anything but hot air and human misery. Barack Obama, Elizabeth Warren, Joe Biden, government workers, welfare chiselers, taxpayer-supported NGO lice, and all the other other assorted parasites, leeches and bums who have never once signed the front of a paycheck instead of the back. These people are worthless filth and enemies of humanity who are unfit to shine the shoes of Elon Musk.
These are the same people who ignore Trump's 495-odd successful business ventures, and scream themselves purple in the face about the 5 that went bankrupt. It's one of the greatest winning percentages in the history of American business, employing tens of thousands of people at good wages, but to Democrat scum who've never produced a single thing of value in the private sector, it's as incomprehensible as trying to explain quantum physics to a caveman.
Leftists are just lice sucking the blood of society. Teach your kids to hate them and spit in their faces any chance they get.
Over-compensating Non-combat "vet" Howitzer Howard: "Drag-o is salivating over military aged men as he recalls his Village People days In the Navy!"
You actually thought that would be effective in some bizarre way.
LLR-democratical Rich: "If Elon was truly an open source champion, he’d make Tesla’s autopilot open source and speed up the development of his much touted and much failed autonomous driving software. But alas, this sounds like sour grapes in Elons mouth."
Elon does not have the authority to simply destroy Tesla's greatest FSD market advantage and it would be such an egregious violation of fiduciary responsibility that he would be removed were he even to advocate for it.
Which you know perfectly well but writing it serves your quite typical lie-driven blog posting agenda at Althouse.
Transparent. Transparently transparent.
Did I mention how transparent your "efforts" are?
Again, the Yahoo comments sections beckons you and your "quality" hot takes.
LLR-democratical Rich: "Elon Musk Has Used Illegal Drugs, Worrying Leaders at Tesla and SpaceX"
Another long ago debunked lie pushed by the anti-Muskers.
Key players at SpaceX, including Musk, were drug tested for years given the nature of SpaceX supported missions for the US military and Intel community.
Its pretty clear LLR-democratical Rich is having to Psaki-Pscircling-Back to all his previously debunked lies due to the pathetic failure of the new lies!
Mountains of failure piled upon failure!
And its accelerating.
The presumption by Dems that economic immigrants will vote for Dems has yet to be proven. They have, after all, left socialist paradises in Central America to come work in the capitalist hellhole that is the US, so their policy preferences may not match Dem prognostication.
One data point I have is that when I hire illegal immigrants (as they call themselves) for day labor from the Home Depot parking lot here in Austin, they cuss about the panhandlers on street corners as we drive to my work site. They also pretty much all hate Cuban immigrants for being lazy, for some reason, but compared to the guys from Guatemala, even diesel train engines are lazy, and I've had OK work from Cubans. I leave it to readers to guess what socialist versus conservative economic policies such people would prefer. I can't tell.
'Drag-o is salivating over military aged men as he recalls his Village People days In the Navy!'
And yet another progressive using a gay slur as an insult.
Very inclusive...
'Elon does not have the authority to simply destroy Tesla's greatest FSD market advantage and it would be such an egregious violation of fiduciary responsibility that he would be removed were he even to advocate for it.'
Liberals don't understand free enterprise and they actively hate it.
Government should own and control everything in their minds.
It takes a communist village...
Joe Smith said...And yet another progressive using a gay slur as an insult.
Hey Joe, the girl can't help it. It's all she's got.
Ally M Brags..
Rich is devolving into a parody account?
Devolving? It'd be a step up.
So Transparent...
Joe Smith said...
'I don’t know why so many people think Musk is a genius.'
This statement right here shows you how stupid hardcore liberals are.
Musk is in the top handful of the most successful entrepreneurs in the history of the world, but to liberals he's just lucky : )
In the words of the Blessed Obama, "HE didn't build that!"
The crisis is no longer at the border, but redistributed throughout the nation by our Democratic representatives. Throw another underage girl, another student, another nurse, another baby.. to the back, under the bus, some select [black] lives matter.
In the words of the Blessed Obama, "HE didn't build that!"
BO never built anything, I'm sure he believes everybody else is likewise limited.
all the "not biden" voters - that's a way for corrupt cabal to calculate how many votes Biden needs from these illegals.
Joe isn't crooked - he's a crook.
Curious take from Drago…
Motives are however important in judging someone’s behavior. The correspondence reveals both Altman and Musk were disingenuous and dishonest from the start. Musk was also brazenly hypocritical:
“The most promising option I can think of, as I mentioned earlier, would be for OpenAI to attach to Tesla as its cash cow„ ~ Elon
Isn’t this precisely the same deal with MSFT he’s suing OpenAI over?
Feels like a combination of hurt ego and scorched earth. Either way this will get uglier before it gets better.
On a broader front I wonder if the likeliest scenario is a ,race to the bottom, where AI gets cheaper and better, and the consumer benefits, but Google gets crushed as they are no longer able to trick customers into reading the first 10 advertised entries.
Yes, there will be lots of compute and AI will do summersaults but if they can’t increase advertising who will earn money and how?
I think the most tangible issue is the moral hazard this introduces — every VC is thinking about the tax and cost benefits of launching their next wave of startups as non profits, then flipping the winners into a for profit entity. This is a major loophole that needs to be addressed immediately; nonprofit law is just too murky. For tax law, if nothing else, this would have huge implications. Unfortunately, it seems to be very under-reported, from what I've seen.
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