"No one heading to their job or to visit family or go to a doctor appointment should worry that the person sitting next to them possesses a deadly weapon," she told reporters.
Thomas Taffe, the Metropolitan Transportation Authority Police Department’s chief of operations, said "reducing the fear of crime" is as important as "reducing crime itself."
"Our focus is to respond to issues that most affected riders, the feeling of disorder, that fear of crime," he said....
I was wondering what military personnel would do to fight crime in the subway. Turns out they're going to "conduct bag checks at some of the busiest stations."
750 members of the National Guard are deployed to go through your personal things.
The idea is that the real problem is fear, and forget it if your fear is of military presence in our cities or of being stopped and searched by the military or of everyone getting used to military presence and submission to searches... or of violence done without weapons, like when you're pushed off the platform into the path of a subway train... or of guns that aren't carried in a bag... or of gunmen who enter the system at a less busy station.ADDED: I've given this my "things that won't work" tag even though I recognize that it depends on what the real goal is. One can suspect that the real reason for this action is something that might work. I've stated one in the previous paragraph: "everyone getting used to military presence and submission to searched." And to state the obvious: political benefit from the appearance of taking action.
१४२ टिप्पण्या:
New York is a failed state.
"forget it if you fear is of military presence in our cities or of being stopped and searched . . ."
Or of being around insane homeless people or of being around "youths" looking for a little excitement, or . . .
I guess the 4th Amendment, like the 1st and 2nd, no longer applies in NYC. How did that happen???
"forget it if youR fear is of military presence"
Anyway, the Blob clearly fears some action that will interfere with the Blob's planned actions.
The precedent was by Pelosi when she denied crowd control at the Capitol, only to call in the nation guard to occupy the People's House and grounds following an unarmed riot/disorder forced by her guard, and brayed by JournoLists.
Doubtless the National Guard members will be un-armed.
The ultimate in cynical, nonsensical political theater. As someone who (occasionally) rides it, most of the fear of crime on the subway is not of weapons, but of regular assaults from people who are mentally ill, drug abusers, regular criminals, or simply out of control in one way or another. None of these people have anything to fear from the National Guard, or indeed any manifestation of the New York City or State judicial systems.
If they want to stop the appearance of disorder, they could start with stopping people from jumping turnstiles. Everyone is doing it, including cute, well dressed white girls on the upper west side. I feel foolish for paying. One thing Giuliani found when they arrested turnstile jumpers was that they were often wanted for other crimes. Win/win. The MTA keeps crying poverty but I guess it’s not true.
"I was wondering what military personnel would do to fight crime in the subway."
Not much. As any former service personnel here will tell you a mandate of this kind for AFSP support comes with an extremely limited scope. My state's former ANG commander joked one time that outside of "showing force", the scope allowed usually just means an added body count - either lots of dead ANG or lots of dead civilians (i.e. Kent State 1970).
Like everything else in modern America, it's a puppet show.
Seriously? Sitting next to lethal weapons is okay if held by the military? This is coming from the same person who has aggressively sought to eliminate the private ownership and use of guns at every turn for years now. One example of many, in her own words:
Sooooo....she's in favor of replicating Latin American military government practices now that her state is populated by Latin Americans who left military governments to be in her immigration sanctuary? Utter incoherence.
Stop and Search redux.
It'll turn into the security check before boarding a la "Airplane" soon enough. Old tourists will be the primary searchees, I'm sure.
I feel a Kent State moment coming on....
Is NY sending a diverse group? Will there be any transgender soldiers checking bags and providing subway safety?
Crime is off the charts in radical Antifa-leftist-democratic "de-fund the police" -- Crook mob-Husk Puppet's America.
Kathy Hochul is the New York version of Gretchen Whitmire: Ruder, but more tyrannical.
Yes, we are all comforted by the spectacle of uniformed military personnel rifling through our belongings. Makes us all feel right at home, rocked in the comforting bosom of the state.
In much the same way as making certain guns illegal to own, because criminals will always turn in their already-stolen, illegal weapons rather than use them on the law abiding, weaponless populace.
Please don't protect us so hard.
How many events in the past year involved someone doing harm to someone in the subway using an object that could have been detected during a search? Compare that number to the number of crimes committed in the subway system during the past year by people who jumped the turnstile.
I hope these National Guardsmen confine their searches to well mannered, elderly women. Such people are the least inclined to put up a fuss about having their bags searched. If some Guardsman takes it upon himself to subject a deranged person of color to a search, then that deranged person might go off on him. It's a well known fact that has been proven in a number of scientific studies that crazy people act crazy. The subsequent struggle will be recorded from a number of different angles and God help that Guardsman if he uses an inappropriate level of force...A Guardsman with a proper understanding of his place in the universe will restrict himself to searching the bags of mannerly old people and offering first aid to the wounded.
I'm so old I can remember when Rudy Giuliani wouldn't put up with petty crimes, saying that acceptance of the petty crimes leads to an opening of more and larger crimes. He cleaned up a city so infected with progressive policies that it had turned into a shithole. Then they had the successful years of Giuliani, who cleaned up NYC and made it fun to visit again. Follwed by Bloomberg- who needed only to not fuck it up.
But then came progressive policies and approaches of DeBlasio and Adams, with a helping of Cuomo and Hochul, and well...now they're down to sending in the National Guard to check the purses of the regular citizens, so as to reduce the fear that criminals might have about an armed citizenry.
There's a lesson in there somewhere. And though it seems obvious to this outside observer, I suspect that from New York and New Jersey its much more of a puzzling situation. Probably something to do with Trump and his racism.
Defund the police (your police, not theirs).
Then replace sworn officers with an alternate force that isn't subject to the same standards of training and conduct, doesn't have civil service protections, and answers directly to the Governor. This is an improvement?
This is how you know you have gone from a high-trust to a low-trust society for real. State militia in camo with "assault weapons" to build public trust.
Don't waste time on finding the inconsistencies. We don't have time for that. It will get weirder.
The wrong people are going to be targeted.
That’s what government is best at.
Remember the weddings getting hit in Irak and Afganistán?
The fact that Governor Hochul called in the National Guard is significant: 1. Crime is rampant and NYPD could not stop it and 2. She realizes it is an election issue even in a politically progressive state like New York.
This is not Republicans in Florida citing the New York Post and clutching their pearls, this is New Yorkers saying we have a problem.
Good way for Guardsmen to get shot. Police deputized?
Or maybe it is to acclimate you to Police State.
... "reducing the fear of crime" is as important as "reducing crime itself."
Q: How stupid can you be? A: New York Democrat.
Remember how they had to do this when Rudy was mayor? Me neither.
"No one heading to their job or to visit family or go to a doctor appointment should worry that the person sitting next to them possesses a deadly weapon," she told reporters.
As another Governor of NY once said: "The Only Thing We Have to Fear Is Fear Itself”
How will the NYT staffers feel about the National Guard in their city?
How cities die, part #68259 -- and counting.
"Our focus is to respond to issues that most affected riders, the feeling of disorder, that fear of crime," he said...."
Don't worry. Be happy. Don't be afraid of the strap hanger standing 6 inches from you and screaming he is going to kill you.
Don't worry about the creature that just sucker punched the 75 year old Asian woman who was standing next to you. The Asian woman has a decent chance of surviving, albeit with permanent brain damage.
Remember, they're checking for guns. That will prevent the 4 on 1 attacks and the crazy guy peeing on the seat across the aisle.
The Border Patrol are now travel agents and the Nat'l Guard is the TSA.
" I've stated one in the previous paragraph: "everyone getting used to military presence and submission to searched." And to state the obvious: political benefit from the appearance of taking action. "
The ghosts of Kanawha County are watching...
I saw a video of people being interviewed about Hochul's actions. Most hated it. They hated it because a) Military b) Bag searches c) lack of equity, which I guess means stopping crime based on context. I think Adams said something about them looking for bombs, which I found interesting, because I haven't heard of the plague of bomb attacks on NYC subways in recent months to warrant action. Did they get some tip from DHS? Maybe they are hiding the real story that is DHS let terrorist cross or border and now are worried about an imminent attack on NYC subways?
Whatever the case, it seems like a dumb idea to me, except that it is happening to New Yorkers, which makes it perfectly fine for me. I'm all for New Yorkers having to live with routine checks of their belongings as they chose to use public transport. Better yet, Hochul demands that the National Guard won't profile and everything is random; so Grandma will get patted down and still has to fear being knifed by the homeless guy that the Guard units had the wisdom to pass on even smelling much less patted down. Of course, when weapons are found, they'll just be confiscated and the criminal allowed to continue on their way, because equity, which is what they want. Give it to them good and hard.
And Althouse is right; it probably will work to get New Yorkers to continue voting for this madness. New Yorkers are all about the show.
Will they stop crimes in process? Doubt it. Are they reporting to the local politicians? Just there to look for dissenters…
So, police uniforms don't cut it anymore? Aren't threatening enough to criminals. You have to bring in military uniforms? (Maybe they should park tanks on Columbus Circle and Union Square.
And its supposedly the GOP that is threatening fascism.
Democrats are experts at making crime and disorder feel good.
So shut up and enjoy the subway ride. You can scrape the shit off your shoe at the next stop.
I feel sorry for those kids, I doubt this is what they had in mind when they signed up. For some reason this sparks a memory of the Kent State massacre.
A question for New Yorker's: Do you like living in a place where they have to use to the army to supervise public transportation? Do you think the military presence to manage every day activities is a "good look"?
Elections have consequences. Enjoy the fruits of your choices, New York.
@Temujin: Then they had the successful years of Giuliani, who cleaned up NYC and made it fun to visit again. Follwed by Bloomberg- who needed only to not fuck it up.
But tyrant Bloomberg couldn't let well enough alone, and took it too far. IMO his racial profiling efforts (more than anything Trump said or did) led to the Defund the Police and Biden's equity efforts.
Quoting Wikipedia with bold added:
Bloomberg came under fire for supporting the NYPD's stop and frisk program, which has been criticized for unfairly targeting African Americans and Latinos.[98] In response to allegations that the program unfairly targets African-American and Hispanic-American individuals, then-Mayor Michael Bloomberg has stated that it is because African-Americans and Hispanic-Americans are more likely to be violent criminals and victims of violent crime.
[99] In a June 2013 interview with WOR Radio, Bloomberg explained
One newspaper and one news service, they just keep saying 'oh it's a disproportionate percentage of a particular ethnic group.' That may be, but it's not a disproportionate percentage of those who witnesses and victims describe as committing the [crime]. In that case, incidentally, I think we disproportionately stop whites too much and minorities too little.[100]
In February 2020, an audio recording surfaced of Michael Bloomberg defending the program at a February 2015 Aspen Institute event. In the speech, Bloomberg said:
Ninety-five percent of murders—murderers and murder victims fit one M.O. You can just take the description, Xerox it, and pass it out to all the cops. They are male, minorities, 16 to 25. That's true in New York, that's true in virtually every city (inaudible). And that's where the real crime is. You've got to get the guns out of the hands of people that are getting killed. So you want to spend the money on a lot of cops in the streets. Put those cops where the crime is, which means in minority neighborhoods. So one of the unintended consequences is people say, 'Oh my God, you are arresting kids for marijuana that are all minorities.' Yes, that's true. Why? Because we put all the cops in minority neighborhoods. Yes, that's true. Why do we do it? Because that's where all the crime is. And the way you get the guns out of the kids' hands is to throw them up against the wall and frisk them... And then they start... 'Oh I don't want to get caught.' So they don't bring the gun. They still have a gun, but they leave it at home.[101][102][103]
Seems like only yesterday...
Over-compensating Non-combat "vet" Howitzer Howard (re: Tom Cotton Op-Ed): "Yes, I agree 100% with Althouse. Petty tyrants and traitors to the Constitution like Tom Cotton should be featured in the NY Times for all to see. Sunshine is the best disinfectant.
It's time every one let their freak flag fly." 6/4/20, 8:23 AM
Over-compensating Non-combat "vet" Howitzer Howard: "You people say hose who crave safety cannot be free in regards Covid 19. But it's safety Uber Alles send in the Marines, helicopters, tear gas, rubber bullets, roid-ragers wielding night sticks when negros demonstrate and a tiny fraction loot." 6/4/20, 10:16 AM
Good times, good times...
Do the members of our Armed Forces carry weapons and ammo in the subway.
My bet is they do not.
They are for show.
"Show" might work, but, unlike gang members, they are unarmed.
I agree with Jeff---the main fear for our safety on the NY subways comes from aggressive (and often mentally ill) actors who are not using guns. They are using their fists; they are using gang attacks; they are liable to push random people onto the tracks; they sexually assault women; they deliberately try to provoke people so they can record some viral video, etc.
It is fascinating to notice that for the political folks, how the public feels really is just as important, or even more important, than the reality of whether their chances of getting shoved or mugged. It seems insane, but that is the reality of re-election or promotion chances.
Gusty Winds feels a Kent State moment is coming on. I say it will be our Bastille Moment.
Everyone is downplaying the March 25 criminal trial in NY against Trump; the bookkeeping entry case.
I say Trump will be convicted and the NY state judge will sentence him to 30-90 days. And the judge will sentence him right after the jury returns guilty verdicts. We now know that NY juries ignore both the facts and the law when it comes to Trump.
Trump is sent either to Rikers Island or the Metropolitan Correctional Center (Epstein's last location). Very quickly a large and armed band of MAGA people storm the jail. Gun battles. Many dead. Trump broken out of jail.
That's our Bastille Moment and it is coming. The Left can only push people so far.
I'm not advocating for this, but I think it will happen.
Remember escape from new york, now make it stupid,
How this program could actually accomplish something:
1) Don't set up the searches at the entrance to the subway.
2) Set up the searches (in plain view) and immediately after people pass through the turnstiles
3) So, if you want to jump the turnstile, you need to do so in plain view of the national guard.
4) After you pass through (or jump over the turnstile) your bag is subject to search.
5) If you refuse the search (assuming you didn't jump the turnstile) you are granted a MetroCard with a single pass as a refund and you must leave the subway (preferably the same way you entered).
They can call them "Subway Servicemen." Maybe put an abbreviation of that in a shiny silver pin on their collars.
Low Information Commenter Rich said...
"The fact that Governor Hochul called in the National Guard is significant: 1. Crime is rampant and NYPD could not stop it and 2. She realizes it is an election issue even in a politically progressive state like New York.
This is not Republicans in Florida citing the New York Post and clutching their pearls, this is New Yorkers saying we have a problem."
What New Yorkers are really saying (emphasis added):
"We don’t have a surge in crime, we have a surge in recidivism," said [Mayor] Adams.
Thomas Taffe, the MTA Police Department’s chief of operations, said "reducing the fear of crime" is as important as "reducing crime itself."
"Our focus is to respond to issues that most affected riders, the feeling of disorder, that fear of crime," he said.
This is like a drunk going to an AA meeting then standing up saying he doesn't have a problem with an afternoon martini but is tired of people complaining about his afternoon martini. Even Hochul compared the New York Subway assaults to DWIs saying if you get caught assaulting you may be denied use of public transportation for 3 years. In other states, you slash a person with a knife, you will be denied the freedom to be in public for more than 3 years.
The Rotting Apple
Cue the Leslie Nielsen "Nothing to see here" and the "This is fine" memes.
Couldn't happen to a nicer place that liberals have fucked up beyond all recognition.
The greatest city in the world (at one time) and it's now a joke of a war zone.
Good job New York. Next time don't elect a 90 IQ (on a good day) affirmative action mayor.
: )
When the NYPD does these searches, you can refuse and leave the station. Presumably if you refuse the search and refuse to leave, the police will arrest you. Now, what happens if someone refuses the National Guard's request to search their bag and then keeps going? Does the National Guard have the power to arrest people, or do they need to call the police?
'I hope these National Guardsmen confine their searches to well mannered, elderly women.'
They'll just target Orthodox Jews like they already do.
The left hate successful, smart, hard-working people with big families...
"Would you like to know more?"
why not offer extra pay and benefits to TSA hires outsourced to local jurisdictions?
or do National Guard appreciate receiving less than TSA?
How is having solders there make anyone feel any safer? Are the solders allowed to shoot anyone ignoring/disobeying their orders? If not, it is just more empty threads. Criminals currently walk out of stores with hundreds of dollars of stuff. If there is not threat of force, what makes anyone think criminals will listen to someone in an army uniform vs a police uniform?
The solders are going to do bag checks? What are they, the TSA? What a joke!
As another Governor of NY once said: "The Only Thing We Have to Fear Is Fear Itself”
seen this quote often but never understood.
= does anyone know what this means ?
point me to an explanation pleazz
Bingo! It's hard to see it any other way. I remember as a teenager walking off a plane in France and being absolutely shocked to see French military with M16s standing around. That wasn't the America I grew up in though I knew a lot of people who had guns.
Is this the 'Democracy' we need to protect?
Asking for a friend.
"Would you like to know more?"
New York City: We're not doing our part!
New York Politicians: We're not doing our part!
New York Democrats: We're not doing our part!
New York Cops: We're not doing our part!
New York City Voters: We're not doing our part!
New York City and State to the everyone else: We expect you to do your part!
As another Governor of NY once said: "The Only Thing We Have to Fear Is Fear Itself”
seen this quote often but never understood.
= does anyone know what this means ?
point me to an explanation pleazz
Temujin said, “He cleaned up a city so infected with progressive policies that it had turned into a shithole. Then they had the successful years of Giuliani, who cleaned up NYC and made it fun to visit again.”
Ironically, Giuliani sowed the seeds of the city’s destruction. Progressives who in the past would flee to the suburbs once they had kids stayed in place. My progressive parents moved to the city to be closer to their grandchildren. They all voted for DeBlasio and, well, here we are. People think that once order has been established it will stick.
Not hardly. Policing is the key. National Guard my ass.
This will last until the first black man is killed by a Guard member, or vice versa. I am assuming the soldiers will be unarmed as it would be counter to the normal leftist narrative to let them bear arms in this duty.
This will not end well.
I remember a former NG member telling a story about going through an airport after 9/11 when the NG were there. It was his old unit so he new a lot of them. One thing he noticed was on the bottom of the magazines the enlisted had in their rifles was a white sticker. On the officers it was red. He whispered to a buddy is the tape meant what he thought it meant. He got a slight nod. White tape meant the magazines were empty and the red that they were loaded. The whole production was for show.
"I was wondering what military personnel would do to fight crime in the subway."
It's all just subway theatre. Mostly, the military guys just stand around in a small group talking to each other, while holding serious looking guns. Not seeing military personnel on the trains, and often not even on the platform. More frequently, they are standing outside before you get to the turnstiles. None of this is new -- been happening on and off for quite a while.
On this go-around, I haven't seen any bags being checked, either. When they did that in the past, the actual checking was done by a NYPD officer, with the military guys just standing around. They'd set up a folding table and ask politely if they could swab a bag to check for explosives. Never actually asked to open it and inspect inside (that happens at Carnegie Hall, the opera, etc., but all handled by the staff of the venue). It happened to me once when entering the subway heading home, and I joked with the young office (they are very young) that he asked me because he needed to even up the stats (old white guys being useful for that sort of thing). He tried hard to suppress a laugh.
its the same carp that hollande pulled in france after 2015 i think when he had invited 300,000 syrians,
But armed military patrols on public transportation are not a sign of fascism.
Oh, no..... Don't anyone dare say that. Our president emeritus, not Brandon & Co are the fascists.
Maybe what Hochul is thinking is "We need to impose fascism to save democracy" Just temporarily, of course.
John Henry
Pepperidge Farms remembers....
Aaron Sibarium
Tom Cotton proposed deploying the National Guard to quell some of the most destructive riots in American history. Hochul is doing it for quotidian law enforcement purposes.
Crickets from New York Times staffers.
lots of dead civilians (i.e. Kent State 1970).
4 (four) dead insurrectionists (as they would currently be called) is "lots"
I hope you never owe me "lots" of money. :)
John Henry
Just to clarify, I was not disagreeing with the point of what happens when armed NG meet unruly civilian insurrectionists. Civilians die.
I was merely questioning calling 4 "lots"
John Henry
If this National Guard people ARE UNARMED .. what are they gonna do when they meet an armed gang???
Bag checks??? It is 100% window dressing... total BS. Bags? They carry guns and knives in their waistbands.. duh....
Lots of luck NYC... you voted for these stupid people.. live with it.
well you can't Guiliani for the actions of stupid progs, thats on them
What will happen if an armed gang of underprivileged youts attacks an NG patrol?
1) The NG are armed and permitted to open fire. The medea goes nuts.
2) The gang strips the NG naked, takes their walkie talkies, M16s if they have them and everything else. Does the NG have backup if needed and if so, what is the backup and what is it permitted to do?
John Henry
I was in the 69th INF NYANG - the unit most of these kids will be drawn from. Also in another NYC unit which cooperated extensively with NYPD. Based on my experience -
1 half of the people in that unit are NYPD, and they say the other half are perps (obviously not accurate, but illustrative)
2. Empire Shield has deployed troops to airports LGA and JFK, since at least 2005 - they are in uniform and carry weapons but are NOT issued ammunition but were allowed body armor (rules may have changed). They’re meat shields
3. This is a great jobs program for the NYANG - 750 bodies full time? The whole guard is only around 10,000 people, and they’ll have to put the troops they use on full time i.e. pay them
4. Some of these guys might end up coming down to the city from upstate since there aren’t enough bodies in the city units. Those guys usually really don’t like the city.
5. If they’re on Title 32 (I think) they have some law enforcement role theoretically, but we were ALWAYS co-located with local law enforcement, and subordinate. Interactions with civilians were minimized.
This is show, nothing useful or effective.
Stop and Frisk, I meant to say.
On every trip I've made to Europe as an adult (1978, 1996, 2017, and 2019) there have been heavily armed police, border guards, and/or soldiers at the airports and main transportation hubs. (I must admit, I'm a sucker for pretty young women in uniform.)
A friend who worked for the state prison system told me years ago that unwarranted traffic stops and searches have been used for years on roads that are near prisons--gotsta stop all the contraband phones and drugs going in, doncha know.
I'm guessing that a large number of the illegal immigrants who now reside in New York City come from countries where seeing military police is common. Also I suspect that in their countries that their military police's weapons aren't for show and they are probably some of the last people you want angry at you. While I doubt that the national guard would actually do anything, you never know if there will be another Kent State.
New York City could use a man like Bernie Goetz again.
For years I've been arguing that women in positions of power could be just as corrupt, incompetent, and dishonest as men.
I may have to rethink that.
They seem to be outpacing them by a wide margin. . . . .
The troops are there to protect the taxpayers from the voters.
We've been hearing warnings for quite a while that terrorists are coming in with the migrant surge. I doubt the Dems would tell us if there had been intelligence to indicate a credible threat to the NY subway system, but they might deploy the National Guard to start searching/swabbing bags and so forth.
Don't worry, citizens, it's just ordinary decent criminals we're looking for.
Now in the right thread...
Cue the Leslie Nielsen "Nothing to see here" and the "This is fine" memes.
Couldn't happen to a nicer place that liberals have fucked up beyond all recognition.
The greatest city in the world (at one time) and it's now a joke of a war zone.
Good job New York. Next time don't elect a 90 IQ (on a good day) affirmative action mayor.
: )
The ghost of Bernie Goetz
This all the fault of the rural white working class. If they'd just vote the way they should, we wouldn't have to bring in all these people you need soldiers to protect you from.
"[Government hack employee] said 'reducing the fear of crime' is as important as 'reducing crime itself.'"
Taken from the advice column of Billy Crystal as Fernando Lamas,
"It's better to look good than to feel good!!!"
"It's better to look safe than to actually be safe!!!"
After all, you want to look marvelous when you're strapped into the gurney as the EMTs carry you up the subway stairs to the waiting ambulance/hearse.
Serious question. Do they have a plan to prevent turnstile jumpers from evading the bag checks?
Second serious question. Is this just a bag check? Or will they frisk people looking for guns in ankle holsters, sheath knives or guns carried under the arm pit, etc.?
Yesterday or Tuesday the FBI announced they are on an "urgent manhunt" for an Iranian intelligence agent/assassin who has come across the border to kill as many Trump administration officials as possible. This in retaliation for President Trumps killing of Solimani.
See https://www.fbi.gov/wanted/terrorinfo/majid-dastjani-farahani
"Majid Dastjani Farahani, an Iranian intelligence officer, is wanted for questioning in connection with the recruitment of individuals for various operations in the United States, to include lethal targeting of current and former United States Government officials as revenge for the killing of IRGC-QF Commander Qasem Soleimani. Farahani also reportedly recruited individuals for surveillance activities focused on religious sites, businesses, and other facilities in the United States. Farahani acted or purported to act for or on behalf of, directly or indirectly, Iran’s Ministry of Intelligence and Security."
Yesterday with the troops in the subway.
I am sure it is just a coincidence.
John Henry
As regards the racial profiling of persons of color by police, please scroll down to the heading "2024 Race of Victim/Assailant" at http://heyjackass.com/. There is a reason, which is not at all popular with MSM and others.
Otherwise, continue to strip search Hassidic women.
If a member of a protected class decides to defy the search, what will the soldiers' rules of engagement be to stop them?
My guess is, none.
I will not go to the Big East tournament next week in NYC. And I also won't go to the NCAA games in Brooklyn if Creighton is sent there; too dangerous.
Looking at the videos, they appear to be exclusively checking attractive young Asian and Hispanic women...
So why the National Guard?
Mayor Eric Adams
Murders are DOWN.
Shootings are DOWN.
Transit crime is DOWN.
Car thefts are DOWN.
The safest big city in America just got even SAFER.
James Graham said...
"Do the members of our Armed Forces carry weapons and ammo in the subway.
My bet is they do not.
They are for show.
"Show" might work, but, unlike gang members, they are unarmed."
Back in the 1970s, I had a high school teacher who was in the National Guard. He said that when they were sent out to do crowd control duties, they had guns but no bullets. It was just a theatrical show of force.
Do thet have live rounds? If so I would avoid using the subway in NYC.
'The ghost of Bernie Goetz'
Make Bernie great again...
Ah, yes. Strip funding from the police, stop enforcing the law, then impose martial law. Makes sense to me.
John Henry
Are they looking for him to arrest him or are looking for him to help him find Trump? It's the FBI so you never know. The latter being most likely.
Maybe this is why Biden is allowing so many military age men of different cultures come accross our southern boarder.
If Pres. Trump deployed Army men in the USA to fight crime he would be impeached again. Guinness Book of world Records for impeachments.
So why the National Guard?
Mayor Eric Adams
Murders are DOWN.
Shootings are DOWN.
Transit crime is DOWN.
Car thefts are DOWN.
The safest big city in America just got even SAFER.
Of course those number are DOWN only off the Covid peaks since 2020. Crime is still higher than pre-2020.
This "feelings" nonsense is a recurrent theme with Hochul. It's not that crime is a problem, it's just those neurotic NYers *think* it's a problem, so we have to do some window-dressing to address their "feelings."
Does this mean that prosecutors will start prosecuting crimes again? Because without that little will change.
The national guard is there to reassure the hearts and minds of the New York subway riders.
If Pres. Trump deployed Army men in the USA to fight crime he would be impeached again.
And this time it would be justified. Unless he declared martial law (or whatever is required under posse comitatus) first.
John Henry
I figure the real purpose is one or both of two things:
1) It's a clever way to do "stop and frisk" since the NYPD is not allowed to do it, and almost no NYC politician wants to ask for it publicly.
2) It's a quiet anti-terrorism campaign without having to admit that it is an anti-terrorism campaign.
My guess is that #2 is the main motivation. Sure, it's an election year, but it seems very unlikely that New York's elections will change much at either the state or federal level, though the local press has been suggesting a couple of GOP congressional seats may be vulnerable. Then again, they always say that.
In a state like NY, deploying the National Guard to the subways to perform a law enforcement function actually carries some political risk, so I doubt it is merely a political stunt. The authorities are nervous about something beyond electoral politics.
Based on the aggressiveness of the pro-Palestine protests -- in NYC, of all places -- I've been thinking that the possibility of a terrorist attack before the end of the year is very high, and the probability of some type of significant political violence is almost certain.
I was just talking to a guy who recently retired after working in New York City, and he said that in the past couple of years, he would find human feces on the steps of his office more often than you would expect. What Giuliani did there was a miracle, and people who think that NYC can’t get worse even than it was in the’70s are delusional.
Remember when DC journos like Megan McArdle freaked out that Trump wanted some tanks in a parade on July 4th? MILITARISM
Anyone going to now bring this criticism to Democrats?
Obama talked alot. Gave lots of speeches. Maybe us conservatives should have paid attention. He told us what he was doing.
Who remembers when Obama promised to create a National Police Force with funding that rivaled our military?
Well here we are 2024
Persecuting you chief political rival
10 million illegal aliens in 3 years.
Nations like Venezula, Hatie, Hunduras, emptying their prisons, into the USA
Soros funded DA's refusing to incarcerate law breakers
Decriminalizing illegal drugs
Seattle legalized all drugs
Cashless bail
Sanctuary cities
Rampant antisemitism in all our universities. Jews forced to hide to save there lives.
Feels like a slow motion Reichstag fire.
Instead of enforcing the law against the accused through the time-tested method of arrest, arraignment, and trial, the vile Democrats try to restore order and public safety by canceling everyone's inalienable rights to liberty and privacy. This is how tyrannies operate.
It is said that during the ascendancy of the Mongol empire, a virgin could carry a bag of gold from the shore of the Yellow Sea to Samarkand in complete confidence in her safety. If this was ever true it was because of the terror inspired by roving bands of Mongol warriors on the lookout for plausible victims. Aha! So we caught you stalking that girl. Suppose we skin you alive as an example to others?
How will New York treat those who resist being searched or demand to be shown the warrant? If the resistor is white and male, he'll be arrested with a substantial bail or jailed without bond as a flight risk.
Wait just a moment. Is it currently illegal to carry guns and knives on the NTC Subway? I did not know that.
"Everyone is doing it, including cute, well dressed white girls on the upper west side. I feel foolish for paying."
I never felt foolish for paying my subway fares. It's the right thing to do. When I saw turnstile jumpers I looked down on them, but it really didn't greatly affect my mood or behavior. Lowlifes are gonna do their lowlife thing, and I have never felt the slightest impulse to emulate them.
"'The safest big city in America just got even SAFER.'
"Of course those number are DOWN only off the Covid peaks since 2020. Crime is still higher than pre-2020."
How much higher? What years are you looking at?
Over the past 40-50 years, NYC's crime rate has consistently gone down, even counting a few years more recently where crime rates have ticked up. Still, they have never come near to matching, much less exceeding the normal crime rates of the 1970s through early to mid-1990s. In each of those decades, crime rates dropped decade by decade.
I get the sense this is about one of two things:
1) MTA workers were getting fed up and were ready to strike and walk off unless something was done.
2) There is a known threat of a potential terrorist attack.
I think 1 is most likely, because much of the talk is about MTA workers getting attacked and Hochul wants cameras watching them, which she suggests would help deter the criminals.
I only consider 2 because Adams mentioned the NYANG would be looking for explosives, which is odd since there hasn't been explosions on the subway recently. Hochul and others, including Adams, are clear about reports of recent slashings. Yet they also keep suggesting that crime isn't rising. Well if slashings are making news but are down, then why call out the NYANG? So 2 is a possibility.
This isn't about stopping crime. It is in the story, but not the headline, that NY passed a law to be tougher on repeat criminals. That's a big help, except why let them go so easily for only one slash? Why must they assault people multiple times before DA's will prosecute? After all, laws were already on the book to put these criminals away, but the DA's were not prosecuting. Is this new law going to cause the DA's to prosecute? We will see. You can stop the crime by just prosecuting the criminals, and the NYANG can bring nothing to the table to increase prosecutions. Oh, and NY also passed $20 million dollars to offer mental help for the slashers, so there is incentive for getting their share of that money.
"If Pres. Trump deployed Army men in the USA to fight crime he would be impeached again. Guinness Book of world Records for impeachments."
Rightly so. The Posse Comitatus act of 1878, with subsequent updates, prohibits deployment of active federal military forces to enforce domestic law.
Moral of the story: When you defund the police you get the National Guard.
Remember how they screamed and fainted when Senator Cotton's op-ed suggested the national guard during the BLM riots? But now it is the idea of a democrat governor and it's fine.
"New York City could use a man like Bernie Goetz again."
"Wait just a moment. Is it currently illegal to carry guns and knives on the NTC Subway? I did not know that."
Why would you assume it was legal? Or are you being sardonic?
"I was not in fear of crime", but they robbed me anyway.
I'm sure this has nothing to do with Ramadan and the war in Gaza. Our government suddenly cares about rampant criminality on our subways
It's a setup for Insurrection II. New York.
@John Henry (12:01), at most two of the four college students murdered by the Ohio National Guard troopers (I was a US Army draftee when the Kent State shooting occurred, and based on everything I read about the event I am loath to call them "soldiers," as that implies a level of discipline). One of these two, Jeff Miller, was 265 feet away from the troopers when they fired and the other, Allison Krause, was more than 340 feet away. Unarmed civilians that far away do not constitute an imminent threat, period. William Schroeder, a member of ROTC (and thus wildly unlikely to be part of the demonstration) was another forty feet beyond Krause. Probably he was just walking between classes when the troopers lost their discipline. Sandra Scheuer was a little bit further away from the troopers than Schroeder. It didn't save her life.
Of the nine wounded, the closest was 71 feet away from the troopers. He's the only person who was a plausible threat. One wounded student was approximately 500 feet away from the troopers, and another was even further: 750 feet away. No way the troopers were defending themselves from an imminent threat that's 750 feet away.
I was wondering what military personnel would do to fight crime in the subway. Turns out they're going to "conduct bag checks at some of the busiest stations."
Ah, so "stop and frisk" is good when it's ordered by Democrats?
Or is it just "good" when it's targeting law abiding citizens instead of criminals?
We I a lawyer with the right to practice in NY, I'd be suing the hell out of Hochul over this.
You want safety? Prosecute teh criminals, put them in jail, and leave them there for teh full course of their sentence.
You not willing to do that? Then you deserved to get robbed, raped, and murdered.
Robert Cook, I didn't "assume it was legal." I wondered whether it was.
I would be surprised if a Manhattan housewife would be violating NYC law if she took the subway home with her Williams-Sonoma-purchased kitchen knife. Which is just as lethal as any other knife, should you want to use it that way.
If guns are illegal on public transport, how is one to transport them? By car? By taxi? I honestly can't see any way else to move a gun in NYC. But that is presumably the point.
“How much higher? What years are you looking at?”
Homicides are up around 30% vs 2019. Felony assault is up similarly. Sure, if you want to compare with the Son of Sam era the numbers are lower, but why should that be the standard?
But the data might be misleading. What people really care about, appropriately, is random crime against law-abiding citizens, not gang members shooting each other. What makes NYC different from most places is that these law-abiding everyday people are much more vulnerable to this sort of crime as they ride the trains or walk the streets. That’s what’s changed a lot. I’ve personally witnessed assaults on the subway, never mind all the vandalism and shoplifting Alvin Bragg can’t be bothered with. This is was all much more rare 10 years ago.
Arm the NG with large cans of aerosolized fentanyl and put those criminals down for the permanent count. Stop the crime AND eliminate the threat. A true “win-win”!
The cheapest and simplest solution is to reinstate the constitutional right to keep and bear arms in NYC. Things would become much more polite if the thugs weren’t sure if the guy next to them was carrying.
I suspect the point is less to reduce crime, and more to discourage self-defense. The measures taken are not likely to reduce the unpremeditated crimes plaguing the subways, but they will pre-empt any future Bernie Goetzes.
The left wants no self-sufficiency among the populace. If we are to be defended against crime (and that is not to be taken as given - it is a privilege that can be denied), we must look to government to do it for us.
“I remember a former NG member telling a story about going through an airport after 9/11 when the NG were there. It was his old unit so he new a lot of them. One thing he noticed was on the bottom of the magazines the enlisted had in their rifles was a white sticker. On the officers it was red. He whispered to a buddy is the tape meant what he thought it meant. He got a slight nod. White tape meant the magazines were empty and the red that they were loaded. The whole production was for show.”
I was through the SLC airport at least 4-5 times a month in the year after 911. The NG troops there had no magazines in their M16s, didn’t have them elsewhere on them, and had no radios. They depended on the airport PD to find out if anything was happening. It was idiotic. And they all knew it.
The first thing I thought of was that there is a report about a suspected bomb or poison attack against the Subway.
Ordinary security guards could inspect you when you go thru the turnstyles.
Here in the Philippines, to enter a mall, (even in our small rural town) you get wanded or go through a portal to check for weapons/bombs, and you have to open your purse for them to check. It takes five seconds. That is why the Islamic terrorists bomb churches and open air markets instead, because they don't check for bombs etc.
Someone should interview the Guardsmen survivors who were at Kent State and ask them about NYC's actions.
Try being made to get off the plane (unexpectedly!) in Monrovia and finding the transit lounge literally ringed with soldiers carrying AK's -- turns out it was just a week or two after the coup that brought master sergeant Samuel Doe to power. Good times, good times!
I visited NYC last May, and seem to recall folks in military uniform and carbines at Penn Station, Port Authority Terminal and WTC Path Station. Not much of an extension for them to be at subway stations.
"New York City could use a man like Bernie Goetz again."
Either him, or Beant Singh.
(The latter wouldn't be "again" for NYC, of course.)
"Why would you assume it was legal?"
Because we are the heirs of Common Law, you commie doofus.
Daniel Penny was not available for comment.
It's like the Seventies without the spray paint.
Crime is DOWN!
We need the National Guard in our subways.
C'mon man. Get the messages straight!
So the Guard will be w/o ammo. How long until the riders realize this? How long until the begin to ignore the Guard? How long until the flip off the guard? How long until they assault any Guardsmen that make any effort to action?
Yep, I've seen some bad boy cops and military types in Europe at train stations. I'd bet big money (for me about $5) that their magazines are NOT empty.
I see much discussion about the lack of ammo for the NG. I've visited the UK a few times and watched the "changing of the guard" at Windsor, Buckingham, and Tower Castle. I don't know if they have ammo in the magazines, but I do know one thing... they have bayonets. If slashings are the problem on the NY subway, then why not arm the NYANG with bayonets?
People hit by bullets at Kent State weren't necessarily aimed at. They were unlucky enough to just intercept a bullet fired either randomly or at a closer target that got missed. Do you really think the undisciplined, poorly trained and very poorly led NG troops could actually aim at and hit a target the size of a human at those distances?
One thing that the Kerner Commission (IIRC) report made clear was that the National Guard in the 1960s was not trained or equipped to deal with urban crowds and riots.
None of the problems identified had been corrected by the time of Kent State.
readering said...
"I visited NYC last May, and seem to recall folks in military uniform and carbines at Penn Station, Port Authority Terminal and WTC Path Station. Not much of an extension for them to be at subway stations."
And you never bothered to ask yourself, why? Why, in America, are there soldiers with automatic weapons guarding the transit stations? What is the matter that this needs to be done? What is wrong with the police? Why aren't they handling the problem?
Cookes beloved NYC is so safe that the National Guard needs to called out to preserve order.
Uhhuh, Sure.
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