Writes Jonathan Chait, in "Biden Was So Good, Trump Is Accusing Him of Performance-Enhancing Drugs/We need a president who can get high on life?" (NY Magazine).
1. All Trump did was post, at one point during the SOTU, "THE DRUGS ARE WEARING OFF."
1. All Trump did was post, at one point during the SOTU, "THE DRUGS ARE WEARING OFF."
2. I suspect Chait knows a lot that he's not saying about how many Washingtonians use drugs. Instead of making analogies to sports and jokes about accusations of rigging elections, why not give us more information about Washington drug culture? I see that a few days ago, Rolling Stone came out with "Trump’s White House Was 'Awash in Speed' — and Xanax/Under Trump, the White House Medical Unit was 'like the Wild West,' and staffers had easy access to powerful stimulants and sedatives, sources tell Rolling Stone." How awash in speed is Washington? I'd like to know. Don't play innocent.
3. What's with Chait's subtitle? "We need a president who can get high on life?" The phrase "high on life" must be at least half a century old. Some comedian — who was it? — would imitate someone saying "I don't need drugs, I'm high on life." Googling the phrase, I get "Help is available/Speak with someone today" and an 800 number. But anyway, it's a stock phrase, and Chait's article has it with a question mark, so it's sarcasm, and it fits with the idea, seen in the quote above, that maybe it's fine for politicians to improve their performance with drugs.
4. I think Chait is trying to be cool and funny and his main point is that it's silly and stupid for Trump to "accuse" Biden of using drugs. But isn't that the druggiest thing of all — to lean into denial? I'd like the truth.
5. With athletes, they either win or lose games. Presidents force the whole world to trust them in life-or-death decisions. Athletes' games are scheduled, and they're not on call in their off hours. The President of the United States needs to respond to the mythic 3 a.m. phone call. Biden was up — really, really up — for 2 hours on a late Wednesday evening. He read a scripted speech. What can we extrapolate about his ability — 5 or 10 or 12 hours later — to understand and evaluate a complex, rapidly unfolding real-world crisis?
6. I had forgotten that Biden was a teetotaler. I went back and read this NYT article from just before the 2020 election: "In Trump and Biden, a Choice of Teetotalers for President/Spirits may be low around the country, but don’t expect them to be raised in the White House after the election; neither President Trump nor Joseph R. Biden Jr. partakes in alcohol."
President Trump and his Democratic opponent, Joseph R. Biden Jr., have not had an alcoholic drink over the course of their lives, by their own accounts.... They each grew up in families shadowed by the specter of alcoholism — Mr. Trump’s brother died from it, and one of Mr. Biden’s favorite uncles, whom he lived with growing up, was a heavy drinker. Both have distanced themselves from the boozy social circuits in Washington and New York, Mr. Biden because he was commuting home to his family in Delaware every night and Mr. Trump because he tends to be more comfortable at home watching television....
7. Alcohol is a depressant. The question at issue after the SOTU is speed. These people we depend on and compete with: How drugged up are they?
९१ टिप्पण्या:
Biden was not good. He was angry.
Biden is grotesque.
The Biden show proved is that he could take the State of the Union and turn it into an angry kick-off to his hack campaign. btw - Biden's slurred and screwed up the pronunciation of many words - including the name of the girl who was murdered viciously by one of Biden's illegal entrants.
Trump should let other people do the accusing. Trump needs to focus on the big picture.
The drugs didn't make Biden smarter, just easier to tell that he's stupid.
This performance has now set expectations Biden cannot consistently meet. An Adderal a day won’t do the job. Not to mention speed makes you angry and shouty.
Biden turns to his press secretary. " Do I look high? How am I acting?"
"No sir. You're acting fine." (laughing behind he hand)
Hey! We've all been there.
Whew, the Joe Biden who showed up for his campaign rally in PA the very next day was a mess. His forehead was very sweaty and he made weird cognitive mistakes...the attack on the capitol on July 6, saying he was running for Congress, bragged how much his administration added to the national debt...on and on. The sweaty forehead made it look like he was in a state of drug withdrawal.
One thing I do know is that adderall is very common now in universities, and the people who take it claim to get better grades, I have never even seen an adderall pill, but I’m told you can get a diagnosis for ADD and get a prescription at the campus health care place.
I guess if you are young you can get by with taking the pill for your midterm and then crashing out for the weekend.
You know which other world leader used drugs? Hitler. Just sayin’.
New slogan - Better governing through chemistry.
Our tax dollars are scarfed up by tens or hundreds of thousands of people behaving like unsupervised fourteen year olds.
One more reason libertarians basically see everything as a good reason to limit the scope and power of governments.
When I was younger, I had some toy cars that were powered by AA batteries. I found a way to replace the AA batteries with a 9 volt battery. The speed, noise and smoke those cars made as they quickly expired was exciting, but scary to watch.
Watching Biden on Thursday evening reminded me of those "juiced up" toy cars.
Biden is not Catholic, he's Pro-Choice in the diverse progressive sects. It's not only plausible, but probable that he would exercise liberal license to indulge illegal choices.
Biden was not good. He was angry.
Biden was grotesque. Biden IS grotesque.
All the Biden-Show proved is Biden could take the State of the Union and turn it into an angry kick-off to his hack campaign. btw - Biden slurred and screwed up the pronunciation of many words - including the name of the girl - Laken Riley - who was viciously murdered by one of Biden's illegal entrants.
Gulag-Biden called her "Lincoln Riley." (what an ass) The man is a fake and a fraud and doesn't care about anyone but his mob crook ambitions, and his loyalty to the horrible evil people behind the scenes.
Laken Riley’s mother slams Biden for fumbling murdered nursing student’s name at State of the Union: ‘Pathetic’
Trump should let other people do the accusing. Trump needs to focus on the big picture.
If true, Biden didn’t take the drug to enhance his performance, he did it to hide his decline. Big difference.
Proof of this is that the MSM expressed a huge sigh of relief.
Who left the cocaine in the White House?
Regarding the WH cocaine story, I never heard anybody ask whether the cocaine was dropped on the way INTO the West Wing - or on its way OUT of the West Wing.
“You know which other world leader used drugs? Hitler. Just sayin’.”
Also John F. Kennedy had a Doc that shot him up will lots of drugs. And you don’t use stimulants because you have back pain.
Hitler was also an environmentalist, scientific-minded, an artist, diversitist, socialist, Pro-Choice, charismatic, and carried out ethnic Springs without borders when he could afford it.
This reminds me of a story from Vox a few weeks ago on stimulants, specifically nicotine pouches, being intertwined with the idea of masculinity on the right.
It also has a great illustration with the story.
Quote from that article: A man with nicotine, protein, caffeine, and creatine coursing through his veins is an unstoppable force,” Greg Price, the communications director at the State Freedom Caucus Network, a group that works to get conservatives elected to state legislatures, recently told Semafor.
I think there are plenty of teetotalers out there who have no problem with nicotine, caffeine, and amphetamines.
It's also theoretically possible that Jonathan Chait is being willfully obtuse.
Laken Riley et al. Excess murder, rape, and rape-rape in the pursuit of Democratic gerrymandering, diversity, and labor arbitrage, are no ethical vice.
The teetotaling Catholic told the leader of Israel that he was going have a "come to Jesus" moment with him. Thanks for the reminder Chait.
The dark specter of out-of-control drug abuse is descending like the 'Wild West' over Trump world, and yet it seems to be raining little bags of cocaine in the Biden library, and the photographic evidence of drug abuse all seem to be pictures of Bidens.
Joe Biden is Catholic.
Chait wants you do know - all the press-hacks want you to know... that Biden is Catholic.
Got that? Catholic.
Very very Catholic. Biden is pro-abortion and late term abortion - and also very very Catholic. Please worship the Biden... he is Catholic.
I’m not accepting of the idea it is okay for POTUS need to rely on medication to appear lucid. The deception here is to deflect attention from the problem of Biden’s questionable faculties. If he’s unfit for office who is running the executive branch in his next term? Who is making decisions now?
These questions are self evident…unless you’re addicted to propaganda.
It was pretty clear Biden was most possibly on uppers.
Unless his handlers promised him a big bowl of ice-cream afterwards, if he could pull of a "fiery!" well rehearsed speech. Good boi!
Could it be... Chait is a democrat hack?
The right wing caricature of Biden as a doddering old man was so over the top, that Biden was easily able to blow that up with this masterful speech. He was literally waiting for the Republicans to heckle him and when they did he gleefully turned their insults inside out and embarrassed them with their own inability to get things done. Yet he maintained his Presidential decorum and kept the focus on leading America through inspiration, not fear and desperation. MAGA world was stunned into stupidly complaining that Biden was too political, loud, angry or on “amphetamines”….
I just assumed it was like those 40 year-olds on reddit saying "hey guys I just found out I have ADHD! Who knew? Got a prescription for Vyvanse..."
Not much of a leap from middle age to the elderly. Can't wait for my own diagnosis!
The hack White left - I mean, people like Joy Reid (D)- an elite white leftist herself - all out there saying Trump golfed too much. LOL (I guess we are going to ignore all of Obama's golfing)
Meanwhile - no other president in history has taken more time off than Crook Joe Biden.
It takes a lot of time to heal from radical face-lift surgery.
Acid, Booze and Ass. Not just a Hippie thing or a Hollywood thing or a Rock&Roll thing. Huge egos, stress and power.
Didn't start with Elvis or the 'Stones and it didn't start with Biden or Trump. Wouldn't you love to see random toxicology screens
of all government officials in DC.
NBC Rich called Biden's angry campaign speech "masterful."
Slurred speech, rage, mispronunciations and all.
We are shocked.
Charter member of journolist
The variance in Biden's public behavior is proof of the nature of his drug regimen- it is either that or he is severely bi-polar. You take your pick, but one of the two is true.
Devout Catholic* = Pro-abort.
*Labels permanently affixed to Biden and Pelosi.
Hey NBC Rich -
Another speech - but This Is Joe Biden. Seig heil.
The drugs bring back the old Joe Biden, the one Americans would never vote for in those many primaries he entered and dropped out of over the years.
The definition of a timed and planted story in anticipation of Biden's hyped-up SOTUS?
I see that a few days ago, Rolling Stone came out with "Trump’s White House Was 'Awash in Speed' — and Xanax/Under Trump, the White House Medical Unit was 'like the Wild West,' and staffers had easy access to powerful stimulants and sedatives, sources tell Rolling Stone."
is there a journalist in DC, that does NOT have an Adderal prescription>
Industry Drug and Alcohol Testing Program
Are you keeping our skies safe?
"Drug and alcohol testing of safety-sensitive aviation employees helps protect public safety and keep our skies safe. Testing is required by the Omnibus Transportation Employees Testing Act of 1991 and by DOT and FAA regulations (49 CFR part 40 and 14 CFR part 120)."
Industry Drug and Alcohol Testing Program
Shouldn't we require the same for the man piloting the entire US of A. And maybe members of congress and the judiciary as well.
Excellent Althouse analysis. Biden just proves that if you give a moron speed, you get a energetic moron.
chalit just uses the same old defense the MSM Leftwing writers have been using forever. They refuse to investigate or report on certain issues, and then when someone brings those issues up they claim "There is no evidence". And will continue claiming "No evidence" even when Non-MSM reporters and non-reporters FIND evidence.
Another MSM Leftwing trope is to claim that something is against the law and therefore cant be done. Illegals cant vote because its against the law. Illegals aren't getting welfare because its against the law. The Intelligence agencies aren't spying on Americans, its against the law.
As for Biden. He was senile in 2020. He held very few campaign events and only spoke with a telepromter. He did very few press conferences and took no tough questions. He got through 2 debates because they rigged them to protect Biden from Trump.
He's made fewer speeches and taken fewer tough questions then any President in my lifetime. Biden obviously a demented old man who never should have been elected. But the soccer moms didn't like Trump's mean tweets, so here we are.
No need to investigate or look deeper. Its against the law, so no one is doing it.
Trump might be using too. Who knows? Diet Coke might not be cuttin' it anymore.
When I think about the times they showed audience there at the SOTU, I could easily believe almost everybody there was high enough to hunt ducks with a rake.
Maybe we should piss test the lot of them. On the other hand, do we really want to know?
You can be against alcohol or drugs and still accept "medications" in the same way a teetotaler will drink wine at communion (it's not really wine now/an authority figure said you should). Drugs become medications when an authority figure, the doctor, says you need them.
Should I believe Biden underwent several surgeries without the use of any narcotics?
Doesn't Chait remember people accusing Trump of being on stimulants when he was president? Perhaps he was/is, but it seems less likely since his behavior has been the same over decades and his energy in public doesn't wax and wane the way Biden's does.
How are people in DC getting adderall when there is a shortage in the rest of the country? Or are they the reason for the shortage?
We have been saying Biden's handlers of using drug cocktails on him for at least three years. Why are shills like Rich acting like this is something normal people just started accusing him of?
Althouse said...
The phrase "high on life" must be at least half a century old. Some comedian — who was it? — would imitate someone saying "I don't need drugs, I'm high on life."
"I'm high alright, but not on false drugs. I'm high on the real thing: powerful gasoline, a clean windshield and a shoe shine. Over."
- Pastor Rod Flash
I guess it depends on your definition of “devout” on whether or not Biden is a Catholic. If you mean he goes to Mass regularly in a ritualistic way, then he’s devout. He’s devout like a Pharisee. If you mean he understands and accepts the Church’s teachings, then he is not a devout Catholic. By that latter standard he isn’t even a devout Christian.
And Biden "devote Catholic"? Dont make me puke. Joe Biden is NOT good ol' Joe from scranton PA. He doesn't have "working class roots". He's not "Irish". He's not a lovable ol' Grandpa. He's not a friend of labor or the working man.
Biden can be a likable individual. He's also gaffe prone and not very bright. That's why people think he's "Good Ol' Joe" and have trouble seeing the real Joe Biden. The real Joe Biden is the guy who wants to put Trump in jail. Who approved the use of the FBI to spy on Trump. And who supports Genocide in Gaza and war in the Ukraine. And didn't give a damn about the Railway Workers or the chemical spill in East Palestine. He's a bitter angry man, who hates anyone who oppposes him. But you have to cut through the image to see that.
Biden also assaults women with impunity, and showers with his underage daughter. The epitome of socially forward religion.
Hey, the rubes are concluding Biden has to be juiced to get through a speech. What are we going to do?
Same as with everything, accuse Trump of the same thing. In this case make it the entire White House staff.
Sure thing. Go with the classics. But how to get the message out? *pulls out files of useful idiots*. Chait is always an easy sell. But for the media... let's see... Rolling Stone? Of course they'll swallow anything, and regurgitate it quickly.
Go, go, go!
Chait lost me years ago, and seeing that he said Biden was “so good” ratifies my decision.
Biden - surrounded by sycophants - sez what?
President Biden: "I told him, Bibi, and don't repeat this, but you and I are going to have a ‘come to Jesus’ meeting."
“I’m on a hot mic here. Good. That’s good.”
(the best part is when his handlers jump in to try and stop him. hahahahaha)
I didn't watch the speech. What for? Besides bombast and bullshit, was anything positive mentioned? Anything that is factually true in context? Therefore, why waste the time watching? Judging from the commentary here and the inference from Althouse, it was a spectacle, spectacular in it's awfulness.
Chait knows perfectly well that refraining from alcohol has nothing to do with taking prescription drugs.
The Truth about Biden's insane agenda.
"Biden's tax scam! Joe claims his $3 TRILLION rate hike will help workers. But expert analyst DAN MCLAUGHLIN proves it would actually COST jobs, make inflation WORSE... and says desperate Dems are BUYING votes!"
Pretty much.
Rich said...
The right wing caricature of Biden as a doddering old man was so over the top, that Biden was easily able to blow that up with this masterful speech. He was literally waiting for the Republicans to heckle him and when they did he gleefully turned their insults inside out and embarrassed them with their own inability to get things done. Yet he maintained his Presidential decorum and kept the focus on leading America through inspiration, not fear and desperation. MAGA world was stunned into stupidly complaining that Biden was too political, loud, angry or on “amphetamines”…."
Dude, what chemical cocktail are you taking? Asking for a friend. Or, could it be you are trying out a pitch for a job at MSNBC? Maybe the drug cocktail is a requirement to work at MSNBC and a Democrat White House.
"Biden Was So Good"
I know it was a campaign speech, and Joe wanted to fend off any D challenge, and team D wants to cheer, but this is still weird. I mean, everyone heard the yelling and the slurring, right? And the egregious lies--e.g., about teaching 2A for 12 years? And the obvious bad faith--e.g., about "cutting the deficit"? And the wrong name for Laken Riley? If that's "good," what would he need to do to be "bad"?
But perhaps the GOP and Trump are better off with Joe being "so good," as a way to keep him in the race.
Biden identifies as a Catholic in much the same way as Rachel Levine identifies as a woman. However, no doubt Rich would identify him as a "masterful Catholic."
"I think if Satan was just sittin' around and wanted to bring mankind to its knees, he'd come up with narcotics."
Cormac McCarthy, No Country for Old Men.
Biden is the kind of Devout Catholic that I enjoy bringing up in religious conversations with actual Catholics.
What does Catholic have to do with anything?
Biden is about as Catholic as my friend Isaac Shapiro.
As for 'lifestyle,' that's idiotic.
It is situational...like driving from San Francisco to Denver in one shot and chugging energy drinks or popping No Doze to stay awake.
Only liberal sycophants will be uncurious...
I would say that any drugs he took made him angry, at least he seemed pretty angry, he all but explicitly threatened nuclear war. No true statesman paints himself into a corner the way Biden has.
Btw, Musk has posited Adderall.
He's no doctor, but that particular drug has a history in the tech world, so I'm sure he's either taken it or seen it many times.
Subpoena Biden's doctor and ask him.
He won't say anything, but it would be great theater...
Rich isn't stupid to say the stuff he or it says. He or it has reasons, money, power, programming, IDK, maybe Rich is a chatbot, but we would be stupid to believe him or it, or even to believe that he or it believes the stuff he or it says.
"Hitler was also an environmentalist, scientific-minded, an artist, diversitist, socialist, Pro-Choice, charismatic, and carried out ethnic Springs without borders when he could afford it."
Don't forget Vegetarian : )
He'd fit right in with modern Democrats...
I wasn't really cognizant of Biden being a teetotaler; I certainly don't recall it being a matter of interest as it was in Trump's case (at least to some people).
But as noted, those that eschew one vice or habit can happily adopt others, especially in the pursuit of advantage.
Looking on the bright side, the abuse and misuse of drugs might well cause an even swifter decline and earlier demise.
"Biden identifies as a Catholic in much the same way as Rachel Levine identifies as a woman."
Much the way people posting here claim to be christian yet whose words regularly disprove that.
Why worry if the President of the United States is using meth?
During WW2, both sides experimented with feeding methamphetamines to their soldiers. (Pervitin for the Germans, benzedrine for the U.S.)
It worked as advertised. Troops on meth could fight for thirty-six hours straight, do heavy manual labor and come back for more.
It also made the troops prone to commit atrocities (and suffer heart attacks) and so focused on The Mission that they took insame, even suidical risks.
Just the sort of guy I want fingering the Red Button.
"Blogger Rich said..."The right wing caricature of Biden as a doddering old man was so over the top, that Biden was easily able to blow that up with this masterful speech."
Yeah? When Biden's not on drugs
I don't know if this really is from a Biden handler, but that's secondary in any case. It's the recording that matters. There are lots of these episodes available online. This is who is running our country. It's deeply concerning.
I think the American people have a right to know if the President has to take meth amphetamines to muster up the energy and focus to deliver what is at best a minorly disappointing speech. He can't be on Adderall all the time. What is his cognition like when he isn't on drugs? What are the risks of him having to frequently take these drugs? Does this alter his judgment? If he is two different men depending on whether he is taking drugs or not, which President is the one making the important decisions?
Ha ha
RCOCEAN II said...
"Excellent Althouse analysis. Biden just proves that if you give a moron speed, you get a energetic moron."
Thread winner.
tim in vermont said...
"Rich isn't stupid to say the stuff he or it says. He or it has reasons, money, power, programming, IDK, maybe Rich is a chatbot, but we would be stupid to believe him or it, or even to believe that he or it believes the stuff he or it says."
It's because Rich is a not so very bright sixteen year old boy.
I would guess Joe Biden has given a lot of speeches in his life.
It's not hard for me to believe that skill has not yet deteriorated.
I don't think he could hold up his end of a serious discussion for thirty minutes no matter what drugs (at any dose) he has taken.
I know we have a choice for president, but it always seems to come down to two people I wouldn't trust to raise a puppy, let alone lead a country.
Personally, my main objection was "Catholic."
"A psychiatrist who has worked with elderly dementia patients said President Biden exhibited signs of stimulant use to mask cognitive decline in his amped-up, aggressive State of the Union speech on Thursday.
Mr. Biden, 81, often raced through his remarks with the speed of an auctioneer, loudly shouting his words despite having a microphone in front of him.
Speed and volume of speech can be a sign of using Adderall or another amphetamine, said Dr. Carole Lieberman, a forensic psychiatrist based in Beverly Hills, California."
"Much the way people posting here claim to be christian yet whose words regularly disprove that."
It isn't un-Christian, Mark, for them to believe you are going to burn in Hell.
I knew the head of the Georgia ACLU some time back, pro-choice obviously, but otherwise very committed to attending Catholic Church. She sat in the back, did not take the host, and did not go to confession, but she attended every week (and she had a tremendously kind heart and dedicated her life to helping other people -- we had some pretty unusual liberals in Georgia back in the day).
I wonder if any of the pro-choice politicians who claim to be Catholics today follow her example? Because they sure are not supposed to be taking the host or going to confession unless they are ready to abandon anti-Church beliefs.
Sorry. Off-topic. Interesting that Biden is a teetotaler like Trump.
I know too many meth addicts.
No. We do not want a tweeker in the Oval.
Maybe Chait should consider abstaining for a couple of months. Even he'll be amazed how much sharper he feels.
I know it's easy to get angry at how dishonest people like Jonathan Chait (and plenty of one-name commenters here and everywhere are), but instead try to have some compassion: think of how little self-respect you would have to have to write something like "Biden was so good" for that pathetic mish-mosh of slurred and shouted gibberish the other night.
Can you imagine what it must be like to look at yourself in the mirror after writing something like that? Oh, I know, I know, they can log onto the internet and obsessively click away at the other dopamine addicts frantically repeating the same ridiculous lie, but that little bump of imagined approval can't last very long, and then they are back to being face-to-face with the reality that they have willingly chosen to become toadies.
Think about it: after choking down the toad toad of today--cold, leathery skin and all--they have to get up the next morning and swallow another toad, day after day after day.
And for this, what do they get? A small payment for some, I guess, but that can hardly be enough to make up for the contempt in which they are held both by their masters and by normal people who would never even consider eating toads.
Even the debased deserve some sympathy. Once, they were men.
“Suddenly embarked…”. Hahahaha! They’ve been doping Biden up for years.
The leader of the free world (sic) is on drugs. What can go wrong?
The liberals here, the media, and his entire administration say that Biden is as sharp as can be...the best Biden ever.
So I guess it's OK to now prosecute him for taking and keeping classified documents.
Joe Biden is as Catholic as the current pope.
All you have to do is compare Biden's performance the other night with the numerous times he's seen as a drooling fool - who also spins in circles - and come to the conclusion he was on something.
In addition, I'm not sure what was so great about the speech. An unhinged coot screams at half of America for an hour and the independent voters are going to go, "Yeah. We need four more years of this?"
Not likely.
The right wing caricature of Biden as a doddering old man was so over the top, that Biden was easily able to blow that up with this masterful speech. He was literally waiting for the Republicans to heckle him and when they did he gleefully turned their insults inside out and embarrassed them with their own inability to get things done. Yet he maintained his Presidential decorum and kept the focus on leading America through inspiration, not fear and desperation. MAGA world was stunned into stupidly complaining that Biden was too political, loud, angry or on “amphetamines”….
Brilliant parody. But try not to be so obvious next time.
I could sign on to the rest of your rent, except for this: "Biden can be a likable individual." Sorry, I can't imagine what sort of deranged, awful person would find Joe "You're nothing but a dog-faced pony soldier" Biden likable in any context.
The Biden who gave that speech Tuesday should not be let anywhere near the nuclear launch codes.
Of course, the other Biden should not have access to them either.
If cheating is ok for lefties, then doesn’t the whole moral high ground of fighting those cheating capitalist collapse? A friend wanted to know.
“Acid, Booze and Ass.”
Ass, grass, or gas. No one rides the hippie van for free.
Brooke Price,
If you haven't figured out yet that the "moral high ground" was just a pretense, and it's only ever been about power... then the red pill you took was just a placebo, not a real one.
Joe Biden Is Corrupt said...
*corrections* […] .fixed.
Very good. That is the method (Althouse approved!) for “editing” one's replies that is provided by Blogger.
However… if you do that (unless you're trying to maintain some kind of historical change record for posterity in Althouse's archives, that is), then also go on and delete your initial post – you can, you know.
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