Ross Douthat is having a hard time explaining "Why It’s Hard to Explain Joe Biden’s Unpopularity" (NYT).
Here's one possible answer, from Ben Shapiro a few days ago: "Joe Biden is losing to Donald Trump because of a dirty little secret: Donald Trump is actually the moderate in this race."
On nearly every issue, Trump is closer to the median voter than Biden. Biden won the Democratic primaries over Sen. Bernie Sanders in 2020 because voters thought he would tack toward the center, away from the insanity of The Squad in Congress -- borderline psychotics like Reps. Cori Bush, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar. Instead, he entered office believing that he had a mandate for transformation, that he could become our age's FDR or LBJ.
And so Biden abandoned the middle.
And median voters are now abandoning Biden.... Because the legacy media are monolithically radical on matters of politics, they keep encouraging Biden to double down on the left-wing base, hoping that by steering toward the radicals, he can boost voter turnout. But that strategy is leaving independent voters behind...
Doesn't Douthat market himself as a Catholic?
Biden on calling Laken Riley’s murderer an illegal: “I shouldn't have used 'illegal.' It's undocumented. I’m not going to treat any of these people with disrespect. Look, they built the country. The reason our economy’s growing.”
Biden apologizes to the illegal entrant for calling him illegal.
One of Biden's illegal entrants brutally killed an innocent American citizen - and the a-holes at NBC demand he show Proper respect for the killer. ...and Grotesque Biden capitulates.
Behold -the worst president in American history.
Shapiro is correct with one exception. Biden isn't trying to be another FDR, he's determined to show up Barak Obama.
Only someone living in a leftist bubble has a hard time understanding Slow Joe Biden's unpopularity. People are paying more for groceries, gas, rent, and just about everything else. They feel it and are upset. There are also a lot of people with functioning eyes who know a doddering fool when they see one despite how the press wants to deflect reality. Is the world a safer place today than in was in January 2021?
Who needs to be attuned? That you're nonwhite is the only thing they need to know about you.
Biden is totally reliant on his staff to tell him what to do and say, but that isn't strange to him because it was the same way when he was a senator and it always worked for him.
"On nearly every issue, Trump is closer to the median voter than Biden."
We've been trying to tell ya…
The irony is that "blue-collar Hispanics" and other non-white blue-collar workers almost certainly have much more direct experience with MAGA-hat wearing white guys than Ross Douthat and his cohorts in the political/pundit classes.
Indeed, many blue-collar minorities work and break bread every day with MAGA-hat wearing white guys, and (clutch your pearls) they may even go to each others' barbecues and have many common interests. Who knew? Certainly not Ross and his pals.
"Why It’s Hard to Explain Joe Biden’s Unpopularity"
It's only hard if you're not very bright. Anyway, what's with the fixation on race, race, race? Are all leftists consumed by racism like this?
It's not a mystery. Dems are only interested in the dependents, those who can't or won't support themselves. Douthat is thinking only in terms of race, but the nonwhite working class and middle class is not only thinking in those terms. They're thinking about the economy, about their kids education, about their values and their freedoms.
The Dems have completely abandoned the working class and the middle class who are being hurt by Dem policies, by inflation, by importation of illegal immigrant workers to drive down wages, etc.
Oh, fuck's sake. Biden didn't abandon anything- we need to quit pretending that Biden is running anything at all. Biden is a figurehead only- his staff, the permanent bureaucracy, and the Democrats in Congress run things- they are the people that would have to change course, or get a clue about why they aren't popular right now. That Douthat can't figure out, or put his finger exactly on, why Biden is unpopular isn't surprising to me- I imagine Douthat's paid well enough by his owners at the NYTimes that buying food and housing isn't an expense that he notices very much.
Because the legacy media are monolithically radical on matters of politics, they keep encouraging Biden to double down on the left-wing base, hoping that by steering toward the radicals, he can boost voter turnout.
See: taking on more US debt to build a port in Gaza.
Donald Trump has governed to the left of JFK.
The push for more black elites is going to run up against the Bell Curve. They're there but not numerous as a fraction of the black population.
The result has to be lowering the standards for elite in that push. The only question is what has to be pretended to get the numbers wanted.
The blacks who are in fact elite are against it, and increasingly have a say. "I'm smarter than most whites and I don't see why my accomplishments should be debased by all this pretending for blacks."
We've been trying to tell ya…
@Original Mike, she hasn’t been listening because she lives in Madison so she assumes that we’re the extremists.
Biden is losing in the polls. He will not lose the election. Democrats are criminals who will steal the presidential election and will soon control Congress by skillful placement of illegals.
DOJ, crooked prosecutors and judges will insure that their gains will not be undone.
A political party that fronts QuidProJoe and Kamala is without scruples. Can you imagine Kamala as the first woman president after Joe croaks?
Biden is a figurehead only- his staff, the permanent bureaucracy, and the Democrats in Congress run things- they are the people that would have to change course, or get a clue about why they aren't popular right now.
This is a major part of the problem - the Pelosi's and Squad members have no fear of being voted out of office, so feel no pressure to move towards the center. We need to move away from single members of Congress or the Senate holding the high amount of power that these people do - I don't get to vote against Pelosi, but she set the agenda for years.
Here's a simple explanation that never crosses the mind of someone like Ross Douthat; eight hotdogs and eight rolls, the regular kind, not the exotic natural casing sort of weenies, just plain old hotdogs, and plain white-bread rolls are $10 retail -- that's the minimum, and that's Bidenomics.
Jesus Christ on a stick, what kind of people inhabit Washington? Bidenomics wasn't coined by Trump as an insult, it was coined by the Biden's own staffer! They're fucking proud of Joe's inconceivably vast national debt and spacetime-warping inflation! What the fucking blue blazes is wrong with their brains?? Is it a new strain of Toxoplasma gondii? Or is a severe blow to the skull an employment prerequisite issued by Biden's General Services Administration? I'm truly astonished anyone in Washington can walk a straight line.
"That Douthat can't figure out, or put his finger exactly on, why Biden is unpopular isn't surprising to me-"
"It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends upon his not understanding it." - Upton Sinclair
Biden: "Look, they built the country."
That's funny. I remember it already being here.
Let's ask a Conservative Latina from Texas; WHY she's a Conservative?
Mayra Flores Vallejo
First Mexican-born Congresswoman in American History.
The American Dream. ✝️ God, Family & Country 🇺🇸
Douthat seems not to see that some members of minority groups, like most members of majority groups, resent having their essential beings decanted into the sour bottle of ethnic identity. It's more important that we're Americans than that we're the thing in front of hyphen before the suffix "American".
People of Black, Brown, Yellow, Peach, Orange, etc., are more attuned to diversity (e.g. racism) than the Kenyan... American elite will afford them credit. People of Female are also waking up to wokism. Not all women belong to liberal sects where human... reproductive rites are performed for fair weather progress.
Affluent, White, Female, Urban, Liberal (AWFUL)'s are now the democrat base
Married men support the republicans
Married women support the republicans
Single men support the republicans
Single women OVERWHELMINGLY support the democrats
see any long term problems with That?
US births continue to decline as nearly half of women under 45 are childless: study
i Guess, the democrat solution WAS to bring in more and more (and more (and more)) mexicans..
Problem IS, that mexicans quickly become americans, and americans don't support the democrats..
New Solution? bring in more and more (and more! (and MORE!!)) south americans.
This solution should work, IF your goal is just to destroy the USA..
But, HOW does Even THIS goal help the democrats long term??
I wonder WHO they'll bring in next?
Our president emeritus is not only the moderate, he is also the non-fascist
Brandon & Co are following mussolini's playbook to the letter.
Don't believe me? Read mussolini's "Doctrine of Fascism"
John Henry
Bob Boyd writes, "It's not a mystery."
What is a mystery is the fact that Ross Douthat is a journalist. How can anyone so isolated, so out of touch with the world as it is, be employed to write about things as they are?
One would think Pauline Kael's infamous admission of total oblivion, "How could Nixon have won? Nobody I know voted for him", would prod Douthat from his slumber.
One would have to live in a serious bubble to not understand Biden's unpopularity.
"Again, I’m part of that establishment ...."
Hey, hey hey! Ross! Stop right there! You have put your ink-stained little finger right on the problem. And the solution is for you to shut your filthy mouth, and never open it again. Figuratively speaking.
I suppose Ross is hoping that if he hangs in there long enough, the NYT will buy him a popsy, like they did for Brooks. You gotta have something to hope for. One of the huge problems with being a columnist for the NYT is that there really isn't anywhere you can go from there. It's like Alcatraz. No one has ever escaped alive.
Well the press tells me that inflation is down; but rarely acknowledges that groceries cost 25% more now than they did three years ago. For folks on fixed incomes, that's a killer.
But if you live in the bubble on the Acela Corridor those things don't seem to matter. Douthat needs to get out more. Maybe take a ride with Clarence Thomas in his RV as he drives through Middle America.
Anyone who has had real a conversation with someone outside their clique would learn that outsiders are complex and nuanced. Small towns have plenty of tattoos and purple-haired people too. Many Hispanics come from Catholic countries...and likely more tradition-minded than any USA city (even cities in red states). Many Blacks hold conservative views for everything other than government financial aid programs (religion, homosexuality, immigration, etc.).
But, Biden and his handlers don't have real conversation with real people. They interact within the back-slapping D.C. bubble they lived in before Trump. They now try to defend their turf, deliver gifts to each other, and distract from their negligence and failures. Outsiders have a much better grasp on budgets and living functional lives than the 'elite' frothy people.
"Ross Douthat is having a hard time explaining "Why It’s Hard to Explain Joe Biden’s Unpopularity" (NYT)."
I'm picturing NYT readers with smoke coming out of their ears, muttering "Norman, coordinate".
"@Original Mike, she hasn’t been listening because she lives in Madison so she assumes that we’re the extremists."
I live in Madison.
Hutu vs Tutsi. Mandela's Xhosa vs Zulu. Kenyan elite vs deplorables. African-American vs African-American. African vs Haitian.
Democrats have a peculiar conception of equity and inclusion through color representation. And males displacing, assaulting, rape and rape-raping females is the latest insult. Forward!
The media lie and tell everyone life under Trump was horrible.
They lie and blame Trump for the Chi-Com-Democrat Party Virus.
Many people buy the lies - wholesale - without thinking. Willful ignorance - blinded masses with over-the-top non-stop Nazi propaganda-like Trump hate.
But anyone with real life experience, understands the difference between Joe's Corrupt Punitive America (with promises of unsustainable free stuff -- free stuff paid for by the working class)
and the America-first policies that lead to a closed border, law and order, fair taxation, economic freedom under a Trump administration. Trump was by no means perfect - he certainly gave in to the radical democratic left's and Mitch McConnell's stupid spending sprees. but on balance - Trump was superior in ever way to Crook liar Husk-Puppet Joe.
Demonizing Trump, and by extension his supporters, is unlikely to win any hearts and minds over to Biden's side.
"What the fucking blue blazes is wrong with their brains??"
They believe they're the smartest people in the room, so it's not possible they're wrong about anything.
Original Mike said...
Biden: "Look, they built the country."
That's funny. I remember it already being here.
I remember The Lightbringer telling Americans "If you've got a business, you didn't build that."
So the Democrats are telling Americans they didn't build their own country, but illegal aliens did. How fucked up in the head do you need to be to believe that?
In 2016 when Trump began to look electable, Ross posited that maybe only certain elite and educated people should be eligible to vote. The unwashed masses didn't really know enough to choose a president and should be guided by a wiser class of Americans.
And now here he is wondering why those people he wanted to disenfranchise don't like Joe. He likes Joe; his elite colleagues like Joe. If only he and his wise friends could find the right words to explain to the rubes, they'd understand why they should like Joe, too.
At least Ross Doughnut admits he's part of the establishment. Now, he just as to admit he's not a conservative. And then he will be an honest man. And maybe Ross can talk to David "True Conservative" French. It sems Mr. French thinks Biden is a moderate and Trump is crazed radical.
Biden agenda is not only hard-left and unpopular, its hurting the average American. That Biden and his DC buddies think protecting Ukraine's border is more important than protecting the USA's, just shows how out-of-touch he is. Yet, I won't be suprised if Biden is re-elected. The stupidest people in the USA will vote for him - no matter what.
Perhaps people... persons are not as rabidly diversitist as elites, Douthat et al hoped, imagined that they would be.
Men, women, and our Posterity are from Earth. Feminists are from Venus. Masculinists are from Mars. Social progressives are from Uranus.
Because Joe Biden doesn't sound like THIS anymore...
Thirty five years ago Biden gave the response to one of George Bush's speeches.
Republicans should have just played this and let Joe Biden respond to Biden's SOTU.
"Why It’s Hard to Explain Joe Biden’s Unpopularity"
From one angle, that's a very funny line.
I just don't see Biden as some kind of Bond villain. He's too addled and vague. I don't think people hate him at least not in the way people hated Nixon and LBJ. They just don't think a guy that dumb and out of it should be President....But you've got to hand it to the deep state and to the media. Biden has a pretty good chance of winning. They've done a fine job of propping him up and pretending that Trump's election would be some kind of existential threat to America......Here's an opinion that many here will contest. Whether Trump or Biden gets elected, life will go on. My existential threats will be limited to my next biopsy.....I don't think either man should be President, but Trump is the better choice.
Ben is exactly right in this case. Trump is certainly more moderate than I am. There are times when I think what this country needs is a Pinochet and helicopter crews. The old saw about 1000 lawyers on the bottom of the sea being a good start is starting to sound like exactly what we need. Hopefully the Constitution can be saved, and a bloodbath avoided. But it is looking less and less likely.
What should be his first clue starts the quoted sentence - "In theory". So enamored with their theories instead of RL.and talking to people outside of their own circle/bubble. Theorizing is so much easier, and requires less physical movement and work.
The term 'undocumented' is an interesting choice.
It doesn't mean a person about whom nothing is known, or a person who has no identification papers--after all, we know the accused illegal's name, and he has been through several encounters with our officialdumb, and nobody does that without generating lots of documents . . .
So, how is he 'undocumented'?
I don't know where some of you people shop, but at my local Hy-Vee store in Iowa City, Iowa, Oscar Myer Classic hot dogs, 10 pack, are $2.98, and hot dog buns are $2.49. Food is still incredibly cheap in the U.S.A.
Biff, it's a good point and supported consistently by statistics. I'm surprised Douthat didn't bother to look up those statistics. These people really don't get out much.
Ran across this last night. Rob Schneider relating (in a standup routine) his wife getting re-pilled to supporting Trump
Biden supporters, even the ones begrudgingly, can't comprehend that non-whites would support Trump.
The problem with coalition parties of special interests is that the special interests don't always have the same interests and then the party has a civil war.
The parties of special interests, which see nothing more in politics than the securing of privileges and prerogatives for their own groups, not only make the parliamentary system impossible; they rupture the unity of the state and of society. They lead not merely to the crisis of parliamentarism, but to a general political and social crisis. Society cannot, in the long run, exist if it is divided into sharply defined groups, each intent on wresting special privileges for its own members, continually on the alert to see that it does not suffer any setback, and prepared, at any moment, to sacrifice the most important political institutions for the sake of winning some petty advantage.
--Mises, Ludwig von (1927). Liberalism
Hoisted by their Fani in a conventional racial representation.
In fairness to Obama, his actual words and context make it clear that the "that" in " didn't build that" refers to roads and bridges, presumably taxpayer funded and government organized.
The problem with his ilk is that they believe, since you and your business depend on that infrastructure, that you and your business are subordinate to the wishes and plans of government, AND that you and your business will continue to work pretty much The same no matter how much government exerts control.
I am a counter-example. I left engineering when I realized more than half of my effort was going into satisfying government regulators.
"It's the economy, stupid." - James Carville
The average person doesn't care about how well the stock market is doing. They see prices going up while wages aren't. Prices at my local supermarkets have almost doubled in the last couple of years, but our management at work decided that we didn't need any pay raise last year. (That's why they're my ex-employer.)
Also, when it comes to social issues, the average person doesn't like DEI and trans issues shoved down their throats.
And, no matter what the media tells you, most people support Israel in their fight against Gaza.
Thinking that race is the primary issue in politics is malarkey.
Tom T. said...
"Doesn't Douthat market himself as a Catholic?"
Back in the old days, we used to call them "cafeteria Catholics" because they would decide what articles of faith to put on their tray or not.
My brother is a Catholic priest and he would be the first person to tell you that you cannot be a Catholic in good standing if you support abortion or gay marriage. Abortion and gay marriage are incompatible with current Catholic church teachings.
I'm feeling pretty grim like Tim.
Ever since Facebook etc foisted our latest 'President' upon us in 2020, I had to assume 2016 was the last American election, & we'll have no other.
X & Rumble gives me hope, and Ramaswamy, Russell Brand, Taibbi & Schellenberger etc etc inspire.
Even so, its a very good chance we are all in a Ghost Dance, and our spritzy civilization is through, and we're "bumbling down down down, past venezuela now. It gets steeper, faster as we careen toward Pol Pot."
People don't hate Biden - they are embarrassed by him, which is worse (for him). People can shrug off hatred more easily than embarrassment. Ask Jimmy Carter, who has now at least lived long enough to know that he will not be remembered as the Country's worst President.
Has anyone else noticed that the NYT for the last week has been obsessed with nuclear war? By the frightful idea that "someone" could, all by his lonesome, start one? Does no one realize that if there is a big red button, someone necessarily has to push it? I mean, theoretically you could hook up the whole Cabinet to some device and have it fail to launch until every last one had signed off. But I bet you anything you like that Putin won't have arranged that.
"Why It’s Hard to Explain Joe Biden’s Unpopularity" (NYT)."
Uh. He sucks?
Democrats are consumed by race. Assuming, wrongly, that different races want different things.Trump proved the wrong by realizing all lower class people want jobs. Middle class people want stability and the chance to do better. Upper class people want assurances that they aren't going to be taxed out of existence. Trump gave everybody the opportunity to jump their lane into a better life. Trump made more black Republicans by making sure they could get jobs.
For our less economically educated progressive members. That's the beauty of the free marketplace. It doesn't care if you're a man or a woman. What color you are. What your economic background. It only cares that you can deliver the goods.
Biff said...
"The irony is that "blue-collar Hispanics" and other non-white blue-collar workers almost certainly have much more direct experience with MAGA-hat wearing white guys than Ross Douthat and his cohorts in the political/pundit classes."
(sotto voce) Those blue collar hispanics and asians? They are MAGA hat wearers.
I'm straining to understand the first two sentences.
"In theory, the recent push for racial representation in elite America" [DEI] and "this push tended to treat representation and progressive politics as a package deal" form his opinion that the effort has profited only those who are hardcore progressives [i.e., Claudine Gay].
And because this push has left behind moderate to conservative non-whites, those voters are noticing and rejecting "wokeness" and focusing on the lack of improvement in their lives [inflation and pocketbook issues] and then responding with disapproval of Biden himself.
That's one way to look at it. But I don't think the connection holds as much value as does Mr. Douthat, who is looking, reaching, for a port, any port, in the storm.
Ribeyes are $17.00 per pound.
Here is a little experiment for you, why don't you go out and replace whatever expensive German car you drive with the new high interest rates that Americans are facing right now and get back to us when you have looked at what the payment is. I am not even suggesting that you go out and try to buy a new car with a budget of around $500 a month. These high interest rates even affect the ownership cost of used cars.
I don't care what Joe Biden's economic statistics say, the national debt is increasing by a trillion $ every three or four months, It's causing brutal inflation. Can the lady working behind the counter at Dunkin' Donuts reassure herself by checking out how great her stock portfolio is doing? How high the rents she is collecting on the building she owns are? The value of her suburban home on Zillow? NO Ross! This is sarcasm! She is *paying* those rents, her paycheck is shrinking every month. She has to compete with millions of "migrants" who are given the right to work as soon as they claim asylum, and so can't demand higher wages!
Part of the problem is that the effort to admit minorities to the elite has been dominated by (a) tokens who are given important titles and paid well but are not allowed to do anything and/or (b) persons who check a lot of boxes but are utterly incompetent. A lot of these people are the sort of psychopaths, sociopaths, and other pathologicals that are very skilled at getting themselves into positions without having anything that would qualify them. I sense that any self-respecting African-American, woman, immigrant, and/or lesbian who witnesses the bumbling idiot that is Karine Jean-Pierre would be mortified.
You will notice that the Biden administration has been touting all sorts of "firsts," some of which are not even "firsts," and this group is dominated by individuals who had no business even being on the short list. Along with Karine, the press secretary who seems to find it difficult to actually talk, you have judicial nominees that do not know the law including now a Supreme Court justice who literally does not know what a woman is, a nuclear engineer who specializes in stealing clothing, a gay Secretary of Transportation that finds doing, well, anything to not be his job, a transgender "admiral" who is best known for policies that caused numerous deaths in nursing homes while she(?) removed her own mother from a nursing home to avoid the obvious results of those policies, and so forth and so on. The only argument you can give in their favor in that Biden is also an incompetent psychopath/sociopath/pathological, as are most if not all of the white people in his administration, so they don't necessarily make anything worse.
It is not just in government. One of the main reasons that the comic book industry has been in a nosedive is that writers were chosen more for checking boxes than actually being able to, you know, write. They literally hired someone who was borderline illiterate because she(?) was black, Puerto Rican, female, and, somehow, non-binary and transgender at the same time. Despite her work being poor selling, she kept being hired by almost every comic company to the point that they had to find another box ticker just to handle her overflow. This went on for years until they finally got rid of her. Her replacements are really no better.
Why would a normal black or Hispanic middle class person think this would help them? They can tell from who is getting a leg up that it has nothing to do with hard work or competence, so it is highly unlikely to ever benefit them, unless they want to be a grifter. As for Asians, Biden is actively discriminating against them as honorary white people.
"In fairness to Obama, his actual words and context make it clear that the "that" in " didn't build that" refers to roads and bridges, presumably taxpayer funded and government organized."
So- is Obama arguing that, absent the government, people would just sit there twiddling their thumbs because they had no way to get around? Sorry, I don't buy that. Roads and bridges can be built without government involvement. There are plenty of private sector businesses with the ability to do so and many (most?) government projects use them. If the government wasn't in the way, the private sector would have built those things anyhow.
You can look back at the frontier days of the American west to find countless examples of people doing those things for themselves. Typically, the government doesn't bother to show up until there is a critical mass of economic activity taking place that makes the effort to tax it worth the trouble to get involved.
Perhaps I'm in a small minority, not worth mentioning. But I'm a natural Biden voter who will not vote for Biden. I am deeply worried that many people are abandoning their confidence in our judicial system because of the way it has been used to help Biden by prosecuting Trump. In part it is the Biden/Garland appointed district attorneys and especially special council Jack Smith, but it is much larger than that. It is State and Local prosecutors (Bragg, Willis, for example). And it is civil suits and what I interpret as Jury nullification, where juries find Trump guilty (or liable) because he's Trump and they don't like Trump. If White juries find black defendants guilty we object to that bias. But now we have Democrat juries finding Trump guilty because they are biased against Trump. I don't know how to register my concern about this except for supporting Trump in the 2024 election, and then arguing that "Trump won in part because Biden and Dems and Dem juries went too far."
Fred Drinkwater said...
In fairness to Obama, his actual words and context make it clear that the "that" in " didn't build that" refers to roads and bridges, presumably taxpayer funded and government organized.
Doesn't make it any beter, Fred. All of the cost of the infrastructure was borne by successful businesses. Can't reify "government," as if it is a separate self-sustaining entity.
believing that he had a mandate for transformation, that he could become our age's FDR or LBJ
He hasn't achieved that, but he's got protesters blaming him for deaths in a foreign country, so, in that regard, he's sorta on his way to LBJ.
People should read Static Ping's comment at 3:37 pm today.
I went to a website that measures how often a search term was used on Google over time. I entered the term "diversity hire", and got the following
(I hope this works. or cut and paste:
But it shows the term was hardly used at all prior to the Trump administration -- perhaps a couple hundred uses between 2004 and 2017. Then an explosion since the Biden administration took office, with 100 mentions in Jan 2024 alone. I think this supports the view of Static Ping that "he effort to admit minorities to the elite has been dominated by (a) tokens who are given important titles and paid well but are not allowed to do anything and/or (b) persons who check a lot of boxes but are utterly incompetent." . We didn't need a term for this, prior to the Biden administration.
Biden is an idiot, always was. And everyone knew this. He was never anyone’s favorite to be president and it is a mystery, to me at least, how he won the democratic nomination. Couple his low intellect with age related senility, and you have a President that makes many long for the days of Carter. He pledged to be a uniter but immediately vilified anyone who voted for Trump. His policies directly caused inflation yet he has the gall to blame greedy corporations and shrinkflation. He is clearly corrupt and his judgment cannot be trusted. I’m an over educated white male and should be one of the elite that supports him, but I grew up in a poor blue collar home and I fucking hate this guy for what he is doing to working class Americans.
Racial representatives sold people into slavery, supervised the master's stock, redistributed their change, assassinated their competitors, rape and rape-raped their females and males in a Democracy, performed... advocate human rites for fair weather progress.
LOL. Lonejustice, not everyone gets to live smack dab in the middle of the grain and meat producing areas of the country. Not everyone can drive out to Iowa to buy their food.
Biden started running for President in 1988. He was finally selected as Vice-President by Obama 20 years later, because like Kamala Harris, no one would get rid of Obama to have Biden as President. 12 years later, the Democrat bench had been so decimated by progressive politics, Biden looked like a centrist compared to everyone else. So during a pandemic, the DNC rigged their primary and got Biden over Bernie Sanders. Biden was never popular. This is one reason many don't believe the 2020 general election results.
I usually phrase that simply as, "I don't care what you ARE. I care what you can DO. So...what can you do?"
"Biden: "Look, they built the country."
Wait. I have been reliably told that slaves, and slaves alone built this country.
Of course, one could include slaves in the category of immigrants.
But that leaves the pesky issue of the American Indians.
Apparently they've done nothing constructive.
"...median voters are now abandoning Biden.... Because the legacy media are monolithically radical on matters of politics, they keep encouraging Biden to double down on the left-wing base, hoping that by steering toward the radicals, he can boost voter turnout. But that strategy is leaving independent voters behind..."
Legacy media are just a reflection of Biden's handlers, er, staff - same thing - and the DNC, which has been co-opted by radical leftists.
As with Hillary, the DNC underestimates Joe's unpopularity, but between the meme factories and 'enhanced' voting, they still hope to prevail.
Food is still incredibly cheap in the U.S.A.
Good lord. Just vote Democrat from now on.
lonejustice eats hotdogs that travel 49.01 miles from the Kraft Heinz plant to his local store.
"Ribeyes are $17.00 per pound."
Yeah, but hot dogs are only $3 (apparently).
The problem with lonejustice's gaslighting is everybody here buys groceries.
lonejustice said...
"I don't know where some of you people shop, but at my local Hy-Vee store in Iowa City, Iowa, Oscar Myer Classic hot dogs, 10 pack, are $2.98, and hot dog buns are $2.49. Food is still incredibly cheap in the U.S.A."
To go back to Quaestor's main point, how have those prices changed since the pre-Biden era?
Buying the same things, my grocery bill has increased by about 75% in the last few years. And that is after cutting out some of the smaller places that provide fresh produce and quality cuts of meat places that costs a little more but have higher quality.
It's like suddenly having teenage boys in the house, except there are no teenagers.
“The problem with lonejustice's gaslighting is everybody here buys groceries.”
Another problem is that people can’t survive on nothing but hot dogs.
I suppose we could start eating cereal for dinner.
- Rafe
Fred Drinkwater said...
"I usually phrase that simply as, "I don't care what you ARE. I care what you can DO. So...what can you do?""
Oh, boy. That's a tough one. I'm a retired tool and die maker, but later on I got more involved with design. I can use and repair just about anything found in a tool room. I never built a house, built I've built a couple of garages. I can weld stick and mig. I can tig weld.
I'm a pretty fair CAD draftsman and can program some CNC tools. I replaced the complete exhaust system on my car and replaced the timing chain. I've rebuit a couple of car engines from the block out. I can trouble shoot simple electrical circuits. I can scrape in an absolutely flat surface. I've taught metrology and metalurgy. I've taught apprentices. I've taught people how to read. I built a canoe. I can sail a boat. I can navigate by the stars. I'm a voracious reader.
There's more, but why be boring.
These pundits are missing a fundamental and essential fact about Slow Joe: his total phoniness. There is a reason that Joe's prior presidential campaigns didn't catch fire--he is a fake and a self aggrandizing fantasist.
The press does itself no favors ignoring this. They appear to be insane.
"I suppose we could start eating cereal for dinner."
Wish I could. Cereal sends my blood glucose through the roof. I'm a meat-eater by necessity. And they're working on outlawing meat. Fortunately, I assume I'll be dead by the time they succeed.
That's quite a list, Rusty. What kind of canoe; cedar-stripper?
lonejustice said...
I don't know where some of you people shop, but at my local Hy-Vee store in Iowa City, Iowa, Oscar Myer Classic hot dogs, 10 pack, are $2.98, and hot dog buns are $2.49. Food is still incredibly cheap in the U.S.A.
The only conclusion logically flowing from what you've reported is:
"At my local Hy-Vee store in Iowa City, Iowa, a 10 pack of Oscar Mayer Classic hot dogs, and hot dog buns, each cost $2.98."
Now, why don't you wander all over America and see what the same items cost elsewhere? I betcha it's a lot more. Here in the Northeast the cheapest hot dog brands sell for $4.98 and up.
You might also consider the relatively low transportation costs from OM's Chicago packaging plant to Iowa.
And, of course, hot dogs are considered a low-end food made with suspect ground-up meat "parts" with lots of added fat and salt.
IOW they're not a benchmark for nutritiousness.
On the bright side, you've just won the Bob Beamon gold medal in "Olympic Class Conclusion-Jumping".
How could any rational voter not be attracted to corruption, incompetence, hypocrisy, cognitive deficits,vicious criminalization of the opposition,and sleaziness?
Ross, the big brain NYT token conservative, is struggling with this conundrum. How on earth could the NYT be unpopular?
It's hard to explain Joe Biden's unpopularity as long as you believe that a reader of the admittedly one-sided coverage in the NYT is well-informed. Admit that such readers have shut out information about half the country for the last six years. You still won't know why Brandon is unpopular but you will know why you don't know.
Self-criticism is one part of communist doctrine the left in the US does not willingly perform. They still don't understand that Trump exists because they made us accept him, yse HIM, as the only alternative over them.
Cereal sends my blood glucose through the roof.
I saw a British TV show ("Trust me, I'm a Doctor" may have been the series) that ran an experiment in which cooked pasta was served immediately and also reheated after 24 hrs of refrigeration. There was a chemical change in the starch that kept the reheated pasta from spiking blood glucose levels.
Maybe because hispanics ain't black, and since Biden thinks only blacks vote for him.
“You got more questions. If you have a problem figuring out if you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black.” - Joe Biden
from Ben Shapiro a few days ago: "Joe Biden is losing to Donald Trump because of a dirty little secret: Donald Trump is actually the moderate in this race."
That is NOT a secret and the left/DNC/media and their sheep don't care.
When a Times headline is indistinguishable from a Babylon Bee headline the content really doesn’t matter much.
Your turn Fred.
Lonejustice stated," Food is still incredibly cheap in the U.S.A."
Let them eat hotdogs!
You're a real piece of work.
Parkview(Aldi Brand) Beef hotdogs $6.95
Someone should write an article on, "Why it's hard to explain
Ross Douthat's employment".
'Tis a puzzle.
"There was a chemical change in the starch that kept the reheated pasta from spiking blood glucose levels."
Interesting. I'll try it. Thanks!
Visited recently with our white progressive neighbors for game-night, dozen folks, ages late-20s to late 60s. Oy. Not a pretty sight, nor enjoyable evening, lots of snarks and passive-aggressive commentary humor. The kids are all gender-confused, under-employed, living at home, hostile to opposite sex. The oldsters are Biden apologists, comfortably upper-middle class college-educated folks, all ailing with serious medical conditions since their Covid vaccines, knee-jerk "Orange Man Bad" believers.
Everyone in attendance will vote for Biden, me excluded. I will vote for someone else, whether Mickey Mouse or Donald Duck.
This is why I along with many Americans are shifting from "extremely disappointed" to "p*ssed and downright angry" with our governing class.
America is turning into a star of 10+ solar masses rapidly running out of hydrogen.
"Oy. Not a pretty sight, nor enjoyable evening..."
Progressives: Perpetually pissed because somebody, somewhere is doing something progressives disapprove of. Or they're not doing something progressives think they should be.
Food is NOT incredibly cheap in the US.
Most years since 1985, I've spent a month or two in Switzerland. Food prices were ridiculous - until this year.
YouTube scare videos to the contrary, COOP and Migros supermarket prices for fresh produce and dairy were 20-30 percent less than US - virtually all "Bio" (organic). Meat about the same except chicken parts were the size of natural chicken parts, not the grotesque bloated, chemically enhanced stuff sold at Krogers and Publix. European beer and wine prices were oustanding as were those for fresh-baked breads.
My hiking companion was a rookie. She loved everything about the experience and lists grocery shopping as one of her most pleasant surprises.
One thing Communist theory does not take into account is the human drive for self-aggrandizement. The prodiction at Show Factory 37 can be increased with awards to the manager if shoe sizes produced are all smaller. Without market demand how are you to know you have done the wrong thing? You made more shoes with the same amount of leather, production went up! Hero of the Soviet Union medal for you!
Leaving food for the moment, gas prices have gone up 50 cents/gal. in the last few weeks. I notice (once again) the leftists who comment here have somehow managed to avoid mentioning this. I guess it's good that hot dogs are so cheap.
NKP: "Food is NOT incredibly cheap in the US."
Of course its not. LLR-democratical lonejustice is simply lying to cover for his beloved New Soviet Democraticals...and doing it in a way every bit as hilariously pathetic as the rest of the Althouse Blog LKR-democratical Brigade!
As always, the gaslighting by these cats is on a par with what you see on yahoo or instagram...or any middle school playground.
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