Marjorie Taylor Greene tells a BBC reporter to “f*ck off” after the journalist asks her a bad faith question.
— Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) March 6, 2024
blogging every day since January 14, 2004
Marjorie Taylor Greene tells a BBC reporter to “f*ck off” after the journalist asks her a bad faith question.
— Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) March 6, 2024
७२ टिप्पण्या:
Jewish Space Lazers!!!
The answer to the foreign press should always be "fuck off"
The answer to the domestic press should always be "fuck off"
The answer to any press should always be "fuck off"
There hasn't been a press that isn't infiltrated by the NIC since Cronkite called the Vietnam War "unwinnable" after Tet. The NIC never forgave the press for that.
Telling the press to "fuck off" is telling the Five Eyes to Fuck Off. Same difference.
"Marjie....I'm always dreamin' 'bout you Maaarrrrgiieee"
I'll bet she's great in bed.
Telling the British to fuck off is a great American pastime. Way to go Margie!
It was also a great Irish and Scottish pastime until they went woke and became the monster they one opposed.
British is buzz off.
Jewish space lasers? Wtf?
Media having a hard time asking a question with that 4chan fish hook hanging from the corner of its mouth.
The appropriate response would have been to have her tell the report to fuck off when she first asked a question.
Jewish space lasers…F off. Haha, that was great!
"bad faith question"
Nope. Absolutely in good faith. As if such a question were an accident. Notice how every time MTG tries to break away the journo pulls her back in with another, but liminally lower-tier, question? The journo is in a race to the bottom on purpose until MTG realizes what's going on. Muffy-with-a-microphone probably wanted that soundbite anyway. The producers can now cut and edit the sequence to make MTG look unacceptably droll to upper-middle class Pakistani housewives enjoying afternoon tea in Exeter.
In response to the "Jewish space laser" question, MTG should have asked the reporter to recite back the direct quote that was the basis of her question.
Because there is none.
Sod off, piss off, you bloody arse wipe.
I'm sure that interviewer thought she had her big viral moment here and she'll never understand why the general reaction to seeing it will be, "yeah, you really need to fuck off and good for Greene for saying so."
That was outstanding. She is good. Media deserve so much more contempt than they encounter. So. Much. More.
Unlike many even most CongressCritters Marjorie Taylor Greene actually ran a small business (construction field) before running for Congress. So she knows what it is like to hire employees, meet a payroll, pay taxes, deal with red tape. Etc. That experience informs a person and generally creates a more conservative outlook. Far as I know America still leads the race for working models of space lasers but Israelis are really good at making weapons too (Uzi, Iron Dome, etc.).
BBC can distinguish space lasers!
Circumcised space laser?
Trust the science.
Sod off swampy…
Wanker is still fun for the American vs British confrontation. Relatively harmless for US, still catastrophic for Brits…
Being the imp I am I pointed out the boy in the English family visiting the US that it was okay to say wanker on TV here. Of course we bonded while mom looked around for a bobby to have me arrested. Glorious.
Over-compensating Non-combat "vet" Howitzer Howard: "Jewish Space Lazers!!!"
MTG never used that term. It was made up by your team.
Just like the Charlottesville Hoax quote, the "drink bleach" hoax, the "liars and suckers" hoax, the "I can see Russia from my house" quote hoax, (insert the 750 other New Soviet Democratial quote hoaxes here).
Adam Schiff even created an entire fictional phone call "recording" which was included in the Congressional record!
Maybe Howitzer Howie should simply re-retreat back into his gaslighting "there is no migrant crisis!" and Beirut 1983 stories.
I have a space laser. I attach it to my telescopes to aid in finding objects to view. Don't know if it's Jewish.
Drag-o is so fully invested. The fact that he cares so deeply about MTG, he ends up sounding like a man's future ex-wife. Yap Yap Yap Yap Yap Yap Yap Yap Yap Yap Yap Yap Yap.
Testosterone deficiency from his self induced hypogonadism is the primary driver of the former combat vet naval aviatrix into traitorous devotion to the orange blob conman.
Lol x 10exp22
Whether using "fuck off" or not, MTG is indeed really good at answering questions - especially those from leftist dickheads.
She said it in a Twitter post in November 2018.
Republican politicians need to learn this- never bow down to dishonest question framing- call it out immediately. Treat the press as an enemy, because that is exactly what they are.
Anyone know what the "Jewish space lasers" is in reference to?
Over-compensating Non-combat "vet" Howitzer Howard: "Drag-o is so fully invested. The fact that he cares so deeply about MTG, he ends up sounding like a man's future ex-wife. Yap Yap Yap Yap Yap Yap Yap Yap Yap Yap Yap Yap Yap."
Little dude, I am sorry that you are incapable of handling the collapse of your gaslighting moronic lies very effectively which causes you to lash out like a 12 year old.
The good news?
That's what makes you a perfect New Soviet Democratical!
Always look on the bright side little fella. Remember, there's going to be another pathetic lie your demoratical betters are preparing for you and the other minions to bleat about as we speak so rejoice! You'll have new content any minute now......
In your case it beats the hell out of thinking for yourself.
Trump is crude, rude in his responses to journolistic, judicial, feminist bad faith handmade tales.
God, when that reporter turned to the camera: Yikes! All she needed was a broomstick.
Anytime a leftwing reporter (are there any other kind) asks about "Conspiracy theories" - just say "Fuck off". The BBC, btw, is even more globalist, zionist, and liberal/left than the NYT's, if that is humanly possible.
Yancey: "Republican politicians need to learn this- never bow down to dishonest question framing- call it out immediately. Treat the press as an enemy, because that is exactly what they are."
True, but the continuing good-faith GOP approach to bad-faith press does not reflect incompetence so much as the fact that many GOPers do not view the press as an enemy. They're on the same side, and Mittens et al. like to kowtow.
A well-deserved answer.
Imagine getting paid by British taxpayers to fly around the world and annoy people you don't like for no good reason.
Edmund said...
She said it in a Twitter post in November 2018.
No, she didn't.
If you read her actual FB posting, which is difficult because Forbes reproduces the Tweet that copied an image of her FB post rather than either of them quoting the text of the FB post itself but is not impossible, the phrase "Jewish Space Lasers" doesn't appear at all. She does indulge in speculation about the impact of a misfire of a laser used to transmit energy from solar collection satellites, which is a solar power concept advanced by some scientists, and includes 'Rothschild' as a list of potential connections to the supposed secret trial.
From this the usual suspects spun the hashtag 'Jewish Space Lasers', implying that MTG was speculating the wildfires partially blamed on poor maintenance of PG&E high-tension lines was actually something akin to arson rather than at most blaming them on an engineering prototype gone awry, and actually spending most of the post pointing out how PG&E's political connections would protect them from any negative impact for the wildfires in general.
@Edmund said: 'She said it in a Twitter post in November 2018.'
Well..... the Forbes story says that she said it in a Facebook post - and although the story is pretty long, it doesn't include the post, either from Twitter or Facebook, so....
I think that's what they call 'not providing the receipts' , or as the Progressive Press likes to say, 'Forbes falsely said, without evidence,, that Marjorie Taylor Green evoked Space Lasers.....'
So since the Forbes article is a Trumpian-type, partisan-press ambush, we can count that as an assertive lie until proven otherwise, I guess - no matter how many times it's repeated by other reporters, trying to make it real. I think Green's responses to the propagandist were measured and proportionally correct.
See my reply to wince above your post.
TL,DR; She said in a tweet that people saw blue beams in the sky around the California wildfires. She tied this to a solar power satellite experiment about beaming power to earth, and said that the Rothchilds were backing it.
The BBC...Jesus, they make the American left look manly.
Good answer btw.
The BBC is unwatchable for news or entertainment.
The most woke content on the planet.
It's gays, minorities, and trans all the time.
England is lost.
ah the bbc where parliament members have been forced to step down, because of the rampant mobs,
Edmund said...
She said it in a Twitter post in November 2018.
That's another false lefty myth.
1. Nowhere in that text does the term "Jewish" show up, especially not "Jewish space lasers"
2. She does mention "eyewitness accounts" of blue lasers in the area, adding "but I don't know anything about" the claim.
3. She goes on to mention PG&E (the alleged cause of many of the fires) had a contract to develop solar power beamed from space. So at least the words "space" and "laser" both appear in what looks like a 500-word or so statement (it's a JPG that can't be copied like normal text) but they do not appear concurrently.
4. Once again a Lefty Myth comes here to be spread by liars when it is easily disproven using their own furnished link.
Thanks for playing. You guys are bigger conspiracy theory spreaders than the woman you smear for it. Again. Unexpectedly.
There's a reason you guys never link to her actual words, so what is it?
JPG of Greene's post.
The BBC clown got her sound bite. A shame.
A less inflammatory response:
Oh, I'm sorry. I mistook you for a journalist. Good day.
I recall reading the MTG facebook post from way back when, and remember thinking, well, what *does* happen if you miss with your space based solar array? I've burned a few items in my time with a magnifying glass and pretty much every time the result has been fire.
Honestly, I never connected 'Jewish Space Lasers' with that post, but I guess it seems obvious (sic) now...
tommyesq: "Anyone know what the "Jewish space lasers" is in reference to?"
It related to the California wildfires in 2018 which left 70 dead and hundreds more missing.
There were discussions about potential causes for these fires. In this case, Gov Jerry Brown moved aggressively to protect PG&E interests by transferring PG&E fire culpability onto taxpayers where one of the PG&E Directors was also a Boardmember for I believe the last or second to last minor Rothschild Investment firms.
The Rothschilds really arent all that and a bag of chips in the money lending world anymore (Napolean's misfortune was doing his deeds when the Rothschild's were!) Much more into wines now which has worked out very well.
Anyway, PG&E is partnered with Solaren, a company which accumulates solar radiation in orbit and beams it to earth's surface. Some fire eyewitnesses reported they saw beams of light near where Solaren terrestrial collector stations are located and so questions were asked by some about the accuracy of the beams and potential triggering of fires that way.
There were some other interesting connections in all this: some of the fires happened in areas designated for Howitzer Howard's beloved and merely notional CA "High Speed (LOL) Rail Project" which had Feinstein's hubby Richard Blum involved!
Who didnt see that coming?
Pretty straightforward but the media found "The Jews" angle and so the democratical meme-ers fed morons like Howitzer Howard his meal of footsoldier guppy food and the lefties were off and running!
Its very similar to the Trump told everyone to drink bleach lie pushed by these buffoons.
Btw, either us or the Israeli's BETTER HAVE some space lasers ready to go. This is By God 2024 already!
Edmund said...
TL,DR; She said in a tweet that people saw blue beams in the sky around the California wildfires. She tied this to a solar power satellite experiment about beaming power to earth, and said that the Rothchilds were backing it.
So, fake but accurate.
I support the sentiments and words expressed in that opinion.....I think from now on Republicans and a substantial number of independents will rally around the candidate who can best flesh out her words.....So far as flummoxing the media goes, Vivek does it with the most style and eloquence, but Trump owns the original brand and has the most market penetration.....Within their own ranks, the media has many assorted rapists and pedophiles but Jimmy Saville of BBC tops them all. "Listen you dumb cunt, I have in my pocket the names of two hundred and five sexual delinquents currently employed in the Washington media. Why don't you inform your viewers about them instead of going on about Jewish space lasers, you crazy bitch, or are you, perhaps, part of the conspiracy."
Edmund said...
TL,DR; She said in a tweet that people saw blue beams in the sky around the California wildfires. She tied this to a solar power satellite experiment about beaming power to earth, and said that the Rothchilds were backing it.
3/6/24, 11:10 AM
Your previous post, emphasis added
Edmund said...
She said it in a Twitter post in November 2018.
3/6/24, 10:00 AM
As with Trump, why can't you just quote her instead of making shit up? Oh, right, to make her look bad you have to pull in stuff that's far more typical of Woke like anti-Semitic dog whistles and pie-in-the-sky clean energy bs.
I read the post, Mike. I think the "journalist's implicit accusation of anti-Semitism is grossly unfair, at least based on this single post. But on the other hand that post offers "speculations" that are pretty weird.
Why do so many people hate the media and why do they poll lower than Congress?
I just don't know.
all leftwing reporters need to be told to F off.
Great to see this. Overdue. People on the political Wright should’ve been saying this 30 years ago. Maybe even 50. Better late than never.
Two additions:
1. You have to click on the image even at my link to make it large enough to read all of Greene's words.
2. Greene's discussion of the facts of California's feeding-trough politics, PG&E and the energy beam are a lot more measured and reasoned than Forbes (no duh!), but also not as conspiracy-sounding as described by Chris B, Aggie and especially Edmund. One would need to show that Rothschild director Richard Kimmel is NOT on PG&E's board in order to call her take a "conspiracy." And again, she said eyewitness reports described blue beams and had video, but I have not seen it.
rehajm said...
You can always use the ever acceptable. "piss off". Which comes in handy in mixed company.
Jewish space lazers? Never heard of them myself, but then I don't listen to MSNBC or read the NYT. And Marjorie needs a little more elegance in her parting shot. Howabout "Sod off swampy"?
But I will say after watching this clip that the lady knows how to dance the dance in an interview--until she finally loses patience with a bad faith stupid question. You go girl!
The article in Forbes says: "No, instead she advanced the theory that, drum roll please, some kind of “space laser” had lit things on fire."
Space laser in quotes, Who are they quoting? Apparently, not MTG.
The only people saying “space laser” or “ Jewish space laser” are Bruce Y. Lee - Senior Contributor at Forbes and a bunch of other people on twitter.
Granted, the crazy MTG rant doesn't help her cause (if even that screenshot can be trusted to be accurate).
GOP ask:
Are you a leftist democrat hack?
Five years on and they still can't report honestly. She also rants a lot less nowadays. Don't we all.
I think many people have thoroughly debunked the notion that MTG said anything about “Jewish space lasers”.
I want to note what she did mention, which is the very real risk of space based energy collection being beamed back to Earth as an alternative energy source. There are many quack theories being funded by progressives that think space based energy collection is a great alternative to fossil fuels. It is a very dumb and dangerous idea. Even if the energy transfer technology could be made safe (it can’t), thermodynamics tells us that such an energy source will add to Earth’s overall heating, because we will be adding energy to the Earth’s surface that would otherwise not penetrate our atmosphere or would miss us entirely. Still, MTG is also right about the risk that the energy beam misses its target on the ground and creates fires. She is noting this because progressives that claim to care about global warming climate change think this dangerous idea is worth spending taxpayer dollars. It is not.
Here is the BBC’s positive coverage of this dumb idea:
Dr Ray Simpkin, who is the chief scientist of Emrod, the firm that developed the wireless beaming system, said that the technology was safe.
''Nothing will get fried,'' he told BBC News.
"The power is spread out over a such a large area that even at its peak intensity in the centre of the beam it will not be hazardous to animals or humans."
2GW of power is what this nutcase is claiming will be spread across enough area to “not be hazardous to animals or humans”. The Ivanpah facility at just .4 GW kills thousands of birds annually, and while it does concentrate the beams (rather than spreading out), it does so with 173,000 reflectors spread across 4,000 acres. I think journalists should at least be skeptical of Dr. Simpkins claims, yet they don’t dispute his claim at all. Instead, they criticize MTG. If Simpkin was Exxon’s chief scientist, would he get so easy a pass by the BBC?
MTG is a litmus test. Works really well.
More inspiration for the AI gods. Howard continues to show his ass...another day ending in "y".
MTG for Press Secretary.
JAORE said A less inflammatory response:
Oh, I'm sorry. I mistook you for a journalist. Good day.
Nice. My family lived in the UK for five years and that is a very *English* response.
"As with Trump, why can't you just quote her instead of making shit up?"
Typically, it's because they don't know what was actually said and are just repeating what they were told by someone else. I don't know whether this is true of Edmund or if he does know what MTG said but chooses to misrepresent her comment for his own purposes.
When Donald Trump handled a heckler with a press pass in Iowa, back in 2016, it was the first time I thought, I really like this guy.
I read the tweet. Nothing that she said is unreasonable. It is speculation but reasonable speculation.
I've talked about beaming solar power from space in the comments here on several occasions. I think it is where Elon Musk is headed.
The concept has been around since at least the 1930s. Heinlein and Clarke both wrote books and stories about it. The physics are straightforward. The engineering and cost to orbit are hard.
A number of entities have been working on this for decades. Some are utility companies. Iwoul be surprised if pg&e was not one of them. Rothschild Bank is involved in financing many projects around the world. Space based power is in line with other things they do. So much for the Jewish angle.
I read the tweet. Nothing that she said is unreasonable. It is speculation but reasonable speculation.
I've talked about beaming solar power from space in the comments here on several occasions. I think it is where Elon Musk is headed.
The concept has been around since at least the 1930s. Heinlein and Clarke both wrote books and stories about it. The physics are straightforward. The engineering and cost to orbit are hard.
A number of entities have been working on this for decades. Some are utility companies. Iwoul be surprised if pg&e was not one of them. Rothschild Bank is involved in financing many projects around the world. Space based power is in line with other things they do. So much for the Jewish angle.
I read the tweet. Nothing that she said is unreasonable. It is speculation but reasonable speculation.
I've talked about beaming solar power from space in the comments here on several occasions. I think it is where Elon Musk is headed.
The concept has been around since at least the 1930s. Heinlein and Clarke both wrote books and stories about it. The physics are straightforward. The engineering and cost to orbit are hard.
A number of entities have been working on this for decades. Some are utility companies. Iwoul be surprised if pg&e was not one of them. Rothschild Bank is involved in financing many projects around the world. Space based power is in line with other things they do. So much for the Jewish angle.
Jewish Space Lasers.
Ann should make a post about Jon Stewart making fun of Dr.Phil for being "gay" -- let's see what the left has to say about that? I bet they think it's great and don't understand how hypocritical they are for it.
P.S. Echo almost everything above. MTG is not nearly the caricature that edited MSM makes her out to be. We need more of her ilk (and Gaetz ... still waiting for him to get indicted/arrested btw) who do not give a shit about what the Swamp Rats in both parties or the Media think.
I'm sure the reporter believes she's afflicting the comfortable.
Marge, always proving what a tacky person she really is. Tacky, tacky.
So much for decorum, and tact. Why can't she behave like a rational, intelligent person?
Vicki from Pasadena
For the people who think talk of space lasers is beyond the pale, I’ll just point out that a substantial number of people think the fires in Maui and Chile were started by lasers or, as it is described, a ‘direct energy weapon’. Why do they think this? Because oddly enough, blue items that should have burned did not. It’s hard to say whether it’s chance or something more sinister as there are no before photos to show whether any blue items did not survive the fire. But it is mighty strange to look at a huge swath of a city burnt to the ground except for one house with a blue roof. Were there other blue houses that did not survive? We have no idea. Or a stack of clothes in a burnt out store where everything is ash but a stack of blue shirts that are pristine. Bizarre certainly. A real phenomenon? I have no idea.
This is how it’s done, I adore her from afar.
As a matter of style, when addressing a female BBC reporter the correct address is F*k off you bloody Piccadilly C*nt.
Thanks, MJB. You uncovered the truth, as opposed to journalists covering lies.
Once she was properly briefed and realized that the Jewish space lasers are actually a force for good, she understood that the first rule of Jewish space lasers is you don’t talk about Jewish space lasers.
Why can't she behave like a rational, intelligent person?
The same question could be asked of you.
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