Later he said the remark was a "figure of speech" and that anyone who took it seriously was "neurotic." Within a few days, four students were shot at Kent State.
I ran across that because I'd noticed that the NYT was spelling "bloodbath" as 2 words — "Trump defends his warning of a ‘blood bath for the country" — in its current reporting. I had 2 theories about why:
1. A compound word takes a long time to become standard. When we see "bloodbath" as one word, it feels more like a stock term. Trite. By spacing it out as 2 words, you might get people to think that Trump put it together in his own fervid brain. But maybe...
2. The NYT has a style guide, and it decided long ago that "blood bath" was the correct configuration, and people at the Times are meticulous about writing it the same way every time.
To narrow my 2 ideas about twoness and oneness down to one, I searched the NYT archive for the 1-word form. I found many examples of "bloodbath," including Reagan's crazy idea of sticking it to the students. There was also Russell Baker making jokes about Richard Nixon's "bloodbath" theory of Vietnam (in 1970, deploying a fictional character he called "Dandy"):
The “bloodbath” reason for our being in Vietnam is, of course, one of the President's favorites. It goes, “The reason why we are in Vietnam is to prevent a bloodbath that would follow a Communist takeover.” Dandy's staff is reworking this to anticipate the doves' argument that after what the American military has done to the Vietnamese over the past decade, a bloodbath might seem like comic relief.
“What do you think, for example, of ‘The reason why we are in Vietnam is to provide our loyal Asian allies with the best bloodbath available anywhere in —’?”
I clicked through the front page of the NYT where I'd seen the 2-word "blood bath" and look what I found:
That certainly eliminated my second option, that the NYT is meticulously following a stylebook! The 1-word form appears immediately above the 2-word form. I guess the fast-reacting updaters can go where their own heart leads them. One word, 2 words — whatever seems right.
Donald Trump has shown us who he is, time and time again.
— Joe Biden (@JoeBiden) March 18, 2024
५७ टिप्पण्या:
A blood libel. NYT projects a future of hope and change in its traditional stylish prose.
The "Very Fine People" hoax is the big brother of the "Bloodbath" hoax.
If Trump had just said "It's going to be a bloodbath for the auto industry" instead of "for the country," this could have been avoided. Unforced error.
The Biden methodology here is to raise the emotional temperature in a way that prevents normal political discourse.
They seem to understand that an argument on the merits will not go well. And doing this seven months before election day is only going to anesthetize the voters to this sort of thing.
Bloodbath as in a Novel Green Deal based on unrequited science, a justice system hoisted by their own Fani, or a blood bath as in excess carbon spilled outside of State-approved "clinics", in the pursuit of immigration reform, removing "burdens" of State, or celebrated as a political function?
Within a few days, four students were shot at Kent State.
He was talking about California colleges. Kent State is in Ohio. And Russell Baker might’ve thought it was funny, but the North Vietnamese finished capturing the city and sent between 200,000 and 300,000 to re-education camps, where many did not survive. Somewhere around 90,000 were killed because of their ties to the Americans during the war (our fleeing diplomats failed to destroy records about South Vietnamese who had worked with Americans). Moreover between the land reforms, purges and mismanagement of resources estimates range somewhere close to 1.5 million Vietnamese died in the years after the fall of Saigon. And that leaves out the millions of Cambodian Pol Pot murdered.
First class space cadettery.
Watching the entire GOP media apparatus screech “he was talking about the auto industry!!” in unison while calling all of us sheep is really something.
So let me get this straight:
•Trump was misunderstood with fine people on both sides
•Misunderstood when he said immigrants poison blood
•Misunderstood when he asked for 11,780 votes
•Misunderstood when he said stand back stand by
•Misunderstood when he said bloodbath
It's funny to me that whenever he says something outrageous, his supporters claim we all misunderstand him.
Bloodbath is a figure of speech, even in the most horrific case, as in the battle of Iwo Jima was a bloodbath. Blood bath (two words) suggests something literally a bath.
All that Biden campaign video does is remove any doubt the Biden campaign itself is engaged in the deceptive editing of Trump's words.
At this point, because Biden has lost so much ground and so desperate, he's now acting like the challenger, not the guy responsible for the direction the country takes over the next several, already perilous, months.
Rich said...
3/18/24, 4:07 PM
Once again, Rich demonstrates the typical leftist lack of critical (or any) thinking, just believing anything that fulfills their inner hatred.
Rich, "misunderstood" implies good faith on the part of the listener.
“Bloodbath” is a figure of speech that doesn’t conjure up any particular image, but lets me know the speaker thinks something big will happen, whereas “blood bath” feels more literal. It does not make me think about something big happening, but it does conjure up an image of someone bathing in a white porcelain bathtub filled with blood.
No Rich, not misunderstood. He was lied about. That’s what “hoax” means—a deliberate orchestrated attempt to get people to believe Trump said something he didn’t.
If Trump had just said "It's going to be a bloodbath for the auto industry" instead of "for the country," this could have been avoided. Unforced error.
LoneJustice sounds exactly like Christine Blasey Ford. If only Trump or Kavanaugh had said what I want them to say; it could have been avoided. Same level of elitism lacking intellect.
If Trump had just said "It's going to be a bloodbath for the auto industry" instead of "for the country," this could have been avoided. Unforced error.
What's bad for GM...
It's funny to me that whenever he says something outrageous, his supporters claim we all misunderstand him.
It's funny people like you can't understand plain English and have to take his comments out of context - or dishonestly edit them - in order to create a bullshit story when there's nothing there.
It's hilarious.
Trump is on the record as using inflammatory language to ensure the media broadcasts his message.
Once again, millions are hearing what he said and silently agreeing.
Biden misunderstood when he said Russia could do a minor excursion into Ukraine
Biden misunderstood when he said "Putin may circle Kyiv with tanks, but he'll never gain the hearts and souls of the Iranian people."
Biden misunderstood when he said the US has 54 states
Biden misunderstood when he called Kamala Harris a great President
Biden misunderstood when he told a crowd the day after his recent SOTU to send him back to Congress
Oh wait, Biden actually said all of those things, yet the media came to his defense. In fact, click the first link and the title of NPR's piece is "What Biden meant to say". Biden told the whole world that Russia could invade Ukraine, and the media defends him. Trump says "Bloodbath", and the media distorts the context.
"Watching the entire GOP media apparatus screech “he was talking about the auto industry!!” in unison while calling all of us sheep is really something."
Well, he was, in fact, talking about the auto industry. Is that relevant, or no?
was abbey gate where 13 servicemen were slaughtered, a bloodbath, after they taunted with all the talk of afghan bounties, all those involved have been deadly silent, on that point
Rich (4:07pm):
The word you want is not "misunderstood" but "misrepresented", or better "maliciously misrepresented", or more succinctly "lied about".
As it is, it would have been more honest to write "So let me get this crooked".
" The NYT has a style guide, and it decided long ago that "blood bath" was the correct configuration, and people at the Times are meticulous about writing it the same way every time."
Pity they can't be as meticulous about the truth of what they print, but I guess you can't have everything.
What we "Trump supporters" (rapidly growing cohort of American voters) actually say, Rich, is that you and your fellow propagandists deliberately misrepresent what Trump says, falsely, to portray Trump in the worst possible way.
You know it, we know it, you know that we know it, and we know that you
know it.
So stop whining about it. Get back to doing your job.
Biden can't win the upcoming election. But Trump can lose it, if he keeps this up.
Just posting this reference here. I'm sure that they are changing the definition as I type this, to eliminate 2,3 and 4.
LLR-democratical lonejustice: "If Trump had just said "It's going to be a bloodbath for the auto industry" instead of "for the country," this could have been avoided. Unforced error."
You sad, pathetic little democratical suckup!
Those poor New Soviet Democraticals, coming off 8 straight years of generating hoax after hoax, didnt want to create ANOTHER hoax against Trump but that darn Trump made them do it!
lonejustice proving once again why he is the least capable of all the Althouse blog LLR-democratical Brigade buffoons!
It was wrong when Reagan said it and it was wrong when DJT said it. And it you don't think that either of them meant it literally, I've got abridge to sell you in Brooklyn.
Vicki from Pasaddena
Rich ridin’ bitch… again.
this election will get down to how many stupid and/or selfish people do we have in the USA
-Do we have enough dumbshits and "Yellow dog Democrats" that want 4 more years of Biden and the damage he's doing to the country?
-Do we have enough selfish assholes who want 4 more years of Biden destroying the USA because they're "insulated" and don't care?
If you follow the news, its tough to keep geting outraged at Biden or upset at the MSM Lies and "disinformation". I look at this nonsensical J6/Charlottville crap in the Biden commercial and I just laugh. Not only is it fake, its fake about two staged media events which have ZERO to do with how the USA is run.
But the dumbshits and libtards out there must buy it. Otherwise, the biden campaign wouldn't be putting it out. Hopefully, the selfish and stupid will be too few in number in November.
Rich, it's not so much that we think Trump is misunderstood, we think he is intentionally misconstrued. It's not all that difficult to grasp.
Babylon Bee revealed that Trump is threatening a LANDSLIDE in November!
He's so dangerous!
a blood bath for GM is a bloodbath for the country.
Yes, Rich- in each of those circumstances you cited idiots and liars like you claim he meant something he didn't mean. It isn't our fault that you are a liar and/or are stupid.
Trump was smart enough to see that if the US car industry goes under, it is, indeed, going to be a figurative bloodbath for the entire country.
Bumble Bee: Babylon Bee revealed that Trump is threatening a LANDSLIDE in November!
I heard that there have been hushed discussions of "battleground states" at Trump campaign headquarters.
It's a damn good thing that Al Gore invented the Internet.
It is forever!
Bill Clinton's toady Steffie Stephanopolis ran his war room. Nuclear war? Who knew?
Trump beats Biden.
Wait until the Destroy America guys of accuse trump of a subtle appeal the Christian Fundamentalists who sing songs about the blood. That will get everybody angry.
It is interesting to see Biden desperately wantsto save Hamas from the Blood Bath that Netanyahu and the IDF has planned for them starting around Easter.
Reagan got his bloodbath when he offered up the Marines as a sacrifice to the Iranians so he could sell them advanced weapon systems and use the money to fund a bloodbath of peasants, priests and nuns in Nicaragua and El Salvador.
lonejustice said...
If Trump had just said "It's going to be a bloodbath for the auto industry" instead of "for the country," this could have been avoided. Unforced error.
3/18/24, 3:01 PM
Keep dreaming. The progressives would have found another phrase or another way to take ANYTHING Trump says. TDS is destroying their sanity, and everything they cry about is making the rest of us laugh harder at them. Joe Biden is the unforced error they have to correct.
Kevin said …
What's bad for GM...
… is vastly worse for their laid off factory workers. There, I finished your thought for you. No, they can’t all just learn to be programmers.
Vicki victoria proves once again that if any Democrat tells you they would cooperate, compromise, or converse with a 'moderate Republican', they're lying.
James A. Rhodes was right!
Everyone relax. He said bird bath.
Reagan's language and stated intentions reveal his essentially anti-democratic and authoritarian outlook: He considered it "appeasement" to "allow" college students (or anyone) to stage mass protests against the war in Vietnam. He (and his ilk, then and today) ignore that it is the essential principal of the Constitution that we are free to express our ideas, to the point of enacting vocal and public demonstrations in support of those ideas, especially where the public's protest is in opposition to the government's policies and actions domestically or internationally.
Confirming his authoritarianism is his use of the term "bloodbath," even if (claimed) figuratively, to describe his planned response to these protests. This term or any similar "figurative" phrase used in this context reveals his belief that the government has the right to suppress public protest at its pleasure, by any means necessary, harshly and punitively. The reality of this point of view was demonstrated at the Kent State protest and the shooting of live ammunition into the crowd of students, killing four and injuring nine. That many in the American public approved of the shootings is dispiriting evidence of how "anti-American" much of the American public actually is, (or can be swayed to be).
Reagan revealed himself to be an enemy of the Constitution and of our nation. All his ilk, then and today, in the government and among the public, are also enemies of our nation.
Yancey Ward; you seem angry. Maybe you should talk to someone about that.
The gas lighting is strong in the usual suspects today.
Trump is going full on against reality. Jan 6 was so awful and he was viewed so poorly because of it, that his only chance is to use his conman skills and propaganda machine (including bloggers) to get enough people to believe false conspiracies and accept an alternative narrative against the facts.
Cassidy Hutchinson testified under oath. Peter Navarro is reporting to prison today for refusing to testify under oath.
Clear thinking Americans can easily tell who is truthful and who avoids the truth.
Rich said...
"Trump is going full on against reality.
Clear thinking Americans can easily tell who is truthful and who avoids the truth."
Yes we can.
So, Trolls et al, did you say bloodbath?
Here's 2 full minutes of media saying "bloodbath".
Pro Tip: Not Trump!
Cassidy said she heard that Trump smashed out of his bulletproof/bombproof specialized plexi partition to wrest the steering wheel away from the Secret Service driver.
You are a very special kind of stupid to even try that game
BUMBLE BEE said...
Cassidy said she heard that Trump smashed out of his bulletproof/bombproof specialized plexi partition to wrest the steering wheel away from the Secret Service driver.
You are a very special kind of stupid to even try that game"
I'm kinda insulted that he thinks we're as dumb as he is. But then again its Rich. I don't find anything the passengers on the short bus insulting.
Speaking of short buses. I see Viki from Pasedena managed to find here way to the computer.
Good on you, girl.
Rich, you seem stupid. No help for that, unfortunately- you lying sack of shit.
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