I'm even motivated to post the entire thing:No longer the party of "when they go low, we go high." https://t.co/csA1q5WgMP
— Frank Luntz (@FrankLuntz) March 26, 2024
Any trial against him is now called a "bidentrial": "There is no trial — it's a bidentrial."
७४ टिप्पण्या:
It's election interference. Make them pay for their own set of rules...
Hey! I just came up with that. I kind of like it...
Projection like an IMAX.
The Democratic Party consciously abandoned all pretense of morals and moral superiority by the 2020 campaign. They fully knew that Crossfire Hurricane was a fraud, they fully knew that James Comey/Mueller were frauds, they fully knew about the Ukraine cover up and impeachment fraud, and they fully knew about the Hunter laptop fraud. Now, they press on with kangaroo courts and show trials and projection.
When you are eaten by hatred you become exactly what you hate. This is the typical backstabbing of a jealous and ineffective petty aristocracy. Late days of Rome. Late days of the French monarchy.
Trump always says the same thing, he's not surrendering
They never were.
They never were.
"Feeble, confused and tired." Wow.
Does that sound like someone who we all know?
I love when the (D)s use X! It is there for all to see, the media has trouble spinning it, and it can be tagged with community notes!
Lord how the left must hate Musk and what he has done to "their" platform!
As the kids say, the coming 8 months are going to be lit!!
I'd like to avoid a bloodbath. We can do that by electing Trump.
But on the way... enjoy the SHIT-SHOW!!
Petty children are in charge of our country.
That campaign statement is crazy. For one thing, Trump just acquired over $3B in wealth from that merger. Must be so hard to rein in the strong horse.
Biden-Harris are just out of ideas and apparently decided a “statement” is the way to go. Certainly can’t have either one host a press conference!
Judge Engeron is the fraudulent valuator. Very true. Ironic isn't it?
Who here believes Mara Lago is only worth $18 Million? Anybody? McFly????
We are really in trouble when they become convinced Trump is going to win. They may already know. They know he won in 2020.
Let's hope this summer is a mere shit show, and not the 2020 blood bath.
"...he is uninterested in campaigning outside his country club..."?
Funny, the rally he had here in Dayton just before the Ohio primary was not held at any country club. Remember, that was the rally where he made his Bloodbath remark that the Biden campaign and national media ripped from the context of his speech in order to push "moderate and suburban voters away with his dangerous agenda."
Let's hope this summer is a mere shit show, and not the 2020 blood bath.
I believe it will be a bloodbath. I believe Antifa and BLM will come out of the woodwork and destroy more cities and towns.
The little Progressive Brownshirts have been a little too quiet lately. Getting ready for their Summer of Hate part 2 this summer.
I often feel impatient when listening to Trump because of his tendency to repeat certain phrases or points. I think to myself "Yeah, yeah, I get it. I heard you the first time." However, he was very effective in this press conference. All the reasons this trial is a travesty deserve repeating. He most certainly didn't seem feeble and confused and he never once mumbled "whatever...you know the thing." And when he walked away from the microphones, it was with confidence and he knew where the hell he was going.
These people don’t belong in the sinecures they’ve arranged for themselves.
Didn’t Earn It.
Luntz's discomfort is my gauge that things are going well.
Spare us this Biden-Harris Bullshit!
Slow Joe and QueMala are going down!
The important thing, no matter whose team you root for, is to always stay triggered. It's an easy way for people to feel like they are patriotic and involved in the process.
The girl high when they go low mantra doesn't apply to this situation. The failure of the Democrats throughout the Trump era of politics is that they pay attention to the disgusting sloppy stinkng impotent fat fuck. And I say that knowing full well that I am driving you people closer into the vacuum of his clutches. But the Democrats are doing that very thing at scale and have been doing it since day one. The only way to defeat Trump and Trump is in is to completely ignore the dude. Pretend he doesn't exist. Instead The genius cool kids running the DNC the mainstream media and all of the scam artist billionaires who get together at Davos every year never fail to give an opportunity to promote Trump and to provide his endless campaign with free advertising and promotional material.
The conspiracy theorist that lives inside my medulla oblongata thinks that maybe the Democrat power structure realizes this and they are actually promoting Trump to extend their hold on power for decades to come. I only give that about a 10% chance because they're not that smart really.
Now imagine Biden in front of the press like that. Not gonna happen.
Say what you will, nobody stepped in front of Trump to take control of the microphone and deflect a question. And he knew exactly where the exit was when he was finished - and he didn't fall off any steps.
I've always admired the way that Trump is willing to smack-talk the press, the way he'll go out of his way to approach the group, address their questions and turn things around. He both manages the press and communicates what he's doing next, the way a leader does. When's the last time Joe managed the press? He leaves that to his aides, and not because he's too busy.
@Howard sez...:" And I say that knowing full well that I am driving you people closer into the vacuum of his clutches."
Howard, you're such a drama queen. Stay triggered, now.
I'm on Trump's side here - because lying liar who lies Joe biden and his thug mob handlers are a-holes ..
Trump's speaking skills suck.
Fittingly, that Biden campaign "Statement" looks like a tombstone.
Trump should say, "While your sad administration has put this country on a path to its destruction, I made over $3 billion dollars the honest way. It took you several decades of selling-out the country to our enemies to garner a few million with your crack-head son and corrupt family."
I read that as "bi-dentrial" and wondered why teeth were having two events.
I'm not sure why the Biden-Harris campaign felt a need to issue a statement regarding Donald Trump's press conference. The trials have nothing to do with the election.
Unless the trials have EVERYTHING to do with the election...
What an immature whiny bitch - total brat response from biden-Kamala.
A Hamas supporter wrote that.
geeez. Biden-Kamala did not write that. Perhaps Drudge did? or one of the many young butt-fuKKK nazi interns who are ruining our lives and flushing our nation down the toilet?
People like Howard and Rachel Maddow and the mini-Putins on the View are delighted.
yeah - because Feeble old Barisma Joe isn't feeble at all!
Howard. You guys wanted this. You voted for this. In the first Trump election you guys made sure that the only candidate left was, to your way of thinking, the worst choice.
And he won! You knuckleheads put him up there!
Now he's more popular than ever. And the truly funny part? You have nobody to run against him. You're a bunch of whiney assed beta male losers. Your friends are going to vote for trump. They looked at their pay checks and their household bills and decided your buddy Biden is a disaster for this country.
Lweftist losers will always complain. Leftist losers will always cheat. It's all you know.
This is all a distraction from the abyss that is the void of statesmen at this hour. American empire will collapse gradually….and then suddenly, as they say.
btw - anyone see the footage of Kamala in Puerto Rico - she was clapping along to the crowd's chant.. not knowing the crowd was making fun of her in Spanish.
Her aid had to whisper to her and then she stopped clapping.
The Biden campaign should stay away from referring to anyone as "confused and tired". It immediately calls up the image of Slow Joe.
Trump goes high, Joe goes slow and low.
You couldn’t drive your own Mobility Scooter to the local DQ, Howee.
Get real.
Good one, aggie. You're correct I suppose uproarious laughter is a form of being triggered.
Woo! Projection so thick you could walk on it!
(BTW, when did the Democrat party get taken over by middle school mean girls?)
Rich said...
“Luntz's discomfort is my gauge that things are going well.”
Rich’s posts are my gauge of how the Left/Dems will spin things.
Biden Campaign says it clearly.
Don't vote for tired, confused candidate with a dangerous agenda.
Vote Trump 2024!
Compare the Trump presser to the campaign hissy-fit of the sad, little crook and his idiot VP.
‘nuff said…
Over-compensatingvl Non-combat "vet" Howitzer Howard: "And I say that knowing full well that I am driving you people closer into the vacuum of his clutches."
Sure you are tiger. Sure you are.
Keep telling yourself that.
@Howard: "into the vacuum of his ...": cf "Like a Rolling Stone" and "The Art of the Deal".
@Howard - "The only way to defeat Trump and Trump is in is to completely ignore the dude. Pretend he doesn't exist. Instead The genius cool kids running the DNC the mainstream media and all of the scam artist billionaires who get together at Davos every year never fail to give an opportunity to promote Trump and to provide his endless campaign with free advertising and promotional material.
The conspiracy theorist that lives inside my medulla oblongata thinks that maybe the Democrat power structure realizes this and they are actually promoting Trump to extend their hold on power for decades to come."
I agree with your passenger. Now evaluate the competence of this outfit. These people are like the Soviet men of the '80s. Where does that end? When do we see men on tanks outside the legislature or Executive Office Building?
This will be driven by events, dear friends. The visuals are horrific and so ubiquitous.
Howitzer Howard is actually a perfect representative of the democratical foot soldiers that know their place in a party run by mentally ill wokester women, as Carville himself points out.
But on the way... enjoy the SHIT-SHOW!!
blood-bath in SHIT is indicative of ass-CANCER
Trumps net worth jumped today putting him in the top 500 wealthiest.
Did anyone notice that P Diddy spoke out in favor of Trump's reelection Wednesday?
Probably not
Did anyone notice that the feds tried to arrest him yesterday and I think did arrest his sons on some Caroll charges? (as I a going to call unprovable rape charges from now on)
You'd have to be a hermit to have missed it.
But I am confident there is no connection.
I'm glad he got on his jet and boogied I hope he is safe.
It's going to take a LOT to convince me that he is guilty of anything.
And some here claim Trump is the fascist
Brandon & Co are fascist down to their toes.
John Henry
Did anyone notice that P Diddy spoke out in favor of Trump's reelection Wednesday?
Probably not
Did anyone notice that the feds tried to arrest him yesterday and I think did arrest his sons on some Caroll charges? (as I a going to call unprovable rape charges from now on)
You'd have to be a hermit to have missed it.
But I am confident there is no connection.
I'm glad he got on his jet and boogied I hope he is safe.
It's going to take a LOT to convince me that he is guilty of anything.
And some here claim Trump is the fascist
Brandon & Co are fascist down to their toes.
John Henry
“Any trial against him is now called a "bidentrial": "There is no trial — it's a bidentrial."”
Effective with Trump’s base because it is true. Jack Smith was a horribly corrupt prosecutor when he was with the DOJ before. This time he was brought in from the outside, presumably because of his corrupt reputation, and reports directly to AG Garland, who is the 4th ranked Cabinet member, and reports directly to the FJB WH. We find that Wade, Fani Willis’ prosecutor in GA, made several trips to the FJB WH. Which makes it much more likely than not that these LawFare cases against their main opponent have been orchestrated from the first from the FJB WH. So, BIDENTRIALS are what they are.
Our president emeritus has been holding big packed rallies a couple time a week for years.
Fascist Brandon says he only campaign in his country club.
FJB (fascist Joe Biden) is living in cloud coo-coo land
John Henry
Howard is right. If his fascists had left him alone on Twitter they would still have Twitter and the ability to overtly and covertly censor.
Truthsocial.com would not exist and he would be $3-4bn poorer.
Seems like kind of an own goal.
Or another own goal. The lawsuits seem like a whole series of them.
John Henry
Howard is right. If his fascists had left him alone on Twitter they would still have Twitter and the ability to overtly and covertly censor.
Truthsocial.com would not exist and he would be $3-4bn poorer.
Seems like kind of an own goal.
Or another own goal. The lawsuits seem like a whole series of them.
John Henry
Rocco: "Rich’s posts are my gauge of how the Left/Dems will spin things."
All you have to do is briefly peruse the DNC, Media Matters and assorted other psycho lefty websites for 5 mins each morning and you will already know precisely what spin LLR-democratical Rich will be vomiting up for the day.
Its always most fun when the current day's spin is a complete reversal from the previous day's spin from these cats as if they had just completed a commissar led 3 day struggle session because they weren't paying attention to the last History Re-write!
The FJB/Harris campaign assumes that everyone they are trying to reach lives in caves. It’s just silly to accuse Trump of campaigning at country clubs. FJB comes to town, and stumbles around before a desultory crowd of a dozen or two party stalwarts. Trump, on the other hand, invariably has overflow enthusiastic crowds wherever he speaks, almost never at golf courses, but rather at the largest venues that they can obtain. You rarely see him in public when he isn’t speaking to a huge sea of enthusiastic supporters. So, ask yourself, who is the target of that FJB/Harris advertisement, wallowing in unreality?
"And I say that knowing full well that I am driving you people closer into the vacuum of his clutches."
You have quite the opinion of yourself.
“Trump's speaking skills suck.”
I don’t categorically disagree but he was just fine here. Thanks for posting the conference, Ann — I was happy to watch it. There was applause at the end. Wonder who clapped? Not the press corps, surely.
I love how they're pushing the 'Trump is feeble' narrative a week or so after gramps Biden gets special big-boy shoes.
It's like the Seinfeld episode where Kramer wears funny looking shoes at the same time he has gone to the dentist and can't speak properly from the Novocain.
Everyone thinks he's 'special.'
Biden is now wearing goofy shoes, slurs his words, and seemingly eats only soft foods like ice cream.
But Biden is the smart and vigorous candidate.
Sure, Jan...
"His campaign can't raise money, he is uninterested in campaigning outside his country club, and every time he opens his mouth, he pushes moderate and suburban voters away with his dangerous agenda," Singer said in a statement. "America deserves better than a feeble, confused, and tired Donald Trump."
Remind me again- why have the Democrats been trying to keep this man off the ballot?
The last time Biden came to Wisconsin, I will concede that he didn't go to a Country Club. But he only went to see his campaign headquarters in Milwaukee.
NBC Rich has ultimate confidence in his husk-puppet and the husk-puppet's fascist controllers..
“You have quite the opinion of yourself.”
Howard is a figment of his own nightmare.
“Good one, aggie. You're correct I suppose uproarious laughter is a form of being triggered.”
Q: What’s even more pitiful and desperate than whistling past the graveyard?
A: *Laughing* past the graveyard!
- Rafe
Trump's speaking ability is so bad.
ugh. Our nation hangs by a thread and this is the guy who can save us.
Alex I'll take "Bidentrial" for the win. There was a Democrat Senator from Georgia--Max Cleland(?). He was a nice enough guy--but campaigned as an Army officer who'd suffered a war wound. He'd lost a hand and part of an arm. Well the wound was in fact caused by a military weapon. But it didn't happen in battle. A grenade blew up in his hand. You know, you pull the pin, and you need to be smart enough to throw it before it explodes. I don't wish the former Senator ill, But it does look like a lot of the Democrat prosecutors and lawfare experts around the country haven't learned from Max's mistake.
All you need is one clear moment, Howee. Extract your head and get it turned around!
Biden/Harris pronouncement is quite Orwellian, saying the OPPOSITE of what is fact, and in haiku too. Reads like a HS sophomore's first attempt at free verse poetry, and as shallow.
The Biden thing reminds me of the 2016 primaries when Rubio was flailing around trying to imitate Trump's Don Rickles schtick. It didn't work out for Rubio either.
"There is no trial — it's a bidentrial."
An F. Joe Bidentrial.
Like I said before most of the talk about Biden's age is in order to claim that any old person is unfit for the office The aproblem is Biden's competency not his age
So, now they will claim Trump is too old.
Howard takes the advice from the three wise monkeys. LOL
"Like I said before most of the talk about Biden's age is in order to claim that any old person is unfit for the office"
So Biden is not going to run, then?
"I wasn't going to go out of my way to watch Trump's press conference, but now it's the next thing I'm going to do."
Althouse taking time out from reading her new $59.99 Trump bible.
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