A young person committed suicide, and the President has responded.
I just want to add that if something is a right, you have it. You don't just "deserve to have" it. Your rights may be violated and you may choose not to exercise your rights, but you still have those rights.
Here's the one other post on this blog that's about Nex Benedict, a teenager who got into a fight at school and who many people believed had died as a result of that fight.
७२ टिप्पण्या:
Every female college student deserves the fundamental freedom to jog on campus and not get murdered by an illegal alien.
Young person doesn't say if it's a boy or a girl.
I was one who thought the fight was the cause. Of course, police acknowledge they had withheld the drug findings and other suicide clues. What a shame for her. Our society is loaded with conflict, it feels like we're picking our way through minefields half the time. Maybe all the time. When anthropologists say we are social animals, it usually sounds like a positive. They leave out how cruel social animals can be to their fellows as they fight for status.
---who many people believed had died as a result of that fight.
She did die as a result of that fight. And whatever conflicted feelings it precipitated in her. She did not die as a direct result of the physical injuries from that fight.
"I just want to add that if something is a right, you have it."
Isn't that the distinction between "positive rights" and "negative rights"? You have a negative right to speak and publish; government cannot infringe those. A criminal defendant has a positive right to counsel; if he cannot afford a lawyer, one will be appointed.
The exact contours of either kind of right are much more difficult to discern, of course, even after agreeing that some right exists.
In the video after the fight, Nex Benedict seemed oddly upbeat and happy. But I've heard it said that's actually how people (some people?) act right before they commit suicide. They were downbeat before, but now they've embraced what they see as the solution, and they feel unburdened. Is that so?
Everyone has the right to suicide? The creepy Canadians may eagerly assist in those suicides.
Grandpa Joe: Now tell me the rights of young hunters and members of school ROTC programs. Now tell me about members of the Civilian Marksmanship Program. Now tell me about the right to put an American flag on your truck or shirt.
This is the first I've heard that her death was by suicide. I guess if want widely publicized.
From a news source:
“In a summary report released on Wednesday, the state’s medical examiner listed 16-year-old Nex Benedict’s probable cause of death as combined toxicity from an antihistamine and an antidepressant.”
It’s not clear to me if the suicide was accidental or intentional from this statement. I did not see any reference to a note or other evidence of intentionality. Was there something I missed?
Totally agree of course that targeted bullying of any young person is awful and needs to be dealt with better in schools, in particular.
I agree. The girls should have felt safe and supported by the school, such they were not assaulted.
did those poor black children, the ones that Nex was bullying.. Did THEY 'deserve' the right to feel safe in school?
Ann Althouse said...
In the video after the fight, Nex Benedict seemed oddly upbeat and happy
in the video.. Nex was receiving her much desired attention and approval..
while filming the story was that Nex was LITERALLY John d'Arc, savior saint of transism..
After time to think, Nex knew that the actual story WAS coming out.. Nex step Suicide..
Trans Suicides are Murder.. This is the New rally cry
No statement on an illegal he permitted in, murdering Laken Riley except getting her name wrong, and then apologizing to the murderer for saying illegal.
Biden shows exactly what kind a divisive asshole he really is, and how illegals matter more than citizens and lying tranny's who suicided themselves after they got caught being the actual bully
That actually wouldn't surprise me. Especially if Nex has decided suicide would make a statement. Think of all the people that will be sad and mourn!
A good friend of mine recently lost his 17yo to suicide, he was so confused as the kid finally seemed happy
Let me think what political gain Biden is trying to obtain here, because there is no doubt there is one.
Nex opted for the alternative to exercising the right to be who Nex said Nex was.
So Tragic and sad. Heartbreaking.
Also, grossly exploited by the liberal left. First, false claims made that Nex Benedict died because of injuries from that fight. Now we see it was another horrible suicide and liberals will exploit it.
The fact of the matter is, transgenderism is not natural. It can be a form of mental illness. Perhaps such loathing of oneself, you want to be anything but what you born to be. Suicide rates among this group are much higher than average. I'm not sure it is all because of how they are treated.
Biden's bullshit exploitation of this situation isn't going to lower the suicide rates. As liberals and educators push and influence young people into transgenderism, more will take their own lives. Liberal educators will applaud themselves.
Adults influencing, encouraging, confusing, and actually surgically cutting young people for the transgender agenda are at some point going to face biblical judgement.
many people believed had died as a result of that fight
And why is that?
"Every young person deserves to have the fundamental right...to feel safe."
One of the most disgusting statements I will see in a lifetime. Feelings are qualitatively different from rights.
Common understanding of word meaning is essential for communication, essential for society. Yes, language does morph over time. But the active destruction of language is antisocial.
Biden's statement is beyond irresponsible. It is heinous.
FJB is being incredulous in his statement and his opportunistic pandering to the trans community. The whole youth trans scene is about confused kids not accepting who they are, plus dysfunctional parents and other adults facilitating their children's confusion rather than helping them work through it. So, who, other than Nex might share responsibility for the suicide? His parents? The school officials who made sure Nex had access to the girls toilet facilities? The teenage girls who found a biological male in their private spaces and took vigilante action because the school authorities would not? The sooner the 99% of citizens who recognize trans orientation as a treatable mental illness hold civil authorities responsible for the harm being done to children, the sooner the confused children get over their delusions without killing themselves. Blaming the sane for not accepting the mentally ill at face value is just what one would expect from FJB.
You could see this coming a mile away. So sad.
On the campaign trail Biden will soon be spinning this as a death caused by MAGA-inspired hatred of gays (which I believe is not part of the MAGA program), rather than a suicide by a young person with mental health problems...and no one in the media will correct him.
Listen to Biden on the death of his son. Slow Joe is positively delusional on the subject.
The Public Schools are a failure.
For reasons I dont understand, public schools cant get rid of bad actors. Where if you find a bad potato in your bag, you can find and remove it restoring a clean enviroment, Schools seem to be pre-populated with persons of decaying moral charecter, and the healthy are forced to insert themselves into the rot.
Nobody really wants students to be "who they are" at school. The whole point of school is to make them better people. School is regimented in a way that no free adult would tolerate.
Here is a recent news report from Massachusetts. "6 eighth graders face criminal charges over 'hateful and racist' online chat."
To aspire to support all students to be who they are, means supporting racists, drug users, pornographers and bullies.
Kids are dumb and immature, that's why we have school. By the time they graduate, they are supposed to be much closer to fitting in with society.
I don't know what went on with Nex. I do know that Biden's comment is ridiculous and unsupportable.
No comment from Crook Joe on the person who walked thru an open Capitol door to take photos - did nothing violent at all - and was hounded by the left's corrupt machine and heavy handed Biden-DOJ and harassed until he committed suicide?
There are some things that really don't require a Presidential Statement. I am reminded of a maxim: "Better than nothing is a high standard"
I don't know if Biden's statement reaches that.
we continue to permit "young people" to be mentally unequipped and let the medical and government bureaucrats spread this deficiency. wanting to change genders or be non binary is simply not normal behavior. its a cry for mental help. and then enter drugs and suicide. our "elites" are ruining our young people.
You have the freedom to be whatever you want to be. Your just not free of criticism. I like how our rights work both ways.
What happens when FJB and the liberal media find out that the girl nex was bullying and fighting with was an illegal immigrant?
Everyone knows transgenderism is a mental illness. It can be nothing else.
The question becomes how do we treat it.
The current path being pushed by a certain segment of the medical community is a result of the hubris of that same community.
Sanity dictates that If a condition exists which is not treatable we acknowledge as much. And move on.
Instead we have chosen the path which says accommodation requires a group buy in of the healthy members of the community.
Perhaps someday a treatment will exist which can adequately treat the root cause of transgenderism.
Buying into a lie in the mean time harms everyone involved.
Althouse asked: "In the video after the fight, Nex Benedict seemed oddly upbeat and happy. But I've heard it said that's actually how people (some people?) act right before they commit suicide. They were downbeat before, but now they've embraced what they see as the solution, and they feel unburdened. Is that so?"
I am sure it depends on the person, but in general, when children and adolescents attempt or commit suicide, it is often an impulsive act. Many of them aren't even clinically depressed. They are just acting on an emotion in the spur of the moment. Very sad.
Every young person deserves to have the fundamental right and freedom to be who they are, and feel safe and supported at school and in their communities.
No one believes that statement, if they ever actually thought about it.
Tomorrow they will announce the formation of a new Federal agency; "Department of Childhood Deserving". Criteria for deciding who is deserving and who is not will be announced later as soon as racial and gender data can be gathered.
Here's the one other post on this blog that's about Nex Benedict, a teenager who got into a fight at school and who many people believed had died as a result of that fight.
In that case, will Biden have anything to say about the video of the female student whose head was visually and audibly pounded on the pavement into a skull fractured, brain-damaged coma?
Althouse further said...
I just want to add that if something is a right, you have it. You don't just "deserve to have" it. Your rights may be violated and you may choose not to exercise your rights, but you still have those rights.
The gaffe is Biden revealing his belief that he should be the arbiter of which constituencies "deserve" to have those rights enforced with the full weight of the government.
Remember, Benedict never described herself as trans.
That confrontation in the restroom didn't come from nowhere, and obviously she wouldn't have been the aggressor against multiple girls. My guess is that Benedict was a misfit, the other girls had been bullying her for it, and the school turned a blind eye. Finally she fought back, and she was upbeat and happy because she'd finally stood up for herself.
The school may have been preparing to punish her -- it's often the case that schools only start to take action by punishing the bullying victim once he or she fights back.
It's not easy to kill oneself with Prozac. Poor girl must have drink a whole bottle of Benadryl.
Didn't democrats outlaw bullying, except on those who won't submit?
Of course, Biden and others who think like him will never take responsibility for their part in the self-destruction of these kids.
So, the suicide of single trans is a tragedy worthy of Presidential acknowledgment, but 6 killed by a trans in Nashville is just statistics. The other Joe (Stalin) smiles.
Trans radicals / leftists need their martyrs, even if they need to concoct them out of thin air. Another sign that their politics is actually a religion.
I remain baffled by the electoral decision to prioritize trans issues over other issues that are more important to the vast of majority of voters. Biden said nearly nothing, and what he did say was aggravating, about the young woman murdered by an illegal. But this trans person who committed suicide with no proof of bullying gets the full Monty via presidential statement.
What is the political calculation here?
Was it suicide? Or did a kid on Prozac take a whole bunch of Benydril to get high?
Trans activists and their media allies ran with a completely unverified and fabricated accusation that, because Libs of Tik Tok reveals the creepy child grooming behavior of Trans activists in schools, the criticism of the creepy behavior directly drove that young girl to commit suicide.
The activist/press narrative of Nex Benedicts death was an attempted "Trans Floyd" PSYOP with Chaya Raichik, who runs Libs of Tik Tok, as the stand in for Officer Chauvin.
We don't hate the media enough.
In my understanding Nex was a girl who wanted to be neither male nor female - non-binary. And perhaps it caught up with her, perhaps you can't live without being one or the other.
My speculation
In the girls' bathroom some girls were laughing at Nex and she threw water from her water bottle on them. The girls tried to knock Nex down. She threw one of them toward the wall and into the towel dispenser but then the girls got her down and kicked her some. Then the fight was broken up.
Most boys enjoy a little battle like that and like to swagger about claiming they won, like Biden and Cornpop; most girls do not want to be in physical fights, period. Girls will try to hold their own but it's all very upsetting. So how does a non-binary process such a scuffle? Nex faced a dilemma. The scuffle couldn't be both: 1. sort of fun (guy) and 2. shocking (girl). Yet that's what she as non-binary had to feel.
Then, Nex asks herself: "Who am I anyway? Is non-binary real? Am I just a high school girl, following a fad as girls like to do?" And kills herself to show herself her non-choice choice was real. But which was real: her choice or a dilemma created by her impossible-to-live non-choice?
"wouldn't have been the aggressor against multiple girls" she admitted she started the fight by throwing water at the girls because she thought they were laughing at her. She also said she had never met the girls, but they were just freshman. She was the bully.
Pander pander mumble mumble. What a joke of a POTUS. So is this misinformation, disinformation or malinformation? Or just more campaigning for the creepy uninformed voter?
First of all, let's dispense with the notion that Joe Biden thinks this. This is just another statement put in front of him by the apparatus that is running the show.
And, so now we have a right to "feelings." That's handy as the department of feelings already has an annoying theme song.
Other posters have pointed out the likelihood that this death/suicide/ will be exploited by the more deranged portion of the political spectrum and I have to agree. Of course they will attempt to exploit it.
Why is it the roads to Utopia are always littered with the corpses of those who were suppose to benefit?
"So is this misinformation, disinformation, or malinformation?"
Embrace the power of 'and.'
There’s a lot of misinformation out there — including by Wikipedia — so let me put out the best information I have been able to sort through and perhaps we can go from there.
First of all, Benedict was a biological female, XX chromosomes, vagina, and all. The name given to her at birth was “Dagny.” Many sources, including Wikipedia, say or at any rate strongly imply that she viewed herself as nonsexual and used “they/their” pronouns. Other sources say that she identified as male and used “he/him.” And one source splits the difference and claims she used “he/their”, which makes no sense at all.
The reason why her death is a cause celebre is because Oklahoma has a law that compels K-12 students to use the rest rooms that are appropriate for their biological sex, regardless of how they claim to view themselves. So the idea is that Nex/Dagny shouldn’t have been in the girls’ rest room to get beaten up by three girls after initiating a fight with them. She should have been allowed to use the boys’ room. (Note to other members of the Althouse commentariat — I’m pretty aware that if she had been bullied by boys and started a fight with biological males in the boys’ room the beat down would certainly have been worse.)
The Medical Examiner has not released an official report, however the local Fox TV station (KTOR) published this:
”The report shows Benedict had toxic levels of two drugs in their system, Diphenhydramine and Fluoxetine, and died of an overdose. Diphenhydramine, better known by its brand name formulation Benadryl, is an antihistamine typically used to relieve allergy symptoms, according to the Cleveland Clinic. Fluoxetine (commonly found in Prozac) …”
A spokesman for the Owasso Police said that they had “indications” Benedict’s death was not a direct consequence of the trauma of her beating but so far does not appear to have said what those indications were. Nor would the spokesman say whether Benedict left a suicide note.
It’s assumed that Nex Benedict was being bullied over her gender dysphoria, but is that even true? When she made her statement — on camera — she merely said that they were bullying her and her friends over the way they were dressed. Nex Benedict lived in the Cherokee reservation and probably was poor. Was this just typical high school mean girls picking on poor girls whose families cannot afford stylish clothing? Would the newsmedia let us know if it was?
More background. Sue Benedict was Nex’s adoptive mother, however biologically she was Nex’s grandmother. I have absolutely not been able to determine what happened to the biological mother. The biological father had legally relinquished parental rights to Nex and he is currently in prison “for abuse.” What sort of abuse? I haven’t been able to find out. Substance abuse? Did he sexually abuse his daughter Dagny? I can’t find out.
At any rate it doesn’t appear that Nex/Dagny had a happy life despite the best efforts of her grandmother/adoptive mother. The whole thing is sad, but the efforts of the “Rainbow Mafia” (a term I came across in my research and plan to adopt going forward) to make her into a martyr for the rights of trans students to use the bathroom of their choice comes up way short in my view.
I just want to add that if something is a right, you have it. You don't just "deserve to have" it. Your rights may be violated and you may choose not to exercise your rights, but you still have those rights.
This unironically reminds me of something Justice Thomas would say.
Human dignity has long been understood in this country to be innate. When the Framers proclaimed in the Declaration of Independence that “all men are created equal” and “endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights,” they referred to a vision of mankind in which all humans are created in the image of God and therefore of inherent worth. That vision is the foundation upon which this Nation was built.
The corollary of that principle is that human dignity cannot be taken away by the government. Slaves did not lose their dignity (any more than they lost their humanity) because the government allowed them to be enslaved. Those held in internment camps did not lose their dignity because the government confined them. And those denied governmental benefits certainly do not lose their dignity because the government denies them those benefits. The government cannot bestow dignity, and it cannot take it away.
-Justice Thomas Dissent, Obergefell v. Hodges
a teenager who got into a fight at school
Bullshit, Ann.
Nex started the fight.
She started the fight when she threw water on the other girls for laughing at her.
Sure, the other girls should have laughed it off. Maybe reported her. Yeah, how often would that happen with any group of any age, race or gender?
Yet the story is that the other girls "unalived" her completely unprovoke"
Saying "got into a fight" may be true but it is irresponsible.
John Henry
There is no evidence that Benedict committed suicide because she "felt unsafe as trans". She was being raised by her grandmother - that doesn't happen in a vacuum. Also, weren't she and the other girls coming from ISS? If so, you don't get suspended for "being trans", so that indicates she had behavioral issues. The Prozac she took one assumes was hers - why was a teenage girl on Prozac? Clearly there was all sorts of stuff going on with her. It's a tragedy regardless of the reason, and classless of the Biden Admin to use this to score political points.
She did die as a result of that fight. And whatever conflicted feelings it precipitated in her.
I get what you are saying, Kai. Even more or less agree that it might be true.
But since she started the fight, when she threw the water, her suicide is on her. Not on anyone else.
At least to the extent that the fight precipitated it. I suspect there were a lot of other things contributing
John Henry
I think it's sometimes tacky to include links to other articles but I appreciated Rod Dreher's informative piece on this = The Political Death Of Nex Benedict
The Narrative which we have been presented (including by the President) does not match the reality of what happened.
Three girls made fun of how Nex dressed. Nex threw water on them. They physically attacked her. The bodycam footage from the officer talking with Nex at the hospital is interesting. The girls should not have attacked. And Nex escalated the conflict by throwing water.
We also learn Nex was being treated for mental health issues. Although we don't know this (yet?) my guess is her death was accidental.
My point is not to blame Nex or the school or the three girls or anyone. But I *will* blame the president and activists for trying to politicize a genuine tragedy. And point out that once again there is a huge gap between what (so far as we know) happened and the Narrative(tm).
I care very much about people having a correct understanding of events. And thinking clearly about the issues those events represent.
So the idea is that Nex/Dagny shouldn’t have been in the girls’ rest room to get beaten up by three girls after initiating a fight with them. She should have been allowed to use the boys’ room.
No one is saying this. Benedict never asked to use the boys' bathroom or complained about not being allowed to do so. There is no evidence that she ever held herself out to be trans.
The parents of all the kids murdered by illegals are waiting for their statements from POTUS.
Benedict started the fight and probably didn't die from it. Shades of George Floyd.
Can the Democrats find no worthy heroes?
[ Consults NYT/WaPo Shared Style Guide... ]
"and who many people believed, without evidence, had died as a result of that fight"
"Every young person deserves to have the fundamental right and freedom to be who they are, and feel safe and supported at school and in their communities. "
"Your rights may be violated and you may choose not to exercise your rights, but you still have those rights."
Really. How young does a person have to be, before the only right they have is to get their organs torn out and sold by Democrats?
Try this on for size. Every citizen has a fundamental right to be safe from irresponsible fabrication of ever more grandiose "rights" by nitwits.
The absurd multiplication of rights ends up in an inflationary spiral with rights meaning less and less as they become ever more vague, arbitrary and pervasive.
"I just want to add that if something is a right, you have it."
Rights are what you give the other guy. That's how it gets a moral component.
It gets recast as the result of a battle of wills for your own rights, but that's not how it starts out. You can't get a moral component if it starts there.
Levinas _Outside the Subject_ "The Rights of Man and the Rights of the Other"
Children need to be free from parents who are so violent they are imprisoned. The need, with the exception of some conditions, to be free from psychoactive drugs. They need to be free from violence and trauma and fractured families. They need to be free from adult groomers, often their teachers, who brainwash them into believing that changing their sex will magically solve their problems and make them special, but also provide them with a victim status, a heady mix for a troubled kid. They need schools free from violence, including their own, but also that of other troubled kids -- bashing someone's head against a hard surface is no response to having water thrown in your face.
His parents? The school officials who made sure Nex had access to the girls toilet facilities? The teenage girls who found a biological male in their private spaces and took vigilante action because the school authorities would not?
I thought Nex Benedict was biologically female. I also thought she was NOT trans, but "non-binary" (whatever the Hell that is)
Was Nex male or female? I mean in the real world, not in la-la land.
Trying to find out, I see a number of articles that say Nex was "Lgbtq"
Which is it? Or was she lesbian AND gay AND bi-sexual AND trans AND queer? Seems like one hell of a strange combination. How can one be all of these at once?
JOhn Henry
Just like every whistle blower has the right not to be suicided...
“He wasn’t concerned about [his own] safety because I asked him,” Jennifer told the outlet. “I said, ‘Aren’t you scared?’ And he said, ‘No, I ain’t scared, but if anything happens to me, it’s not suicide.'”
The Horst Wessel of the Trans movement.
Doubt that occurred in a vacuum, John henry! The dividing line for teenagers between verbal mockery and ridicule, and physical retaliation, would be.... non-existent? So who started the fracas? The fracasiers, or the fricassees?
Why in the hell does the President of the United States feel the need to weigh in on the suicide of some random teen?
I had never heard of deadly interactions of antihistamines and prozac. This is what comes up on the web when you ask about interactions of Prozac and Benadryl
Interactions between your drugs
diphenhydrAMINE FLUoxetine
Applies to: Benadryl Allergy Plus Cold (acetaminophen / diphenhydramine / phenylephrine) and Prozac (fluoxetine)
Using diphenhydrAMINE together with FLUoxetine may increase side effects such as dizziness, drowsiness, confusion, and difficulty concentrating. Some people, especially the elderly, may also experience impairment in thinking, judgment, and motor coordination. You should avoid or limit the use of alcohol while being treated with these medications. Also avoid activities requiring mental alertness such as driving or operating hazardous machinery until you know how the medications affect you. Talk to your doctor if you have any questions or concerns. It is important to tell your doctor about all other medications you use, including vitamins and herbs. Do not stop using any medications without first talking to your doctor.
This does not tell you it's going to kill you. I wonder if this was just an accidental overdose while trying to get high from the Benadryl. Also I do wonder about the three girls who were laughing at her clothes - were they of a different race by any chance? They were smaller and younger than her and she said she didn't know them in the police interview.
Commentator Tom T. responds to my comment at 20:32:
No one is saying this. (That Nex Benedict died as a consequence of being forced to use the girls’ rest rooms due the Oklahoma law forcing trans students to use the rest room appropriate to their chromosomes.)
This is simply not in line with what I saw online. There are plenty of people who are claiming that her death was a direct consequence of the Oklahoma legislature.
Benedict never asked to use the boys' bathroom or complained about not being allowed to do so.
And that might be true. Can you point to any source for your assertion?
There is no evidence that she ever held herself out to be trans.
If, as some have reported, she claimed her pronouns were “he/him,” then you are simply wrong.
I thought Nex Benedict was biologically female. I also thought she was NOT trans, but "non-binary" (whatever the Hell that is)
@John Henry, she was a biological female. XX chromosomes. Menses. That stuff.
When I read in Wiki that she used “they/them” pronouns I interpreted “non-binary” to mean something on the order of “nonsexual” or asexual. Then other sources claimed she used “he/him,” indicating trans. There’s a lot of missing information, misinformation, and conflicting information.
Darkisland said...
I thought Nex Benedict was biologically female. I also thought she was NOT trans, but "non-binary"
right (as i understand the news).. Nex was born (is) biologically female.
Nex did NOT claim to be a man, but rather identified as "non-binary"..
Which, i assume, means: Nex did NOT identify as a tree.. unless is was as a B+Tree
Not to be confused with Binary tree.
The primary value of a B+ tree is in storing data for efficient retrieval in a block-oriented storage context — in particular, filesystems. This is primarily because unlike binary search trees, B+ trees have very high fanout (number of pointers to child nodes in a node,[1] typically on the order of 100 or more), which reduces the number of I/O operations required to find an element in the tree.
One down . . .
"Every young person deserves to have the fundamental right and freedom to be who they are, and feel safe and supported at school and in their communities."
Then girls who don't want boys in their bathrooms and locker rooms, or on the "girls sports teams" they play on or compete against, and who correctly define "boy" as "anyone born with a penis" have the "fundamental right and freedom" to get that.
Because otherwise they aren't "safe".
The fact that the Democrat Party fundamentally opposes those girl's safety, rights, and freedom, means the Biden claim is a lie.
It is fundamentally impossible to "respect" of "validate" everyone's feelings. So only a monster wo0uld argue you should privilege feelings over facts
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